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Edwin Kenneth Barksdale, Jr.

(301) 534-1079 or (202) 497-3800
3414 Aberdeen Street, Suitland, MD 20746


Innovative, resourceful leader with 28+ years specializing in program management of emergency management, business impacts analysis,
business continuity, disaster prevention/recovery and risk management projects. Im seen as an energetic strong performer, known for clear
communication skills in writing, people-to-people interfacing and giving presentations to educate the philosophy and methodology of
continuity planning. Project manager skilled at collaborating with business unit leadership in identifying potential obstacles; have also
written Emergency Response Procedures, Crisis Response Plans, developed Crisis Response Teams, Hot-Site Response Teams, Occupant
Emergency Plans, Incident Command Center Plans, Hot-Site Deployment Plans, Salvaging Plans, Restoration Plans and Back to Normalcy
Plans. Have a working knowledge of system security process, physical security, engineering SLA, system integration, change management,
legacy systems, and building IA into operational environments; and a subject matter expert with clearances through DHS and DOD.

Over 36 years of progressive experience and responsibilities in:

* Founding Member of the Dept. of Homeland Security * Design/Review of Complex Federal Gov. BIAs
* Incident Command Systems (ICS) Instructor * Project Leadership & Team Building
* US Customs Service EOC Team (Sept. 11, 2001) * EMA DC Mayors Office Advisor
* DHS ICE EOC Coordinator (Hurricane Katrina) * Joint Terrorism Task Force (INTEL)
* Co-Founder of ACP, DC Chapter * Detailed Technical Writer and Policy Developer
* Cultural Sensitivities * Advocate of NIST 800-34, 800-37; HSPD; FISMA, FCD-1& 2, etc.
* Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) Participant


Coordinated DHS/ICE EOC during Hurricane Katrina when 32 offices went down. I established their first EOC, participated in identifying
resources, acquired all needed shots from the DC Health Dept via my contact when I taught WMD there, purchased all survival supplies at
Sunny Surplus, purchased airline tickets, identified a location in New Orleans for them to set as Base Camp; and operated the EOC for 16 days
straight. Results: Deployed a team of 12. All but 8 offices were back up within 48 hours. The others six were filled with water until November
and the other 2 were wiped away down to the foundation. Other clearance related tasks under National Security were also completed.

Vice Chairman of the Steering Management team for the White House Commissioned Manhattan Cyber Project. Participated in briefing on
the threat to industries to NSA, Information Security Conference, Fox Cable News and the Infrastructure Protection Task Force (IPTF) at the
White House. Results: Vulnerabilities within the United States financial arena were identified and addressed leading to the PDD-63.

Identified an exposure in DHS where thousands of potentially dangerous individuals could enter the US without being detected. Results:
Nullified a possible terrorist attack and new procedure changes implemented in their Global Program

While doing Y2K for Pershing on Wall Street, the Best Practices suggested that testing past 2 Leap Years would be sufficient. I instructed my
team to test through 3 Leap Years. Bugs were identified that could cause the Wall Street Markets to crash after year 2014. I insisted that all
Off-Shore Y2K Programming go through the same type of testing ( Results: Better
standards were implemented concerning Off-Shore programming for the Federal Government.

Worked in the US Customs Services EOC during 911. Executed the contingency plans that we had developed for the response. Results: All
749 staff members at the Customs House at Ground Zero of the New York Trade Center who were in the 7 story building escaped unharmed
due to them abiding by the contingency plan to leave the building, not to come back, but report to the Safe Location for Roll Call. I appeared
in the Frontline News Documentary movie on Americas Frontline U.S. Customs 911 (Vol. 3, No. 1).

Developed Contingency Plans for The Twenty-third United States Census, known as the 2010 Census, including all 496 offices throughout
the U.S. and her territories; and wrote a White Paper on the Pandemic Influenza affects through contacts with the public. Results: U.S.
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. "The result was a successful count that came in on time and well under budget, with a final 2010
Census savings of $1.87 billion."

