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Add to WatchlistLone
Survivor (2013)
Marcus Luttrell and his team set out on
a mission to capture or kill notorious al
Qaeda leader Ahmad hahd! in late
"une 200#. Marcus and his team are
le$t to $i%ht $or their li&es in one o$ the
most &aliant e$$orts o$ modern
'ar$are.(ir) *eter +er% With) Mark
Wahl,er%! -a.lor /itsch! 0mile
1irsch Action 2 +io%raph. 2 (rama 2 -hri
ller 2 War121 mins.
Add to WatchlistEa (2013)
A lonel. 'riter de&elops an unlikel.
relationship 'ith his ne'l. purchased
operatin% s.stem that3s desi%ned to
meet his e&er. need.(ir) pike
"on4e With) "oa5uin *hoeni6! Am.
Adams! carlett
"ohansson (rama 2 7omance 2 ci89i12:
Add to WatchlistRegatul de
gheata (2013)
9earless optimist Anna teams up 'ith
/risto$$ in an epic ;ourne.!
encounterin% 0&erest8like conditions!
and a hilarious sno'man named <la$ in
a race to $ind Anna3s sister 0lsa! 'hose
ic. po'ers ha&e trapped the kin%dom in
eternal 'inter.(ir) =hris +uck! "enni$er
Lee With) /risten +ell! "osh >ad! ?dina
Men4el Animation 2 Ad&enture 2 =omed.
2 9amil. 2 9antas. 2 Musical102 mins.
Add to Watchlist12 ani de
sclavie (2013)
?n the ante,ellum Anited tates!
olomon Borthup! a $ree ,lack man
$rom upstate Be' Cork! is a,ducted and
sold into sla&er..(ir) te&e
McQueen With) =hi'etel
0;io$or! Michael /. Williams! Michael
9ass,ender +io%raph. 2 (rama 2 1istor.
134 mins.
Add to WatchlistHobbitul:
Deolarea lui S!aug (2013)
-he d'ar&es! alon% 'ith +il,o +a%%ins
and >andal$ the >re.! continue their
5uest to reclaim 0re,or! their
homeland! $rom mau%. +il,o +a%%ins
is in possession o$ a m.sterious and
ma%ical rin%.(ir) *eter
"ackson With) ?an Mc/ellen! Martin
9reeman! 7ichard
Armita%e Ad&enture 2 9antas.1:1 mins.
Add to Watchlist"iata secreta
a lui #alter $itt% (2013)
A da.8dreamer escapes his anon.mous
li$e ,. disappearin% into a 'orld o$
$antasies $illed 'ith heroism! romance
and action. When his ;o, alon% 'ith
that o$ his co8'orker are threatened! he
takes action in the real 'orld
em,arkin% on a %lo,al ;ourne. that
turns into an ad&enture more
e6traordinar. than an.thin% he could
ha&e e&er ima%ined.(ir) +en
tiller With) +en tiller! /risten
Wii%! "on
(al. Ad&enture 2 =omed. 2 (rama 2 9an
tas.114 mins.
Add to WatchlistDallas 'u%ers
(lub (2013)
?n 1ED# (allas! electrician and hustler
7on Woodroo$ 'orks around the s.stem
to help A?( patients %et the
medication the. need a$ter he is himsel$
dia%nosed 'ith the disease.(ir) "ean8
Marc FallGe With) Matthe'
Mc=onau%he.! "enni$er >arner! "ared
Leto +io%raph. 2 (rama 2 1istor.11@
Add to Watchlist)ocurile
*oa!ei: S*idarea (2013)
/atniss 0&erdeen and *eeta Mellark
,ecome tar%ets o$ the =apitol a$ter
their &ictor. in the @4th 1un%er >ames
sparks a re,ellion in the (istricts o$
*anem.(ir) 9rancis
La'rence With) "enni$er La'rence! "osh
1utcherson! Liam
1ems'orth Action 2 Ad&enture 2 ci89i 2
-hriller14: mins.
Add to Watchlist'urlaci
+ntariati (2013)
-hree si6t.8somethin% $riends take a
,reak $rom their da.8to8da. li&es to
thro' a ,achelor part. in Las Fe%as $or
their last remainin% sin%le pal.(ir) "on
-urteltau, With) 7o,ert (e
Biro! Michael (ou%las! Mor%an
9reeman =omed. 10# mins.
