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Tourism in India is a large industry.

The World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that

tourism generated $121 billion or 6.4% of the nation's !" in 2#11. $t %as res&onsible for '()'
million *obs) +.(% of its total em&loyment. The !" of the tourism sector has e,&anded 22(%
bet%een 1((# and 2#11. The sector is &redicted to gro% at an average annual rate of +)+% in the
ne,t decade.
$n a 2#11 forecast the World Travel and Tourism Council &redicted the annual
gro%th to be /)/% bet%een 2#11 and 2#21. This gave $ndia the fifth ran0 among countries %ith
the fastest gro%ing tourism industry.
$ndia has a large medical tourism sector %hich is e,&ected
to gro% at an estimated rate of '#% annually to reach about ()1## crore by 2#11.
$n the year 2#11) there %ere nearly 6.2( million foreign tourist arrivals in $ndia) u& by over /%
from the year 2#1# %hen 1.+/ million foreign tourists arrived in $ndia. !omestic tourist visits to all
states and 2nion Territories numbered +4+.+# million. The ma*ority of foreign tourists come from
the 2nited 3tates 416%5 and the 2nited 6ingdom 412)6%5. $n 2#11 7aharashtra) Tamil
8adu and !elhi %ere the most &o&ular states for foreign tourists. !omestic tourists visited the
states 2ttar "radesh) 9ndhra "radesh and Tamil 8adu most fre:uently.
Chennai) !elhi) 7umbai and 9gra have been the four most visited cities of $ndia by foreign
tourists during the year 2#11. World%ide) Chennai is ran0ed 41 by the number of foreign tourists)
%hile !elhi is ran0ed at 1#) 7umbai at 1+ and 9gra at 61.
The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011 ran0ed the &rice com&etitiveness of $ndia's
tourism sector 2/th out of 1'( countries. $t mentions that $ndia has :uite good air trans&ort
4ran0ed '(th5) &articularly given the country;s stage of develo&ment) and reasonable ground
trans&ort infrastructure 4ran0ed 4'rd5. 3ome other as&ects of its tourism infrastructure remain
some%hat underdevelo&ed ho%ever. The nation has very fe% hotel rooms &er ca&ita by
international com&arison and lo% 9T7 &enetration. The $ndian government has identified a
shortage of 11#)### hotel rooms) %ith most of the undersu&&ly in the budget sector.
The 7inistry of Tourism designs national &olicies for the develo&ment and &romotion of tourism.
$n the &rocess) the 7inistry consults and collaborates %ith other sta0eholders in the sector
including various Central 7inistries<agencies) state governments) 2nion Territories and the
re&resentatives of the &rivate sector. Concerted efforts are being made to &romote ne% forms of
tourism such as rural) cruise) medical and eco=tourism.
The 7inistry also maintains
the $ncredible $ndia cam&aign.
$ndia's rich history and its cultural and geogra&hical diversity ma0e its international tourism a&&eal
large and diverse. $t &resents heritage and cultural tourism along %ith medical) business and
s&orts tourism.
The 8orthern &art of $ndia &ossesses diverse landsca&e %hich are &erfect destinations
for those see0ing thrill and adventure. >eing surrounded by the mighty ?imalayas in the
8orth and the anges in the south) the rugged landsca&e of 8orth $ndia brings to& you a
%ide array of &laces) irres&ective of %hat your interest is.
Tourism in 8orth $ndia gives clear &icture of numerous fairs and festivals that %ill reflect
the culture and tradition of $ndia. 6no% the fascinating culminations of the %onderful
multi=cultural society of $ndia.
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Punjab Tourism
3ituated in the northern &art of $ndia) "un*ab is 0no%n as the granary of $ndia. With its
endless golden fields and fast gro%ing industrial estates) "un*ab has become one of the
most develo&ed and rich states of $ndia. "un*ab) the land of five rivers and undiminished
cultural history) is a treasure trove for a craFy tourist. The land of the great saints and
scholars not only boasts of ancient monuments of glory and sacrifice but throbs %ith
historical embodiments.
