Desert Magazine 1947 October

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M A- G A Z I N E


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and not by guess!
Counting the new models, there They also clean your car from top to for danger signs. Finally, all tires are
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why—no matter how many times they empty the ash trays and sweep the floor- with a soft cloth.
may lubricate your car—the Union Oil boards. All door hinges are lubricated. Such extra-special service is typi-
Minute Men never trust their memory. The choke, throttle and light switches cal of all Minute Man operations. Every
Your car is lubricated by reference to its are oiled for easier manipulation, as are step has been carefully and systemati-
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But you get more than just a good Mechanical points underneath the car Try the Union Oil Minute Men for real
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Sept.-Oct.—Arts of the Pacific Coast In-
dians, Special exhibit, Southwest
Museum, Los Angeles, California.
Sept. 28-Oct. 5—New Mexico state fair,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Oct., first week—Indian fair, arts and
crafts market, Shiprock, New Mex-
Oct. 3-4—Apache county fair, St. Johns,
Arizona. Volume 10 OCTOBER, 1947 Number 12
Oct. 3-4—Sierra club, Desert Peaks sec-
tion, climb of Pinto peak and Cerro COVER SENITA, or Old-Man Cactus, p h o t o g r a p h e d n e a r
Gordo, Inyo county, California. Arizona-Mexico border. By Chuck Abbott,
Oct. 3-4—Gay Nineties celebration,
Ridgecrest-Inyokern, California. Tucson, Arizona.
Oct. 3-5—Cochise county fair, Douglas, CALENDAR October e v e n t s o n the desert 3
Oct. 4—Annual fiesta and elk dance, PHOTOGRAPHY A n n o u n c e m e n t of A u g u s t contest w i n n e r s . . 4
Nambe pueblo, New Mexico.
Oct. 4—Annual meeting, Southern Ari- PERSONALITY P a d r e of the Desert
zona Pioneer Cowboy association,
Mobley ranch, Douglas, Arizona. By MARGARET PHILLIPS 5
Oct. 4—Gila county fair, Young, Ari- INDIAN LORE Don't Knock o n a H o g a n Door
Oct. 8-11—Eastern New Mexico state By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH . . . 9
fair, Roswell, New Mexico. HUMOR H a r d Rock Shorty of Death V a l l e y 13
Oct. 17-18—Greenlee county fair, Dun-
can, Arizona. NATURE Its Nose is a Shovel
Oct. 17-19—Luna county fair, Deming,
New Mexico. By GLENN E. VARGAS 14
Oct. 24-26—Tombstone Days, Tomb- ART OF LIVING
stone, Arizona. Desert Trails, b y MARSHAL SOUTH . . . . 15
Oct. 25-26—Sierra club climb, Toro POETRY
peak and Martinez mountain, Santa Little P a p o o s e , a n d other p o e m s 17
Rosa mountains, California. BOTANY
Oct. 27-29—American Mining congress T h e s e Plants S p o n g e Upon Their Neighbors
and International Mining days, El By MARY BEAL 18
Paso, Texas.
Oct. 29-31—National Reclamation asso- FIELD TRIP Field D a y for Topaz Hunters
ciation convention, Phoenix, Ari- By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 19
Oct. 31—Nevada Admission day cele- A test of y o u r k n o w l e d g e of the desert . . . . 24
bration, Carson City, Nevada. ART
Oct. 31—Mardi Gras, Barstow, Cali- Artist of Dos P a l m a s
fornia. By JOHN HILTON 24
Oct. 31—Halloween Mardi Gras, Tuc- MINING
son, Arizona. Current n e w s briefs 26
Mid-Oct.—Harvest festival and doll
dance, Zuni pueblo, New Mexico. LETTERS C o m m e n t from Desert M a g a z i n e r e a d e r s . . . 27
CONTEST A n n o u n c e m e n t of October photo contest . . . 28
NEWS Here a n d There on the Desert 29

Keep your copies of LAPIDARY A m a t e u r G e m Cutter, b y LELANDE QUICK . . 34

HOBBY G e m s a n d Minerals 35
DESERT I IAGAZINE in INDEX A n n u a l index, V o l u m e 10 of Desert M a g a z i n e . 42
Loose Lea f Binders! COMMENT Just Between You a n d Me, b y t h e Editor . . . 46
These gold-<embossed binders BOOKS Current r e v i e w s of b o o k s of the Southwest . . 47
are made especially ior Desert
readers. Mageizines are quickly The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., 636 State Street,
inserted, and they open flat for El Centro, California. Entered as second class matter October 11, 1937, at the post office at
El Centro, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S.
easy referencis. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1947 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce
contents must be secured from the editor in writing.
Each binde • has space for a RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor. BESS STACY, Business Manager.
year's copies . Mailed to you HAROLD and LUCILE WEIGHT, Associate Editors.
postpaid for Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for damape
or loss of manuscripts or photographs although Sue care will be exercised. Subscribers shoulr!
send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue. If address is un-
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Subscriptions to Army personnel outside U.S.A. must be mailed in conformity with
P.O.D. Order No. 19687.
Address correspondence to Desert Magazine, 636 State Street, El Centro, California.
O/ California
OCTOB R, 1947
dl&ie ate tke

This picture of Mrs. Tony Yassie and her son,

Navajo Indians of Monument valley, won first
award in Desert Magazine's August contest.
Photograph was taken by Ward W. Howland,
Los Angeles, California. Zeiss Ikon Nettar cam-
era. 1/25 second at f.22—midday in June, 1947.

Subject for Desert's October photographic contest

is "Desert Clouds." Cloud effects in the sky
should predominate in the picture—and the des-
ert offers wonderful possibilities for photograph-
ers in this field. See complete rules and prize
offer on another page of this issue.
Navajo boy in Monument valley. Photograph
taken by Hubert A. Lowman, South Gate, Cali-
fornia. 1/100 second at f.ll. Yellow filter, high
speed panchromatic film.



Byron and Walter Jo-Jo Hansen, nephews of Father Crowley, unveiled the monument
dedicating Crowley lake in honor of the Desert Padre.

would be unseemly to pay such tribute to

any individual priest, his friends were
given to understand. These friends set
about to find other ways to perpetuate for-
ever the name and memory of the Padre
of the Desert.
By MARGARET PHILLIPS LISTS of gold and red aspen leaves When the City of Los Angeles named
sailed overhead, thick as early au- in his honor the huge new lake formed by
Photographs by Curtis Phillips tumn snowflakes, and a sharp impounding waters in Long valley, it was
breeze ruffled the beautiful blue waters a special tribute to a great man from a
of the new lake. Two little boys quickly great antagonist. Once the representatives
The desert country owes much drew back the veil, revealing the stone of the city had literally shaken a fist in the
to its padres—Garces, Kino, Es- monument dedicated to the memory of Padre's face, but he won from them re-
calanie, Salvatierra, U g a r t e, the Padre of the Desert. spect and admiration. From his own peo-
Font—these are just a few of the If the spirit of the Padre looked down ple he won love.
many robed knights of the on the scene, he must have been deeply Probably never before has any man
church who blazed trails in the touched, for it was just such a ceremony come to our desert and in the space of a
arid Southwest for the trapper, as he himself might have planned. The few years won tremendous love and devo-
the gold-seeker and eventually Padre possessed a supreme sense of the tion from a large and widespread group
the settlers who came to this re- dramatic and the whimsical, and elements of people. If you try to learn the reason for
gion at a later date. But while we of both were to be found in the occasion, this great love, everyone will give you a
pay tribute to the Catholic fathers with Catholic, Jew and Gentile joining to different answer, according to his own
of the 17th and 18th centuries for do him honor. viewpoint, for Father Crowley possessed
the zeal and courage of their When the Very Rev. Monsignor John J. that universality as a person which Shakes-
quest for souls, the heroic quali- Crowley was killed in an auto accident peare possessed as a writer. He was always
ties they possessed still live in very early in the morning on St. Patrick's sincere, always himself, yet as much at
the hearts of succeeding genera- day in 1940, his friends of the desert and home chatting with a blasphemous old
tions and of today. Father Crow- mountains proposed to carry through to stonemason in the desert as exchanging
ley, Padre of the Desert, who met completion his plans for an All Souls verbal daggers with Dr. Haines, chairman
an untimely death in 1940, de- Memorial chapel in Death Valley; but of the department of water and power of
serves a niche in the same hall of they wished to dedicate it to the memory the City of Los Angeles.
honor as is occupied by those of the Padre of the Desert. The plan was Born among the storied lakes of Killar-
padres of an earlier period. not approved by the Catholic church. It ney in Ireland, John Joseph Crowley came

to America as an immigrant boy of eleven, campaign of 1923-24 in Owens valley. As Merritt appeared before the Los Angeles
one of a large family with little means. He the ranches were bought by the city, their board of water and power.
grew up in Massachusetts, attended Clark irrigation water was turned into the Los "The very fact that the people sent their
university, Holy Cross college and St. Angeles aqueduct. All Inyo would be priest down made the board members sit
Mary's seminary, Baltimore. Ordained for turned back to desert, rumor said. Hun- up and take notice," Father Crowley
the priesthood in the diocese of Monterey, dreds of families sold to the city and smiled.
he served for a few months in 1919 as as- moved out, while others were ready to The Padre of the Desert was a modest
sistant in St. Agnes parish, Los Angeles. fight to stay on their lands. The Padre was man, but he knew the force of his own
Because he was so obviously fitted by deeply concerned over the problems of his personality; and he enjoyed the confusion
disposition to make a fine husband and people and the empty new churches, with that his presence created at the board meet-
father, I once asked him if he missed the their mortgages now hopeless of payment. ing. The board members were surprised
family he might have had. In his reply to In 1924 Bishop MacGinley appointed by the stature of the man who had come up
this direct question, he gave the only ad- him chancellor in Fresno, and he had no against them. When they attempted to
nrssion of loneliness which I ever knew choice but to accept. For ten years he pass the situation off by inviting the Padre
him to make. served there, winning great honor and to send them a definite statement, a writ-
"Yes," he said. "No man ever enters recognition, but in 1933 he fell ill from ten outline, of what he wanted, the priest
the priesthood without the consciousness overwork. For eight months he lay in the drew from his pocket a well-formulated
of a great sacrifice. But if I had a family of hospital. 13-point program, stating the exact re-
my own, I could not possibly be 'Father' to quests of the people of Inyo. The interview
everyone as I am now. I don't even dare to Lying in his bed, he thought over the closed with sharp words between the
become intimate with any special friends, things that had happened to Inyo with the Padre and Dr. Haines, chairman of the
or some others of my people might feel passing years. Desperate farmers had dy- board of water and power.
that my attention was all taken up and that namited the aqueduct in 1927 without
The board investigated the Inyo Asso-
I had no time for their problems." doing any good for the country. More and
ciates and found them solid business men.
more people moved away, farms returned
With a larger than ordinary capacity for It had been taken for granted in Los An-
to the desert, and merchants went out of
love, he poured his affection on the great, geles that all Owens valleyans were dyna-
business. At the end of the buying cam-
austere, dramatic land of desert and moun- miters, just as it had been taken for grant-
paign Los Angeles owned 80 per cent of
tains around Owens valley. Even before he ed in the valley that all Angelenos were
the valley lands according to area, or 90
saw Inyo, he yearned toward it when he dirty politicians.
per cent according to tax valuation. Citi-
heard the call issued for a volunteer priest zens saw no hope for home building in Most important of the requests which
to go to this lonely and little known place the future. Father Crowley presented for the Asso-
in 1919. The county had never had a resi- ciates were two: that the city should ap-
dent pastor and the four churches its priest The churches which the Padre had built point a single responsible representative
would serve were spread over 10,000 for Inyo had smaller congregations, debts to handle the board's affairs in Owens
square miles. Young Father Crowley ac- as large as ever, and no prospects of pay- valley so that matters would not be end-
cepted the call. Archbishop Cantwell in- ing them off. He longed to bring back lessly footballed from person to person
formed the volunteer that he would not be people and welfare to the churches he had and department to department, with prom-
allowed to stay more than two years, as it founded. Through the bedridden months, ises broken all the way along; and that
would make any man queer to stay more plans formulated in his mind. In 1934 the city should sell back valley homes to
than two years in Inyo. Father Crowley was able to be up a bit, and private owners. A great deal of quiet work
Little Santa Rosa church in Lone Pine, for the sake of his health, he was allowed by Father Crowley and Ralph Merritt be-
his headquarters, threw up its spire toward to choose the field in which he would gan to bear fruit in increased good will,
Mt. Whitney, highest peak in the United work. A semi-invalid, he returned to the especially as the personnel of the board
States. Off to the east, and still in his par- desert and recovered rapidly. changed.
ish, was Death Valley, lowest point in the To bring prosperity and members to his In September, 1938, these activities
nation. The extravagance of nature in put- churches, he had two aims, to make the culminated in a tour of the valley for mem-
ting such extremes into one parish was a people of Inyo realize that their scenery bers of the Los Angeles city council and
constant delight to him, even when every- was now their greatest commercial asset, the board of water and power, with a big
thing else was hard. and to bring about co-operative relations dinner in the evening where the Los An-
Irish courage and humor sustained him with the City of Los Angeles. If the an- geles men could meet personally with the
through the discouraging first days in the tagonistic neighbors could become friend- business men of the valley and learn at
field. He had no rectory and "lived in his ly, perhaps Los Angeles would sell back first hand of the needs of Inyo. The
suitcase" he related, spending most of his some of its property in Owens valley and Padre's sense of the dramatic was at its
days and many nights plowing through the little desert towns could again become best in playing up the striking and roman-
sand ruts in a Model T. Sometimes he had self-respecting, home-owning communi- tic possibilities of such a meeting. The din-
a cot in the backroom of one of the ties. ner was held around a huge open camp-
churches and sometimes he stayed in a ho- fire in the dusk, at Whitney Portal, with
tel. Services were held alternately at For a long time the Padre talked his the towering rock walls outlined against a
Bishop, Lone Pine, Barstow and Rands- problem over with Ralph Merritt, a close starry heaven and the scent of tall pines
burg. friend and a business man with a brilliant in the air.
mind. They planned a new organization
When a permanent priest was placed at for the county, to be made up of progres- The exchange of wary courtesies began
Barstow, Father Crowley was asked to re- sive and forward looking men from each to give way to genuine friendliness. One
turn to Los Angeles as assistant to the town, men willing to forget the past and councilman rose and stated that he did not
Bishop of Los Angeles. He preferred to plan enthusiastically for the future. see why the people of Inyo should worry
stick to the job he had chosen in Inyo. Twenty-one men organized as the Inyo about purchasing houses when they had
Every year he was urged to return to the Associates, formulated a definite program for a home the protection of these moun-
city and each time he declined. for community betterment and appointed tain walls and the beautiful dome of sky
To take care of his large congregation a number of committees, including one for overhead. Just then the first drops of a
in Bishop, he was authorized to build a the improvement of relations with the rainshower began to fall.
new church. The week after it was com- City of Los Angeles. As representatives of "Because the roof leaks," the Padre was
pleted, Los Angeles launched its buying this group, Father Crowley and Ralph quick to reply, as pleased with nature's co-


The Padre ivas beloved jor the ivhole-hearted manner in which he entered into the spirit of
every event. When hone Vine citizens dressed in old time garb for their Mt. Whitney-
Death Valley celebration, the Padre found himself the garb of a priest of many years ago
and wore his costume all during the week of the festivities.

operation as if he had planned even this mouth of Long valley, north of Owens va1- anyone could remember. To the people
detail. The meeting adjourned to the par- ley, would insure an adequate supply of involved, it seemed a miracle to find them-
ish hall in Lone Pine. water for both Inyo and Los Angeles. Get- selves doing teamwork with neighbors
Late in 1938 the first deed was deliv- ting the dam built was essential to the who had always been quarrelsome rivals.
ered in Big Pine for the sale of city-owned Padre's plans. The city had voted the Calls for the Padre's time were more
property back to a private owner. Only money and drawn the blueprints but no and more pressing. He was holding regu-
town properties were sold, no ranch lands, steps were taken to start the project. One lar services in Inyokern, 68 miles south of
and the city retained the underground night the city's chief engineer, attending Lone Pine; Death Valley, 105 miles east,
water rights; but this was sufficient to re- an Inyo Associates meeting, attempted to and Mammoth, 104 miles north. Each
establish morale and make the beginnings walk out on a discussion of the dam. In a Sunday he read mass in both Lone Pine
of a new economic life. The Father could deadly serious joke, the Padre had the door and Bishop, with additional regular serv-
feel that his flock would be provided roofs locked ard refused to let him go. Before ices in Keeler. His was the largest parish
that would not leak. that meeting adjourned, the city engineer in the United States, and he never failed
Claude H. VanNorman had been given not only pledged that the dam would be an appointed service. Weekly he wrote a
complete charge of the valley affairs fcr bu'lt, but he set the date for operations newspaper column, "Tumbleweed," fol-
the city and people found that they cou'd to begin. This is the dan, finished after lowed as eagerly by the general public as
depend upon the promises he made. Tax the Padre's passing, which was named in by Catholics, for its wit and keen drama-
suits with which the county had been an- his honor. tic observation of human nature and of
noyed were dropped by the city. An amaz- The Padre was supremely proud of the Inyo.
ing new spirit of cooperation developed. beauties of Inyo and its neighboring coun- He was so sensitive to the remarkable
Bu1", as in all good desert stories, the ty, Mono. If the land cou'd not be turned features of the land that he never failed
basx fight was for water. When the mush- ?.!\!cn to farms and orchards, he wanted to to see incidents which might cause others
rooming City of Los Angeles was outgrow- see it made into a playground for vacation- to notice the country that he loved so well.
ing its water supply, engineers felt that ers. Working as chairman of the business In 1936 he planned and managed almost
Los Angeles needed all the resources of the men's groups, he brought about the organ- single-handedly a ceremony to celebrate
Owens river watershed to protect the ization of a publicity association to tell the the completion of a new road connecting
city's million. Obviously, they also felt world of the country he loved so well. Mt. Whitney and Death Valley. A gourd
that the end justified the means. Only he could have brought together in of water taken by an Indian runner from
For a long time some people had con- harmony the various sectional groups Tulainyo, the nation's highest lake, was
tended that building a dam across the which had been bickering fcr as long as carried successively by burro, man, stage

OCTOBER, 194 7
At his Fisherman's Mass, a special service held early in the morning on the opening Sunday
fishing season, the Padre blessed the fishing tackle of Cathrine Byrne. Next in line
is Aim Morhardt, Bishop teacher.

coach, auto, train and airplane and poured his Irish ancestors bubbled in him, disci- he died, by usually unemotional C.C.C.
at last into Bad Water, Death Valley, in a plined by the severe training of the priest- boys, as a spontaneous gesture of love.
"Wedding of the Waters." hood. A protestant friend, trying to de- Sometimes I sat in the quiet church and
As a prank, he gathered a photographer, scribe his feeling for the Padre, said, "You watched the Padre's heavy, rough, scuffed
a pretty girl, and several fishermen for know, generally, when I see a preacher boots treading firmly under the black sur-
fishing pictures on Owens lake, widely coming, I'd rather cross the street than plice as he recited the stations of the cross,
known to be so mineralized it cannot sup- meet him. But Father Crowley was differ- Irs voice weary from many miles and many
port fish life. The pictures included one ent. I liked to shake hands with him." deeds. Again, in a crowded banquet room,
of the Padre ready surreptiously to apply I watched him sparkle, holding the group
a paddle to the rear of a bending fisher- To have people worship God and at the in the hollow of his hand, guiding them as
man. He took an altar boy and read mass same time be in communion with the in- he willed.
in the shelter house on top of Mt. Whit- spiring handiwork of Nature was his spe-
When I first came to Inyo and heard the
ney. When fishing season opened on Sun- cial ambition. He planned to erect the 14
Rt. Rev. John J. Crowley called "The
day, he arose to have mass before daylight stations of the cress, built as rest houses
Padre," I begrudged him the name. The
so that the faithful could save their souls of native stone, for a pilgrimage from padres belonged to a vanished race of
and still be on the streams by sunrise. For Death Valley to Mt. Whitney, symboliz- giants, I felt. They were men of vision,
good measure, he blessed the fishing tack'e ing the ascent from hell to heaven. He had empire builders, beings at the same time
that it might bring luck to the fishermen. selected spots which gave the most mag- of the earthiest earth and the most sublime
He accompanied a photographic expedi- nificent views of desert and mountain. heavenly devotion. The title was a sacred
tion into the mountains and read his prayer Some of his friends hope that this proj- one to which no man of our generation had
book as the horse joggled him over beau- ect may be carried out in his name. the right.
tiful Sierra trails.
In this sp:rit is a little monument of As I came to know him, this man be-
The warmth and wit and fantasy of all desert rocks, built beside the road where came in my heart, too, "The Padre."


If your motor trip takes you
into the Navajo country, you will
have more pleasant dealings
with these nomad tribesmen if
you understand some of the es-
sentials of what they regard as
good manners. Their code is dif-
ferent from our own—but it is
none the less sacred to them, and
if your • approach is with sym-
pathy, dignity and honesty
you'll find they have a fine sense
of humor and the capacity for
genuine friendship. Out of his ex-
perience of many years among
the Navajo, Richard Van Val-
kenburgh offers some sugges-
tions to those who would like to
know these tribesmen better.

// the door of the hogan is open one is

welcome to enter. But no one ever
knocks when the door is closed jor
"only the mischievous and evil winds
do that."

Don't Knock on aHoganDoor

By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH slight acquaintance gives no one the privi-
Photographs by Milton Snow lege to be too inquisitive or nosey . . .
Generally there are three safe channels
through which to approach the Navajo.
Some Indian service employes have con-
time I receive a letter asking the Navajo reaction to your behavior. As a nections and will help. Then there are mis-
suggestions for dealing with the guest in a land where most white men are sionaries who are influential. Added to
Navajo, my memory shifts back regarded with suspicion, always remember these are the traders who operate over 100
through the years to one night when I was that your acceptance by the People will de- posts in the 16,000,000-acre reservation.
warming myself by the great fireplace in pend upon your ability to accept with dig-
I believe that the most satisfactory in-
the long dining room of the old Wetherill nity, sympathy, and honesty the way of
Navajo life." troduction to the Navajo is through the
ranch at Kayenta, Arizona.
kindly auspices of a trader. Among the
Softly the authoritative voice of Louisa most cooperative are, Bill Wilson at Nava-
Wetherill was weaving into my mind an And with this seasoned advice always
jo Mountain, Harry Goulding at Monu-
indelible pattern of her lifetime of experi- in the back of my mind I have had reason- ment Valley, Utah; Cozy McSparron at
ence in dealing with the Navajo, which able success. The results of my experience Chinle, Arizona; Roman Hubbell at
started when she and Hastin John estab- which I am passing on to the readers of Winslow, Arizona; John Kirk at Gallup,
lished their trading post in the wild mesa Desert Magazine are my own impression New Mexico, and Mrs. Stokes Carson
country of Chief Haskenini at Moonwater, and in some points may not agree with au- south of Farmington, New Mexico.
Utah, in 1906. thorities on the subject. Nevertheless, 1
With a 7 5-year tradition of service to
"At times, wasn't it lonesome and dan- hope what follows will serve as realistic the People such as dispensing medicine,
gerous for you folks way up there all and applicable introduction to these Amer- giving first aid, mediating family quarrels,
alone—with only primitive Navajo for ican Indians. interpreting and writing letters, burying
neighbors and 100 miles of trail between As suggested by Mrs. Wetherill, my the dead, creating markets for Navajo
you and your nearest white settlement?" I first year with the Navajo was one of won- products, and extending seasonal credit
asked when she had finished. der and confusion. My most difficult prob- the Navajo naturally confers with his fav-
Mrs. Wetherill smiled. She seemed to lem was to descend from the lofty pinnacle orite trader regarding strangers.
be deliberating before she answered, of fancied Anglo-super-civilization to
"Van, your first year with the Navajo will what I believed was John Navajo's low- Good fortune in the guise of an arche-
be one of confusion and wonder. But as liness. I learned the hard way . . . ological job made it possible for me to
time passes you will discover what I have start my acquaintance with an extremely
My first rebuff was when I learned that conservative Navajo "outfit." The Peshla-
learned in over some 40 years with the asking questions of a strange Navajo re-
People. Treated right the Navajo become sulted in a summary "Hola, Who knows?" kai dwelt in the jumbled malpais, buff-
humorous, dignified, and loyal friends. red sandstone and cinder belt of the Wu-
which is the prefix of the courteous phrase patki Basin, 40 miles northeast of Flag-
"Of course everything depends upon Holahotza. At the same time I learned that staff, Arizona.






! ''r>WwuPATKI RUIN M o p showing plon of typical Navajo"Outfit;'the Peshlokoi,

in the winter of 1933. Winter camps near cedar-pinyon belt
for firewood Summer camps near the Little Colorado R.
for water. Seasonal shift, three to seven miles, approximately.


B -RUINS Marked by the Museum of Northern Arizona and protected by

Notional Park Custodian.

?>p?-2$i&.J^::.. :•:; • *$?%<•! :

P-'•":'::/-:'"f.'.,'4VvV To

By an outfit, I mean a group of closely watering their sheep at the spring I saw an family, which was not a hearty pumping,
related hogans or camps. The Peshlakai opening. Noticing that they were suffer- but a gentle hand-clasp, I came to the
comprised the camp of Grandfather and ing from impetigo, I offered them a can daughter Hunuzbah whose school name
Grandmother Peshlakai on the lower An- of soothing salve. With their eyes as round was Lulu Smith. Casting her eyes down so
telope Wash; that of Cal, the elder son, as black marbles they watched as I demon- as not to look me in the eyes, for this is
nearby; the family of the son-in-law Little strated that it should be rubbed on and not considered discourteous by the Navajo,
Fat on Deadman's Wash, and the hogans eaten. she murmured in broken English:
of Clyde, the younger son near Wupatki And right there I learned that most Na- "My mother says it was good to give the
ruin. vajo children do not like to be handled by children healing medicine. Sleep came to
Knowing that Grandfather was right- over-demonstrative Bilakana, no matter their eyes last night. And this morning we
eously embittered over the confiscation of how fine the intentions. Shying away from came over here to tell you a thing. Should
some mesa land on which he had squatted my cautious move to apply the salve they you come to our camp which lies under the
in the 1870's, under local white men's finally did come close enough to grab the Twisted Rock on Antelope Wash, wel-
laws, we moved cautiously in our efforts to shiny can and then scoot off up through come will meet you."
make friends with any of the Peshlakai. the cinders and over the rim toward home. Thus through a small kindness, which
For some days, even though the Peshla- That night I was somewhat apprehen- could have boomeranged, I found wel-
kai flocks watered near our camp at Wu- sive as to what might be the reactions of come at Cal's camp. Through this contact
patki spring, our presence was ignored as Cal and his wife, Red Lefty. Bright and all of the Peshlakai soon became my
completely as if we had been sandstone early the next morning I got the answer friends. I might add that candy for the
slabs along the canyon wall. Our break when their wagon pulled up and crunched children, trinkets for the ladies, cigarettes
came through Slim Woman, Cal's 8-year- to a stop by the spring. I walked over and for Cal, and rides in my Model T to the
old daughter and her small nephew Ba- was surprised by Cal's genial, "Yd'dtaa ci- trading post at Leupp helped.
hazhun, the Cute One. kiss, Good, my friend." Every visit opened the Navajo door a
One evening while the children were After shaking hands with the entire little wider. I soon learned that personal


Dignity, loyalty and a fine sense of humor are the outstand-
ing characteristics you will find in the Navajo when you This little Indian girl is content in the arms of her jather
get to know them. And they appreciate dignity and Everett McCabe of Tolani Lakes, Arizona, but like other
honesty in others. Navajo children she would not want to be fondled by
Bilakana or White people.
names must be obtained indirectly and Possibly it was a war name such as Biyal into Navajo religious life without basic
never from the owner. Generally the Peo- ch'mya, Bent on War, etc.
ple have three or four names, i.e., the trad- preparation. Ceremonialism is a most in-
er's nickname; the government census As nearly as I can determine ceremonial tricate as well as touchy subject and should
name, their "outfit" name, and their cere- names are secretly given by the mother in be, one might say, a post-graduate course
monial name. childhood and are seldom disclosed for in Navajo.
fear some person with evil intent might Of course this does not mean that one
For instance, Cal Peshlakai (or Smith) gain power over the owner. Should some- should refuse to accept an invitation to a
was known to the government officials as one unwittingly divulge the name they sing. But leave your camera home, put
"Mark Anthony" and to his "outfit" as would be required to make a gift as assur- away your note book and sketch pad, dress
Peshlakai atsidi alangi begai, The Eldest ance that no harm was meant.
Son of the Silversmith. In addition he had comfortably, and find out from your spon-
It is my observation that many visitors sor just what might be a suitable present
a ceremonial name which I never learned. make the mistake of attempting to delve for the medicine man.

The most accessible dance to whites visiting Navajoland is the Squaw dance. Men accepting
an invitation to the dance should have plenty of change in their pockets for the Navajo
belles have a way of selecting a Bilakana for a partner and then making him
pay for the privilege.

