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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for three Year
Submitted To% Submitted B&%
E0A$ ROLL NO*,,12.3
4, 5
The course of BBA require one to undergo a research project with
the end of the 6th Semester, so as to get a practical knowledge and
understanding the practical aspects of all the theories read. It helps
us to make the best use of our skills and intelligence so as to
make a better research report. It is reall the most important thing
during the course of the stud. The purpose of m research project
was to stud the !erformance appraisal sstem and its use in
appraisal the emploee, candidates. It was a continuous learning
e"perience as I got to know different kinds of Appraisal procedure,
how the are conducted and are beneficial.
4. 5
It is indeed a moment of immense gratefulness for me to express
my deepest gratitude to the faculty of SMS for providing me with
any opportunity to carry out this survey and help me create survey
report on evolution of tata ace.
I am immensely grateful to Prof P.N. Jha (Director of SMS for
providing me opportunity to prove my s!ills and shoulder the
responsi"ilities through this survey report. I would also li!e to
convey my sincere gratitude to co#coordinator Mr. Atish Khadse
and my pro$ect guide Mr. AMITABH PANDEY for his valua"le
guidance and suggestions while pursuing the pro$ect and for ta!ing
pains to give his valua"le inputs to structure the report. %ithout his
help and valua"le inputs and guidelines& the completion of this
pro$ect would not have "een possi"le.
I am highly inde"ted and than!ful to each and every person who
devoted valua"le time out of their "usy schedule to fill#up the
'uestionnaire in the time. I am also than!ful to our faculty and
classmates for their suggestion and support to underta!e this
wor! and also during the course of study.
(() *
SMS& +aranasi
49 5
" SA(EE) SHAJ" a 7tudent of BBA of SCHOOL O $ANA:E$ENT
SC"ENCE #aranasi$ hereb declares that all the information collected
through the questionnaire is correct in accordance with the sample si%e.
All the statistical diagram from the information collected through the
I also declare that no part of this project has been duplicated from
another source, the information included in the project has been
researched and project written b me and the information collected or
presented in the report is correct to the best of m knowledge and belief.
41 5
4- 5
4/ 5
"ndia i7 the lar>e7t ?ountr& in South A7ia but onl& the 2th lar>e7t in the @orld8 @ith
a 7urfa?e area of 9'. million 7q 6m' The
former Briti7h ?olon&8 ho@eAer8 the .nd
hi>he7t population on earth8 @ith 7ome
,',3 billion people8 a fi>ure onl&
beaten onl& b& ChinaB7 population of ,'91
billion' The ?ountr& ha7 an eCten7iAe
?oa7tline8 @ith the @e7tern ?oa7t
fa?in> onto the Arabian Sea8 the
7outhern fa?in> onto the "ndian O?ean8 an the ea7tern fa?in> the Ba& of Ben>al' "ndia
ha7 landborder7 @ith Pa6i7tan D.83,.6mE to the north @e7t8 China D989FG6mE8 Nepal
D,8/3G6mE and Bhutan D/G-6mE to the north8 Ban>lade7h D18G-96mE and Burma
D,81/96mE to the ea7t'
"ndian automotiAe indu7tr& ha7 been >oin> throu>h a health& pha7e oAer the la7t fe@
&ear7' At pre7ent8 the dome7ti? mar6et 7hare i7 dominated b& t@o @heeler78 follo@ed
b& pa77en>er Aehi?le78 ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 and three @heeler7' A number of "ndian
automobile firm7 haAe no@ ma7tered the art of manufa?turin> 7ophi7ti?ated li>ht
?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 and heaA& ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 alon> @ith ?ar7 of Aaried
42 5
Automobile ?ompanie78 li6e% Tata $otor78 $ahindra = $ahindra8 A7ho6 Le&land8
S@araH $aIda and Ei?her are manufa?turin> hi>h performan?e deliAerin> LC<7' The
LC<7 produ?ed b& the7e ?ompanie7 are not onl& 7old in "ndia but are al7o eCported to
Aariou7 forei>n mar6et7 a7 @ell' Li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le 7tati7ti?7 indi?ate that the
produ?tion of the7e Aehi?le7 @ill ?ontinue their pha7e of de?ent >ro@th in the ?omin>
&ear7 a7 @ell' A >raphi?al repre7entation of the trend of LC< produ?tion @ill help &ou
to >et a better in7i>ht about the pre7ent 7ituation of the7e Aehi?le7 in the ?ountr&'
"n the la7t fe@ &ear7 hu>e amount of inAe7tment7 haAe been made in the automotiAe
indu7tr&' (ith more >lobal pla&er7 >ettin> intere7ted in the "ndian automotiAe
indu7tr&8 the7e inAe7tment7 are 7uppo7ed to in?rea7e eAen more in the near future'
$o7t of the leadin> LC< manufa?turer7 in the ?ountr& are empha7iIin> on better
re7ear?h and deAelopmental a?tiAitie7 and effort7 are bein> >iAen to proAide effi?ient
after 7ale7 7erAi?e to the ?u7tomer7' Li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le 7tati7ti?7 7u>>e7t that
the dome7ti? 7ale of the7e Aehi?le7 @ill in?rea7e at a ?ommendable rate' A >raphi?al
repre7entation of the dome7ti? 7ale of li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 in "ndia from .GG, to
.GG2 i7 >iAen a7 follo@7%
"n the re?ent de?ade7 there ha7 been a 7i>nifi?ant ri7e in the number of LC<7 eCported
to Aariou7 nation7 of the @orld' The "ndian LC< manufa?turer7 are no@ utiliIin>
adAan?ed en>ineerin> 76ill7 to deAelop @orld ?la77 Aehi?le7 that ?an >iAe tou>h
?ompetition to the LC<7 produ?ed b& the auto >iant78 li6e% :eneral $otor78 ord8
To&ota et?' A7 per the li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le 7tati7ti?78 the eCport of the7e Aehi?le7
4F 5
@ill >ro@ in the follo@in> &ear7' ECport trend of li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 from .GG,
to .GG2%
To 6no@ more about LC<7 and matter7 related to automobile8 bro@7e throu>h the
pa>e7 of8 automobileindia'?om'
43 5
To >ain familiarit& @ith a phenomenon or to a?hieAe a ne@ in7i>ht7 into it'
To portra& a??uratel& the ?hara?teri7ti?7 of a parti?ular indiAidual8 7ituation or
a >roup'
ProAide an oAerAie@ of the pre7ent 7ituation of TATA <ehi?le in the
Se>mented mar6et'
Pre7ent a 7&7temati? anal&7i7 of customers !ee" # $%!t for TATA
To find out Customer s%t's(%ct'o! re>ardin> TATA <ehi?le'
Colle?t the different opinion from different )eo)*e in order to anal&Ie the
performan?e of TATA Ve+'c*e a??ordin> to ?olle?ted data'
4,G 5
Thi7 proHe?t deliAered the anal&7i7 about the 7ale7 promotion $ar6et Re7ear?h on
Commer?ial <ehi?le u7er7 e7pe?iall& in tr%!s)orts' B& the help of thi7 proHe?t @e ?an
find out @hatJ7 the a?tual po7ition of ?ommer?ial <ehi?le7 i7 in the mar6et' B& the
7urAe& @ith the help of Kue7tionnaire and interAie@ @e ?an find out @here TATAJ7
<ehi?le 7tand in the mar6et in ?ompari7on to S(ARAJ $A)#A8 E"CHER8
$AH"N#RA = $AH"N#RA and ASHO; LEYLAN#' (hat i7 the 7ati7fa?tion
leAel of the ?u7tomer8 @here the problem i78 @here @e are la?6in> behind @ith
other ?ompanie78 ho@ @e ?an 7olAe the problem7 and @hat 7hould be the 7olution7'
"t i7 Aer& adAanta>eou7 for the mana>ement to 6no@ the leAel of 7ati7fa?tion their
?u7tomer and emplo&ee7 of the or>ani7ation' "t be?ome7 more ea7& for the
mana>ement8 to handle the ?u7tomer a??ordin> to hi7 or her need' Thi7 fulfillment of
need @ill @or6 a7 a motiAatin> fa?tor for the u7er of Commer?ial <ehi?le and ?omin>
bu&er @hi?h i7 li6el& to ?alled CG in @or6in> 7t&le of the ?ompan&' B& fulfillin> the
requirement8 it @ill @or6 more effi?ientl&' "n addition to thi78 the 7tud& al7o 7ho@7
the need of the department' Thi7 7tud& ?an be ta6en a7 a ba7i7 for further 7tudie7 on
need7 of the 7imilar 7ample8 b& @hi?h the mana>ement ?an under7tand the 7hift of
need7 @ith the time fa?tor'
4,, 5
Tata $otor7 re?entl& announ?ed the laun?h of their tran7portation mode in the name
of Tata $a>i?' Tata motor7 ta6e7 &et another maHor initiatiAe throu>h their ne@
produ?t in ?han>in> the @a& of traAelin> in "ndia' The ne@ Tata $a>i? ha7 been
deAeloped on the 7u??e77ful platform of the 7tupendou7 A?e and i7 tar>eted at both the
rural and urban area7 in >iAin> it7 ?u7tomer7 a 7afe8 ?omfortable four @heeler
tran7portation mode'
The ne@ Tata $a>i? from Tata $otor7 @a7 laun?hed in a nation@ide ba7i7
@hi?h 7tarted @ith :uHarat and $ahara7htra and the ?ompan& eCpe?t7 to eCtend the
aAailabilit& of the $a>i? to other remainin> part7 of the ?ountr& in due ?our7e of time'
Be7ide78 Tata $otor7 loo67 to ?reate ne@ 7e>ment7 @ith it7 $a>i? Aariant and the&
aim to ?oAer the entire 7pe?trum of the need7 of the ?u7tomer7 in ma77 tran7portation
in a ?omplimentar& manner' The $a>i? i7 aimed to ?oAer need7 of tran7portation from
the rural interior7 to top ?itie7 and hi>h end luCur& ma77 tran7portation ?ate>or& a7
Tata $otor7 ha7 de7i>ned the ne@ Aariant of $a>i? quite er>onomi?all& @ith
an all*7teel ?abin' "n fa?t8 the $a>i? boa7t7 of haAin> a mu?h fleCible 7eatin> ?apa?it&
that ?an a??ommodate a minimum of 1 pa77en>er7 and a maCimum of 2 pa77en>er7'
The Tata $a>i? al7o plea7e7 it7 ?u7tomer7 @ith it7 Aer& 7pa?iou7 and plea7ant
4,. 5
interior7' The interior in?lude7 7ome >reat ?omfortable 7eat7 @ith an ample le>room to
en7ure the ?u7tomer an enHo&able ride @ith hi7 famil&'
The Ne@ Tata $a>i? from Tata $otor7 >et7 po@ered b& a 2GG?? ,/ HP @ater
?ooled en>ine that run7 on die7el' "n fa?t8 the en>ineer7 of Tata $otor7 haAe uniquel&
de7i>ned the $a>i? to proAide lo@ maintenan?e ?o7t7 but >iAe7 hi>h fuel effi?ien?&'
The $a>i? al7o ha7 ,. in?h tire7 that help7 in proAidin> a hi>h >round ?learan?e
?ompared to the Aehi?le7 of it7 ?la77' Be7ide7 the t@elAe in?h tire78 the ne@ $a>i? ha7
a ri>id front aCle that >iAe7 it the abilit& to @eather an& 7ort of tou>h ?ondition7 of the
"ndian road7'
Tata $otor7 haAe ta6en 7ome 7eriou7 7tep7 in ma6in> the $a>i? driAer
friendl&' The ?ompan& ha7 proAided a turnin> radiu7 of 1'9 meter7 @hi?h i7 quite a>ile
enou>h for the $a>i? to naAi>ate throu>h den7e traffi?7 and narro@ b& lane7' There
