John Jufel V

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John Jufel V.

Simpliciano BSED II-A




HUMANITIES comes from the LATIN WORD Humanus which means human,
cultured, refined.

The word Humanities is derived from the Renaissance Latin expression STUDIA
HUMANITATIS, or study of humanitas ( a classical latin word meaning in addition to humanity
culture, refinement, education and specifically, an education befitting a cultivated man ).


Classics in the Western academic tradition, refer to cultures of classic antiquity namely
the Ancient Greek and roman Cultures. The study of the classics is considered one of the
cornerstones of Humanities; however, its popularity declined during the 20
History the study of history has been considered part of the Humanities. History is
systematically collected information about the past. When used as the name of a field of study,
history refers to the study and interpretation of the records of humans, societies, institutions, and
any topic that has changed overtime.
Languages the scientific study of languages is known as linguistics and is generally
considered a social science or a cognitive science, the study of languages is still the central to the
Law law means rule that is enforceable (but in international relations contest it is not
always enforceable) through institutions. The study of law crosses boundaries between the social
sciences and humanities, depending on one view of research into its objects and effects.

ARTS the term humanities refers to the arts the visual arts such as architecture,
painting and sculpture; music; dance; the theatre or drama; and literature.
Visual Art the art that we perceive through our eyes. It involves not only
painting and sculpture but include such things as clothes, household appliances,
and furnishing of our homes, schools, churches and other buildings. Visual Art
can be classified into:
I. Graphic Arts this term covers any form of visual artistic representation,
especially painting, drawing, photography, etc. or in which portrayals of
forms and symbols are recorded on two-dimensional surface. Graphic arts
1. Painting the process of applying pigment to surface to secure
effects involving forms and colors.
2. Drawing art of representing by lines made on a surface or the
process of portraying an object, scene or forms of decorative or
symbolic meaning through lines, shading, and texture in one or
more colors.
3. Graphic processes the process of making multi-reproduction of
graphic works.
a. Relief painting the process whereby portions of design are
cut away on the master image then the printed image is
formed in the remaining surfaces.
(E.G. woodcuts, wood engravings)
b.Intaglio painting method in which printing from a plate on
which incised lines, which carry the ink, leave a raised
i. dry point
ii. etching
iii. engraving
4. Surface Painting it includes all the process in which printing is
done from a flat surface.
a. Lithography
b. Silkscreen
5. Commercial Art it includes designing of books,
advertisements, signs, posters, and other displays to promote sale
or acceptance of product, service or idea.
6. Mechanical Processes these are developed by commercial
printers for rapid, large quantity of words and pictures in one or
more colors.
7. Photography chemical-mechanical process by which images
are produced on sensitized surfaces by action of light.
II. Plastic Arts visual arts that have length, width, and volume; thus are
also called three-dimensional arts.
1. Architecture- art of designing and constructing buildings and
other types of structures.
2. Landscape Architecture planning outdoor areas for human use
and enjoyment.
3. City Planning planning and arranging the physical aspects of a
large or small community.
4. Interior Design used to designate and arrangement of
architectural interiors for convenience and beauty.
5. Sculpture refers to the design and construction of three
dimensional forms of representing natural objects or imaginary
6. Crafts it refers to the designing and making of objects by hand
for use of pleasure. ( Ceramics, Jewelry, Leatherwork,
7. Industrial Design- refers to design of objects for machine
production. ( designs for auto mobiles and household appliances)
8. Dress and Costume Design it covers all the design of wearing
9. Theatre Design the design for dramatic productions.

Music the art of arranging sounds in rhythmic session and generally in
- It is both a creative and a performing art.
- The common forms are song, march, fugue, sonata, suite, fantasy,
concerto, and symphony.
- Musical compositions can be classified into three groups;
I. Vocal Music composed primarily to be sung. The voice/s generally
accompanied by musical instrument/s.
II. Instrumental Music it written for general types 1) keyboard, 2) string, 3)
wind, 4) percussion.
III. Music Combined with Other Arts
1. Opera drama set to music, it was entirely sung with orchestral
2. Operetta and Musical Comedy drama set to music but is light,
popular, romantic and often humorous or comic where Operetta
uses spoken dialogue instead of recitative.
3. Oratorio and Cantata sacred musical drama concert.
IV. For motion pictures are ballet music and background music.
Dance it involves the movement of the body and the feet in rhythm.
I. Ethnologic folk dancing associated with national and cultural groups.
II. Social or Ballroom Dances popular types of dancing generally
performed by pairs. ( waltz, fox trot, rumba, tango, cha-cha, jazz)
III. Ballet formalized type of dance which originated in the royal courts of
the Middle Ages. Maybe solo or concerted dances with mimetic actions
accompanied by music.
IV. Modern often called contemporary or interpretative dances. It represents
rebellion against the classical formalism of ballet. There are varied styles
of movements usually based on the current trend.
V. Musical Comedy performed by soloist, groups, and choruses in theatres,
night clubs, motion pictures and television. It combines forms of ballet,
modern tap, and acrobatics.
Drama and Theatre a story re-created by actors on a stage in front of an
I. Tragedy literatures greatest dramatic art form. It is a drama of serious
nature in which the central character comes to some sad or disastrous end.
II. Melodrama the emphasis on the action rather on the character. The ction
is sensational or romantic usually has a happy ending.
III. Comedy generally includes all plays with happy endings
1. Romantic Comedy
2. Farce
3. Comedy of Manners drawing room comedy
4. Satire
IV. Miscellaneous
1. Tragicomedy blending tragic and comic with happy ending
2. Miracle and mystery plays dramatized stories from the bible
and of the live of saints.
3. Morality plays the characters represents specific vices and
4. Closet drama is a term used to designate plays written for
reading rather than for staging.
5. Piano drama based on piano works which evolved around the
musical pieces composed under the inspiration of a literary
Literature art of combining spoken and written words with their meanings into
forms which have artistic and emotional appeal.
I. Drama
II. Essay non-fiction, expository writing ranging informal, personal topics tp
closely reasoned critical treatments of important objects.
III. Prose Fiction narrative stories created by the author, as distinguished
from true accounts. Fiction comes from the Latin word which means to
form, to invent or to feign. Fiction is divided into 1) novel, 2) novelette, 3)
IV. Poetry highly expressive nature using special forms and choice of words
and imagery.


Discipline of humanities such us philosophy, history, music and literary studies offer
models and methods for addressing dilemmas and acknowledging ambiguity and paradox. They
can help us face the tension between the concerns of individual and those of groups and promote
civil and informed discussion of conflicts, placing current issues in historical perspective. They
also give voice to feeling and artistic shape to experience, balancing passion and rationality and
exploring issues of morality and value.


The study of humanities provides venue in which the expression of dithering
interpretations and experiences can be recognized, and areas of common interest explored.

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