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Tamil Nadu Circle

Tamil Nadu Circle Issue

November- 2009
Contents From Srini’s Desk

From the desk of Circle



Tribute to our Heroes


Info @ Trichy

Circle Snippets
All Team Meet
Idea Excellence Award

Learning & Development


!- Mitra

Long Service Awards


Kids Corner

Funny Bone

The ABG Value Series

Book Review

Empty Corner



New Joiners
Tribute to Our Nation’s Heroes

26th November 2008 -Mumbai was one of the days which Mumbai stood still.
There were more than ten coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across
Mumbai, India's financial capital and its
largest city. The attacks, which drew
widespread condemnation across the
world, began on 26 November 2008 and
lasted until 29 November, killing at least
173 people and wounding at least 308

Eight of the attacks occurred in South

Mumbai: at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus,
the Oberoi Trident the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Leopold Cafe, Cama
Hospital, the Orthodox Jewish-owned Nariman House, the Metro Cinema, and a
lane behind the Times of India building and St. Xavier's College. There was also
an explosion at Mazagaon, in Mumbai's port area, and in a taxi at Vile Parle. By
the early morning of 28 November, all sites except for the Taj Mahal Palace
had been secured by Mumbai Police and security forces. An action by India's
National Security Guards (NSG) on 29 November resulted in the death of the
last remaining attackers at the Taj Mahal Palace, ending all fighting in the

The siege witnessed heroic deeds of some of the great sons of India like
Hemant Karkare (Chief of ATS), Ashok Kamte (DIG of Police), Vijay Salaskar
(Inspector of Police), Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan (NSG) and several others who
laid their lives for our Nations security.

We Ideans of TN circle salute the great sons of our country along with their
family members.


this issue, let us look into a relatively new
concept of Ring Back Tones called AdRBT. We have been exposed to a lot of
RBTs, for which we pay… but wat’s AdRBT… Read ahead…
“How much more can we collect form the customer through a subscription
“How much can we pay the customer for his subscription?”
OnMobile has launched an audio advertising platform for operators called
AdRBT (ad ringback tones), the service will play audio ads to callers when they
dial a mobile number. In other words, when a person calls someone on his
mobile, he will hear an ad while the phone is ringing. Interestingly, this ad will
be based on the preferences of the caller, which OnMobile will derive from the
caller’s mobile number. Therefore, every call made will lead to a different ad.
The subscriber on whose phone the AdRBT is playing will have to give
permission by subscribing to the service. In return, the subscriber will receive
some incentive from the operator. Subscribers may be gratified by operators
allowing songs to play for specific callers, or they may get free SMSs and so on.
OnMobile estimates that a subscriber receives 10 calls daily on an average.
AdRBT will also allow callers to respond to the ad by requesting for more
information by pressing a specific key while the ad is playing. For example, by
pressing the # key, the caller can receive an SMS from the advertiser at the end
of the call.
The ads can be targeted based on the location and VAS
usage of the caller. The VAS usage data gives information
such as what handset the caller is using, whether he uses
the roaming service, how often he travels abroad, the
types of ringtones he downloads and the services he uses.
OnMobile will also play ads in regional languages.
Apart from choosing the profile of the customer,
advertisers will also be able to specify the number of times they want their ad
to be played in, say, a week or a month They can also specify how many times
they want their ad to be played to a particular caller in a fixed time period.
AdRBT will also allow for storyboard ads to be played. Therefore, each caller
can hear a series of ads based on a story or concept.

So we might end up paying the subscriber for subscribing to our services… and
compete with other mobile operators in the offers made to the customer for
subscribing to our services.

Info @ Trichy
Tiruchi is a thriving commercial centre in Tamil nadu, situated on the banks
of the river Cauvery, Tiruchirappalli, the fourth largest city in the state was a
citadel of the Early Cholas which
later fell to the Pallavas. But the
Pallavas never really managed to
retain control of this strategic city
and lost it to the Pandyas several
times. This tug of war finally ended
when the Cholas reasserted
themselves in the 10th century.
Trichy continued to be in their
possession until the decline of the
empire after which it became a
Vijayanagara stronghold.

