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Bob proctor

It was a lush green open road in Eastern Canada, with the mountains on my left a
nd the sparkling blue ocean on my right. My husband, Denis, is ex-military and h
ad lived a good portion of his career on the east coast of Canada, so when we di
scussed where we might go on vacation this particular summer, we chose Nova Scot
ia so that I could finally see Peggys Cove. Id never been there and besides, I jok
ed, it was named after me!
So finally, we were here, and Denis was driving. And as much as the view was bre
athtaking, what was I doing? I was sitting in the passenger seat with my head do
wn, my nose in my iPhone as I attempted to return the gazillion emails that had
been pouring in as usual while I was on my vacation.
Vacation? Yeah right! I dont think I knew what a vacation was. My husband Denis h
ad to plead with me to get me to look out of the window!
A year before we took this east coast trip, we had enjoyed a vacation at a beaut
iful five-star resort in Kona, Hawaii. Prior to that trip, Denis asked me, Honey,
are you planning to take your laptop and iPhone with you? He knew they were part
of my anatomy and just like my arm or leg, they go everywhere with me. So while
he wasnt crazy about my taking them along, he accepted it. I decided to set some
boundaries on my technology use, figuring I probably shouldnt go on another vaca
tion with my eyes glued to an electronic screen instead of locked into my husban
ds! I would not check email on either my laptop or my iPhone during our hours tog
ether when we were both awake. Because Denis sleeps more than I do, I would chec
k email in the early morning hours after I got up when he was still sleeping. It
worked out well, and I realized that having to contain my technology us e wasnt
a problem and in fact, made it easier for me to be fully present when he and I w
ere together.
But despite my best efforts to rein in my technology habits in Peggys Cove, I let
them get the better of me. At last, I had an epiphany. Technology is for me to
use to accomplish my goalsits not there for it to use me! I needed to disconnect f
rom it and reconnect to my husband, myself... to life!
Its especially challenging for me to unplug from my devices and plug into family,
friends, and myself because of the nature of my work. As an author-preneur and
internet marketer, I get to enjoy the blessings of running my own business. My f
riend Sandy Gallagher says, Technology gives us freedom, and I completely agree. I
have lots of control over my own time. Its no wonder that several of my clients
have become good friends. Im deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with aut
hors and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to bringing light and love into the wor
If I want to spend an entire day with my two-year-old grandson James because Im h
ungry for a James Day, I can do itas long as my son, Michel, and my daughter-in-law
, Kayla, are okay with it. I have freedom, independence, and choice. Im extremely
fortunate, and every day I write in my journal about what Im grateful for. But t
he truth is that like everyone, I have to be aware of how easy it is to get suck
ed in by technology devices, email, social media, and text and phone calls from
other people that arent necessarily my priority. Ive had to learn to contain my us
e of communication technology, and life is better because of it. How about you?
Peggy McColl
Peggy McColl is a New York Times best-selling author of 8 books. Her books have
been translated into 33 languages and sold in more than 82 countries. She can he
lp you write your book, make it an International Best Seller and make money doin
g what you love. Her new book writing program begins soon. Get registered now wh
ile spots are still available:

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