Shortcut of Keyboard

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More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read

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Keyboard Shorcuts (Microsoft Windos!
1. "TR#$" ("o%y!
&. "TR#$' ("ut!
...... (. "TR#$) (*aste!
+. "TR#$, (-ndo!
.. /E#ETE (/e0ete!
1. SHI2T$/E#ETE (/e0ete the se0ected item %ermanent0y ithout %0acin3 the item in
the Recyc0e 4in!
5. "TR# hi0e dra33in3 an item ("o%y the se0ected item!
6. "TR#$SHI2T hi0e dra33in3 an item ("reate a shortcut to the se0ected item!
7. 2& 8ey (Rename the se0ected item!
10. "TR#$RI9HT ARR:W (Mo;e the insertion %oint to the be3innin3 of the ne<t ord!
11. "TR#$#E2T ARR:W (Mo;e the insertion %oint to the be3innin3 of the %re;ious
1&. "TR#$/:W= ARR:W (Mo;e the insertion %oint to the be3innin3 of the ne<t
1(. "TR#$-* ARR:W (Mo;e the insertion %oint to the be3innin3 of the %re;ious
1+. "TR#$SHI2T ith any of the arro 8eys (Hi3h0i3ht a b0oc8 of te<t!
SHI2T ith any of the arro 8eys (Se0ect more than one item in a indo or on the
des8to%> or se0ect te<t in a document!
1.. "TR#$A (Se0ect a00!
11. 2( 8ey (Search for a fi0e or a fo0der!
15. A#T$E=TER ()ie the %ro%erties for the se0ected item!
16. A#T$2+ ("0ose the acti;e item> or ?uit the acti;e %ro3ram!
17. A#T$E=TER (/is%0ay the %ro%erties of the se0ected ob@ect!
&0. A#T$S*A"E4AR (:%en the shortcut menu for the acti;e indo!
&1. "TR#$2+ ("0ose the acti;e document in %ro3rams that enab0e you to ha;e
mu0ti%0e documents o%ensimu0taneou s0y!
&&. A#T$TA4 (Sitch beteen the o%en items!
&(. A#T$ES" ("yc0e throu3h items in the order that they had been o%ened!
&+. 21 8ey ("yc0e throu3h the screen e0ements in a indo or on the des8to%!
&.. 2+ 8ey (/is%0ay the Address bar 0ist in My "om%uter or Windos E<%0orer!
&1. SHI2T$210 (/is%0ay the shortcut menu for the se0ected item!
&5. A#T$S*A"E4AR (/is%0ay the System menu for the acti;e indo!
&6. "TR#$ES" (/is%0ay the Start menu!
&7. A#T$-nder0ined 0etter in a menu name (/is%0ay the corres%ondin3 menu!
-nder0ined 0etter in a command name on an o%en menu (*erform the corres%ondin3
(0. 210 8ey (Acti;ate the menu bar in the acti;e %ro3ram!
(1. RI9HT ARR:W (:%en the ne<t menu to the ri3ht> or o%en a submenu!
(&. #E2T ARR:W (:%en the ne<t menu to the 0eft> or c0ose a submenu!
((. 2. 8ey (-%date the acti;e indo!
(+. 4A"KS*A"E ()ie the fo0der one0e;e0 u% in My "om%uter or Windos E<%0orer!
(.. ES" ("ance0 the current tas8!
(1. SHI2T hen you insert a "/AR:Minto the "/AR:M dri;e (*re;ent the "/AR:M from
automatica00y %0ayin3!
/ia0o3 4o< A Keyboard Shortcuts
1. "TR#$TA4 (Mo;e forard throu3h the tabs!
&. "TR#$SHI2T$TA4 (Mo;e bac8ard throu3h the tabs!
(. TA4 (Mo;e forard throu3h the o%tions!
+. SHI2T$TA4 (Mo;e bac8ard throu3h the o%tions!