When this empire collapsed in 1565, Trichy came to be occupied in turn by the
Nayaks of Madurai, the Marathas, the Nawabs of Carnatic, the French and
finally the British. Trichy flourished and prospered in its own ,built around the
Rock Fort. Apart from the fort there are several churches, colleges and
missions dating back to the 1760s. With its excellent infrastructural facilities
Trichy will serve as a good base to see central Tamilnadu. The rock fort is a
well known landmark of the city, a spectacular
monument perched on a massive rocky out crop
which rises abruptly from the plain to tower over
the old city. It is reached by the flight of steep
steps cut into the rock and from its summit you
get a fantastic view of the town plus its other
main landmark, Sri Ranganatha Swami Temple
( Srirangam).

It is also famous for artificial diamonds, cigars, handloom cloth, glass bangles
and wooden and clay toys. (Trichy, Tiruchy, Thiruchi, Tiruchirapalli)

Tiruchi itself is an industrial town, where a number of industries flourish. The

important industries are BHEL, OFT, HAPP and Golden Rock Railway Work

Samayapuram Mariamman Festival

Every year three important festivals namely Poochoriyal, Pancha Prakaram and
Brahmotsavam attract pilgrims to this temple. During
Poochoriyal, flowers worth Rs.35, 000 to 50,000 are
showered on the deity for 24 hours. Thousands of people
from various castes and communities throng the temple,
when Brahmotsavam is performed in the month of April. Devotees from
Malaysia, Singapore, Srilanka and other far-off place visits Samayapuram to
fulfill their vows for the many benefits they received through her grace. Those
who are unable to personally present their offerings, send it by post. Several
worship services are offered throughout the day here. Offerings of salt, jaggery
(brown sugar), lentils, jewelry are made by devotees. Annual festivals are
celebrated during Thai Poosam, and in the tamil months of Pankuni and
Chittirai. The last Sunday of Pankuni marks the commencement of the festival,
while the chariot festival is celebrated on the first Tuesday in the month of
Chittirai, and the float festival is celebrated a week later.


In Suriyur, Manama and a few villages

around Tiruchy, during the Pongal festival,
Bull catching (Jallikattu) is taking place on
mostly Kanum
Pongal days.
in ancient
days is being
used for
defense and
for good physic. In this district Chola vadiyar is
familiar for this art.

Almost every village is having training centers for this martial art. One
grandmaster named Chola vadiyar at Tiruchirappalli, is giving good training in
this martial art.

Our Office @ Trichy

Idea Cellular Ltd

No 180, 11th Cross
Ponnagar, Trichy -1

ZBM- Mr Senthil Saravanan (9092005454)

Circle Snippets
The All Team Meet (ATM) for the Quarter II was held on November 4 th at
Coimbatore/Salem (Hotel Deje Vu), 12th November at Madurai/Trichy &
Thirunelveli at Madurai (Hotel Regency Inn) and 17th November at our Circle
office at Chennai. All the ATMs witnessed a full participation by all the TN
family. The ATM was inaugurated by the Circle Head with his Circle business
presentation followed by the presentations by the Functional Heads. The floor
was open for the Q & A, which was well utilized by the TN members followed
by the honoring of the stars of TN circle through the Idea Excellence Award
for the period August to October 2009. The function was concluded with high
tea at Chennai.

Name Function Location Name Function Location

Sifi Jacob sales Coimbatore Saravanan N SDQ Madurai
Murugesh sales Coimbatore Carnic K Marketing Chennai
Ramkumar J sales Coimbatore Sriram D Sales Salem
K R. Srinivasan Sales Pondicherry Venkatesan M NWS Chennai
Ramkumar Kalidass Sales Pondicherry Vijay R Sales Chennai N
Arun Prasad Sales Chennai S Vinod Singh SDQ Chennai
D.Dhanasekaran SDQ Madurai Sales -
Balaji M TSM Vellore
P. Vigneshbabu Sales Madurai
Palani M Legal Chennai
Saji Krishnan NWS Chennai Gualm Ali NWS Madurai
Venkatesan M NWS Chennai Rukmani S SDQ Coimbatore
Jayaprakash G NWS Coimbatore Niranjan R NWS Chennai
Yugesh R B & Rajkumar Prepaid
Rajeswari V NWS Chennai Prabhu Sales Madurai
Rajini Prabhakaran Sales Pondicherry