Add to Watchlist,inutul din
!i-locul verii (2013)
A look at the li&es o$ the stron%8'illed
'omen o$ the Weston $amil.! 'hose
paths ha&e di&er%ed until a $amil. crisis
,rin%s them ,ack to the <klahoma
house the. %re' up in! and to the
d.s$unctional 'oman 'ho raised
them.(ir) "ohn Wells With) Mer.l
treep! (ermot Mulrone.! "ulia
7o,erts (rama 121 mins.
Add to Watchlist(a/itanul
0hilli/s (2013)
-he true stor. o$ =aptain 7ichard
*hillips and the 200E hi;ackin% ,.
omali pirates o$ the A8$la%%ed MF
Maersk Ala,ama! the $irst American
car%o ship to ,e hi;acked in t'o
hundred .ears.(ir) *aul
>reen%rass With) -om 1anks! +arkhad
A,di! +arkhad
A,dirahman Ad&enture 2 +io%raph. 2 (r
ama 2 -hriller134 mins.
Add to
Watchlist1%!/ho!aniac (201
A sel$8dia%nosed n.mphomaniac
recounts her erotic e6periences to the
man 'ho sa&ed her a$ter a
,eatin%.(ir) Lars &on
-rier With) =harlotte
>ains,our%! tellan kars%Hrd! tac.
Martin (rama 122 mins.
Add to Watchlist2ravit%:
$isiune in s/atiu (2013)
A medical en%ineer and an astronaut
'ork to%ether to sur&i&e a$ter an
accident lea&es them adri$t in
space.(ir) Al$onso =uarIn With) andra
+ullock! >eor%e =loone.! 0d
1arris (rama 2 ci89i 2 -hrillerE1 mins.
Add to Watchlist,he 'oo4
,hie* (2013)
While su,;ected to the horrors o$ World
War ?? >erman.! .oun% Liesel $inds
solace ,. stealin% ,ooks and sharin%
them 'ith others. Ander the stairs in
her home! a "e'ish re$u%ee is ,ein%
sheltered ,. her adopti&e
parents.(ir) +rian *erci&al With) ophie
BGlisse! >eo$$re. 7ush! 0mil.
Watson (rama 2 War131 mins.
Add to Watchlist'lue
)as!ine (2013)
A Be' Cork socialite! deepl. trou,led
and in denial! arri&es in an 9rancisco
to impose upon her sister. he looks a
million! ,ut isn3t ,rin%in% mone.!
peace! or lo&e...(ir) Wood.
Allen With) =ate +lanchett! Alec
+ald'in! *eter
ars%aard =omed. 2 (ramaED mins.
Add to Watchlist2rudge
$atch (2013)
A pair o$ a%in% ,o6in% ri&als are coa6ed
out o$ retirement to $i%ht one $inal ,out
88 30 .ears a$ter their last
match.(ir) *eter e%al With) 7o,ert (e
Biro! .l&ester tallone! /im
+asin%er =omed. 2 port113 mins.
Add to WatchlistSaving $r.
'an4s (2013)
Author 0.L. ,ravers re$lects on her
di$$icult childhood 'hile meetin% 'ith
$ilmmaker #alt Disne% durin%
production $or the adaptation o$ her
no&el! $ar% 0o//ins.(ir) "ohn Lee
1ancock With) 0mma -hompson! -om
1anks! Annie 7ose
+uckle. +io%raph. 2 =omed. 2 (rama 2
9amil. 2 1istor. 2 Music12# mins.
Add to WatchlistRush (2013)
-he merciless 1E@0s ri&alr. ,et'een
9ormula <ne ri&als "ames 1unt and Biki
Lauda.(ir) 7on 1o'ard With) (aniel
+rJhl! =hris 1ems'orth! <li&ia
Wilde Action 2 +io%raph. 2 (rama 2 por
t123 mins.
Add to WatchlistRonin: .7
/entru rabunare (2013)
A ,and o$ samurai set out to a&en%e
the death and dishonor o$ their master
at the hands o$ a ruthless
sho%un.(ir) =arl 7insch With) /eanu
7ee&es! 1iro.uki anada! /o
hi,asaki Action 2 Ad&enture 2 9antas.1
1D mins.