Upon reaching the sing one should lo- Once a purification ritual for warriors has his possessions under the west wall,
cate his sponsor before entering the cere- returning from a raid, the 'ntah (Squaw the men along the south, and the women
monial hogan. Don't barge in. For there dance) is now predominantly a social af- and children along the north.
are times where and when not to enter a fair. White gents attending the dance Once I followed the Bilakana custom of
ceremony. Proper entry should be made should have plenty of small change in their knocking at the door of Grandfather's ho-
between the prayers, which usually run pockets. For the unmarried Navajo belles gan. No one answered. Believing that the
from four to 12 verses. have a habit of selecting a Bilakana as a old man was gone I went back to my
Should you attend the nigh: ceremony dancing partner and making him pay well Model T. But just as I was starting to wind
you will not see sand-pictures, for these are for the pleasure. it up Grandfather poked his head out and
destroyed before the sun sets. Generally But prior to getting an invitation to a motioned for me to come back.
the sponsor will arrange for a visitor to be sing one surely will have gained the confi- As soon as I was inside and settled he
present throughout the night and until the dence of someone of influence in the outfit kindly told me, "If the door or blanket of
afternoon of the following day. For sleepy which is sponsoring the ceremony. And in a friend's hogan is open—walk right in.
heads this is bad, for in some sings no one gaining this trust one will have to demon- But if it is closed—never knock. Make
is allowed to sleep. strate that they have learned some of the some noise outside so we will know it's a
The summer visitor to the Navajo coun- simple rules of "hogan etiquette." man there. For we believe that only mis-
try will not view any of the more spectacu- Generally the interior of the hogans are chievous and evil winds knock at doors.
lar major ceremonials. The Dzilkedji similar. After stooping through the low And it would have been bad luck for me
b'adji, or 9-day Mountain Chant, and the eastern door one sees a circular floor of had I looked outside and found no one."
Kledji Hatal, or Night Chant, are not held hard packed earth with an open fireplace When eating with the Navajo, which
until after four frosts whiten the tips of the forward of center and under the open usually will be with the head of the family,
sacred mountains. smoke vent. One never walks over the fire there are things that should be observed.
But during the summer there are a num- or around food, but along the sides—men Unless you wish to distress your host by
ber of healing ceremonies lasting from one to the left and women to the right. the possibility of your having sharp pains
to five days, such as the Life Way, Flint Arranged around the wall are trunks, in your tummy never stick food with a
Way, Bead Way, Wind Way, and many boxes, and rclls of blanket and sheep pelt knife—slice it.
others. The major and most accessible to bedding. Above them hang clothing which Be prepared to be invited to eat soon
the whites is the Anadji. or Enemy Way, usually indicates the section of the hogan after you enter the hogan of friends. That's
which is commonly known as the 'ntah, or which is the sleeping place of an individ- a rule of Navajo hospitality. Usually the
Squaw dance. ual. For instance, the head of the family food will be barbecued mutton ribs or


stew, unleavened bread, and coffee. But be is no problem if properly handled. Never a medicine man friend, stalked into my of-
prepared for anything from roasted prairie steal a picture. Possibly the first time your fice and spoke with quiet scorn, "That boy
dog to Vienna sausage. subject might not mind. On the other who you said was a good one is a witch.
Once after eating I pulled out my cigar- hand, you might come up against an old Two days ago Hastin Bakaih saw him dig
ettes for an after-dinner smoke. Pointing Navajo who would resent your obtaining some turquoise from a grave near Fluted
the pack toward Grandfather I offered the "power over him" that the image Rock!"
him one. But he surprised me by averting might give you. And the result could be an There was only one answer. I called in
his eyes and saying, "Never point the tip unpleasant few moments and a broken the ghoul, and after making him replace
of anything toward a friend. Don't you camera. the stones I insisted that he pack and leave.
know it means he is going to be bitten by Occasional pictures of ceremonials, par- It was the only thing that would appease
a snake!" ticularly sand-pictures, filter out to publi- the Navajo. And he was lucky that he left
A word of caution should be inserted cation. Most of these are posed and not with his hide. For he had committed the
here about drinking water. After a two taken during an actual ceremony. In one most serious of all Navajo crimes—the
weeks' sojourn in the Ganado hospital as case, according to the Navajo, they were disturbance and robbing of a Navajo
the result of drinking polluted water from stolen and the People were sure that the grave.
a spring, I have since carried my own sup- photographer was punished by the Gods And thus by the succession of experi-
ply. Should you drink with the People when he lost his car in a flash flood. ences that started in the camps of the Pesh-
note that they never leave any water in the To facilitate picture making one should lakai by the barren terraces of the Little
dipper or cup, but pour it out. make arrangements with the Navajo be- Colorado river, and through the Dinebi-
Should you sleep in a hogan your place fore even showing the camera. An agreed keyab of Navajoland, to the hogans of the
will probably be a pile of sheep pelts just sum should be paid, part in advance and Toledo in the pinyon-fringed rincons of
to the right of the head of the family. And part on completion. And to clinch the deal, the Continental divide, I began to know
there is no need to worry about the proprie- definite arrangements should be made for the People.
ties. For the men simply shuck off down to the return of prints by way of the trader. Near 20 years with the Navajo is only
their long calico pants, while the women The most serious trouble I ever encoun- the beginning. No white man's life is long
merely loosen their clothing and remove tered in the Navajo country was heaped enough to give him the wisdom that lies
their moccasins. upon me by the malicious meddling of a within the four sacred mountains. And
student whom I was sponsoring in the Fort each succeeding year teaches the sincere
To some overly squeamish white folks Defiance, Arizona, region. I had repeated- how little they really know and how much
the intimacy of hogan life in which an en- ly warned him never to pot-hunt or disturb there is to learn. But for those who are
tire family eats, sleeps, works and meets any burial cairn or hokai, the "fear hogan" willing to view with sympathy, dignity,
the crises and necessities of life is revolt- in which death had occurred. and honesty the way of the People, the
ing. But soon one become conscious of the door of Navajo understanding will begin
My first inkling of his activity came like
innate modesty of the People. The only to open.
a stroke of Male Lightning when Old Sam,
time I have ever observed a "long hair" or
conservative Navajo expose his body was
during a ceremony.
And while it may surprise some white
folks, the Navajo do not credit the Bila-
kana with too much delicacy, owing to the
increasing appearance in their country of
Hard Rock Shorty
white women rigged out in scant sunsuits
and men in shorts. It behooves us who of Death Valley . . .
strive for Navajo respect to avoid making
spectacles of ourselves in either dress or
"Sure they's lots o' rubber plant started arunnin' till they come up t'
Another aversion is too strong perfume. round here," said Hard Rock Shorty, the edge o' a cliff.
While the younger generation indulges in tilting his chair a little farther back "Now when them wild sheep is
cheap scents of the dime store variety the to avoid the sunlight slant'ng in un- cornered, they jumps right off a cliff,
old folks detest the smell of anything der the sagging porch roof of the In- landin' on them big curvin' horns
sweet, as illustrated when Grandfather ferno store. "Some folks call it like on a rockin' chair. Well, when
once chided, "A dead dog smells bad—but Y-ooley, but it's jest plain rabbit these here sheep hit on them horns,
what real'y makes me want to vomit is the bush t' us. Chock full o' rubber— durned if they didn't bounce.
smell of that oil smeared on ycur hair." chaw it an' your spit'll bounce. But "Yuh can jest bet I laid off huntin'
A m;nor breech in Nava:o etiquette by them auto tire factories ain't th' gold an' started studyin' them sheep.
a Bildk^na is overlooked w'th condescend- first t' use it. No sir!" An' I found they wuz livin' on a iso-
ing /?ood humor. ;As Grandfather once put lated range with nuthin' but rabbit
it, "What can you expect from a tribe He adjusted the creaking chair
bush t' eat. They'd et so much o' that
which has only one God and then swears again, clamped off a chunk of cut rubbery stuff them big horns o' theirs
by his name." But there are some things plug and ruminated with his eyes wuz all solid rubber."
that are not overlooked and can result in closed. Hard Rock plunked his chair
John Navajo drawing up his blanket and "Did you make rubber out of it?" down on the porch and poked the
erasing you from his landscape. tourist's vest with his forefinger.
prodded the tourist.
Once I almost ruined my good relations "An' yuh know what? Them ani-
with the Peshlakai by repeating a question "Not me," said Hard Rock. "I'm mals wuz smart 'nough tuh know
four times regarding historical informa- strictly a gold man. But I'll tell yuh what they had, all right. Soon as they
tion that Grandfather was kind enough to who did. Oncet I wuz follerin' a saw a man with a rifle, them sheep
give me. I wished to expand certain points. streak o' color way up in th' Pana- all started walkin' backwards, usin'
But he believed I was questioning his word mints an' I come acrost a band o' big- them rubber horns to e-rase their
which is an insult to a Navajo of character. horn sheep. Soon's they saw me, they tracks!"
Picture-taking in the Navajo country

OCTOBER, 1947 13
Snakes of this genus are very small in size and of a retiring nature. One may reside on the
desert a life-time and never see this fellow.


ATE spring and early summer in the desert is the time burrowing. Habits and foods have not been studied thoroughly,
when wild life hunts food with its greatest vigor. Eve- but the little snake is known to eat soft-bodied grubs and small
/ ning twilight brings the period of activity for nocturnal scorpions, and lizards and their eggs are suspected to be an item
animals. At this time in the sandy regions of the deserts of of its diet.
southern California, southern Nevada, and western Arizona Captive specimens show a vicious nature. They will cour-
the Banded Burrowing Snake, Sonora occiphalis, may be found. ageously stand their ground and strike at objects put to them.
This snake, no more than a foot in length, may be encountered It is very interesting to watch a snake about eight inches in
crawling with a peculiar worm-like thrashing across the open length and about as thick as an ordinary lead pencil repeatedly
areas. If threatened with danger, it will tunnel under the sand strike at its captor's hand and retreat only when bodily moved
and can burrow almost as fast as it crawls on the surface. back.
The coloration of this snake is basically of alternate black The genus Sonora, commonly known as Western ground
and yellowish-white bands across the back, encircling the body snakes, includes seven other species according to the classifica-
in the region of the tail. In seme variations there is also a bright tion of William Stickel. These are: South Texas ground snake,
orange band dividing the white band. The belly is yellowish or ranging in southern Texas and adjacent Mexico; Great Plains
white. The snout is long, flat, and shovel-like, which explains ground snake, ranging in Kansas and Colorado south through
the ease of burrowing. This burrowing is accomplished by rais- Texas and New Mexico; Arizona ground snake, ranging in
ing a small quantity of sand with the snout and forcing the head Great Basin from southern Idaho to Arizona and Utah; Blanch-
into the space opened. This action repeated allows the snake to ard's western ground snake, ranging in Brewster county, Texas,
advance underground with astonishing rapidity. Specimens and adjacent Mexico; Gloyd's ground snake, confined to the
have been taken from over a foot below the surface of sand Grand Canyon of the Colorado; Vermilion ground snake, rang-
dunes. ing from southern Idaho to Arizona; Vermilion-lined ground
As an additional protection, the underjaw closes inside the snake, southern Nevada, Southern California and into Lower
upper so that sand cannot enter the mouth while the snake is California.


Like a prospector looking for a legendary gold
mine, Marshal South has returned again and again
to a mountain canyon near the old Vallecitos stage
station in California's Anza Desert state park in
quest of a spring rumored to be located there. He
doesn't find this spring on this latest trip—but there
is always drama in secluded places for a poet, and
Marshal's trail leads to other interesting discov-

'Peiett "Ttaili

^ V UDGINGby the height of the morning sun it must have

I been about ten o'clock when I came around the corner of
& the low rock, where the squaws had done their grinding,
and entered the old camp ground.
It hadn't changed much. Several years had elapsed since I had
last seen it. But despite progress and automobiles—including
now the insatiable ramblings of jeeps—the Spirit of the Desert
holds pretty tenaciously to its own. It was that veteran prospec-
tor, Charlie McCloud, I believe, who drove the first car through
the creosotes and into this old Indian campsite many years ago.
Many people have followed the tracks that Mac made. All the The deep-worn mortar holes of ancient Indian dwellers
storage ollas that once were cached among the rocks on the defy the hands of both Time and souvenir hunters.
mountainside have gone. Also most of the smashed pottery
fragments that at one time littered the ground among the huge
boulders that dot the camp area. But the lash of hard summer And when I told him that I liked the desert heat and that, as
thundershowers still uncovers shiny black fragments of obsidian far as I was concerned, it never really got too warm, he retorted
that fell from the hands of ancient arrowmakers. And, once in a that that was because I had lived there too long and had gotten
while, with great luck, you will find a perfect arrowhead. all dried up and cracked "like all the rest of those desert rats."
The deep-worn mortar holes in the rocks, however, defy the For which I thanked him—and then made a few edged re-
hands of both Time and souvenir hunters. And the slop-rig, marks about the enervating heat of his allegedly cool pine-clad
polished rock, down which I have always liked to imagine the mountains. My friend and I understand each other very well.
youngsters sliding, is still there. Maybe the ghosts slide down I finished my sandal repair, shouldered my light pack and
it yet, on moonlight desert nights. I know that I would, if I canteen and started up the canyon. I would have enjoyed bask-
were a ghost. It is tempting. But then, of course, some people ing longer amidst the sunlit hush and peace of the old boulder-
don't believe in ghosts. pillared camp ground, but some slight twinge of conscience
There was an empty pop bottle on the flat rock beside the goaded me on. After all I had supposedly come out to look for
biggest mortar hole. And, before I sat down to fix the thong of a spring hadn't I? I ought, therefore, to make some effort to
my rawhide sandal, I gingerly took it away and hid it deep un- find it—even though I didn't expect to. Rider and I had
der some debris behind a boulder. Empty pop bottles are, I searched for this same spring very thoroughly years before. And
suppose, perfectly all right in their way. And in the centuries had just about convinced ourselves that it was a myth. But my
to come—when Time will have blotted our present age and all credulity—in the matter of springs—is colossal. And I had
its works—some scientist will probably dig them up and ex- heard a new rumor. I really didn't believe it. But the excuse
claim over them. But at present, somehow, in the desert—and it gave to go searching was too strong to be resisted. So here I
especially in silent lonely places that have a more or less sacred was.
feel to them—pop bottles jar me. I once took a friend who was The canyon was familiar ground. Years before—before we
an archeologist to one of the undisturbed, forgotten old desert had settled on Ghost mountain—we had penetrated its depths
campsites. He could pick up the old grinding stones, laid there and had been halted, suddenly breathless with something like
by fingers long since turned to dust, and describe the women incredulous awe, at the spot where, through a gap between the
who had last used them. tumbled walls of savage rock, all the mystery of the blue and
I didn't try that with the pop bottle. I didn't want to. Some- purple badlands—leagues distant and far below—had burst
how my imagination is too vivid. abruptly upon our vision. The same view, today, halted me
I spent a few minutes sitting on the grinding rock and fixing again. And for a long while I stared at it with the same fascina-
my sandal. The knot through the sole, under the big toe, had tion. Some places hold us with shadowy chains. We know not
worn off and I had to slide the thong forward through the loops why, but they are home. They belong to us.
and re-knot it. A Yaqui sandal, if it is properly made, is one of This view out over the distance phantomed reaches of the
the simplest things in the world to mend—and also the most Vanished Sea—which is now Imperial Valley—has always held
comfortable to wear. But you have to get used to them—both as me. Whether it be from the summit of Ghost mountain or from
to feel and as to looks. Most feet—and people—are too civil- any other vantage point the effect is always the same. I can for-
ized to countenance them. get the towns and the highways and the cultivated fields and
It was warm, sitting there in the sun. But not too warm. A the irrigation canals that I know are there, hidden by the haze
friend, when I had set forth on my expedition, told me that I of distance. I do not see them or sense them. I can see only the
was slightly crazy to go on walking trips in the desert in July. sea—the sea that is there no longer. In the changing light its

OCTOBER, 1947 15
ghostly waves heave and the tide-rips make grey riffles around The old stage station was deserted, and in the dusk the sha-
its rocky headlands. dows lay heavily across the lonely tule marshes which border
I spent several hours exploring the lower reaches of the can- it. I spread my single light blanket on the ground beside one of
yon. That is to say I employed my time in clambering up over the adobe pillars and, after a long drink at the pump—which
and between titanic boulders the size of houses, that lay jumbled now makes the waters of the spring accessible—I stretched out
in the mountain gash like heapings of marbles some giant to watch the bats flittering around the treetops and to look for
schoolboy had flung into a ditch. the diamond points of the stars as they appeared one by one
The ravines which rare floods and the wind-storms of ages through the growing velvet of the night. Far away beyond the
have worn in the flanks of these desert mountains are fearsome tule marshes a coyote yammered and the sound quavered lone-
places which, if not haunted by demons, hobgoblins and malig- somely across the whispering dark.
nant spirits, as they sometimes seem to be, are at least under the Desert trailing, on foot, has many advantages—provided you
spell of an awful desolation and thirst. The sides of the moun- know something of your territory. The desert is no place for
tains, as you work down into the drier fringes of the lowlands, foolhardy stunts or for the taking of long chances as to water—
become increasingly barren and more sun-blasted. Bare, heat- especially in summer. But, with reasonable caution, there is
blackened rocks cling ominously to the slopes and ridges in po- much to recommend walking. Walking, in these days of auto-
sitions which appear to defy the laws of gravity. At any moment, mobiles and frantic haste, is almost a lost art, it is true. And
it seems, they might turn loose and fall thundering into the that is a pity. Because in no other way can you gain such an in-
canyon depths. And many of them have so fallen—the inferno timate acquaintance with any region. Walking is cheap and
of stone monsters which choke the gorge depths is testimony to healthful and to all those who are outdoor-minded I would most
that. heartily recommend it. Carry a notebook—and a sketchbook
Between these grim masses are chinks and dark crevices too, if possible. They will add to your fun. But—and this is a
through which, by squirming, an active human can sometimes serious warning as regards the desert—be sure you know some-
make his way. But it is a cautious business. For always there are thing about your territory before you start. Don't try to cross
dark holes underfoot that yawn into blacker and more mysteri- long, unknown stretches of waterless country. There are plenty
ous depths. The winds of thousands of years have howled of easy trips.
through these rocks and scoured them in places to the slippery
polish of ice. To lose footing and go plunging down into one of
these subterranean death-traps would be all too easy. TIME!
Of course there wasn't any spring. At least I didn't find it. Here, in the silence and the heat, ivhere Time steals past on
Sometimes I think that old timers—especially when they have slippered jeet,
passed a certain age—are a little unreliable. Not intentionally. They, who before possessed this land, have left their trace on
But they get their geography mixed and superimpose Arizona, every hand—
Utah, New Mexico and California locations one upon the other. A shattered jar, a lonely grave, old campsites where the grease-
So that the resultant picture is a bit fuzzy. I hunted in vain for ivoods wave—
the "three big boulders, leaning together" with a dead juniper Trails, dimmed by years and sandstorm's blast—these left as
tree "just about a hundred yards to the east." Maybe it's there. record "They who passed."
And maybe not. Anyway I abandoned the search and began to
make my way back along the ridges toward the old Indian trail Who owns the land? Beneath the sun, in blots of indigo and dun,
that runs to Vallecitos. The shadows of the clouds move by, beneath the arch of
It's a rough trail and poorly marked. But I had traveled it turquoise sky.
several times before. Just as I reached the first old Indian trail- Sunlight and shade in patterned change across the wasteland's
marker however I was surprised to meet a mountain sheep. We endless range—
almost ran into each other as I turned the corner of a clump of Time—on soft feet. And who shall find, the records ive shall
rocks. For an instant he stopped, startled. Then with a bound leave behind?
he swung aside and fled nimbly up the precipitous slope, skip-
ping from boulder to boulder as only a mountain sheep can. He
was a big ram and I felt pretty certain he was the same one that Aged Canyon Explorer Bids Cheerful Farewell . . .
I had seen two years back on the other side of Pinyon peak. Julius F. Stone, 91, pioneer Grand Canyon and Colorado
Meeting him here seemed to lend color to the possibility that river explorer, died at his home in Santa Monica, California,
there might be a spring in the vicinity after all. But it is slim on July 25. Friends scattered over the nation received cards with
evidence. Mountain sheep range a long way from water. In fact the verse:
in the Pinacate mountains, in Mexico, south of the Arizona "With a ripple of merry.laughter,
border, they are reputed to get along without water entirely—
possibly subsisting on the moisture contained in the bisnaga A smile and a gay good-bye
cacti. To all who made life worth living;
Back to the dust go I."
The day was edging toward twilight when I broke free from
the cluttered desolation of rocky ridges and headed across the On the card was the picture of a burned out candle. Stone left
ocotillo-staked desert toward the old Vallecitos stage station. the cards with orders that they be mailed on the day he died.
I had sudden evening company, too. For, happening to glance Stone first saw the Colorado river in 1877. In 1909, with
aloft, I was aware of a streaming flight of buzzards passing Nate Galloway he made a successful voyage down the river from
above me, headed for the sunset tinted heights of the distant Green River, Wyoming, to Needles, California. He published
southwestern sierras. There must have been hundreds of them. an account of his trip in 1932 under the title Canyon Country.
They flew slowly, in an irregular, streaming formation, like a In 1938, in his eighties, he made another voyage on the river
cloud of ominous warplanes. What the reason is for these buz- and was planning a third when ill health overtook him. During
zard migrations I do not know. They are not a regular occur- his life he collected a large library of material about the river,
rence. It is only at long intervals, in this particular desert sec- including original journals of men in the two Powell expedi-
tion, that all the wandering birds that are usually so solitary, tions.
congregate. Only a few times during our long residence on
Ghost mountain have we seen such mass flights. And they are He was a retired Columbus, Ohio, industrialist, and was an
not always in the same direction. If they were more regular amateur astronomer and geologist in addition to his interest in
they would be more explainable. the Colorado river.


Albuquerque, New Mexico
By C. FRANKLIN LYEN Give me this land,
Cypress, California This stage of changing scene—
On his mother's back he swings, Snowy peak and desert sand,
Quite secure from harmful things; Turquoise sky and meadow green
And the shawl wherein he cleaves Blend in perfect tone.
Is of wool the squaw so weaves:
It is warm and strong to hold Give me this sea
Papoose there within his fold; Of grassland wide and deep
And the little one so quaint That rolls yonder, in the lee
Seldom moves or makes complaint. Of craggy mountain steep,
As do the breakers on the shore.
What a joy is simple health; Give me this air,
Innate love his truest wealth. Clear and blue and free—
His is not to cry or whine; Fresh from plain and summit bare,
Heart that's kind, yet leonine! From silver stream and pinyon tree,
Who can bear the pain of strife, Its tangy breath is pure and sweet.
Pay for freedom even with life.
We have need for such as he, Give me these, O God, I pray,
Makers of true charity. And let me here forever stay!
• • •
When the race of life is done DESERT SANDS
Who shall say that they have won?
Only victory is true
When the sky for all is blue! Santa Barbara, California
Tiny babe, fair Nature's heir, The desert is an ageless mystery:
Nurtured by her tender care, Deep, silent shadows steal across the sand,
You shall be our emblem yet As if inspired by some huge, unseen hand
Ere the sun on you shall set! In dazzling lines as far as eyes can see;
Child of freedom, Shadows and light, fantastic in design,
Live, live on! Space without end, with freedom in its wake,
A promise of romance in every line,
A dream of beauty for the world to take.
This little papoose is Ipputts, son of Joe By H E L E N L. VOGEL NIGHT WIND
Pickyavit of the Pahvant Utes in Utah. Indio, California By WINIFRED O W E N S
Photo courtesy Frank Beckwith.
Gently, sweetwater, from mountain fastness Fountain, Colorado
pour; The night wind sweeps the desert floor
Sparkling, sweetwater, bejewel the desert floor. With a swish of his great giant broom.
» RANCH Kiss it, sweetwater, and cradle it in green, He dusts each sage as he passes by
By N E L L MURBARGER Flashing and glowing, a lovely tourmaline; Across the great wide room.
Costa Mesa, California Flow on to vineyards and quench each thirsty While high up in the star-filled sky
root; The moon looks down and smiles.
Th' sky is as blue and as boundless; He knows this world is free and clean
Th' autumn has just as much gold, Make lush the green bud; enrich the purpl'ling
fruit. For miles and miles and miles.
And th' first breath of spring, if not sweeter, • • •
I reckons as sweet as of old . . . Flow on, sweetwater, that blushing brides may
But up in th' juniper country, wear DREAMER
Where th' winds of th' mesa blow free, Blossoms of orange as crowns upon their hair. By BESSIE SAUNDERS SPENCER
Lies a desolate heap of adobe Pueblo, Colorado
Hold fast your passion of floodwaters in spring. A mellow voice came calling me
That once was th' Seven-Bar-Tee.
Spend your desire in the waterfall's wild fling, To leave my fragile cloud,
Here's a rusty shoe from a mustang's hoof, Forcing your madness through gorge and can- And come where fruit was on the tree
And a piece of a saddle girth; yon maze, And tune of life was loud.
A forty-five shell and a Spanish bit Peaceful again through the lands where cattle
Trod deep in th' sun-baked earth. graze. I changed my dreams for sweetened bread
But no smoke drifts from th' cook shack And drank an earthly cup,
Where th' old dinner gong still swings. Gently, sweetwater, bedeck the desertland; But linger, cloud, above my head
And th' tumbled corral and th' sagging barn Green grows the verdure where you have And keep me looking up.
Shelter only th' skulking things. touched the sand. • • •
Clear pools and green trees and peace beneath
The bunkhouse is strangely silent, the shade, DESERT PAINTING
Its creaking door swung wide; White gold, sweetwater, for which all men By STELLA K N I G H T RUESS
And folks tells me my pals, th' punchers, have prayed. Los Angeles, California
Are ridin' th' Great Divide. • • • Where sands curve soft in silvery dunes,
And mebbe they are . . . But, stranger, The bright verbenas closely cling.
Come out once, in th' moonlight, with me DESERT NIGHT Across the pale blue mountain peaks,
And I'll show you white horses and riders By ELMA ROBERTS W I L S O N A cloud drifts like an angel-wing.
On th' range of th' Seven-Bar-Tee! Phoenix, Arizona
• • •
The white stars lean so low, it seems that one
DESERT DISCOVERY Might brush their luster with uplifted hand;
Trona, California
The scrubby creosote, day-drenched with sun,
Still pours its pungent perfume over sand
That stretches in a muted, waveless sea
I've walked on many city streets, By TANYA SOUTH
Been dazzled by the colored lights, To scour the calloused heels of distant hills;
But now I view with deepest awe With each breeze-lilt, the palo verde tree, Ah, Wisdom, Wisdom, what would I not
The starry signs of desert nights. In trembling showers of gold, her blossoms give
spills. For thy fair gifts, to teach me how to
Through galleries of art I've strolled live
And stood before their paintings rare, The night seems dedicated to an oath Unto the fullest! Every day I own
But looking on the purple hills— Of boundless silence and pure reverie The steps I gained, the tests I newly won
There's nothing can with that compare. No man would dare to violate—then both I earned through you. And all my soul's
Are gloriously shattered. Suddenly delight
I've entered great cathedral halls The mockingbird gives voice to rapturous song Is vested in thy Power and Truth and
Where many souls become new-born, He must have learned at heaven's parapet, Light.
But now I feel my soul expand And all seems righted that was ever wrong
With every fragile desert morn. For, briefly, paradise on earth is set.

OCTOBER, 1947 17
LLvion ikelz AJdan.oot6

f/ OME plants are confirmed thieves, filching a living

j from well-conditioned neighbors. Settling down beside
a chosen host, the plunderer pushes its roots down to
fasten upon and draw nourishment from the roots of its victim.
The guilt of the thief is disclosed by its lack of green color,
which needs light and air for development. Subsisting upon
purloined "prepared food," it has no use for leaves, which have
been reduced to scales.
First on the list belongs to the Broom-Rape family and is
known botanically as
Orobanche cooper/
(or Orobanche ludoviciana var. cooperi)
The appearance of this curious growth bursting from the
ground always seems incredible, and fascinating in its peculiar-
ity. The stout, fleshy, scaly stems shoot up 5 to 9 inches, dull
brownish-purple or greyish-purple in color, the herbage glan-
dular and often so hoary with greyish hairs as to look frosted.
There may be a single spike or often several smaller spikes
closely encircling the main stem, all crowded with bracts and
purple and yellow flowers. The calyx lobes and bracts are
lanceolate and the 2-lipped corolla is tubular, about an inch
long and noticeably curved, much paler outside and glandular- Burroweed is the favorite host of this plant sponger,
hairy. The 2-lobed upper lip is purple, erect or recurved, the Orobanche cooperi.
lower lip 3-lobed, light purplish with 2 yellow ridges extending
into the throat or all light yellow, all lobes acute. From March
to July you may find this Broom-Rape, usually growing in Pholisma arenarium
groups, on mesas and washes, in valley and mountain areas in The thick fleshy brown stem, 2 to 6 inches above ground,
the Mojave and Colorado deserts and Arizona, extending into ends in a dense oblong spike, single or compactly branched,
southern Utah, Nevada, western Texas and Mexico. Its favorite densely crowded with leaf-scales, bracts and flowers. The
host is Burroweed (Franseria dumosa) but it does not scorn greyish-brown scales, bracts and calyx lobes are glandular-hairy.
other Composites, such as Hymenoclea salsola. In Arizona it The violet-purple corolla has a conspicuous white margin and
has been found sponging a living upon species of cactus. is shallowly 5 to 7-lobed and ruffled, like a miniature Petunia.
Orobanche multijlora var. arenosa is similar except that its Its hosts are Rabbitbrush and a few other Composites, and
stem is rather slender and the purplish corolla lobes are round- Buckwheat. It may be found from December to June in the
ed. It is found in Arizona and California desert mountains and California deserts and Lower California, usually on sandy mesas
northern Mexico from April to July. Another species occasion- and washes.
ally found on the desert is The Lennoa family also claims the remarkable "Sand Food,"
which is known botanically as
Orobanche jasciadata
Commonly called Cancer-Root as are the other Broom-Rapes Ammobroma sonorae
at times, because of their use in the treatment of ulcers and This oddity is mostly subterranean, only the flat button-like
cancerous growths. It is very different in appearance from the head (2 to 4 inches broad) showing above ground. The thick
above species. The flowers are borne in loose clusters on slen- scaly succulent stems are like an elongated radish, pushing
der naked peduncles, often several inches long. The short calyx
down 2 to 5 feet to reach the roots of various perennial herbs
has 5 pointed triangular lobes and the tubular corolla is over an
inch long (up to IV2), spreading at the tip into 5 rounded and shrubs. In March and April the upper surface of the wooly
lobes. The whole plant is of one color, yellowish or dull pur- disk is covered with a dozen or more tiny violet-purple, funnel-
plish or reddish. Those I have found high in the Providence shaped blossoms. The long roots are much relished as food, raw
mountains were very pale yellow. They tap for nourishment and cooked, by Mexicans and Indians, and have been a valued
species of Sagebrush (Artemisia) and Buckwheat (Eriogo- item of their larder. Those Americans who have had the pleas-
num). Their desert locations are from 4000 to 8000 feet in the ure of eating them found them an unusually palatable and satis-
mountains of Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, to western fying food, much like yams, when roasted; sweeter and juicier
Texas, from May to August. than a radish, when raw. These Sand Roots are very plentiful in
The Lennoa family also is addicted to stealing its food. It has the extensive sand dunes of Sonora and Lower California and
the same general characteristics as the Broom-Rape gang but are found less abundantly in the dune areas of southwestern
shows structural differences that easily identify its members. Arizona and southeastern California.