are 7ome other utilit& feature7 that haAe been added to the ne@ $a>i? @hi?h in?lude7
utilit& tra&8 a di>ital ?lo?6 on the da7hboard8 an in7trument ?lu7ter that i7 ?learl&
Ai7ible and a radio fitment proAi7ion for the benefit7 of the driAer'
"ndian ?u7tomer7 ?an >et the all ne@ $a>i? from Tata $otor7 from their
eC?lu7iAe 7ho@room78 @hi?h i7 7pread all a?ro77 the ?ountr&' The ne@ $a>i? ha7
been reported to meet all the emi77ion norm7 in?ludin> the BS*"""' urthermore8 Tata
$otor7 ha7 ta6en 7pe?ial ?are of the $a>i? to deAelop it for u7e in an& 7ort of mar6et8
be it rural8 7emi*urban or urban' The pri?e ran>e of the $a>i? i7 around R7'.'/ la6h7
and i7 ba?6ed b& a ,. month+9/GGG6m @arrant&'
Tata $otor7 produ?e7 Aehi?le7 both in the Li>ht Commer?ial <ehi?le7 DLC<E
and the $edium and HeaA& Commer?ial <ehi?le7 D$ and HC<E 7e>ment7' "t fa?e7
4,9 5
hi>her ?ompetition in the LC< 7e>ment8 @here it7 Tata ACE ha7 been a hu>e 7u??e77'
"nternationaliIation form7 a 6e& ?omponent of Tata $otorB7 7trate>& and it ha7
7u??e77full& entered ?ountrie7 haAin> a demand 7imilar to "ndia li6e South Afri?a8
Thailand and Ar>entina8 mainl& throu>h a?qui7ition7 and Hoint Aenture7' "t need7 to
improAe it7 produ?t reliabilit&8 7erAi?e net@or6 and ?hannel rea?h in order to maintain
and repli?ate thi7 7u??e77 in other mar6et7' Some of the re?ommendation7 for Tata
$otor7 are eCplorin> ma77 ?u7tomiIation option7 in the Small Commer?ial <ehi?le
DSC<E 7e>ment8 improAin> brand reputation and te?hnolo>& appropriation to brin>
out a @orld ?la77 ultra*HC< 7e>ment'
Tata $otor7 i7 ?urrentl& "ndiaB7 lar>e7t automobile ?ompan& @ith reAenue7 of
L2'. billion in .GG/*G2' "t i7 b& far the leader in ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 and the 7e?ond
lar>e7t pla&er in the pa77en>er Aehi?le7 mar6et @ith @innin> produ?t7 in the ?ompa?t8
mid7iIe ?ar and utilit& Aehi?le 7e>ment7' Emplo&in> around .9GGG people and
headquartered in $umbai8 Tata $otor7 be?ame the fir7t ?ompan& from "ndiaB7
en>ineerin> 7e?tor to be li7ted in the NYSE in September .GG1,' (hile ?urrentl&
about ,FM of it7 reAenue7 ?ome from international bu7ine778 the ?ompan&B7 obHe?tiAe
i7 to eCpand it7 international bu7ine778 both throu>h or>ani? and inor>ani? >ro@th
4,1 5
The T%t% Ace i7 a mini*tru?6 D7imilar to Japane7e ;ei tru?6E laun?hed in $a& .GG-
b&Tata $otor7 in "ndia' "t i7 in ?ompetition @ith the preAalent three*@heeled >ood7
?arrier7 from BaHaH Auto8 Pia>>io8 $ahindra and or?e $otor7'
Tata $otor7 i7 "ndiaB7 onl& full& ran>e manufa?turer of automobile7 @ith a portfolio
?oAerin> tru?678 bu7e78 utilit& Aehi?le7 and pa77en>er ?ar7' "n it7 driAe to ?ontinuall&
innoAate and improAe upon tran7portation 7olution7' Tata $otor7 be>an @or6 to@ard7
a 7mall 1*@heeled mini tru?6'
The proHe?t aimed at offerin> 7uperior
7afet&8 Aer7atile performan?e in Aaried
?ondition78 ea7e*of*maintenan?e8 7t&le8
?omfort and ?o7t*effe?tiAene778 in a @a&
not eCperien?ed b& the 7mall ?ar>o
Aehi?le7 o@ner' "n $a& .GG-8 Tata A?e8 "ndiaB7 fir7t four*@heel mini tru?6 @a7
laun?hed8 and it ?han>ed the fa?e of 7ub ,*tonne >ood7*?arria>e in "ndia foreAer'
4,- 5
The 7u??e77 of the Tata A?e 7hoo6 up the mar6et and @ithin the fir7t &ear of it
produ?tion8 Tata $otor7 7old 9G8 GGG A?e78 and demand more than doubled to 2G8 GGG
in neCt &ear' (ith time8 the number7 of A?e Aehi?le7 on the road >re@ from 7tren>th
to 7tren>th and b& .G,G8 there @ere oAer -GG8 GGG A?e Aehi?le7 on the road' Toda&
A?e ha7 emer>ed a7 the 7in>le*lar>e7t ?ommer?ial Aehi?le brand in the ?ountr&'
B& deliAerin> a 7uperior and 7afer driAin> eCperien?e8 and the ?han?e to >arner more
earnin>78 the A?e ha7 not onl& met the eCpe?tation7 of the thou7and7 of o@ner*
operator7 a?ro77 the ?ountr&8 it in fa?t8 eC?eeded them to ?reate a ne@ paradi>m in
?ar>o moAement'
But the 7tor& of A?e doe7nBt end there8 Tata $otor7 ?ontinued to hone and eCtend the
A?e produ?t line and "ndiaB7 fir7t mini tru?6 eAolAed @ith "ndiaB7 eAer*?han>in>
?ommer?ial land7?ape'
Toda&8 produ?t7 from the A?e famil& 7u?h a7 the A?e CN:8 A?e E0 and the
po@erful8 ultra*7t&li7h ,*tonne mini tru?6 * Super A?e haAe met @ith >reat
enthu7ia7m' (ith the laun?h of Tata $a>i? in June .GG28 the pa77en>er Aariant of the
A?e8 the platformB7 7u??e77 ?ro77ed oAer into pa77en>er tran7port a7 @ell'
Toda&8 BChhota HaathiB a7 the A?e i7 affe?tionatel& 6no@n8 i7 a b&@ord for reliabilit&
and bu7ine77 7u??e77 amon> ?ountle77 7mall*7?ale tran7porter7 and entrepreneur7 in
"ndia8 but Tata $otor7 ?ontinue7 it7 effort7 to ta6e the A?e 7tor& eAen further' (at?h
thi7 7pa?e'
4,/ 5
T@in ?&linder @ater ?ooled en>ine meet7 BS""" a7 @ell a7 BS "< emi77ion norm7
Lon> lead ?apabilit&8 ?an traAel oAer -GG 6m in a da&
Be7t in ?la77 >radabilit& en7ure7 ea7& ?limbin> of road7 @ith 7teep >radient7 ProAen
tra?6 re?ord
#e7i>ned and manufa?tured u7in> hi>h 7tren>th 7teel8 meet7 norm7 for frontal ?ra7h8
roof ?ru7h8 and rear @all 7tren>th Lar>e7t @heel ba7e in it7 ?la77 en7ure7 be7t in ?la77
7tabilit& Hi>h bra6in> performan?e throu>h front di7? bra6e7 and rear drum bra6e7
Bri>ht halo>en bulb7 proAide eC?ellent li>htin> for ni>ht driAin>
Sprin> leaf 7u7pen7ion both in front = rear Hi>he7t >round ?learan?e
$o7t 7uitable for ?it& a7 @ell a7 rural road7 Small turnin> ?ir?le diameter of F'/m
enable7 ea7& naAi>ation both in narro@ Ailla>e 7treet7 and den7e traffi? $o7t 7uitable
for ?it& a7 rural road7 Small turnin> ?ir?le diameter of F'/m enable7 ea7& naAi>ation
both in narro@ Ailla>e 7treet7 and den7e traffi?
Hi>her door openin> ran>e and lo@ floor hei>ht for ea7& boardin> Sun Ai7or for
prote?tion from dire?t >lare Car li6e ?ombi*7@it?h @ith rotar& 7@it?he7 for lamp and
@iper ?ontrol Control pedal78 >ear 7hift and par6in> bra6e er>onomi?all& po7itioned
for maCimum ?omfort and ea7& a??e77 St&led da7hboard @ith tra&8 di>ital ?lo?68 radio
4,2 5
fitment proAi7ion8 utilit& tra& and ?learl& Ai7ible in7trument ?lu7ter Lo?6able >loAe*
boC for 6eepin> Aaluable do?ument7
Be7t in ?la77 fuel effi?ien?&
Lon>er en>ine life
Ea7& aAailabilit& of 7pare7 = 7erAi?e
Ea7e of maintenan?e
Lo?6able >loAe*boC for 6eepin> Aaluable do?ument7
Auto i>nition off at en>ine idlin> after / 7e?ond7
Re7tart after pre77in> ?lut?h pedal
SaAe7 fuel at traffi? Ham7 = Red li>ht7
a?ilitate7 eCtra trip78 eCtra reAenue8 eCtra profit7
,9 in?h t&re7 better driAabilit& in rou>h road7
4,F 5
Hi>h >round ?learan?e of ,2- mm
CN: redu?e7 7ulphur8 benIene8 lead and other toCi? emi77ion7 thereb& improAin>
?ombu7tion' "t al7o doe7 not interfere @ith the life of an& en>ine ?omponent and the
en>ine 7ta&7 ?lean internall&'
rom the rou>he7t road to the tou>he7t Hob8 TATA ACE ha7 been built to >iAe &ear7
of dependable 7erAi?e eAen in eCtreme road and @eather ?ondition7'
"ndiaB7 fir7t $P" CN: mini*tru?68 equipped @ith de?eleration ?ut*off for better fuel
e?onom&' The Aehi?le ?ome7 @ith an !7er*friendl& CN:*LeAel indi?ator and
di7tributor*le778 non*@a7ted 7par6*i>nition @ith mi7fire dete?tion'
#e?ember .GGG :iri7h (a>h @a7 >iAen a brief b& RaAi ;ant to ?reate a ne@ Aer&
li>ht tru?6 line that @ould add to TataB7 ?urrent tru?6 ran>e' "t @a7 to be e?onomi?al
and to ta6e on the three @heeled ?ar>o auto ri?67ha@7 in the "ndian mar6et' Ba7ed on
thi7 brief (a>h approa?hed u7er7 of three @heel ?ar>o ri?67ha@7 and >ot their
feedba?6 on TataB7 future four @heel ?ar>o Aehi?le' The feedba?6 indi?ated the need
for a e?onomi?al Aehi?le that ?ould ta6e li>ht load7 oAer 7hort di7tan?e7' Additionall&
the feedba?6 al7o reAealed that future o@ner7 @ould prefer o@nin> a four @heeler
?ar>o Aehi?le for the per?eiAed pre7ti>e it @ould offer oAer a three @heeled Aehi?le'
L%u!c+ %!" Re%ct'o!
Tata $otor7 laun?hed the A?e tru?6 in $a& .GG- for Hu7t aboAe R7 . la6h78 R7
.GG8GGG' The ne@ Aehi?le @a7 a bi> hit8 7ellin> ,GG8GGG in Hu7t .G month7' A7 of $a&
4,3 5
.G,G Tata $otor7 ha7 7old oAer -GG8GGG A?e7 in Hu7t - Year7' The A?e ha7 ?reated
another hi7tori?al eAent in the ?ommer?ial Aehi?le indu7tr&' Currentl& thi7 tru?6 i7
onl& offered in a 7in>le ?olour8 D"ri7h ?reamE8 to 7aAe time in the paint 7hop' Tata i7
buildin> a ne@ fa?tor& that @ill be able to turn out .-G8GGG a &ear'
Tata O; i7 the ?ertified pre*o@ned ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 pro>ram of Tata $otor7
Limited and proAide7 ultimate ?onAenien?e to ?u7tomer7 tr&in> to bu& a pre*o@ned
?ommer?ial Aehi?le or 7ell their eCi7tin> tru?6' Tata O; 7tarted the proHe?t in 7outh
"ndia @ith 1 6e& dealer7 and it ha7 no@ been rolled out a?ro77 the 1 7outhern 7tate7
and $ahara7htra' At pre7ent Tata O; ?oAer7 onl& Tata A?e'
Tata A?e ha7 ?reated a ne@ mini 7e>ment in "ndia' Pri?ed bet@een .'.- to
9'9- la6h7 "NR8 the ?ompan& aim7 to ?onAert three @heeler u7er7 to 1 @heeler7' One
of the idea that ha7 made the laun?h of thi7 Aehi?le mi>ht be that the >oAernment
poli?& in "ndia not to allo@ H$<7 Dthat are ?ate>oriIed b& Aehi?le7 @ei>hin> aboAe 9
tonne7E to enter ?itie7 after 2 p'm' to redu?e traffi? Ham7 and pollution' TATA ha7
found the >ap in the mar6et and relea7ed A?e' The 2GG ?? en>ine deliAer7 a po@er of
,/ hp D,. 6(E at 9.GG rpm and a torque of 9'F mN6>f D92 NNmE at .GGG rpm >iAe7 a
tou>h ?ompetition to Pia>>ioB7 mini tru?6 D9*@heelerE' "t ha7 a permi77ible loadin>
?apa?it& of 2-G 6> D,/-G lbE' "t al7o ha7 a modern ?abin ?ompared to it7 three @heeler
riAal7' "t i7 be7t 7uited for u7e b& Ailla>er7 in ?arr&in> >ood7 oAer 7hort di7tan?e7' The
proHe?t @a7 headed and eCe?uted b& :iri7h (a>h'
4.G 5
The mini tru?6 i7 no@ produ?ed at the fa?ilit& in Pantna>ar8 !ttar6hand althou>h it
@a7 initiall& manufa?tured at Pune' The Tata A?e 7u??eeded in ?reatin> an entirel&
ne@ 7e>ment that ?ompetitor7 are 6no@n to be @or6in> on different model7 to
?ompete a>ain7t the Tata A?e'A ne@ hi>her Aariant A?e "" ha7 al7o hit the road7'
"n June .GG2 Tata $otor7 laun?hed the pa77en>er Aariant of the A?e8 named $a>i?'
