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Shalfleet Parish Council

Susannah Jennings
Clerk to the Council
You are invited to the next meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council to be held at Wellow Literary Institute on Wednesday
une !"1# at 1$1% hours& 'embers of the (ublic are welcome to attend this meeting&
Susannah ennings Cler) * +,- 1!."/.!"1#
1& 1(ologies for absence&
!& 5eclarations of interests regarding agenda items&
6& 7o acce(t any dis(ensations for agenda items
#& 7o confirm and a((rove the minutes of the (revious meeting&
%& 'atters arising from the minutes not re8uiring a resolution&
/& 7o discuss grass cutting issues on ,leetway 2reen and the u((er area of Withyfields&
9& 7o discuss s(eed issues within the (arish : Cllr ; ;ewston
8& IW1LC re(ort : Cllr ; ;ewston
$& 7o agree the (urchase of leavers bibles for Year / Shalfleet Primary (u(ils&
1"& Police +e(ort
11& Cler)s +e(ort
a< ,inance=to a((rove list of (ayments >circulated<&
b< 1dmin= to receive any extant items&
1!& Corres(ondence&
16& 7own * Country Planning = to comment on any extant items&
AGN/16902/K, P/00647/14& Pennethorne Par) ,arm? off? ;amstead 5rive& 1gricultural (rior notification for an
extension to existing building@ new agriculturalbuilding&
TCP/17035/C, P/00562/14. 4otty 1((le 'ain +oad 4ewbridge& ;ouseholder 1((lication 7wo storey side ex=
tension to (rovide lounge and log store on ground floor and bedroom and bathroom at first floor level&
TCP/31883, P/00607/14. land at ;omestead ,arm Caulbourne Lane and land at Lower 5od(its ,arm Warlands
Lane 4ingwood& +enewable 3nergy Scheme for (hotovoltaic (ar) and ancillary e8ui(ment formation of tem(o=
rary access off Calbourne Lane and Warlands Lane tem(orary access road between dismantled railway line and
'ain +oad 4ewbridge&
TCP/30601/L, P/00608/14. West Wight 1l(acas land accessed off 'ain +oad Wellow& Continued siting of cara=
van for use as agricultural wor)ers dwelling&
TCP/06152/B, P/00626/14. Aluebell Cottage Wellow +oad 4ingwood& ;ouseholder 1((lication Pro(osed single
storey extension on side elevation to form garden glaBed cano(y on rear elevation&
1#& Councilors re(orts including the Ward Councillor
7;3 C-C4CIL WILL +3C3ID3 EC3S7I-4S ,+-' 7;3 PCALIC A3,-+3 +ISI42&
4A&'embers of the (ublic wishing to s(ea) regarding agenda items must give !#hours written notice to the Cler) at the above address& 7ime limits and other conditions
a((ly& >SPC Standing -rder 1#b refers<
Office/Help Centre
Main Road
Isle of ight
PO!" #$R
Tel/fax: 01983 531491
Web: www.shalfleetiow.o!."#

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