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7 Essential benefts of water repelling masonry protection Andy Holland February 2014 1

7 Essential benets of
water repelling masonry protection
A special report for building maintenance professionals by Andy Holland, Rapierstar Protect Limited.

Planning authorities and
construction professionals
should be considering new
procedures and technologies to
help protect building structures
from the damaging effects of
extreme weather events

Extreme rainfall events have become more frequent

during the last 30 years in Britain (Osbourne et al.,
2000) and indications from most climate change
scenarios show that this trend is likely to continue
and perhaps become more extreme in the future.
Recent fooding events and Met Offce fgures
suggest parts of England have had their wettest
January (2014) on record. In south-east England,
where records go back to 1910, you cant fnd a
wetter January. The Met Offce also says that all
parts of the UK are on target for a wetter than
normal 2013/14 winter.
For all building structures, excessive moisture is the root cause of many mechanisms that can compromise
mineral building materials. The porous nature of brick and concrete soak up water via capillary suction,
leading to discolouration, mold problems and at worst, failure of the substrate. Water penetrating in this way
may also contain contaminants, adding to the damaging effects.
As well as damaged building structures, extreme rainfall events cause fooding misery for thousands of
people, with more than fve million properties in England and Wales deemed to be at risk from river and
ground water fooding. The UK Environment Agency acknowledges that it is impossible to completely
food-proof a property, but there are a number of measures to prevent food-water getting in and new
technologies along with other food-resilient modifcations, can limit the damage.
An exciting new development in building protection are water repellent treatments based on
nanotechnology. Applied to new and existing building structures, these hydrophobic products differ
from traditional coatings as they actively bond with masonry structures at a deep level - reducing water
penetration. As it is a treatment, not a coating, it does not seal the surface - water is repelled externally but
the substrate can breathe allowing internal water vapour to exit the substrate, as would occur naturally.
This can be a huge beneft to rain soaked British properties but there are other equally compelling benefts
for this revolutionary structural technology.
7 Essential benefts of water repelling masonry protection Andy Holland February 2014 2
1. Energy Saving
When walls get wet through water penetration, they become less effective at keeping heat in. Even cavity
wall structures flled with insulating material are susceptible. If the insulation material gets wet through
water penetration, it loses much of its insulating qualities - which renders it ineffective. Nanotechnology
treatments repel water penetration and are scientifcally proven to improve thermal resistance of masonry
- with a resultant space heating energy saving of around 20% in solid wall constructions. One single
application to external masonry facades is all that is needed to get this beneft.
2. Maintains colour and appearance of structures
Unlike water repellent surface coatings or physical building additions, nanotechnology treatments penetrate
deeply, combining at the molecular level with the structure. This creates a strong bond and when cured is
invisible to the naked eye, retaining the look of the original brick, concrete or stone feature.
3. Self cleaning
Taking inspiration from nature, nanotechnology water repellent products create a lotus effect hydrophobic
surface. A lotus leaf sheds water and dirt effortlessly in order to stay clean. This natural phenomenon is
caused by a unique microstructure that prevents water from wetting the surface. By creating a strong (non-
polar) but invisible protective surface, dirt particles are not attracted. Water forms droplets, which collect
microorganisms, dirt, algae, pollution, oil and other contaminates at the surface, which simply wash away
with a self cleaning action.
4. Reduces the build up of Lichens and Moss
Mold, lichens and moss grow wherever food and moisture is available. Bricks and concrete surfaces are
very porous and therefore trap moisture and hence promote microbial growth. If you take the primary food
stuff away - moisture, mold, lichens and moss cannot grow. A hydrophobic treated surface can also act as
a barrier, preventing biological growth from developing by depriving it of a physical surface to hold on to.
5. Protects against surface damage
Efforescence (salt blooming) is the most obvious, moisture induced damage to masonry materials.
Minerals and salts dissolved in water can build up within the substrate and get to its surface as the water
evaporates and the salts re-crystallize. Soluble salts in the masonry are also water attracting (hydrophilic),
which cause damp zones by the salts tendency to absorb moisture. Repeated re-crystallization cycles, by
the developed re-crystallization pressure, will induce damage and lead to structural cracks weakening the
masonry. This along with repeated freeze/thaw cycles of the water containing substrate, eventually lead to
the breaking up and fracture (or spalling) of the surface. As hydrophobic treatments reduce this transport
of water, structures remain dry and less susceptible to damage.
6. Eco Friendly
New technology hydrophobic treatments for masonry are solvent and silicone-free products in aqueous
phase. As water based products, with very little volatile organic compounds (VOCs), they are therefore
optimally environmentally friendly products.
7. UV resistant and long lasting
By penetrating deep into the building substrate and forming a strong polymeric network on the surface at
a molecular level, nanotechnology water repellent treatments provide maximum resistance to UV attack.
Couple this with high resistance of the active agents to alkalis degradation means that you can have a
water repellent building surface that can last 20-30 years between repeat applications.
For more information contact Rapierstar Protect Limited, Tel: 01260 223311 or email:

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