Vartalap- A dialogue- Employee Engagement

Idea TN Circle launched the Varthalap- A Dialogue, which is an important
means for measuring Employee engagement at the Coimbatore ATM followed by
Madurai ATM. The varthalap measures the degree of employee engagement
through 12 structured questions. Gallup developed its Q12 benchmark
specifically to correlate its measure of employee engagement to worker
productivity, customer loyalty and sales growth. Topics covered include
workplace expectations, supervisory relations, even working with a best friend.
Each of the 12 questions is rated on a five-point scale and is one of the
following four categories:

• Basic Needs – two questions

• Management Support – four questions
• Teamwork – four questions
• Growth – two questions

The ratings from all twelve of these questions are then combined into an index,
which can be used to segment employees into three categories:

• Engaged employees work with passion. Because they feel a strong

connection to the organization, they work hard to innovate and improve.
• Not-Engaged employees do the work expected of them, but do not put
in extra effort.
• Actively Disengaged employees aren’t just unhappy, but are spreading
their unhappiness to other staff.

After hundreds of focus groups and thousands of interviews with employees in a

variety of industries, Gallup came up with the Q12, a 12-question survey that
identifies strong feelings of employee engagement. Results from the survey
show a strong correlation between high scores and superior job performance.
Here are those 12 questions:

1. Do you know what is expected of you at work?

2. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work

3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every


4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for
doing good work?

5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as

a person?

6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?

7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?

8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is

9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality


10.Do you have a best friend at work?

11.In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your

12.In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and

Workshops were conducted across the circle and the feedback survey will be
carried out on 1st Week of December 2009.

Quotations on & for Life

Thomas Edison:
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close
they were to success when they gave up.

Zig Ziglar:
You can have everything in life you want if you'll just help enough
other people to get what they want!

Mahatma Gandhi:
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Learning & Development Week

“Mind is like a parachute, it works

when it is open”.
True! Because it is then that the mind can utilize the opportunities available to
develop itself.
Idea Cellular celebrated the Learning & Development week from 16th Nov to
20th Nov’09. As part of this TN Circle conducted various weeklong celebration
of L&D activities such as jig saw puzzle, Chinese Whisper, and Kreeda which
provided ample awareness of the immense learning opportunities created by
the organization for each and every employee.
Daily online quizzes, Fun games laced with knowledge and wisdom was
received with both hands by the TN family.

Winners of the Online L & D Quiz 16th - 20th Nov

Day 1-Palani & Anandh Day -2 Deva & Bakthavachalam

Winners of the Jigsaw Puzzle contest

Day-3 Karthikeyan & Shobhit

Day-4 Carnic & Deva

Your query resolution is just one click away

- ! Mitra

Day-5 Manoj C & Shobhit

!- Mitra- The HR request tracker was re launched in August, since we have
received 65 queries and 180 queries till October 2009. ! Mitra is an effective
tool that enables each employee to get their queries resolved in a speedy
manner(within 48 Hours raising of the query). This will also enables the HR
function to serve you more effective.

Mr. Anjul Dubey (Senior Manager-SDQ) and Mr. Rajesh

Narayanan (Senior Manager-Networks) has completed 5
years and 10 Years of glorious service with Idea Cellular
Limited. Heartiest congratulations to both of you and we
acknowledge the selfless service you had rendered to make
Idea what is today.

Rajesh N

Between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney collected thirty-five

" Donald Duck lives at 1313 Webfoot Walk, Duckburg, Calisota.and his middle
name is Fauntleroy.

Happy Birthday" was the first song to be performed in outer

space, sung by the Apollo IX astronauts on March 8, 1969.

Napoleon Bonaparte is the historical figure most often portrayed

in movies. He has been featured in 194 movies, Jesus Christ in
152, and Abraham Lincoln in 137.

Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson was the first video to air on MTV by a black

The Jazz Singer, 1927, was the first movie with audible dialogue.

The Mouse Trap," by Agatha Christie is the longest running play in


Dracula and Sherlock holmes are the only characters that has outgrown
their creators

Abraham Lincoln, who invented a hydraulic device for lifting ships over shoals,
was the only US president ever granted a patent.