The $a>i? i7 the pa77en>er Aer7ion of the A?e mini*tru?68 the ne@ $a>i? feature7 an
all*7teel ?abin' "t offer7 a fleCible 7eatin> ?apa?it& of 1*2 pa77en>er7 @ith adequate
le>room' Po@ered b& a ,/ bhp D,. 6(E8 2GG ?? @ater*?ooled die7el en>ine8 the $a>i?
offer7 hi>h fuel effi?ien?& and Aer& lo@ maintenan?e' The ,.*in?h t&re7 proAide
hi>her >round ?learan?e8 and the ri>id front aCle i7 de7i>ned to handle tou>h road7'
The $a>i?B7 turnin> radiu7 of 1'9 metre7 D,1', ftE i7 nimble enou>h to naAi>ate the
b&lane7 and traffi? of "ndiaB7 ?ro@ded ?itie7' The $a>i? ha7 a ?learl& Ai7ible
in7trument ?lu7ter8 utilit& tra& and a di>ital ?lo?6 in the da7hboard and al7o a
proAi7ion for fittin> a radio'
The $a>i? meet7 BS*""" emi77ion norm7 and ha7 been deAeloped for u7e in an&
mar6et O be it urban8 7emi*urban or rural' "t i7 ba?6ed b& a 9/8GGG 6m+,.*month
@arrant&' The $a>i? ran>e 7tart7 at R7 .'/G la6h DeC*7ho@room8 PuneE' Tata $otor7B
t@o ne@ Aehi?le78 $a>i? and (in>er8 are eCpe?ted to ?ater to the t@o end7 of the taCi
7e>ment' The (in>er8 @hi?h i7 a 7turdier and more refined produ?t8 @ill attempt to
@re7tle mar6et 7hare in the 7taff D"TES+ BPO emplo&ee7E tran7portation 7e>ment78
Hotel = "nter*urban Touri7t 7e>ment78 airport drop and pi?6up'
Both the $a>i? and the (in>er are bein> laun?hed nation*@ide8 7tartin> @ith
$ahara7htra and :uHarat8 after @hi?h aAailabilit& @ill be eCtended to other part7 of
the ?ountr& in a pha7ed manner'
4., 5
The Tata A?e i7 a mini tru?6 laun?hed b& Tata $otor78 ?an be u7ed in ?itie7 a7 @ell a7
in rural area7' "t7 ,.P t&re7 >iAe hi>her >round ?learan?e and hi>her loadin> ?apa?it&
on road7'
T%t% Ace F%cts:
Q On Road Pri?e Start7 % R7' F8F98GGG
Q Top Speed % ,.- 6mph
Q $ilea>e in Cit& % ,F'GG 6mpl'
<ie@ Te?hni?al Spe?ifi?ation
"t7 7tren>th i7 from ri>id front aCle i7 de7i>ned on @eather "ndian ?ondition7 and rear
leaf 7prin> 7u7pen7ion7 ?oupled @ith the 7ho?6 ab7orber7 proAide a 7mooth ride and
>reat driAin> ?omfort' "t7 ha7 a 7mall turnin> ?ir?le of F'/m' The en>ine allo@7 the a?e
to traAel oAer -GG 6m7 in a da&'
Thi7 mini tru?6 help7 in ?arr&in> the >ood7 for a 7mall di7tan?e ?reated a ne@ mini
7e>ment and ha7 2GG?? en>ine deliAer7 a po@er of ,/ HP R 9.GG rpm and a torque of
9'F m6> R .GGG rpm @ith t@in * ?&linder "#" en>ine' "t >iAe7 hi>h fuel effi?ien?& and
lo@*maintenan?e operation and ha7 1 * for@ard 7&n?hrome7h plu7 , reAer7e >ear boC
@ith hi>h bra6in> performan?e in front di7? bra6e7 and rear drum bra6e7'
Thi7 model ha7 ?ar*li6e interior7 and numerou7 a??e77orie7 allo@ &ou to ride in 7t&le%
En>ine 7tart and 7top @ith 6e&'
St&led da7hboard @ith tra&8 di>ital ?lo?68 radio fitment proAi7ion8 utilit& tra&
and ?learl& Ai7ible in7trument ?lu7ter'
Lo?6able >loAe*boC for 6eepin> Aaluable do?ument7'
Ea7il& a??e77ible haIard @arnin> 7@it?h for emer>en?&'
Horn pad on 7teerin> @heel'
T@in @iper for 7afe driAin> in rain'
4.. 5
A 7pare @heel atta?hed to the lo?6able 7@in> frame at the rear'
T%t% Ace / B%!7%*ore8
Bu&+Sell !7ed Tata A?e = :et Be7t #eal7' Kui?68 Ea7& = reeS
4.9 5
&o"e* TATA .2- "#" NA BS*"" Dand BS*"""E
T6)e 1*7tro6e8 naturall& a7pirated8 indire?t inHe?tion die7el
&%98 Out)ut ,/ hp R 9.GG rpm
&%98 Tor:ue 9'F m6> R .GGG rpm
D's)*%ceme!t 2GG ??
S)ec'%* Items ?atal&ti? ?onAerter Donl& in BS """E
CLUTCH Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion diaphra>m t&pe
GEAR BO5 :BS /-*1+-'.2
T6)e S&n?hrome7h D1 for@ard >ear7E8 Slidin> me7h
DreAer7e >earE
STEERING $e?hani?al8 Aariable ratio D.G'- to .1'-E8 9FG mm
Br%;es T6)e #ual ?ir?uit h&drauli?all& a?tiAated
Fro!t #i7? bra6e7
Re%r #rum bra6e7 D.GG mm dia C 9G mmE
P%r;'!7 Br%;e Cable operated me?hani?al lin6a>e7 a?tin> on rear
T6)e Paraboli? leaf 7prin> 7u7pen7ion at both front and
S+oc; %<sor<er H&drauli? double*a?tin> tele7?opi? t&pe both at front
and rear
T6res ,1-R,. LT FPR RA#"AL
&%98 S)ee" /1 6mph
&%98 Gr%"e%<'*'t6 ,/M
Gr%"e rest%rt%<'*'t6 ,-M
T6)e Pi?6up t&pe' Hin>ed rear tail >ate
Lo%"'!7 +e'7+t /2- mm
Lo%" Bo"6 3e9ter!%*4 Len>th % ..GG mm
(idth % ,-GG mm
Hei>ht % 9GG mm
4.1 5
DI&ENSIONS All in mm
O=er%** Le!7t+ 3A4 9FGG
.'"t+ ,-GG
.+ee* <%se 3D4 .,GG
O=er%** +e'7+t ,F.G
Tr%c; Fro!t 3E4 ,9GG
Tr%c; Re%r 3F4 ,9.G
&'! Tur!'!7 C'rc*e D'% F'/ m
&%98 GV. ,--G 6>
Ker< $e'7+t FG- 6>
Se%t'!7 c%)%c't6 #riAer T ,
4.- 5
The 7tor& of the Tata :roup of bu7ine77 unfold7 @ith the birth of it7 founder
Jam7hedHi Tata in the 7mall to@n of NaAa7ari in :uHarat in ,F93' He breathed hi7 la7t
in ,3G1 in :erman&' Hi7 parent7 @ere Nu7eer@anHi and JeeAanbai Tata' Nu77er@anHi
@a7 the fir7t bu7ine77man in a famil& of Par7i )ora7trian prie7t7' #e7tin& ?alled him to
Bomba& @here he 7tarted tradin>' Jam7hedHi Hoined him at the tender a>e of fourteen'
He too6 admi77ion in Elphin7tone Colle>e and @hile 7till a 7tudent he married Hirabai
#aboo' Jam7hedHi >raduated in ,F-F and Hoined hi7 father tradin> firm' Tho7e @ere
turbulent time7' The Briti7h had Hu7t mana>ed to ruthle77l& ?ru7h the ,F-2 ReAolt'
Sin?e the a>e of t@ent&*nine Jam7hedHi ?ontinued to @or6 in hi7 fatherJ7 firm' "n
,F/F he 7tarted a tradin> ?ompan& on hi7 o@n @ith a ?apital of R7'.,8 GGG+* Hi7 fir7t
7tep @a7 to a?quire a ban6rupt oil mill and ?onAert it into a ?otton mill @hi?h he
renamed AleCander $ill' T@o &ear7 later he 7old it @ith a >ood mar>in of profit'
(ith thi7 he 7et up a ?otton mill in Na>pur in ,F21' Kueen <i?toria had Hu7t been
de?lared the Empre77 and in 6eepin> @ith the time7 Jam7hedHi named it Empre77
$ill'Jam7hedHi @a7 a unique per7onalit&'
"t @a7 not Hu7t hi7 o@n per7onal 7u??e77 but al7o of tho7e @ho @or6ed for him and hi7
>roup' Jam7hedHi @a7 in ?lo7e ?onta?t @ith reAolutionar& thin6er7 andnationali7t7 li6e
#adabhai NaoroHi and PheroIe7hah $ehta and 7tron>l& influen?ed b& them' He ?ame
to the ?on?lu7ion that e?onomi? 7elf*7uffi?ien?& 7hould >o hand in hand @ith politi?al
independen?e' The former 7hould be the ba7e of the latter' Jam7hedHi had three 6e&
idea7 in mind' He @anted to 7et up an iron and 7teel ?ompan&8 @orld ?la77 learnin>
in7titution and a h&droele?tri? plant' !nfortunatel& durin> hi7 lifetime none bore fruit
but he had planted the 7eed8@hi?h later too6 root7 and 7pread it7 bran?he7 under the
?are of hi7 7u??e77or7' The onl& a?hieAement that he liAed to 7ee @a7 The TaH $ahal
4./ 5
Hotel' "t @a7 ?ompleted in #e?ember ,3G9 for a prin?el& amount of R7'18 .,8
GG8GGG+*"n thi7 too he @a7 in7pired b& nationali7t thin6in>' "n tho7e da&7 the lo?al78
that i7 "ndian78 @ere not allo@ed into the be7t European Hotel7' TaH $ahal Hotel @a7
a befittin> repl& to thi7 di7?rimination'Tata :roup i7 a priAate ?on>lomerate @ith
headquarter7 at $umbai' The pre7ent Chairman i7 Ratan Tata @ho too6 oAer from
J'R'#' Tata in ,33,' A member of the Tata famil& i7 al@a&7 the Chairman of the
>roup' "t7 operation7 ?oAer7 man& field7 related to indu7tr& and allied a?tiAitie7
?on?erned @ith 6no@*ho@ and it7 appli?ation en>ineerin>8 information te?hnolo>&8
?ommuni?ation78 material78 automotiAe8 ?hemi?al7 ener>&8 tele?ommuni?ation78
7oft@are8 hotel78 7teel and ?on7umer >ood7'The 7tati7ti?7 and fi>ure7 of Tata :roup
7pea6 for them7elAe7'
"t7 reAenue tou?he7 L3/28..3 million or L.,'3 billion in .GG-+G/' Thi7 i7 equal to
.'FM of "ndiaJ7 :#P'there are about .1/'GGG emplo&ee7 in the Tata >roup a7 per
re?ord7 of .GG1' $ar6et ?apitaliIation fi>ure i7 L-2'/ billion' There are ninet&*7iC
?ompanie7 operatin> in 7eAen bu7ine77 7e?tor7' U Onl& t@ent&*ei>ht of the ninet&7iC
in Tata :roup are publi?l& li7ted' Tata operate7 in more than fort& ?ountrie7 a?ro77 7iC
?ontinent7' "t eCport7 produ?t7 and 7erAi?e7 to one hundred and fort& nation7' The
Charitable Tru7t of Tata hold7 /-'FM of the o@ner7hip of Tata >roup T"SCO no@
?alled Tata 7teel 7et up in ,3G2 "ndiaJ7 fir7t iron and 7teel plant in Jam7hedpur8 @hi?h
i7 often ?alled Tatana>ar' Produ?tion a?tuall& 7tarted in ,3,.' "t produ?e7 7teel at the
lo@e7t ?o7t in the @orld' Thi7 i7 mainl& be?au7e it i7 a77i7ted b& >roup member
?on?ern that deal7 @ith the 7uppl& of ra@ material li6e ?oal and iron' "n ,3,G @a7 7et
up Tata H&dro*Ele?tri? Po@er Suppl& Compan&' "n ,3,2 the Tata >roup made it7
debut in the field of ?on7umer >ood7 indu7tr& @ith the 7ettin> up of Tata Oil $ill
