1abasic Concepts Pract Questions2013

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Pediatric Basic Concepts Practice Questions-20

1. A nurse is reinforcing teaching to an assistive personnel to count respiration rate on a newborn. Which of the following
stateents indicate understanding of wh! the respirator! rate should be counted for a coplete inute"
1. The rate and rhythm are irregular in newborns.
2. Activity will increase the respiration rate.
3. Newborns do not expand their lungs ully with each respiration.
!. Newborns are abdominal breathers.
2. #he nurse is assessing a $-onth-old infant during a well-child visit. #he nurse a%es all of the following observations.
Which of the following assessents ade b! the nurse is an area of concern indicating a need for further evaluation"
1. Absence o "oro relex.
2. #losed posterior ontanel.
3. Two pound weight gain in 2 months.
!. "oderate head lag when pulled to sitting position.
&. A nurse is tal%ing to the parents of an '-onth-old who will be hospitali(ed for surger!. Which of the following actions
should the nurse e)plain to the parents will help prepare the infant for the hospital"
1. $uy a new toy and give it to the inant at the hospital.
2. $ring the inant%s avorite blan&et to the hospital.
3. 'urchase new loose(itting) sot pa*amas or the child.
!. +ead the child a story about hospitali,ation.
*. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about nutrition to a parent of an infant. Which of the following stateents b! the parent
indicates understanding of the teaching"
1. - should start solid oods when my baby is 3 months old.
2. - should introduce cow%s mil& when my baby is . months old.
3. - should wait to give my baby ruit *uice until / months o age.
!. - should oer my baby well(coo&ed table oods at 0 months o age.
+. A 1*-onth-old is aditted to the pediatric floor with a diagnosis of croup. Which characteristics would the nurse e)pect
the toddler to deonstrate if he,s developing norall!" -elect all that appl!.
1. Tendency to hold one ob*ect while loo&ing or another
2. +ecognition o amiliar voices 1smiles2
3. 'resence o "oro relex
!. 3eight that%s triple his birth weight
4. #losed anterior ontanel
$. Which developental ilestones would the nurse to e)pect a 10-onth-old infant to displa! during a routine health
aintenance visit" -elect all that appl!.
1. 5olding his head erect
2. 6emonstrating good bowel and bladder control
3. 7itting on a irm surace without support
!. $earing the ma*ority o his weight on his legs
4. 3al&ing alone
.. An assessent of the s%ull of a noral 10-onth-old bab! should identif! which of the following"
1. #losure o the posterior ontanel
2. #losure o the anterior ontanel
3. 8verlap o cranial bones
!. 8ssiication o the sutures
'. /nfanc! is the period fro0
1. $irth to / wee&s o age
2. $irth to 1 year o age
3. ! wee&s to 1 year o age
!. ! wee&s to 2 years o age
1. #he age level in which children begin to learn the difference between proper and iproper behavior is part of 2ric%son,s
developental tas% of 3initiative versus guilt.4 #he age level for this tas% is0
1. Toddler
2. 'reschool
3. 7chool age
!. Adolescent
10. #he infant begins to deonstrate e!e-hand coordination at age0
1. 2 to 3 months
2. ! to 4 months
3. 0 to . months
!. . to 19 months
11. 5oro,s refle) of a newborn disappears b!0
1. 1 to 2 wee&s
2. 3 months
Pediatric Basic Concepts Practice Questions-20
3. 4 months
!. 0 months
12. A 1-!ear-old is brought to the pediatrician for a well-bab! chec%. #he birth weight was $ lbs6 11 ounces. /f on schedule6 the
infant should weigh appro)iatel!0
1. 12 pounds
2. 14: pounds
3. 10 pounds
!. 29 pounds
1&. #he anterior fontanel closes b!0
1. ! to 0 wee&s
2. 12(10 months
3. 2 years o age
!. 4 years o age
1*. Which assessent finding would the nurse consider noral for a &-onth-old infant"
1. Able to hold a bottle
2. Able to lit head and shoulders
3. Able to roll rom bac& to abdomen
!. Able to sit with support
1+. An 1'-onth-old child is observed searching for a stuffed anial that had fallen underneath the child7s crib. According to
Piaget7s theor! the nurse %nows the child has astered
1. 8b*ect permanence
2. 'arallel play
3. #onservation
!. Accommodation
16. The nurse overseeing the care of a 6-month-old infant instructs the mother to use a pacifier after painful
procedures. The primary reason for the nurse's instruction is?
1. 'roviding an inant with a paciier will help the inant through 'iaget;s sensorimotor stage.
2. 'roviding a paciier to an inant ater a painul procedure will help the inant obtain pleasure and comort.
&. Providing a pacifier will foster independence b! decreasing the need to be held b! the other
!. 'roviding a paciier to an inant will encourage the mother to be involved in the inant;s care.
1.. This is the most appropriate anticipatory guidance to give parents relative to food allergies in infants:
1. -nstruct parents to introduce new oods every 3 to 4 days.
2. -nstruct the parents to document when the inant has latulence.
3. -nstruct the parents on how to ma&e their own baby ood.
!. -nstruct parents to read all baby ood labels careully.
1'. The nurses note a positive Babinskis response for a -year old child e!amined in the pediatric clinic. Based on this
assessment finding the nurse kno"s that
1. This is an abnormal supericial relex.
2. #hildren oten anticipate the &nee *er& when this relex is assessed.
3. -t is normal or the child to exhibit a startle response with a sudden noise or change in position.
!. This is a normal response that indicates normal sensory unction o the eet.
11. A nurse is planning care for a hospitali(ed *-!ear-old child. #he nurse should include providing a
1. 'lastic stethoscope.
2. $rightly colored mobile.
3. <igsaw pu,,le.
!. 5elium(illed latex balloon.
20. A nurse is caring for a hospitali(ed 2-!ear-old child who has a tantru when the parent leaves. #o help the child ad8ust to
the stress of the situation6 which of the following therapeutic to!s is ost appropriate for the nurse to provide"
1. 7et o building bloc&s
2. Toy hammer with a pounding board
3. 'icture boo& about hospitals
!. 7tued animal

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