Fire Drill

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Fire Drill

Captain is the overall in charge of the command of the vessel and it also the case of emergency.
Procedure of the training
The watch man or the crew see a fire onboard, the crew must be alert for the situation and he
will press the alarm button.
After the crew press the alarm button the officer in charge must report to the captain.
The captain must call the all crew to gather in muster station.
And if the captain tells the situation the command officer together with his assigned team must
report to the respected are.
There are 3 teams of conducting fire drill that will go to their respective area, this are the
Emergency Respond Team, Support Team, Reserved Team. All of this team has their respective
The Emergency Respond Team is headed by the Chief Mate and 2
Engr. Their duty is to attack
the fire in the respective area and to be able to control the emergency situation. There are two
crews that the member had these are the oiler and the wiper.
The 2
Team is the Support Team, this team headed by the Chief engr. And their task is to
support the attack team and this team consists of first aid or they were called as the rescue
team. This team has a member of 3 people, the mess man, chief cook, and the engine crew.
Lastly the Reserved Team, this team Is headed by the 2
Officer their task is to be able to
proceed to the scene area for Back-up. This team consists of 2 members this are the deck crew
and the boson.
Drills conducted twice a month.
Abandon ship Drill
First press the alarm signal for abandoning
Then the masters call all the crew and the crew must be in a lifesaving costumed and they will
report to the muster station.
And the master will give the information to all crew and the crew will automatically proceed to
their respective task. Or in a life boat.In this drill there are two command officer that having
their task for releasing a lifeboat. 1
is the starboard side the assign officer of that area is the
Chief mate and in the port side is the 2
Drills conducted once a month

Collision Drill
Press the alarm for collision
And the master or the officer in charge will give the instruction to all for what is the situation
and there are teams that will respond for this kind of drill these are Emergency Respond Team
and Back-up Team.
The Emergency Respond Team, This team will head by the chief mate and the members of the
team are the oiler, wiper. They will respond the area of damage and they will report to the
captain and give the all information that they have.
Back-up Team, This team headed by the Chief Engr. And his member are the mess man and the
chief cook, and their task is to notice if there is an big damage or they task is to rechecked the
area of damage.
This drill conducted one s a month.
Safety Drill
For the Safety Drill is after the drill that be conducted on that day the master have a briefing or
they called as a safety meeting. The master will having a conversation to the crew if the
training needs to be improve or they will satisfied.
And the crew had a chance to give some comments or suggestion just to be the drill will be in
good result.
Safety drill focuses the safety of the crew and the safety for all the life saving apparatus, for
example all lifeboats must checked by the chief officer.
These drill conducted in ones a week every month.
Piracy Drill
If the gangway watch have seen a vessel that approaching there vessel.
And if the master will confirm that they are being attacked by the pirates the master will press
the alarm button and give information to all crew.
And after the master give the information, the master will give the instruction. And the
instruction is all crew must gather in 1 room and all the gang ways and sideways will be secured
and locked. And the important appliances must be secured on board.
Based on the result the piracy drill conducted ones a month and they conducted in Saturday in

FIRE FIGHTING Abondon ship drill,Collision drill.pirates attack drill

Fire Fighting,Abondon ship drill,Collision drill.pirates attack drill. Al these drill developed
teamwork, awareness, discipline, an cooperation. Without this procedure the training will not be in a
serious situation. And all these procedure is important to all training that will conducted onboard.
Because for us to be responsible on our work and be aware from any danger. In teamwork . it is
important for us to be success and the training will be done propelly. Awareness it is important for us to
be self-awareness,without this kind of procedure the training have possibility to get failed of our
training. Or our life will be in danger if we have no self-awareness.Discipline it is important for the crew
to have a discipline, to be able to be responsible and being respectful to their work. Cooperation is one
procedures that develop the training because the work onboard needs the cooperation and It is
important for the crew to be able to be the training will successfully done and had no error for work.

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