I conducted a detailed Risk Assessment of the critical infrastructure for the US Navy Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) at the
Washington Navy Yard. I identified critical engineering defects, security violations, recovery site exposures, questionable financials and
environmental concerns within the modernization project. Detailed vulnerability exposures were graphed into percentages showing cost to
loss. Results: This provided the means and reason for additional resources that were allocated and a new contractor was established.
Future plans were also change to reflect exposures.
Edwin Kenneth Barksdale, Jr.

Business Guard, Inc. - Suitland, MD Dec. 2001 Present
Developing Incident Response, Risk Assessment and Facility Inventory System for MPBC (2013-2014) (Volunteer)
Conducted the DRJ 2012 Mock Exercise and Guest Speaker at the CPM/GOVSEC Conference & Expo (2012)
BCP for US 2010 Census covering all 496 offices nationwide and wrote White Paper on the Pandemic Influenza (2009)
Performed Risk Assessments for US Navy NCIS and identified several major exposures that lead to immediate changes (2007)
Served as the DR SME for DOD DLA over seeing 3 Table-Top-Exercises, 1 Hot-Site exercise and writing the DR Manual taking it
from 34 pages to over 400 pages. I was able to save the drill due to my TSA contacts that allowed equipment on a flight (2006)
Wrote the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Policies for DC COG via CDC (2002)
Provided training for DC EMA to DC Dept. of Health on the District Response Plan, Federal Response Plan and WMD (2004)
Business Guard, Inc. (Subcontractor - to Satyam Inc.) Dec. 2005 May 2006
Contingency Planning SME
I develop a complete Emergency Mgmt. Response Program for the State of MD Courts 23 jurisdictions. I developed, conducted,
analyzed and completed a BIA; business process flowcharts, developed and wrote their Emergency Response Procedures, Crisis Response
Team, Crisis Mgmt. Team, Crisis Response Plans, Business Continuity Plans, Hot-Site Response Teams, Occupant Emergency Plans,
Disaster Recovery Plans, Incident Command Center Plans, Hot-Site Deployment Team, Hot-Site Deployment Plans, Salvaging Plans,
established an EOC with Procedures, Secondary Workspace Area, Restoration Plans and Back to Normalcy Plans. During this project, I
also identified several fatal elements in their current backup process.
Northrop Grumman IT (Full-Time Employee) Nov. 2003 Nov. 2005
Contingency Planning Specialist
BCP SME for DHS ICE Contract; interfaced with ICE Operations Leadership, ISSM, OCIO, and counterparts from other contractors in
the development of the BCP. Also wrote a contingency plan used as the model at the classified Alternate White House where I conducted
drills in response to a Bio/Chemical incident occurring in the D.C. Region; selected to accompany the President to the Alternate Site to
Re-Constitute the Government if there were a Biological or Chemical attack; established DHS ICE first EOC during the Hurricane
Katrina event; received two awards for support of Hurricane Katrina and became a Founding Member of the Dept. of Homeland Security.
CACI, Chantilly, VA (Subcontractor to CACI) April 2003 June 2003
IT Contingency Coordinator
Provided critical infrastructure management for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) under the DHS. Established Hot-Site in Up State
NY at a Sensitive compartmented information (SCI) level and conducted successful drills.
VistaRMS - Chantilly, VA (Subcontractor to CACI) June 2001 Feb. 2002
BIA Business Analysis
I developed the BIA for U.S. Customs Services. Developed questionnaire, conducted interviews, identified Customs technology and
responsibility of each business group covering over 400 points of entrance into the U.S. Analyzed findings; produced a customized report,
presentation, criticality list, and their effects if they were unavailable as a part of Information Assurance. US Customs House had 749 staff
present on 911. Not one was injured because they followed the directions of the contingency. Due to contingency plan success during 911,
I was selected and featured in America Frontline News Documentary, 911.
Bell Atlantic Federal Systems/Verizon Communications - Washington, D.C. (Full-Time Employee) May 1997 Dec. 2000
COMMGUARD Alliance Manager Entire Bell Atlantic Federal Gov. Footprint
I was the DR SME; Researched/identified companies offering leading edge DR technology; developed NDAs and Teaming Agreements; established 9
partners; analyze/recommend and developed solution for customers BCP needs; respond to RFPs; had $7M in billable sales within 6 months; served on
the White House Manhattan Cyber Project; Y2K Projects, Threat of Terrorism Conferences; Project Impact (FEMA); guest appearance on FOX Network
Cable News on Hackers in Corporate America; supported EMA DC Mayors Office as an Advisor during Special Events, State of the Union Addresses,
Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) Participant and Spokesman for FEMA.
CACI, Fairfax - VA (Full-Time Employee) Feb. 1997 May 1997
Y2K Project Manager for Wall Street Firm (Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette)
Identified vulnerable applications; team lead re-coding and development efforts taking place in Mexico City, Omaha, NE and Dublin,
Ireland; bridging data from external to internal environment (4 digit yr.), and another bridge back to a 2 digit yr.
BlueCross BlueShield, NCA - Washington, D.C. (Full-Time Employee) April 1994 Dec. 1996
Business Recovery Administrator
Evaluated/re-wrote BIA; developed 4 plans via LDRPS; tested 7 automated DR tools; developed RFP out source contract; coordinated 4
successful recovery exercises; distributed plans; interfaced with IBM, Comdisco, and CSC from RFP to completion.
Computer Associates, Inc. - Reston, VA (Full-Time Employee) Sept. 1990 Sept. 1993
Systems Engineer/Technical Services Representative (1990-1993)
Tech. Mgr. for all Federal Gov. agencies (48 States); identified problems via site surveys; developed mirrored and redundancy sites and
training for Navy, Army and Marine Corp.; responded to RFPs; provided Pre/Post supporting Mainframe, PC LAN and UNIX.
Edwin Kenneth Barksdale, Jr.