Rockhounds poured like a wave over the ground the Utah society had dynamited to expose
the sherry-colored crystals.

Day for Topaz Collectors

Golden topaz in a silver-grey jewel casket of rhyolite—that is what mark every road branch. So if you want to
more than 100 rockhounds found when they trekked to Topaz cove in the try it alone, just follow the paper flags."
Thomas mountains of western Utah as guests of the Mineralogical Society Lucile and I did want to try it alone.
of Utah. To reach the sparkling gems, they followed a trail which once re- There are many places of historical and
sounded to the rumble of Overland stage and the hoofbeats of Pony Ex- geological interest along the road to the
press. The old stage stations have disappeared, and the road is lonelier Topaz field and we didn't want to be
than it was 80 years ago. But at the end of the trail there is a rich reward forced to keep up with a rockhound cara-
for gem collectors who go there today. van. There had been a cold rain in Salt
Lake City the day before the convention
By HAROLD O. WEIGHT opened, and some of the visitors from Wy-

r OPAZ cove lies there," said Lillian

Lockerbie, secretary-treasurer of the
Rocky Mountain Federation of
Mineralogical societies. She placed her
and one mineral wonders were being
wrapped and packaged for their return to
collections scattered over the western
oming and Colorado had driven through
blizzards. But Saturday morning dawned
clear. The air was crisp and the snow low
on the Wasatch and Oquirrh ranges.
For more than ten years I had dreamed
finger on a map of the Thomas mountains In the morning, June 14, a two-day field of hunting the tawny gems that cluster in
about 100 air miles southwest of Salt Lake trip to Topaz mountain, sponsored by the the cavities of that grey mountain-mass of
City. The map was spread on a table in Mineralogical Society of Utah, would get rhyolite in west central Utah. I almost
the Gold ballroom of the Newhouse hotel under way. made the trip in 1945 when I was in the
in Salt Lake. The 1947 convention of the "I could give you road directions," Mrs. air force, awaiting shipment at Camp
Rocky Mountain federation was closing, Lockerbie went on, "but you would prob- Kearns. While on pass in Salt Lake City,
and around us rose the excited dickering of ably end up wandering all over the desert. I met Lillian and Charles Lockerbie. They
collectors making last minute purchases That's why we're having guides with the took me on a Utah society field trip into
and exchanges. Jade and dinosaur bone, caravans leaving Salt Lake tomorrow. But the cool, flower-lined trails of the Wasatch
variscite, petrified wood and a thousand Charlie and I are starting early and we'll mountains where we collected ludwigite

OCTOBER, 1947 19
Charles W. Lockerbie, Utah society Junius ]. Hayes, of the University oj ]ean Rottman of Salt Lake City, one of
member, prepares to dynamite the gem- Utah and president of the Miner- the youngest collectors, with the screen
bearing rhyolite -while rockhound Alta alogical society, supervised the Flag she used to recover topaz crystals
looks on. Day ceremonies. from the gravel.
from an old mine dump. That trip was a from Camp Floyd in Salt Lake valley to road conditions, and the passing country-
glorious break in the monotonous round Genoa, Nevada. This was the same Simp- side took on details. In the sagebrush were
of squadron work-call, guard duty and son who in 1849 reported discovery of gorgeous magenta-pink blossoms of the
kitchen police at Kearns. Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonito in New opuntia cactus, tall sego lilies, apricot mal-
A weekend at Topaz mountain was Mexico. low, white prickly poppy, pink thistle and
planned. But the army had other ideas, and In 1890 George Frederick Kunz, in his brightly-red Indian paintbrush. As the
the day I expected to be hunting topaz book Gems and Precious Stones of North lonely road twisted up through the pass in
crystals found me with my nose against America, declared the Utah specimens the Onaqui mountains, we reached the
the window of a troop train, watching the probably the most beautiful and brilliant level of the junipers.
desert mountains of Utah vanish in the au- crystals of topaz to be found in the United This almost forgotten road once had
tumn haze. I reluctantly filed the trip away States. But as late as 1937, when Profes- been the main street of America. It had
among my more urgent post-war projects. sor Junius J. Hayes, president of the Utah been the Pony Express route from 1860
Even with the fluttering crepe paper society and a group of friends made their until the transcontinental telegraph made
markers to guide us, we had trouble with first trip to the field, they wandered it obsolete in 1861. The Overland Stage
the route. Topaz cove always has been iso- through the sagebrush for two days, look- and freight lines maintained stations along
lated. Probably the Paiutes and their an- ing for Topaz mountain. the road from 1858 to 1868. Emigrants
cestors knew all about the sparkling rocks We filled the gas tank at Stockton, last who traveled this way knew it as the Simp-
at Topaz and the mountain men may have source of supply directly on the road we son route but to the Mormons it was
gone that way. But the first scientific ob- were following, and checked our water Egan's trail. Howard Egan, Mormon
server to record the presence of the beauti- supply. Normally, no water is available at guide, frontiersman and express rider, pio-
ful gem stones was Henry Engelmann, ge- Topaz cove. At 52.5 miles from Salt Lake, neered the road in 1855, when returning
ologist with Captain James H. Simpson's beyond St. Johns station, the paving end- from California.
1858-9 expedition to map a wagon road ed. The speed of the car slowed to match Every Pony Express and stage station
Topaz crystals from Thomas mountains, Utah (enlarged).

Topaz cove, 130 road miles southwest of Salt Lake City, where 103 mineral collectors attend-
ing the 1947 convention of the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mmeralogical societies
spent a weekend collecting crystals.
site along this road is marked with an at- We reached Simpson springs at 90.2 fresh water lakes which filled the Great
tractive native stone monument and a miles. Southwest of the monument rows Basin during the ice ages. At its highest
metal plaque. They were sponsored by of rock and erosion-filled excavations out- point, the vast body of water was 1000
Utah Pioneer Trails association and Ore- line what once was one of the most impor- feet above the present level of its last big
gon Trails Memorial association, and tant stage stations in Utah. Simpson's remnant, Great Salt Lake. It extended into
were erected by the Civilian Conservation springs was the jump-off for the dreaded Idaho, Nevada, and to within 50 miles of
Corps. stretch of road that rounded the lower the Arizona border. Professor F. J. Pack,
The stations are gone. Seldom are there edge of the Great Salt desert. From here author of Lake Bonneville, a Popular
even mounds of rock to recall the wayside water was carried for westbound animals Treatise, wrote that if the lake ever should
depots where jaded horses were replaced, and horses. resume its old level it would submerge
passengers fed and Indian attacks beaten On the slope to the east of the road are more than 100 cities and villages and make
off. Once outposts of onrushing civiliza- the green-painted buildings of a grazing homeless more than 90 per cent of Utah's
tion, civilization now has passed them by. service camp. From the springs the old population.
Even the sites of station wells, dug with stage route headed southwesterly about During the thousands of years that the
much effort through stubborn desert earth eight miles to Riverbed station. Only dur- great lake was at its height, the Dugway,
are forgotten. And the road itself, save for ing cloudbursts does the river bed carry Thomas and Drum mountains formed a
such infrequent caravans as this migration water today. But in late glacial times, the 50-mile island and the road which we trav-
of the tribe Rockhound, is lonelier than it waters of Sevier lake flowed northward eled across the flats would have been un-
was 80 years ago. through it into evaporating Lake Bonne- der 700 feet of water. On the flats we re-
But whirling dust devils in the rutted ville. The river bed, where the road enters alized again what Mrs. Lockerbie meant
tracks on the grey flats bring memories of it, is about 2000 feet wide and 130 feet when she said that road directions were
rocking Concords and mudwagons. The deep. When the stages ran, there was a hard to give. There are roads all over the
sound of wind on a moonless night be- 100-foot well at Riverbed from which place.
comes the rumble of wheels and the creak brackish water was hauled to Dugway
of leather throughbraces. So little has this We left the old stage route at 108.1
station, ten miles southwest. Station and miles, swinging south on a comparatively
raw land changed one feels that at any well have vanished, but the monument,
moment a page of the book of time might new truck trail which proved to be the
about a quarter of a mile off the road, in- poorest section of the road. During wet
turn backward and the frontier breathe dicates where they were located.
again. weather this clay track probably would be
Bonneville was the last of four huge impassable. Ahead to the right we could
SALT LAKE CITY west. Founded in 1940, it now has a mem-
(86.8 MILES)
bership of 120 and publishes a big an-
nual bulletin with illustrated features on
minerals, geology and rock localities of


From Salt Lake
00.0 —Leave Temple Square,
Salt Lake City and follow
OVERLAND STAGE) U. S. 40 past Saltair, Sun-
set and B l a c k Rock
beaches, Garfield smelters.
25.5 —U. S. 40-50 swings right.
'3V/?::TERRACES FROM LAKE Keep straight ahead (left)
8ONNEVILLE PERIOD to Tooele valley.
34.8 —Road branch right to
Wendover. Keep straight
35.0 —Tooele, k e e p straight
ahead through town.
38.1 —Tooele Ordnance depot
right. Keep straight
39.2 —Combined Metals Reduc-
tion plant. Keep straight
41.9 —Stockton. Check water, oil
and gas..
47.3 —Branch. Keep right.
49.0 —Railroad crossing at St.
John station. Follow state
highway 36 south.
51.3 —Junction. Continue
straight ahead. Right road
is to Dugway proving
52.5 —Straight ahead. Road left
goes to Desert Chemical
Warfare station. Pave-
ment ends here.
63.3 —Straight a h e a d . Left
branch goes to farm.
64.0 —TURN RIGHT on dirt
road into Onaqui moun-
73.6 —Lookout station historical
marker right of road.
79.0 —Junction. Keep right.
82.2 —Road branch left. Keep
straight ahead.
86.8 00.0—Junction. Take left fork.
Dugway proving grounds
90.2 3.4—Simpson's springs station
monument, right of road.
90.9 4.1—Road Y. Take r i g h t
98.7 11.9—Riverbed stage station site,
see the triangular point known as Pilot As we walked up the road, he told us about y4 mile right of road.
Peak, guide to the topaz field. Presently preparations made to assure success of the 108.1 21.3—Leave main road for left
branch paralleling Dug-
we passed its south base and followed the field trip. way mountains.
curving trail into Topaz cove. The Mineralogical Society of Utah 116.8 30.0—Faint b r a n c h . Keep
As we climbed steadily toward the end should be proud of its Topaz cove camp- straight ahead.
of the road, every likely spot along the ground. There were tables and benches 123.0 36.2—Y joining main Eureka
wash in the shade of the juniper trees was under the big junipers along the main road. Turn right on main
taken up by car or trailer. When the car wash. Fireplaces had been constructed and 124.1 37.3—Road branch left. Keep
grunted around the last grade and I pulled restrooms set up. Members and friends straight ahead.
out of the road the sun was low, but its had hauled wood and water. And many 124.8 38.0—Road branch left to Delta.
clear sharp light fell directly into the great hours had been spent improving the road. Keep straight ahead.
126.8 40.0—Leave main road for right
U-shaped bowl, etching the black-green Signs marked Rockhound Broadway and branch, heading toward
junipers against the light grey of the tow- Rockhound Main street and city limits. Pilot peak.
ering slopes which walled us in. And the throngs of convention delegates 128.1 41.2—Faint branch -ight. Keep
bustling about gave the cove a metropoli- left. Follow main traveled
Professor Hayes, who was supervising road to—
the camp, welcomed us to Topaz city. tan appearance. 130.0 43.2—Rockhound campsite at
"The main wash is crowded," he said, The Mineralogical Society of Utah is end of road in Topaz cove.
"but there is plenty of room on the flat." one of the most active societies in the


the region. Pre ent officers, besides Presi-
dent Hayes are Marie P. Crane, first vice-
president; William T. Rogers, second
vice-president; Marcia F. Bagby, secre-
tary; Kenneth R. Tanner, treasurer; and
Sears P. Roach, historian.
The collector who visits Topaz cove
will not go away empty handed. When
the sun falls across the gashes and slopes
of the cove, its light is reflected in thou-
sands of bright flashes. Before we had
gone 50 feet, Lucile had rescued several
water-clear crystals from the dust of the
road. The crystal-hunter soon learns that
some of the brightest glitters come from
bits of topaz too small to locate. But com-
plete crystals are there, and thev can be
found easily as soon as the rockhound's
eyes become adjusted to the type of speci-
men he is hunting.
Not all the visitors were busy making
camp. We met Walter H. Koch, of Salt
Lake City, returning from the head of the
main wash through camp. He was proudly
bearing a large fragment of rhyolite. The
cavities in it Were filled with glowing Chester R. Howard, new president oj the Rocky Mountain Federation (right),
sherry-colored crystals of topaz. It was a shows his prize topaz crystal to Richard M. Pearl, vice-president oj the new
museum piece. American Federation of Mineralogical societies.
"I just found it up the canyon a little
way," he said. From up that canyon came their accompanying minerals: Red beryl, the flag as it snapped and fluttered in the
the sound of shouting. Apparently the to- garnet, pseudobrookite, hematite, fluorite, night breeze. The rockhounds rose from
paz hunt was in full cry. It is hard work to calcite and bixbyite. Comparatively large around the dying fire and sang "America
obtain the sherry-colored crystals, but they clusters of opaque grey topaz crystals, the Beautiful" while a guitar picked out
are worth the effort. They must be dug, called sand crystals, are common in the the tune. As the last embers faded into
chiseled or blasted from the cavities of the area. They have inclusions of small grains darkness the campfire circle broke up and
grey rhyolite where they are imprisoned. of quartz, and shine in the sun more bril- Topaz city settled down to as complete rest
Once found, they must be protected from liantly than pure topaz. In the cove at To- as rockhound-hunting mosquitoes, who
direct sunlight or intense heat or their paz the best localities are high in the main also were holding a convention, would
glorious color soon fades. wash—and at a noticeable white knoll permit.
Topaz is an ancient gem, named for a west of the campsite and at spots on the The smell of bacon mingled with that of
Red Sea island whose inhabitants were slope of Topaz mountain about one-half sage is one of the pleasantest alarm clocks
forced by Egyptian rulers to collect the mile east and one-half mile west of the man has devised. It hustled the rock-
gem crystals found there and deliver them white knoll. hounds out of their bedrolls early in an-
to the royal gem cutters. The name topaz, All over the cove the smoke of cooking ticipation of the big event of the day. Utah
however, has been applied to many yellow fires rose, and in the long twilight the gem society members were going to blast into a
stones, so it is possible that the Red Sea hunters came home from the hills. Dark- rhyolite outcrop to assure to everyone some
stones were not our present gem, which is ness was greeted by a bursting rocket. Red of the sherry-colored crystals.
a silicate of aluminum and fluorine. Pure flames hung against the darkening blue. As we hiked up the big wash to the
topaz is colorless, but impurities make it From the main wash came the cry: blasting-site, we saw collectors searching
yellow, brownish grey, sherry, and pale "Campfire! Campfire!" for crystals. Some worked with shovel and
tones of blue, green, lilac, violet and red. When we dropped into the wash, the screen, sifting gravel in the wash. Others
Yellow is the color most sought in gems. enormous fire was casting fantastic lights used small screens and chisels and screw-
Topaz will scratch all the common min- and shadows through the rocks and juni- drivers, picks and hammers, and scratched
erals except corundum, being number 8 in pers and upon the faces of the people gath- into sandy corners with their bare hands. A
Moh's scale of hardness. It crystallizes in ered in a semi-circle there. Another rocket treasured find had been made by Dorothy
the orthorhombic system—three axes at rushed into the night, bursting in a flame Craig, secretary of California Federation
right angles to each other and of different of white. The flare drifted to the southwest of Mineralogical societies, who had flown
lengths—and the crystals are prismatic in as it swung slowly beneath its parachute, from Los Angeles. She carefully un-
form. The stone has a perfect basal cleav- and the circle of light outlined trees, buttes wrapped topaz crystals coated with small
age and its fracture is conchoidal to un- and mountains as it passed. flat crystals of hematite.
even. Around the campfire were 103 rock- Finally we came upon the blasting crew,
Topaz occurs most often in acid, igneous hounds—collectors from Utah, California, in charge of William T. Rogers, Utah Cop-
rocks—in veins or cavities in granite or Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, per company geologist and field trip chair-
rhyolite. Alfred M. Buranek, Utah geolo- New York, Indiana, Wyoming and New man. He, with Charlie Lockerbie, Earl M.
gist, says Topaz mountain contains 1500 Jersey. They talked rocks and sang songs Van Deventer of the Owyhee society of
feet of rhyolite in five flows. The crystals and drew more closely together beside the Caldwell, Idaho, and other volunteers,
occur throughout the mountain and in roaring fire in the quiet desert night. were working with single-jack and hand
other places in the Thomas range in the It was Flag Day, and during the after- drill, slowly driving holes for charges. Al-
lighter colored rhyolite where flow struc- noon a homemade staff had been erected though the rhyolite was comparatively soft
ture is not prominent. The rock is marked on a little hill commanding the campsite. thev worked hard for nearly three hours
by cavities in which form the topazes and Now spotlights flashed on, illuminating before they were deep enough. At last caps

OCTOBER 1947 23
and fuses were attached to the dynamite The big adventure in Barry At- the courage to do it—and he has
and the holes charged. Rogers warned col- water's life was when he quit a made a go of it. Here is the story
lectors to clear the area. Soon from behind steady payroll job as interior of a man who has achieved what
every rock within sight of the spot curious decorator to live on the rather un- many of us would like to do—
heads darted out, peering cautiously, then certain income of a comparative- who converted a hobby into a
withdrawing for all the world like be- ly unknown artist. But Barry had livelihood.
leaguered desert tortoises. Amid shouts of
advice and warning, three men lighted the
fuses, at 30 second intervals. Rogers, light-
ing the last one, had about two minutes to
find cover before the first would explode.
After an interminable time, there was a By JOHN HILTON urday night. He became an interior decora-
quivering roar, a burst of grey dust, and tor—and a good one. Good pictures have
rhyolite spilled down the wash. A second an important role in the interior fittings of
shot shook the hillside, but the other failed fy ARRY Atwater is one of my neigh-
l \ bors. His home and workshop is a every home—and Barry stressed this fact
to fire. Finally Rogers went swiftly to the in advising clients. He made the acquaint-
unexploded charge and pulled the fuse. cozy little cabin at Raymond Mor-
gan's Rancho Dos Palmas on the north ance of many artists and studied their
His action was like a "come and get it!" craftsmanship with more than casual in-
to a hungry crew. Rockhounds poured out side of California's Salton sea just a few
miles from the studio where I do much terest.
of hiding and surged down upon the blast- Eventually his work took him to Los
ed ground. Yelps of excitement announced of my work.
Barry is a soft spoken chap with the Angeles where he became acquainted with
that many colored crystals had been uncov- the beautiful landscape paintings which
ered, and sight of the outcrop vanished smile of a man who is finding a great deal
of contentment in life. During a chat in my came in from the desert. He asked for as-
under a wave of collectors of all sizes and signments which would take him to Palm
ages. A later blast uncovered more booty studio one day he told me of the long road
he had followed to gain recognition in Springs and other desert localities, and as
and as the field trip drew to a close, the he returned time after time to the arid
camp filled with eager hobbyists compar- the world of art.
He studied art during his youth in Den- country the urge to improve his own art
ing prizes. grew stronger. He again took up painting
In the afternoon, cars started to move ver, but the necessity of doing work for
which there was some immediate remun- as a hobby.
out of Topaz cove, scattering to near states
and far. They had come for topaz crystals, eration caused him to turn to a field in And, as is often the case, Barry's hobby
and all of them carried away specimens. which artistry yields a pay check every Sat- soon got out of hand. Working with his
They also carried with them an idea which
may solve a problem growing more press-
ing as the years pass. At the campfire Pro- E v e n tne
fessor Hayes had announced that the Min- H£CCDT A1II7 Great American Desert has its rivers and
eralogical Society of Utah had filed upon
UlZOCn I yUlh lakes and seas—more of them perhaps than you had
realized. In order to refresh your memory as to the
two claims in the Topaz mountain
geography of the Southwest and especially its rivers and waterholes, this month's
area, that the society intended to do the
Quiz contains a list of 20 water places and their location relative to towns and
necessary work upon them and patent
other place names. They're all jumbled up—and it is your simple task to pair them
up properly. For instance, everyone knows that Needles, California, is not near
The claims will be open to anyone who the shores of Utah lake. But in the column on the right you'll find the name of
wishes to collect upon them. The only the body of water where Needles folks do their boating. Ten to 12 answers is fair;
purpose of the society is to guarantee that 13 to 16 is good; 16 to 18 excellent; over 18 is super something-or-other. An-
Topaz mountain always will remain open swers are on page 33.
to rockhounds—that no selfish individual
or group will be able to block off the field 1—Needles, California Utah lake
which the Utah group has done so much
to develop. 2—Albuquerque, New Mexico Humboldt river
Most dealers have seen their businesses 3—Bluff, Utah Salton sea
grow as earth science and gem cutting so- 4—Wickenburg, Arizona Green river
cieties expanded. Most of them realize that 5—Barstow, California San Juan river
clubs will remain active and healthy only 6—St. George, Utah Little Colorado river
so long as their members can take field 7—Jensen, Utah Mono lake
trips, find material of their own and in-
terest others in their hobby. It would be 8—Clarkdale, Arizona Pecos river
interesting to compare sales of lapidary 9—Holbrook, Arizona Lake Mead
equipment and cutting material in an area, 10—Carlsbad, New Mexico Salt river
such as California, where hobbyists make 11—Benson, Arizona Amargosa river
field trips, with those of areas where no
12—Gila Bend, Arizona Mojave river
collecting material is available.
13—Roosevelt dam, Arizona Colorado river
If the day should come when all fields
are closed to the rockhounds—that day 14—Elko, Nevada Rio Grande river
would mark the beginning of the end for 15—Boulder City, Nevada Walker lake
lapidary dealers. Most people understand 16—Provo, Utah Hassayampa river
that. But for the few dealers and amateurs 17—Mecca, California Gila river
who seek to corner any new find—a find 18—Hawthorne, Nevada Verde river
frequently made by rockhounds—and to
close off and strip collecting fields, per- 19—Leevining, California San Pedro river
haps Professor Hayes and the Mineralogi- 20—Death Valley Jet., Calif. Virgin river
cal Society of Utah have found an answer.


paints and brushes became more important
than matching drapes and upholstery for
the customers. However, he remained in
his position until the time came when
there was a market for his own paintings.
It took ten years. Finally, three years ago
he resigned and left for the desert—deter-
mined to live on the returns from his art,
even if it meant a very meager living.
"And that's my story," he concluded.
But there is more to the story than that.
From my own experience I know it is not
a simple task to teach one's self to paint. I
know there were days of discouragement
and even despair—times when he won-
dered if he could ever learn to bring the
"feel" of Nature's beauty to the white life-
less canvas so others could share his en-
joyment of it. But Barry had the help and
encouragement of a sympathetic wife, and
if the struggle has been hard there is no
evidence of it in the warm smile and the
twinkle in his eyes.
The Atwaters are partial to the wild des-
ert region of Arizona and New Mexico.
Telephone poles seldom get in the way in
the broad expanses of the Indian country.
They spend much time among the great
sculptured monoliths of Monument valley
—up where the rocks and ridges and pin-
nacles "have some shape to them."
As an interior decorator Harry had seen
his share of polite still lifes, of cow pas-
tures and backyard tenements in water-
"Why paint a bowl of fruit or flowers,"
he reasoned, "when you can bring the real
thing into the room and enjoy its natural
beauty and fragrance." Tenement life pic-
tures are all right if one wants to preach a
sermon on social injustice. Pastoral scenes
have been popular with artists for count-
less generations. But Barry Atwater's
tastes do not run in that direction. He
wants none of the soft rolling hills when
there is a desert spread with rugged crags
and buttes that pierce the sky line like the
remnants of another world, and pinnacles
that catch the rose of dawn or the reflected
glory of the sunset on their rough hewn _
i _
facets, and cast long finger-like shadows
across the sage-dotted flats. Those are the This picture of the artist was taken at Dos Palmas oasis on the north side of Salton
subjects Atwater likes to paint—those and sea—near the little cabin studio where he does most of his work.
the fantastic patterns of cloud shadows,
and the curtains of summer rains dragging
over the distant rimrock in a manner that both of them for they managed the post but Barry Atwater's work has stood the
would make a tenderfoot say, "It can't be for Fred Wilson for a little while and be- test and there is increasing market for his
came acquainted with some of the most in- canvases. I don't think he is especially in-
so." teresting people of the desert country, the terested in the acclaim of eastern critics.
If he were to hear such a remark I can Navajo Indians. Later they had a studio at He will paint nothing that will stir a vio-
imagine him smiling that slow grin to Albuquerque. lent controversy in the press. He seeks
himself and going right on painting the Last September, at the invitation of Ray- merely to bring the desert, the wild rugged
things he likes. He knows deep in his heart mond Morgan, they furnished a little cab- desert which he loves, as truly as possible
that enough people are gaining an intimate in at Rancho Dos Palmas near the historic to the painted canvas for the enjoyment of
knowledge of the desert to appreciate what Dos Palmas springs and have had the op- those who share his enthusiasm for this
he is doing—and that is all that matters. portunity to roam the desert at will. With land.
First time I met Barry he was staying the coming of summer temperatures they His work is clean and well composed.
with Harry and "Mike" Goulding at their probably will return to the high plateau He has contentment in his art. It is a big
trading post in Monument valley. Later of the Navajo country. desert and he will never exhaust the sub-
the Atwaters moved to a trading post east Desert people are the most severe critics ject, or find it tiresome or boring. And
of Gallup. This was high adventure for of the artists who work on desert subjects, what more can any artist ask?
OCTOBER, 1947 25
Tombstone, Arizona . . .
The first ore went through the new 100-
ton flotation mill of Operations, Inc., at
Tombstone, in August. Two shifts are em-
ployed at the mill, which represents a to-
Washington, D. C. . . . Shoshone road, an area which has been tal investment of $300,000. Mine produc-
The bureau of mines will make 35 ex- prospected for many years. Smith and his tion has been stepped up to meet the de-
plorations for strategic metals and miner- associate, a Mr. Long of Los Angeles, have mand for ore. The company is operating
als on the nation's scarcity list. Most urgent a crew of 18 men at work building 10 the San Juan mine in the Dragoon moun-
need was lead, while others were tin, ru- miles of road from the highway to the tains, which is owned by Jonathan Gor-
tile, copper, iron, mercury, beryllium- strike. Unverified reports claim the ore don. The mine is a lead-zinc producer.
tantalum and tungsten. Copper projects runs as high as $10,000 a ton. • • o

for this year include one in Churchill o • o Austin, Nevada . . .

county, Nevada, and one in Cochise coun- Manhattan, Nevada . . . Production of antimony was expected to
ty, Arizona. Lead-zinc explorations are Art Langan, old-time Nevada mine op- start in August at the Romano property of
planned near Pioche, Nevada, Summit, the Big Creek Milling company, 10 miles
Pitkin and Lake counties, Colorado, and erator, has purchased the Smoky claim IV2
miles from Manhattan, for the Lucky south of Austin. A concentrating plant de-
Beaver and Tooele counties, Utah. signed to treat 50 tons of ore in two eight
• • • Strike Mining company. A road has been
built to the property, which adjoins the hour shifts is nearing completion on the
Reno, Nevada . . . Hoosier claim of the Manhattan Gold mountain side 1200 feet below the mine,
A 200-ton selective-flotation mill is to company and is northeast of the White and 5000 tons of stibnite are ready for
be built on the property of the Union Lead Caps mine. Langan stated that 10 prospect milling. The mill will be gravity fed, and
company, 13 miles south of Reno near the holes have been sunk on the Smoky vein concentrates will be trucked to smelters.
Carson highway. George W. Danehy, and that the ore showing is encouraging. Mill equipment includes a jaw-crusher,
mining engineer, has been retained to de- A collar is being placed on one shaft, and a grinding rolls and four concentrating
sign, supervise construction and operate compressor and other equipment will be tables.
the mill. The Union mine, long known as installed. • • •
the Commonwealth, has been worked at • • • Washington, D. C. . . .
intervals since the early sixties. Orebodies, President Truman vetoed the metals
containing lead, zinc, silver and some Barstow, California . . . subsidy bill, providing premium payments
gold, are said to be large, ranging in width D. A. Kendall has started work on 24 to subsidize high-cost production of cop-
up to 40 feet, and opened by tunnels, non-metallic mining claims 45 miles from per, lead, zinc and manganese, declaring
shafts and winzes to 800 feet vertical Barstow, which he leased recently, and is that the plan was a war measure and not a
depth. negotiating for the lease of 11 silver-lead permanent part of U. S. economy. Contin-
claims. Kendall recently purchased the uance of the plan would contribute little
Red Ball mill at Barstow, formerly owned to production of metals in shortest supply
Green River, Wyoming . . . by Robert Munro of Los Angeles. He has
The Westvaco Chlorine Products com- and prices of all the metals have risen
been putting the mill in order and has se- sharply, he said. With the veto, stoping
pany is continuing development of a vast cured contracts for large tonnages of bar-
bed of trona, 20 miles west of Green River. and milling operations on copper were
ite, strontianite and celestite which he will shut down at the Copper Canyon Mining
A shaft has reached the trona deposit at process there. He plans also to grind red-
1500 feet, and the company is constructing company plant near Battle Mountain, Ne-
brown rhyolite for roofing granules. vada. Charles F. Willis, secretary of Ari-
its experimental pilot plant at the shaft • • •
mouth. Actual production is expected to zona small mine operators association, pre-
start during September. The bed, explored Tonopah, Nevada . . . dicted that 80 Arizona mines would close.
through drilling by the Union Pacific Rail- W. H. Flower has mined 20 tons of • • •
road company before the war, is said to be good-grade gold ore from a 22-foot shaft Tonopah, Nevada . . .
the only known deposit of sufficient purity he put down unaided on his claim 60 miles Phil and Louis Meyer, Tonopah pros-
and thickness to be mined by the same north of Tonopah, in the Meadow canyon pectors, have located placer ground 100
methods used for coal. area. Assays made by Pat Welsch in Tono- miles north and west of Tonopah which
• • • pah indicate an average $40 a ton value may develop into a major dredging opera-
Virginia City, Nevada . . . across three feet of vein. Flower believes tion. A number of shallow holes have been
Extensive operations to recover the gold he can obtain considerable tonnage in ore, put down on the two areas which lie six
and silver from the dumps of Virginia City and was in Manhattan recently, to see if miles apart on the west flank of the Toi-
were planned by the Eagle Picher com- the new Choan-Oliver milling plant could yabe range near the head of New York
pany, to start late in August. The company handle his output. canyon. It is estimated that the gravel
is said to have developed a process which • o • where exposed by the test holes will aver-
will enable it to recover dump values from Manhattan, Nevada . . age $1 a yard. The gold is sharp and rag-
a dollar a ton up, and to have made ar- F. E. Choan and John Oliver have the ged, indicating that it has not moved far
rangements to process waste ore from all first unit of their Manhattan mill ready to from its source, and is unusually coarse for
Virginia City dumps. T. A. Copeland is run and will start milling ore in a few days. Nevada placers.
general manager and geologist of the firm, The mill is located two miles above town • • •
which conducts big lead operations near on the old Tonopah road near the Key- National Tunnel and Mines company of
Joplin, Missouri. stone property. Forty thousand tons of ore Bingham, Utah, has notified 200 em-
• • • said to average $7 a ton go'd and silver ployes that, due to cessation of federal pre-
Baker, California . . . have been blocked out at the Keystone. mium payments on ore and impending
A silver strike reported to be one of the The ore will be broken and scraped up higher labor costs, operations will cease as
richest in the history of the Mojave desert with a bulldozer, then put through the soon as mine equipment, pipe and rails can
has been made by Vern Smith in a low mill. The mill flow sheet consists of flota- be salvaged from underground workings.
range of barren hills 30 miles north and tion, cyanidation and jigs, and the first The company in 1941 completed the $1,-
west of Baker. The find is near the cross- unit has a 20-ton daily capacity. Custom 250,000 Elton tunnel from Bingham to
road settlement of Renoville on the Baker- ores will be handled later. Tooele.