Add to Watchlist+nside Lle5%n
Davis (2013)
A 'eek in the li$e o$ a .oun% sin%er as
he na&i%ates the >reen'ich Filla%e $olk
scene o$ 1E:1.(ir) 0than =oen! "oel
=oen With) <scar ?saac! =are.
Mulli%an! "ohn
>oodman (rama 2 Music104 mins.
Add to Watchlist6bout
,i!e (2013)
At the a%e o$ 21! -im disco&ers he can
tra&el in time and chan%e 'hat happens
and has happened in his o'n li$e. 1is
decision to make his 'orld a ,etter
place ,. %ettin% a %irl$riend turns out
not to ,e as eas. as .ou mi%ht
think.(ir) 7ichard
=urtis With) (omhnall >leeson! 7achel
McAdams! +ill
Bi%h. (rama 2 9antas. 2 7omance123
Add to Watchlist(arrie (2013)
A reima%inin% o$ the classic horror tale
a,out =arrie White! a sh. %irl outcast
,. her peers and sheltered ,. her
deepl. reli%ious mother! 'ho unleashes
telekinetic terror on her small to'n
a$ter ,ein% pushed too $ar at her senior
prom.(ir) /im,erl. *eirce With) =hloK
>race Moret4! "ulianne Moore! >a,riella
Wilde (rama 2 1orror100 mins.
Add to WatchlistDon )on (2013)
A Be' "erse. %u. dedicated to his
$amil.! $riends! and church! de&elops
unrealistic e6pectations $rom 'atchin%
porn and 'orks to $ind happiness and
intimac. 'ith his potential true
lo&e.(ir) "oseph >ordon8
Le&itt With) "oseph >ordon8
Le&itt! carlett "ohansson! "ulianne
Moore =omed. 2 (rama 2 7omanceE0
Add to
Watchlist0risoners (2013)
When /eller (o&er3s dau%hter and her
$riend %o missin%! he takes matters into
his o'n hands as the police pursue
multiple leads and the pressure
mounts. +ut ;ust ho' $ar 'ill this
desperate $ather %o to protect his
$amil.L(ir) (enis Filleneu&e With) 1u%h
"ackman! "ake >.llenhaal! Fiola
(a&is =rime 2 (rama 2 -hriller1#3 mins.
Add to WatchlistEsca/e 0lan:
,estul su/re! (2013)
When a structural8securit. authorit.
$inds himsel$ set up and incarcerated in
the 'orld3s most secret and secure
prison! he has to use his skills to
escape 'ith help $rom the
inside.(ir) Mikael
1H$strMm With) .l&ester
tallone! Arnold ch'ar4ene%%er! #0
=ent Action 2 M.ster. 2 -hriller11# mins.
Add to Watchlist6nchor!an 2:
,he Legend (ontinues (2013)
With the @0s ,ehind him! an (ie%o3s
top rated ne'sman! 7on +ur%und.!
returns to take Be' Cork3s $irst 248hour
ne's channel ,. storm.(ir) Adam
Mc/a. With) Will 9errell! =hristina
Apple%ate! *aul 7udd =omed. 11E mins.
Add to Watchlist,he Right 8ind
o* #rong (2013)
Leo the dish'asher $alls in lo&e 'ith a
,ride on the da. o$ her 'eddin% 8 to
another man.(ir) "eremiah .
=hechik With) /'anten! /risten
1a%er! ara
=annin% =omed. 2 7omanceE@ mins.
Add to WatchlistLee Daniels9
,he 'utler (2013)
As =ecil >aines ser&es ei%ht presidents
durin% his tenure as a ,utler at the
White 1ouse! the ci&il ri%hts mo&ement!
Fietnam! and other ma;or e&ents a$$ect
this man3s li$e! $amil.! and American
societ..(ir) Lee (aniels With) 9orest
Whitaker! <prah Win$re.! "ohn
=usack +io%raph. 2 (rama132 mins.
Add to Watchlist#e9re the
$illers (2013)
A &eteran pot dealer creates a $ake
$amil. as part o$ his plan to mo&e a
hu%e shipment o$ 'eed into the A..