dealin> in 7oap78 deter>ent7 and ?oo6in> oil' ,39. 7a@ the e7tabli7hment of Tata
4.2 5
airline7' Tata Chemi?al7 made it7 appearan?e in ,393' Tel?o no@ 6no@n a7 Tata
$otor7 7tarted to manufa?ture lo?omotiAe and en>ineerin> produ?t7 from ,31-'
Januar& .GG2 i7 a @ater7hed in the hi7tor& of Tata :roup' Tata 7teel made a
7u??e77ful bid for !; ba7ed Coru7 :roup8 @hi?h @a7 one of the @orldJ7 leadin> 7teel
and aluminum produ?er7' After an unpre?edented nine round7 of biddin> Tata finall&
?lin?hed the deal'
Tata offered to bu& ,GGM 7ta6e in Coru7 at /GFp per 7hare Dall ?a7hE totalin> to a
Aalue of L,.'G1 billion' "t ha7 turned out to be the bi>>e7t a?qui7ition b& an& "ndian
?ompan&' Tata Po@er i7 one of the lar>e7t priAate 7e?tor ?ompanie7 in "ndia and
7upplie7 po@er to $umbai and part7 of Ne@ #elhi' Then there are Tata Chemi?al7
and Tata Pi>ment7' "n the 7erAi?e 7e?tor there are Tata ?ompanie7 dealin> @ith hotel78
>eneral in7uran?e and life in7uran?e' Tata offer7 mana>ement8 e?onomi? and finan?ial
?on7ultan?& 7erAi?e7' Tata i7 one of the be7t name7 in the @orld of inAe7tment7 and
7hare7' "n the area of edu?ation TataJ7 publi7hin> hou7e of Tata $?:ra@ Hill i7 a
reno@ned name' $an& reno@ned publi? 7e?tor ?ompanie7 and re7ear?h or>aniIation7
li6e "ndian "n7titute of S?ien?e8 Tata "n7titute ofundamental Re7ear?h8 Tata "n7titute
of So?ial S?ien?e78 Tata Ener>& Re7ear?h "n7titute and Air "ndia DTata Airline7E o@e
their ori>in7 to the name of Tata' Other edu?ational in7titute7 are Tata "n7titute of
S?ien?e no@ "ndian "n7titute of S?ien?e8 Ban>alore8 Tata "n7titute Of undamental
Re7ear?h V deemed !niAer7it&8 Tata $ana>ement Trainin> ?enter8 Pune8 Tata
"n7titute Of So?ial S?ien?e V deemed !niAer7it& and National Centre for the
Performin> Art7'The name of Tata i7 lin6ed to ?on7umer durable7 li6e tea8 @at?he7
DTitanE Tata Trent D(e7t7ideE to Tata S6& and eAen >old and diamond7 li6e Tani7hq
brand ofHe@eller&'"n information 7&7tem7 and ?ommuni?ation7 the Tata name ?ome7
4.F 5
@ith Computational = Re7ear?h Laboratorie78 "NCAT8 Nel?o8 Nelito S&7tem78 TCS
and Tata ElC7i'
There are 7oft@are ?ompanie7 Tata "ntera?tiAe S&7tem78 Tata "nfote?h8 Tata
Te?hnolo>ie7 Ltd8 Tata Tele7erAi?e78 Tatanet et?' Tata a?quired <SNL8 the "ndian
tele?om >iant from Bermuda ba7ed Canadian ?ompan& named Tele>lobe in .GG-' The
aim of Tata :roup i7 to improAe the qualit& of life in the 7o?iet& b& Airtue of
inte>rit&8 under7tandin>8 eC?ellen?e8 unit& and re7pon7ibilit&' The entire famil&
6no@n a7 the Tata :roup 7hare7 the7e Aalue7' TataJ7 ?ontribution to "ndiaJ7
edu?ation8 7?ien?e and te?hnolo>& ha7 been @idel& do?umented and re7pe?ted' The
blue ?olored lo> of Tata 7pea67 for fluidit& a7 @ell a7 fountain of 6no@led>e' "t ?an
al7o be 7een a7 a tree under @hi?h all are @el?ome to ta6e refu>e'
4.3 5
;A"LASH $OTORS i7 one of the outlet7 of J N :RO!P8 7ituated at ;anpur8
@hi?h ha7 been @or6in> for more than -G &ear7' ;A"LASH $OTORS i7 the
?ommer?ial Aehi?le outlet of TATA $OTORS'
;A"LASH <AHAN i7 one of the >roup of J N :RO!P8 ma6e7 CHASS"S for
"n U8P'8 there are >? ?ommer?ial outlet7'
;A"LASH $OTORS i7 the outlet @here " haAe done m& Summer "ntern7hip'thi7 i7
7u?h a >ood pla?e @hi?h proAide7 me a >reat deal of 6no@led>e about inhen?e m&
@or6in> ?apa?it&'and >iAe me a lot of eCpo7ure in mar6etin> field'
49G 5
"n the &ear ,3998 Late $r' Jai Nara&an :upta 7o@ed the 7eed7 of the J N :roup in
#ehradun' Sin?e then the >roup ha7 been into diAer7e field7 li6e #ealer7hip8
$anufa?turin>8 inan?e8 Tran7portation8 $aintenan?e8 T&re retreadin>8 Health ?are8
Naturopath& = Edu?ation'
After 7tartin> at #ehradun the >roup ha7 no@ 7pread oAer the Central8 Northern and
(e7tern part7 of "ndia ?oAerin> !tter Prade7h8 $adh&a Prade7h8 RaHa7than8 and
$ahara7htra = Ne@ #elhi'
The :roup Chairman #r' "7h@er Chandra :upta i7 an $'Com' L'L'B'= the fir7t
"ndian Ph'#' in Hire Pur?ha7e' !nder hi7 able >uidan?e8 &r8 K%'*%s+ Gu)t% ha7
proAided dire?tion = d&nami7m to the >roup and ?reated a la7tin> frame@or6 for
enhan?ement of the :roupJ7 7tren>th'
49, 5
P8K8 &'s+r%
C+%r%!@eet S'!7+ D+%rme!"r% T'$%r'
Am't &'s+r% J%7@reet S'!7+ V';%rm S'!7+
3T8L84 3T8L84 3T8L84
Su"+'r J%'s$%* A!;'t S'!+% S%ur%<+
P%r=e!"r% B+%"or'% S%!tos+ Kum%r R'tes+
S%!@ee= S%9e!%
V'!%6 Gu)t%
S%!"ee) P%!"%6
49. 5
Br'e( H'stor6A V's'o! %!" &'ss'o!
Jam7etHi Nu77er@aHi Tata 7tart7 a priAate tradin> firm la&in> the foundation of
the Tata >roup'
The Central "ndia Spinnin>8 (eaAin> and $anufa?turin> Compan& i7 7et
up8mar6in> the :roupJ7entr& into teCtile7 '
The "ndian Hotel7 Compan& i7 in?orporated to 7et up the taH $ahal Pala?e ad
To@er "ndiaJ7 fir7t luCur& hotel @hi?h opened ,3G9'
The Tata "ron and Steel Compan& i7 e7tabli7hed to 7et up "ndiaJ7 fir7t iron and
7teel plant in Jam7hedpur8 @hi?h 7tarted produ?tion in
The fir7t of the three Tata Ele?tri? Companie78the Tata H&dro*Ele?tri? Po@er
Suppl& Compan&8i7 7et up to >enerate ele?tri?it&'
The "ndian "n7titute of S?ien?e i7 e7tabli7hed in Ban>alore to 7erAe a7 a ?entre
for adAan?ed learnin>'
Tata Steel introdu?e7 ei>ht*hour @or6in> da&78 @ell before 7u?h a 7&7tem @a7
implemented b& la@ eAen in mo7t @e7tern ?ountrie7'
The Tata7 enter the ?on7umer >ood7 7e>ment a7 the Tata Oil $ill7 Compan& i7
e7tabli7hed to ma6e 7oap78 deter>ent7 and ?oo6in> oil7'
499 5
Tata Airline78a diAi7ion of Tata Son78i7 e7tabli7hed8 openin> up the aAiation
7e?tor in "ndia'
Tata Chemi?al7 i7 e7tabli7hed'
Tata En>ineerin> and Lo?omotiAe Compan& Drenamed Tata $otor7 in .GG9E i7
e7tabli7hed to manufa?ture lo?omotiAe and en>ineerin> produ?t7' The
?ompan& be>an manufa?turin> ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 in ,3-1 in a J< @ith
#aimler BenI'
Pandit Ja@aharlal Nehru8"ndiaJ7 fi r7t Prime $ini7ter8reque7t7 the :roup to
manufa?ture ?o7meti?7 in"ndiaW and La6me i7 e7tabli7hed'
Tata Con7ultan?& SerAi?e7 DTCSE8"ndiaJ7 fi r7t 7oft@are 7erAi?e7 ?ompan&8i7
e7tabli7hed a7 a diAi7ion of Tata Son7
Titan "ndu7trie7 Oa Hoint Aenture bet@een the Tata :roup and the Tamil Nadu
"ndu7trial #eAelopment Corporation DT"#COE O i7 7et up to manufa?ture
Tata Kualit& $ana>ement SerAi?e7 in7titute7 the JR# K< A@ard8 modelled
on the $al?olm Baldri>e National Kualit& <alue A@ard of the !nited State78
la&in> the foundation of the Tata Bu7ine77 EC?ellen?e $odel'
491 5
Tata Tele7erAi?e7 Limited DTTSLE i7 e7tabli7hed to 7pearhead the :roupJ7
fora& into the tele?om 7e?tor'
Tata "ndi?a O "ndiaJ7 fir7t indi>enou7l& de7i>ned8 deAeloped and
manufa?tured ?ar Oi7 laun?hed b& Tata $otor78 7pearheadin> the :roupJ7
entr& into pa77en>er ?ar7'
Tata Tea a?quire7 the Tetle& :roup8 !;8in the fi r7t maHor a?qui7ition of an
international brand b& an "ndian >roup
Tata*A": O a Hoint Aenture bet@een the Tata :roup and Ameri?an
international :roup "n? DA":E Omar67 the :roupJ7 re*entr& into in7uran?e'
The :roupJ7 in7uran?e ?ompan&8 Ne@ "ndia A77uran?e8 @a7 nationali7ed in
The Tata :roup a?quire7 a ?ontrollin> 7ta6e in <ide7h San?har Ni>am Limited
O "ndiaJ7 leadin> international Tele?ommuni?ation7 7erAi?e proAider'
Tata Con7ultan?& SerAi?e7 be?ome7 the fi r7t "ndian 7oft@are ?ompan& to
?ro77 one billion dollar7 in reAenue7'
Titan laun?he7 Ed>e8the 7limme7t @at?h in the @orld
Tata $otor7 a?quire7 the heaA& Aehi?le7 unit of #ae@oo $otor78South ;orea'
Tata Steel ma6e7 it7 fir7t maHor oAer7ea7 inAe7tment in NatSteel A7ia8
headquartered in Sin>apore'
49- 5
Tata Con7ultin> SerAi?e7 >oe7 publi? in "ndiaB7 priAate 7e?torB7 lar>e7t initial
publi? offer'
"ndian Hotel7 add7 Ne@ Yor6B7 i?oni? hotel8 The Pierre8 to it7 portfolio a7 al7o
it7 :in>er PSmart Ba7i?7Photel7 in "ndia'
<SNL a?quire7 T&?o :lobal Net@or68ma6in> it one of the @orldB7 lar>e7t
proAider of 7ubmarine ?able band@idth'
"n a maHor 7tep in it7 unfoldin> 7trate>& of >ro@th and >lobali7ation8 Tata Steel
a?quire7 Coru78 the !;*ba7ed 7teel ?ompan&8 for L ,.', bn8the bi>>e7t
oAer7ea7 a?qui7ition b& an "ndian ?ompan&'Tata Steel i7 no@ the @orldJ7 /th
lar>e7t 7teel produ?er @ith ?apa?it& of ./ million tonne7 per annum and
operation7 in .1 ?ountrie7'
Tata $otor7 unAeil7 Tata Nano8 the PeopleJ7 Car8 at the 3th Auto ECpo in
V's'o! %!" &'ss'o!
