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Getting People Engaged in Learning

Posted by Les Strachan April 17, 2014

Imagine that youe inested part o! your L"# budget on a years
access to an online learning library$
Initially, a!ter a big launch, people are e%cited that they hae access to such an e%tensie resource$
&o'eer, a!ter seeral months, only a hand!ul o! learners are accessing the library regularly$ (ost
people hae only logged in once or t'ice, and some hae become so tied up in their routine 'or)
that theye !orgotten that this great resource e%ists$
As an L"# pro!essional, youll )no' ho' important it is to get people engaged in their
deelopment, i! you 'ant to aoid situations li)e this$ *ut, doing this is easier said than done,
especially 'hen learning is sel!+directed$
In this post, 'ell e%plore some 'ays that you can get employees e%cited and engaged in their
learning$ Let us )no' your e%periences o! this by commenting belo'$
Identify Barriers to Engagement
,irst, its important to identi!y the barriers that can preent people !rom getting engaged in their
-ime is o!ten a ma.or !actor / i! people are busy, they 'ill li)ely prioriti0e more urgent 'or) oer
deeloping their s)ills$
Lac) o! in!ormation is another barrier / people 'ont get e%cited about learning i! they dont )no'
'hat resources are aailable, or i! they dont )no' ho' learning ne' s)ills 'ill bene!it them$
Its ital that your L"# team comes up 'ith a plan that addresses obstacles li)e these$
Develop a Targeted Communications Plan
1ou need to ie' getting learner buy+in as a necessity, not a lu%ury$ Its simply too costly not to
2sell3 learning interentions to your people, especially 'hen youre inesting a lot in training
-his means that you need to 'or) closely 'ith your internal communications team / and use your
o'n mar)eting s)ills / to come up 'ith a communications strategy to promote your learning
As part o! this, consider using the concept o! mar)et segmentation to understand and address the
needs o! the di!!erent groups o! people in your organi0ation$
Also, measure the success o! your communications, and optimi0e your messages to ma%imi0e their
Aboe all, )eep learning at the !ore!ront o! eeryones minds$ 4se social media and other online
communication channels li)e email and your organi0ations intranet to promote ne' resources, and
to highlight peoples successes$
#ont !orget about more traditional media, too / regularly distribute posters, lea!lets, and brochures
in places 'here people congregate, as a reminder o! 'hats aailable$
Involve Employees in Developing Learning Programs
5mployees 'ill be more engaged in their learning program 'hen they hae a say in ho' it is set up$
6reate steering committees that include people !rom arious departments and leels in the
Also, encourage employees to !eed bac) on their e%periences$ Listen to 'hat they say, and then do
something about this$
Get Support From Leaders
5mployees are less li)ely to engage 'ith their learning i! senior managers and e%ecuties dont sho'
support !or the organi0ations learning program$
-here!ore, you must ma)e sure that you get buy+in and support !rom the leadership team$
5ncourage them to lead by e%ample$ ,or instance, e%ecuties could blog about their o'n training
e%periences, and managers could share 'hat theye learned in team brie!ings$
Get Help From Learning Providers
I! you use e%ternal learning serices, remember that your proiders can also gie adice on getting
people engaged in their serices$
As) your proider !or adice on 'hat has 'or)ed 'ell in the other organi0ations that theye sered$
-heyll li)ely hae case studies that they can dra' on, and they may be able to proide supporting
resources such as dra!t communication plans, e%ample email se7uences, competency !rame'or)s,
and mar)eting materials$
Connect Learning it! or" #$%ectives and Life Goals
-o get buy+in, its important to communicate ho' speci!ic learning interentions 'ill help
employees achiee their 'or) ob.ecties and personal goals$
,irst, encourage managers to use tools such as (anagement by 8b.ecties to align their peoples
goals 'ith the organi0ations ob.ecties$ As) them to set team members speci!ic learning and
deelopment goals as part o! this$ -his helps to ma)e learning a part o! peoples regular 'or), 'hich
they can prioriti0e appropriately$
Also, encourage managers to as) their team members about their personal goals, so that they can
highlight ho' using aailable learning resources 'ill help them achiee these$
,inally, as) managers to re'ard people appropriately, 'hen they reach their learning ob.ecties$
!at pro$lems do you !ave &it! learner engagement in your organi'ation( !at strategies
!ave &or"ed for you(

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