Those Lost Geode Beds . . .

LETTERS... Following is a letter written to

L. B. Dixon of Del Mar, California,
in response to his description of a
"lost geode" field in southwestern
Public Enemy No. 1 his own affairs . . . and let him grow up Colorado on the Letters page of the
Clovis, New Mexico and take his rightful place in the land of July Desert.
his birth.' " To perpetuate the system of
Dear Mr. Henderson: wardship of competent American Indians Hesperus, Colorado
Desert Magazine has become somewhat is to deprive them of the fundamental Dear Mr. Dixon:
of a bureau of information to me; particu- rights promised to all citizens by the con-
larly the letters discussing various things I just read your letter about the lost ge-
stitution of our country. Any act or law ode beds in the July issue of Desert Maga-
about the desert southwest. which stresses segregation hinders devel- zine. It was very interesting to me as I live
When I came tjo this country a good opment of initiative and responsibility. at the mouth of La Plata canyon and it so
many years ago, I had already heard of the My only contention is that the Indian happened four companions and myself had
deadly bite and sting of the tarantula, cen- needs to be set free to work out his own just returned from a geode hunt along the
tipede, water dog, vinegaroon, gila mon- destiny—to profit by his own mistakes, to banks of the La Plata river.
ster, etc.—most of which turned out to be rise or fall under the impelling ideals of a
"fairy tales." Now comes an item in a democratic government. On the east side of the river about two
newspaper which says "Scorpions kill miles downstream from where I live at the
Let me quote from an Office of War In- mouth of the canyon are geodes filled with
more Arizonans than all the rattlesnakes, formation poster, No. 75, signed by Presi-
black widow spiders, and gila monsters beautiful calcite crystals, some clear and
dent Roosevelt in 1943. "No loyal citizen some stained a light brown. Some are
combined." See clipping enclosed. of the United States should be denied the marked outside with a pattern like that on
Please, Mr. Editor, find out and inform democratic right to exercise the responsi- the back of a turtle and are very interesting
us whether there is such a thing as a scor- bilities of his citizenship, regardless of his specimens.
pion whose sting is deadly to man. I have ancestry."
been stung by a scorpion, but not on the What you refer to as "bitumen or other
In a democracy such as ours, that offers asphalt substance" I am inclined to believe
desert; and have known several others to to every foreigner the right to freedom
be stung by them, with little worse effect is some form of aragonite. I have known of
and the pursuit of happiness, it is incon- these geodes for many years, as I have lived
than a wasp sting. ceivable that after fighting side by side here 33 years. They are still quite plentiful
L. J. WHITEMAN with his white brothers, making the same and as the shale erodes away new ones
sacrifices, working in war plants, serving keep coming to the surface.
LJW: Dr. Herbert Stahnke (Des-
in the WAC and WAVES, that the Indi- Of course I do not know if these geode
ert, May '41) reported that of the 21 ans cannot now be freed from their inferior
species of scorpions he had identified beds are the "lost" ones you saw many
status as government wards and share in years ago, but they are the only ones I
in Arizona, two: had proven deadly. the freedom for which they fought.
The recorded score over a period of know about in this vicinity.
nine years in Arizona showed 50 TSIANINA BILL LITTLE
deaths (mostly children) chargeable • • •
as follows: Scorpions 34, rattlesnakes Let's Restore the Palms . . . Garnets in the Santa Rosas . . .
8, black widow spiders 3, Gila mon-
sters 1, and four classed as miscellane- Los Angeles, California Orange, California
ous. This would indicate that among Dear Randall: Desert:
the insects and reptiles, the scorpion Palm springs between Vallecito and On a recent trip to the top of Southern
is Public Enemy No. l.—R.H. Carrizo stations on the old Butterfield California's Santa Rosa mountains, my
• • • stage line was so named because of the na- brother and I were on the lookout for
Freedom for Which They Fought... tive palm trees which formerly grew there. rocks for our collection, and possible cut-
Burbank, California My first visit to this spring was in Oc- ting.
tober, 1903, when we made a noontime When we left Hemet we got into some
Dear Mr. Henderson: stop for water for our team. As I recall, pretty rocky country, and drove on the
In the August issue of Desert Magazine there were two or three palms growing slow side so as not to miss any good speci-
there appeared a letter by Fr. Bonaventure on the bank above the watering trough at mens.
Oblasser challenging some statements that time. When I next visited the spot a
made in an interview with me by Hope third of a century later the palms were Shortly after leaving the main highway
Gilbert, published in your July issue. I am gone. I found only an old stump of one. and beginning the ascent of the mountain,
grateful that the statements he took issue we had to stop and let the car cool off. We
As this is quite a historic spot it seems got out to stretch our legs and found the
with were not original with me but were proper and fitting that a few small trees
taken from the June 1, 1945, Congres- should be replanted there, if the Anza park bed of a dry creek nearby. We followed it
sional Record compiled by government of- authorities are willing. Such seedlings for some distance and found numerous
ficials in Washington, relative to condiT should properly come from one of the garnets. Most of them were small and im-
tions as they exist in the Indian reserva- nearby palm oases. bedded in some form of shale. We found a
tions. few large garnets.
NORRIS BOSTWICK The location of this garnet find is about
I agree with the gentleman in one state-
ment: that there is much usurpation of That's a good idea, Norris, and I a mile off the main highway on the only
power by government officials in the In- suggest we name Everett Campbell road going up the mountain.
dian Bureau. However, I do wish to take and Bob Crawford at Vallecitos as a This could be a prospective field for
exception to his statement that "It is the special committee to see that some of garnet hunters and some beauties may be
full observance of the provisions of the Re- the native palms are restored to Valle- found. More exploration and digging is
organization Act of 1934 that will give the citos Palm springs. There are plenty necessary however. I am going back there
Indians . . . the right education to live as a of seedlings over across the valley at some day and explore some more.
free citizen, responsible for the conduct of Mountain Palm springs.—R.H. GEORGE MEYER

OCTOBER, 1947 27
Lost Pegleg in Nevada . . . said, but our burros have wandered off like this I'll give you $2300 for it.' I sold
El Paso, Texas and we cannot find hide nor hair of them. it, of course, and figured I was pretty well
Recently I spent an evening with Harry We have 20 sacks of ore out, and no way paid for my little job of freighting."
A. Pitts who had just come in from his to get them to town, and we are out of So much for the Lost Pegleg. At present
"Uranio" claim in Sonora. Pitts is prob- grub.' prices that ore would run into a fortune.
ably well known to many Desert readers "He told me that if we would take them I wonder if I shouldn't be out in the hills
for he has spent 50-odd years prospecting and the ore into Indian springs they would doing some prospecting myself.
for oil and minerals in the West and South- give me one of the sacks of ore. My team HAROLD WITHROW
west. had made a long trip that day and was • • •
During our gabfest he related the fol- about fagged out, so I told him that we
Food for the Iguana . . .
lowing tale, which may be of interest to would wait and take them the next day.
There was a good spring nearby so we Glendale, California
you because it concerns the much publi- Dear Sir:
cized Lost Pegleg mine. We had been dis- camped that night and the next morning
loaded them into the wagon and drove to We were interested in Richard Cassell's
cussing a possible trip into the Superstition story about the pigmy iguana (Desert,
mountains to investigate some properties the settlement.
"As good as their word, they gave me Aug. '47). He stated that little is known
when I happened to mention the Pegleg. about the eating habits of this reptile.
"Oh, that mine was found 40 years ago," my pick of the sacks of ore. I selected one
said Pitts. And this is his story: more or less at random and heaved it back I had two of them, and kept them sev-
on the wagon. It weighed about 100 eral weeks before turning them loose. Dur-
"In 1907 a fellow named Jones and I ing that time I learned something of their
were on a prospecting trip in Nevada. We pounds. It must have been three months
before I returned to Goldfield where I had eating preferences.
were traveling in a Studebaker wagon with They love the leaves of the white field
a team of mules. Late one afternoon about a cabin. When I unloaded the wagon I put
the sack of ore near the door, and it was clover, and the little pinkish lavender
16 or 17 miles northwest of Indian springs flower of a small plant moss that grows in
we saw a man sitting on a boulder beside several weeks before I thought of it again.
parkways here. My smallest one would also
the road. We stopped, of course, and after "One day I decided to find out if it had eat the flower of the geranium, but pre-
the usual preliminaries he told us he had any value, and took a couple of chunks to ferred the other two, especially the clover.
three partners, and they were in a helluva an assayer. He took one look at it and They can be kept in captivity with this
fix. asked me how much I had. I told him food, and water, but they do not grow per-
' 'We've found the Lost Pegleg,' he about 100 pounds, and he said: 'If it's all ceptibly. When I let them go they stayed
around for awhile. I watched them flick
tiny insects from the grass blades. They
seemed to do better on this diet.
DESERT CLOUDS ... Photo Contest They were both very gentle, and the lit-
tle one liked to do little tricks and antics
when encouraged.
Clouds make thfl desert beautiful. Nowhere else do they show MATILDA HARROLD
the variety and grandeur that they attain in desert skies, or present
such a contrast with fie harsh land below. And Desert Magazine is • • •
going to award its October photographic prizes not for pictures of Lesson in Geography . . .
clouds themselves, but for desert scenes of all varieties which are Huntington Park, California
keyed or dominated by tha cloud formations in ths sky. Desert:
Regarding your Question 11 in the Au-
First prize is $10, and second prize $5. For non-prize winning pic- gust Quiz: You should have said that west-
tures accepted for publication $2 each will be paid. Entries must reach ern Utah lies within the Great Basin,
the Desert Magazine office in El Cen'ro, California, not later than Oc- rather than that the Great Basin lies within
tober 20, and the winning prints will be published in the December Utah.
issue. The Great Basin covers western Utah,
nearly all of Nevada, parts of Oregon,
HERE ARE THE RULES Idaho and Wyoming, and a considerable
1—Prints must be on black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed on extent of California including Death Val-
glossy paper. ley and your own Imperial Valley. Consult
2—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th the Encyclopedia Britannica.
of the contest month.
3—Prints will be returned only when return postage is enclosed.
4—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photo- WCS: Desert acknowledges its er-
graphers. Desert Magazine requires first publication rights of prize ror and has revised its map of the
winning pictures only. Great Basin.—R.H.
5—Time and place of photograph are immaterial except that
they must be from the desert Southwest. • • •
6—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and Geode Road Improved . . .
awards will be made immediately after the close of the contest each Searchlight, Nevada
month. Dear Desert:
7—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to The Searchlight geode story (Desert,
subject, time, place. Also as to technical data: shutter speed, hour
of day, etc. July, '47) is bringing results. If it isn't
three rockhounds, it's 16—all looking for
ADDRESS ALL ENTRIES TO PHOTO EDITOR, DESERT MAGAZINE geodes. They find them too, and seem to
be pleased.
THE I just wanted to report that the road to
the geode field has been improved and all
wash cut-outs have been filled. You can
EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA sail straight ahead now.



I an tke Your choice of Baby Toes, Golden Tom

Thumb, Striped Chin, Pheasant's Tail, Rattle-
snake Buttons, White Torch, Old Man, Varie-
gated Crassula, Pencil-Leaved Gasteria, Eu-
federal government by Coconino county in phorbia pulvinata.
1928, with the government agreeing to 4 FOR $1.00
Last Indian Scouts Retire . . » build and maintain a suitable approach 10c Brings Sample Plant and Complete List
FORT HUACHUCA —The four re- road. Members of the board declare that aRm RANCH
maining Indian scouts in the United States the road has fallen into disrepair and has Rt. 1 Holtville. Calif.
army were retired at Ft. Huachuca on Au- become dangerous in places.
gust 30. The organization was formed by
Gen. George Crook in 1886, to carry mes- Petrified Driftwood . . .
sages through enemy lines and to scout for
ambushes and traps. Since Indian warfare
ended, the scouts have been used for patrol
HOLBROOK — Logs in Arizona's
petrified forest were carried to their pres- County Maps...
ent resting place by an ancient river, ac- CALIF: Twnshp, Rng, Sec, MINES, All
along Ft. Huachuca boundaries and for the cording to a theory announced by L. Floyd road, trail, creek, river, lake, R.R., school,
tracking of outlaws. No enlistments have Keller, naturalist at Petrified Forest na- camp, rngr. station, elev., ntl. forest, land
been accepted since 1923. Approximately tional monument. Naturalists sought an grant, pwr. line, canal, etc., boundaries.
1000 Indians served in the group during answer to the absence of bark, leaves or
its existence. Size range 20x30 to 73x100 inches.
branches on the petrified logs. Their first
major clue was that the five forests that All Counties $1 except as listed: Tuo-
Inland Port for Yuma? . . . make up the monument are circular in lumne, Santa Barbara, Plumas, Placer,
YUMA — Representative Richard F. shape, just as the logs whirled in the back- Modoc, Madera, $1.50; Tulare, Tehama,
Harless of Arizona has introduced legisla- Siskiyou, Imperial, $2; San Diego, Riv-
waters of the big river. Course of the river erside, Mendocino, Kern, Humboldt,
tion in congress asking that army engi- then was traced to its beginning, some 100 Fresno, $2.50; Trinity, Shasta, Mono, San
neers be authorized to investigate the pos- miles to the southwest. Luis Obispo, Monterey, Lassen, Los An-
sibility of dredging the Colorado river geles, $3.
from the Gulf of California to the Imperial Lobo Wolves in Arizona . . . Inyo Co., 67x92 $15.00
dam in Arizona. If carried out, the dredg- BOWIE — Federal Trapper T. C. San Bernardino. 73x110 15.00
ing would make Yuma an inland port Creighton killed two lobo wolves on the
aga'n. Steamers on the river were halted by San Bernardino. No. or So. Half .... 7.50
Mulkins ranch south of Bowie during Au-
construction of Laguna dam in 1907, but gust, the male weighing 70 pounds. U. S. N.W.. S.W.. N.E.. or S.E. quarter .... 3.75
in the early days the army shipped supplies Fish and Wildlife service claims that the Also Oregon, Idaho and Washington
from the gulf to Yuma and overland to wolves enter Arizona from Mexico, and County Maps.
forts in the territory. that six pairs of wolves have killed more
than 50 head of cattle in the past two WORLD'S MINERALS
Reclamation Project Assured . . . months in southern Arizona. 2417 San Pablo Avenue
YUMA—Arizona celebrated as Presi- • o • OAKLAND 12. California
dent Truman signed the bill reauthorizing The Santa Fe railroad company plans to
the Gila reclamation project. The new bill build a $2,500,000 resort hotel near Wil-
creates the Wellton-Mohawk division of liams. It will be known as Bill Williams
the project with 75,000 additional acres to hotel, and will include a swimming pool, 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER"
be irrigated from the Imperial dam. Area golf course, stables and 6000-foot ski slide.
• o «
of the original Gila project was cut to SLEEPING BAGS
about 40,000 acres. Wellton-Mohawk di- Flow of the Salt and Gila rivers in July
vision, long fought for by southern Ari- was at the lowest level in 30 years. AIR MATTRESSES
zonans, will take about five years to de- • • •
velop and the work will employ hundreds Dos Cabezas has been declared the offi- SMALL TENTS
of men. cial name of the village, twin peaks and and many other items
18-mile mountain range in Cochise county.
Hopi Future Dark . . . The United States division of geography
ORAIBI—The economic future of the decided on that spelling after checking VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT
Hopi is just as dark as that of the Navajo, origin of the name and local usage. For- 717 West 7th Street
Karl Johnson, village governor of New merly the village was called Dos Cabezos, LOS ANGELES 14, CALIFORNIA
Oraibi declares. Stock reduction, drouth the peaks Dos Cabezas.
and a lessening demand for their weaving
is destroying Hopi means of earning a live-
lihood. "Hopi farmers are trying to make SLEEP in your CAR
a living on sandhills and war workers and ROCKHOUNDS. Tourists,
veterans are coming back to nothing," desert lovers — Enjoy
Johnson declared. your trips in freedom
and economy, with a
Ask Road Improvement . . . transferable . . .
FLAGSTAFF — Unless the United in your sedan or club
States government improves the approach coupe. No cutting, 3 hour
to Grand Canyon national park, Coconino installation.
Dealer Franchises Available
will ask for return of Bright Angel trail to
the county, members of the board of super- 1754 West Manchester
visors have decided. The trail, most popu- Los Angeles 44 TW 2661
lar route into the canyon, was given to the

OCTOBER, 1947 29
FOR SALE: Ocotillo Winter Desert Resort, 27
miles west of El Centro on Highway 80. Ar-


Classified advertising in this section costs 7 cents a word, $1.00 minimum per issue
tistically furnished 2 bed room rock house,
running water, bath. Electricity to be in-
stalled soon. $5500. Lots 100 ft. by 100 ft.
with water $200. Victoria Heights, 1 mile E.
1 mile N. of Alpine. Home sites with water
to irrigate garden and fruit trees. Grand view
INDIAN GOODS ORIGINAL PEN AND INK SKETCHES of of mountains, valleys, ocean. Best climate in
the American cowboy against the historical U. S. according to government survey. $850
landscapes of the old Southwest. 8"xlO" per acre. John Chalupnik, Alpine, Calif.
ALWAYS THE BEST in Indian things. Old
and new Navajo rugs a specialty. Fine jew- $5.00. Henry Littlejohn, Box 115, Midland,
elry and baskets. Our thirty tons of rocks and Texas. FOR LEASE—1 to 5 acre placer plots with ex-
minerals include many hard to get items. Al- cellent building locations and water, for those
ways welcome. Daniels Indian Trading Post, SENSATIONAL NEW Gold Testing Outfit for interested in a permanent, romantic mining
401 W. Foothill Blvd., Fontana, Calif . prospectors, rockhounds, mine owners, etc. retreat. Bill Schmidt, 602 E. Whittier Blvd.,
Scientifically tests any rock or ore for gold Whittier, California.
in ten minutes! Simple, compact, economical,
WANTED TO BUY: Old Indian Buttons. Mrs. yet absolutely positive! Outfit, with com-
M. Crommett Hall, Agua Caliente Springs, plete instructions, only $5.00 postpaid. Desert
Julian, Calif. Laboratories, 627 Lillian, Stockton, Calif.
Yew wood Bows $25.00. Target Arrows
$3.00 for 6. Whiteman's Handicraft Shop,
Southwest, many of them should be planted
—nature's way—in the fall. Send card for fall
Oakland, Ore. planting seed list, many rare species listed.
S. S. Lawrence—Seedsman, Box 408, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
KARAKULS. Producers of Persian Lamb fur
COLLECTORS the world over read The Earth are easy to raise and adapted to the desert
Science Digest. If you like earth science, you which is their native home. For further in-
will like The Earth Science Digest. One year formation write Addis Kelley, 4637 E. 52
subscription, $2.00 — Sample copy 25c. place, Maywood, California.
Write: Dept. D., Box 57, Omaha 3, Ne-
braska. CACTI AND SUCCULENTS—From the des-
erts of the world. Don-Rita brand. By ap-
GOLD PANNING for profit. Healthy, outdoor pointment only. Write us your needs and we
occupation. Beginners' big instruction book, will try to help you. Michael Donnelly Cacti
blueprints, photograph—$1.00. Desert Jim, Gardens, 334 Lowell St., Daly City, Calif.
627 Lillian, Stockton, Calif. Travel with Scenic Guides and
LEARN the profitable jewelry and gold-smith-
BINDERS for your Desert Magazines. Loose- ing trade at home. Simplified course teaches See More
leaf. Easily inserted. Each binder has space jewelry designing, manufacture and repair- MAPS—DESCRIPTIONS—PICTURES
for full year's copies. $1.25 postpaid to you. ing; gemsetting, etc. Gemcrafters, Dept. F., All Alphabetically Arranged for
Desert Magazine, El Centra, Calif. Kalispell, Mont.
Quick Reference
SILVER SHOP for sale. Unable to tike care of SCENIC GUIDES to NEVADA. NORTH-
DESERT BEAUTY and Inspiration easily same. L. A. Hansen, 1119 Wheeler Ave., ERN CALIFORNIA. SOUTHERN CALI-
mailed. Give The Courage of Joshua, bro- Reno, Nevada. FORNIA. ARIZONA and UTAH are
chure of illustrated poems, $1.00. Artistic Available Now
Greeting Folders of desert etchings, $1.00 MAN, MIDDLE AGED, married, former resi- Price $1.00 each at your Book Store
dozen, by Constance Walker, 2814 W. Ave. dent of the desert, desires work in desert area. or by Mail from
30, Los Angeles, 41, Calif. Has clerical, selling and managing experi-
ence. Box 515, 455 E. Ocean, Long Beach. SCENIC GUIDES
ARIZONA HIGHWAYS, Deserts, Destiny, Box 288 Susanville, Calif.
National Geographies, New Mexico, other WANTED: Old Envelopes with western can-
fine magazines are for sale by John Wesley- cellations before 1890. Also gold coins in
Davis, I6IIV2 Donaldson St., Los Angeles, good condition. Write: C. H. Greiner, 106
California. N. Sunset, Temple City, Calif.

"PAY DIRT": Tall Tales and authentic mining RAISE MINK! Free folder gives inside "se- AMERICA'S FINEST
information written in the racy and zestful crets" on feed; care. Lawrence Molgard,
speech of the West—by Glen Rounds. Illus- Brigham Gty 12, Utah. RESORT MAGAZINE
trated. Printed on fine paper, linen bound.
Price $2.00 postpaid. Addison & Sperry, FOR SALE: Karakul bed blankets, colors, blue,
Books and Magazines, 2141/2 E. 5th St., Los green, natural, maroon, weigh at least 4V2
Angeles 13, Calif. pounds. Money back guarantee. Price $17.50.
Write Addis Kelley, 4637 E. 52nd Place,

PANNING GOLD — A side line hobby for
Maywood, California.

Palm Springs
Rockhounds and Desert Nomads. You
should know how to pan gold, recognize gold
bearing gravel and valuable quartz ledges.
The places you go are where rich virgin
ground is found. Send your name for new
folder on panning gold, with pictures—list
DESERT FOOTHILL HOME, all year climate
3200 elevation. Insulated, block, all tile roof,
electricity, Butane tank, automatic water
heater, living room, large bedroom, beautiful
bath and kitchen. Extra room 9x20 for garage,
of mining books and equipment for prospec- studio or shop. Wide porch commanding
tor beginners. Old Prospector, Box 21B32, view of valley. Five minutes to post-office,
Dutch Flat, Calif. stores. Restricted, lot 200x660. Total unfur- SAMPLE COPY 30c
nished, §8500. Low Terms or some trade.
LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS for your Desert Mag- Photos mailed. Box B, Desert Magazine. Subscription, Per Season $2.50
azines. Preserve your back issues in these sub-
stantial gold-embossed covers. Each binder DESERT COTTAGES, furnished rentals edge Palm Springs, California
holds year's copies. Easy to insert. $1.25 of Mojave desert, 3300 ft. elevation, year
each, postpaid to you. Desert Magazine, El round climate, spring water, swimming. Wm.
Centro, California. E. Miller, Lucerne Valley, California.


CAL FORNIA sometimes the only—resident of Ballarat, Dredge for the Colorado . . .
Buy Stovepipe Wells Hotel . . . he was on the election board there many BOULDER CITY — A specially de-
years. Election day dinner at Gray's home signed suction dredge, complete with fuel
DEATH VALIJEY—Stove Pipe Wells was the social event of the year for Ballarat
hotel, sea-level resort in Death Valley, will barge, pipe barge, work barge and power
precinct, which included Wi'.drose, Tuba, plant, to cost $871,000, has been ordered
be taken over on September 1 by its new Jail, Surprise, Happy and Pleasant can-
owners, George Palmer Putnam, author by the bureau of reclamation. It will take
yons, Mahogany and Harrisburg flats. a year to construct, and will be used to cor-
and former New> York publisher, and Gray came to the Panamint area in 1898
Frank Morris, who formerly owned and rect difficulties caused by silt deposits
when he staked claims in Anvil Spring along the Colorado river below Hoover
operated a lodge in Wyoming. Morris will wash. He set up an assay office in booming
act as manager. The hotel at present has dam. It is designed to work in dense tules,
Ballarat in 1900, and remained after the willows and other vegetation, and also in
accommodations for 80 guests and main- boom passed.
tains a restaurant, tap room, gift shop and sand, clay and gumbo. The dredge will
service station. The new owners expect to be about 40 feet wide, 120 feet long and
Canal Water at Mecca . . . have a draft of not more than six feet.
erect modern cabins and add a swimming
pool. Eighty acres of privately owned land MECCA—First water for agricultural
in the national monument and water rights use was released from the Coachella
from Emigrant springs and Cottonwood branch of the Ail-American canal near
canyon were included in the transfer. Mecca on August 12. Release of the water,
which had come 144 miles from the Colo-
Landscape Desert Museum . . . rado river, was part of a temporary relief
plan to help land already developed, dur-
RANDSBURG—A county plan to im- ing the period while the canal is being
prove the Desert museum at Randsburg completed. More than 75,000 additional
through landscaping and construction of acres of Coachella valley land will be
rock walls, was scheduled to start in Au- opened to farming and ranching when the
gust. Miners were invited to bring choice project finally is finished.
building rock to the site or to tell the cura- • • •
tors, George Silveria and William Hack- Illustration One-Halt Actual Size
man, where it might be secured. Rock- Twentynine Palms airport, one of the
hounds and the local mineral class were army's first glider training school sites and S T E R L I N G S I L V E R
invited to contribute polished desert stones a navy rocket training school, which was 3 PIECE WESTERN
and gems which could be used as capping appraised at $450,000, has been trans- BUCKLE S E T a n d BELT
on the walls. Desert museum has been kept ferred by the War Assets administration to What a bargain! This beautiful 3 piece
open from 10 to 4 each Sunday with funds San Bernardino county. Sterling Silver deep cut hand - engraved
buckle set and '•'; \ inch hand- OO OC
supplied by Rand district business men • • • tocled top grain solid leather belt. \J)O.uD
Borrego valley will have telephone serv- BOTH Postpaid
and museum friends. (Price includes Federal tax)
ice for the first time when a 17-mile line ORDER NOW FOR XMAS
Experimental Farm Leased . . . starting from Ocotillo is completed. The Money refunded within 5 days if not satisfied
line, to cost $20,000, was expected to be Send for illustrated catalog of our line of
CALEXICO—Joseph and Fred Eady, in operation by the end of August.
Western Jewelry
Jr., Calexico farmers, have been given a 10 T R A D E R B Y R N E
year lease on the 537 acre East Mesa ex- • • •
Highway 66 association plans to erect 2 Locations in California:
perimental farm, which recently was 207 North Dillon Street Los Angeles 26
turned over to the Imperial Irrigation dis- billboards at strategic points in order to Box SO Palm Desert
trict by the U. S. bureau of reclamation. deflect auto traffic from the newly author- Dealer Inquiries Invited
Purpose of the farm is to test the produc- ized Cross-Country highway, when it is
tivity of the East Mesa land which is be- completed.
ing prepared for eventual homesteading. • • •
The lease gives the brothers free rent and Camp Irwin, consisting of 637,820 THE HOTEL
water the first year, after which they must acres of land in the Mojave 38 miles north AT THE
pay regular waterj rates and a rental in- of Barstow, has been declared surplus by
creasing to $9 an acre at the end of the 10- the war department. PALMS
year period. • • • • • •
Construction of a new highway over the
Slate range, connecting Trona with Death FIREPLACE-
Brahmas Come to Blythe . . .
Valley and eastern points, is expected to ADOBES
BLYTHE — Completing the longest
east-to-west livestock shipment on record, start in October. • • •
1500 Brahma-type steers arrived in Blythe • • •
in August, from Belle Glade, Florida, for NEVADA
a hot-weather grazing test. Hot-weather • • •
Helicopter Horse-Hunter . . .
feeding never has proved profitable, ac- OPEN
cording to Sol Branker who, with Roy GOLDFIELD — "Rock" Cozod of
Reno has received permission from the Es- ALL YEAR
Smith, shipped the $250,000 worth of
cattle to Blythe. But the Brahmas are ac- meralda county board of supervisors to
climated to high temperatures and Branker hunt wild horses with a helicopter, and Gateway to Joshua Tree Monument
hopes to be able to establish a summer posted a $2000 bond to prove that he ROBT. VAN LAHR, Mgr.
feeding industry with them. Cattle are be- wasn't fooling. He plans to use the heli- For reservations write or call at
ing prepared for marketing in February. copter like a cow pony, riding herd on the 29 Palms Inn, Twentynine Palms; Calif.
animals and keeping them headed in the or Call any Travel Bureau or Automobile Club

