Week Twenty - Health

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Topic: Health

aches and pains: minor pains that continue over a period of time
to be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill
to be at deaths door: (informal) to be very ill indeed
to be on the mend: to be recovering after an illness
to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or uncomfortable stage of an illlness
to be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well
a blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold
to catch a cold: to get a cold
a check-up: a physical examination by a doctor
a chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion around the lungs
cuts and bruises: minor injuries
to feel poorly: to feel ill
as fit as a fiddle: to be very healthy
to go down with a cold: to become ill
to go private: to choose to be treated by commercial healthcare rather than by services offered by the
GP: General Practitioner (family doctor)
to have a filling: to have a tooth repaired
to have a tooth out: to have a tooth removed
a heavy cold: a bad cold
to make an appointment: to arrange a time to see the doctor
to make a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness
to phone in sick: to call work to explain you wont be attending work due to illness
prescription charges: money the patient pays for medicine authorised by a doctor
to pull a muscle: to strain a muscle
a runny nose: a nose that has liquid coming out of it
a sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when swallowing
!escribe a time when you were ill" #ou should say:
when this was
what your symptoms were
how long the illness lasted
and say how it affected your life at the time"
Pierre: $his is a tricky one really as %m usually quite healthy & %ve never been seriously ill & like
everyone else % sometimes get a few aches and pains or catch a cold & % can remember a few months ago %
had to have time off work with a heavy cold & % had the usual symptoms & a blocked nose & sore throat
& it lasted quite a while & about ' weeks % think though % didnt have that much time off work & for a few
days % remember feeling poorly but % was over the worst of it after a few days and went back to work & %
always find its better to be active when you feel ill as it keeps your mind of your symptoms & % think my
family get a little fed up with me when %m ill though & % tend to feel sorry for myself and lie on the sofa all
day as if %m at deaths door & but as % said earlier & on this occasion it was nothing serious and didnt
really cause me any problems &
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3hat do you do to stay healthy4 56 Go to bed and get up early (before .. p"m and after 7p"m)8 %
often do exercise every day or 9 time a week"
%s it easy to keep fit where you live4 #es: its very easy
3hat do you think is more important: eating healthily or doing exercise4
%f % have to choose one: eating healthily % think it is better" % think that doing exercise will
;oth of them: they are very good ways to improve your health: have a stronger body: increase blood
!o you have a good public health system in your country4 56 2o: its very complicated" 3hen % go
to hospital: procedures in hospital are very complicated: it takes many times to be cured"
%s there anything youd like to improve about it4 56 % dont know
!o you eat junk food4 56 2o" its not good for my health"
!o you have any healthy habits4 56 1f course" % like strolling around the park condominium in the
evening" Get at least six hours of shut<eye
!o you have any unhealthy habits4 56 (ometimes: % go to bed late" 1ver .'p"m
!o you enjoy exercising4 #es: it make me very strong: decrease pressure after a hard working day"
3hat are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country4
3hat do most people do to keep fit in your country 56 $hey usually eat healthily and do exercises
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!escribe something you do to keep healthy" #ou should say:
what this activity is
when you do it
how often you do it
why you think its a good way to look after your health"
% am usually quite healthy" ;eing a healthy person: its very easy to get it if you eat healthily and do
exercise every day or = time a week" % often get up early before 7a"m then doing exercise within 9> ?
7> minutes: then having a small meal before starting a new working<day" % often do exercise = times
a week" )nd its a good way to look after my health" % havent gotten a cold: ill in two year"
$alk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now" #ou should say:
3here you used to do it
3ho you used to do it with
3hy you stopped
% used to go to a gym room: % often walk alone: but now % stopped it" ;ecause at that time: %m very
thin: % went to the gym room so that increasing my body weight" )t the moment: % stopped it since %
like to run and swim"
)nd say if you would like to restart that sport or not: and why
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!o you think people worry more about their health as they get older4
#es % think so: many people they spend so much time in their working and they dont have enough
time for do exercise" 3hen they get older with weak muscles and more diseases: its very bad"
3hy do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their
health4 56 +et me think for a while@

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