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In a circus an elephant is kept tied from running away,by fixing a metal chain
to a belt around the elephants leg which is attached to a tiny wooden peg hammered in to the
ground! The mighty elephant can easily uproot the wooden peg and escape for freedom! "ut it
cant do that and at least doesnt try e#en! Its because when the elephant was a baby a strong
chain was tied around its leg and the other end of it was tethered to a metal$not wooden% stake
on the ground! The chain and metal stake are strong enough for baby elephant! &hen it tried to
break away the metal chain would pull it back! Sometimes tempted by the the world it could see
in the distance,the baby elephant would pull harder but in #ain! The chain would cut the skin on
its leg making it bleed and e#en causing a wound! Soon the baby elephant reali'ed it was futile
trying to escape and stopped trying! So now when the mighty circus elephant is tied to a small
wooden peg it still has #i#id memories of the pain it felt as a baby, and doesnt try to breakaway! It
recogni'es its limitations and knows that it can only mo#e as far as the chain will allow it to! It
doesnt matter the metal stake was replaced by small wooden peg! It does not matter the ())*
kilo baby is now a +)))* kilo powerhouse!The elephants belief pre#ails!
&hat is true for elephant is true for all of us! &e are like circus elephant! &e
ha#e incredible power inside! "ut we ha#e also chains and pegs! Our self limiting beliefs holding
us back from achie#ing what was well within our power!
&hen we are young we are used to hear ,-ont do that,,,You cant do that,,or
,You are not good,! .nd we stop oursel#es from aiming high enough,because
&e say,
I cannot do because I was trained like this in my childhood
I dont speak /nglish too well
I didnt study in premier "*School!
I am disturbed in my life earlier
I come from poor family!
O#er time these beliefs about our limitations become stronger and stronger! These self limiting
beliefs become chains 0 wooden pegs that stop from TRYI12 /3/1 .4T/R
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7etal poles get replaced by feeble wooden pegs but we dont recogni'e that! &e gi#e up with out
e#en trying!
Snap the chain smash the wooden peg! "reak your self limiting belief and set yourself
free!today do that one thing you are scared to do because of memories of a failed attempt!
2o ahead! 6nleash the elephant within!

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