"Mayor of Ballarat" Dies • . . desired direction. He was given permis-

BALLARAT Frederick William
sion to hunt at Horath, Cow Camp, Mc- PALMS
Namara, Barrel, Cedar, Joshua, Brickyard,
Gray, "mayor of Ballarat," died in Los An- West, Houlihan, Cognon and Wild Horse I NN
geles on July 16, age 76. Oldest—and springs.
OCTOBER, 1947 31
Will Revive Soda Plant . . . farther south on the Nevada side of the extinct species of snails, fishes, lizards,
FALLON—Revival of the soda making Colorado river, and 18 miles on the Ari- snakes, turtles, alligators, squirrel-like ro-
industry at Soda lake, near Fallon, is zona side, for a width of six miles on each dents, flesh-eating creodents, the lemur,
planned by James O. Greenan, Nevada bank. The national park service will pro- the eohippus and the meniscotherium.
mining man, who leased the lake from the vide recreational and other facilities in the
Truckee-Carson Irrigation district. If tests new area, and permits for mining and Indians Can't Vote • . .
prove favorable, Greenan will erect a $10,- grazing will be issued in the same manner GALLUP—District Judge David Cha-
000 pilot plant. Production of soda at the as for the rest of the Lake Mead recrea- vez on July 30 ruled that Indians living on
lake continued from 1870 until after 1900 tional area. reservations or in pueblos and not pay-
when irrigation raised the lake level and ing an ad valorem tax on property are not
diluted the water's mineral content. Cooperate for Tourist Trade . . • eligible to vote under the New Mexico
Greenan is depending upon higher soda LAS VEGAS—An interchange of tour- constitution. He made the ruling in dis-
product prices and improved recovery ists, through emphasis on the varied recre- missing the damage suit of two Zunis and
methods to return a profit. ational facilities, climate and attractions of one Navajo against McKinley county
Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico, was clerk Eva Ellen Sabin for her refusal to
Goldfield Landmark Moves . . . advocated by representatives of 12 South- register them as voters. He did not rule on
GOLDFIELD—St. John's in the Wil- western cities who met in Las Vegas in Au- the status of Indians who had severed tri-
derness Episcopal church, built in Gold- gust. Cities who sent delegates to plan co- bal relations and were living off the reser-
field 40 years ago, is being stripped of its operation instead of competition were: vation and subject to taxation.
timbers, paneling, trusses, stcne arches and Las Vegas, Reno, Tonopah, Hawthorne
furnishings. The materials will be placed and Boulder City, Nevada; Phoenix. Pueblo Changes Name . . .
in the St. John's Episcopal chapel to be Tucson, Bisbee, Florence, Nogales and
built at Galilee, on Lake Tahoe. St. John's Kingman, Arizona; and Santa Fe, New TAOS — The ancient Picuris pueblo,
Mexico. near Penasco, has changed its name and
has been one of Goldfield's historical become San Lorenzo. The change was
landmarks. • • •
made during the fiesta of San Lorenzo, pa-
Investigation of underground water tron saint of the village. Eris Hagberg, su-
Extend Mead Park Area . . . supplies of Paradise, Quinn River and perintendent of the United Pueblos agency
BOULDER CITY—All bureau of rec- Grass valleys is being conducted by U. S. and Abel Paisano of the All-Pueblo coun-
lamation withdrawn lands along the geological survey in conjunction with Ne- cil assisted in the ceremony and dedication
Colorado river in the vicinity of Davis vada state engineer's office. of the new name. Authorities believe that
dam have been placed under jurisdiction • * • the word Picuris, which is neither Spanish
of the national park service and added to L. J. Murphy, owner of the Rhyolite nor Indian, was as near as the Spanish
the Lake Mead recreational area. The bottle house, where he has a display of could get to the Indian word which means
agreement extends the park area 15 miles minerals and relics of the Bullfrog gold "people of the mountain."
rush days, declares that while the town of
Rhyolite may be up for sale, his bottle Mogollons Lived High . . .
house is not. RESERVE—The highest site of prehis-
• • • toric Mogollon Indian culture known to
B ng Crosby bought the Kearns, Evans, date has been found in western New Mex-

Bellinger and Truett ranches in Elko ico, near Reserve, by an archeological ex-
county, a total of 20,000 acres of land with pedition of the Chicago Natural History
grazing rights on several hundred thou- museum. Evidences of ancient culture have
sand more. been found at 7000 feet above sea level,
• • • and excavations will begin soon. Excava-
NEW MEXICO tors will attempt to determine the origin of
the Indians and the approximate date they
Big Ranches Are Gone . . . occupied the site.
ALBUQUERQUE — The day of the
huge cattle ranch in New Mexico is over, Author Back with Navajo . . .
according to George A. Godfrey, president GALLUP—Walter Dyk, Brooklyn col-
of the New Mexico Cattle Growers asso- lege anthropologist and author of Son of
ciation. Of the 4092 members of the as- Old Man Hat, autobiography of a Nava-
sociation, 1719 own fewer than 65 head jo, has returned to Gallup after 12 years
of cattle, and only 282 own more than 500. absence, to spend a year gathering infor-
"The trend in ranch and land ownership mation for the continuation of the auto-
is toward smaller units with better gradps biography. He has brought a wire sound
of stock," Godfrey, who homesteaded his recorder to record his interviews. Most of
Here's your chance to own this exquisite ex- present headquarters location in Animas the work will be done in the vicinity of
ample of Southwestern artistry at very little
cost. Each large (1 3/8"xl") Concha in this valley in 1910, declared. Lukaichuki.
beautiful belt is set with flawless, matched,
genuine blue turquoise measuring 1 '3 of an Find Fossil Zoo . . .
inch. Hand rubbed silver and silver solder
throughout. Handsome engraved links. The
LINDRITH—The fossil-hunting expe-
Concha belt will be a prized addition to your dition of the American Museum of Na- OIL PAINTINGS . . .
jewel case—a flattering accent with any cos-
tume, sport or formal—a precious gift. Only
tural History has discovered "the richest
$17.50, post and tax prepaid. ($9.50 in plain single deposit of early mammal bones ever FROM KODACHROMES
silver without turquoise.) No extras. Send for Your favorite desert color shot accurate-
your Concha belt today! Enclose check or
found in the Southwest and perhaps of this
money order with your name and address to: age in the world," in the opinion of its manent ly reproduced in oils will make a per-
decoration for your home. Prefer
leader, Dr. George Simpson. In addition scenes from the red rock country. 12x16,
to the ancestor of the dinosaur, the party $16; 16x20, $20 (no frames); other sizes
HAROLD MARYOTT has found, near Lindrith, more than 40
kinds of animals which lived about 60,-
in proportion.
MIAMI - ARIZONA 000,000 years ago. Discoveries included


Arthur F. Kidder, U. S. geological sur- Excavate Pueblo Site . . . Neal Ray, last of the original pioneers
vey engineer will chart the last 150 miles CISCO—A party of seven from Colo- who came to the Moab section in 1877,
of unsurveyed New Mexico-Colorado rado Museum of Natural History, headed died on August 1, age 87.
boundary this fall. He estimates it will by Miss Marie Wormington, has resumed
take a year to cover the area from the San explorations and excavations on a pueblo ANSWERS TO DESERT QUIZ
Juan river to the junction of the state lines archeological site on Cottonwood creek, Questions are on page 24
at Four Corners. Book mountains, north of Cisco. During 1—Needles, California, is on the Colo-
• • • the season archeologists from the Carne- rado river.
Author Jose Mallorqui Fugerola report- 2—Albuquerque, New Mexico — Rio
ed from Barcelona, Spain, that his biogra- gie museum expedition and the Univer-
Grande river.
phy of the famous New Mexico outlaw, sity of Utah will visit the excavations. The 3—Holbrook, Arizona—Little Colo-
Billy el Nino, had been a best seller for site is considered important because it has rado river.
two years and was coming out in a new not followed the regular pueblo pattern, 4—Bluff, Utah—San Juan river.
showing many features not found in other 5—Wickenburg, Arizona — Hassayam-
edition. pa river.
prehistoric Southwestern villages. 6—Barstow, California—Mojave river.
• • • 7—St. George, Utah—Virgin river.
UTAH Use Boat for Mountain Fire . . . 8—Jensen, Utah—Green river.
9—Clarkdale, Arizona—Verde river.
Ancient Rocks at Alta . . . JENSEN—A lightning bolt started a 10—Carlsbad, New Mexico — Pecos
ALTA—The rocks at Alta range from fire on the steep slopes of Split mountain river.
11—Benson, Arizona—San Pedro river.
the pre-Cambrian, hundreds of millions of in Dinosaur national monument. Jess 12—Gila Bend, Arizona—Gila river.
years ago, to the comparatively recent Lombard, monument custodian, scouted 13—Roosevelt dam—Salt river.
Jurassic, according to Frank C. Calkins the blaze by airplane and found that it was 14—Elko, Nevada—Humboldt river.
who is surveying the area for the U. S. inaccessible by foot or horseback. So, pi- 15—Boulder City, Nevada—Lake Mead.
16—Provo, Utah—Utah lake.
geological survey. "We're doing hard loted by Bus Hatch, veteran river runner, 17—Mecca, California—Salton sea.
climbing," the 70-year-old geologist Lombard and Lee Sneddon, park ranger, 18—Hawthorne, Nevada—Walker lake.
added, "and we haven't been able to use traveled by boat up the Green river, 3Vi 19—Leevining, California—Mono lake.
horses because they can't go where we go." miles into jagged Split mountain canyon, 20—Death Valley Jet., Calif.—Amar-
gosa river.
The completed project will include a com- landed and had the fire out by nightfall.
plete aereal map of distribution of rocks in
the region. Weather closes the surveying
season in October, but Calkins hopes to
continue with underground work in mines
of the vicinity.
City in Monument Valley . . .
Meed Adequate
1000 population has sprung up in Monu-
ment Valley, near Goulding's trading post,
for production of the film "War Party,"
based on a story "Massacre," by James W.
Bella. One of the largest undertakings at-
tempted in the valley, the picture calls for
employment of 400 Indians, who will play
the Apache war party, 100 local riders and ADEQUATE LIGHTING TODAY MEANS
100 stunt riders from Hollywood. The
company is being housed in a tent city. A CORRECT EYE-SIGHT TOMORROW
truck fleet operating between the loca-
tion and Flagstaff furnishes supplies.
Utah Naval Observatory? . . .
RICHFIELD—Federal experts seeking Is your home one of those that has only one good place for reading
a new site for the naval observatory now at
Washington, D. C, are considering at and close work? It's a wise investment in home comfort and better
least two sites in Utah, at Richfield and in eye-sight to have adequate light for all requirements for all members
Wayne county. Prerequisites for the new
site are that it be in about the latitude of of the family. The days will soon be getting shorter and the nights
Washington, D. C, and that it be free longer; why not make sure that your home is adequately lighted?
from smoke and soot and have an exces-
sive number of clear days in the year.

Seek Oil Leases . . .

VERNAL—Fred W. Johnson, director
of the land office of the bureau of land
management announced in July that the
government would issue oil and gas leases
Imperial Irrigation District
on Uintah Indian reservation lands lying
within Ashley, Uintah and Wasatch na-
tional forests. Since that time, applications
for leases on 80,000 acres of land have Use Your Own Power-Moke it Pay forth", All American Canol
been received. Among the companies in-
terested were Stanolind, Pure, Carter, and

OCTOBER, 1947 33
New October issue, just out, contains well il-
lustrated articles on a^ate carving, making
affate-silver dinner ware, the finest article
that has ever appeared on faceting soft
stones and three departments f r the begin-
ner. Many other interesting articles and lots
of news.
Published Quarterly — $1.00 a Year
Back Numbers 35c Each By LELANDE QUICK
(There are Two) Editor of The Lapidary Journal
P. O. Box 1228 Hollywood 28, Calif.
HARRY R. RINGWALD, Manager Since some mineral magazines have com- line at the Santa Barbara show where we acted
plained of inequities that allegedly occurred at as a judge of the lapidary displays. One dis-
the California Federation of Mineralogical so- gruntled member told us to bring our flash-
cieties' spring show at Santa Barbara, we might light next time so that we could see and better
as well get in on the discussion. Although the judge the displays. Any display thst needs a
federation put on a good show, it is aware of its flashlight played upon it so that it can be seen
'Alta' Lapidary Equipment weaknesses and acknowledges errors. It has in- should be disqualified in the first pli'ce.
vited our advice regarding next year's show at Our own thought on the matter is this: Al-
Long Beach. We confidently predict that the ways have the convention in a city equipped
Long Beach mineral show will be the greatest for it. Divorce the commercial displays from
ever held, because the host society is working the exhibits and have a ticket that will admit a
hard on the plans right now, rather than wait- person to both exhibits. Use the proceeds to
ing for the eve of the exhibition. give an adequate, safe and well lighted space
We do not belong to any society that is a to the collector or lapidary accompanied by
member of the federation. But we are intensely suitable cash awards so that folks really will be
interested in the success of their shows because encouraged to exhibit their very best specimens
they are in a position to combine with their and gems in an atmosphere apart from hawking.
mineral shows a greater display of the lapidary Give the commercial exhibitor every kind of a
art than can any single lapidary society. We are break with adequate space and long months of
interested in the promotion of the lapidary art, publicity build-up in charge of competent peo-
and the logical place to promote it is in the min- pie.
eral societies. Mineral collecting and gem pol- Long Beach, where the next conclave will be
ishing go together like ham and eggs. held, is ideal for a trial of this idea, for they
As we see it from the sidelines the weakness have the facilities. The host society is a live and
in the past has been with the so-called "host" cooperative group and the affair is being run
j societies. Perhaps at times they have undertaken by persons who have demonstrated their organ-
too much for their limited abilities, and de- izing ability by successfully developing their
DIAMOND SAW UNIT, 16" Capacity. clined advice from other societies because of own businesses. If the federation gets behind
Will cut slabs 6 by 8 inch with 4" cross characteristic American independence. A host the dealers and collectors with real publicity and
feed. 3 speed power feed with quick re- society can be strong and well equipped for the the dealers get behind the federation with pub-
turn feature. job or it can be weak and unable to present a licity of their own, a cooperative show could
good show. No society is stronger than its be developed that would be worth a half dollar
strongest members and there is no group of or- of anyone's money. W e believe no one would
ganized individuals, of which we have been a stay home because of a half dollar admission fee.
member, run by more than 20 per cent of the A convention run like the business proposi-
membership. The other 80 per cent sits by and tion it really should be, could draw a minimum
disgruntedly grunts or passively purrs. It is of 10,000 people at a three-day affair, and gar-
true of churches, lodges, service clubs, min- ner $5000 in admissions. That sum wisely spent
eral societies and the individual American fam- could promote a show such'as no one has ever
ily. Admitting this premise, and considering the seen. We'd like to see it.
fact that few mineral societies have a member-
ship in excess of 100, the huge task of a state Another idea which strongly appeals to us
was passed along to us by our good friend Fred
convention therefore devolves upon about 20 Rugg, known to almost every rock hunter in
people—and they often are divided against California. Many of the real rock hunters of the
themselves. A federation show run by the fed- desert regions, the people who have the fine
eration with societies in the convention loca- specimens, are earthy people. They want to
tion area cooperating seems to be the answer. come into town in their jeans and work pants
Then there is the sore question of money. and their boots. They don't want to get dressed
j Society members want their precious minerals fancy and dig into a hotel. If some space could
displayed safely in a fine building, and they be provided (and it certainly can be in Long
SANDER & POLISHER Alum, construc- want plenty of space and lighting. This costs Beach) where these folks could park their
tion. Die cast pulleys. Eccentric cam de- money and the money has to come from some- trailer or pitch a tent and dump their rocks in a
vice makes changing and tightening of where. People have to spend money to properly pile, just as the country farmer used to come
belts easy. This unit is ideal for sanding display their treasures to their friends at home. into the old time city markets with his produce,
and polishing. Someone has to spend money to display their then you would see rocks that would make you
things for them elsewhere. Thus far the money bug-eyed.
has been coming from dealers who buy exhibit People would have the time of their lives;
GRINDING ARBOR Heavy construction. space. Some visitors get excited about commer- the people who really love rocks. No rock miner
Sealed SKF Ball bearings. Shaft 15" lg. cialism and some dealers get mad at being would return home with any rocks. Those that
with %" arbor for up to 10" dia. wheels. pushed around. Many people buy mineral maga- were not sold at the show would be picked up by
42" Belt furnished. Built to last a lifetime. zines only for the advertisements, and many enterprising city dealers. While this scheme can
people attend mineral shows only to buy min- well promote a lot of discussion, it seems to me
WRITE FOR LITERATURE erals for their own collections. They are not too to have the merit of making the greatest number
interested in other people's displays. happy. W e will hear from collectors, we will
ALTA ENGINEERING CO. The practice of awarding ribbons should be hear from dealers, but we'd especially like to
915 E. Washington Street eliminated and adequate cash prizes should be hear from the out-of-the-way places the reaction
substituted. The ribbon situation has sent more of the man out on the desert who has gathered
PASADENA 6. CALIFORNIA people home mad than anything else at the some good rock but dislikes going to town. Send
shows. W e had our own experience along that us your thoughts.


GENUINE ZIRCONS, first quality, unset.
3 stones, total average 3-kts. special value
$6.00. All colors. Or will trade zircons for
any old gold or broken jewelry you may
have. Send order or write for free ship-
ping container. B. Lowe, Dept. D-9, Hol-
GEMS AND MINERALS land Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

By O. C. SMITH, A.B., A.M.
2nd Revised Edition
Price $3.50
Plus Tax in California
San Diego Mineralogical society will hold a Classes in mineralogy-geology will be held Also the Great New Book
gem and mineral show in the State building, in three Los Angeles evening high schools, start- IDENTIFICATION A N D
Balboa park, San Diego, October 18-19. There ing September 15. The classes will meet at
will be ample free parking, and sandwiches and North Hollywood high school on Mondays, QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL
cold drinks in the building. The hall will be Hollywood high school on Tuesdays and Thurs- ANALYSIS OF MINERALS
open all day Friday for exhibitors to place their days, and Belmont high school, 1575 W. Second By O. C. SMITH, A.B., A.M.
displays, and the show hours are from 10:00 street on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hours will 300 minerals, 120 Blowpipe tests, 40 Bead
a. m. to 10:00 p. m. on Saturday and from 10:00 be 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. The classes are under tests and the response to Ultra-Violet light
a. m. to 6:00 p. m. on Sunday. direction of the adult education program of the all shown in finest full color. Nothing like it
Los Angeles city schools. John Benkart is the ever published before. The Analytical proce-
Plans call for commercial displays and four dure is the most complete and the simplest
instructor. ever devised. Anyone can analyze minerals
groups of non-commercial exhibits. All those now.
wishing to advertise or sell minerals or equip- During the fall term the classes will study
the principles of geology, origin and occurrence Price $6.50
ment must enter the commercial classification. Plus Tax in California
Non-commercial divisions are: A. craftsman- of minerals, prospecting methods, and the na-
ship, B. mineralogy, C. resources, and D. (all ture and properties of minerals, including labor- Order from — O. C. SMITH - Dept. D
other entries) guests. A guard will be in the atory work in identification and recognition of 5157 Santa Ana St. — Bell, California i
important types. Interested adults are invited to or Your Local Dealer I
exhibit room throughout the show.
All requests for space must be in by October
7. Commercial space is 10 by 14 feet with a
3 by 14 foot table, and costs $10.00. Guest
space includes any number of 3x14 tables, but
no cases are available. Anyone desiring space
or further information should write Norman E.
Dawson, manager of displays, Route 2, Box 447,
San Marcos, California.
o • •
You have been asking for them—here they are. This completely
portable ultra-violet source for 3600 ANGSTROM UNITS is the first
ever to be offered to the prospector or hobbyist. Size 8x41/2x9". Weight
A mineral and lapidary group for the coastal complete with self-contained batteries 8V2 lbs. Entire unit carried by
Orange county area was organized at Corona
Del Mar July 27 with Lelande Quick as speaker. handle in one hand. Picture sent on request. Can be used as a white
Officers of the new organization are: president, light lantern by changing tubss. Complete with Blacklite and White-
Howard "Barney" Barnes, Corona Del Mar; lite tubes, and batteries — $19.75 F.O.B. Pasadena.
vice-president and program chairman, Bob
Neece, Laguna Beach; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Clayton W . Smith, Corona Del Mar; field trip DID YOU REMEMBER to send 35c for your copy of our NEW 15th ANNIVER-
chairman, Erwin Tonne, Costa Mesa; hospital- SARY CATALOG? Due to labor troubles at the printers these were delayed until
ity chairman, Mrs. James Benedict, Corona Del August 20th. If you sent for a copy wait until about Sept. 15th before notifying
Mar; sales chairman, Braden Finch, Corona Del us that it did not arrive. Please excuse this delay—it was unavoidable. This is a
Mar. Fifty-five persons attended the organiza- 52 page catalog 9x12" in size. It is profusely illustrated and contains many ar-
tion meeting. ticles of valuable instructions for jewelry making and gem cutting. It contains
All phases of the hobby will be included in the most COMPLETE LISTING of EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, and MATERIALS for use
the new club's program. There will be study in GEM CUTTING and JEWELRY WORK that has ever been published. Your
groups in mineralogy, classes in lapidary and money promptly refunded if you return catalog to us in case it is not of interest.
jewelry craft, and a junior group will be spon-
sored. Regular meetings will be held on the BE SURE TO VISIT OUR SHOP — We have spent the past two
third Monday night of every month, with a field
trip scheduled during the early part of each months working on new cabinets, mixing cement, and unpacking
month. Charter membership will be held open minerals. You just never saw so many specimens in any one place.
for 60 days after the September meeting. Pres- 100,000 SPECIMENS ARE A LOT OF ROCKS, but that is what you will
ent meeting place is the Baltz mortuary chapel see at our remodelled shop. PLAN A FIELD TRIP to our OUTDOOR
in Corona Del Mar.
The society invitesjany interested persons, or FELLER — YOU'LL HAVE MORE FUN THAN CONEY ISLAND.
members of other societies to meet with it.


EXHIBIT ON OCTOBER 25. 26 We will b e pleased to FULLY EXPLAIN just what you n e e d to GET STARTED IN
Annual show of the San Fernando Valley VISIT OUR SHOP AND ORDER OUR NEW HUGE 35c CATALOG.
Mineral and Gem society v/ill be held at the
North Hollywood Recreation center, 5300 Tu-
junga, North Hollywood, October 25-26. Min-
erals, gems and jewelry will be on exhibit. Fur-
ther information may be obtained by writing
Mrs. W . L. Cooper, secretary, 445 W . Cali-

fornia street, Glendale 3, California.

OCTOBER, 1947 35
MINERAL SPECIMENS: Micro-mount and
Thumb-nail sizes; write today for free list.
7c a Word
Minimum $1.00
J. E. Byron, Mining Engineer, 1240 Pearl
Street, Boulder, Colorado.

MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or material by

MINERAL COLLECTION, for sale on account CUSTOM CUTTING, POLISHING. Excellent the pound for cutting and polishing, RX
of illness. Collection sold as a whole only. Priday Ranch nodules, triple flow bloodstone, Units, Felker Di-Met Saw Blades, Carborun-
Also 50 to 75 lbs. of uncut material, Agates obsidian, agate. Walt Bunge, 701 Orange, dum wheels, Cerium Oxide, Preform Cabo-
from Arizona, yellow and brown Agate from Santa Ana, California. chons, Indian jewelry, neck chains. Be sure
California. Makes beautiful dress buttons. and stop. A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box 350,
Roy Carson, 45 Eureka St., Pasadena 3, Calif. ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will Watsonville, California, 3 miles S. on State
Telephone SY. 3-2759. pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We highway No. 1.
buy, sell, or exchange mineral specimens.
MANY N E W and beautiful specimens. Just in Visitors are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock THE DESERT RATS NEST—All gems listed
from the field. $2.00 brings you six, all dif- Roost, 419 So. Franklin, Modesto, California. in the March issue still in stock and the fol-
ferent. Price list on cutting material and other lowing new arrivals, Australian faced opal,
specimens on request. Jack the Rockhound, MINERALS, GEMS, COINS, Bills, Old Glass, dark red and green colors, uncut rough red
P. O. Box 86, Carbondale, Colo. Books, Stamps, Fossils, Buttons, Dolls, and green pinfire opal, from Coober Pedy
Weapons, Miniatures, Indian Silver Rings field. New parcel of star sapphires, some fine
ZIRCONS, White stones, sizes 4mm to 6mm at and Bracelets, Also Mexican. Catalogue 5c. stones, grey color only. Two great tourma-
3 stones for $3.25, postpaid. Agate, etc., cabo- Cowboy Lemley, Las Cruces, New Mexico. line matrix specimens, 2 and 3 pounds wt.
chons at $6.00 to $24.00 per dozen. Rough My private collection, 800 pounds museum
sawed slabs and rough agate at right prices. MONTANA MOSS Agates in rough for gem specimens. Rose green and bi-color Mesa
Bishop's Agate Shop, Maryhill, Wash. cutting, direct from diggings, $1.00 per Grande tourmalines, up to ll/2 i n diameter.
pound, prepaid. Nels Christofferson, Richey, Finest in the west. In customs fine amethyst
Montana. and citrine crystal points. Lots of specimens.
BARITE CRYSTALS: Pale blue Barite crystals Geo. W. Chambers, P. O. Box 1123, Encini-
from near Sterling, Colo., Read Dana for de- tas, Calif. Home address: Contact Texaco
scription. Single terminations 25c, double YOUR OPPORTUNITY: We have to move
and are going to reduce our large stock of Ne- filling station, on 101 and F Sts.
terminations 50c. Minimum order $1.00,
postpaid. W. F. Dukes, Box 531, Golden, vada material. Assorted, agatized and opal-
Colo. ized wood, agates, algae, jaspers, geodes,
amygdaloids, etc.,. 5 lbs. $2.00, 10 lbs. $3.50, 4 VERY FINE ancient Indian Arrowheads
25 lbs. $7.00. Slabs from this material 10 sq. $1.00. 4 tiny perfect bird arrowheads $1.00.
ATTENTION ROCKHOUNDS--Moss Opal- in. $1.00. 50 sq. in. $4.00, 100 sq. in. $7.00. 1 Ancient Stone Tomahawk $1.00. 2 Flint
ite, Petrified Wood and Onyx, Multi-Colored Assorted good specimen wood and lots of Skinning Knives $1.00. 1 Large Flint Hoe
Opalized Agate in lovely patterns and color good cutting material, 10 lbs. $2.50, 20 lbs. $1.00. 2 Spearheads $1.00. 10 Arrowheads
combinations. Fine cutting material, also $4.50, 40 lbs. $8.00. Please include postage from 10 states $1.00. 20 Damaged Arrow-
fluoresces various colors, blue, lemon, pink. or we will ship express, charges collect, heads $1.00. 10 Fish Sealers $1.00. 10 Hide
Sample order of one pound assorted for One whichever you prefer. John L. James, Tono- Scrapers $1.00. 4 Perfect Saw Edged arrow-
Dollar or five pounds Four Dollars. Apache pah, Nevada. heads $1.00. The above 11 offers $10.00
teardrops, amethyst crystals, quartz crystal ge- Postpaid. List free. Lear's, Box 569, Galves-
odes, and thunder eggs. Chalcedony geodes ton, Texas.
JADE, RHODONITE, Lapiz Lazuli. Try us for
and fluorescent chalcedony roses. Any of the
above assorted $1 per pound. Orders filled a fine gloss polish on these hard to finish gem
stones. Large specimen polishing. Drilling FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, % " or over,
same day received. Special prices to dealers boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post-
on request. Correspondence invited. Guide any size and quantity. H. M. Samuelson, 1012
El Camino Real, N., Salinas, Calif. paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 21A31,
service to choice gem locations at a reason- Dutch Flat, Calif.
able fee. We positively guarantee abundant
supply of quality material. Use your car or MONTANA MOSS AGATES in the rough for
ours. Oasis Gem Co., P. O. Box No. 838, gem cutting $1.00 per lb. plus postage. Also 30c GETS YOU LAUCK'S Prospector Guide to
Wickenburg, Arizona. Slabbed Agate 25c per sq. in. (Minimum or- identify 185 ore Minerals you should know.
der $1.00). Elliott Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Ar- No trip or meeting is complete without this
cade, Long Beach 2, California. easy to carry booklet. E. R. Hickey, 2323 So.
from Northern Arizona. W e think you will FINE PAPERWEIGHTS — Pen mounts,
agree with us that we have as beautiful Pic- matched sets, many mineral types. Featuring HIGHEST PRICES for meteorites, iron or stone
ture Wood as you have ever seen. This is truly Texas fluorescent turitella. Sent on approval. or any specimen of natural iron (metallic
a gem wood of character with a picture in Discount to dealers. Clay Ledbetter, 2126
every piece. Black Petrified Wood from iron, not iron ore). S. H. Perry, Adrian,
McKenzie, Waco, Texas. Mich.
Northern Arizona. Gem quality, really black
takes a high polish. Very limited supply of
both picture and black wood so sold only in INDIAN RELICS, Curios, Coins, Minerals, MINERAL SETS—24 Colorful Minerals ( iden-
slabs 10 square inches $3.50 or 100 square Books, Old Buttons, Old Glass, Old West tified) in l x l compartments—Postage paid,
inches $30.00. Postage prepaid if check with Photos, Weapons, Catalogue 5 c. Lemley An- $3.50. Prospector's Set of 50 Minerals (iden-
order. Also cut stones (see below). Chryso- tique Store, Osborne, Kansas. tified in l x l compartments in cloth rein-
colla Gem Quality from Miami, Arizona. forced sturdy cartons. Postage paid $5.75.
Beautiful robin-egg blue. Sold only in cut ROCK COLLECTORS — ATTENTION. This Elliott's Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long
stones (see below). Turquoise of Quality summer I expect to cover 7 Western states, Beach 2, Calif.
from Nevada and Arizona from 10c to $1.00 with the Trailer Rock Store. Send me your
per karat. Have some blue Gem, Battle address, so I can notify you. Remember, I FLUORESCENT EQUIPMENT and minerals,
Mountain, Cortez, etc. Sold only in cut stones carry the finest variety of rock and mineral gorgeous specimens small or large, always at
(see below). Cut Stones Wholesale and Re- specimens in the west. The Rockologist, 1152 reasonable prices. Write for further informa-
tail. We have excellent stock beautiful cut So. 2nd Ave., Arcadia, Calif. tion if you are interested in u.v. phenomena,
stones in Picture Wood, Black Petrified or send $5.00 for sample collection of 10 fine
Wood, Chrysocolla and Turquoise for brace- fluorescents 2"x2" postpaid in U. S. Satis-
lets, rings, ear-bobs, pins, etc. Send for our FLUORESCENT MINERALS. Tested under
short wave Mineralight. Colorado: Brilliant faction guaranteed. H. Stillwell & Son, Rock-
current price list. Satisfaction guaranteed or ville Centre, N. Y.
money refunded. Steve Hambaugh, Box 332, yellow-orange fluorescent and phosphorescent
Wickenburg, Ariz. barite 50c to $2.50. Canada: Phosphorescent
gypsum roses 2 for $1.00. Arizona: Scheelite
$1.00 upward. Chalcedony roses 3 large or 8 Past-president Porter of the East Bay Min-
HAVE PURCHASED the collection of the small $1.00. Postage Extra. MaryAnn Kasey, eral society reports in the club bulletin that
late Mr. F. W. Stout, of Oswego, Kansas, Box 230, Prescott, Arizona. many makers of cabochons fall down on their
7000 Indian Artifacts, Egyptian Relics, 5000 final surfacing before polishing. He suggests
Minerals from over the world, also plenty of MINERAL AND FOSSIL COLLECTORS! that 500 or 600 grit carborundum powder or
Tri-State Minerals, Bulk Ores of Galena, Read The Earth Science Digest, a monthly paper be used to take off the scratches before
Sphalerite cleavages, also Xled Tri-States, publication reaching thousands of collectors putting the stone on the buff for polishing. This
Dealers welcome. Call and see them. No mail the world over. One year subscription $2.00. will prevent the "orange peel" effect so often
orders. Boodle Lane, one mile west of Galena, Sample copy 25c. Write: Dept. D., Box 57, found. For final high gloss he recommends a
Kansas, on 66 highway. Omaha 3, Nebraska. little rubbing on a leather buff with tin oxide.


