TR2212 Control &choke Valves

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Governing document Classification: Internal

Control and Choke Valves

Project development (PD)
Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from 2011-11-24
Owner: Leader Maintenance Automation
Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

1 Objecti ve, target group and provision ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Objective .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Target group .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Provision .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 General requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Sizing and selection ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Valve sizing ................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Noise level ................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Qualification of choke valves ..................................................................................................................... 5
4 Mechanical design criteria .................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Design pressure ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Valve body ................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.4 Valve bonnet .............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.5 Valve and actuator stem ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.6 Valve trim ................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.7 Packing, gaskets and seals ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Orientation ................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.9 Lifting lugs and eyebolts ............................................................................................................................ 8
5 Material requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Manufacturing Records and traceability .................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Body/bonnet ............................................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Trim .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Welding / NDE ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Company acceptance of material manufacturers ................................................................................... 12
5.7 Material requirements for various parts ................................................................................................... 13
5.8 Wear resistant material ............................................................................................................................ 15
6 Actuators and instrumentation ......................................................................................................................... 15
6.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Instrumentation ........................................................................................................................................ 16
6.3 Installation requirements ......................................................................................................................... 17
6.4 Actuator requirements ............................................................................................................................. 18
6.5 Failure action ........................................................................................................................................... 19
7 Surface protection .............................................................................................................................................. 19
8 Nameplates and tags .......................................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Valve and actuator ................................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Tags ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
9 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
9.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Hydrostatic shell test ................................................................................................................................ 20
9.3 Seat leakage testing ................................................................................................................................ 20
9.4 Functional testing ..................................................................................................................................... 20
9.5 Close-out check ....................................................................................................................................... 21
9.6 Optional testing Fugitive emission testing to ISO 15848 ..................................................................... 21
10 Preservation and packing .................................................................................................................................. 22
10.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 22
10.2 Preservation ............................................................................................................................................. 22
10.3 Packing .................................................................................................................................................... 22
10.4 Marking of packing boxes ........................................................................................................................ 23
11 Life Cycle Information (LCI) .............................................................................................................................. 24
11.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 24
11.2 Standard LCI - Applicable for frame agreement orders .......................................................................... 24
11.3 General requirements for all procedures ................................................................................................. 24
11.4 Bid documentation ................................................................................................................................... 24
11.5 Supplier Information Requirement List (SIRL) ........................................................................................ 25
12 Additional information ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

12.1 Definitions and abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 34
12.2 Changes from previous version ............................................................................................................... 34
12.3 References ............................................................................................................................................... 35
App A CE marking applicable for valves supplied to the European Community (normative) ........................... 37
App B Extended Requirements for GoM - applicable for valves supplied to the Gulf of Mexico ......................... 38
B.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 38
B.2 Section 3.2 ............................................................................................................................................... 38
B.3 Section 5.5.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 38
B.4 Section 5.6 ............................................................................................................................................... 38
B.5 Section 5.7.7 ............................................................................................................................................ 38
B.6 Section 6.1 ............................................................................................................................................... 38
B.7 Section 6.1.2 ............................................................................................................................................ 39
B.8 Section 6.3 ............................................................................................................................................... 39
B.9 Section 6.4.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 39
B.10 Section 9.6.1 ............................................................................................................................................ 39
B.11 Section 12.3 ............................................................................................................................................. 39

Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

1 Objective, target group and provision
1.1 Objective
The objective of this document is to describe technical requirements for control and choke valves.

This specification shall govern the specification requirements regarding design, materials, fabrications,
inspection and testing of all control and choke valves.

For modifications on existing automation systems, some requirements in this TR may be in conflict with
existing design. Conflicts shall be assessed prior to the modification, and where existing design shall be
maintained, this shall be documented as local addendums to this TR.
1.2 Target group
Main target group for this document is control and choke valve suppliers; however personnel and
contractors involved in project development of new onshore and offshore facilities or modification of
existing facilities should also be familiar with requirements in this document.
1.3 Provision
This document is provided for in TR3030 (Automation, Technical Requirements and Standards).
2 General requirements
Where reference is made to international and national standards and codes etc., the latest current issue
shall apply.

Valves shall be designed for the service and performance conditions specified on the instrument and
process data sheets.

Any conflicts between requirements specified herein and the requirements of any other referenced
document shall be communicated to Company for clarification.

Reference to Companys material data sheets (MDS) in TR2000 are used to apply additional material
requirements for some components/materials. These MDSs can be found on the following internetsite:

Relevant environmental data, such as relative humidity, maximum and minimum ambient temperature,
shall be stated on the instrument data sheet. It is the Suppliers responsibility to request these data from
the Purchaser, if not stated on the instrument data sheet. Supplier is responsible for supplying equipment
suitable for the environmental data specified.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

3 Sizing and selection
3.1 Valve sizing
Valve sizing calculations shall be carried out by Supplier based on IEC 60534-2, ISA 75.01, or by similar
standards approved by Company. Process and piping data shall be specified by Purchaser on the process
data sheet. The Supplier valve sizing programme shall be available to Company electronically.

Sizing/flow calculations shall be provided for all process conditions specified.

A control valve should be selected such that its capacity is between 120 to 140 % of the design capacity
for a linear trim and between 130 to 160 % for an equal percentage trim.
3.2 Noise level
Unless otherwise specified, maximum noise levels from control valves in continuous service shall not
exceed 82 dBA at one meter distance from the valve, one meter downstream at normal process

For valves in intermittent service, higher maximum noise levels may be approved by Company.

The Supplier shall submit calculated noise levels for all process conditions specified.

If the predicted noise level exceeds the given limit, Purchaser shall evaluate the valve with regard to
location and process conditions prior to initiating implementation of noise control measures.
Source treatment shall be the preferred method for noise reduction. Noise reduction by acoustic insulation
shall be approved by Company prior to implementation.
3.3 Qualification of choke valves
3.3.1 General
Qualification of choke valves may be required where choke collapse can cause overpressure. Analysis of
the choke collapse scenario and the calculation of the associated relief loads are described in TR3001,
section 4.6.4.

Choke collapse shall be interpreted as one of the following:

1) Sudden increase in choke valve C
caused by impact of objects
2) Sudden increase in choke valve C
caused by fatigue (e.g. due to vibration or impact of small
3) Gradual increase in choke valve C
caused by erosion

The requirements to qualification are different for 1), 2) and 3). Qualification testing will be required for 1)
unless the relevant choke valve are previously qualified for similar conditions, while for 2) and 3) an
evaluation to determine frequency of choke valve inspection intervals and methods will be required and
can eliminate a requirement for testing. The decision whether or not the choke requires testing shall be
made by the same instance that shall approve the Technology Qualification Plan (TQP), ref FR12.

The qualification shall be carried out in accordance with Company's requirement for technology
qualification as described in FR12. Requirement for qualification of choke shall be specified by Company if
required. The qualification shall include an FMEA/FMECA. The FMEA/FMECA can result in:
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

- Redesign of choke valve (e.g. as a result of fatigue analysis), or disqualification
- Requirement for qualification testing
- Requirement for monitoring of choke valve C
during operation
- Requirement for inspection of the choke valve during operation

Choke valves from certain Suppliers have been qualified on a case by case basis, and the validity of these
qualifications is limited to certain designs/sizes, operating conditions and C
. If it is demonstrated that the
choke valve under consideration is covered by the tests already performed, in terms of designs/sizes,
operating conditions and C
, the choke valve can be considered qualified without additional testing.
3.3.2 Qualification testing
The test program and acceptance criteria shall reflect the various failure modes and effects defined in the

Typically, the conditions for impact testing shall cover both:

- the largest realistic object that may be expected in the well stream and that may hit the cage or its
protection device (e.g. a brick stopper)
- smaller object/particles that may penetrate beyond any protection devices

Typical objects may be solid material from the reservoir formation or from well perforation and clean-up,
parts of completion/subsea tools, fragments from valves and debris from flowline pipe spools.