.. A#T$-nder0ined 0etter (*erform the corres%ondin3 command or se0ect the
corres%ondin3 o%tion!
1. E=TER (*erform the command for the acti;e o%tion or button!
5. S*A"E4AR (Se0ect or c0ear the chec8 bo< if the acti;e o%tion is a chec8 bo<!
6. Arro 8eys (Se0ect a button if the acti;e o%tion is a 3rou% of o%tion buttons!
7. 21 8ey (/is%0ay He0%!
10. 2+ 8ey (/is%0ay the items in the acti;e 0ist!
11. 4A"KS*A"E (:%en a fo0der one 0e;e0 u% if a fo0der is se0ected in the Sa;e As
or :%en dia0o3 bo<!
Microsoft =atura0 Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Windos #o3o (/is%0ay or hide the Start menu!
*a3e 1
short cut
&. Windos #o3o$4REAK (/is%0ay the System *ro%erties dia0o3 bo<!
(. Windos #o3o$/ (/is%0ay the des8to%!
+. Windos #o3o$M (MinimiBe a00 of the indos!
.. Windos #o3o$SHI2T$M (Restorethe minimiBed indos!
1. Windos #o3o$E (:%en My "om%uter!
5. Windos #o3o$2 (Search for a fi0e or a fo0der!
6. "TR#$Windos #o3o$2 (Search for com%uters!
7. Windos #o3o$21 (/is%0ay Windos He0%!
10. Windos #o3o$ # (#oc8 the 8eyboard!
11. Windos #o3o$R (:%en the Run dia0o3 bo<!
1&. Windos #o3o$- (:%en -ti0ity Mana3er!
1(. Accessibi0ity Keyboard Shortcuts
1+. Ri3ht SHI2T for ei3ht seconds (Sitch 2i0terKeys either on or off!
1.. #eft A#T$0eft SHI2T$*RI=T S"REE= (Sitch Hi3h "ontrast either on or off!
11. #eft A#T$0eft SHI2T$=-M #:"K (Sitch the MouseKeys either on or off!
15. SHI2T fi;e times (Sitch the Stic8yKeys either on or off!
16. =-M #:"K for fi;e seconds (Sitch the To330eKeys either on or off!
17. Windos #o3o $- (:%en -ti0ity Mana3er!
&0. Windos E<%0orer Keyboard Shortcuts
&1. E=/ (/is%0ay the bottom of the acti;e indo!
&&. H:ME (/is%0ay the to% of the acti;e indo!
&(. =-M #:"K$Asteris8 si3n (C! (/is%0ay a00 of the subfo0ders that are under the
se0ected fo0der!
&+. =-M #:"K$*0us si3n ($! (/is%0ay the contents of the se0ected fo0der!
&.. =-M #:"K$Minus si3n (A! ("o00a%se the se0ected fo0der!
&1. #E2T ARR:W ("o00a%se the current se0ection if it is e<%anded> or se0ect the
%arent fo0der!
&5. RI9HT ARR:W (/is%0ay the current se0ection if it is co00a%sed> or se0ect the
first subfo0der!
Shortcut Keys for "haracter Ma%
After you doub0eAc0ic8 a character on the 3rid of characters> you can mo;e
throu3h the 3rid by usin3 the 8eyboard shortcutsD
1. RI9HT ARR:W (Mo;e to the ri3htor to the be3innin3 of the ne<t 0ine!
&. #E2T ARR:W (Mo;e to the 0eft orto the end of the %re;ious 0ine!
(. -* ARR:W (Mo;e u% one ro!
+. /:W= ARR:W (Mo;e don one ro!
.. *A9E -* (Mo;e u% one screen at a time!
1. *A9E /:W= (Mo;e don one screen at a time!
5. H:ME (Mo;e to the be3innin3 of the 0ine!
6. E=/ (Mo;e to the end of the 0ine!
7. "TR#$H:ME (Mo;e to the first character!
