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16.3. Laboratory 3: The ARM parallel I/O ports

16.3.1. Objectives

The objectives of this laboratory are:

1. Configure the general purpose input-output of the ARM microcontroller to
match the circuitry available on the Keil ARM EVB.

2. To write a small program that monitors the input switches and controls the
LEDs on the EVB.
16.3.2. Introduction

Microcontrollers are used to monitor and control physical systems. Systems may be
very simple such as using a transducer to detect when the temperature reaches some
critical value and at that point drive some circuitry to turn on cooling. While the
system being monitored/controlled may be very complex the process can be simulated
by having the firmware monitor an on-off switch and depending upon the result
control an LED. In a real system the challenge for the hardware engineer is the
circuitry to interface the microcontroller to the external world while for the software
engineer the challenge is usually the magnitude of the number of inputs and outputs
required by a real system.

The ARM EVB has a set of LEDs wired to bits 8 to 15 of PortE plus 3 push button
switches labelled User (PB7), Tamper (PC13) and WakeUp (PA0) that may be used to
simulate user on-off inputs
. See figure 16.10

Figure 16.10. ARM-switch interface
16.3.3. References.

To implement the Tamper and WakeUp functions the microcontroller alternative functions must be
implemented. Until this is done these two switches may be treated as general purpose input. The
joystick also provides a push function (pin PD11) so it could also be used.
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1. STMicroelectronics: RM0008 Reference manual for the STM32F101xx,
STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx, STM32F105xx and STM32F107xx advanced
ARM-based 32-bit MCUs
Available on the Keil site as stm32f10_ref.pdf

2. STMicroelectronics: Data sheet for the STM32F105xx, STM32F107xx.
Connectivity line, ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 64/256 KB Flash, USB OTG,
Ethernet, 10 timers, 2 CANs, 2 ADCs, 14 communication interfaces
Available on the Keil site as stm32f105(7)_data.pdf

3. STMicroelectronics: STM32F10xxx Cortex-M3 programming manual.

4. Joseph Yiu. The Definitive Guide to the ARM-Cortex M3 Second Edition.

5. Chapter on ARM-IO in Embedded Microprocessor Systems by J.Kneen
16.3.4. Preliminary.

Section 16.3.9 gives the starting code for this laboratory. It includes turning the LEDs
on and off. The code is a smaller version of that used in the previous laboratories. In
the previous laboratories the LEDs flashed so quickly they could not be detected.

1. Part of this laboratory will require turning the LEDs on and off at a visible
rate. From your results to section 16.1.6 estimate the initial value of R0 in the
following code fragment to give a visible delay.

Delay ADDS R0,#-1 ;note minus 1
BNE Delay

To initialise R0 the code might be of the form mov #constant. To keep the
instruction within a 32 bit word
the ARM limits the value of constant.

2. From reference 3 STM32F10xxx Cortex-M3 programming manual read
section 3.3.3 and document the restrictions on the value of constant.

The USER switch in this laboratory is wired to GPIOB. This will require GPIOB to
be configured. (See preliminary 4)

3. Complete tables 16.11 and 16.12

The ARM is a RISC reduced instruction set computer. It limits the number of instructions in order
to achieve higher speed. If 32 bit operands were allowed this would require two visits to memory
which would degrade the performance.
To overcome this restriction the instruction to initialise r0 will be ldr r0,=constant.
While students are only required to add code for GPIOB in this laboratory the additional
information is given for completeness and later reference.
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Port Base Address Clock Enable Bit in
(address 0x40021018)

Figure 16.11. GPIO Base Address and Clock enables.

Register Mnemonic Address Offset
Configuration Register
Configuration Register
Input Data Register GPIOx_IDR
Output Data Register GPIOx_ODR

Figure 16.12. Input output registers

Figure 16.13. Code to test switch.

4. Using the code provided in section 16.3.9 as a guide read through the chapter
on the ARM_IO and then develop the code to configure
the pin/port
containing the user switch.

Note that the ARM internal clock is being used so the first step will be enabling the peripheral bus
clock to the port to be used.
Read the port with the switch.
Mask/isolate the switch bit.
Turn off LEDs code given
Label Loop
Switch Pressed
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5. Develop the code to implement the flow chart of figure 16.13. Note in the
procedure this code will inserted after the LEDs have been turned on. The
LEDs will remain on when the switch is pressed.
16.3.5. Procedure

1. Start a new project in the Keil development environment. The Keil start up
code is not required. Save the project as Lab03.

Create the sample program Lab03.s given in section 16.3.9.

2. Insert the code from the preliminary for a visible delay and test. Use the MSO
to accurately measure your delay.

3. Modify your code to read the switch. Using the code as given the switch is
only read once. To test it will be necessary to either single step or hold the
switch down while re-running the code.

4. Modify your code to wait until the switch is pressed before turning the LEDs

The existing program includes 4 fragments:

(i) Code to turn the LEDs on and off
(ii) Code to read an input switch
(iii) Code to make a decision on the state of the switch, and
(iv) A delay routine.

These fragments could be combined to form a simple state machine such as a
pedestrian road crossing. The actual traffic lights (red-green-yellow) would replace
the LEDs, the switch would be the request button and the delay would generate times
that match those required by a real pedestrian crossing.

5. Re-program your code to implement the design of figure 16.14.

6. Your report will be enhanced with a MSO trace of your program. Take a trace
with at least 3 channels:

(a) One channel probing the input switch
(b) A second probe on one of the first group of LEDs
(c) The third probe on one of the lower group of LEDs.

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Figure 16.14. Flashing LEDs

16.3.6. Questions

1. Often several outputs need to be wired together in an open drain/collector
configuration. What is open drain and how does it work? How may open drain
be configured on one of the ARM output pins?

2. In this laboratory the switch is sampled at one instant of time. If this happened
in, for example a pedestrian traffic light controller, the request could be
missed. What is needed is a circuit that remembers that a switch has been
pressed. It is suggested that the RS flip flop might be an appropriate
component. Explain how the RS flip flop could be implemented in the design
of a traffic light controller.
16.3.7. Report
As well as summarising what you did and answering the questions your report should
highlight any challenges the laboratory presented and how you overcame these.
Consider you are writing a laboratory guide for other students. Attempt to document
something to assist them with any problems you perceive they might have. Looking at
the footnotes might provide some ideas for the type of extra material you can include.
16.3.8. Looking ahead
For these laboratories assembly language has been used. In laboratory 16.4 using the
C language with the ARM microcontroller will be introduced. The laboratory will
also reinforce the work on the parallel ports by using a joystick to generate a range of
inputs which will allow programming of many output options.
16.3.9. Appendix

RCC_APB2ENR EQU 0x40021018
GPIOE_CRH EQU 0x40011804
GPIOE_ODR EQU 0x4001180c

Flash 4 LEDs in turn.
Flash other 4 LEDs.
Switch Pressed
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EXPORT __Vectors
DCD 0x20000200
DCD Reset_Handler

EXPORT Reset_Handler
Reset_Handler PROC
mov r6,#0x40 ;enable clock to port E
ldr r7,=RCC_APB2ENR
str r6,[r7]
mov r6,#0x33333333 ;configure port E - o/p to LEDs
ldr r7,=GPIOE_CRH
str r6,[r7]
mov r6,#0xff00; ;turn LEDs on
ldr r7,=GPIOE_ODR
str r6,[r7]
;Insert your code here
mov r6,#0x00; ;turn LEDs off
ldr r7,=GPIOE_ODR
str r6,[r7]
b Loop

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