The object velocity when entering the choke valve shall be considered to be equal to the fluid velocity. The
fluid velocity shall be the maximum attainable during block valve maloperation, ref GL 3001 A
lower object velocity may be determined by rigorous flow simulation of the upstream piping as a part of the
technology qualification programme.

When determining the impact velocity for the qualification the following shall be considered:

- flow path of the object inside the valve (i.e. the object may hit the valve body prior to impact)
- angle of impact

Experience has shown that choke collapse may also be caused by fatigue, and test criteria for these
mechanisms shall also be considered.

The Supplier shall prepare a test procedure for the qualification testing. The test procedure shall be
approved by Company and the test shall be witnessed and approved by Company.
4 Mechanical design criteria
4.1 General
General requirements according to ASME B16.34 shall apply.

The face to face dimensions should be in accordance with ISA S75 or ASME B16.10.
4.2 Design pressure

Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

The valve shall be designed with strength to be opened and closed at a differential pressure according to
the design pressure given by the valve pressure rating. The pressure rating for some materials is higher
than the pressure rating given in ASME B16.5/ASME B16.34. These ratings are:

22Cr and 25Cr duplex material:
As for Group 1.2 Materials up to 250C (485F)

6Mo material:
Rating for Class 150 according to Group 1.2 Materials
Rating for Class 300 and higher:
Up to and including 150

C (300F) Group 1.2 Materials
From 200C (400F) Group 1.1 Materials

Titanium gr.2:
Class 150:
Up to 50C (125F): Rating according to Group 1.1 Materials
At 100C (212F): 15 bar (217 psi)
4.3 Valve body
Minimum wall thickness shall comply with ASME B16.34.

Flow direction shall permanently be indicated on the valve body in the form of a casting or otherwise
clearly indicated on the valve.

Penetrations (vent, drain, etc.) of pressure boundary shall be avoided.
4.4 Valve bonnet
For steam valves at operating temperatures above 175C (345F), and for other services at operating
temperatures above 200C (400F), an extension bonnet or adequate packing system shall be provided.
The same applies for valves containing fluid with temperature below - 10C (14F). Design to be based on
max and min operating temperature listed in process datasheet.
4.5 Valve and actuator stem
The valve stem connection to the actuator stem shall be adjustable, with positive locking of the
adjustment. The actuator stem shall be easy to mount and to strip down.
4.6 Valve trim
The characteristic for plug or cage shall be the one best suited for the process data.

Unless otherwise agreed, trim shall be designed to provide equal pressurization around the plug in order
to minimize vibration and prevevent any potential for binding.

All valves shall have removable seat rings and/or cages.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

4.7 Packing, gaskets and seals
4.7.1 Stem seals
Stem sealing shall be PTFE based sealing or graphite based stuffing box. PTFE may be used for
temperatures up to 200C (400F). Graphite packing shall be used for temperatures above 200C (400F).
See table 4 in section 5.7.8 for reference to MDSs for graphite packings.
4.7.2 Static seals
Static seals shall be o-rings, PTFE based, graphite or metal. O-rings and PTFE based seals shall not be
used for temperatures above 200C (400F). O-rings shall not be used for class 600 and above, and for
services containing hydrocarbons, methanol or amine. All lip seal systems shall include support rings for
back pressure protection.

Soft seal material shall be suitable for the specified service conditions.
4.8 Orientation
Normal orientation is horizontal valve with vertical actuator. Other orientations may be specified.
4.9 Lifting lugs and eyebolts
All valves, actuators and valve assemblies weighing from 25 to 200 kg (50 to 450 lbs) shall, as a minimum,
have an engineered solution for strapping and lifting the valve.

All valves, actuators and valve assemblies weighing more than 200kg (450lbs) shall have fitted permanent
lifting device fit for purpose.

The lifting devices are regarded as a part of the valve and not a lifting appliance. A safety factor of 4 shall
be used when designing the lifting devices.

Documentation of calculation shall be kept by the Supplier.
5 Material requirements
5.1 General
All components not specified on the data sheet and herein shall have corrosion resistance equivalent to or
better than the component they are coupled to, including low/high temperature compatibility.

Asbestos containing material is not permitted.

The stem and other sliding elements including threaded components shall have a hardness and surface
finish sufficient to avoid galling. If differential hardness can not prevent galling, then a different material
overlay should be considered.

Wetted parts shall be suitable for sour service to ISO 15156/ NACE MR0175, unless other stated in the
instrument data sheet.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

5.2 Manufacturing Records and traceability
The Manufacturing Records represent that the Suppliers computer system / reference to calculations
together with the necessary drawings, manufacturing, testing and inspection procedures, certifications,
and non-conformance reports required to demonstrate that the product (valve or valve & actuator / control
circuit as applicable) is in compliance with all requirements specified.

The Manufacturing Records shall include: material certificates, relevant welding procedure specifications
and qualifications, repair weld maps, NDE reports together with lists of welder and NDE operator
qualifications and NDE procedures. Relevant fabrication drawings and sketches must be included to
facilitate the understanding of welding, heat treatment and NDE records. There shall be traceability from
the valve to all documents in the Manufacturing Records.

Manufacturing Records shall be stored for at least 10 years following the commencement of the guarantee
period. Supplier shall provide information in the Manufacturing Records, as defined above, when required
by Company.

Supplier is obliged to:

- offer the Manufacturting Record documentation free of charge to Company
- submit the Manfacturing Record documentation to Company if for any reason the Supplier ceases
5.3 Body/bonnet
Material requirements for body / bonnet materials shall be in accordance with TR2000 and the following
Material Data Sheets (MDS):

Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Table 1 Material requirements for body/bonnet

Body / bonnet materials*)
Forging Casting Bar**)
CSLT A350 LF2 CF105 A352 LCC CC101 A350 LF2 CB101
CSNT A105 CF205 A216 WCB CC201 A105 CB201
F11 A182 F11 Cl. 2 WF105 A217 WC6 WC101 Hold! WB1xx
316 A182 F316 SF305 A351 CF8M SC301 A479 316 SB301
6Mo A182 F44 SF705
A351 CK-
SC701 A479 S31254 SB701
SA A182 F49 SF805
A351 UNS
J 95370
SC801 A479 S34565 SB801
Dx A182 F51 DF105
J 92205
DC101 A479 S31803 DB101
SDx A182 F55 DF205
J 93380
DC201 A479 S32760 DB201
Ti B381 F2 TF105 B367 C2 TC101 B348 2 TB101
Ni 625 B564 N06625 NF505
Ni 276 B564 N10276 NF605
Ni 665 B335 N10665 NF109 B494 N7M NC101
*) Pressure-containing parts; parts, whose failure to function as intended results in a
release of contained fluid into the environment (API 6D/ISO 14313 4.26)
**) Bar diameter size limit as per MDS requirement

CSNT Carbon Steel - No impact tested CSLT Carbon Steel - Impact tested
F11 High temperature carbon Steel 316 AISI 316 type material
6Mo 6 % Mo austenitic steel Dx 22 Cr duplex
SA Super Austenite SDx 25Cr duplex
Ti Titanium grade 2 Ni Nickel Based Alloy
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

5.4 Trim
Material requirements for trim materials shall be in accordance with TR2000 and the following Material
Data Sheets (MDS):