The Tata :roup i7 one of "ndiaB lar>e7t bu7ine77 ?on>lomerate7 e7tabli7hed b&
Jam7hedHi Tata DJam7hedHiE in the 7e?ond half of the ,3th ?entur&' Jam7hedHiB7 Ai7ion
for the :roup @a7 in line @ith nationali7t >oal7 and ideal7 then8 and enAi7a>ed to
ma6e "ndia 7elf*reliant' After Jam7hedHi8 Jehan>ir RatanHi #adabho& Tata DJR#E
be?ame the Chairman of the Tata :roup and pla&ed a 7i>nifi?ant role in ?ontinuin>
49/ 5
the Ai7ion of the >roup' TataB7 a77et7 ?limbed from "NR /.G million in ,393 to "NR
,GG billion in ,33G' Tata $otor7 had in?rea7ed it7 7ale7 to "NR , million in the &ear
,33, and it had rolled out 9 million Aehi?le7 in the 7ame &ear' "n ,33,8 Ratan NaAal
Tata DRatan Tata+RatanE too6 oAer the Chairman7hip from JR# Tata' Althou>h he @a7
initiall& ?riti?iIed for hi7 poor performan?e8 oAer the &ear78 Ratan Tata di7proAed hi7
?riti?7' He re7tru?tured Tata :roupB7 bu7ine77 operation7 and made the :roup
?ompete >loball&' !nder Ratan TataB7 ?hairman7hip8 Tata Con7ultan?& SerAi?e7 @ent
publi? and Tata $otor7 @a7 li7ted in the Ne@ Yor6 Sto?6 EC?han>e' Startin> from the
late ,33G78 Ratan reAamped the operation7 of Tata Steel and made it one of the
lo@e7t*?o7t 7teel produ?er7 in the @orld' Ho@eAer8 a7 the Tata7 la?67 an heir @ho ?an
7u??eed Ratan8 the >roup i7 at ?ro77*road7 to de?ide @ho @ill be the neCt ?hairman'
After Ratan TataB7 retirement @ho @ould 7u??eed him and ?arr& the Ai7ion of the
:roup i7 a dilemma'
Our $i77ion in Tata i7 to improAe the qualit& of life in "ndia throu>h leader7hip in
tar>eted 7e?tor7 of national e?onomi? 7i>nifi?an?e to @hi?h the :roup ?an brin> a
unique 7et of ?apabilitie7'
492 5
3Or7%!'G%t'o!A StructureA )ro"uct o( t+e ser='ceA )ro<*em (%ce"4
Grou) Ho*"'!7 Structure
Bus'!ess )+'*oso)+6 %!" )o*'c'es
The ?urrent >ro@th of our e?onom& and the ?onfiden?e @ith @hi?h @e fa?e the @orld
proAide a ?ompellin> ?onteCt in @hi?h Corporate7 need to en>a>e @ith the
di7adAanta>ed 7e?tion7 of our 7o?iet&' The ?entral theme of the Tata :roup purpo7e
7tatement8 POur Purpo7e in Tata i7 to improAe the qualit& of life in the ?ommunitie7
@e 7erAeP i7 a po@erful >uidin> 7tatement' "n the ?omin> &ear78 it @ill in?rea7in>l& be
ne?e77ar& for Corporate7 to en?oura>e and >enerate internal
pa77ion for Aolunteerin> and Communit& 7erAi?e' Thi7 @ill haAe a po7itiAe impa?t not
onl& on our ?ompetitiAe adAanta>e but al7o on the ?orporate reputation'
49F 5
Tata Steel re?o>ni7e7 that it7 people are the primar& 7our?e of it7 ?ompetitiAene77' "t i7
?ommitted to equal emplo&ment opportunitie7 for attra?tin> the be7t aAailable talent
and en7urin> a ?o7mopolitan @or6for?e' "t @ill pur7ue mana>ement pra?ti?e7
de7i>ned to enri?h the qualit& of life of it7 emplo&ee78 deAelop their potential and
maCimi7e their produ?tiAit&'
"t @ill aim at en7urin> tran7paren?&8 fairne77 and equit& in all it7 dealin> @ith it7
emplo&ee7'Tata Steel @ill 7triAe ?ontinuou7l& to fo7ter a ?limate of openne778 mutual
tru7t and team@or6 Tata i7 ?ommitted to ?reate an eC?itin> @or6 pa?e ba7ed on 7elf*
dire?ted team7 8improAement and innoAatiAe @or6 in enAironment'
aE Create @or6 ?ondu?tiAe to 7uperior performan?e 8 @hi?h enable emplo&ee7 to
realiIe their full potential throu>h ?ontinuou7 learnin> and trainin> .G
bE "dentif& and deAelop potential leader7 for future >ro@th'
?E Hi>h potential emplo&ee @or6in> in ?on>enial @or6 enAironment' Tata Steel
re?o>ni7e7 that it7 people are the primar& 7our?e of it7 ?ompetitiAene77' "t i7 ?ommitted to
equal emplo&ment opportunitie7 for attra?tin> the be7t aAailable talent and en7urin> a
?o7mopolitan @or6for?e' "t @ill pur7ue mana>ement pra?ti?e7 de7i>ned to enri?h the qualit&
of life of it7 emplo&ee78 deAelop their potential and maCimi7e their produ?tiAit&' "t @ill aim at
en7urin> tran7paren?&8 fairne77 and equit& in all it7 dealin> @ith it7 emplo&ee7' Tata Steel @ill
7triAe ?ontinuou7l& to fo7ter a ?limate of openne778 mutual tru7t and team@or6'
A Tata ?ompan& 7hall prepare and maintain it7 a??ount7 fairl& and a??uratel& and in
a??ordan?e @ith the a??ountin> and finan?ial reportin> 7tandard7 @hi?h repre7ent the
493 5
>enerall& a??epted >uideline78 prin?iple78 7tandard78 la@7 and re>ulation7 of the
?ountr& in @hi?h the ?ompan& ?ondu?t7 it7 bu7ine77 affair7' "nternal a??ountin> and
audit pro?edure7 7hall refle?t8 fairl& and a??uratel&8 all of the ?ompan&J7 bu7ine77
tran7a?tion7 and di7po7ition of a77et78 and 7hall haAe internal ?ontrol7 to proAide
a77uran?e to the ?ompan&J7 board and 7hareholder7 that the tran7a?tion7 are a??urate
and le>itimate' All required information 7hall be a??e77ible to ?ompan& auditor7 and
other authori7ed partie7 and >oAernment a>en?ie7' There 7hall be no @illful omi77ion7
of an& ?ompan& tran7a?tion7 from the boo67 and re?ord78 no adAan?e*in?ome
re?o>nition and no hidden ban6 a??ount and fund7' An& @illful8 material
mi7repre7entation of and + or mi7information on the finan?ial a??ount7 and report7
7hall be re>arded a7 a Aiolation of the Code8 apart from inAitin> appropriate ?iAil or
?riminal a?tion under the releAant la@7' No emplo&ee 7hall ma6e8 authori7e8 abet or
?ollude in an improper pa&ment8 unla@ful ?ommi77ion or bribin>'
41G 5
3As o! >Ct+ A)r'*A 0EED4
&r R N T%t% 3C+%'rm%!4
&r J%mes Le!7 3No! / E9ecut'=e De)ut6 C+%'rm%!4
&r Nus*' N
3Com)%!6 D'rector4
&r S & P%*'% 3Com)%!6 D'rector4
&r Sures+
3F'!%!c'%* I!st'tut'o!sH Nom'!ee4
&r Is+%%t
3Bo%r" &em<er4
Dr J%ms+e" J
3Bo%r" &em<er4
&r Su<o"+
3Bo%r" &em<er4
&r J%c:ues
41, 5
3No! / E9ecut'=e I!"e)e!"e!t
Dr A!t+o!6 H%6$%r" 3No! / E9ecut'=e I!"e)e!"e!t D'rector4
&r P+'*'))e V%r'! 3No! / E9ecut'=e No! '!"e)e!"e!t
&r B &ut+ur%m%! 3&%!%7'!7 D'rector4
Dr T &u;+er@ee 3No! E9ecut'=e D'rector4
&r A!"re$ Ro<< 3No! E9ecut'=e I!"e)e!"e!t
&ANAGE&ENT 3As o! >Ct+ A)r'*A 0EED4
&r B &ut+ur%m%! 3&%!%7'!7 D'rector4
&r H & Nerur;%r C+'e( O)er%t'!7 O(('cer
&r A D B%'@%* V'ce Pres'"e!t # T%t% Stee*
41. 5
T%t% &otors u!=e'*s !e$ LCV
Financial Express November 19, !!"