Computer Learning Center (1972-1973) - Certificate: Computer Operations Management (Top 5% of Class)
Boeing Computer Services (1974 1987) - Certificates: People-To-People; Effective Listening; Presentation Techniques; Presentation
Techniques For Instructors; Motivate Your Staff; Computer Operations Instructor and Technical Author (7 Manuals)
Peoples Drug Store (Now CVS 1988 1989) Data Center Manager over seeing Operations, Production Control and Printing Room
Computer Associates, Inc. (1990 1993) Pre/Post System Engineer for 16 CA Products; Tech Mgr for all of DOD installations
Disaster Recovery Institute International (1997) - CBCP Examination; Certification granted in 2002 (ID No. 2604)
D.C. Office of Emergency Preparedness (1997) - Understanding and Managing the Threat of Terrorism; (1997) - Regional Public Safety
Partnership Conference; Crowd Control - Special Events (D.C. Ten Team)
FEMA (1999) Orientation to Community Disaster Exercises; (1999) Webcast-Y2K and the Effects On The African-American Communities
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (2001) ICS Level 300 Training; plane crash in the Bay scenarios; major oil spill scenarios; Spill Containment
Course; (2003) Certified Instructor for ICS Levels 100 200, 700, NIMS; Incident Command for War of 1812 Celebration
Prince George Community College (1982-1984 and 2002) (Adult Life Experiences Program) Business Management Degree Program
George Washington U. (1981) - Certificate: Writing in the Technical Field; (1997) - Federal Acquisition and Marketing
Scuba Schools International (SSI) 1999 Stress/Rescue Diver; 2003 Advance Diver; 2005 NITROX Certified; 2005 Master Diver Certified
Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commission (2003) - Terrorism Training for Law Enforcement (Train-the-Trainer)
All American Training Center (1997) - Non-Lethal Control Techniques; (1997) - Surviving Lethal Edged Weapons; (2001) Armed Security
Officer (DCJS Certified; (2002) Anti-Terrorism Training for Law Enforcement; Personal Protection Specialist (Executive Bodyguard);
Advance Handgun, CPR/AED, Oxygen Admin. and 1st Aid Certified; authorized Concealed Carry Weapon permit