Table 2 Material requirements for trim materials

Pressure-controlling trim materials***)
Forging, pipe, plate or
Material MDS Material MDS
CSLT Min 13Cr 4Ni SV102 Min 13Cr 4Ni SV102
CSNT Min 13Cr SV101 Min 13Cr SV101
F11 Min 13Cr SV101 Min 13Cr SV101
316 A351 CF8M SC302 AISI 316 SV301
6Mo A351 CK-3MCuN SC702 6Mo SV702
A351 UNS
J 95370
SC802 A182 F49 SV802
Dx A995 J 92205 DC102 22 Cr. Duplex DV102
SDx A995M J 93380 DC202 25 Cr. Duplex DV202
Ti B367 gr. C2 TC102 Titanium TV102
Ni 625 A494 CW6MC NC502 Nickel N06625 NV502
Ni 276 A494 CW2M NC602 Nickel N10276 NV602
Ni 665 B494 N7M NC102 Nickel N10665 NV102
***) Pressure-controlling parts; parts, such as stem, seat and
obturator, intended to prevent or permit the flow of fluids (API
6D/ISO 14313 4.27)

Table 3 Material requirements for trim materials (continued from table 2)

Other internal parts****)
Also used on pressure-controlling trim materials on valves < 2"
Body material Material MDS
CSLT Min 13Cr 4Ni SV102
CSNT Min 13Cr SV101
F11 Min 13Cr SV101
316 AISI 316 SV301
6Mo 6Mo, small parts SV701
SA S34565, small parts SV801
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Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Dx 22Cr Duplex small parts DV101
SDx 25Cr Duplex, small parts DV201
Ti Titanium, small parts TV101
Ni 625 Nickel N06625, small parts NV501
Ni 276 Nickel N10276, small parts NV601
Ni 665 Nickel N10665, small parts NV101
****) Process-wetted parts; parts exposed directly to the pipeline fluid (API 6D/ISO 14313
4.28) other than defined as "Pressure-controlling parts"
5.5 Welding / NDE
5.5.1 General
All welding shall be continuous and welding of stressed components shall be full penetration welds.

Welding repairs or fabrication welding including weld overlays shall be in accordance with the appropriate
valve standard. Where the valve standard does not quote any requirements then the following shall apply:
5.5.2 Qualification of weld overlay
Qualification of welding procedures for weld overlay shall be in accordance with ASME IX. Acceptance
criteria shall be the same as for the base material and the testing shall satisfy the standard and the MDS
5.5.3 NDE operator qualification / NDE acceptance criteria
Certification of NDE operators shall be in accordance with EN 473 or equivalent.

Specific procedures shall be established for all non-destructive examination.
5.6 Company acceptance of material manufacturers

Qualification and acceptance of manufacturer is related to materials in 22 Cr duplex, 25 Cr duplex,
Titanium, 6 Mo, Super Austenitic SS and Nickel Alloy castings. Requirements for qualification and
acceptance of manufacturers are given in actual MDSs.

Manufacturers of components for valve internals as castings shall be qualified and accepted as listed
above and described in actual MDSs.
Manufacturers of components for valve internals made from forgings, bar, plate, etc. in high alloyed
materials shall be accepted by Company as described in actual MDSs.

Company will evaluate Manufacturer names and will have the possibility to request qualification/ re-
qualification or reject Manufacturer names which are not accepted based on Company experience.

Manufacturers qualified and accepted by Company are listed under Manufacturers in Statoils TR2000
system; Password covering reading access to list of qualified and accepted
manufacturers (and to a second list named list of accepted manufacturers) will be provided on request.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

5.7 Material requirements for various parts
5.7.1 Pressure retaining bolting

Pressure retaining bolting shall comply with requirements given in MDS XN501. Other bolting materials
shall require Company approval.
5.7.2 Valve and actuator stem
Nickel plating shall not be used. AISI 316 SS is the minimum material for both the actuator stem and the
5.7.3 Actuator yoke, housing and casing
Actuator yoke, housing and casing shall be in carbon steel, ductile iron or stainless steel.
5.7.4 Gland bolt nut
Material shall be same as listed in MDS XN501.
5.7.5 Locking ring
Locking ring used for securing actuator shall have same material as body. Carbon steel painted according
to a proper system can be selected. AISI 316 SS is acceptable if the locking ring will have a temperature
below 60C (140F) during normal operation. If bolted, material shall be listed in MDS XN501.
5.7.6 Instrumentation
- Material quality for mounting assembly e.g. brackets, nuts and bolts dia. 10 mm (3/8 in) and less,
shall be AISI 316 SS.
- Nuts and bolts larger than 10 mm (3/8 in) shall be AISI 316 SS or carbon steel hot dip galvanized
to ASTM A153
- Pneumatic and electric components shall be AISI 316 SS.
- Unsupported tubing and fittings shall be AISI 316 SS as a minimum.
- The air reservoir shall be of material AISI 316 SS.

Other material selection to be aproved by Company
5.7.7 Handwheels
Handwheels shall be in stainless steel (minimum SS304/316) or carbon steel/nodular iron galvanized
according to ISO 1461 and painted according requirements in chapter 7.

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Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

5.7.8 Other valve materials

Table 4 Material requirements for other valve materials
Other valve materials
Body material type Description MDS
Overlay welding of seal pockets, ring grooves,
CS Cladding of all CS wetted parts TBA
All except SD'x & Ti
Overlay welded hardfacing Stellite 6 or
6Mo and SD'x Overlay welded hardfacing for seawater service ZH102
All except SD'x & Ti Hardfacing by TC thermal spraying ZH201
All except SD'x & Ti Massive Stellite parts NV301
All except SD'x & Ti Massive tungsten carbide parts ZH401
CSLT, CSNT, F11 & 316 Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings SF306/SF310/SF311
D'x Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings DF106/DF110/DF111
SD'x Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings DF206/DF210/DF211
6Mo Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings SF706/SF710/SF711
SA Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings TBA
Ti Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings TF106/TF110/TF112
Ni625 Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings
Ni276 Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings TBA
Ni665 Blind plugs/Bleed Plugs/Injection fittings TBA
All Pressure retaining valve bolting material XN501
O-rings (only allowed in non-aggressive and
non-hydrocarbon service in rating 300# and
Packed gland w/thermoplastic rings and
graphite fire seal
Lip seal(s) w/lip protection support ring and
graphite fire seal
All Stuffing box w/graphite packing; T < 300degC PG201
All Stuffing box w/graphite packing; T < 400degC PG202
All Stuffing box w/graphite packing; T < 500degC PG203
Graphite fire seal to be minimum 95%
expanded graphite of not less than 98% purity
Outside trim bolting to be min SS316 for bolts
10mm and smaller, min hot dip galvanized
carbon steel for larger
All Stem protector to be min SS304/316 N/A
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Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Note) Nylon/Devlon shall not be used in valves as they are vulnerable to water absorption

5.8 Wear resistant material
Seat and cage shall be provided in wear resistant material unless otherwise agreed. The selection of wear
resistant material shall take into account all types of wear, corrosion resistance and satisfactory operation.

Alternatives shall be:

HVOF (High Velocity Oxy Fuel) themally sprayed WC
Hard facing by overlay welding (Type Alloy 6)
Hard facing by overlay welding for seawater service
Solid tungsten carbide
Other documented massive wear resistant ceramic or cermet materials

See table 4 for MDS references.
6 Actuators and instrumentation
6.1 General
6.1.1 Ex certification and IP rating
The equipment shall be certified for Zone 1, Gas Group IIA, and temperature class T3 as a minimum,
unless otherwise specified.