$rom Me6ico.(ir) 7a'son Marshall
-hur,er With) "ason udeikis! "enni$er
Aniston! 0mma
7o,erts =omed. 2 =rime110 mins.
Add to
Watchlist1ebras4a (2013)
An a%in%! ,oo4e8addled $ather makes
the trip $rom Montana to Be,raska 'ith
his estran%ed son in order to claim a
million8dollar Me%a 'eepstakes
Marketin% pri4e.(ir) Ale6ander
* With) +ruce (ern! Will
9orte! "une
5ui,, Ad&enture 2 (rama11# mins.
Add to WatchlistRiddic4 (2013)
Le$t $or dead on a sun8scorched planet!
7iddick $inds himsel$ up a%ainst an alien
race o$ predators. Acti&atin% an
emer%enc. ,eacon alerts t'o ships)
one a ne' ,reed o$ mercenar.!
the other captained ,. a man $rom
7iddick3s past.(ir) (a&id
-'oh. With) Fin (iesel! /arl
Ar,an! /atee ackho$$ Action 2 ci8
9i 2 -hriller11E mins.
Add to Watchlist$arele
2atsb% (2013)
A Mid'estern 'ar &eteran $inds himsel$
dra'n to the past and li$est.le o$ his
millionaire nei%h,or.(ir) +a4
Luhrmann With) Leonardo
(i=aprio! =are. Mulli%an! "oel
0d%erton (rama 2 7omance143 mins.
Add to Watchlist,hor:
:ntunericul (2013)
When "ane 9oster is possessed ,. a
%reat po'er! -hor must protect her
$rom a ne' threat o$ old times) the
(ark 0l&es.(ir) Alan -a.lor With) =hris
1ems'orth! Batalie *ortman! -om
1iddleston Action 2 Ad&enture 2 9antas.
112 mins.
Add to Watchlist,he Rail5a%
$an (2013)
A &ictim $rom World War ??3s N(eath
7ail'a.N sets out to $ind those
responsi,le $or his torture. A true
stor..(ir) "onathan
-eplit4k. With) Bicole /idman! 1iro.uki
anada! =olin
9irth +io%raph. 2 (rama11: mins.
Add to WatchlistSunt un !ic
ticalos 2 (2013)
>ru is recruited ,. the Anti8Fillain
Lea%ue to help deal 'ith a po'er$ul
ne' super criminal.(ir) *ierre
=o$$in! =hris 7enaud With) te&e
=arell! /risten Wii%! +en;amin
+ratt Animation 2 Ad&enture 2 =omed. 2
=rime 2 9amil. 2 ci89iED mins.
Add to Watchlist)ocul lui
Ender (2013)
Coun% 0nder Wi%%in is recruited ,. the
?nternational Militar. to lead the $i%ht
a%ainst the 9ormics! a %enocidal alien
race 'hich nearl. annihilated the
human race in a pre&ious
in&asion.(ir) >a&in 1ood With) 1arrison
9ord! Asa +utter$ield! 1ailee
tein$eld Action 2 Ad&enture 2 ci89i114
Add to Watchlist$an o* Steel:
Eroul (2013)
A .oun% itinerant 'orker is $orced to
con$ront his secret e6trastellar ori%in
'hen 0arth is in&aded ,. mem,ers o$
his o'n race.(ir) Oack
n.der With) 1enr. =a&ill! Am.
Adams! Michael
hannon Action 2 Ad&enture 2 9antas. 2
ci89i143 mins.
Add to WatchlistEl%siu! (2013)
?n the .ear 21#4! the &er. 'ealth. li&e
on a man8made space station 'hile the
rest o$ the population resides on a
ruined 0arth. A man takes on a mission
that could ,rin% e5ualit. to the
polari4ed 'orlds.(ir) Beill
+lomkamp With) Matt (amon! "odie
9oster! harlto
=ople. Action 2 (rama 2 ci89i 2 -hrille
r10E mins.