CALIFORNIA CONVENTION DATE Mrs. Jessie Hardman, club member, showed
CHANGED TO JULY 16-18 colored slides at the regular August meeting of DEPENDABLE . . .
the Long Beach Mineralogical society, held at
Date for the 1948 state convention of the Belmont Shore Recreation center, Long Beach.
California Federation of Mineralogical societies, Plans for the 1948 state convention of the Cali-
to be held in Long Beach, has been changed to fornia Federation of Mineralogical societies, to
Lapidary Equipment
July 16-18. The convention originally was be held in Long Beach on July 16-18, were dis- • Sartwell Gem Drill
scheduled for June, and the change was made cussed and committee assignments for the show • Felker Di-Met Blades
so that it would not conflict with the national made. Members, past and present, were request- • RX Lapidary Machine
convention of the newly organized National ed to "grab a pick and shovel and get back to • B. 4 I. Gem Maker
Federation of Mineralogical societies to be held the diggin's to help with the work." • Mineralighis
in Denver that month. Lowell R. Gordon, 1850 • Micro Featherweight Facet Head
E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach 6, Cali- • • •
• G. & W. Tube Drills
fornia, has been named convention chairman. August meeting of the San Diego Miner- • Poly Arbors
Information regarding the show may be ob- alogical society was in the form of a beach par- • Alta Products
tained from him. ty. The mineralogy section of the club, sponsor- • Allen Facet Head
• • • ing the outing, offered a diversified program. • Prestolite Supplies
Jack Thompson spoke on the geology of the Send for Latest Price List of Supplies
LONG BEACH SETS FOURTH coast line and cliffs of the vicinity. A lottery
ANNUAL SHOW OCTOBER 12 and Materials
decided which two pebbles picked up on the
Fourth annual mineral show of the Long beach would be cut and polished free by the ANNOUNCEMENT . . .
Beach Mineralogical society will be held Oc- craftsmanship division, and identification con- We now have the
tober 12 in the Machinists' hall, 726 Elm ave- tests were held. Annual meeting and election of
nue, Long Beach, California. Exhibits will open officers was planned for September 12. STREAMLINER SAW
at 10:30 a. m. and close at 5:30 p. m. The club • • • on Display
collection will be on display for the first time Ralph Dietz, president of the NOTS Rock-
at the show. Refreshments will be served, and hounds, will resume teaching mineralogy at MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY
there will be a grab bag and raffles. Fred weekly classes early in September. No definite Open daily 9:30 a. m. to 6:00 p. m.
Schmidt is general chairman. dates have been set for the start of the classes, Closed Sundays and Holidays
• • • but those interested were to contact Dietz at
CHAMBER OF MINES INVITES Box N-690, NOTS, Inyokern, California. GORDON'S
COLLECTORS TO EXHIBIT • • • Long Beach Mineral & Lapidary
Riverside county chamber of mines has issued Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Allard of Huntington Supply Co.
an invitation to dealers and amateur exhibitors Park were guest speakers at the September
and collectors in all parts of the country to take meeting of the Southwest Mineralogists. They 1850 E. Pacific Coast Hwy.. Phone 738-56
part in the chamber's second annual gem and showed colored slides of minerals pictured un- LONG BEACH 4. CALIF.
mineral show to be held in Riverside, Cali- der natural and fluorescent light. September
fornia, November 7-9- Every courtesy will be field trip of the club was to an abandoned borax WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION
extended to them and their exhibits will be mine on Mt. Pinus near Stauffer, Kern county, AUG. 24 TO SEPT. 8
placed to show to best advantage. Those wish- California.
ing to participate in the show are asked to con-
tact Mrs. Retta E. Ewers, 3961 Third street,
Riverside, California, and further information New HILLQUIST AUTO-FEED for HILLQUIST DIAMOND It's Here! The
will be sent to them. No
NEW Hillquist
S A W TINTT other power feed like it! (Pats. Pend.) Auto- TRIM SAWI
matically adjusts cutting speed to hardness of rock.
Foolproof. Gives faster, smoother cut- The only trim saw
AMONG THE ting. Pays for itself by increasing with raising and low-
life of saw blade. Fits all Hillquist ering arb-or and pre-
saw units and many other makes . . . cision feed. Perfect
ROCK HIMTERS write for information. Only $46.35 for those difficult
f. o. b. Hillquist 16" Saw Unit jobs of cutting stars,
shown below complete with Auto-Feed, crosses, etc. Write
for descriptive fold-
Victor Arciniega spoke on "The Origin of
Minerals" at the August meeting of the South-
west Mineralogists. Mrs. Jeane Lippitt was
program chairman. Charles Standridge gave a E4(//PMEA/r/t ~~~~i/ Hillquist LAPIDARY UNIT SAIV Mil
. . . iding, Sanding,
talk on peridot and sardonyx at the club business DOES EVERYTHING: So'
Cutting and Facet-
Polishing. Lopping, SpJ.e.
meeting. , by amateurs

i n - ! More then 2,000 sure ci i_ ""areas c
to 10" can be used.
• • • end professionols Sows;
lodes 8" ic

"Paint is made from pigments of the earth law, twolapidar-i

and is as old as man himself," Gene Kelsh told wheels, all-metal m o v a b l e
S u m
P- Pres-

the Yavapai Gem and Mineral society of Pres-

cott at its August meeting. Another guest at the HILLQUIST LINE
meeting was Miss Kate Corey, painter of the OF LAPIDARY EQUIP.
Hopi Indians and one of the organizers of the *"5o"fot'
Smoki group at Prescott. Miss Corey told of
seven years of experience with the Hopi Indians,
during which time she studied their rites and
Fob. with*

customs and transferred them to canvas. On ex- Speciol design ..

°"'s "aniL
hibit at the meeting were one of Miss Cory's ting,
C r d

$3. Ship.
paintings and Hopi pottery which had been rtCdforbo* W g l I., 100
given to her by the Indians. Joplin minerals
were exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Michael. s
Perfectly mo<hined end ^ ^ ^ 1 i ' " \ ' •" Hillquist
T ot $5 y Hillquist GEM DRILL
The state of Washington has set aside as a
state park the site of the discovery of several
,r 3 / 4 "
DIAMOND SAWS Drills finest holes and saws disks up to 2 "
diameter automatically, exclusive ram rod at*
Dollar for d< >lloi -, Hillqi: •st Super-
petrified logs, among them three logs of that spec dDiamoi i d S owsgivi i you more
lion (pot. pend ) prevents core from plugging
drill Does half hour's work in ten minutes.
f o r /our morley becauseI they last
most ancient of petrified woods, the Ginkgo long er and cut ft liter. Order today
Now you can make beads, buttons, earrings,
b r a c e l e t s , etc.
tree. A sign near the front of the caretaker's 1 m del
° ;, h F "n$ and see for y o u r .elf. $68.80 with 4 drills
lodge gives the age of the trees as about fifty '"'°' T , or SKipp.n Your Bladt
f.o.b. C r a t i n g ,
socket or " s c u $1.00. Ship, wgt., !
million years. OI
| U istLAP U N " ' 7'
Wei 9 hl


i 4.75 $ 4.00
25 lbs. Button discs
can be sawed in
• • • e Cuts all types of t
The r.nest 9\
8' 5.75 4.75
less than one min-
10 ' 2 7.85 6 85
Officers of Newport Agate society, Newport, 12 2Vi 9.50 825
ute by using pres-
sure lever supplied
Oregon, are Harold Printz, president; George 14
11.75 10.00
with unit.
13.50 11.50
Price, vice-president; Maud Witchey, 322
Brook street, secretary; Claire Smith, treasurer.
The group meets second Tuesdays at 6:30 p. m.
in the city hall. Potluck dinner precedes busi-
ness meeting.

OCTOBER, 1947 37
Among the Indian relics found in Dos Cabe- Lee Seabridge, Norwalk, spoke on minerals
20s region of Imperial county, California, are used in paint manufacturing at the July meeting
unbroken pieces of pottery, obsidian arrow- of the West Coast Mineral society, at Fullerton
heads, pieces of chipped obsidian, sea shells junior college. He explained that there are 2000
and small pieces of colorful common opal and pigments and combinations which make up the
feldspar shaped for personal decoration. The variety of paints we use today. Annual potluck
opal, garnet and feldspar are found there local- meeting of the society was planned for August
ly, but the obsidian is a type not otherwise found 12 at Marion Speer's Western Trails museum
in Imperial Valley. near Huntington Beach.

In the August Mineral Notes and News, pub-

GENUINE YAVAPAI ONYX . . . lication of the California Federation of Miner-
Exclusive Sales Territory Open
Rough pieces 60c per lb. up to 25 lbs. 40c per
lb. up to 50 lbs. 25c per lb. up to 100 lbs.
F.O.B. Mayer. Special prices in larger quanti-
alogical societies, O. D. Elarton of Salida, Colo-
rado, reports discovery of a fulgurite on the top
of a 12,500-foot mountain. The fulgurite,
Texas Agates
ties. caused when lightning struck the mountain and TOP QUALITY from many Texas loca-
Satisfaction Guaranteed — Write Today fused the sand or gravel there, was 6 feet in tions—plume, iris, scenic, picture, fortifi-
YAVAPAI ONYX — Mayer Arizona length and 3V2 inches in diameter at its largest cation and mosses in a riot of gay col-
point. The composition appeared to be a hard ors and combinations. A choice selection
black slag. for $10.00, postpaid.
• • • SPECIAL — Minerun agates from our
Canyon City Geology club, of Canyon City, plume beds, 5 lbs. for $4.00, postpaid.
Colorado, is one of the oldest earth science RX, Gem Maker, Highland Park, Felker,
314 Temple Avenue Long Beach 14, Calif. clubs in the state. It was founded in 1928 and Rapidesign and Bay State manufactur-
ROCKS — LAPIDARY — ANTIQUES F. C. Kessler, 1020 Macon avenue, has been ings and supplies.
Rare old glass and agate marbles and spheres. executive secretary of the organization for the
Colorful pen mounts with matching paper entire period. About half the members of the EL PASO ROCK &
weights. Ideal gifts and not expensive.
Any quantity choice cutting material at club are studying lapidary work under instruc- LAPIDARY SUPPLY
reasonable prices. tion of D. L. Flaherty, the course being spon- 2401 Pittsburg St. Phone Main 5338-R
sored by the local school board in collaboration
with the Colorado state vocational training pro- EL PASO. TEXAS
• • •
The junior rockhounds of the Yavapai Gem
and Mineral society of Prescott presented a rock • Instant indentification of
show on September 6-7. The group has been fluorescent minerals
INDIAN organized only a year, but it has a large mem- c new beauty in collections
TRADING POST bership which has been studying mineralogy
seriously. The show was open to the public, ad- K t h MINERALIGHT
Tom S. Hubbell, 2331 Pico Blvd.
mission free, and a large crowd was anticipated. •MB
• • •
Santa Monica, California
Riverside County chamber of mines reports
that on a recent field trip to the Gavilan Hills,
many Indian graves were found. The graves
were outlined by oval circles of rocks, with a
crudely carved heart-shaped rock either on or
near the grave.

\RECC • Make field trips profitable — find new

deposits in the field — see added
beauty in your mineral collection
under Ultra Violet light...these are a few
of the uses of MINERALIGHT.

Lapidary Supplies Of a Rockhound

Write for Bulletin No. I> -100-
See you'' Mineralight dealer.

for the PRODUCTS, I n c .

Evry time rockhouns goes on field
Gem Cutting Shop trips an sees road signs mutilated by van- 5205 Sana Monica Blvd., Los Hijeles 27,CaMf
dals they gets mor and mor madder an
disgusted with folkes what has nuthin

WO Diamond Saws better to do than to destroy. Maybe it

amuzes morons to transplant guide posts
Grinding Wheels or shoot off what it sed on um, but er-
Polishing Wheels roneous direckshuns could lead to seri-
ous konsequences for peepul who don't
know desert trails. Watter hoals are uv 10 small pieces—average 1/2""-%" $1.00
konsummit importance on the desert. If 5 larger—average %"-l" 1.00

VfeKO Abrasive Cloth

Polishing Powders
Abrasive Grains
sumwum duz not know whitch way to
head but is followin signs, and thoz
signs is rong, he may easily perish uv
heat an thirst. Evun automobiles has to
have watter in hot weather.
6 still larger—1"-2" or over
1 small vial clear fire opal _
50 rough mixed Mexican Opals,
including honey, cherry, etc.,
average 1"
_ 2.00
_ 1.50

OF ABOVE ITEMS AND OTHER Report is that sum uv our mineral re- Although these are sold chiefly as
VRECO SUPPLIES sources is goin to be xhausted in frum cabinet specimens and have plenty of
1 to 34 years. Or in 111—iron supplies fire, many of them will work up into nice
is suppozed to last that mutch longer. cabochons.
Why can't scientists stop fussin aroun
VREELAND with atom power for destructive pur-
poses an konsentrate on findin sum
method uv xtractin the 175 million tunz
Money Cheerfully Refunded if Not
Entirely Satisfactory.
Polished Mexican Opals and other
MANUFACTURING CO. uv chemical compounds estimated to be
in evry cubic mile of ocean watter. Yu
gem stone cabochons on approval to
responsible persons.
2026 S. W. Jefferson Street could get a lotta gold, silver, nickel, ra-
PORTLAND 1, OREGON dium or iodine out uv the 7 seas. DR. RALPH E. MUELLER
3701 Valentine Road Kansas City 2, Mo.


Oregon beaches during the months of June,
July and August soon become anything but HEIRLOOMS OF THE FUTURE . . .
MINERAL RARITIES places for finding the beautiful Oregon beach
Marvin's fine handicrafted sterling
agates. Heavy waves and high tides, during
Agatized Sea Clam those months, cover the beaches with coatings silver jewelry.
Among the rare finds on the northwest of fine sand many feet thick. The sandy beaches MARVIN'S ROCK SHOP
coast of the United States is the little, are as smooth and even as any in the world and tJ. S. Highways 160 4 550, Durango, Colo.
completely agatized shell of a sea clam. become excellent playgrounds. When the rough Visitors Always Welcome
Often a mold is formed by agate or chal- storms of the winter months come along, they
cedony completely filling the small shell, remove the sand and scatter agates, jasper, water
and taking every detail of the shape of agates, sagenite and numerous other specimens
the shell, even that of a perfect hinge on which make Oregon beaches famous. February
and March are the best months for picking.
the larger edge. In time, the fragile shell
disappears entirely, leaving what is ap-
parently a perfect shell formed of clear,
• • •
In Biblical days, according to the bulletin of
colorless agate. Occasionally, one of these
shows a cavity almost filled with water,
the San Jose Lapidary society, all blue stones
were called sapphires. Later the name was re-
and a movable water bubble. stricted to the hard, transparent blue stones from
the Orient. With the advent of chemistry the PACIFIC AGATE SHOP
name corundum was applied to the sapphire and
to non-jewelry stones, such as emery, of the same O. R. Junkins 5 Son
A recent field trip of the Mineralogical So- chemical composition. Sapphires are found in Box 1483 Newport. Oregon
ciety of Utah was to the Yankee mine in Ameri- almost every possible color, including blue-
can Fork canyon, where pyrite crystals were green, purple and orange. The Kashmir sap-
collected. phire is a cornflower blue, the Ceylon is lighter
• • • with a tendency toward reddish-blue under ar-
Marion Speers' Western Trails museum near tificial light. Australian sapphire is dark blue
Huntington Beach was the goal of the July field with a greenish tinge, Montana sapphire light
trip of the Pacific Mineral society of Los An- steel blue, quite reddish in artificial light. Sap-
geles. phire is the birthstone for September.
• • • « • •
Gerald Smith, of Bloomington, spoke at the
August meeting of the Orange Belt Mineralogi- The convention of the Midwest Federation
cal society, held at Mrs. Belva Gunter's home in of Geological sociedes was held in Detroit Au-
Yucaipa. He discussed the archeology of San gust 23-25.
Bernardino valley. July meeting of the group • • •
was at Sylvan park, Redlands, with 90 members The Pick and Dop Stick, publication of the
and friends present. Chicago Rocks and Minerals society has a dis-
• * * cussion of meteorites in its August issue. About
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical a million meteorites reach the earth every year,
societies is sponsoring contests in several it says, but most of them fall into the oceans. Of
classes of mineral exhibition for members of the known meteorites, about 90 per cent are
federation societies. The federation will pro- made of rock materials like volcanic ash and
vide ribbon awards in five classes with four sand, and contain spherical shot-like bodies
places in each class. Purpose is to encourage known as chondrules. These are the stony me-
collecting and general knowledge of minerals or teorites or aerolites and, when crystalline, are
related materials, their preparation for mount- difficult to distinguish from our earth rocks. A
ing, labeling, etc. Individual societies will set rare type of meteorite is made of dark minerals FACETING HEAD . . . Price $36.75
meshed in a spongy network of light-colored al-
dates for competition and make arrangemenrs loys of nickel and iron. These stony-iron mete-
for classes used and for showing and judging. The Allen Line
orites are known as siderolites. SLAB SAWS — TRIM SAWS
• • •
A picnic was held at the Johnny Hart me- • • • GRINDER UNITS — FACETING UNITS
morial park on the Kern river as the July meet- Carson City Mineral society has been organ- SUPPLIES
ing of Kern County Mineral society. Exposures ized at Carson City, Nevada. It will meet on the Ask Your Dealer or Write Direct
of the upper middle Miocene occur at the park, fourth Wednesday of each month in the board
and are excavated by fossil hunters for the room of the state department of education in ALLEN LAPIDARY
shark's teeth which have been found there. the capitol building. Secretary of the new group, EQUIPMENT CO.
which has joined the California Federation of 3632 W. Slauson Ave.
Mineralogical societies, is Eva G. Gillen, Stew-
Gold Mining Operation art, Nevada.
Los Angeles 43, California

Where water is scarce and transporta-
tion of ore too costly—50-50 basis. Have
$65,000 patent protected equipment ad-
justed to mill and concentrate gold bear-
ing pyrite or free milling gold in quartz.
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla,
One ton per hour capacity, 3 inch mesh to
powdered concentrate in one pass. Concen- Turquoise, Jade a n d Jasper Jewelry
trates run 3 to 1 to 25 to 1.
Have New York and Chicago Mining authori- HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER
ties' report on process.
Prefer dealing with large corporation having Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings
unprofitable properties or responsible organi- a n d Brooches
zation interested in a profitable operation.
Mine owner to pay transportation and minor
costs—also furnish 2 men to unload and set SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH
portable equipment. CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES
Diesel Electric Power unit and all equipment Write for Folder with Retail Prices
mounted on K-6 International Truck and
Fruehauf Trailer. We Wholesale to Dealers
Operation possible in 10 to 30 days after ar-
Larger units available to order. ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP
RESEARCH DIVISION 26 Jergins Arcade Long Beach 2, Calif.
HACK MACHINE CO. Entrance Subway at Ocean and Pine
Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily

OCTOBER, 1947 39
Fallon Rock and Gem club planned to spon- FOUR CORNERS CLUB REPORTS Asa Anderson is president of the Texas Min-
sor a booth at the Nevada state fair, August 30- 4000 ATTEND FIRST SHOW eral society, Dallas, R. C. Mclver is vice-presi-
September 1, which would be devoted to an ex- dent and Ralph Churchill, 1007 Ft. Worth ave-
hibit of rocks and precious stones owned by the Four Corners Rock club reports that in ex- nue, Dallas, is secretary-treasurer.
members. Mrs. Harry Ringstrom was chairman cess of 4000 persons registered at their first
of the project. Ben Baird, builder of lapidary rock show held at Durango, Colorado, in con-
equipment, was speaker at the July meeting of junction with the annual Spanish Trails fiesta. Colorado Mineral society held a field trip in
the club. A table of saleable or exchangeable The show had four commercial entries, 20 dis- the Gunnison area, July 4-6. Members obtained
rocks is a new feature at club meetings. plays entered by rockhounds, and 20 unrelated tourmaline and lepidolite mica at the Brown
hobby displays. A native gold ore exhibit valued Derby mine, near Ohio City, where Mr. Field,
at $8000 was shown, and there was a $6000 col- the owner, served as guide. Members also tried
The use of mineral stones for personal adorn- lection of Navajo and Mexican rugs. Also ex- trout fishing, visited the museum of the West-
ment began almost with the history of man, Earl hibited were collections of Rev. Homer E. Root ern State college, saw an exhibit of southwest-
A. Knie told a recent meeting of the Pomona and Zeke Flora, San Juan basin archeologists. ern paintings by Earl Hammock and enjoyed a
Valley Mineral club. Archeologists working in fireworks program staged by Bill Enders.
The club constructed a float which won sec-
all parts of the world have discovered colored ond place in the club section in the 50-float pa- • • •
stones of many hues and patterns whose use rade of the Spanish Trails fiesta. The Four Cor-
was undeniably ornamental. Prehistoric people Norman Whitmore, graduate of the Colorado
ners Rock club was organized in January, 1947. School of Mines and owner of a Los Angeles
of whose existence we have only fragmentary Since that time, field trips have taken them into assaying office, outlined modern ways of pros-
knowledge used beads, pendants, necklaces and Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and many parts of pecting at the August meeting of the Pacific
other bits of crude jewelry made from the same Colorado. Mineral society of Los Angeles, held in the
minerals, in the rough, from which we cut our • • • Chancellor hotel. Equipment needed for actual
glittering faceted gems and cabochons. field work still is very simple, according to
• • • Searles Lake Gem and Mineral society will
hold a joint meeting with the Sequoia Mineral Whitmore—a steel-handled pick, a hand lens
September meeting of the Sequoia Mineral so- society October 11-13, Clark Mills, president of and a great horn spoon being the essentials.
ciety was a picnic meeting at Selma on Sept. 6. the Trona group announced. The Sequoia club With these the prospector can obtain his sample,
There was no formal program, but members will arrive and camp at Valley Wells on Fri- examine it, crush it, and pan it out. But many
gave resumes of their summer collecting. In day. The group will be guided on field trips in new devices, such as aerial mapping, the mag-
July field trips, the club collected vesuvianite, the vicinity of Trona on Saturday, and will at- netometer, and helicopter will aid his work.
bornite, pink and white calcite, malachite, Field trip for the society for August was to the
tend the joint meeting at the Trona club Sat- Kaiser steel mills at Fontana where members
limonite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, caledonite, chal- urday night. The meeting will take the place of
cocite and quartz crystals at the Ludwig mine, saw open hearth furnaces, rolling mills and
the regular Searles Lake society meeting. Sun- coke ovens.
Nevada, and toured the old mining camp of day the visitors will be guided on another field
Virginia City. trip. August meeting of the club was held at • • •
Bonewit's ranch in Indian Wells valley, with When the vocational education department
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jewell in charge. July field of the state of Nevada conducted an eight-
trip was to Mitchell's caverns but, due to high weeks lapidary course, early in 1947, students
temperatures, only a few members took part. became so interested that they formed the Car-
RX • • •
Member C. D. Heaton, geologist formerly
son City Mineral society. There are 35 members
of the club at present, and several already have
THE COMPLETE LAPIDARY SHOP with the Colorado School of Mines, told the Au- acquired their own lapidary equipment. Offi-
gust meeting of Santa Monica Gemological so- cers of the new organization are: president, Or-
ciety of finding an enthusiastic rockhound in vis E. Reil; vice-president, Thomas W. Robin-
Dawson City, Alaska. The hobbyist, whom son; secretary-treasurer, Eva G. Gillen; direc-
Heaton met on a 9500-mile vacation trip, had tors, Frank E. Garaventa, Walter C. Wilson,
a well-equipped lapidary shop and a good col- Philip A. Harper. The group has joined the
lection of mineral specimens featuring gold California Federation of Mineralogical societies
nuggets. Mrs. Doris Baur reported to the meet- and is planning field trips as soon as the weather
ing that there was a growing interest in the cools.
campaign to rid California highways of un- • • •
sightly advertising signs. The club's July field Orange Belt Mineralogical society is planning
trip to Malibu beach, because of high tides, de- a rock and mineral show to be held at the Na-
veloped into a picnic. tional Orange Show building in San Bernar-
• • • dino, November 8-9-
East Bay Mineral society, Oakland, Cali-
fornia, resumed activities with a "get-together"
discussion on September 4. A birthday dinner
was held on September 22. New officers of the SUBSCRIBE TO
organization are: president, Dr. Francis T.
Jones; vice-president, Ernest M. Stone; secre-
tary, Millard V. Moore; treasurer, Gerald H.
Smith; corresponding secretary, Don E. Cam-
Hoofs and Horns
eron; librarian, Mrs. Olive Lewis; historian,
George Higson; directors, George Higson, Carl To Keep Abreast of the RODEO
Douglass, R. E. Carpenter. Address of the club GAME and its HAPPENINGS—
is Post Office Box 1196, Oakland, California.
The MODEL 47 RX takes the place of 3 Meetings are held in the auditorium of Lincoln Its news about Rodeos and Roundups
school, 11th and Jackson streets, and visitors is the most authoritative of any pub-
or 4 separate machines and requires lished in America. Rodeo Association
only 20x30 inches of space. are welcome. bulletin and Cowboy's Turtle Associa-
• • • tion news are published monthly.
Has coarse and fine grinding wheels, al-
ways running. A sanding disc—Two flat The Mineralogical Society of Arizona will Those who enjoy poetry of the Old
West will revel in the abundance of
laps—A final polishing wheel. All regu- resume meetings on October 2, and continue to truly typical poetry that appears in
lar equipment. Wheels changed for dif- meet at 8:00 p. m. on the first and third Thurs- each issue of Hoofs and Horns. You'll
ferent operations in seconds. 12" Dia- days of each month through May. The club has like Hoofs and Horns!
mond Saw capacity. no permanent meeting place at present and the Each issue is generously illustrated
first meeting is tentatively scheduled for the with pictures of the people and places
PRICE $137.50 Emerson school. Informal gatherings have been that are important to the current and
held once a month through the summer. past history of the Range country.
F.O.B. TORRANCE Don't miss a single copy!
• • •
12" Diamond Saw Blade and Motor Subscription Rates
not included in price First authenticated occurrence of wavellite in
Arizona is at the Castle Dome mine. Rockhound 1 YEAR $2.00 2 YEARS $3.50
See Your Lapidary Dealer or Record, bulletin of the Mineralogical Society of 3 YEARS $4.S0 S YEARS $7.50
Write for Circular A Arizona, reports that it occurs as a druzy coating MONEY MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER
of minute crystals dark grey, almost black, in
color. Wavellite is an aluminum phosphate and SEND NAME AND ADDRESS TO
RX LABORATORY usually is found in slender, greenish crystals HOOFS and HORNS
1143 Post Ave. Torrance, Calif. which radiate from a common center to form
spherulites. P. O. Box 790 Tucson, Arizona