PUNE: (ith the laun?h of the Tata SC 1G2 E0 Turbo LC<8 Tata $otor7 ha7
?ompleted the oAerhaulin> and up >radation of it7 Commer?ial <ehi?le in both
$=HC<7 and LC<7' The 7potli>ht @ill no@ 7hift to bu7e7 for a 7pru?e up' Spea6in>
at the laun?h8 Pra6a7h Telan>8 Senior <P8 manufa?turin> D?ommer?ial Aehi?le7E 7aid
that after the lo77e7 in the fi7?al .GGG and drop in mar>in78 @e haAe laun?hed an
initiatiAe for ?o7t redu?tion and qualit& improAement of the ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7'
VSome of the model7 had rea?hed the fati>ue leAel and had been in the mar6et for too
lon>' The E0 7erie7 i7 a re7pon7e to the mar6et demand for an improAed performan?e8
hi>her reliabilit&8 durabilit&8 better ae7theti?7 and er>onomi?78X $r Telan> 7aid' All
the >ood7 ?arrier7 had been up>raded' The SC 1G2 @a7 the la7t of the produ?t7 to
be tou?hed and no@ @e @ill fo?u7 on bu7e78 $r Telan> 7aid V"n the la7t fe@ &ear7
bu7e7 @ere i>nored' The fo?u7 @a7 onl& on the ?ha77i78 but no@ @e are loo6in> at
full& built Aehi?le78X $r Telan> added' The 1G2 i7 he lar>e7t 7ellin> LC< in the
mar6et D@ith 2- per ?ent mar6et 7hareE' Sin?e it7 laun?h in the FG78 oAer three la6h
1G2 model7 haAe been 7old' Thi7 Aehi?le ha7 been up>raded to >iAe better fuel
e?onom& and hi>her pa&load8 $r Telan> ai The E0 1G2 pa&load ha7 >one up from
419 5
three tonne7 to 9'1 tonne7' The ?abin ha7 been re*7t&led @ith fabri? uphol7ter&8 7eat7
@ith headre7t8 lar>er mirror78 ne@ >rill and bod& ?oloured bumper7'
Ico!'c CE1
The i?oni? 1G2 @a7 fir7t introdu?ed in ,3F/W it 7?aled up to bein> the lar>e7t 7ellin>
LC< @ith 2-M mar6et 7hare b& .GG/' "n the 7ame &ear8 the ?ompan& introdu?ed a
turbo* Aariant DTata SC 1G2 E0 TurboE that @a7 eCe?ted to in?rea7e the mar6et
7hare to F.M oAer a period of &ear7 "t ha7 eature7 7u?h a7 in?rea7ed fuel effi?ien?&
of one 6m oAer the preAiou7 model8 thu78 ?onAertin> into 7aAin>7 of around R7
9G8GGG annuall& for the pro7pe?tiAe ?u7tomer' Sin?e it7 laun?h in the FG7 oAer three
la6h 1G2 model7 haAe been 7old b& the ?ompan& D.GG2 7tati7ti?7E' The LPT 2G3
model @a7 fir7t introdu?ed in ,332' "t did under>o ?han>e7 li6e bein> the ?ompan&J7
fir7t ran>e of turbo inter?ooler LC<7 in September .GG-' introdu?tion of the neCt
>eneration Aehi?le7 in the LC< mar6et i7 a timel& de?i7ion8 7aid eCpert78 a7 it7 one of
the mo7t 7ou>ht after 7e>ment7 in the ?ommer?ial Aehi?le mar6et toda&'
$an& international Commer?ial <ehi?le maHor7 7u?h a7 <olAo and #aimlerChr&7ler
are on the loo6out for lo?al partner7 to tie up and tap onto thi7 lu?ratiAe 7e>ment'
Re?entl&8 Ni77an tied up @ith lo?al pla&er A7ho6 Le&land to Aenture into thi7
411 5
T&pe % turbo ?hared inter?ooled en>ine
$aCimum en>ine output % 3GPSR.1GGrpm
$aC Torque % 9.- NmR,9GG*,/GGrpm
Air filter % dr& t&pe
uel filter % t@o 7ta>e fine filteration
uel inHe?tion pump % rotator pump D$"COE
CL!TCH % 7in>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe8.FGmm
:EAR BO0 % :BS .2 7&n?hrome7h8- for@ard8 ,re@er7e
REAR A0LE % 7in>le redu?tion h&poid >ear78 full& floatin> aCle Shaft7
Ratio % 9'F2-%,
STEER"N: % Aariable ratio me?hani?al
Ratio % 9-*1G%,
SerAi?e bra6e7 % dual ?ir?uit full air S*Cam bra6e7
Pa?6in> bra6e7 % 7prin> a?tuated par6in> bra6e7 a?tin> on
Re%r $+ee*s
41- 5
En>ine EChau7t Bra6e % ?oupled @ith SerAi?e Bra6e
RA$E % ladder t&pe frame @ith riAeted+bottled ?ro77 member7
S!SPENS"ON % 7emi ellipti?al 7prin>7 at front and rear
Sho?6 ab7orber7 % h&droli? double a?tn> tele7?opi? t&pe at front and
SiIe % 2'-GC,/8,/PR
(heel Rim7 % /'GG:C,/S#C
No of @heel7 % front*.8rear*187pare*,
!EL TAN; CAPAC"TY % ,/Glitre7
S&7tem <olta>e %,. <olt
Alternator D$aC OutputE %9-amp7
Batter& %,.<8 ,.GAh ?apa?it&
$aC?limbin> Abilit& in ,
:ear %,FM
$in' Turnin> ?ir?le #ia DmE %,9'-
(heel ba7e DmmE % 91GG 9FGG
$aC Permi7ible A( D6>E %.FGG .FGG
$aC Permi7ible RA( D6>E % 12GG 12GG
$aC Permi7ible :<( D6>E 213G 213G
$aC Pa&loadD6>E 129G 1/2G
"deall& 7uited for
(hite :ood7
41/ 5
Par?el :ood7
At Lead #i7tan?e7 of ,GG to ,GGG 6m7
At Lead #i7tan?e7 of ,GG to ,GGG 6m7
T&pe % turbo ?hared inter?ooled en>ine
$aCimum en>ine output % //'9;( R.1GGrpm
Air filter % dr& t&pe
uel filter % t@o 7ta>e fine filteratio
uel inHe?tion pump % rotator pump D$"CROE
REAR A0LE %7in>le redu?tion h&poid >ear78 full& floatin> aCle Shaft7
Ratio 1',.-
STEER"N: % Aariable ratio me?hani?al
412 5
Ratiob 9-*1G%,
SerAi?e bra6 % dual ?ir?uit full air S*Cam bra6e7
Pa?6in> bra6e7 % 7prin> a?tuated par6in> bra6e7
a?tin> on rear (heel7
En>ine eChau7t bra6e7 ?oupled @ith 7erAi?e bra6e7
RA$E % ladder t&pe frame @ith
riAeted+bottled ?ro77 $ember7
S!SPENS"ON % 7emi ellipti?al 7prin>7 at front a nd rear Sho?6 ab7orber7 % h&drli?
double a?tn> tele7?opi? at front and rear
SiIe % 2'-GC,/8,/PR
(heel Rim7 % /'GG:C,/S#C
No of @heel7 %front*.8rear*187pare*,
!EL TAN; CAPAC"TY % 3Glitre7
S&7tem <olta>e %,.<olt
41F 5
Alternator D$aC OutputE %9-amp7
Batter& %,.<8,.GAh ?apa?it&
$aC?limbin> Abilit& in ,
:ear %.-M
$in' Turnin> ?ir?le #ia DmE ,.'9D91GG(BE8,9'-D9FGGE
(heel ba7e DmmE 91GG 9FGG
$aC Permi7ible A( D6>E 9,/G 9,/G
$aC Permi7ible RA(D6>E --/G --/G
$aC Permi7ible :<( D6>E F2.G F2.G
$aC Pa&loadD6>E -1GF -9,F
o Hi>h de?6 Aariant in 9FGG mm (B=91GG mm (B
o Hi>he7t :<(D3/GG6>Ein it7 ?la77
o Enhan?ed uel Effi?ien?&
o Be7t in ?la77 S ?am Air Bra6e7 @ith LCR<
o (ider T&pe7
o Lo@e7t Turnin> Cri?le #iameter
o Spa?iou7 #eluCe Cabin
413 5
o 9 &ear7+9 La6h ;m7 unmat?hed (arrant&
$aC en>ine output 3GP7R.1GGrp
$aCTorque 9.- Nm R ,9GG*,/GG rpm
CL!TCH Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe Boo7ter A77i7ted' .FG #ia
:EAR BO0 :BS .2 S&n?hrome7h8 -8 ,R
BRA;ES #ual ?ir?uit full air8 brea6e @ith LCR<
S!SPENS"ON Semi ellipti?al leaf 7prin> at front and rear @ith rin>7 at rauCiliar&
7pear onl& Sho?6 Ab7orber7 H&drauli? double a?tin> tele7?opi? t&pe front end rear
TYRES F'.-0,/*,/ PR
$in turin> ?rile #ia in m ,.'9
(heel ba7eDmmE 91GG 9FGG
$aC Permi7ible A( D;:E 9.-G 9.-G
$aC permi77ible RA( D6>E /9-G /9-G
$aC permi77ible :<(D6>E 3/GG 3/GG
$aC pl&load Y D6>E /F.G /--G
4-G 5
Cab loadbid& DmmE 19F,C.G1.C/G9 -G-GC.G1.C/G9
Cab hi>hde?6 loadbod& DmmE 191.C.G,1C,229 -G/.C.G21C,2,9
Aluminium Container DmmE -G-GC.GFFC,3GG
Loadin> platform Area D7q'mtE 3 ,G'-
COLO!R :olden bro@n N+p ?olour <AR"ANTS Cab Cha7i78 Cab Loadbod&8 Cab
Hi>h #e?6 Loadbod&=ContainerYor Cab Cha77i7 Aer7ion a7 per "S 3.,,
"deall& 7uited for
arm Need7
Con7umer Produ?t7
$ar6et Load
o &I'& ()*+ ,-A( B-(. I/ 0122 mm 3B 4 5622mm 3B
o '#3 -6 77822 kg
o T9:B- *&A:)( I/T):*--,)( )/'I/)
o ST:-/' 4 :9'')( 3-:+&-:S)
o (),9; *AB
4-, 5
o !:-#)/ :),IABI,IT.
EN:"NE % TATA 132TC DBharat 7ta>e*" "E
T&pe % Turbo ?har>ed inter?ooled en>ine
$aC En>ine output % 3GPSR .1GGrpm
$aC Torque % 9.- Nm R,1GG*,/GG rpm
Air filter %#r& t&pe
uel filter %T@o 7ta>e Pre and fine filteration
uel inHe?tion Pump %Rotatr& t&pe
CL!TCH %Sin>le plate fri?tipon t&pe89,Gmm dia
:EAR BO0 %:BS 1G S&n?rome7h
No of >ear7 %-or@ard ,ReAer7e
REAR A0LE %Sin>le redu?tion 8h&poid ear78full& floatin> aCle 7haft7
Ratio %-'.F-%,
4-. 5
STEER"N: %<ariable ratio 7teerin>
Ratio %9.%, to92%,
SerAi?e bra6e7 %#ual ?ir?uit full air S*Cam bra6e7 Pa6in> bra6e7 %Hand operated*
7prin> a?tuate Pa6in> bra6e7 a?tin> on rear heel7 En>ine eChau7t bra6e7 %Air
operated ?oupled @ith 7erAi?e Bra6e @ith ele?to ma>neti? air
RA$E %Ldder t&pe frame @ith reAetted+
Bolted ?ro77 member7
Lon> member 7i>e DmmE D#C(CTE %.,3C-FC
S!SPENS"ON %Semi ellipti?al leaf 7prin> at front and rear
Sho?6 Ab7orber7 %h&drauli? double a?tin> tele7?opi?t&pe at front aCle
T&re7 F'.-C.G*,1 PR
(heel rim7 /'GGC.G
No of @heel7 front*.8rear*187pare*,
!EL TAN; CAPAC"TY ,/G Liter7
4-9 5
S&7tem Aolta>e ,. Aolt7
Alternater 9- Amp7
Batter& ,.<8,.G A ?api?it&
Co$* C+%ss's
C%< C+%ss's
C%< Lo%" Bo"6
C%< +'7+"ec; *o%"<o"6
Vo*ume c%rr'er
"deall& 7uited for
(hite >ood7
TeCtile :ood7
Con7tru?tion $aterial7
or The Lead #i7tan?e7 of ,GG to ,GGG 6m7
E0. Serie7
Laun?h*$a& G2
4-1 5
Pha7e ,* LPT 2G3 8LPT 3G3 8SC 1G2 Pha7e . Z SC 2G3
Additional eature7 % Hi>her fuel effi?ien?&
Po@er 7teerin>
Stron>er load bod&
Lon>er 7erAi?e interAal7
Clear len7e head lamp7
Clut?h boo7ter
#i>ital ?lo?68 po@er 7o?6et et? in ?ab
o> lamp7
ReAer7e beeper
4-- 5
SFC CE1 E9 0
En>ine %TATA 132 SP TurboDbS" "E
Po@er 2280K.I0BEEr)m
Torque ..- NmR,.-G*,FGG rpm
Clut?h %Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe8.1Gmm dia
:ear boC %:BS,F 7&n?hrome7h
Rear aCle %Sin>le redu?tion8 h&poid >ear78 full& floatin> aCle Shaft7
Steerin> % po@er a77i7ted ZH&drauli? Bra6e7 <a?uum a77i7ted dual ?ir?uit*h&drauli?
@ith tandem ma7ter ?&linder
T&re7 %F'.-C,/*,/PR
(heel ba7e %9,GGmm
4-/ 5
:round ?learan?e %..9mm
$inimum turnin> ?ir?le diaDmE %,.