For junction boxes and glands Ex e shall used to the maximum extent possible.

For solenoid valves Ex m shall be used to the maximum extent possible.

Limit switches shall be Ex i.

Minimum degree of protection provided by enclosures shall be IP56 in accordance with IEC 60529.
6.1.2 Supply utilities basis for design
Unless otherwise specified the control valve application shall be designed and sized for the following:
Pneumatic connection to be NPT and metric tube size unless otherwise specified by Project, (e.g. projects
in GoM shall use imperial tube sizes.)
Air supply:

- Minimum operating pressure: 5,5 bar g (80 psig)
- Nominal operating pressure: 7 bar g (100 psig)
- Maximum operating pressure: 12 bar g (175 psig)

Electrical supply unless otherwise specified by project:

- 24 VDC for field instruments
- 230 V AC 50 Hz for electrical actuators
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Signal types:
The following signal types shall be the preferred choice for electrical hardwired field devices

Table 5 Preferred signal types for electrical hardwired field devices

Signal Type
Analoge input 4 20 mA with HART protocol
Analoge output 4 20 mA with HART protocol
Digital input Potential free contact
Proximity switches with NAMUR interface or NAMUR
Digital output 24 VDC

Industrial network for signal transfer based on fieldbus protocols may be used, dependant on Company
approval. This shall be in accordance with IEC 61158. The preferred choice is Profibus PA and Fondation

Field transmitters and final control elements using Foundation Fieldbus or Profibus PA shall have
documented interoperability, e.g. tick-marked.

The following signals types shall be used for pneumatic field devices.

Table 6 Signal types for pneumatic field devices

Signal Type
Pneumatic input 0,2 1,0 barg (3 15 psig)
Analouge output 0,2 1,0 barg (3 15 psig)
6.2 Instrumentation
6.2.1 Air filter regulator
Air filter regulators shall be provided with integral relief valve and micron filter. If regulator supply pressure
is lost, downstream air pressure shall be relieved.
6.2.2 Positioner
In general, all control valves shall be equipped with a positioner, preferably intelligent type.
The positioner shall preferably be installed as direct acting.

Valve positioners shall be provided with gauges to indicate supply pressure, control air signal, and
positioner output pressure.
Electro-pneumatic valve positioners and pneumatic valve positioners with integral electro-pneumatic
transducers shall not be used in potentially vibrating service conditions. For these services, the I/P
transducer shall then be mounted separately from the valve and actuator assembly.

The total maximum inaccuracy of the signal conversion in I/Ps, or electro-pneumatic valve positioners, due
to any limitation (i.e., repeatability, dead band, resolution, hysteresis, etc.), shall be less than 2.0%.
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

6.2.3 Limit switches
Limit switches shall be of type complying with EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR).

When limit switches are specified a suitable junction box mounted to actuator or valve body for termination
of flying leads shall be provided.

Flying leads from limit switch to junction box shall be physically protected by the design. If no other options
are possible AISI 316 SS tubing should be used.

The limit switches shall be activated by the movement of the valve shaft or stem and shall switch at less
than 5% of the movement of the respective limit.

The limit switches shall normally be fitted inside a combined switch house/junction box, complete with

Limit switches should preferably have integral LED indication

Limit switches not installed in a junction box, shall be installed on rigid AISI 316 SS steel fixing plates or
brackets and shall be easily adjustable.
6.2.4 Solenoid valves and lock-up devices
When used for control valves, the solenoid valve and/or lock-up device shall be installed in the pneumatic
signal line between valve positioner and actuator.

Air lock-up devices shall be provided for all services requiring the control valve to remain in the position it
had at the time air was lossed.
6.3 Installation requirements
Unless otherwise specified by the Project, cable glands shall have ISO metric (1.5 mm) threads.

Items with threaded entries other than ISO metric shall be fitted with adapters giving correct entry for ISO
metric threads.

Heat shrinking sleeves covering glands shall not be used.

Glands of GRP (Glass-Reinforced Plastic) make should not be used.

Cable gland shall be installed as part of the delivery unless otherwise specified by the Project.

All instruments and/or accessories shall be factory mounted, tubed and wired according to project
nominated type, model and manufacturer.

Tubing and fittings make shall be specified by Purchaser.

Hook-up of instruments and/or accessories shall be as simple as possible and with focus on
maintainability. Number of leakage points should be kept to a minimum.

Fittings and tubing shall be de-burred and cleaned prior to assembly.

Sealing compound for treaded fittings shall be specified by Purchaser.
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

6.4 Actuator requirements
Actuators should be pneumatic spring return diaphragm or piston. Other actuator types (e.g. hydraulic or
electric) shall be approved by Company, as additional requirements will apply for these actuators.

Actuators shall be sized and designed to handle all conditions the valve will be subjected to according to
process data sheet. Unless otherwise stated actuator sizing shall be based on air supply pressure
min/norm/max stated in 6.1.2.

Pneumatic stepping actuators shall normally be the first choice for choke valves. Travel time requirements
shall be specified in the process datasheets. Actuators used in choke applications shall be provided with
an electronic feedback of the choke position.
6.4.1 Diaphragm
Diaphragm actuator spring shall be fully enclosed with accessible adjustment and have a linear
characteristic permitting full stem travel.

Diaphragm cases shall be bolted (pressed or cast steel) with a diaphragm of nylon reinforced neoprene or
Buna N.

In the opening direction, the diaphragm shall engage a stop before the valve plug reaches its travel limit.
The diaphragm stop shall have sufficient contact area to absorb any torque transmitted to the diaphragm
from the valve plug. In the closing direction, the valve plug shall seat before the diaphragm reaches its
travel limit.
6.4.2 Piston
Piston actuators shall be designed for throttling or on-off use on control valves. In the opening direction the
piston shall engage a stop before the valve plug reaches its travel limit. The piston stop shall have
sufficient contact area to absorb any force transmitted to the piston rod from the valve plug. In the closing
direction, the valve plug shall seat before the piston reaches its travel limit.

If the piston actuator is equipped with a spring, the spring shall be fully enclosed.
6.4.3 Air reservoir
Fail mode for springless double acting piston actuators should be accomplished by use of air reservoirs
and trip valves. The reservoir shall be sized for at least 1.5 full valve travel operation in the event of air
supply failure. For sizing of the air reservoir, Supplier shall assume a pressure of 7.0 barg (100 psig).
During operations the pressure should not drop below minimum pressure requirement for the safe
operation of the valve and in any case not lower than 4 barg (60 psig).

Design, fabrication, inspection and testing of air reservoirs and actuator cylinders shall be in accordance
with EN 13445 Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels.

The following alternative code may be used if accepted by Company

- PD5500 Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels

The design code shall be complied with fully.

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

For small standard pressure vessels for air and nitrogen, EN 286-1 Simple Unfired Pressure Vessel
Designed to Contain Air and Nitrogen, may be used without any additional requirements.

Unless type approval exists, Supplier is responsible for obtaining the necessary verification from a
recognised inspecting authority or organisation, for compliance with requirements in applicable design
code, with regard to:

a. Design verification
b. Construction and testing

Air reservoirs shall be equipped with a pressure indicator and a pressure safety valve or rupture disc
overpressure safety device, designed according to BS 2915 or equivalent.
6.4.4 Handwheel
Hand wheel shall be supplied when specified.

Hand wheels on actuated valves shall be constructed to avoid unintended function as a travel stop device.