According to the Nebraska Mineralogy and ARIZONA FAIR WILL FEATURE
Gem club, while Nebraska has a geology of COMPETITIVE MINERAL SHOW
great scientific interest, stones of gem quality
are hard to find. Streams which cut through Arizona's first open competitive mineral ex-
Mountings to Order
glacial deposits carry some workable material, hibit will be a part of the program at the Ari- Casting service for the Lapidary who
and screening piles at sand pits around Omaha zona state fair held at Phoenix, November 7-18. wants something Special. Ring mount-
yield many jaspers, a little chalcedony and some The exhibit will be held on the main floor of ings and stone set belt buckles individu-
fragments of petrified wood. Specimens of good the mineral building. Due to lack of space, en- ally designed for the better stones. Your
quality and interesting color, however, seldom tries in competition this year will be limited to designs followed or I will make a mount-
are found. residents of Arizona. Special emphasis will be ing in whatever style you choose. Gold
• • • given to exhibits by the grade schools. Any Ari- and Silver.
Traces of platinum have been observed in the zona grade school can enter one exhibit of not
sands at Kane Springs, Kern county, California. more than 25 specimens. In addition to the us- No catalog but a letter will bring
• • o ual ribbons offered by the fair commission, the details Promptly
Phelps Dodge corporation has provided a per-
The area in which Wyoming jade is found is petual trophy in the form of a plaque which ROBERT H. KIZER
said to range downward from the Green moun- will be awarded to the school having the out-
tains to Independence Rock, and to be 50 miles standing exhibit. Name of the winning school 406 Bay Bldg. Seattle 1, Washington
wide at its greatest breadth. The jade is hard to and year will be engraved on the trophy and the
locate, most of it being crusted over with a grey- school will keep it until the next fair, when it
ish brown "rind" that hides the green and black will be re-awarded.
of the gem material.
• • • High school students may make one entry in
New officers of the Monterey Bay Mineral either or both of two classes: 1, 10 cabinet
society are: president, A. W . Flippin; vice- specimens; 2, one standard box of thumbnail
president, Dr. K. W . Blaycock; secretary, Mrs. specimens. Two standard boxes of 24 specimens
V. L. Fraser; director, H. W . Powers. T. G. may be entered in place of the one box of 50
Emmons is past-president. The club celebrated thumbnails. Four classes are open to adults: 1,
its second anniversary with a potluck supper 10 cabinet specimens; 2, one box of 50 or two
and movie. Membership now is 82. boxes of 24 thumbnails; 3, 25 cabochons; 4, 10
• • • polished slabs.
There will be no fees for entries in the min-
San Luis Obispo Gem and Mineral club, or- eral department, and three ribbons will be 6" HIGH-SPEED TRIMMING SAW. AH cast
ganized in March, 1947, has become a member awarded in each class exhibited. A. L. Flagg, metal. No wood. This saw saves time and ma-
of the California Federation of Mineralogical terial. Saw operates at 2000 R.P.M. Priced at
president of the Mineralogical Society of Ari- $47.50 without motor, F.O.B., Los Angeles,
societies. The club now has 29 members. It has zona, is superintendent of the mineral depart- Calif. This price includes saw-blade, belt and
held three field trips during the summer; one pulley to give you the correct speed. Requires
to the Templeton district for agate nodules, one ment of the state fair. Vi -horse motor. Shipping weight approxi-
mately 60 pounds.
to Soda lake where thenardite crystals were
collected, and one in search of Monterey jade.
• • •
DEALERS ORGANIZE TO Highland Park Lapidary Supply
STAGE EXHIBITIONS 1009 Mission St., South Pasadena. Calif.
Mineralogical Society of Utah's August field
trip was to the Brighton area in the Wasatch Following the precedent recently established
mountains, where ludwigite was collected. by the mineral federations when they amalga-
• • • mated as a national organization, a group of
September marked the end of the first year's mineral and lapidary dealers have set up the nu-
trial of society division, by the San Diego Min- cleus for a nation-wide trade organization to be
eralogical society. Division membership at that known as National Mineral, Gem and Lapi- CABOCHON'S-Jewe/ry
time was: mineralogy, 9 5 ; craftsmanship, 7 1 ; dary Dealers' association. 1—Golden Tiger Eye $1.00
Manager Edward Lang of Santa Monica out- 2—Idaho Moss Agate 75c to $1.50
mineral resources, 19. Total club membership 3—Idaho Quality Jasper 50c to $1.00
is 185. lined the plans of the new association as fol- 4—Utah Red Agate $1.00 to $2.00
• • • lows: "We will hold semi-annual exhibitions 5—Utah Flowering Obsidian ....75c to $1.25
in localities easy of access for our customers, 6—Montana Agate 75c to $1.50
Property owners at Gem Village,'rockhound 7—Golden Glow, Silver Froth or
colony near Bayfield, Colorado, have organized and we hope to stimulate great interest in the Red and Black Obsidian 75c
as the Gem Village Land Owners association, art of lapidary. The association will proceed un- 8—$6.00 mixed selection of above
9—$6.00 mixed Montana Agate slabs $5.23
with Russell Purceil as chairman, S. N. Green, der competent leadership to encourage the pro- 10—Unpolished scenic and
secretary-treasurer. Permanent population of gress of the mineral crafts in every legitimate Moss Thunder Eggs, each $1.00
the village now is 25, with a number of sum- direction. Dealers will be provided with ade- FOR RESALE — Ladies' rings, Lavallieres,
mer residents in addition. Frank Morris, the quate space in which to display their merchan- Brooches and Hearts, also Men's Rings, ap-
founder, has sold 50 residential lots and many dise. It is hoped to announce the first exhibi- proval selections by request.
ranch plots; nine homes are constructed and tion in the near future." Ring mounting, Men's Sterling Silver, 3 for
$5.75, Men's Sterling with gold trim, 3 for
three being built. Dealers interested in membership should ad- $7.50. Ladies' Sterling Silver Ring with 10K
• • • dress National Mineral, Gem and Lapidary Gold trim, 3 for $6.50.
Silver in the pure state is too soft to be Dealers' association, P. O. Box 1195, Santa SWENSON'S AGATE SHOP
widely used for jewelry. It is alloyed, usually Monica, California. 5114 S. E. 39th Ave. Portland 2 , Oregon
with copper, to harden it. Sterling silver con- « • •
sists of 92.5 per cent pure silver, 7.5 per cent
copper. Silver coins of the United States con- Willemite, a zinc silicate sufficiently abun-
tain 90 per cent silver, 10 per cent copper. dant to be a zinc ore at some localities, has been
found in clear, pale yellow crystals at Franklin
Furnace, New Jersey.
• • •
Specializing Arthur Sanger reports, in the Pick and Dop
Old Pawn Collectcr's Items Stick, bulletin of the Chicago Rocks and Min-
erals society, that most of the jade imported into
DAVID H. HOWELL China in recent years still is stored in Chinese
473 No. Main St. Pomona, Calif. coastal cities. Reasons given were the high
WHOLESALE RETAIL wages demanded by Chinese carvers and cha-
Mail Orders — Inquiries Solicited otic economic conditions in the country. Sanger
believes that the carvers will not go back to
starvation wages, but will agree to the introduc-
tion, on a limited scale, of modern lapidary tools
IMPORTED GEMS . . . in return for an improved standard of living.
We are direct importers. Send for free • • •
price list of more than 30 varieties of uem
rough for facet and cabochon cutters.
Cheyenne Geology club of Cheyenne, Wyom-
LIONEL DAY ing, meets the first Friday of each month and its
Dept. DM president, D. L. LaBreche, 1616 Warren ave- SEND FOR LITERATURE TO
3S60 Broadway New York 31, N. Y. nue, invites all rockhounds to attend and get LAPIDARY ENGINEERS
acquainted with the members. REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA

OCTOBER, 1947 41

tionary of California Land Names, Feb 47 Capitol Reef natl. mon., Utah Feb 47 plO
p37; Hersch, The Seven Cities of Gold, Dec Carrizo Gorge palms, Calif Apr 47 p l 9
46 p39; Hilton, Sonora Sketch Book, Apr 47 Carson, Kit Jun 47 p l 6
Abernathy, Jess Apr 47 p27 p47; Johnson, Scenic Guide to Southern Cali- Carson City Daily Appeal Jan 47 p28
Acoma, New Mexico Jan 47 p9 fornia, Feb 47 p37; Kluckhohn and Leigh-
Adams, Aries Feb 47 pl9 Cassell, Richard L. Author of—
ton, The Navaho, Mar 47 p47; Kraft, Ad-
Apr 47 pi9, Jun 47 p21 venture in Jade, Jul 47 p47; Lomax, Adven- His Hiss Is Just a Bluff Mar 47 p26
Adams, Dr. Lytle S Apr 47 p32 tures of a Ballad Hunter, May 47 p47; Lump- His Protection—
Afton canyon, Calif Dec 46 p22 kins, Modern Spanish-Pueblo Homes, Nov Speed and Color Apr 47 p23
Agua Caliente springs, Calif Jul 47 p4 46 p36; McWilliams, Southern California 'Little Old Man of the Sands' May 47 p9
Agua Prieta, Mexico Apr 47 p32 Country, Mar 47 p47; Marshall, Santa Fe, Long-tailed Denizen of
Ajo, Arizona Sep 47 p l 9 Nov 46 p3<5; Miles, Three Pals on the Des- the Desert Aug 47 p l 4
Ajo Copper News Aug 47 p33 ert, Feb 47 p37; Morgan, The Great Salt "The Castle," Mojave desert Dec 46 p27
All-American canal .... Apr 47 p33, Oct 47 p31 Lake, Aug 47 p47; Rittenhouse, Guidebook Chaffin, Arthur Nov 46 p27, Feb 47 plO
Alta, Utah Oct 47 p33 to Highway 66, Jan 47 p23; Muench, West Chocolate Mts., Calif Jun 47 p27
Amateur Gem Cutter, Coast Portrait, Mar 47 p47; Palmer, Pahute Chuckawalla Mts., Calif May 47 p25
by Lelande Quick Each issue Indian Legends, Jun 47 p47; Psxton, Desert Churchfield, Mr Sep 47 p5
American Federation of Mineralogies] Peace, Mar 47 p47; Pearce and Thomason Cibola, Seven Cities of Mar 47 p22
societies Aug 47 p39, Oct 47 p l 9 (Eds.), Southwesterners Write, Jul 47 p47; Clark, Addison N. My Friend Bill,
American Meteorite museum Dec 46 p24 Putnam, Death Valley and Its Country, Jan the Kingsnake Jan 47 p8
May 47 p5 47 p23; Smith, Handbook of Lizards, jan 47 Clarkdale, Arizona Aug 47 p33
American Potash & Chemical p23; Smith, Identification & Qualitative An- The Climate of Arizona Oct 47 p47
corp May 47 p46, Jun 47 p l 4 alysis of Minerals, May 47 p47; Storz, Mexi- Clinton, H. G Dec 46 p23
Ancient Landscapes of the can Spanish, Jun 47 p47; Vestal, Jim Bridger, Coburn, Walt Aug 47 plO
Grand Canyon Region Oct 47 p47 Mountain Man, Feb 47 p37; Waters, The Cochise Stronghold, Arizona Feb 47 p5
Anderson, Helen Ashley. Rock Hunter in Colorado, Dec 46 p39; White, Dust on the Coffey, Frank Jan 47 p4
Sawatch Range Jan 47 p i 3 King's Highway, Aug 47 p47; Johnson, Cohoon, Burton A May 47 p25
Andreas canyon, Calif Nov 46 p39 Scenic Guide to Utah, Oct 47 p47; Yeager, Cole, Jim Mar 47 p31
Apache turquoise mines Feb 47 p5 Introduction to Your Western National Collins, John Nov 46 p8
Arizona City, Arizona .... Jan 47 p4, Apr 47 p31 Parks, Oct 47 p47. Colorado river, crossings Feb 47 plO
Arizona Power company Aug 47 p5 Borg, Oscar Carl Jul 47 p33 May 47 plO
Around Hogan Fires Sep 47 p46 Borrego valley, Calif Nov 46 p8, Oct 47 p31 Colorado river, expeditions Dec 46 p5
Atomic energy Jul 47 p46 Apr 47 p31, Aug 47 p l 3 , Sep 47 p46
Atwater, Barry Oct 47 p24 Botany {see also Cactus, Palm Oases, Colorado river, ferries Feb 47 plO
Aurora, Nevada Jul 47 plO Plantlife)— Colorado river, petroglyphs Aug 47 p24
Autry, Gene Aug 47 plO Cancer-root Oct 47 pl8 Colton, Dr. Harold S Nov 46 p l l
Averitt, Beej and Paul. Chinese Pusley Sep 47 p46
Mastodon of Moab Aug 47 p24 (Wild Heliotrope) Jan 47 pl9 "Cooganite" Jun 47 p6
Desert Alyssum (Lepidium) Apr 47 pl7 Corbett, Harry and Gillia Aug 47 p5
Dodder (Cuscuta) Feb 47 p l 6 Corn Springs oasis, Calif Mar 47 p28
B Horehound (Marrubium) Dec 46 p l 8 Courtland, Arizona Feb 47 p5
Lilac Sunbonnets (Langloisia) .... Sep 47 p31 Courtney, Cottam. Stone that
Poppies (Eschscholtzia) Jul 47 p27 Flashes Fire Apr 47 p27
"Baby of the Desert" Jan 47 p22
Snnd food Oct 47 pl8 Cover, Tom Nov 46 p8
Feb 47 pl8, Apr 47 p31 White sage (Salvia apiana) Dec 46 p l 8 Craig, Dorothy
Ballarat, Calif Oct 47 p31 Oct 47 pl9
Wild Rhubarb (Rumex) Feb 47 pl5 Cree, Clyde and Junior Jul 47 p23
Banded Burrowing snake Oct 47 pl4
Banner Queen guest ranch, Calif Apr 47 plO Boulder dam Jul 47 p8, Aug 47 p46 Cressman, Dr. L. S Sep 47 p26
Barnes, A. W Mar 47 p22 Bow Willow canyon, Calif Jan 47 p22 Crocker, Thomas Dec 46 pl5
Barnes, Howard M Nov 46 p8 Mar 47 p28 Crosby, Bing Oct 47 p32
Barnes, Robert A Mar 47 pp3,22 Bradshaw stage route Jan 47 p4 Cross, Eddie Dec 46 p20
The Baron of Arizona Jul 47 p31 Braun, Fr. Albert W Feb 47 p28 Crowley, Father John J Oct 47 p5
Basic Magnesium plant, Nev Jan 47 p27 Bright Angel trail Oct 47 p29 Cummings, Byron Jul 47 p34
Bead making Dec 46 p30 Brooks, Norman May 47 p25
Brown, Dr. Barnum Nov 46 pl9
Beal, Mary. Author of—
Bullfrog mine Dec 46 p20 D
Heliotrope Wildlings Jan 47 p l 9 Buranek, Alfred M Oct 47 pl9
Wild Pie Plant Feb 47 pl5 Bush, Justus W Feb 47 p25 Daily New Mexican Feb 47 p28
Fremont's Pepper-grass Apr 47 pl7 Dandy Crossing, Colorado river .... Nov 46 p27
Golden Desert Poppies Jul 47 p27 Butcher, Harold. He Saved the Feb 47 plO
Floral Butterflies and Sunbonnets of Life of a Savage - Apr 47 p24
Butterfield stage road Apr 47 p l 9 Dark Canyon expedition, Utah Dec 46 p5
the Desert Sep 47 p31 Davis, Charles E Dec 46 p l l
These Plants Sponge Vpon Byrne, Cathrine Oct 47 p5
Davis, Stanley G. Ghost City of the
Their Neighbors Oct 47 pl8 White Hills Jan 47 pl6
Bear Creek oasis, Calif Sep 47 p l l Davis dam Nov 46 p23, Apr 47 p35
Bell ranch, N. Mex Dec 46 p23. Sep 47 p37 Jun 47 p31, Jul 47 p34
Bennett, Tyler Mar 47 p28 De Anza, Juan Bautista '. Jun 47 p21
"Big Inch" gas pipeline Nov 46 p23 Cabazon, Cahuilla Indian chief Jan 47 p4 Death Comes for the Archbishop Jan 47 p9
Aug 47 p34 Cactus, as source of water Aug 47 p29 Death Valley, Calif Oct 47 p5
Billy el Nino Oct 47 p33 Cactus, as water clarifier Apr 47 p30 Death Valley, prospecting in May 47 p46
Bishop, Calif Oct 47 p5 Jun 47 p35, Jul 47 p29 Delgadito, Herrero Sep 47 p5
Bishop, Josie S Jul 47 p30 Cactus, cholla - Sep 47 p30 De Niza, Marcos Mar 47 p22
Black Hills, Calif May 47 p25 Cactus, senita Feb 47 pl9 Dennington, Pat May 47 p21
Blood of Kings - Jan 47 p23 Jun 47 p21, Oct 47 pi Dennis and the Mormon Battalion .. Dec 46 p39
Bluff, Utah - May 47 plO Cadman, Charles Wakefield Jul 47 pl4 Desert Crested iguana Nov 46 p39
Bodie, California __ Jul 47 plO Calexico Winter Festival asso Mrr 47 p46 Desert hiking Oct 47 pl5
Calico, Calif - Jan 47 p24 Desert Magazine, new location Nov 46 p38
Book Reviews— Camels, in Southwest Feb 47 p25 Desert museum, Randsburg Oct 47 p31
Ainsworth, Eagles Fly West, Apr 47 p47; Sep 47 p l 9 Desert Padre Oct 47 p5
Arnold, Blood Brother, Jun 47 p47; Bond, Camino del Diablo Sep 47 pl9 Desert tea (Ephedra) Sep 47 p30
Westward How, Aug 47 p47; Calvin, River Camp Irwin, Calif Sep 47 p34 Desert tortoises Dec 46 p l 5
of the Sun, Jul 47 p47; Corle, Listen, Bright Camp Verde, Arizona Aug 47 p5
Angel, Nov 46 p36; Edwards, Desert Yarns, Campbell, Everett and Lena Nov 46 pl7 Desert Watering Places in
Mar 47 p47; Ferguson, Mark Twain, Man Campfires on Desert and Lava Aug 47 p29 California and. Nevada Jan 47 p4
and Legend, Feb 47 p37; Hanna, The Die- Canyon Country Oct 47 pl6 Devilsclaw (Martynia) Jan 47 p22


Diary of Patrick Breen Nov 46 p36 Yttrotantalite Apr 47 p43 Hilton, John. Author of—
Dinosaur natl. mon., Utah Oct 47 p33 Zircons Apr 47 p44 Star-dust Hunter May 47 p5
Dinosaurs Sep 47 p36 Gems and Precious Stones of Gems From a Hidden Paradise .... Jun 47 pi 1
Dixon, Maynard Jan 47 p25 Artist of Dos Palmas Oct 47 p24
Dodge, Henry Chee Mar 47 p8 North America Oct 47 pl9
May 47 p36, June 47 pl6 General land offices Aug 47 p21 Hite, Cass Feb 47 plO
Dodge, Capt. Henry Lafayette Nov 46 p4 Geodes (see Gems and minerals: Collecting) Hite river ferry
Donner party Dec 46 pll, Jan 47 p29 Ghost mt., Calif Oct 47 pl5 (Dandy crossing) Nov 46 p27
Dos Cabezas, Arizona Oct 47 p29 Ghost towns— Hoff, Amos Sep 47 p33
Dos Palmas, Calif Jan 47 p4, Oct 47 p24 Hogan, Navajo May 47 pl5, Oct 47 p9
Aurora, Nevada Jul 47 plO Hole-in-the-Rock crossing,
Dragerton, Utah Mar 47 p35, Apr 47 p37 Courtland, Arizona Feb 47 p5
Dragoon Mts., Arizona Feb 47 p5 Colorado river May 47 plO
Osceola, Nevada Sep 47 p36 Homesteads, Arizona (see also
Dreyer, "Mother" Margaret May 47 p35 Rawhide, Nevada Jun 47 p6
Drum mts., Utah Oct 47 pl9 Five-acre homesteads) Jul 47 p28
Santo Domingo, Mexico Sep 47 pl9 Hoofs and Horns magazine Aug 47 plO
"Dry ice rain" Sep 47 p33 White Hills, Arizona Jan 47 pl6
Dyk, Walter Oct 47 p32 Hoover dam Jul 47 p8, Aug 47 p46
Gila reclamation project Oct 47 p29 Hopi snake dance Aug 47 pl5
Gilbert, Hope. Tsianina Speaks for Hopkins, Ethel "Ma" Aug 47 plO
Horses, miniature Dec 46 p25
the Indians Jul 47 pl4 Howard, Chester R Oct 47 pl9
Givens, Frank R Mar 47 p31 Hubbell, Lorenzo Nov 46 p39
East Mesa reclamation project, Gladiola farm Jul 47 pl7 Hughes, Dr. J. E Nov 46 pll
Calif Oct 47 p31 Ghmis, California Jun 47 p27
Eastern California museum Dec 46 p26 Gleeson, Arizona Feb 47 p5
Edwards, Joe Jul 47 p4 Glvn, Elinor Jun 47 p6
Ehrenberg, Hermann Jan 47 p4 Gold, restrictions Aug 47 p32
Elephant trees Aug 47 pl9 Gold mining Dec 46 p23
Elf owls Sep 47 p23 Jun 47 p6, Jul 47 plO Iguana lizard Oct 47 p28
Engelmann, Henry Oct 47 pl9 Golden eagle Nov 46 p39 Ikenberry, Joe Aug 47 plO
Explorer's camp, Colorado Nov 46 pll Goldfield, Nevada Aug 47 p31 Indian administration Jul 47 pl4
Goldfield historical museum May 47 p36 Aug 47 p29, Oct 47 p27
Goodell, Horace May 47 plO Indian burial customs (Navajo) .... May 47 pl5
Grannan, Riley Jun 47 p6 Indian ceremonials—
Grapevine canyon, Calif May 47 p21 Devil Chant (Navajo) Mar 47 p5
Fewkes, Dr. Walter Aug 47 pi 5 Gray, Frederick William Oct 47 p31 Hopi Snake dance Aug 47 pi 5
Fisher, Luther Feb 47 pl9 Great Basin Oct 47 ppl9, 28 Inter-Tribal Ceremonial Aug 47 p28
Five-acre homesteads .... Apr 47 p9, May 47 p35 Great Basin gopher snake Mar 47 p26 Miscellaneous dances Oct 47 p9
Jun 47 p46, Aug 47 p21, Oct 47 p46 Great Salt desert, Utah Dec 46 pll
Fort Defiance, Arizona Nov 46 p4 Gridiron-toiled lizard j Apr 47 p23 Indian crafts Sep 47 p5
Fort Douglas, Utah Jun 47 p32 Griffith, "Yellow Dog" Sep 47 pl9 Indian fish traps Nov 46 p8
Fort Huachuca, Ariz Jun 47 p29, Oct 47 p29 Grutt, Emil M Jul 47 p34 Indian petroglyphs Nov 46 pll
Fort Sumner, New Mexico Jun 47 pl6 Grutt Brothers Jun 47 p6 Mar 47 p22, Aug 47 p24
Fort Tyson, Arizona Jul 47 p31 Guar, new seed crop Aug 47 p20 Indian ruins (Verde river, Ariz.) .... Aug 47 p5
Fort Yuma Indian reservation Sep 47 p33 Guevavi mission, Arizona Mar 47 p9 Indian Secret mining dist Jan 47 pl6
Fossil Springs, Arizona Aug 47 p5 Gum Shoe Kid Jun 47 p6 Indian sites, survey Mar 47 p21
Indian traders Oct 47 p9
Indian trail shrines Sep 47 pll
H Indian vote right Oct 47 p32
Indian wedding customs (Hopi) .. May 47 p31
Gabbs, Nevada Jul 47 p34 Hail Chant and Water Chant Oct 47 p47 Indians—
Gallup Inter-Tribal Hall, Ansel Nov 46 pll, Dec 46 p5 Acoma Jan 47 p9
Hall, Charles May 47 plO Apache Apr 47 pl5
Indian ceremonial Aug 47 p28 Hall, Dick Wick ...: Mar 47 p29
Gem and Mineral department Each issue Cahuilla Sep 47 pll
Hall Creek crossing, Colorado r May 47 plO Hopi Aug 47 pl5, Oct 47 p29
Gem cutting Jun 47 p45, Sep 47 p45 Hamblin, Jacob Apr 47 p5, Sep 47 p33
Gem polishing Jun 47 p45 Hualpai May 47 p33
Handbook of Lizards Apr 47 p23 Laguna Jan 47 p9
Gem and mineral collecting: Areas— Hanksville, Utah Feb 47 plO Moqui (see Hopi)
Arizona, Mogollon-Fossil creek .... Aug 47 p5 Hansen, Byron and Walter Jo-Jo Oct 47 p5 Navajo Nov 46 p4, Mar 47 pp5, 19
California, Beal's Well area Dec 46 p37 Hard Rock Shorty Nov 46, Dec 46 May 47 pl5, Jun 47 pl6, Sep 47 p5
California, Hauser Geode beds .. May 47 p25 Apr 47, May 47, Jul 47-Oct 47 Oct 47 p9
California, Ogilby district Jan 47 p36 Harpending, L Jun 47 p27 Pima Mar 47 p9, Apr 47 p24
Colorado, La Plata area Oct 47 p27 Harris, Shorty Dec 46 p20 Zuni Mar 47 p22
Nevada, Hawthorne-Mina- Harvey, Fred Sep 47 p5
Coaldale areas Mar 47 pl6 Harvey, Dr. Maris E Sep 47 pll Indians, prehistoric Mar 47 p22
Nevada, Searchlight, Piute pass Jul 47 p23 Hassayampa valley, Arizona Mar 47 pll Jul 47 p31, Aug 47 p33, Sep 47 p26
Oregon, beaches Oct 47 p39 Hastings Cutoff route Dec 46 pll Oct 47 p32
Utah, Kanab-Petrified Hollow .... Apr 47 p5 Hauser, Joel May 47 p25 International Desert Cavalcade .... Mar 47 p46
Utah, Topaz mt Oct 47 pl9 Hauser geode beds May 47 p25, Jun 47 p36 Inyo Associates Oct 47 p5
Mexico, Sinaloa Jun 47 pll Hayes, Ira H Jul 47 pl4 Inyokern, Calif Oct 47 p5
Hayes, Junius J ._ Oct 47 pl9 Irving, Arizona Aug 47 p5
Gems and minerals: Collecting— Heintzelman mine, Arizona Apr 47 pi 5
Amethyst (Mexico) - Jun 47 pll Henderson, Randall. Author of—
Garnets - Oct 47 p27 I
Geodes May 47 p25, Jul 47 pp23, 29 Glyph Hunters in the
Oct 47 p27 Indian Country Nov 46 pll Jackrabbit homesteads (see Five-acre
Obsidian nodules Feb 47 pl8, Jul 47 p23 We Explored Dark Canyon Dec 46 p5 homesteads)
Petrified wood Apr 47 p5 Waterhole on the Jahn, Ray Nov 46 pll
Topaz - Oct 47 pl9 Old Bradshaw Trail Jan 47 p4 James, George Wharton Jan 47 p4
Gems and minerals, description— Palms of Palomar Feb 47 pl9 Jenkins, Dr. Olaf P Jul 47 p30
Palms of the Carrizo Country .... Apr 47 pl9 Jerome, Arizona Aug 47 p33
Caledonite Aug 47 p45 Day in Grapevine Canyon May 47 p21 Jesuit missions Mar 47 p9
Cherry opal Jun 47 p44 Apr 47 p24, Jun 47 pll
Diopside Apr 47 p44 Palms That Survived in
Hiddenite Sep 47 p39 Cloudburst Canyon Jun 47 p21 Jewel Valley, Mexico Jun 47 pll
Iron Jan 47 p37 Oasis on Bear Creek Sep 47 pll Johns, Charlie Jun 47 p27
Opal Apr 47 p27, Jul 47 p44 Herman, John Jun 47 p27 Johnson, Zeke Feb 47 plO
Perlite Sep 47 pl5 Hicks, E. R Jul 47 plO Johnstone, Eda S. They Made the Desert
Pumice Mar 47 p42 Hidden Springs oasis, Calif Dec 46 p38 Blossom—with Gladiolas Jul 47 pl7
Sapphire Oct 47 p39 Hike, Frank Nov 46 p8 Jones, Cardon Dec 46 p5
Topaz Oct 47 pl9 Hilton, John Nov 46 p31 Jones, Randall Nov 46 p27

