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RA 1054 Free Emergency medical and dental attendance to

employees/ laborers
RA 1050 Civil Service Eligibility
RA 1392 Midwifery Law
RA 1612 Privilege Tax
RA 1636 Compulsory membersip to SSS to self!employed
RA 2382 Pilippine Medical "ct
RA 3019 #raft and Corruption Practice "ct
RA 3573 $eporting of Communicable %iseases
RA 4073 Treatment of leprosy under ambulatory arrangement
RA 4226 &ospital Licensure "ct
RA 4419 %ental "ct
RA 5181 Permanent residence and reciprocity 'ualifications for
RA 821 Parmacy act
RA 5901 (or)ing ours and compensation of ospital and clinic
w/ *++ bed capacity
RA 6111 Pilippine Medical Care
RA 6365 Population commission
RA 6425 %angerous act of *,-.
RA 6571 $e'uirement of fees for exam
RA 6675 #eneric act *,//
RA 6713 Code of Etics #overnment Employees
RA 6725 Proibition of discrimination against women
RA 6727 (age $ationali0ation "ct
RA 6758 Salary standardi0ation law for government wor)ers
RA 6809 "ge of ma1ority is */
RA 6972 %ay Care Center for every barangay
RA 7160 Local "utonomy Code 2devolution/transfer of L#34
RA 7164 5ld 6ursing law
RA 7170 5rgan %onation
RA 7192 (omen in development and nation building
RA 7277 Magna Carta of %isable persons
RA 7308 Magna Carta publics ealt wor)ers
RA 7432 Senior Citi0ens 7enefits and Privileges
RA 7600 $ooming!in and 7reastfeeding "ct of *,,.
RA 7610 Cild abuse and Exploitation
RA 7615 %rug education
RA 7641 6ew retirement Program of te Pilippines
RA 7659 %eat Penalty of &einous Crime
RA 7719 6ational 7lood Service "ct of *,,8
RA 7846 9accination of eap 7 w/in .8 ours after birt
RA 7875 6ational &ealt :nsurance "ct of *,,;
RA 7877 Migrant wor)ers and 5F( act of *,,;
RA 8187 Paternity Leave "ct of *,,;
RA 8344 &ospitals/M%<s to treat emergency cases referred to
RA 8423 Traditional and alternative medicine
RA 8428 Personal Tax Exemption
RA 8749 Clean "ir "ct
RA 8981 P$C moderni0ation act
RA 9003 Solid waste management
RA 9048 #ionigudo "ct 2misspelled birt certificate 4
RA 9255 $evilla law 2illegitimate use of fater<s name4
RA 9173 6ew 6ursing law
RA 9165 Compreensive dangerous drug act of .++/
RA 9267 Expanded Senior Citi0en<s "ct
RA 9288 6ewborn Screening
PD 49 8 Cildren w/ paid Maternity 7enefits
PD 69 8 Cildren for Personal Exemption
PD 79 Population Commission
PD 116 Strengtening Family Planning
PD 147 6ational :mmuni0ation %ay
PD 148 (omen and Cild Labor Law
PD 223 Created P$C
PD 442 6ew Labor Code
PD 491 6utrition Program
PD 541 Practice of former Filipino professionals in te Pilippines
PD 568 $ole Public &ealt Midwives expanded under te $C%S
PD 603 Cild and =out (elfare Code
PD 626 Employee Compensation > State :nsurance Fund
PD 651 7irt $egistration witin ?+ days after delivery
PD 825 "nti!improper garbage disposal
PD 851 *?
Mont Pay
PD 856 Code of Sanitation
PD 965 Family Planning and $esponsible Parentood
PD 996 Compulsory :mmuni0ation Program 2EP:4 for cildren
below / yrs@ 5ld
PD 1083 Muslim &olidays
PD 1146 6ew #S:S Law
PD 1359 "pplicants for Pilippine citi0ensip ta)e board exams
PD 1519 $evised Medicare benefits to all government employees
PD 1636 Compulsory membersip to SSS or #S:S retirement fund
PD 3200 Professional $egulatory Code of te Pilippines
PD 4226 &ospital Licensure "ct
EO 51 Mil) code
EO 174 6ational %rug Policy
EO 180 #uidance on te rigt to organi0e of #ov<t employees
EO 203 List of regular olidays > special olidays
EO 209 Family Code of te Pilippines 2amended by $" A/+,4
EO 220 Code of #ood #overnance for te Professionals
EO 226 Command $esponsibility
#20 Series 1983 :mplementing $ules > $egulations of $"
#633 Series 1984 :C6 Code of Etics
#1955 Series 1994 P6" Code of Etics
#217 Series 1992 %elisting of %elin'uent professionals
#08 Series 1994 Special Training on :ntravenous :n1ections
# 20 Series 1994 :mplementing $ules > regulations of $"
# 1878 Series 1991 :ssuance > $enewal of Professional
# 381 Series 1995 CPE Programs of Prof@ $egulator 2E5 ..A4
BON # 112 "doption of te Core Competency
Standards for 6ursing Practice
BON # 220 Code of Etics for Filipino 6urses
BON # 357 Submission > "ttacment of %ocuments for
BON # 459 MC6 Standards of te Pilippines
PRC Resolution
# 179
Continuing profile education for all
PRC Resolution
# 463
Proibits bringing of review materials inside
te testing area 2Programmable Calculators4
Pro # 6 36 goal on 3niversal Cild :mmuni0ation by
Pro # 47 %irects all scools of nursing > midwifery to
include FP in teir curriculum
Pro # 116 Professional $egulation (ee) 2Bune *A!..4
Pro # 118 6ational Family 3nity (ee) 2last wee) of
Pro # 539 6urses (ee) 2last wee) of 5ctober4
Pro # 949 Created Primary &ealt Care Treatment
Pro # 1000 #iving preference to member of "P5 wen
AO 114 series
$evised role of P&6
!O" No# Members of P6" given Priority for iring

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