Teeth are the only parts of the human body that can't repair

Family Zone

Manasa Amit J Vallayil

D/o Nagarajan S - S/o Jaimon Antony-HR
The Funny Bone- The Santa -Banta
Each Friday night after work, Santa would fire up
his outdoor grill and cook a tandoori chicken and
some meat kebabs. But, all of his neighbors were
strict Catholics and since it was Lent, they were
forbidden from eating chicken and meat on a
The delicious aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for the
Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest. The Priest came to visit
Santa, and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and
much study, Santa attended Mass and as the priest sprinkled holy water over
him, he said, “You were born a Sikh, and raised a Sikh, but now, you are a
Santa’s neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived. The
wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood.

The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and, as he rushed into
Santa's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and
watched in amazement. There stood Santa, holding a small bottle of holy water
which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted: "Oye, you waz
born a chicken, and you waz born a lamb, you waz raised a chicken, and you
waz raised a lamb but now yara, you are a potato and tomato"!

Banta thought he was dead, but in reality he

was very much alive. His delusion
became such a problem that his family finally paid
for him to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist spent
many laborious sessions trying to convince Banta
that he is still alive. Nothing seemed to work.
Finally the doctor tried one last approach. He took
out his medical books and proceeded to show
Banta that dead men don't bleed. After hours of
tedious study, Banta seemed convinced that dead
men don't bleed. "Do you now agree that dead men
don't bleed?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, I do," Banta replied. "Very well, then," the doctor said. He took out a pin
and pricked the patient's finger. Out came a trickle of blood. The doctor asked,
"What does that tell you?" "Oh my goodness!" Banta exclaimed as he stared
incredulously at his finger ... "Dead men do bleed!!"

The ABG Value Series- Commitment

One fine day it came to know that god is distributing apples to humans in his
place at heaven. The kid was so happy to receive that news and it went with
lot of enjoyment to heaven to get the apple from
god. There was a big queue standing to get apple
from god and this kid also joined in that queue.
While it was standing, it was fully excited and
thrilled for the fact that it is going to receive in
person from god's hands. Its turn too came and the kid showed its both the
hands to receive apple.

God gave the apple but unfortunately the tiny hands couldn't hold that big
apple. Apple fell down and got wasted in mud. The kid got so disappointed.
The ministers near the god informed that if the kid likes to have an apple from
god again then it has to again follow the queue.

Having waited for so long the kid didn't want to return back to earth with
empty hands so it decided to wait again in the queue. This time the queue has
become even longer than the previous one. While waiting in queue, the kid
could see lot of people who returns back with apple in hands and utmost
satisfaction on their faces.

The kid was so much disappointed and thought why me alone didn't get the
apple in hand when all others were easily able to get it.

What is the sin I did that I alone should suffer like this. Now the
kid was so scared that it should not miss the apple again. Again its
turn came and god gave the apple to the kid's hands and after
giving the apple god spoke to the kid. "My dear child, last time
after giving you the apple only I noticed the apple I gave to you
was a rotten apple and that's why I made that to fell down from
your hands. Having given you a rotten apple, I felt bad for you and
I wanted to give you the best apple in the farm and that time the
best apple in the farm was growing and that's why I made you to
wait such a long time in the queue. Here it is. Now the apple that
you have in hand is 'The Best' apple in the farm till to date.

So, friends, sometimes it happens as even after we put our 100% dedication and
commitment things may get delayed or things may go wrong. Believe that god
has something great for us and that's why this has happened. Always say,
'Gratitude is absolutely the best way to bring more in one's life'
Book Review- ‘My Experiments with Truth’

The book basically describes the journey of Mahatma

Gandhi through different phases of his life.
His journey comprises of an eternal search for the ultimate
truth and he says that this search can not be complete
without wearing the armor of non-violence. The book
contains endless instances of his struggle to abide by the
ideals and at the same time struggle for freedom, home rule. In half of the
book, he has been telling that if you want to lead a pure life, the diet should
be checked and he describes his immovable faith in the natural therapies
particularly related to water and soil.
Many a times he has fallen into some DHARMASANKAT (religious dilemma) or
other and each time he has been saved by God. It also tells the saga of a
constantly struggling spirit fighting to free itself from the shackles of slavery of
The book has been narrated very eloquently and holds the thought that even
people on the path of truth and wisdom can win in the long run.