Continuously connected handwheels shall generally conform to the following:

- May be integral or attached by bolts or clamps.
- Shall be locking type with de-clutching handwheel.
- Shall be capable of limiting travel in either direction, but not necessarily both at the same time.
- Operating force required shall be limited to 25 kg (50 lbf) on rim of handwheel.
- Must operate to move stem in either direction over its full range and all service conditions.
- Position indicators shall be supplied.
6.5 Failure action
The actuator must ensure required position of the valve when the controlling medium or electric solenoid
signal is lost as indicated on the instrument data sheet. A special colour code might be used on actuators
to clearly identify failure actions of valves. See chapter 7.

Production chokes shall be designed with fail-close or fail-lock function.
7 Surface protection

All surface protection shall be according to TR0042 and the project coatings specification.
8 Nameplates and tags
8.1 Valve and actuator
Nameplate shall be provided with following information as a minimum:

- Valve serial number
- Valve tag number
- Valve model number or catalogue number
- Bench set for spring actuators
- Maximum capacity index (Cv) of the valve
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- Body size
- Trim material
- Body material
- Valve characteristic
- Valve stroke
- Action on loss of actuating medium

If any of the information above can not be fitted in Suppliers standard nameplate, an extra name plate
shall be added.

The nameplate shall be in AISI 316 SS material. Fastening method shall be AISI 316 SS drive screw.
Adhesives will not be accepted.
8.2 Tags
In addition to the nameplate, all instrumentation equipment shall be provided with a tag label in 316SS
material quality. Minimum size shall be 50 x 12 mm (1/2 x 2 in). Tag shall be fastened by stainless steel
9 Testing
9.1 General
All equipment shall be delivered, fully tested, in accordance with applicable specifications, codes and data
sheets in order to guarantee performance as specified. All control valves shall be functionally and
hydrostatically tested.

The actuator shall be connected, dependant on service, to either:

- Clean dry air or nitrogen at rated working pressure.
- Specified hydraulic fluid at rated working pressure.

Soap test for leaks shall be carried out on all pneumatic connections.
9.2 Hydrostatic shell test
Hydrostatic testing of valve body shall be performed in accordance with ANSI B16.34 at 1.5 times rated
9.3 Seat leakage testing
The test conditions and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with FCI 70-2.
9.4 Functional testing
Every valve shall be stroked throughout its travel, in both directions. The following points shall be checked:

- The valve meets its rated travel.
- Action is smooth with no sticking or juddering.
- Actuator bench set (when applicable) is set in accordance with specification and checked against
the nameplate.
- All instruments operate on correct signals with the desired action.
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

- Failure mode shall be verified.
9.5 Close-out check
The following shall be part of a final acceptance test:

- Type of end connection.
- Flange finish.
- Dimensional check.
- Instruments and accessories are fitted and correct as specified.
- Nameplate details are correct.
- Direction of flow is correctly indicated.
- Control of material certificates.
- Hydrostatic testing of unpainted valves
- Seat leakage testing.
- Functional testing.
- Footprint/valve signature

If any of the tests fail, re-testing shall be performed.

Test records should be accepted for hydrostatic shell test
9.6 Optional testing Fugitive emission testing to ISO 15848
9.6.1 General
Fugitive emission testing is only required when specified by the Purchaser. Valves shall have documented
low emission of volatile organic compounds, when fugitive emission testing is specified.
9.6.2 Qualification testing Type test
The fugitive emission classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves shall be
according to ISO 15848-1. Tightness class shall be according to table 1 in ISO 15848-1

- Valves with rotating shaft movement shall fulfil the requirements of class B
- Valves with linear shaft movement shall fulfil the requirements of class C
- Valves with combined rotating and linear shaft movement shall fulfil the requirements of class C

Endurance class shall be according to class CC1.

The valve shall be tested to temperatures selected based on minimum and maximum design temperature
stated on the process data sheet.
9.6.3 Production acceptance test
The fugitive emission production acceptance test shall be according to ISO 15848-2. Emission rates are
measured by sniffing, as described in ISO 15848.

- Valves with rotating shaft movement 50 ppmv
- Valves with linear shaft movement 200 ppmv
- Valves with combined rotating and linear shaft movement 200 ppmv
- Leakage from individual body seals shall be 50 ppmv
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

10 Preservation and packing
10.1 General
All equipment shall be delivered preserved, packed and protected against harmful environmental effects
for a period of two years. Destinations will be congested industrial sites with an environmental atmosphere
containing high salt and humidity concentrations.

Preservation, packing and protection shall withstand all external action normally encountered during
shipment (including overseas transport), lifting, handling and storage

Extra care shall be taken during fabrication, assembly and transportation of valves with compact flanges.
This is due to the delicate nature of these flanges.
10.2 Preservation
Valves of materials that will corrode in a salipherous atmosphere shall be internally preserved (including
flange faces) with a corrosion preventive (grease shall not be used in valve parts that can get in contact
with media) which will not require removal prior to installation and consequently will not obstruct the valve
operational functions. All valves to be coated in both open and closed position, this includes seal pockets.
Valves specified for use in drinking water systems shall not be coated internally with wax, oil, antifreeze or
toxic materials.

Desiccant shall be placed inside any sealed off space not filled with preservation fluid.

Valve stem shall be greased. Valve stem and yoke shall be protected with self amalgamating tape. The
tape shall also cover the stuffing box in order to prevent ingress of impurities between gland and valve

Valve ends and auxiliary connections shall be protected to give mechanical protection and to prevent
ingress of water and other foreign matters. The protection shall be designed to protect seal areas, threads,
weld bevels etc., and shall be mechanically secured in bolt holes or outer rim of valve end

Tube fittings shall be used as interface connections for control panels and shall be plugged with AISI 316
SS tube-fittings caps prior to shipment

Special precaution shall be taken when protecting compact flanges, due to the delicate nature of these
flanges. Protection of compact flanges shall cover the entire flange facing including the outer edge being
the external environmental sealing.

Gland bolting shall not be loosened before shipment.

All electrical and electronic equipment exposed to humidity shall be protected with E.A. silica gel or vapour
corrosion inhibitor VCI (e.g. Cortec VCI 100), according to Suppliers recommendation. Opening shall be
plugged for maintaining IP requirement.
10.3 Packing
Valve handles shall be fitted onto the valve unless otherwise agreed.

The equipment shall be packed in wooden boxes, for maximum protection. The boxes shall be lined with
plastic sheeting (necessary venting and/or desiccant to be provided).
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The boxes shall be strong enough to be lifted or handled without attaching any lifting or handling device to
the valve itself. Where storage and/or walking on top of the package is not allowed, this must be clearly
marked on the package. All boxes shall be suitable for handling by forklift.

Wood packing material shall be according to requirements in ISPM No. 15 (Guidelines for Regulating
Wood Packaging Material in International Trade) for international shipping.

Steps shall be taken to ensure that items within boxes do not become loose, and requirements for
protection against tilting or upending shall be marked on the boxes. Weight shall be evenly distributed
within a package (if not, this shall be clearly marked on the package) with heaviest items in the bottom.

Mechanisms shall be constrained for harmful movement. Requirement for removal of such constraints
shall be posted in conspicuous manner and clearly marked as temporary, supported by reference to
removal instructions.

Materials such as expanded polystyrene EPS (packing chips) or similar shall not be used as filling in order
to ease handling of waste (especially offshore).

Equipment should not be sealed off such as to render impossible incoming inspection at the point of
destination. Access for normal inspection and prescribed maintenance shall be provided.
10.4 Marking of packing boxes
Unless otherwise instructed by Purchaser, all packing boxes shall be marked on both ends with following:

- Destination address
- Project name
- MMT (or delivery instructions) no.
- PO no
- PO item number
- Country of orign
- Package no (if applicable)
- Kg. gross

The size of characters shall be between 2" and 6" high.