:<( %-2GG6>7
Pa&load %99,G 6>7DCLB Aer7ionE
Load bod& dimen7ion7DmmE
Cab load bod& %.FF9C,3GFC111
Cab hi>h de?6 bod& %.33.C.G1/C,.G3
SFC 1ED E9 0
En>ine %TATA 132 TC"CDBS" "E
Po@er ??8FK.I0CEEr)m
Torque 9.- NmR,9GG*,/GG rpm
Clut?h %Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe8boo7ter a77i7ted .FGmm dia :ear boC %:BS.2
Rear aCle %Sin>le redu?tion8h&poid >ear78full& floatin> aCle Shaft7 Steerin> %po@er
a77i7ted *h&drauli? Bra6e7 #ual ?ir?uit full air S ?am bra6e7
T&re7 %2'-C,/*,/PR
(heel ba7e %9FGGmmDoption 91GG mmE
:round ?learan?e %,31 mm
4-2 5
$inimum turnin> ?ir?le diaDmE %9FGG(B*,9'-8 91GG(B *,.'9
:<( 213G 6>7
Pa&load %1,/G 6>7D91GG(B CLB E
Load bod& dimen7ion7DmmE
Cab load bod& %91GG(B*19F,C.G1.C/G98
9FGG(B -G-GC.G1.C/G9
Cab hi>h de?6 bod& %91GG(B*191.C.G,1C,229
En>ine %TATA 132 TC"CDBS" "E
Po@er ??8FK.I0CEEr)m
Torque 9.- NmR,9GG*,/GG rpm
Clut?h %Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe8boo7ter a77i7ted .FGmm dia :ear boC %:BS.2
Rear aCle %Sin>le redu?tion8h&poid >ear78full& floatin> aCle Shaft7
Steerin> %po@er a77i7ted *h&drauli?
Bra6e7 #ual ?ir?uit full air S ?am bra6e7
4-F 5
T&re7 %2'-C,/*,/PR
(heel ba7e %9FGGmmDoption 91GG mmE
:round ?learan?e %,31 mm
$inimum turnin> ?ir?le diaDmE %9FGG(B*,9'-8 91GG(B *,.'9
:<( F2.G 6>7
Pa&load %-1GF 6>7D91GG(B CLB E
Load bod& dimen7ion7DmmE
Cab load bod& %91GG(B*19F,C.G1.C/G98 9FGG(B -G-GC.G1.C/G9
Cab hi>h de?6 bod& %91GG(B*191.C.G,1C,229
9FGG(B*-G/. C .G21 C ,2,9
En>ine %TATA 132 TC"CDBS" "E
Po@er ??8FK.I0CEEr)m
Torque 9.- NmR,9GG*,/GG rpm
Clut?h % Sin>le plate dr& fri?tion t&pe 8boo7ter a77i7ted
4-3 5
.FGmm dia
:ear boC %:BS.2 7&n?hrome7h
Rear aCle %Sin>le redu?tion 8h&poid >ear78 full& floatin> aCl Shaft7 Steerin> %po@er
a77i7ted *h&drauli?
Bra6e7 #ual ?ir?uit full air S ?am bra6e7
T&re7 %F'.- C ,/*,/PR
(heel ba7e %9FGGmmDoption 91GG mmE
:round ?learan?e %.,2 mm
$inimum turnin> ?ir?le diaDmE %9FGG(B*,9'-8 91GG(B *,.'9
:<( 3/GG 6>7
Pa&load %/.-G 6>7D91GG(B CLB E
Load bod& dimen7ion7DmmE
Cab load bod& %91GG(B*19F,C.G1.C/G98
9FGG(B* -G-GC.G1.C/G9
Cab hi>h de?6 bod& %91GG(B*191.C.G,1C,229
9FGG(B*-G/. C .G21 C ,2,9
4/G 5
As+o; *e6*%!"
S$%r%@ m%G"%
&%+'!"r% %!" m%+'!"r%

4/, 5
J8S8A V'ctor6 >EEE D I'' Lo%"er
Se!" E/m%'*
)ro"uct s)ec'('c%t'o! ='ctor6 >EEE " ''' *o%" c%rr'er
Y $+ee* <%se% ,3,G mm
Y $+ee* tr%c;% ,.1G mm
Y m'!8 Grou!" c*e%r%!ce% ,-G mm
*o%"er P%sse!7er
o=er%** *e!7t+ .F/- mm .F/- mm
o=er%** $'"t+ ,1.G mm ,11G mm
o=er%** +e'7+t ,2-- mm ,F2G mm
m%ss 3$e'7+t4 *o%"er P%sse!7er
>ro77 Aehi?le @ei>ht ,G9G 6>' ,G9G 6>'
7eatin> ?apa?it& ,T, -T, = 9T,
Y t6)e% 7in>le ?&linder >reaAe7 >19-a iii8 1 7tro6e8 air ?ooled bharat*iii
die7el en>ine
4/. 5
Y !um<er o( c6*'!"ers% 7in>le
Y <ore% F/ mm
Y stro;e% 2- mm
Y com)ress'o! r%t'o% ,3 % ,
Y cu<'c c%)%c't6% 19/ ??
Y m%98 Out)ut% -' -.6@ at 9/GG rpm D2' 1 h' PE
Y m%98 Tor:ue% ,F nm
C*utc+ A!" Ge%r Bo9
Y 7e%r <o9% ?on7tant me7h 1 for@ard = , reAer7e
Y c*utc+% @et multiple plate
Y <%tter6% eCide ,.A8 /G ah
Y +e%"*'7+t% ,.A /G+--@
Y tur! s'7!%* *'7+t% ,.A .,@
Y t%'*J<r%;e *'7+t% ,.A .,+-@
Y re7'str%t'o! )*%te *'7+t% ,.A .,@
Y re=ers'!7 *'7+t% ,.A .,@
$+ee* %!" sus)e!s'o!
Y t6re s'GeA (ro!t %!" re%r% 1' -G C ,G8 F pl& ?ro77 pl&
Y t6re )ressures (ro!t% 9' .9 6>+?m
1/ p7i
Y t6re )ressure re%r% 9' FG 6>+?m
-1 p7i
sus)e!s'o! t6)e
Y (ro!t% h&drauli? tele7?opi? 7ho?6 ab7orber @ith ?oil 7prin>
4/9 5
Y re%r% h&drauli? tele7?opi? 7ho?6 ab7orber @ith leaf 7prin>
Y (ue* t%!;% 2' .- ltr'
Y e!7'!e o'*% ,' 2- ltr'
Y 7e%r o'*% .' G ltr'
4/1 5
A7ho6 Le&land and Ni77an $otor Compan& haAe unAeiled their fir7t ,'.- tonne Li>ht
Commer?ial <ehi?le8 [#OSTJ' The #o7t @ill >o on 7ale from the 7e?ond quarter of
the ?urrent fi7?al and @ill be aAailable in both BS """ and BS "< Aer7ion7' A7ho6
Le&land @ill manufa?ture #o7t at it7 manufa?turin> fa?i lit& in Ho7ur8 Tamil Nadu8
ha7 a
?apa?it& to produ?e ,'- la6h unit7 per &ear'
#r' < Sumantran8 eCe?utiAe Ai?e ?hairman of HinduHa AutomotiAe Limited and
?hairman of Ni77an*A7ho6 Le&land Po@ertrain Limited 7aid8 VA7ho6 Le&land #OST8
@ith it7 ?arefull& ?alibrated de7i>n and feature78 attempt7 to offer a ne@ leAel of
eCperien?e to the "ndian ?u7tomer'X He added that the LC< mar6et in "ndia i7 read&
for a 7ub7tantial up>radation of produ?t7 @ithout in?rea7in> the ?o7t of
o@ner7hip' :elated< Ni77an*A7ho6 Le&land li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le produ?tion to
be>in in 7e?ond half of .G,,
#r' And& Palmer8 7enior Ai?e pre7ident8 Ni77an $otor Co' and ?hairman of A7ho6
Le&land*Ni77an <ehi?le7 Ltd 7aid8 V#o7t blend7 the be7t in term7 of Japane7e
en>ineerin> from Ni77an8 @ith lo?al releAan?e that A7ho6 Le&land brin>7 to the
4/- 5
table'X Palmer added that #o7t @ill find @ide a??eptan?e amon> it7 tar>eted >roup of
7mall and medium bu7ine77e7'
#o7t Z en>ine7 and Aariant7
The #o7t i7 po@ered b& a 9*?&linder8 turbo*?har>ed8 ?ommon rail die7el en>ine that
produ?e7 -- hp of maCimum po@er and ha7 a pa&load ?apa?it& of ,'.- tonne7' The
LC< @ill be aAailable in three Aariant7' (hile the hi>h*end Aariant @ill feature po@er
7teerin>8 dual tone interior7 and AC8 the mid Aariant @ill ?ome @ith po@er 7teerin>
and the ba7e Aariant @ill haAe onl& manual 7teerin>'
uture produ?t7 from A7ho6 Le&land*Ni77an
The #o7t mar67 Hu7t the be>innin> of produ?t7 from the A7ho6 Le&landZ Ni77an J<
allian?e' The "ndo*Japane7e partner7 haAe announ?ed the roll out of t@o more LC<7
in the neCt t@o &ear7' Sumantran told reporter7 at the 7ideline7 of the #o7tJ7 unAeilin>
that the ?ompan& @ill laun?h a bod&*t&pe Dpa77en>erE produ?t under Ni77anJ7 bad>e
in .G,.8 follo@ed b& a lar>e tru?6 bad>ed under A7ho6 Le&land' Also read<Ni77an*
A7ho6 Le&land J< for LC<
.- ne@ dealer7hip7 to 7ell J< produ?t7
A7ho6 Le&land ha7 de?ided to 7ell all the produ?t7 deAeloped in ?oordination @ith
Ni77an in eC?lu7iAe dealer7hip7' The ?ompan& @ould appoint .- eC?lu7iAe LC<
dealer7 in the fir7t &ear of #o7tJ7 laun?h' A7ho6 Le&land rea7on7 that the ne@
dealer7hip7 @ill help the ?ompan& ?reate a ne@ brand identit& a7 @ell a7 help in
buildin> a per7onal rapport @ith pro7pe?tiAe bu&er7'
4// 5
A7ho6 Le&land @ill fo?u7 on the dome7ti? mar6et durin> the fir7t &ear of the #o7tJ7
laun?h and later eCplore mar6et7 7u?h a7 middle Ea7t and South Afri?a for eCport7'
The HinduHa ?ompan& i7 al7o plannin> to 7et up an eC?lu7iAe >reen field fa?ilit& at
Pillaipa66am for @hi?h it ha7 alread& a?quired land from the Tamil Nadu >oAernment
4/2 5
E'c+er &otors
Ei?her $otor78 @a7 founded in ,3F. to manufa?ture a ran>e of reliable8 fuel*effi?ient
?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 of ?ontemporar&
te?hnolo>&' The unit manufa?ture7 and mar6et7
?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 @ith :ro77 <ehi?le
(ei>ht D:<(E ran>in> from -*.- ton7'
Toda&8 Ei?her $otor7 i7 one of the leadin>
manufa?ture7 of ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 in "ndia @ith a 99M mar6et 7hare in the 2T*,,T
7e>ment' The 7u??e77 and >ro@th of thi7 unit i7 a re7ult of Aariou7 ?u7tomer*driAen
7trate>ie7' The manufa?turin> fa?ilit& i7 7ituated in Central "ndia Z Pithampur8
$adh&a Prade7h' Ei?her $otor7 ha7 7tepped into the HeaA& Commer?ial
<ehi?le 7e>ment @ith it7 7tate*of*the*art HC<8 the PEi?her .G',/P8 the fir7t
?ommer?ial Aehi?le de7i>ned and deAeloped indi>enou7l&'
Ei?her $otor7 fun?tion7 throu>h a 7tron> three*tier 7erAi?e net@or6 ?on7i7tin> of
authori7ed di7tributor78 7erAi?e ?entre7 and ?ompan& trained priAate me?hani?7' The
Aehi?le7 are 7old and 7erAi?ed throu>h a net@or6 of oAer -2/ AuthoriIed Conta?t
Point7 all oAer "ndia8 7upported b& 7erAi?e ?entre7 and oAer 1-GG ?ompan& trained
priAate me?hani?78 @ho are ?lo7e at hand on all maHor hi>h@a&7 throu>hout "ndia to
proAide initial Pfir7t aidP to the Aehi?le7 if required'
"n ,3F/8 Ei?her $otor7 entered into a te?hni?al and finan?ial ?ollaboration
@ith $it7ubi7hi $otor Corporation of Japan to manufa?ture the Canter ran>e of
Aehi?le7' The te?hni?al a77i7tan?e a>reement @ith $it7ubi7hi ended in $ar?h [31 after
7u??e77ful tran7fer of te?hnolo>& and on a?hieAin> total indi>eni7ation @ith onl& a
fe@ part7 7our?ed >loball&'
4/F 5
Ei?her $otor7 ha7 a?quired formidable eCperti7e in de7i>nin> and deAelopin>
?ommer?ial Aehi?le7' "t ha7 a @orld*?la77 R=# ?entre manned b& a team of brilliant
en>ineer7 and equipped @ith late7t Computer Aided #e7i>n DCA#E and Computer
Aided En>ineerin> fa?ilitie7 li6e NASTRAN8 E$ anal&7i7 pa?6a>e7' LeAera>in> it7
in*hou7e eCperti7e8 thi7 unit ha7 7u??e77full& deAeloped a @ide ran>e of ?ommer?ial
Aehi?le7 to meet Aar&in> ?u7tomer need7' The produ?t ran>e in?lude7 Tru?67 % Ei?her
,G'-G8 Ei?her ,G'2-8 Ei?her ,G'3G8 Ei?her ,,',G8 Ei?her .G',/ = 9G'.-W Bu7e7% Ei?her
S6&line8 Ei?her Crui7er and Ei?her S?hool Bu7 ran>e of bu7e7' Be7ide7 the ba7i?