He tells us about his childhood life, like when he had smoked tobacco, then
when he tried to commit the suicide in a temple, and many more. Every time
you read an incidence, you find yourself very much at the same place where
Gandhiji stood at that moment.

In the later part of the book, when Gandhi was in South Africa, and the local
politicians once try to Lynch him by carrying out a false campaign and provoke
a mob to kill him, he has described how he escaped with the help of local
police and his friends. It again depicts the provocation of the politicians against
a person who is fighting for the rights of few underprivileged masses. You find
it very near to present day situations. Further it describes the anxiety and
concern of local authorities, as well as of Mahatma Gandhi, for the situation. If
you ask yourself, how you could have felt in such situation, you will find your
answer very similar to the description of Mahatma Gandhi’s.

A numerous instances are there in the book, where you really feel that
Mahatma Gandhi has really experimented and written inferences of his
experiments with truth. The book is recommended to every body in the
Empty Corner – From the horse’s mouth
Anand Raghavan, Finance

younger generation, if you really want them to know about the "Nature of

The empty corner continues to with the emotions of one

‘Idean’ on the flavour of the month. In this issue we have one
such feeling from our fellow Idean on Diwali and a different
view towards Diwali… Read on…
“Diwali” – the festival of lights brings in lots of fun, excitement
and hope in every one’s life. It’s the celebration of the victory
of good over evil.
I used to eagerly wait for the Diwali festival for all the light and fun it brings
along with it. Crackers, friends, sweets and new dresses make it much more
interesting. Not to miss the gamut of movies that release on Diwali.
As I grew up, the craze of Diwali had just got bigger and bigger until one day I
heard about a fire tragedy at Sivakasi. All I came to know from the news is that
children below the age of 14 who were employed in the fireworks factory were
killed in this incident. The crackers what we buy for fun had costed someone’s
life. Most of them young and who had come here by force and not by choice.
The scene as shown in the TV had really moved me. The cry and pain in the
face of everyone was far beyond explanation. What are we doing – encouraging
someone to exploit tender heart for having fun, playing with young people’s
life in the form of crackers?
I took a stand that I’ll never encourage people to employ kids in industries. I do
not enforce people around me to stop buying crackers or celebrate Diwali. All I
want is to see that all young kids in the country enjoy the celebrations in their
own right way rather than sitting and working in some hazardous industry. The
concept which people say about crackers is that it is the celebration in sky and
the god’s in the sky will shower their blessing. I have no right to comment but
what I feel as a responsible citizen is to make my country child labour free.
That does not mean that we close all the firework industry. What we have to
do is ensure from each one’s point of view that the there is no industry where
young hands are employed.
I would request all the readers to take it a point to stop child labour in
whatever form it is. And this effort is not for one festival or one occasion, but a
continuous process which requires a committed heart and constant conscious
Hope you all enjoyed this Diwali and shared happiness in each others life. Life
is all about giving and it grows bigger and bigger by giving more.

QUIZ Time !!

1. Gandhiji’s ashes were immersed in which river?

2. Who inspired Gandhi to become a vegetarian?
3. Who was the spiritual wife of Gandhi?
4. Name the community created by Gandhi in S
5. Gandhi was selected as the person of the century in 1999 along with
6. Whom did Gandhi refer as my walking sticks?

Answers of the last edition quiz

1. Saranath Lion Capital

2. French East India Company
3. Salt
4. Operation Vijay
5. Indira Gandhi
6. 1911 December 27 at Calcutta sessi on of Indian National
7. Aruna Asif Ali

