Curriculum Vitae Feri

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Feri Susanto
Place/Date of Birth : Ciamis, February 20
, 1991
Sex : Male
Age : 23 Years Old
Nationality : Indonesian
Language : Indonesian, English, and Sundanese
Address : RT 06 RW 03. No. 40 Cipeundeuy-Sadapaingan, Subdistrict
Panawangan, District Ciamis, West Java, Zip Box 46255
Mobile Phone : +6281946963558
E-mail :
2009 - Present Bachelor student in Jenderal Soedirman University at Fisheries and
Marine Sciences, Purwokerto-Indonesia.
Title of thesis: Extent of Cadmium (Cd) In Mud Crab (Scylla spp.)
from Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap, Indonesia. Promotor: Dr.
Agung Dhamar Syakti, DEA, Co-Promotor: Nuning Vita Hidayati,
S.Pi., M.Si.
2006 2009 State Vocational High School 1 Kuningan at Freshwater
Aquaculture Department.
Title of final project: Fish Breeding of Gourami (Osphronemus
gouramy Lac.) in BBI (Fish Breeding Centers) Karangtawang-
Kuningan. Preceptor : Sumadi, SP.
2003 2006 State Junior High School 3 Panawangan.
1997 2003 State Elementary School Gardujaya.
2011 -2012 Staff of Research Department at Reasoning and Research Student
Activity Unit in Jenderal Soedirman University.
2011- 2012 Member of ILP2MI (Reasoning and Research of Institute
Indonesian Student League) Regional III, Indonesia.
2012 DULONGMAS (Kedu, Pekalongan, and Banyumas Region)
Championship Comittee, Shorinji Kempo.
2008 - 2009 Member of JKMPP (Care Fishery Society of Community Fisheries
Network), West Java, Indonesia.
2013 2014 Volunteer at the German-Indonesian project SPICE (Science for the
Protection of Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems) in association
with Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen,
Germany and Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), Purwokerto,
2013 Author panel of The 4
International Conference on Sustainable
Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN) 2013, Kyoto University,
Title of Papers: Distribution and Guild Status of Bloso Fish
(Glossogobius giuris) in River Basin of Serayu, Central Java,
Indonesia. 2
author: Dr. Maria Dyah Nur Meinita, S.Pi., M.Sc. 3

author: Drs. Setijanto, M.Sc., St.
2013 Finalist of Expo Bioenergy Renewable Energy for Better Future
Mekong Valley Biodiesel Expedition, Tanjungpura University,
Title of papers: Exploration Microalgae in Cilacap that Potentially
Biodiesel Produce for Alternative Energy Efforts. Advisor: Dr.
Maria Dyah Nur Meinita, S.Pi., M. Sc.
2012 Participant of International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia
were held by Indonesian Aquaculture Society, Semarang-Indonesia.
2012 Finalist of Maritime Essay Contest in Hassanudin National
University, Makassar-Indonesia.
Title of papers: Use of Industrial Waste Red Seaweed (Rhodophyta)
as an Alternative Energy, Renewable Energy to Achieve
Independent Village. Advisor: Taufik Budhi Pramono, S.Pi., M,Si.
2012 2013 Field and lab. assistant (bachelor student) for Water Quality
Management, Sampling Techniques, and Marine Biology at
Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University,
2011 -2012 Field and lab. assistant (bachelor student) for Aquatic Ecology,
Sampling Techniques, Marine Biology, and Limnology at Fisheries
and Marine Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia.
2010 2011 Field and lab. assistant (bachelor student) for Aquatic Avertebrates
at Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University,
2009 Finalist of Provincial Competition Competence of student at
Aquacultute department, Cianjur-West Java, Indonesia.
Title of papers: Artificial Aquaculture of Catfish (Clarias
gariepinus) in the Pool Tarp at Household Level. Preceptor:
Sumadi, SP.
2008 -2009 Participants of Field Practice in Fish Breeding Centers,
Karangtawang, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia.
expertise: pond management, capture techniques and parent
selection, fish breeding of Osphronemus gouramy, Cyprinus carpio,
Oreochromis niloticus, O. mossambicus, Osteochilus hasselti,
Pangasius pangasius, and Clarias gariepinus, intoduction of fish
feed, pest and disease management, and post-harvest management,
Preceptor: Edo (official of Fish Breeding Centers).
2008 Finalist of Provincial Student Competition Competence at
Aquacultute department, Subang-West Java, Indonesia.
Title of papers: Fish Breeding of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) with
intensive breeding using Hypophyse hormone. Preceptor: Sumadi,

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