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Background Information

The North West Rebellion lasted less than three months in the spring of
1885. But the prairie uprising had an enduring effect on a nation. Its leader, Louis
Riel, became a permanent symbol of language, religious and racial divisions in
The seeds of the Rebellion were planted in the 1870s as Canada settled
its vast North West Territories (present-day Saskatchewan and Alberta).
The Canadian government had wisely brought peace and order to the
frontier before the flood of settlers. But the territory lacked direct political
representation from the federal government.
By the early 1880s, prairie residents including white settlers, Mtis, and
Plains Indians were convinced of the neglect of a distant and imperial Ottawa.
The Mtis (mixed blood offspring of fur traders and natives) of the
Saskatchewan Valley had petitioned Ottawa for years for legal claim to their land.
In 1882, the Canadian government sent surveyors to the area rising fears among
Mtis that their land would be taken from them.
The Mtis weren't the only ones protesting against Ottawa: the white
farmers who lived in the Territories had had enough. They also waited for their
property titles that were absolutely necessary for obtaining loans and improving
their farms.
The natives of the region accused the federal government of not
respecting the Indian treaties. Many bands were starving and Ottawa showed
indifference to their plight.
Within this growing climate of frustration, Louis Riel returned to his prairie
homeland in July 1884. The charismatic Mtis leader had spent years in exile in
the United States for heading the 1869-70 Red River Resistance.
The Red River uprising had won many rights for Manitoba residents. Now
Mtis and white leaders in the North West Territories wanted Riel to work his
magic for them.
At first, Riel took the political route. He sent a petition to Ottawa outlining
the grievances of the Mtis and white settlers. Riel also tried to entice the prairie
natives to join the cause.
Faced with continued government indifference, Riel tactics became more
militant and his mental state became shakier. Riel increasingly believed he was a
prophet from God sent to lead his people.
In March 1885, Riel formed a provisional government and a small military
force. Armed conflict followed as Riels followers and government troops clashed
mostly in the Saskatchewan territory.
Riel lost all the support of the white settler's organization, which had once
allied with him. He was never able to gain the firm support of the prairie natives.
The Mtis were eventually defeated by government troops and Louis Riel
was arrested.
English Canada clamored for the federal government to take tough
measures against the Rebellion leader. People had not forgotten Riel's execution
of an English Canadian man named Thomas Scott during the Red River uprising.
In contrast, French Canada pressed the government to show leniency
toward the French Catholic Riel.
In the end, the federal government was determined to dispose of the man
who had led two uprisings in the young country's history. Riel's trial for high
treason was a national spectacle, manipulated by Ottawa. Despite continuing
questions about his sanity, Riel was found guilty and hanged.

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