Acknowledgements The American Red Cross/ACP Liaison; FOSE (Speaker); MIS Training Institute (Speaker); MD Security Showcase
Conference (Speaker); The White House and NSA, Industry Cyber Threats (Speaker); US Coast Guard (Instructor); Fox Cable Network News
Featured Guest, "Hackers In Corporate America"; DHS Security Conference (Speaker); DRJ 2012 (Speaker); GOVSEC 2012 (Speaker);
awards from the US Coast Guard and DHS ICE, Outstanding Contribution - Hurricane Katrina (Established first DHS ICE EOC)

Non-Certified Training - MS Project Management; Participated/evaluated seven (7) multi-jurisdictions drills dealing with entire hotel
evacuations, earthquakes, fire, large body of water oil spills and bio-chemical terrorist attack at a rock concert; Participant during a Maryland
State-wide Radiological Emergency Plan (Nuclear Power Disaster Drill)

IT Experience Prod. Control, Computer Rm. and PRT Rm. Mgr.; Data Center Mgr.; INTEL Agency Hot-Site Coordinator; JES2, TSO, JCL,
ISPF, VM CLIST, MVT, MVS, SMP/E, IBM Mid Range, UNIX, SUN, Windows and HP Platforms; Telecomm Back-Bone technology (T-1
to DS3; SONET rings); Date storage strategy development; Database Backup and Restore (EMC Storage, SANZ, Tivoli, NetApp, Brocade);
PC Auditing, SQL Server and database models and many COTS products; Mail Servers (Exchange, Lotus); System management solutions
(Symantec, McAfee, Microsoft)

System Engineer Certificate: Installation/Implementation of CA-1 (Tape Mgmt.); CA-7(Scheduling); CA-11(Job Restart); CA-
JCLCHECK(JCL Verification); CA-SCHEDULER(Scheduling); LDRPS v 9; Crystal Reports

Hobbies - MS 100 Mile Bike Tour; Martial Arts; Youth Advocate; Healthy Southern Cooking; Physical Fitness; Master Scuba Diver

Associations - Founder/Past President of The Association of Contingency Planners (ACP), Capital Area Chapter; ACP International Board of
Directors (Education); MADRAs Executive Committee; Divisional and District Staff Officer for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (Marine
Environmental Protection and Contingency Planning); U.S. Coast Guard Aux. National Staff Officer, Branch Chief for Waterways
Management (Port Security); District Commissioner for the Boy Scouts of America; Advisor to DC Mayors Office of Emergency
Preparedness; Local Emergency Planning Council (LEPC); signer at the FEMA Project Impact; ordained Baptist Deacon (1975); Received an
appointment to the Board of Elections by the Governor of MD and elected President (2007-2011); Madison Whos Who Top 50 for 2008

Publications - BlueCross BlueShield, Blue Notes; The Latest Updates in Contingency Planning (4 Articles): Mobile Office Magazine,
When Disaster Strikes Laptops To The Rescue! (Sept. 96). MIS Training Institutes course, Disaster Insurance, The Loss/Lost
Component (June 95), FOSE 98; When Silence Isnt Golden; Contingency Planning & Management Magazine, The Perfect Plan
(Oct. 99); Information Week, Bell Atlantic CommGuard Disaster Recovery Services (Sept. 99); Enterprises Vulnerable To Y2K Hacks
in; Information Warfare Conference
archives/link/link9606/0174.html (Section B1); Web cast for FEMA, Y2K Effects On The African-American Community (Sept. 99); The Pleasant Voice Quarterly, Y2K, Ready or Not (Oct. 99); Billing World Magazine Communications
Contingency (Oct 99); Internet Chat Session for Johnson Publishing of Chicago, African-American Concerns on Y2K as a contributing
editor for their web site during, Y2K Watch, from the DC Mayors Command Center (01/01/2000); Preparing for the West Nile Virus
(April 00); CLEANING UP WITH Marine Safety (Feb 02); Land Locked But Marine Safety Ready (July 02); Aquatic Nuisance
Species (Sept.02); published book, Emergency Preparedness for Churches.

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