Two copies of packing list inside a water-proof envelope shall be placed inside each box. Unless otherwise
instructed by the Purchaser, the packing lists shall as a minimum contain the following:

- PO number
- Item- and sub-item number from PO
- Quantity shipped for each item
- Description of goods shipped, identical to description in PO
- Tag and/or stock numbers as specified in PO
- Supplier part number (if applicable)
- Package/shipping marks and numbers (if applicable)
- Total number of packages
- Full packing details for each package
- Location of the copy-set documentation required to accompany the shipment
- Package dimensions
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

- Weight, net and gross

In addition the following documents shall be placed inside a water-proof envelope inside each box:

- Procedure for receipt and installation
- Suppliers release note

Agreed deviations (where applicable for receipt control)
11 Life Cycle Information (LCI)
11.1 General
Life Cycle Information (LCI) shall be supplied in accordance with TR2381

The Supplier shall incorporate details of sub-suppliers scope in their own LCI.

Companys acceptance of Suppliers documentation does not constitute approval in the sense that
Company assumes responsibility for the correctness of the contents.
11.2 Standard LCI - Applicable for frame agreement orders
In order to improve efficiency and reduce cost related to LCI, Company has established a teamsite for
standard LCI. Standard LCI is defined in the SIRL below. For frame agreement orders standard LCI shall
be obtained from Companys dedicated teamsite for standard LCI. If not available in the teamsite, the
applicable documents shall be submitted to the Company Representative for the frame agreement, who
will arrange for uploading to the teamsite. Project specific standard LCI is not required for frame
agreement orders.
11.3 General requirements for all procedures
All procedures shall in a condensed and concise manner describe:

- Scope and purpose of the document.
- Include all Company specific requirements.
- Detail all relevant operations, checks and tests.
- Describe all precautions to be observed.
- Relevant health warnings related to chemicals used etc.
- Include sub-suppliers data sheets.

Proecedures shall be self-explanatory, avoid making reference to other support documents.
11.4 Bid documentation
The bid shall at least include the following information (not applicable for frame agreement orders):

- Supplier Master Information Register (SMIR)
- Interface information, given on GA drawings or tabulated in a spreadsheet, and at least containing
the following information:
o end-to-end dimensions
o valve height, centreline to top of valve and centreline to bottom of valve
o maximum overall dimensions (LxWxH)
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o dry weight
- Design and operational information including seal design and material selection
- List of technical and commercial deviations from the requirements in the inquiry, and proposed
alternative requirements.
- Reference list
- Typical production plan (EPMS)
- List of proposed sub-suppliers
- Additional bid information as required by Purchaser

In case of an order, SMIR, production plan (EPMS) and list of proposed sub-suppliers shall be resubmitted
and included in the LCI.
11.5 Supplier Information Requirement List (SIRL)
The Supplier Information Requirements List (SIRL) below comprises the LCI requirements as given in the
TR2381 section 4.11 .
Submittal time shall be agreed with project.

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Table 7 - Supplier Information Requirements List (SIRL)

Document description


















Supplier Master Information Register (SMIR) Y TBA Y
Interface information Y
Design and operational information Y
List of "commercial exceptions/clarifications to
inquiry documents"
List of "technical exceptions/clarifications to
inquiry documents"
Reference list Y
Production Plan Y

Quality Control Plans
List of proposed sub-suppliers (incl. record of
Additional bid information as required by
Tag List Main Equipment tags

Installation, Operating and Maintenance
Instructions for Valves

Y Y 5.105
Spare Parts Interchangeability Register Index

Data sheets - Instrument field equipment
Pneumatic/hydraulic Hook-up drawing
Circuit / Wiring diagram
Valve drawings
Certificate of Conformance
Explosion protection certificates
Blast load calculations
Valve calculations
Valve test reports
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Document description


















Non-Conformance Reports
Y 5.123
Manufacturing procedures and reports
Y 5.123
Performance / functional test procedures and

Y 5.123
NDE drawings, sketches and other NDE doc.
Y 5.123
Welding Procedures (WPS+PQR)
Y 5.123
Painting Procedure(s)
Y 5.123
Mechanical Completion / Commissioning

11.5.1 Supplier Master Information Register (SMIR)
SMIR shall give a detailed listing of indexes, drawings and documents with schedule for submittal. The
SMIR shall not be set in status 1 before the project finish, and shall be re-submitted to Purchaser
whenever its content is changed.

For frame agreements the following two SMIRs shall be submitted:

- Frame agreement SMIR identifying Standard Documentation
- A purchase order specific SMIR identifying all applicable LCI
11.5.2 Production plan
The production plan shall contain main activities and shall include actual dates.
11.5.3 Quality Control Plans
A separate Quality Control Plan (QCP) shall be made for each material grade, but the various plans may
be compiled in one document. The QCP shall include reference to actual documents including MDS. All
applicable tests and inspections shall be included in the plan. The QCP shall make reference to
acceptance criteria, and include witness (W), review (R) and hold (H) points.
11.5.4 Sub-suppliers list
Lists of sub-suppliers for body, bonnet and trim materials shall be supplied including names and address
of actual manufacturers. An actual manufacturer is a sub-supplier carrying out the operations affecting the
material properties, i.e. actual foundries, forgers and bar manufacturers and not stockists. The lists shall
comprise each material grade such as Carbon Steel, Type 316, Type 6Mo, Super Austenitic SS, Type 22
Cr Duplex, Type 25 Cr Superduplex, Titanium and Nickel Alloys, and shall identify actual UNS numbers.
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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

The lists shall also include qualified range (product type, qualified thickness) and complete plant address
for all manufacturers. The following three lists are required:
List of proposed sub-suppliers of materials where the MDS require qualification and acceptance
List of proposed sub-suppliers of materials where the MDS require acceptance
List of proposed sub-suppliers of materials where the MDS do not require qualification or

In addition the following document is required for frame agreement orders (to be updated on a yearly
Planned qualifications of manufacturers of materials where the MDS require qualification and
11.5.5 Tag list - main equipment tags
The document shall provide a list of all tags purchased including sub-tags and technical hierarchy for
tagged items.
11.5.6 Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Valves
The document shall include, but not be limited to:

Instructions for un-packing, handling, lifting of consignment and components.
Requirements for storage and preservation/de-preservation/re-preservation during installation and
Preservation maintenance to be carried out by the user during storage, installation and in the
period prior to start-up for the intended use
Procedure and necessary documentation for installation, including any additional measures that
Purchaser need to observe prior to and during installation.
Information about valve functions, operating and maintenance instructions.
Bolt tightening procedures, including lubrication requirements
Procedure for maintenance of packing boxes, including recommended compression
Procedure for dismantle and reassembly of actuator/gearbox
Information regarding lubrication
Technical and functional descriptions
Consumption data
Restrictions in use
Relevant health warnings relating to chemicals used etc.

A separate procedure shall be submitted for packing and preservation done by the Supplier.This
procedure shall at least contain the following information:

Description of the initial preservation/protection/packing carried out by the Supplier prior to
Type of preservations/lubricants used, with technical data, handling and safety instructions,
especially giving detail of any chemicals substances used that may be hazardous to personnel or
11.5.7 Spare Parts Interchangeability Register Index (SPIR)
SPIR shall be supplied according to requirements in TR1005.

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For frame agreements a typical SPIR shall be submitted in order to agree on the SPIR format and content.

Spare parts shall be numbered with Suppliers standard spare part numbers. If Supplier needs to identify
Company requirements with a separate identification, this shall be provided as a suffix to Suppliers
standard number.