There is no absence of a%e=ins&iring &laces D &alaces in "un*ab. ?ousing the seat of
s&irituality for 3i0hism at 9mritsar) "un*ab is also one most sought after destinations in
$ndia. "un*ab is the only state in $ndia) %hich has a road%ay to the neighbouring country
= "a0istan) once an integral &art of $ndia. "un*ab) the chief %heat &roducing state of the
country) is the overland entry &oint into $ndia. The state is also 0no%n for its &roduction
of s&orts and hosiery goods. >eing close to !elhi) "un*ab is easily accessible from any
&art of $ndia.
9long %ith the &ristine landsca&e and salubrious climate) "un*ab is also the land of
bhangra dance) fol0lores) lassi) ghee and tandoori cuisines. While Travelling in "un*ab)
head for 9mritsar and the olden Tem&le) %hich is the most revered tem&le for the
3i0hs. Travel to "un*ab and discover the mysteries of this treasured land. Tour to "un*ab
and gaFe the ca&tivating nature and monuments of "un*ab. Gisit to the magnificent
olden Tem&le) !urhiana tem&le) 7oti >agh "alace) @allian%ala >agh and a &rofusion
of &alaces) museums) &ar0s and tem&les on your tri& to "un*ab. 9vail the travel services
of "un*ab tour &ac0ages for your "un*ab tour. Belish a &rofusion of beautiful dances)
colourful and vibrant festivals) music and delectable cuisine of "un*ab on your tour to
9ncient monuments) mystical religious &laces) grand malls and various s&ices H
%elcome to !elhi) the ca&ital city of $ndia. 9 tour to !elhi %ill ta0e you to one of the
fastest gro%ing cities in the country. With our !elhi Tours %e ta0e you to a &lace %here
you can e,&erience the beautiful amalgamation of an era long gone and an age of the
modern civiliFation. 3&ra%led over the West >an0 of the river Iamuna) !elhi is one of
the ma*or tourist destinations in the country.
The grandeur of !elhi is divided into its t%o districts) Ald !elhi and 8e% !elhi Tour. Iou
%ill be amaFed to 0no% that %ith our !elhi $ndia Tour you can e,&lore the marvels of
both the districts. With its numerous attractions and s&lendid &laces) %e assure you that
there %ill be something ne% to e,&lore on each day of your vacation. With our 8e% !elhi
Tours you %ill see that %hile you travel to Ald !elhi) you %ill come across narro% streets
bustling %ith various noises. The lifestyle of the &eo&le can be related to the ancient age.
?o%ever) at 8e% !elhi you %ill find a much more urban lifestyle %ith all the malls) clubs)
&ubs and broad high%ays. 8o matter %hich art you &lan to visit) %ith our !elhi $ndia
Tour) you can surely e,&erience all the e,citement and fun that you %ish for.
To 0no% something about the royal ancient $ndia) you need to ta0e 8e% !elhi Tour to all
the historical monuments and forts. 9 visit to these sites %ill ta0e you bac0 to the o&ulent
&ast of the country. The architectural beauty) the ma*estic environment) the breath ta0ing
landsca&e H everything that you come across %hile on your 8e% !elhi $ndia Tour to
these historical &laces) %ill surely leave an everlasting im&ression on your mind and
heart. Je% &laces that you should not miss out are The Bed Jort) Kutub 7inar) $ndia
ate) @antar 7antar) etc.
Eoo0ing for a religious vacationL >oo0 a religious tour %ith our 8e% !elhi Tours. We
assure you that you %ill e,&erience the most serene vacation ever. 8o matter %hat
religion you belong to you are sure to find your religious abode here in !elhi. Eet the
devotion refresh your soul and mind. With our !elhi $ndia tours %e ta0e you to some of
the amaFing religious &laces in $ndia namely) >ahai Tem&le 4Eotus Tem&le5) @ama
7as*id) >irla 7andir) $36CA8 Tem&le) 3t. @ames Church) 9urobindo 9shram) etc.
