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Am Civ.

I Final- Study Guide

1. Loose Construction
2. Strict Construction
3. Political Parties
4. Depression
5. Tariff
6. Embargo
7. Federalist
8. Anti-Federalist
9. Cotton Gin
10. Interchangeable Parts
11. Bank Notes
12. Capitalism
13. Industrialization
14. Labor Union
15. Nativism
16. Strike
17. Denominations
18. Spoils System
19. Bear Flag Revolt
20. Gadsden Purchase
21. Wilmot Proviso
22. Bleeding Kansas
23. Dred Scott
24. Know-Nothing Party
25. Whigs
26. The 1860 Election
27. Patriotism
28. Hessian
29. Patriot
30. Loyalist
31. Redcoat
32. Minutemen
33. Mercenary
34. George Washington
35. General Cornwallis
36. Paul Revere
37. William Dawes
38. Samuel Prescott
39. Thomas Jefferson
40. John Adams
41. Harriet Beecher Stowe
42. Andrew Jackson
43. Alexander Hamilton
44. Tecumseh
Questions (Multiple Choice, True/False, Fill-in the Blank, Short Answer)
1. What was the cause of the French-Indian War?

2. Ben Franklins Albany Plan of Union is the first documented time in the new country that leaders
suggest the colonies do what?

3. How do Ben Franklin and other leaders refer to Native Americans?

4. After the French and Indian War was over, and the British/Colonists were victorious, the British
wrote the Proclamation of 1763 that stated colonists could not move where?

5. Name two of the Acts (laws) that Britain passed after the war to make colonists pay for the

6. Which battle was known as the shot heard round the world?
7. Why is July 4
celebrated every year?
8. Why are hills (high points) strategically important in war?
9. What was the area in Boston named that was strategically important and site of several battles?
10. What strategy did Washington use in BOSTON to help force British out?
11. What did the Patriots gain from Ft. Ticonderoga?
12. What happen on Christmas night in 1776? Why was this important?
13. How did Washingtons legacy as a leader grow at Valley Forge during the winter?
14. What tactical mistake did the British make at Yorktown?
15. Where was Yorktown?
16. What northeastern city did the revolution start at?
17. What other country joined the Patriots fight?
18. What is the myth about Paul Reveres Ride?

19. Although much stronger, how did the weaknesses of the British cost them the war?

20. Which side won the Revolutionary War?

21. Why did Alexander Hamilton need to create an Economic Plan?

22. Who did not want to pay the debt?

23. What two politicians did not see eye to eye when it came to the role of federal government?

24. Describe and explain the Whiskey Rebellion (5 Ws)

25. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and who created them?

26. What happen to the candidate who lost the Presidential Election?

27. Who fought in the War of 1812?

28. What building was destroyed by the British during the war?

29. Why did the War of 1812 end?

30. What was written by Francis Scott Key?

31. America experienced their first one of these after the war?

32. What glaring social issue did the Missouri Compromise acknowledge?

33. What Native American tribe was rebelling and ultimately led to the US gaining Florida?

34. What did canals, roads and railroads all do to encourage the industrial revolution?
35. Discuss the Northern Economy (NE and NW)
36. Discuss the Southern Economy
37. What was the Indian Relocation Act?
38. What was the Trail of Tears?
39. Why did people rush to California in the late 1840s?
40. Name two of the 5 proposed rules in the Compromise of 1850?
41. Why was the judges decision on Dred Scott so important?
42. What was the outcome of the Lincoln-Douglas Debate?
43. After Lincoln won the election what did the South do?
44. What role did Ft Sumter play in the beginning of the civil war?
45. How did Lincoln feel about going to war?

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