The same shall apply if changes in Company specifications create a need for separate identification, i.e.
the suffix may change but not the main number.

Interchangeable parts shall have identical numbers, independent of where they are used.

The SPIR shall include recommended spare parts and special tools for both the project (installation,
commissioning and start-up) and operation.

Company shall be able to verify that information given on the SPIR is correct. i.e. that Supplier needs to
attach a document (e.g. BOM w/ manufacturers part number or direct printout of the MTO) verifying SPIR
information or establish a system for direct transfer (to be verified by Company) of information from the
Supplier computer system into the Company SPIR template.
11.5.8 Data sheets - Instrument field equipment
The equipment supplier standard datasheet shall be delivered. The datasheet shall as a minimum contain
the information specified in the applicable datasheet template in TR2381.
Plant specific information (e.g. P.O. number, Tag number, P&ID etc.) is only required for process data
The data sheet shall only describe one equipment type and shall be identified by one document number.
11.5.9 Pneumatic/hydraulic Hook-up drawing
For pneumatic and hydraulic consumers the supplier shall work out hook-up drawings.
A typical hook-up drawing shall indicate details such as:
- Tag number according to ENS
- All instrument/bulk material installed by Supplier
- Connections and dimensions of signal lines/tubing
- Material of instrument bulk

The drawing shall indicate split of responsibilities between Supplier and Purchaser.
11.5.10 Circuit/Wiring diagram
The circuit / wiring diagram(s) shall be sufficient for installation, testing, troubleshooting and maintenance.

The drawing(s) shall reflect the actual internal wiring if relevant and external connections to customers
power supply and control system. Terminal blocks and external references shall be included. Reference
shall be made to the supplier's equipment and terminal marking.

The external connection diagram shall typically include:

Tag number of equipment
Terminal/pin number
External cables with pair and core colour details
External cable tag number
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Earthing details

Internal wiring diagrams for control cabinets shall include:
Terminal block/socket number
Terminal/pin number (including spares)
Internal cable numbers with pair and core colour details
Destination for internal cables
Earthing details
Equipment and equipment connections
External cables with pair and core colour details

Termination information shall be includede in Contractors loop database.
11.5.11 Valve Drawings
General arrangement and detail/cross sectional drawing with parts list may be combined in one drawing.

Detail/cross sectional drawings shall at least comprise:

- Outline dimensions
- Weight, as built.
- Principles for assembly
- All power and signal connection point with entry detail

General arrangement drawings shall show all components in the same scale.

Detail/cross sectional drawings shall at least comprise:

- Outline dimensions.
- Weight, as built.
- Part numbers for all listed parts with reference to drawing, including material standard used and
MDS reference for applicable parts.
- All welds including hardfacing and overlaying
- Lifting lugs
- Bore

Real manufacturers part number is not required on the drawings.

Supplier shall provide weight data on valve general arrangement drawings. Weights shall be listed
separately for valve, actuator, control panel or cabinet and total assembly. This weight data shall be
updated with weighed weights for valves above 1000kg (2000 lbs) when the weighed weight differs more
than 10% from what is stated on the general arrangement drawing.

Supplier shall weigh all valves weighing more than 1000kg (2000 lbs). For identical valves only one
representative valve needs to be weighed. Transportation boxes or frames shall not be included in the
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11.5.12 Certificate of conformance
One document shall cover the complete contract for the applicable project. The Supplier shall confirm that
the requirements in the contract/PO for design, calculations, production, testing and traceability have been

Certificates shall be transferred in viewing format, cross-referenced against contract/purchase order.
11.5.13 Blast load calculations
When specified by Purchaser (e.g. applicable for ESV valves), valve supplier shall document by
calculations that the combined unit has sufficient strength for the explosion loads specified.
11.5.14 Valve calculations
Actuator sizing calculations shall be provided for all actuated valves.

The document shall for control and choke valves describe information related to valve and actuator design
and sizing in a tabulated format.
Required information for all control and choke valves:

Actuator load calculations
Capacity (Cv) as function of travel
Noise calculations, including calculation basis and results, for each specified flow condition
Body and trim exit fluid velocity head calculations

The following additional information is required for control and choke valves in liquid service applications:
Cavitation index data and chtoked flow parameter data both as a function of travel specified for the
selected control valve and application
Size Scale Effect (SSE) and Pressure Scale Effect (PSE) correction data for the cavitation index
Body and trim exit fluid velocity calculations, including number of discreet pressure drop stages
required, for each specified flow condition
11.5.15 Valve test reports
The following test reports are required:
Fugitive emission test reports when specified by Purchaser
Test reports from qualification of non-collapsalbe choke valves when specified by Purchaser
For intelligent positioner with 4-20 mA input and HART or Fieldbus communication and diagnostic
possibilities, a documented footpring/valve signature from FAT shall be delivered.
FAT reports

Test procedures shall include, but not be limited to:

- Description and sequence of tests to be conducted
- Responsibilities
- Equipment used (clamping, instrumentation, etc.)
- Test pressures
- Test duration
- Acceptance criterias
- Description of test documentation
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

11.5.16 Non-conformance reports and deviations
Supplier shall provide a list of all deviations from Companys specifications or Company accepted
specifications. Reports for repaired non-conformances shall not be included.
11.5.17 Manufacturing procedures and reports
For massive tungsten carbide and ceramic materials Supplier shall provide a detailed manufacturing
procedure documenting that the MDS requirements are fulfilled. The manufacturing procedure shall detail
tolerances on all essential variables.
footprint/valve signature from the FAT shall be delivered electronically in a readable file format.
11.5.18 NDE drawings, sketches and other NDE documentation
A separate procedure shall be submitted for each method. The NDE procedure(s) shall at least describe:

- scope
- description of methods
- for radiographic examination of castings; sketches showing sections to be examined
- for ultrasonic examination; sketches showing scanning pattern
- equipment to be used
- personnel qualification
- applicable standards
- acceptance criteria
- reporting
11.5.19 Welding procedure(s)
Welding procedures (WPS + PQR) shall comprise:

- approved welding procedure specifications
- welding procedure qualification records
- additional requirements in TR2000
- standard
11.5.20 Painting procedure(s)
A coating system data sheet (CSDS) shall be prepared for all coating systems. The CSDS shall include at
least the following information for each product:

- surface pre-treatment requirements
- film thickness (maximum, minimum and specified)
- maximum and minimum re-coating intervals at relevant temperatures
- information on thinners to be used (quantities and type)
- coating repair system

A detailed coating procedure specification (CPS) shal be established. The CPS shall contain the following:

- identification of equipment for surface preparation and application
- information given on coating system data sheet
- personnel protective equipment to be used
- safety data sheets for each product
- product data sheets
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

The CPS shall be re-qualified if there is any change of coating material or any change of method and
equipment for surface preparation and coating application.