model78 it offer7 oAer F- model7 of read&*to*u7e ?u7tom*built Aehi?le7 for Aariou7
7pe?iali7ed appli?ation7'Ei?her $otor7J produ?t7 haAe been @ell a??epted in the
mar6et' Thi7 i7 al7o demon7trated b& 7i>nifi?ant 7ale7 of it7 ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 in
eCport mar6et7 @here the ?ompan& ?ompete7 @ith reputed international brand7'
4/3 5
&ODEL .G2 E0. ,GFG
PAYLOAD -'1 tonn 1'1 tonn
TORLUE 9.- N$ .2- N$
TYRE 3 C .G*,1 2'-G C ,/*,/
.HEEL BASE 91GG mm 9FGG mm
GV. F2.G6> F.-G6>
STEERING Po@er <ariable
BRAKES Air Brea6 DLCR<E H&drauli? Bra6e
CLUTCH .FG mm .2- mm
.ARRANTY 9 Year7+9 la6h 6m Onl& on en>ine

42G 5
Re7ear?h $ethodolo>& i7 a @a& to 7&7temati?all& 7olAe the re7ear?h problem'it ma&
be under7tood a7 7?ien?e of 7tud&in> ho@ re7ear?h i7 done 7?ientifi?all&'
Accor#in$ %o C&i''or# (oo#),
=:esearch comprises defining and redefining problems formulating hpothesis or
suggested solutions collecting, organi%ing and e>aluating data, making dedication s
and reacting conclusions, and at last carefull testing the collusions to determine
whether the fit the formulating hpothesis$.
The adAan?ed learnerJ7 di?tionar& of ?urrent En>li7h la&7 do@n the eanin> of re7ear?h
VA ?areful inAe7ti>ation or inquir& e7pe?iall& throu>h 7ear?h for ne@ fa?t in an&
bran?h of 6no@led>eX'
or preparation of que7tionnaire the ba7i? obHe?tiAe of the 7urAe& @a7 ?on?entrated
preAiou7 7urAe&7 under ta6en pro7pe?t ?art 7e?ondar& data throu>h net and related
boo67 and ma>aIine7'
or the 7urAe&8 ?onAenien?e 7amplin> thi7 method inAolAe7 purpo7iAe or
deliberate 7ele?tion of parti?ular unit7 of the uniAer7e @hi?h repre7entin> uniAer7e'
42, 5
#ata @a7 ?olle?ted throu>h per7onel inAe7tment and telephone7'
Re7ear?h pro?e77 ?on7i7t7 of 7erie7 or 7tep7 ne?e77ar& to effe?tiAel& ?arr& out
re7ear?h' And thi7 ha7 a 7equen?e of ?ertain 7tep7'
#efine Re7ear?h Pro?e77
ReAie@ or Literature
ormulate H&pothe7i7
Re7ear?h #e7i>n
Colle?t #ata
Anal&Ie #ata
"nterpreted Report

42. 5
A Stud& for mar6et Share Anal&7i7 for Li>ht Commer?ial <ehi?le' The 7tud& i7
?ondu?ted in Tata A?e Li>ht ?ommer?ial <ehi?le at ;anpur @ith 7ample 7iIe of /G
and 7ample unit7 are Top and $iddle leAel !7er78 Onner7 and <ander7'
A re7ear?h de7i>n i7 the arran>ement of ?ondition7 for ?olle?tion and anal&7i7 of data
in a manner that aim7 to ?ombine releAan?e to the re7ear?h purpo7e'
ECplorator& re7ear?h de7i>n'
<ariou7 7tep7 inAolAed in a re7ear?h pro?e77 are not mutuall& eC?lu7iAe nor the are
7eparate and di7tin?t 'The& do not ne?e77aril& follo@ ea?h other in an& 7pe?ifi? order
and the re7ear?her ha7 to be ?on7tantl& anti?ipatin> at ea?h 7tep in the re7ear?h
pro?e77 the requirement of the 7ub7equent 7tep7'
A4 ormulatin> the re7ear?h problem
B4 ECten7iAe literature 7urAe&
C4 #eAelopin> the h&pothe7i7
D4 Preparin> the re7ear?h de7i>n
E4 #eterminin> the 7ample de7i>n
F4 Colle?tin> the data
G4 ECe?ution of the proHe?t
H4 Anal&7i7 of data
I4 :eneraliIation7 and interpretation7
J4 Preparation7 of the report
429 5
The @a& of 7ele?tin> the 7ample that the re7ear?her u7e7 i7 6no@n a7 7ample de7i>n' "t
i7 done before the ?olle?tion of data'
There are Aariou7 t&pe7 of 7ample de7i>n but @e haAe ta6en8 *imple ran#om
Thi7 t&pe of 7amplin> i7 al7o 6no@n a7 ?han?e 7amplin> or probabilit& 7amplin>'
(here ea?h = eAer& item in the population ha7 an equal ?han?e of in?lu7ion in the

421 5
The ta76 of data ?olle?tion be>in7 after a re7ear?h problem ha7 been defined and
re7ear?h de7i>n +plan i7 ?hal6ed out' (hile de?idiHn> about the the method of data
?olle?tion to be u7ed for 7tud&8 the re7ear?her 7hould 6eep in mind t@o t&pe of data
,' Se?ondar& data'
The re7ear?her 7hould 6eep in mnd t@o t&pe7 of data AiI' primar& and 7e?ondar& data'
The primar& data are tho7e @hi?h are ?olle?ted a fre7h and for the fir7t time8 and thu7
happen to be ori>inal in ?hara?ter' The 7e?ondar& data8 on the other hand are tho7e
@hi?h alread& been ?olle?ted b& 7omeone el7e and @hi?h haAe alread& been pa77ed
throu>h 7tati7ti?al pro?e77'
Co**ect'o! o( )r'm%r6 "%t%:
There are 7eAeral method of ?olle?tin> primar& data8 parti?ularl& in 7urAe&7 and
de7?riptiAe re7ear?he7 important one7 are%
i' ob7erAation $ethod
ii' interAie@ $ethod
iii' Throu>h que7tionnaire7
iA' Other method @hi?h in?lude
#i7ributor audit7
Pantr& audit7
Co7umer panel
42- 5
'!7in> me?hani?al te?hnique7
Throu>h proHe?tiAe te?hnique7
#epth interAie@
Content anal&7i7
Luest'o!!%'re% The main medium of ?olle?tin> the data @a7 que7tionnaire'
I!ter='e$ % TATA <ehi?le u7er7 = emplo&ee7 of TATA $OTORS @ere
interAie@ed for the anal&7i7 purpo7e' Their re7pon7e7 alon> @ith the rea7on7 are
@ritten do@n in the anal&7i7'
Co**ect'o! o( seco!"%r6 "%t% :
Se?ondar& data man7 data that are alread& aAailable i'e' the& refer to data @hi?h are
alread& ?olle?ted anal&I@d b& 7omeone el7e' Se?ondar& data ma& be either publi7hed
data or unpubli7hed data' !7uall& publi7hed data are aAailable in%
,' <ariou7 publi?ation of automobile ?ompan&
.' Tte?hni?al and trade Hournal7'
9' Boo67 $a>aIine7 and ne@7paper7'
1' Publi? re?ord and 7tati7ti?7'
(eb7ite of the or>aniIation% 7ome of the literature i7 bein> ?olle?ted b& the @eb7ite
of TATA $OTORS' $ainl& the hi7tor& of the ?ompan&8 introdu?tion et? i7 ta6en'
L'ter%ture: Literature li6e material @a7 not aAailable but 7ome formal data @a7
aAailable @hi?h @a7 Aer& helpful in the anal&7e7'
42/ 5
Tata motor7 do not haAe 7erAi?e 7tation7 in rural area7 or internal area7 and al7o not
proAidin> >ood 7erAi?e due to la?6 of 7erAi?e 7tation7'
The Ailla>eJ7 people or farmer ha7 need of produ?t li6e Tra?tor @hi?h i7 not laun?h b&
Tata motor7 the lar>e7t Aehi?le manufa?turer in "ndia' So eAer& per7on 6no@7 about
the TATA and attra?t to@ard7 the TATA brand name' Tata motor7 proAidin> 7erAi?e7
a??ordin> their ?u7tomer7'
Be?au7e of oAer ?ro@ded mar6et VTATA motor7X had to ?ompetitor not onl& @ith
A7ho6 Le&land but al7o @ith other Aehi?le manufa?turer ?ompan&'

inan?e Companie7 ha7 defined three t&pe7 of ?u7tomer7****
ir7t Time !7er D T ! E
CaptiAe Cu7tomer
leet Cu7tomer
422 5
F'rst T'me User/ "f the ?u7tomer i7 >oin> to pur?ha7e the Commerc'%* Ve+'c*e fir7t
C%)t'=e Customer/ "f a per7on ha7 alread& . or 9 Aehi?le7'
F*eet Customer/ "f per7on ha7 alread& more than ,G Aehi?le7'
Rate of "ntere7t i7 fiCed throu>h "nternal Redu?in> Rate D " R R E'
or the ir7t Time !7er the "nternal Redu?in> Rate i7 ,/M
or the CaptiAe Cu7tomer the "nternal Redu?in> Rate i7 ,9'-GM'
or the leet Cu7tomer the "nternal Redu?in> Rate i7 ,,M'

42F 5

423 5
At la7t " @i7h to ?on?lude that ,TATA &OTORS- i7 one of the bi>>e7t automobile
?ompanie7 in "ndia' "t ha7 Aer& hi>h mar6et potential in Aariou7 t&pe7 of Auto Aehi?le7
for Aariou7 t&pe7 of ?u7tomer78 li6e8 Tata A?e8 A7hol Le&land8 S@araH $aIda and
Ei?her other li>ht ?ommer?ial Aehi?le7 et?'
$ar6et 7e>mentation i7 the identifi?ation of portion7 of the mar6et that are
different from one another' Se>mentation allo@7 the firm to better 7ati7f& the need7 of
it7 potential ?u7tomer7'
Tata $otor7 ha7 three 7e>ment7 a7 Commer?ial <ehi?le7 DC<7E8 $ulti !tilit&
<ehi?le7 D$!<7E = Li>ht = $edium Commer?ial <ehi?le7 DH=$C<7E' "n @hi?h
C<7 further diAided into Li>ht Commer?ial <ehi?le7 DLC<7E = Sport7 !tilit&
<ehi?le7 DS!<7E'
Compan& ha7 more 7ale7 of the ?ar7 for the upper middle ?la77 and medium
?la77 than upper ?la77 and lo@er ?la77'
The mar6etin> ?on?ept ?all7 for under7tandin> ?u7tomer7 and 7ati7f&in> their
need7 better than the ?ompetition' But different ?u7tomer7 haAe different need78 and it
rarel& i7 po77ible to 7ati7f& all ?u7tomer7 b& treatin> them ali6e8 7o there are man&
produ?t7 for ea?h t&pe of indiAidual7'
4FG 5
4F, 5

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