$f you are a sho&aholic) then !elhi tours is %hat you should o&t for. This is the &lace
%here you can actually sho& till you dro&. >e it a traditional ethnic &roduct or an u&=to=
date ultra modern material) !elhi is the &lace you %ill find all. 3o get your list ready and
boo0 your 8e% !elhi Tour right a%ay. We assure to cater to all that you need and all that
you %ant.
This is not allM Je% other &laces that you should visit %hile on your 8e% !elhi $ndia Tour
are the interesting museums in the state. With a collection of %ide variety) these
museums are &aradise to students of history as %ell as foreign tourists. Je% im&ortant
museums are 8atural ?istory 7useum) 8ational 7useum) $ndira 7emorial 7useum) etc.
Eoo0ing for a &lace %here you can soothe your mind a%ay from the busy city lifeL Iou
can ta0e a tri& to the beautiful gardens %hile in your 8e% !elhi Tour. Eet the beautiful
aura and the greenery ta0e you to com&lete tran:uility. The fe% gardens %here you can
e,&ect to rela, and mello% do%n your nerves are The 7ughal arden) Eodi ardens)
>uddha @ayanti "ar0) etc
$f you %ant to get a%ay from the hotch&otch of the chaotic city li0e and engulf the
freshness of 7other 8ature) you are on the right mage. Travelling 2ttara0hand %ill
surely give you the best time of your life. The lush greenery) the mighty mountains) the
silent valleys) the sim&le and s%eet &eo&le and above all the refreshing atmos&here) the
land has all that you need in a &erfect vacation. This &eace lover;s &aradise lies in the
la& of the mighty ?imalayas.
Cnvelo&ed by the ma*estic mountains) mighty glaciers you can ta0e a tri& to this &art of
the %orld and marvel at the gurgling hill broo0s) flo%er beaded valleys and gentle clouds
%hich ma0es a &erfect abode for the ods and the oddesses. 2ttara0hand is the
&erfect &ilgrimage for all the devotees. ?ere you can visit &laces li0e ?arid%ar)
Bishi0esh) >adrinath and 6edarnath. These &laces find their &osition in the ?indu
mythology. Gisit these &laces and engulf the &urity and the serenity in the environment.
Iou may also ta0e a di& into the holy anges and visit the tem&les of these &laces
during the evening 9arti. Cven if you do not believe in god) you %ill surely love the aura
that creates a &eace and harmony no %here else to be found.
Hill Stations:
et that stress out of your head. Gisit the ?ill 3tations %hile on your 2ttaranchal Travel.
The state holds &ride in homing fe% of the famous hill stations in the country.
8amely) 7ussoorie) 8ainital) 9lmora) Bani0het) to name a fe%. Iou %ill be fascinated to
0no% that most of the hill station in 2ttaranchal had even attracted the >ritish during the
Ba* era. 9s you ta0e a %al0 along the &ictures:ue malls and beautiful hamlets) you %ill
still feel the touch of the Cnglish. The &laces still continue to dra% huge visitors for its
fresh air) thic0 %oods and breathta0ing mountains.
Jor the adventure frea0) there are a host of tourist attractions for you as you boo0 your
2ttaranchal Travel. With its rugged hilly terrains) rushing streams and the green=coated
valleys) the land offers am&le o&&ortunity for adventures li0eN 30iing) Bafting) olfing)
mountain climbing and tre00ing. The mighty rivers in the arh%al regions challenge the
&assionate rafter %hereas the sno%=clad slo&es in 9uli) 7unsiyari lure the avid s0ier.