In the event of deviations for specified requirements, the following shall as a minimum be included in the
final documentation:

- deviation from the coating systems specified in the latest revision of drawings and specifications
- deviation from specified surface cleaning and pre-treatment requirements
- deviation from the minimum total film thickness
11.5.21 Mechanical completion / commissioning dossier
The mechanical completion (MC) dossier consist of a variety of documents presenting and verifying the
hook-up and assembly of the actuated valve. The compiled MC dossier may be provided as scanned files
or hardcopy.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

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12 Additional information
12.1 Definitions and abbreviations
316 AISI 316 type material
6Mo 6% Mo austenitic steel
Company Statoil
CSLT Carbon Steel Impact tested
CSNT Carbon Steel No impact tested
Dx 22% Cr. Duplex
EPMS Engineering Procurement and Manufacturing Schedule
F11 High temperature Carbon Steel
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis
GoM Gulf of Mexico
HART Highway Adressable Remote Transducer
LCI Life Cycle Information
MDS Material Data Sheet
MMT Material Movement Ticket
Ni Nickel Based Alloys
NDE Non Destructive Examination
PO Purchase Order
PQR Procedure Qualification Record
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
Purchaser The party who issues the purchase order
SA Super Austenite
SDx 25% Cr. Duplex
SIRL Supplier Information Requirements List
SMIR Supplier Master Information Register
SPIR Spare Parts Interchangeability Record
Supplier The party who manufactures or supplies the equipment and services specified by
Ti Titanium
WPS Welding Procedure Specification
12.2 Changes from previous version
General: Temperature in Farenheit and pressure in psi added
4.6 Clarification of requirement (second line)
4.7.1 Added requirements for packing box
5.3 Major update of table 1 material requirements for body/bonnet
5.4 Major update of table 2 Material requirements for trim materials
5.6 Requirements for company acceptance of material manufacturers have been detailed.
5.7.1 Table material requirements for pressure retaining bolting has been removed. Will be covered by
MDS XN501.
5.7.5 Material Requirements to actuator locking ring modified.
5.7.8 New table 4 showing materials for various valve parts.
5.8 Added requirements to wear resistant materials.
6.2.3 Requirement to switching frequency removed
6.2.3 Requirements to LED indication changed from shall to should
6.4 Additional requirement for clarification
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

7 Text removed and reference to TR0042 remain
8.1 Remove purchase order number and port size as nameplate information
8.2 Material of tag nameplate clarified
9.1 Requirement for hydrostatic testing as an assembled unit has changed.
11 Chaper 11 is revised to harmonize with TR2381
App B Extended Requirements for TR2212, when used in the Gulf of Mexico
12.3 References
ASME B16.5 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings
ASME B16.10 Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of valves
ASME B16.34 Valves flanged, threaded, and welding end
ASME VIII ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Rules for Construction of Pressure
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Welding and brazing qualification
Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
Recommended Practice, Personnel Qualification and Certification Nondestructive
BS 2915 Specification for Bursting Discs and Bursting Discs Devices
EN 286-1 Simple Unfired Pressure Vessels Designed to Contain Air or Nitrogen
Part 1 : Pressure Vessels for General Purposes
EN 473 Non-destructive testing. Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
EN 13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels Part 1 : General
EN 60947-5-6

EPA 40 CFR Part
60, Appendix A
EPA 40 CFR, Part
EPA 40 CFR, Part
63, Subpart H
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
Part 5-6 : Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements
DC Interface for Proximity Sensors and Switching Amplifiers (NAMUR)
Reference Method 21- Determiation of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks

Monitoring Requirements
National Emissions Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment
FCI 70-2 Control valve seat leakage
GL3001 Process Safety
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
IEC 60534-2 Process control valves
IEC 61158 Industrial Communication Networks Fieldbus Specifications
ISA 75.01 Flow equations for sizing control valves
ISA S75 Face-to-face dimensions for integral flanged globe-style control valve bodies
ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles
ISO 15156 Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production
ISO 15848-1 Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emssions.
Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves
ISO 15848-2 Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emssions.
Production acceptance test of valves
ISPM No 15 Guidelines for regulating wood packing material in international trade
NACE MR0175 Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic material
NORSOK M-501 Surface preparation and protective coating
NORSOK M-650 Qualification of manufacturers of special materials
PD 5500 Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels
TR0042 Surface Preparation and Protective Coating
TR2381 LCI requirements
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Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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TR1005 SPIR Registration
TR2000 Piping and Valve Material Specification
TR3001 Process Safety
TR3030 Automation, technical requirements and standards
WR1622 Technology Qualification

Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

App A CE marking applicable for valves supplied to the European Community
Pressure ratings given in section 4.2 have been approved by Companys Notified body and will therefore
fulfil PED (97/23/EC) requirements.

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Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

App B Extended Requirements for GoM - applicable for valves supplied to the Gulf of
B.1 General
The purpose of this appendix is to provide requirements and guidelines to system design, equipment
selection and design and quality assurance of TR2212 for installation on production facilities located
offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.

Technical requirements for equipment are given in dedicated Company Standard TR2212. This appendix
extends the Company Standard for use in the Gulf of Mexico. Deletions, additions and replacements to the
Company Standard document are detailed in the following sections.
B.2 Section 3.2
[Replace with]
Unless otherwise specified, maximum noise levels from control valves in continuous service shall not
exceed 85 dBA at 1 meter (3 feet) distance from the valve, based on OSHA 1910.95 requirement for 8-
hour noise level requirement.

For valves in intermittent service, 95dBA at 1 meter (3 feet) for services <4 hrs or 105dBA at 1 meter (3
feet) for service <1 hr maximum noise levels may be approved by Company based on OSHA 1910.95
B.3 Section 5.5.3
[Replace with]
Certification of NDE operators shall be in accordance with ASNT-TC-1A.
B.4 Section 5.6
[Replace with]
Material manufacturers shall have been formally accepted by Company.
The requirement for NORSOK M-650 is not applicable.
B.5 Section 5.7.7
[Replace with]
Handwheels shall be in stainless steel (minimum SS304/316), or carbon steel galvanized according to
ASTM-A123 and painted according to requirements in chapter 7.
B.6 Section 6.1
[Replace with]
The equipment shall be certified for Class I, Division 2 Gas Group C & D, and temperature class T3 as a
minimum and shall be UL, FM, or CSA certified, unless other specified.
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

Junction boxes shall be NEMA 4x with a minimum IP56 rating. Outdoor cable glands shall UL certified for
Class I, Division 2 Gas Group C & D and temperature class T3 hazardous area as a minimum.
B.7 Section 6.1.2
[Replace with]
Unless otherwise specified, the control valve application shall be designed and sized for the following:
Pneumatic connection to be NPT and imperial tube size
[Replace with]
Electrical supply:
- 24 VDC for field instruments
- 480VAC 60Hz 3 phase for electrical actuators
B.8 Section 6.3
[Replace with]
Cable glands shall have NPT threads. Gland terminations in sheet steel boxes that require a clearance
hole shall use purpose built hub adapters.

Items with threaded entries other than NPT metric shall be fitted with adapters giving correct entry for NPT
B.9 Section 6.4.3
Air reservoirs shall be in accordance with ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1.
[Replace with]
For small standard pressure vessels for air and nitrogen, ASME Section VIII, Division, is to be used.
[Replace with]
Air reservoirs shall be equipped with a pressure indicator and an ASME Section VIII coded pressure safety
valve or rupture disc overpressure safety device.
B.10 Section 9.6.1
Valve packing shall limit fugitive emissions of any substance containing greater then 5% by weight of
volatile hazardous air pollutants as defined in 40 CFR Part 63, to a maximum of 500 ppmv or the
applicable local regulation, whichever is more stringent. Determination of leaks and monitoring
requirements shall comply with 40 CFR Parts 60 (Method 21) and 61.
B.11 Section 12.3
ASTM-A123 Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
Governing document: Control and Choke Valves Classification: Internal

Project development (PD), Technical and professional requirement, TR2212, Final Ver. 3, valid from

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Validity area: Corporate technical requirements/All value chains/On- and offshore

ASNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice, Personnel Qualification and Certification Non-destructive

EPA 40 CFR Part
60, Appendix A
EPA 40 CFR, Part
EPA 40 CFR, Part
63, Subpart H
Reference Method 21- Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks

Monitoring Requirements
National Emissions Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants for Equipment

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