Add to Watchlist6ll +s
Lost (2013)
A$ter a collision 'ith a shippin%
container at sea! a resource$ul sailor
$inds himsel$! despite all e$$orts to the
contrar.! starin% his mortalit. in the
$ace.(ir) ".=. =handor With) 7o,ert
7ed$ord Action 2 Ad&enture 2 (rama10:
Add to Watchlist)ac4ass
0resents: 'ad
2rand/a (2013)
D:8.ear8old ?r&in% Oisman takes a trip
$rom Be,raska to Borth =arolina to take
his D .ear8old %randson! +ill.! ,ack to
his real $ather.(ir) "e$$
-remaine With) "ohnn.
/no6&ille! "ackson Bicoll! >re%
1arris =omed. E2 mins.
Add to Watchlist'ad
#ords (2013)
A spellin% ,ee loser sets out to e6act
re&en%e ,. $indin% a loophole and
attemptin% to 'in as an
adult.(ir) "ason +ateman With) 7achael
1arris! "ason +ateman! /athr.n
1ahn =omed. DD mins.
Add to WatchlistSta sa /loua
cu chi*tele 2 (2013)
9lint Lock'ood no' 'orks at -he Li&e
=orp =ompan. $or his idol =hester F.
+ut he3s $orced to lea&e his post 'hen
he learns that his most in$amous
machine is still operational and is
churnin% out menacin% $ood8animal
h.,rids.(ir) =od. =ameron! /ris
*earn With) +ill 1ader! Anna 9aris! Will
9orte Animation 2 =omed. 2 9amil. 2 9a
ntas. 2 ci89iE# mins.
Add to Watchlist6 venit
s*;rsitu9< (2013)
While attendin% a part. at "ames
9ranco3s house! eth 7o%en! "a.
+aruchel and man. other cele,rities are
$aced 'ith the apocal.pse.(ir) 0&an
>old,er%! eth 7o%en With) "ames
9ranco! "onah 1ill! eth
7o%en =omed. 2 9antas.10@ mins.
Add to Watchlist8ic4=6ss
2 (2013)
-he costumed hi%h8school hero /ick8
Ass ;oins 'ith a %roup o$ normal
citi4ens 'ho ha&e ,een inspired to $i%ht
crime in costume. Mean'hile! the 7ed
Mist plots an act o$ re&en%e that 'ill
a$$ect e& /ick8Ass
kno's.(ir) "e$$ Wadlo' With) Aaron
-a.lor8"ohnson! =hloK >race
Moret4! =hristopher Mint48
*lasse Action 2 =omed. 2 =rime103
Add to Watchlist+nstru!ente
!ortale: >rasul
oaselor (2013)
When her mother disappears! =lar.
9ra. learns that she descends $rom a
line o$ 'arriors 'ho protect our 'orld
$rom demons. he ;oins $orces 'ith
others like her and heads into a
dan%erous alternate Be' Cork called
(o'n'orld.(ir) 1arald O'art With) Lil.
=ollins! "amie =amp,ell +o'er! 7o,ert
heehan Action 2 Ad&enture 2 (rama 2 9
antas. 2 M.ster. 2 7omance130 mins.
Add to Watchlist?ast @ ?urious
& (2013)
1o,,s has (om and +rian reassem,le
their cre' in order to take do'n a
mastermind 'ho commands an
or%ani4ation o$ mercenar. dri&ers
across 12 countries. *a.mentL 9ull
pardons $or them all.(ir) "ustin
Lin With) Fin (iesel! *aul
Walker! ('
"ohnson Action 2 =rime 2 -hriller130
Add to Watchlist>blivion.
0laneta uitata (2013)
A &eteran assi%ned to e6tract 0arth3s
remainin% resources ,e%ins to 5uestion
'hat he kno's a,out his mission and
himsel$.(ir) "oseph /osinski With) -om
=ruise! Mor%an 9reeman! Andrea
7ise,orou%h Action 2 Ad&enture 2 M.ster
. 2 ci89i124 mins.
Add to WatchlistHansel si
2retel: ";natorii de
vra-itoare (2013)
1ansel P >retel are ,ount. hunters 'ho
track and kill 'itches all o&er the 'orld.
As the $a,led +lood Moon approaches!
the si,lin%s encounter a ne' $orm o$
e&il that mi%ht hold a secret to their
past.(ir) -omm. Wirkola With) "erem.
7enner! >emma Arterton! *eter
tormare Action 2 9antas. 2 1orrorDD
18#0 o$ D!@3D titles.
Be6t Q

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