10. "TR#$E=/ (Mo;e to the 0ast character!
11. S*A"E4AR (Sitch beteen En0ar3ed and =orma0 mode hen a character is
Microsoft Mana3ement "onso0e (MM"!
Main Windo Keyboard Shortcuts
1. "TR#$: (:%en a sa;ed conso0e!
&. "TR#$= (:%en a ne conso0e!
(. "TR#$S (Sa;e the o%en conso0e!
+. "TR#$M (Add or remo;e a conso0e item!
.. "TR#$W (:%en a ne indo!
1. 2. 8ey (-%date the content of a00 conso0e indos!
5. A#T$S*A"E4AR (/is%0ay the MM" indo menu!
6. A#T$2+ ("0ose the conso0e!
7. A#T$A (/is%0ay the Action menu!
10. A#T$) (/is%0ay the )ie menu!
11. A#T$2 (/is%0ay the 2i0e menu!
1&. A#T$: (/is%0ay the 2a;orites menu!
MM" "onso0e Windo Keyboard Shortcuts
1. "TR#$* (*rint the current %a3e or acti;e %ane!
&. A#T$Minus si3n (A! (/is%0ay the indo menu for the acti;e conso0e indo!
(. SHI2T$210 (/is%0ay the Action shortcut menu for the se0ected item!
+. 21 8ey (:%en the He0% to%ic> if any> for the se0ected item!
.. 2. 8ey (-%date the content of a00 conso0e indos!
1. "TR#$210 (Ma<imiBe the acti;e conso0e indo!
5. "TR#$2. (Restore the acti;e conso0e indo!
*a3e &
short cut
6. A#T$E=TER (/is%0ay the *ro%erties dia0o3 bo<> if any> for these0ected item!
7. 2& 8ey (Rename the se0ected item!
10. "TR#$2+ ("0ose the acti;e conso0e indo. When a conso0e has on0y one conso0e
indo> this shortcut c0oses the conso0e!
Remote /es8to% "onnection =a;i3ation
1. "TR#$A#T$E=/ (:%en the Microsoft Windos =T Security dia0o3 bo<!
&. A#T$*A9E -* (Sitch beteen %ro3rams from 0eft to ri3ht!
(. A#T$*A9E /:W= (Sitch beteen %ro3rams from ri3ht to 0eft!
+. A#T$I=SERT ("yc0e throu3h the %ro3rams in most recent0y used order!
.. A#T$H:ME (/is%0ay the Start menu!
1. "TR#$A#T$4REAK (Sitch the c0ient com%uter beteen a indo and a fu00 screen!
5. A#T$/E#ETE (/is%0ay the Windos menu!
6. "TR#$A#T$Minus si3n (A! (*0ace a sna%shot of the acti;e indo in the c0ient
on the Termina0 ser;er c0i%board and %ro;ide the same functiona0ity as %ressin3
*RI=T S"REE= on a 0oca0 com%uter.!
7. "TR#$A#T$*0us si3n ($! (*0ace asna%shot of the entire c0ient indo area on
the Termina0 ser;er c0i%boardand %ro;ide the same functiona0ity as%ressin3
A#T$*RI=T S"REE= on a 0oca0 com%uter.!
Microsoft Internet E<%0orer Keyboard Shortcuts
1. "TR#$4 (:%en the :r3aniBe 2a;orites dia0o3 bo<!
&. "TR#$E (:%en the Search bar!
(. "TR#$2 (Start the 2ind uti0ity!
+. "TR#$H (:%en the History bar!
.. "TR#$I (:%en the 2a;orites bar!
1. "TR#$# (:%en the :%en dia0o3 bo<!
5. "TR#$= (Start another instance of the broser ith the same Web address!
6. "TR#$: (:%en the :%en dia0o3 bo<>the same as "TR#$#!
7. "TR#$* (:%en the *rint dia0o3 bo<!
10. "TR#$R (-%date the current Web !
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