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Diabetic Nutritional

Here is a TRUE Diabetic Nutrition Chart designed to help those with diabetes
control their blood sugar. This food pyramid along with free Diabetic Dietary
Guidelineswill help you improve your health. Please continue to read for more
information on how to use these Diabetic Dietary Guidelines.
Do you know that many other Di abetic Diet Charts, even the one
found on the Ameri can Di abetes Associ ation (ADA) websi te i s far too
hi gh i n carbohydrates, starches and hydrogenated vegetable oi ls?
Do you know thi s wi ll cause most di abetics to require an ever
i ncreasi ng amount of drugs and insul i n?
How do I know this?
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Home A Meal Plan You Can Live With Diabetic Nutritional Chart

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1. I am a diabetic who lost 78 pounds and weaned myself off of four
insulin shots and other drugs for Diabetes, Hypertension and
High Cholesterol.
2. I have helped MANY Diabetics reduce their drugs and insulin usage
by following the exact same Diabetic Nutrition Chart you see above.
Successful Di abetes Management is very simple but it is
NOT easy.
Follow these Diabetic Dietary Guidelines for improving health and
reducing or eliminating dependence on drugs:
Follow this Diabetic Nutrition Chart (I also follow a low inflammatory
meal plan more to come on this).
Exercise: This can be based on your current level of fitness and by
following the
Diabetic Diet Chart above; you will find yourself able to do more than
you thought you could. Remember, you do not
need to exercise for hours a day IF you workout smart.
There are no short cuts and no qui ck fixes. I sel l no loti ons, poti ons
nor pil l s. I gi ve you sol i d evidence that has helped many di abetics
i mprove thei r heal th and vital ity.
Details Behind the Diabetic
Nutrition Chart
Since August 2009, I have consumed less than 50 grams of carbs per
day, and typically I stay below 30 grams per day. However over the past
six months, I have been consuming only 15 to 25 grams of carbohydrates
per day while exercising ALMOST every day.
This Diabetic Nutrition Chart is not just for Diabetes Management, it is
truly a chart that ALL PEOPLE can thrive on.
What to AVOID
Sugar includes soft drinks, fruit juices, fructose, sucrose,
agave and the obvious cookies, cakes, etc. Read more here
Starch both potatoes and rice are high in starches; which
means they are high in carbs. Do you really want to use your
daily carb allowance (30 50 grams) on
one potato? or exceed 30g on
1 cup of rice? not including the condiments you put on, in, or
around it to make it palatable. Plus make no mistake eating
30g of carbohydrate at once will cause your blood glucose to
spike. Successfully living with diabetes (especially Type II) is
all about rationingcarbs.
Grains especially wheat (gluten) in ANY form; flour, pasta,
breads, crackers, cakes, etc Read more:
Here (I could go ON and ON).
Trans fats, hydrogenated oi ls - including corn and vegetable
oils. Ditch the canola oil and bring back the real butter!
Cereals All kinds.
Legumes including beans and peanuts
(peanuts are technically a legume and not a nut).
Authority Nutrition
David Is Fat (Phat?)
Deliciously Thin
The Big Tim's Primal
J ourney
Archi ves
October 2013
J une 2013
May 2013
March 2013
J anuary 2013
November 2012
October 2012
August 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
J anuary 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
J uly 2011
J une 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
J anuary 2011
December 2010
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
J uly 2010
J une 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
J anuary 2010
Page 2 of 5 Diabetic Nutritional Chart
Pasteuri zed mil k
High Carb Frui ts - especially bananas and pineapple.
High Carb Vegetabl es avoid potatoes.

Reduced Fat Anything why? typically they are reducing natural

fats AND adding sugar to compensate.
You may be wondering what s l eft after that big l ist of no-nos, but
bel i eve me, there s plenty. You can eat a sati sfying dai l y di et on
Diabeti c Di etary Guideli nes.
What You Can Eat Every Day (I do!)
Please follow this simple rule: Eat when hungry and when not hungry,
dont eat.
Meats beef, pork, fish, shrimp, poultry, eggs, etc. Organ Meats are
particularly high in nutritional value.
Vegetables Low In Carbohydrates - such as greens, cauliflower,
broccoli, green peppers, celery, asparagus, cabbage, mushrooms
and more.
(Complete list coming soon).
Fat Coconut Oil, Butter, Rendered Fat (such as bacon grease or
Dri nks water, unsweetened tea and coffee with heavy cream only
Do NOT use non-dairy liquid or powdered creamer.
Condi ments/Spi ces Tony Chacheres, Tabasco, Texas Pete (1 g
per serving), Black and Red Pepper, Paprika, Cumin
Vi negar apple cider on salads or greens.
Cheese typically I will add cheese to my low carb Cauli-crust pizza
or my low carb Primal Chili, but I do try to limit it.
EVOO Extra Vi rgin Ol ive Oil, on salads or slaw but also for low to
medium temperature cooking.
Nuts walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, etc. (except peanuts)
Low Carb Fruits not daily and in small portions. avocado and
Stevi a and Artifici al Sweeteners are okay during the transitional
period but not for long term usage. You want to break the addiction
to carbohydrates and that is more difficult if you continue to use
artificial sweeteners. This is true for Diet Sodas as well! There are
many anecdotal tales of people having blood glucose spikes after
consuming diet soda, even though it technically does not contain
sugar. This stuff is loaded with chemicals and preservatives and
questionable ingredients for your health, stay away!
Al cohol Wine once a month I will drink wine, always red and
usually a Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon. For me
an occasional glass of wine with my diabetes is ok. (I know others
who use
it sparingly as well).
You can click on this link and it will take you to a listing of my
Diabetic Recipes which fall within the guidelines of the Diabetic Nutrition
Chart above.
Page 3 of 5 Diabetic Nutritional Chart
Do you need hands on support to transi ti on to
thi s Di abeti c Nutri ti on Chart? Cli ck Here. I can help you. I will support
you as I have many others.
* I recommend that ALL Diabetics who are NEW to a low carb meal plan,
reduce carbs to a 30g per day level until their Blood Glucose adjusts. This
is in-line with the recommendations of Dr. Bernstein.
** While eating a low carb meal plan, please monitor your blood glucose
carefully and reduce medications appropriately to prevent lows. I
eliminated my Diabetes Drugs (and Insulin) when my Overnight Fasting
Blood Glucose levels were consistently in the 70-90 range.
*** I am NOT a Doctor, Dietitian nor Nutritionist. If my example or
suggestions conflict with your
Doctors advice, please consult them and read last caveat below.
**** IF YOUR DOCTOR does NOT support a low carb Diabetes
Management Plan; FIND ONE WHO DOES. If you are having difficulty
locating a Low CarbDoctor or have questions? Email me HERE.
Here is my Diabetes Warrior
My Diabetes Meal Plan ( a true diabetes diet, not like most of those
promoted by American Diabetes Association)
How I Play
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3 thoughts on Diabetic
Nutritional Chart
I am not a doctor, dietitian nor nutritionist.
In fact I have ZERO medical training and NO
formal nutritional training. However, I am a
diabetic who follows his own diabetic
Pingback: Diabetic Mine Field
Pingback: Diabetic vs CDE (1)
Pingback: Rekindling Burpee Love
Page 4 of 5 Diabetic Nutritional Chart
diet(backed by scientific research) and has
normal Blood Glucose while taking -0- drugs
and -0- insulin.
If I can figure this out why can't the Medical
Intellectual Laziness?
Willful Ignorance?

2013 Diabetes Warrior Designed by
Themes & Co
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