Phases of The Support Package Manager

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Phases of the Support Package Manager

The Support Package Manager runs through a series

of phases when it imports Support Packages. If you
want to know which phases were performed for
which scenario (test scenario or standard scenario),
execute program RSSPM!".
The fo##owing #ist pro$ides an o$er$iew of a## the
modu#es and phases and #ists them in the order in
which they are executed %y the Support Package
Modu#e& Preparation
!. PR'(')*+
This phase checks if you are authori,ed to import
Support Packages.
-. ./+.01R+2*IR+M+3TS
This phase checks $arious prere4uisites for
importing Support Packages such as the tp #ogon to
your system.
5. 6ISSS+M7(+
This phase disassem%#es, or unpacks, the data fi#es
from the re#e$ant +PS parce#s and copies them to the
transport directory.
8. 661T'17*99+R
This phase copies the 4ueue to the transport %uffer of
your system.
:. M'6I9;17*99+R
In this phase, the transport %uffer is prepared for
correct processing of the fo##owing import phases.
<. IMP'RT1'7=+.T1(IST
This phase imports the o%>ect #ists of the Support Packages in the 4ueue into the system.
This phase performs a test import for the current 4ueue using tp. It checks if there are
o%>ects that are in open repairs and wi## %e o$erwritten during the import, or if any other
circumstances are pre$enting an o%>ect from %eing imported successfu##y.
@. '7=+.TS1('.0+61A
This phase checks if there are o%>ects that wi## %e o$erwritten %y the Support Package,
and that are sti## in re4uests that ha$e not yet %een re#eased.
B. 66'31.'39(I.TS1A
This phase checks if there are conf#icts %etween the o%>ects in the 4ueue and the insta##ed
!". S./+6*(+1R66IMP6P
This phase schedu#es the transport daemon (program R66IMP6P).
Modu#e Import !
!!. .R+T+1D+RS17+9'R+
This phase generates $ersions of the o%>ects in the Support Packages that are in the
!-. SP661SP*1./+.0
This phase checks if a modification ad>ustment is necessary (Transactions SP66ESP*).
!5. 66I.1IMP'RT
This phase imports a## 7P 6ictionary o%>ects in the 4ueue.
!8. *T'1M'61SP66
This phase checks if modifications to 7P 6ictionary o%>ects can %e ad>usted
!:. R*31SP661A
This phase prompts you to ad>ust your modifications to 7P 6ictionary o%>ects with
Transaction SP66.
!<. ('.01+* (9or Import Mode 6owntimeCMinimi,ed 'n#y)
This phase #ocks the de$e#opment en$ironment.
!?. I3.TID+1IMP'RT (9or Import Mode 6owntimeCMinimi,ed 'n#y)
This phase imports program code and program texts in an inacti$e state.
Modu#e Import -
!@. 66I.1.TIDTI'3
This phase acti$ates the imported 6ata 6ictionary o%>ects.
This phase imports a## Repository o%>ects and ta%#e entries, pro$ided they ha$e not
a#ready %een imported during the phase I3.TID+1IMP'RT. This is preceded %y
actions such as ta%#e con$ersion and acti$ation of the name ta%s.
-". PR+PR+1FPR
This phase prepares the FPRs and afterCimport methods to %e executed.
-!. *3('.01+* (9or Import Mode 6owntimeCMinimi,ed 'n#y)
This phase un#ocks the de$e#opment en$ironment.
--. *T'1M'61SP*
This phase checks whether modifications can %e ad>usted automatica##y.
-5. FPR1+F+.*TI'3
This step executes the FPRs and the postCimport methods.
-8. 7P1)+3+RTI'3
This phase generates runtime o%>ects for the imported Repository o%>ects (7P source
texts and screens).
Modu#e .#eanup
-:. R*31SP*1A
This phase prompts you to ad>ust your modifications to Repository o%>ects with
transaction SP*.
-<. .(+R1'(61R+P'RTS (9or Import Mode 6owntimeCMinimi,ed 'n#y)
This phase de#etes o%so#ete $ersions of the program code and program texts in the
-?. +PI(')*+
This phase comp#etes the import of the Support Package. It a#so checks if the 4ueue was
processed comp#ete#y.

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