The Winner is

Jayesh P V - NWS

Congratulations for our Teams who participated in the Southern

Region Tata Crucible Business Quiz 2009 held at Taj Connemara
at Chennai

M/s Carnic Karthikeyan & Gaurav Prakash (Marketing) and

M/s Arvind B (Marketing) & Jaimon Antony (HR)
Welcome to Idea Family
Name Function Designation Birth Date
P, Murugesan Marketing Senior Manager 1-Nov
V, Prabhakaran Sales Assistant Manager 1-Nov
Assistant Vice
Moorthy, Hari SDQ President 5-Nov
Gantayat, Digranjan Sales Senior Executive 5-Nov
Dorai, Deepak Sales Manager 8-Nov
B, Kaartik Networks Assistant Manager 9-Nov
Peters, Dorothy COO's Office Senior Executive 10-Nov
Sharma, Kamlendra Finance Assistant Manager 10-Nov
Mathivanan, Bharathi COO's Office Manager 11-Nov
Carcherla, Sanjeev Marketing Assistant Manager 17-Nov
S, Anandaraman SDQ Assistant Manager 17-Nov
K S, Suresh Kumar Networks Assistant Manager 22-Nov
Bhosale, Ajitnath
Vishnu Networks Senior Manager 22-Nov
Prakash, Vijay SDQ Executive 22-Nov
M, Palani Finance Senior Executive 24-Nov
Subramanian, Kalpana SDQ Assistant Manager 27-Nov
K, Suresh SDQ Executive 4-Dec
Kumar, Manoj SDQ Senior Executive 8-Dec
Kothari, Sandeep Finance Assistant Manager 10-Dec
Sekhar, Chandra Networks Assistant Manager 10-Dec
Karthikeyan Sales Assistant Manager 10-Dec
K, Suresh Kumar Networks Assistant Manager 11-Dec
Sundaram, Saravanan Networks Assistant Manager 12-Dec
K R, Srinivasan Sales Manager 13-Dec
Samuel, John Networks Senior Executive 14-Dec
Banerjee, Siddhartha HR General Manager 16-Dec
Sunilkumar, Rajeswari Networks Assistant Manager 19-Dec
Clement, B Sales Senior Executive 20-Dec
Nair, Deepak Sales Assistant Manager 25-Dec
P, Manoj Finance Executive 26-Dec
Saini, Aseem SDQ Management Trainee 26-Dec
Kumar, Bubesh Commercial Executive 30-Dec
Karthikeyan, Carnic Marketing Senior Manager 30-Dec
S G, Sajikrishnan Networks Manager 31-Dec
Mathuram, Ivan Sales Assistant Manager 31-Dec
Prabhu, Rajkumar Sales Assistant Manager 31-Dec
Date of
The Editorial
Name TeamLocation Joining Function Designation
S, Jayalakshmi Chennai 5-Oct-09 Finance Senior Executive
Anandaraman SrinivasanChennai
S, Karthikeyan 12-Nov-09 Finance Manager
Saurav Kumar
Zainab Joarawala
Geetha Chennai 4-Nov-09 Finance Senior Executive
Jaimon Bubesh
Kumar, Antony Chennai 26-Oct-09 Commercial Executive
Kumar M S, Sreelesh Nagarcoil 5-Oct-09 Networks Senior Executive
K, Shanu Cuddalure 20-Oct-09 Networks Senior Executive
M, Karthikeyan Tuticorin 23-Oct-09 Networks Executive
E, Senthilraja Dindigul 30-Oct-09 Networks Executive
Kumar G, Viswath Chennai 2-Nov-09 Networks Senior Executive
V, Varunan Chennai 2-Nov-09 Networks Engineer
Prabhu D, Mohan Chennai 5-Nov-09 Networks Manager
Nair, Arun Tirupur 6-Oct-09 Networks Senior Executive
Iyyappan V S, Bala Sivakasi 8-Oct-09 Networks Senior Executive
S, Satish Trichy 13-Oct-09 Networks Senior Executive
S, Manikandan Tenkasi 21-Oct-09 Networks Executive
Selvan V, Kalai Chennai 21-Oct-09 SDQ Executive
V, Manikandan Namakkal 7-Oct-09 Sales Senior Executive
S, Yuvarajan Chennai 8-Oct-09 Sales Manager
S S, Muthukrishnan Sivakasi 12-Oct-09 Sales Manager
Kumar E, Ashok Madurai 16-Oct-09 Sales Manager
S, Anbu Madurai 2-Nov-09 Sales Manager
J, Raghupatiraja Nagarcoil 16-Nov-09 Sales Senior Executive
T, Ratheesh Chennai 16-Nov-09 Sales Senior Executive
B, Sudharsan Trichy 16-Nov-09 Sales Manager
B Saravanan Chennai 23-Nov-09 Sales Manager

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