The obscure %ilderness of the state %ould unfailingly invite you to embar0 on an e,citing
The Beaut o! the Land:
Want to get a brea0 from the hotch&otch of the busy city lifeL Ta0e a brea0 into the serenity amidst the
ma*estic ?imalayas. With us boo0 your ne,t vacation in the %onderful land of ?imachal "radesh. ?imachal
"radesh Travel in $ndia %ill let you e,&lore the sheer geogra&hical diversity %hich you %ill find only at this
alluring &lace. The land is one of its 0inds. 7arvel at the lo% rolling bills) *ust a cou&le of hundred meters
above sea level) climb on to touch the core of the ?imalaya 7ountainsO e,&erience something com&letely
out of this %orld. . Then) &ast these forbidding heights) lie the visually stunning cold deserts of the Trans
The Allurin" Atmos#here:
9t ?imachal "radesh ) you %ill be amaFed to find the diversity ion the climate of the region. Iou %ill realiFe
that the state can be divided into t%o regionsN the 3outhern &art) %hich is almost as hot as the &lains and the
northern region having a tem&erate summer and a %inter %ith e,treme cold and heavy sno%fall.
3o to ma0e your vacation the most memorable voyage of your life you need to visit this %onderful land
during the months 7id=7ay to 7id=Actober.
The Lo$ale Pleasures:
9 visit to the %onderful land of ?imachal "radesh %ould *ust go in vain if you do not meet u& %ith
the local &eo&le. The %armth in the heart and the hos&itality that you receive on your ?imachal
"radesh Travel in $ndia) you %ill realiFe that the calmness of the nature synchroniFes %ith the calmness in
the attitude of the &eo&le. Cn*oy the sim&le and :uiet life of the &eo&le %ho tend their orchards) fields and
floc0s. The &o&ulation is com&osed of a variety of distinctive hill tribesN adis) u*aris) 6innauris) Eahulis)
"ang%alis) and Ba*&uts. ?indi = the official state language and "ahari are the &rinci&al languages.
The Bree% Hill Stations:
et a%ay from the scorching heat of the summers and retreat into the serene) cool and calm land of
?imachal "radesh. With our ?imachal "radesh Travel in $ndia %e ta0e you to fe% of the most e,otic &laces
in the state %here you can forget all your stress and *ust rela,. Gisit the numerous %onderful hill stations)
%hich are sure to give you the most %onderful time during the tiring summer. "laces that you can visit are
3himla) !alhousie) 6ullu) 7anali and 6ufri. ?ere in these &laces you can en*oy the breathta0ing scenery and
countless o&tions of adventure s&orts. !haramshala) %here the !alai Eama lives) is another im&ortant
centre on the tourist ma&.
&eel the Thrill:
The rivers in dee& gorges and &lacid mountain la0es) thic0 forests and acres of scree) mountainsides
dra&ed %ith sno%) and green 9l&ine meado%s) everything that the land &ossesses is *ust enough to give you
the best time of your life. $ndulge yourself %ith the %hole range adventure activities. 9ctivities that %ill surely
e,cite you are day=bi0es) tre00ing) s0iing) helis0ing) ice=s0ating) &aragliding) mountain cycling) cam&ing)
fishing) golf) safari by car) *ee& or on motorcycle) mountaineering) roc0 climbing. @ust name it and you %ill
have it.
7a0e the most of your vacation. Jorget the daily routine and use your senses for a com&lete ne% venture.
>oo0 your ?imachal "radesh Travel in $ndia right a%ay and feel the difference in your moodM
Ane can %itness variety of flora and fauna in the 8orthern &arts of $ndia. The
state of 2ttaranchal and Ba*asthan covers a vast &art of 8orth $ndia. The Corbett
8ational "ar0 in 2ttaranchal is a fascinating &ar0) %hich is 0no%n for the tigers.
The Banthambore 8ational "ar0 and 3aris0a Wildlife 3anctuary in Ba*asthan are
0no%n for tigers and leo&ards. 9lso) the tourists can %itness a variety of birds in
the 6eoladeo hana 8ational "ar0 in Ba*asthan. The rich climate of the &lace
su&&orts the gro%th of variety of flora and fauna of this region.

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