Project Titles: Ieee Papers Based Projects

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Project Titles


1. Information system using RFID for the Blind with voice with safety guard
2. A Smart car control odel for Bra!e "omfort Based on "ar following
#. $ireless Based Railway Bridge Damage %otification with Alarm Systems
&. o'ile (uman Air'ag System for Fall )rotection *sing +S Sensors and
+m'edded S, "lassifier
-. "A% Bus +m'edded System for .ighting %etwor! Applications
/. A .ow0cost +1tenda'le Framewor! for +m'edded Smart "ar Security System
2. "avere 3ey'oard for "arpel Syndrome
4. $ireless Sensor %etwor! in Industrial Automation
5. A Scheduling Algorithm for (y'rid Distri'uted Real0time Systems
16. An +m'edded (igh )erformance *ltrasonic Signal )rocessing Su'system
11. 7S+38,D90'ased Dynamic %etwor! anagement on Automotive %etwor!
12. A "omponent0'ased (ierarchy Software )latform for Automotive +lectronics
1#. (I0IA(A :(uman achine Interaction in Industry Automation and (ome
1&. (euristics for Static ,oltage Scheduling Algorithms on Battery0)owered D,S
1-. A Semantic "onte1t anagement Framewor! on o'ile Device
1/. (and <esture Recognition Based on +S
12. Design and Implementation of an em'edded =uality control system
14. Research of %etwor!ed "ontrol System Based on )2) %etwor!
15. "omponent 7'>ect odels0'ased Dynamic )riority Assignment ethod on "A%
26. A o'ility anagement Strategy for <)RS
21. Interference0Aware ?opology "ontrol for .ow Rate $ireless )ersonal Area
22. A ultivariate 3ey0+sta'lishment Scheme for $ireless Sensor %etwor!s
2#. 7n the ?rade0offs of "ooperative Data "ompression in $ireless Sensor %etwor!s
with Spatial "orrelations
2&. Design and Implementation of an Active RFID System )latform
2-. Infrared processing and sensor fusion for anti0personnel land0mine detection
2/. Integrated residential gateway using RF0ID
22. )erformance <uarantee for $e' Server 'ased +nd Systems
24. ,isual Specifications for Distri'uted "ontrollers
25. BioStream@A System Architecture for Real0?ime )rocessing of )hysiological
#6. Distri'uted "ontrol systems
#1. Device Driver )rogramming in pS7S
#2. Implementation of pS7S Application +nvironment
##. "ontrol application development in pS7S
Senses Technologies
%o.1 DA First FloorA Baco'Cs manorA uniratnam StA :7pp. .R. (ospital; Amin>i!araiA "hennai0/66625
)h@ 6&& D /-2422&2A 544&1&#2#-
Project Titles
#&. Design and Implementation of +ncryption Standards in F46 icroprocessor
*sing ?")8I)
#-. +m'edded $e' server using G46 icroprocessor
#/. .ightweight utual Authentication )rotocol for RFID %etwor!s
#2. <eneric architecture designed for 'iomedical em'edded systems
#4. Real0?ime "ontrol of %etwor!ed "ontrol Systems via +thernet
#5. )latform0Based +m'edded Software Design and System Integration for
Autonomous ,ehicles
&6. Design "onsiderations for Solar +nergy (arvesting $ireless +m'edded Systems
&1. Digital0Driving System for Smart ,ehicles
&2. Distri'uted ulti0RF Sensor "ontrol %etwor! for Industrial Automation
&#. Design and Implementation of .I% "ommunication )rotocol.
&&. A (yper elliptic "urve "rypto "oprocessor for an 46-1 icrocontroller
&-. odeling and Integration of )eripheral Devices in +m'edded Systems
&/. ,8F "ontrol of A" induction motor with overheat protection
&2. Implementation of "AA"
&4. Implementation of )?) protocol using pS7S
&5. Dynamic Device Driver for a real time environment
-6. ?ime and Space partitioned data ac=uisition systems
-1. Research and Design of $e'0'ased $ireless Sensor %etwor! anagement
System for <reenhouse
-2. Design H Development of a <S Based ,ehicle ?heft "ontrol System
-#. Secure "ash $ithdrawal through o'ile )hone8Device
-&. Designing and Implementing an Intelligent FigBee and $.A% +na'led Ro'ot
--. %e1t <eneration ,ehicle %etwor!@ $e' +na'led
Embedded Systems based Projects (PIC A!R "#$% Based&
1. Secure Access "ontrol *sing $eigand RF0ID
2. Industrial ?imed ultitas!ing for Real time systems
#. $ireless Smart (ome
&. Industrial )ower Saver and onitor
-. Infrared processing and sensor fusion for anti0personnel land0mine detection
/. 7'>ect and heat sensing Ro'ot
2. Automo'ile "luster with Speed .ane Indicator
4. Integrated residential gateway using RF0ID
5. Design of )" 'ased 7scilloscope
16. Secure )ower ?ransmission
11. Design and Implementation of )rogrammer for Flash 'ased icrocontrollers
12. Implementation of Real ?ime operating systems in icrocontroller
1#. )" 'ased ovement and (eat Detection.
1&. Implementation of +ncryption Algorithm in icrocontroller
Senses Technologies
%o.1 DA First FloorA Baco'Cs manorA uniratnam StA :7pp. .R. (ospital; Amin>i!araiA "hennai0/66625
)h@ 6&& D /-2422&2A 544&1&#2#-
Project Titles
1-. Design and Implementation of I2" protocol in icrocontroller with R?"
1/. Intelligent "all )rocessing
12. <S Based Industrial Automation
14. $ireless Ro'ot using IR Remote control with ?emperature Sensor
15. ,isual Specifications for Distri'uted "ontrollers
26. I0Button 'ased Advanced Security system with Remote Auto dialing
21. "olor Recognition system for Industrial Automation
22. Safety <uard for the Blind with ,oice
2#. Digital )ower ?ariff eter
2&. BioStream@A System Architecture for Real0?ime )rocessing of )hysiological
2-. Secure Industrial ?imer "ontroller
2/. Smart Autonomous Ro'ot
22. $ireless Anti "ollision system in Railways
24. <S Based Security systems
Instr'mentation and Po(er Electronics based )rojects
1. S"ADA system For $ater ?reatment )lant
2. Distri'uted "ontrol systems
#. $ireless Data Ac=uisition systems
&. )" Based D" otor "ontrol *sing )$ with 7ver (eat )rotection
Embedded net(or*ing
1. +m'edded $e' server
2. Design and Implementation of 10$ire )rotocol
#. Implementation of Boiler anagement System through ?")8I)
&. Remote Room ?emperature onitoring and "ontrol
-. +m'edded +nvironmental onitoring
/. Implementation of Real ?ime 7perating systems In F46 icroprocessor
2. Design and Implementation of ?")8I)
4. Device "ontrol ?hrough .A%
5. Design and Implementation of +ncryption Standards in F46 icroprocessor.
16. S"ADA system *sing ?")8I)
Senses Technologies
%o.1 DA First FloorA Baco'Cs manorA uniratnam StA :7pp. .R. (ospital; Amin>i!araiA "hennai0/66625
)h@ 6&& D /-2422&2A 544&1&#2#-

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