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Name : ___________ Tme : ! "#.
R$%% N$. : ___________ &a'. &a#()* : 50
Ba+," N$. : ___________ &a#()* O-+. : __________
.. I C"$$*e a%% +"a+ a//%e*. 20
!. Why is a wireless LAN a good choice on extending a network?
a) Reduces the cost o cables required for installation.
b) Can be installed aster than a wired network.
c) ardware is considerably less ex!ensi"e than wired LAN hardware.
d) #li$inates a significant !ortion o the labor charges for installation.
2. A year ago% while working for your current organi&ation% you installed a wireless link
between two buildings. Recently you ha"e recei"ed re!ort that the through!ut of the link
has decreed. After in"estigating the connection !roble$s% you disco"er there is a tree with
the 'resnel (one o the link that is causing )*+ blockage of the connection.
Which one of the following state$ents is true?
a) ,he tree cannot be the !roble$% because only )*+ of the connection is blocked.
b) ,he tree $ight be the !roble$% because u! to -.+ of the 'resnel (one can be
blocked with causing !roble$ to network connecti"ity.
c) /f the tree is !roble$% raising the heights of both antenna will ix the !roble$.
d) /f the tree is the !roble$% increasing the trans$ission !ower at both ends will fix
the !roble$.
0. Which o the following are the ad"antages of 0).1b 2333 o"er 0.).1 '33?
a) Cost
b) ,hrough!ut
c) 3ecurity
d) Resistance to narrowband interference.
1. A 2333 channel is $ore susce!tible to narrow band interference than 33 channel
because o which of the following?
a) ,he 2333 channel bandwidth is $uch s$aller than '33.
b) ,he infor$ation is trans$itted along the entire band si$ultaneously instead of
one frequency at a ti$e.
c) '33 syste$s use only one frequency at a ti$e.
d) '33 syste$s si$!ly a"oid the frequency on which the narrowband interference
is located.
5. Wireless bridges are used or which of the following function?
a) Connecting $obile users to the wired network.
b) 4oint5to5$ulti!oint connecti"ity.
c) 6uilding5to56uilding connecti"ity.
d) Wireless security.
2. #thernet and serial con"erters are used with de"ices ha"ing which of the following
!hysical connecti"ity?
a) 75 !in serial
b) 4ort #thernet !orts
c) 836 !orts
d) 4arallel !orts
3. When !urchasing R' cable% which o the following should be considered when
$aking your decision?
a) /$!edance
b) /nsertion loss
c) 9ain
d) 'requency res!onse
4. Which o the following standards s!ecifies the use o '33 technology?
a) 0.).11
b) 0.).11a
c) 0.).11g
d) 6lue tooth
5. Which of the following frequency band is utili&ed by /###?
a) 7.) :h&57)0 :h&
b) ).-..1 9h&5 ).;0;* 9h&
c) *.1* 9h&5 *.)* 9h&
d) *.)* 9h&5 *.;* 9h&
!0. A client that can trans$it data o"er a wireless network is considered to be which of
the 'ollowing.
a) 8nauthenticated
b) Authenticated
c) 8nassociated
d) Associated
.. II Se%e,+ +"e ,$##e,+ a%+e#6a+7e !0
!. /n what organi&ation did the use of s!read s!ectru$ wireless LAN
a) Wi5'i alliance
b) 6lue ,ooth
c) 'CC
d) 8.3. :ilitary
2. ,he antenna gain is the relati"e $easure$ent to which one of the
a) <$ni antenna
b) /ntentional radiator
c) /sotro!ic antenna
d) /sotro!ic radio
0. =3WR occurs because o $is$atched > > > > > > >.
a) =oltage
b) Resistance
c) /$!edance
d) 4ower
1.! ,he $axi$u$ nu$ber of co5location channel in WLAN are > > > > > .
a) )
b) -
c) 0
d) 1.
5. Which of the following standard is $ore affected by narrow band
a) '33
b) 2333
c) /r2A
d) 6lue ,ooth
28 4olari&ation of #:W is defined with reference to which of the ter$.
a) #lectric field b) :agnetic field
c) direction o !ro!agation of wa"e d) #lectric ? $agnetic field
38 A WLAN installation has a 0. $eter cable running between the access !oint
and dish antenna. ,he out!ut signals being sent ? recei"ed is "ery weak at each end
of the link. What de"ice could you add to the configuration that would fix the !roble$.
a) 8ni5directional a$!lifier b) bi5 directional a$!lifier
c) 8ni5 directional attenuator d) 6i5 directional attenuator
48 ,he ter$ 9H:" *$%a+$6 m/e;a6,e< is related to which o the following de"ice.
a) R' cable b) R' connector
c) Lightning arrestor d) R' s!litter
58 Which one o the following is a disad"antage of a license5free R' band .
a) No licensing fees or !a!erwork b) Lower cost of eqi!$ent
c) Regulation by the 'CC in the 83
d) 4ossible rando$ interference with other network
!08 A basic ser"ice has how $any access !oint.
a) 1 b) ) c) 8nli$ited d) None
.. III S+a+e T#=e $# >a%*e !0
1. Wireless connecti"ity is used to connect ser"er co$!uters.
). 2irectional antenna is used in !oint to $ulti!oint co$$unication.
;. /4 filtering can be i$!le$ented in all ty!es of A4.
-. 2333 su!!ort data rate only u! u! to 1. :b!s.
*. Wireless gateway su!!ort =4N% RA2/83% NA, .. etc.
@. @d6 rule is referred to 'ree 3!ace 4ath Loss.
A. R' attenuator is an co$!ulsory accessory in WLAN.
0. 0.).11a WLAN standard works in * 9& /3: band.
7. #33 are used in ad5hoc $ode.
1.. WLAN su!!ort or layerB) roa$ing.
.. IV E'/a6; +"e >$%%$?6: !0
1) /633
)) #A4
;) 8N//
-) <'2:
*) =3WR
@) 4o#
A) 33/2
0) C2:A
7) #/R4
1.) #,3/

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