OCTOBER, 1947 43
Joshua Tree natl. mon., M
Calif Feb 47 p26, Mar 47 p31
Juniper trees Mar 47 p l 9
Maas, Alberto Jun 47 p l l Pack, Frederick J Oct 47 pl9
MacDonald, Mrs. D. J Jul 47 p4 Painted Desert, Arizona Nov 46 p l 9
K Manuelito, Navajo chief Nov 46 p4 Palm Desert, California Sep 47 p33
Marriott, Lee Sep 47 p36 Palm oases, California—
Kaibito plateau, Arizona Mar 47 p l 9 Massacre cave, Nevada Sep 47 p26
Mastodon petroglyph Aug 47 p24 Bear Creek (Santa Rosa Mts.) .... Sep 47 p l l
Kanab, Utah Apr 47 p5 Carrizo Gorge (Jacumba Mts.) .. Apr 47 pl9
Kanaswood, Lee Mar 47 p l 9 Maw, Gov. Herbert B Feb 47 plO
Mayflower, Collis May 47 p25 Dos Palmas (Orocopia Mts.) Jan 47 p4
Kaiser, Henry Feb 47 p24, Mar 47 p37
McCain, Bob Jul 47 p4 Grapevine Canyon
Keam's Canyon trad, post, Ariz Aug 47 pl5
Kearns camp, Utah Mar 47 p35 McCloud, Charlie Oct 47 pl5 (Santa Rosa Mts.) May 47 p21
McConkie, Wayne Aug 47 p24 San Andreas (Orocopia Mts.) Jan 47 p4
Kelly, Charles. Author of— McGonigle, Pete May 47 pl8
McKelvey, Nat. 'Lady with Palm oases, Lower California—
Treasure Hunt on the
Salt Desert Dec 46 p l l Hoofs and Horns' Aug 47 plO Cloudburst Canyon
New Road into the McKenney, Wilson Sep 47 p l l (Sierra Juarez) Jun 47 p21
Utah Wilderness Feb 47 plO Mecca Easter pageant Apr 47 p30 Palomar Canyon
Mormon Crossing at Melgosa desert Nov 46 pl9 (Sierra Juarez) Feb 47 p l 9
Hole-in-the-Rock - May 47 plO Meloland experiment station Aug 47 p20 Palm Springs Desert museum Jun 47 p30
Kibler, Maude and Herbert Mar 47 p l 6 Mendenhall, Walter C Jan 47 p4 Palm Springs Indian claims Jul 47 p45
Kingsnake Jan 47 p8 Merritt, Ralph Oct 47 p5 Aug 47 p34
Kino, Fr. Eusebio Francisco Apr 47 p24 Meteor crater, Arizona Dec 46 pp22, 24 Palmer, William R Aug 47 p37
Kit Fox Jan 47 p20 Apr 47 p30, May 47 p5 Palms, Mexican Blue Jun 47 p21
Knickerbocker, W. H Jun 47 p6 Meteorites May 47 p5, Oct 47 p39 Palms, Washingtonia (see Palm oases)
Knight, Pete Aug 47 plO Mildren, Howard and Sinah Jul 47 p23 Palomar Canyon oasis,
Koch, Walter H Oct 47 pl9 Miller, Harry E. "Two Gun" Mar 47 p22
Lower Calif Feb 47 p l 9
Kofa Mts., Arizona Jan 47 p38, Sep 47 p23 Milton, Jeff Jul 47 p31
Mina, Nevada Mar 47 pl6 Panamint City, Calif Jan 47 p24,
Kolb, Emery and Ellsworth Sep 47 p46 Jul 47 pp29, 30
Krueger, Max May 47 plO Mineral conventions, tips on Oct 47 p34
Mining news Each issue Panchita, "Sun Painter" Apr 47 pl3
Kunz, Geo. Frederick Jun 47 p l l Paradise valley, Calif Jun 47 p46
Oct 47 p l 9 Mitchell, John D .. Jun 47 p29
Paso por Aqui Jun 47 p32
Mitchell, John D. Author of— Pattie, James O Feb 47 pl9
Bells of Old Guevavi Mar 47 p9 Patton War Memorial mon Nov 46 p24
Lost John Clark Silver Mine Apr 47 pl5 Paymaster mine Jun 47 p27
Moab, Utah Aug 47 p24 Payne, Doris A. Tale of
Laguna pueblo, New Mex Jan 47 p9 Three Rabbit Feel Sep 47 p26
Laguna Salada, Lower Calif Feb 47 p l 9 Mogollon rim, Arizona Aug 47 p5
Morgan, Raymond Jan 47 p4, Oct 47 p24 Pearl, Richard M Oct 47 p l 9
Jun 47 p21 Pectol, Ephraim P Feb 47 plO
Lake Bonneville, Utah Oct 47 p l 9 Morhardt, Aim Oct 47 p5
Morley, Dr. Sylvanus G Aug 47 p36 Pegleg Smith (Lazarus Smith) Nov 46 p39
Lake Mead recreational area Oct 47 p32
Lane, Dr. James Franklin Jan 47 p29 Mormon colonization May 47 plO Pegleg Smith lost gold Nov 46 p8
Mormon irrigation Jul 47 p35, Sep 47 p30 Feb 47 pl8, Mar 47 p27, Oct 47 p28
Langley, Dama. Author of— Mormon soap production Apr 47 p37 Penitente Brotherhood Apr 47 p35
Trail to Acoma Jan 47 p9 Mormon tabernacle May 47 p37 Perlite mining, processing Sep 47 pl5
We Owe the Navajo— Mormons, Utah population Jan 47 pl8 Petrified Forest natl. mon., Ariz Oct 47 p29
Six Hundred Schools! Jun 47 p i 6 Morris, Frank Oct 47 p31 Petrified Hollow, Utah Apr 47 p5
Cheating is Taboo Mt. Whitney, Calif Oct 47 p5 Petrified wood Nov 46 p l 9
on the Reservation Sep 47 p5 Mountain Palm springs, Calif Aug 47 p l 9 Jan 47 p22, Apr 47 p5, Jun 47 p35
Mullarky, Tom Mar 47 p22 Petroglyphs Nov 46 p l l
La Paz gold fields Jan 47 p4 Murphy, Matt May 47 p30 Mar 47 p22, Aug 47 p24
Lapidary department Each issue Museum of Northern Arizona Sep 47 p46 Peyote, Indian use of Apr 47 p36
Lapidary Journal Mar 47 p38, Apr 47 p38 Mushet, Adeline and Bill Nov 46 pl7
Lapidary reading list Dec 46 p30 Phillips, Margaret.
Apr 47 plO Padre of the Desert Oct 47 p5
Lapidary schools Feb 47 p30
La Quinta, Calif Sep 47 p l l Philmont Scout ranch, New Mex Jun 47 p31
Larson, David Feb 47 p l 9 N Photographs. Covers by—
Laudermilk, Jerry. Author of— Randall Henderson, Nov 46; C. H. Lord, Dec
Flowers Have Their Tricks Dec 46 p l 8 National monument, proposed Aug 47 p9 46; Lewis W. Walker, Jan 47; Fred Han-
Career of a Botanical Thief! Feb 47 p l 6 Natural Bridges natl. mon., Utah .... Feb 47 plO kins, Feb 47; Chuck Abbott, Mar 47; Nor-
Magic at the Grass Roots Mar 47 p l l Navajo burial customs May 47 pl5 ton Allen, Apr 47; Josef Muench, May 47;
Pigmies of the Plant World Jul 47 p20 Navajo customs Oct 47 p9 Fred H. Ragsdale, Jun 47; N. M. Tourist
Navajo dances Oct 47 p9 Bureau, Jul 47; Martha Burleigh, Aug 47;
Levy, Manuel G Sep 47 p l 9 Navajo Devil chant Mar 47 p5 Fred H. Ragsdale, Sep 47; Chuck Abbott,
Lewis, Lucien M. He Was in on the Navajo education Jun 47 p l 6 Oct 47.
Bullfrog Jackpot Dec 46 p20 Navajo Tribal Arts & Crafts Guild .... Sep 47 p5
Leyshon, John H Jan 47 p24 Naval Ordnance Test sta., Photographs. Prize winners by—-
Lockerbie, Charles and Lillian Oct 47 pl9 Inyokern Mar 47 p31, Jul 47 p33 Dr. R. B. Cowles, Claire Meyer Proctor, Nov
Lone Pine, Calif Oct 47 p5 Nevada wonder rock Aug 47 p31 46; Charles E. Pelletier, Rayburn F. Hunt,
Loomis, Barbara Nov 46 p l l Nevills, Norman Aug 47 pp 13, 46 Dec 46; Max Elliott, Loren G. Snook,
Los Angeles water and power dept Oct 47 p5 Sep 47 p46 Jan 47; Tad Nichols, Leon K. Kendall, Feb
Lost mines and treasure— Nininger, Dr. H. H Dec 46 p24 47; Josephine Carpenter, Donald W. John-
Apr 47 p30, May 47 p5, Sep 47 p46 son, Mar 47; Loyd Cooper, Mrs. Edna Ward,
Arizona, Lost Dutchman Mar 47 p36 Nino de la Tierra (see Baby of the Desert) Apr 47; Walter H. Koch, Don Ollis, May 47;
Jun 47 p29 Nye, Nelson Aug 47 plO Rayburn F. Hunt, Dick Freeman, Jun 4 7 ;
Arizona, Lost Guevavi Mar 47 p9 M. L. and M. H. Carothers, Hubert A. Low-
Arizona, Lost John Clark silver .. Apr 47 pi5 man, Aug 47; Don Ollis, Cyril Johnson,
Arizona, Lost Sandstone May 47 p30 Sep 47; Ward W. Howland, Hubert A.
Calif., Lost Arch mine Aug 47 p29 Lowman, Oct 47.
Calif., Lost Pegleg gold Nov 46 p8 Ocotillo, yellow Jun 47 p35
Calif., Chocolate Mt. Picuris pueblo, New Mex Oct 47 p32
Opalized forest, Oregon Mar 47 p39
quartz-silver Jun 47 p27 Oraibi, Arizona Nov 46 p23 Pillsbury, Dorothy L. Sun Painter of
Nevada, Lost Pegleg - Oct 47 p28 Ordeal by Hunger Nov 46 p36 Santa Fe Apr 47 pl3
Mexico, San Marcelo Sep 47 p l 9 Organ Pipe Cactus natl. mon., Pines-to-Palms highway May 47 p21
Lower California Feb 47 pl9, Jun 47 p21 Arizona Feb 47 p25 Sep 47 p l l
Luhan, Mabel Dodge Oct 47 p47 Orr Brothers Dec 46 p l l , May 47 p31 Pino, Robert Sep 47 p5
Lummis, Charles F Apr 47 plO Osceola, Nevada Sep 47 p36 Pinto basin, Calif Jul 47 p34
Lupton, Arizona Mar 47 p22 Owens valley, Calif Oct 47 p5 Piute Pass geode field Jul 47 p23


Plantlife— Seri Indian tribe Aug 47 p32
Arizona Jul 47 p20 Seton, Ernest Thompson Dec 46 p28
Arizona, Fossil creek Aug 47 p5 Seven Cities of Cibola Mar 47 p22 Vallecitos Palm sprs., Calif Oct 47 p27
Calif., Colorado desert Jul 47 p4 Seyfried, Esther and Ernie Jul 47 p l 7 Vallecitos stage sta., Calif Mar 47 p31
Calif., Santa Rosa Mts May 47 p21 Shaffer, Henry Jan 47 pl6 Oct 47 pl5
Sep 47 p l l Shanewis, Indian opera Jul 47 p l 4 Van Deventer, Earl M Oct 47 pl9
Nevada, Searchlight area Jul 47 p23 Sharp, "Happy" Aug 47 p34 Van Norman, Claude H Oct 47 p5
Sep 47 pi5 Shattuck, Lynn Feb 47 p5
Sherrill, Bill Feb 47 pl9 Van Valkenburgh, Richard. Author of—
Utah, west central Oct 47 pl9
Lower California - Jun 47 p21 Shumway, Nina Paul May 47 p21 Last Powow of the Navajo Nov 46 p4
Sinaloa, Mexico Jun 47 p l l Silkworm culture Nov 46 p25 Trail to Turquoise Feb 47 p5
Silveira, Berta and "Big John" Jul 47 p23 We Saw the Devil Chant
Plaster City gypsum plant Apr 47 p29 Silver mining Jan 47 pl6, Jun 47 p27 the Navajo Mar 47 p5
Poems Each issue Silversmithing, Navajo Sep 47 p5 Flint Singer Returns to
Pollination methods .... Dec 46 p l 8 Simpson, Capt. James H Oct 47 pl9 the Underworld May 47 pl5
Pony Express route, Utah Oct 47 pl9 Simpson sprs. stage sta., Utah Oct 47 pl9 His Compass Was a
Pony Express stations, Nev Sep 47 p35 Sinaloa, Mexico Jun 47 p l l Burro's Tail Sep 47 pl9
Posey, Jess Apr 47 p37 Skull valley, Utah Dec 46 p l l Don't Knock on a Hogan Door .... Oct 47 p9
Poston, John Apr 47 pl5 Small Tract Act (see Five-acre homesteads) Vargas, Glenn May 47 p25
Powell, John Wesley .... Dec 46 p5, Feb 47 plO Smith, Charles J Feb 47 plO Vargas, Glenn.
Prehistoric animals, New Mex Oct 47 p32 Smith, Ida and Moulton Aug 47 p5 Its Nose is a Shovel Oct 47 p l 4
Punta Penasco Sep 47 pl9 Smith, John O. "Pegleg" Nov 46 p8 Vasquez, Maclovio Feb 47 pl9, Jun 47 p21
Putnam, George Palmer Oct 47 p31 Smith, Lazarus "Pegleg" Nov 46 p39 Velvet ant May 47 p9
Smith, Miss Virginia Aug 47 plO Ventana cave, Arizona Jul 47 p31
Soda lake, Nevada Oct 47 p32 Vermilion cliffs, Utah Apr 47 p5
Son of Old Man Hat Oct 47 p32
Song Before Sunrise Apr 47 p47
Quartzsite, Arizona Mar 47 p27 Sonoita, Mexico Sep 47 pl9 w
Quick, Lelande. Amateur Sonora Blue palm Feb 47 pl9
Wagons Southward Oct 47 p47
Gem Cutler Each issue South, Marshal. Author of— Walker, Frank Feb 47 p5
Quitovaquita, Arizona Sep 47 pl9 Desert Refuge Nov 46, Dec 46 Walker, Lewis Wayne. Author of—
Home on the Rim of the Desert „ Apr 47 plO He Took His Own Picture Jan 47 p20
Healing Waters at Agua Caliente .. Jul 47 p4 Elfs of the Saguaros Sep 47 p23
Desert Trails Aug 47, Oct 47
Walpi, Arizona Aug 47 pi 5
South, Tanya and Marshal Jan 47 p38 Warne, William E Aug 47 p27
Rain making, dry ice Sep 47 p33 Apr 47 p46
Ramona's story May 47 p31 Washingtonia palms (see Palm oases)
Southern Calif. All-Year club Aug 47 p46 Weaver, Pauline Jan 47 p4
Ransom, Jay Ellis. Golden Harvest Southern Calif. Archeological
at Aurora Jul 47 plO Weight, Harold O Jan 47 p3
Survey asso Mar 47 p21 Weight, Harold O. Author of—
Rawhide, Nevada - Jun 47 p6 Speer, Marion May 47 p38
Jul 47 p34, Sep 47 p30 —So She Hunted Gem Stones .... Mar 47 pl6
Stevens, Alexander Aug 47 pl5 They Call it 'Petrified Hollow' .... Apr 47 p5
Ray, Neal Oct 47 p33 Stevens, L. B Jul 47 plO
Redd, Wiley Feb 47 plO Operation Rockhound May 47 p25
Stockton, Pansy "Panchita" Apr 47 p i 3 When Rawhide Roared Jun 47 p6
Red racer Feb 47 pl8 Stone, Julius F Dec 46 p5, Oct 47 pl6
Reid, Agnes Cody Nov 46 p24 Geode Hunters of Searchlight .... Jul 47 p23
Stovepipe Wells hotel, Pott'er from Paradise Aug 47 p5
Rhyolite, Nevada May 47 p35, Jun 47 p30 Death Valley Oct 47 p31
Rhyolite bottle house Oct 47 p32 Perlite Miners of Searchlight Sep 47 pl5
Sumner, Col. Edwin V Nov 46 p4 Field Day for Topaz
Richardson, Hubert Nov 46 pl9 "Sun paintings" Apr 47 p l 3
Richardson, Toney Nov 46 p3, Sep 47 p46 Collectors Oct 47 pl9
Sykes, Godfrey. In the Kiva of the Western Trails museum May 47 p38
Richardson, Toney. Author of— Snake Clan Aug 47 pl5 Westmoreland, N. C Jun 47 p30
Where Tree Stumps Turned Aug 47 p35
to Stone Nov 46 pl9 Wetherill, Louisa and John Oct 47 p9
Trees That Died of Fear! Mar 47 pl9 Wetherill, Milton A Mar 47 p22
Rickard, Tex Jun 47 p6 Wetherill Memorial fund Sep 47 p46
Tales of a Triumphant People Jun 47 p47 Wetzel, Harry Sep 47 p33
Riddell, Chuck and Evonne May 47 p21 Tanner, Elaine and Bud Sep 47 pl5
Ringwald, Harry R Mar 47 p38 Wheeler-Howard Indian bill Jul 47 pl4
Tenderfoot, definition Feb 47 p27 Aug 47 p29
Riverbed stage sta., Utah Oct 47 pl9 Thomas mts., Utah Oct 47 pl9
Rogers, Clarence Dec 46 p5 Whitney Portal, Calif Oct 47 p5
Thorne, Shorty Feb 47 p5 Wickenburg Massacre monument .... Sep 47 p4
Rogers, William T Oct 47 pl9
Ross, Kenny Dec 46 p5 T humbnail Sketches of Famous Arizona Wild horses Sep 47 p33, Oct 47 p31
Rottman, Jean Oct 47 pl9 Desert Riders Jan 47 p23 Wildflower forecast Mar 47 p28
Tombstone Epitaph Jul 47 p26 Apr 47 pi2, May 47 p28
Tonopah & Goldfield railroad Nov 46 p25 Wiley's well, Calif May 47 p25
Mar 47 ppl6, 33, Apr 47 p35 Wilhelm, Paul Nov 46 pl7
Tonopah & Tidewater railroad Dec 46 p25 Willow springs, Arizona Nov 46 p l l
Top O' th' Pines lodge, Ariz Aug 47 p5 Wilson, Eva M.
Sagebrush and Mining Tales Nov 46 p36 Hard Rock Shorty Jul 47 p8
Salome Sun Mar 47 p29 Topaz cove, Utah Oct 47 pl9
Treasure map, Camino del Diablo .. Sep 47 pl9 Wilson, Henry E. W. 'Lost Pegleg Gold
Salt Desert Trails Dec 46 p3 is not a Myth' Nov 46 p8
The Salton Sea Jan 47 p4 Trona chemical resources May 47 p46
True Story of Jacob Walzer and His Winters, Clinton Aug 47 p5
Salton Sea resort, plans Jun 47 p30 Witmer, Paul B Aug 47 p21, Oct 47 p46
San Andreas springs, Calif Jan 47 p4 Famous Hidden Gold Nov 46 p36
Truman, Arizona Apr 47 p32 The Wonders of the
San Diego & Arizona railroad Apr 47 p l 9
Tsianina, Indian singer Jul 47 pl4 Colorado Desert Jan 47 p4, Feb 47 p38
San Felipe, Mexico Jan 47 p20, May 47 p35 Wood, Mrs. C. L Nov 46 pl7
San Gabriel, New Mexico Mar 47 p34 Tulainyo lake, Calif Oct 47 p5
Tumacacori mission, Ariz Apr 47 p24 Woodard, M. L Mar 47 p22
San Jacinto tramway bill Jun 47 p26 Woodward, Arthur Nov 46 p l l
San Lorenzo, New Mex Oct 47 p32 Turner, Lew Aug 47 p5
Turquoise deposits Dec 46 p23, Feb 47 p5 Woodward, Arthur. Lost Cities of
Sandstone lost mine, Ariz May 47 p30 the Desert May 47 pl8
Santa Rosa Mts., Calif Nov 46 p8 Tyrrell, D. A. Hard Rock Shorty .... Dec 46 p21
Wright, Fred Sep 47 pl9
May 47 p21, Sep 47 p l l Wupatki natl. mon., Ariz Mar 47 p5
Saylor, Dan Jun 47 p27
Scorpions Oct 47 p27 u
Scorup-Somerville Cattle Co Mar 47 p35 Y
Searchlight, Nevada Jul 47 p23 U. S. Gypsum Co Apr 47 p29
Aug 47 p31, Sep 47 pl5 Utah Centennial stamp Aug 47 p37 Yaqui community, Mexico Aug 47 p32
Seed dissemination Mar 47 p l l Utah mineralogical society Oct 47 pl9 Yavapai county, Arizona Aug 47 p5
Seeding, by airplane Apr 47 p32 Utah Pioneer Trails asso Oct 47 pl9 Yokum, Gene Feb 47 p5
Senita cactus Feb 47 pl9, Jun 47 p21 Utah Wonderland stages Aug 47 p37 Yuma, Arizona Apr 47 p31, Oct 47 p29

OCTOBER, 1947 45
uitJietwQQn If on and Mi

By RANDALL HENDERSON There should be no delusions regarding these 5-acre tracts.

The good farming land in the West already has been home-
DAY recently I took the elevator in the federal steaded—at least this is true of all accessible good land. The
postoffice building in Los Angeles and went up to the Act of 1938 was designed to open the left-over lands to those
Bureau of Land Management. That is Uncle Sam's real who were interested in making use of them. Nearly all this land
estate department. And it is the biggest real estate business in is arid, and much of it is mountainous.
the United States, for Uncle Sam has 169 million acres of va- Those who have visions of acquiring a little homestead and
cant public land in United States in addition to 250 million investing $500 in a cabin and water rights and then living in
acres in Alaska. ease from their chickens and garden, should revise those notions.
The Bureau of Land Management is a new name for an old The water and chickens and garden are all possible—but not
Washington bureau. A few months ago it took over the func- the easy way. Water may be obtained at fairly reasonable cost if
tions of the former U. S. Land Office, and Paul B. Witmer, a group of owners will form a cooperative for that purpose, as
former Land office registrar for Southern California acquired is being done by the Mutual Assistance Group of Section 36 in
a new title. He is now Acting Manager of the Bureau for this Coachella valley and by certain homesteader groups near Twen-
district. tynine Palms. But there will be brush to clear or rocks to move, a
I asked Paul how his real estate business was going. I was cesspool to install, roads to construct—and a cabin to erect in a
especially interested in the number of applications being made spot often far removed from a source of materials.
for 5-acre tracts, or "jackrabbit homesteads" as they are known. Folks with the blood of pioneers—or of poets—running
"We had 50 applications yesterday," he replied, "and that strong in their veins, will regard the task as a grand adventure.
was a light day. Some days there are double that number. They I know Los Angeles people who spent most of their weekends
are coming in faster than our small staff can handle them—but for months building a stone cabin on their claim. And what
we will get around to them eventually." fun they had doing it! Two days every week they drove out and
Bearing out his statement, the main office of the Bureau was mixed mortar and hauled rocks, and stone by stone the little
thronged with men and women—some of them consulting cabin took form. It isn't a perfect construction job—but it is
maps, others asking questions of the clerks on duty, and still theirs. They planned it themselves and built it with their own
others seeking forms on which to make their applications. hands—and in terms of spiritual values it is worth more than a
Over 12,000 Southern Californians already have made ap- mansion in a ritzy subdivision.
plications for these small tracts of public land, all of them lo- # * *
cated in the desert country from three to five hours from Los The new Land Bureau regulations provide that tracts will be
Angeles. The Small Tract Act, passed in 1938, is a compara- sold to lessees who have complied with the improvement re-
tively new thing in public land distribution. It was an experi- quirements, at appraised value plus cost of surveys. Those sur-
ment originally, and the department of interior has been mov- veys could be very costly—but need not be.
ing cautiously in carrying out the plan. While the original Act If the Land office will send its survey crew out to subdivide
provides that lands either may be leased or sold, the policy until each section into 40-acre parcels, and set the 40-acre corners, it
now has been to grant leases only. will be a simple matter for the owners to take a steel tape and
But progress is being made. In June, Secretary Krug an- measure off their own 330x660-foot holdings, and then erect
nounced a new policy. Leases will now include an option to buy their own corner monuments.
the land after one year if the homesteader has erected a cabin or So far, all efforts to have these surveys made have met with
made other permanent improvements. the typically bureaucratic answer: "No funds for that purpose."
While most of the activity in Uncle Sam's new real estate But if the jackrabbit clan will howl long enough and loud
deal has been in Southern California where Witmer is one of enough, the funds will be provided. You know the old adage
the sponsors of the original Act, there are millions of acres of about the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.
vacant public land available for jackrabbit homesteading in In this case it is right and proper the surveys should be made.
every western state. There is a District Land office under the If Uncle Sam is in the real estate business, the obligation to stake
Bureau of Land Management in each state where applications out his merchandise so it can be located is an obvious one.
may be made. * # *
But Uncle Sam isn't much of an advertiser, and his bureau- Many of the economic and social problems of this age stem
crats with few exceptions—Paul Witmer is one of the exceptions from increasing and over-crowded population. Too much
—do not go out and promote more work for themselves if they crowding is bad for humans. It brings out the worst in them.
can avoid it. Hence the slow progress of the Small Tract move- Insofar as the West is concerned, the Small Tract Act offers an
ment in other states. It will be speeded up when local people in important palliative for the curse of over-crowding. No dweller
those states become sufficiently interested to press their District in the West is more than three hours by motor from vacant land
Land managers for action. in the public domain—and it doesn't require great wealth to
* * * enjoy the luxury of a few days each month on a 5-acre tract.


Second volume in the Navajo Religion
Series, Hail Chant and Water Chant, re-
corded by Mary C. Wheelwright with
commentary by Dr. Phyllis Ackerman, has
been published by the Museum of Navajo
Ceremonial Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The book is illustrated with 24 sand paint-
ings and ritual objects reproduced in seri-
graph color plates by Louie Ewing. Texts
of the religious ceremonies were dictated
NEW UTAH GUIDE BOOK thought," he says, "that our great centers by the late Hasteen Klah, and other noted
LATEST IN SERIES —New York, Chicago, San Francisco— Navajo medicine men. Price of the 8x11
Fifth in his series of western guide may never be occupied half as long as was in. volume is $20.00.
books, H. Cyril Johnson's new SCENIC this great green mesa in southwestern • e •
GUIDE TO UTAH is the best of his series Colorado."
American Pioneer Trails association
to date. Content, illustration and ty- The book deals, in some detail, with 40 headquarters has issued a pamphlet,
pography and a beautiful kodachrome parks and monuments, and about half of Wagons Southward, which gives an ac-
cover make this book invaluable to the them can be classed as Southwestern. De- count of historic Santa Fe trail. Author is
tourist who does not wish to invest in the scriptions range from the 13 pages given Walter Stanley Campbell, widely known
larger and more expensive state guides. to Yellowstone to less than three for Mon- under his pen name, Stanley Vestal.
tezuma Castle and Walnut canyon. Half
Arranged in alphabetical order, the • • •
of the eight pages on Death Valley are
book provides a concise and informative
taken up by Death Valley Scotry. Edwin D. McKee's Ancient Landscapes
key to place names a motorist will find on
the map of Utah. The 100-page paper YOUR WESTERN N A T I O N A L of the Grand Canyon Region has just been
covered book includes 62 photographs and PARKS is an interesting, readable book issued in the ninth edition, bringing total
12 maps. in which most readers will discover facts publication to 50,000 copies. The booklet,
The previous books in the guide series which they did not know about some of originally printed in 1931, and since re-
include Arizona, Northern California, the parks. It is to be hoped, however, that vised several times, is a popular geology of
Southern California and Nevada. some day Dorr Yeager will write more de- a section of northern Arizona and south-
tailed volumes to pass on his knowledge ern Utah which includes the Grand Can-
H. Cyril Johnson, Scenic Guides, Susan- of the history, flora and fauna of our parks. yon, Bryce and Zion national parks, the
ville, California. $1.00 each. Petrified Forest, Painted Desert and San
Dodd, Mead & Company, New York,
• • • Francisco mountains. McKee is assistant
1947. 275 pp., index, bibliography, maps
professor of geology at University of Ari-
AN INTRODUCTION TO OUR and photographs. $3.50.
zona, and his book is distributed through
parks and hotel companies of the region
PARKS by Dorr Yeager is a beginner's In a highly readable but factual bulletin, • • •
guide to the enjoyment of the national
Dr. H. V. Smith, associate agricultural Mabel Dodge Luhan's latest work, deal-
parks and monuments west of the Missis-
sippi river. For the most part it contains chemist at University of Arizona, Tucson, ing with the painters of Taos, is scheduled
the barest outline of what the visitor may Arizonans are given information about the for early publication by Duell, Sloan and
expect to see, accommodations available, climate of their state—and some popular Pearce. Book contains works of every Taos
roads and temperatures which will be met. misconceptions are explained. Aside from painter and portraits of several. Photog-
Usually there are brief notes on the history some interesting facts to use in arguments raphy for volume was done by John Can-
of the park or monument under discussion. about the weather, The Climate of Arizona delario and Laura Gilpin. Mrs. Luhan is
gives such valuable data as that pertaining author of Lorenzo in Taos, a partial bi-
Dorr Yeager knows his subject. He has to growing seasons. Bulletin is a publica- ography of D. H. Lawrence, and Edge of
been with the national park service for 20 tion of University of Arizona. Taos Desert and Winter in Taos.
years and was, at the time the book was
published, regional naturalist of Region
4 of the park service. This intimate know-
ledge shows here and there in YOUR Modern Explorers in the Ancient Gulf . . .
Yeager permits himself a little extra space
to expand some subject of particular in-
He explains, for example, that the
pueblos at Wupatki might not have been
built, save for the eruption of Sunset crater
between 1047 and 1071 A. D. The land The journal of a collecting expedition by a great American novelist
had been too dry for farming, but the and a noted marine biologist into the remote and beautiful Gulf of Cali-
eruption covered the area with fine cin- fornia, and of the unknown, teeming life of the tidal pools and sand flats
ders which served as a mulch and con- there. With a 300-page scientific appendix on marine animals of the
served the moisture. The "Wupatki land area, 32 pages of black and white photographs, and 15 illustrations
rush" resulted, with Indians coming from
all directions and forming a cosmopolitan in color.
community which survived for 300 years. Only a Few Copies Left • $5.00
He points out that we are inclined to
look upon the Pueblo civilization as a
transient one but that Mesa Verde was oc- DESERT CRAFTS SHOP El C e n t r o , C a l i f o r n i a
cupied for 1300 years. "It is a sobering

OCTOBER, 1947 47
of desert delicacies from CoachellaValley
This is our most elaborate gift—an entirely new Coachella Valley masterpiece
offered to you for the first time. This GIFT CASE contains individual pound packs
of Coco-Date Meats, Date Nuggets, Date Butter Balls, Jumbo Stuffed Dates, Date
Cake and prize Paper Shell Pecans. Also three pounds of TA-BAR-ZAL Dates,
a 21/2 pound re-usable Oak Keg of Brandied Dates, plus exclusively selected
jellies, marmalades, creamed desert honey, and candied fruits. All carefully
packed in a container for safe shipping.

Gross Shipping Weight 25 Pounds

Delivered Prepaid by Express $21.85


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