Practical Methods of Improving Health & Performance Status in Mediterranean Aquaculture Species

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Digital re-print - January | February 2009

Feature: Mediterranean
Feature title: Practical methods of improving health & performance status in
Mediterranean aquaculture species
International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
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Mediterranean Mediterranean
maximize the growth poten- integrity of this system vital to the health,
tial of the species. performance and therefore quality status
of the fish.
Improving Mannan oligosaccharides have been
gastrointestinal shown to modulate the gastrointestinal
performance and integrity of marine fin fish. Dimitroglou et al,
immune status 2007 showed that the inclusion of a specific
Modern agricultural mannan oligosaccharide, derived from yeast
farm practises place heavy cell wall material, Bio-Mos® (Alltech Inc,
emphasis on the quality USA) in the diets of several marine spe-
and performance of young cies including sea bream improved the gut
animals. morphology by increasing the microvilli
It is considered vital that density in both the anterior and posterior
Control the best possible start is gut regions and significantly increasing the
given to the young, as an microvilli length.

Practical methods of improving

animal never performs best These changes in the gut morphology
after a bad start. indicated that the absorptive surface of the
Similarly in aquaculture gut had been improved and that a better

health & performance status in just as poor larval fish sur-

vival rates will limit produc-
tion so will poor juvenile
absorptive capacity appeared to be possible.
These improvements in gut morphol-
ogy have also been noted in the lar-

Mediterranean aquaculture species quality. Juvenile quality can

be difficult to assess but the
val stages of white sea bream (Diplodus
sargus)(Dimitroglou, 2004) and cobia
industry considers param- (Rachycentron candum)(Salze et al, 2008).
eters such as growth rate, Larval quality was significantly improved by
by Dr Elizabeth Sweetman, Ecomarine Ltd, Livadi, 28200
mortality and susceptibility adding Bio-Mos through the enrichment
Lixouri, Cephalonia, Greece and Dr Ioannis Nengas, Hellenic
to disease, occurrence of media of the Artemia.
Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Aquaculture, Agios
fish with skeletal deformi- In these experiments, villi morphology
Kosmas, 16777 Athens, Greece
ties or large size disper- was unaffected, however, microvilli condition
Bio Mos
sions and differing stress was improved and damaged areas of the gut
sensitivities as indicators of reduced with Bio-Mos supplementation.
Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) are two of the most important
quality. Similarly, Daniels et al (2005) demon-
marine fish species farmed in the Mediterranean region. Currently approximately 100,000 tonnes of sea Figure 1: Microvilli from white sea bream larvae
fed with enriched Artemia with and without The importance of the strated that adding Bio-Mos to the artemia
bass and 120,000 tonnes of sea bream are produced annually in aquaculture facilities, which are typically
Bio-Mos supplementation. In the control group piscine gastrointestinal enrichment media improved survival rate
net pen cages although some pond and tank culture does occur. the microvilli are not continuous and they tract and its mucosa as in larval lobster (Hommarus gammarus) to
contain gaps (G) and are broken (BP) in place. a defensive barrier to stage IV and further noted that Vibrio sp.

The scale bar illustrates a length of 2μm
ften in industrial scale The industry reports that average mor- Olafsen 1999 Verscheure et al 2000). pathogen attack, its role levels were reduced in the Artemia culture
farms unfavourable talities from juvenile to a market size of Good management practices and as a major endocrine and medium.
environmental condi- 330g are about 10 percent for gilthead sea sanitary prevention measures are recom- especially the Mediterranean species like osmoregulatory organ and its function as a One of the key benefits of this specific
tions (oxygen levels, pH, bream and up to 20 percent for sea bass. mended including the integrated use of sea bream and sea bass. mechanism for nutrient uptake makes the mannan oligosaccharide is its ability to bind
water quality, temperature fluctua- Many of these losses can be attributed to vaccines and health promotional nutritional U n d e r
tions), sub-optimal growth conditions the development of diseases, which nega- supplementation that help prevent infection stress condi-
(inadequate nutrition, overcrowding, tively impact profitability, especially so at and strengthens immune defence mecha- tions dietary
overfeeding) and the reality of practi- times where profit margins are tight. nisms. (IUCN 2007). nutrient,
cal husbandry practices combine to Constraints in the market prices of sea An important area of research is the trace mineral
result in the development of stressful bream and sea bass have led the aquacul- formulation of optimal diets that meet and vitamin
situations. ture industry to consider many approaches the specific requirements of each fish spe- require-
to minimising losses, improving production cies and each developmental stage through ments often
These ultimately express themselves in and reducing costs. It is possible to protect the productive cycle. Mineral nutrition in change and
poor performance, suppression of immune against certain diseases with vaccination aquafeeds is important for many reasons consideration,
defence mechanisms and variable product strategies but only a limited number are such as skeletal formation, maintenance of therefore, has
quality (Bonga, 1997; Wedemeyer, 1997; available for commercial use. colloidal systems regulation of acid-base to be given
Pickering 1998). Restrictions on the use and variety equilibrium and for biological compounds to adequately
All this combines to make the farmed of therapeutics available to the industry, such as hormones and enzymes (Lall 2002). compensate
fish - Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and increasing consumer concerns and social Even although the requirements for for this, com-
sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) - more vul- considerations have led the industry to these micronutrients has been determined bat the nega-
nerable to ubiquitous opportunistic bacterial consider more environmentally friendly for several species no reliable data is tive effects Figure 2: The inclusion of Bio-Mos in sea bass juvenile diets improved the head kidney leukocytes
and viral pathogens and parasitic infections. approaches to disease control (Hansen and available for most marine cultured fish, of stress and phagocytic activity and bactericidal activity

14 InternatIonal AquAFeed
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January-February 09
January-February 09 InternatIonal AquAFeed
09 || InternatIonal AquAFeed || 15
or agglutinate a number of strains of bacte- cent and produced a better specific growth trials the presence of Vibrio alginolyticus on
ria known to cause disease in shrimp and rate at low fish densities. The incorporation the head kidney of sea bass was 33 percent
fish thereby preventing colonization of the of Bio-Mos also resulted in improvement for the control group and eight percent and
gut and subsequent infection. Dimitroglou of the hepatocyte morphology with more 0 percent respectively for the 0.2 percent
et al, 2007 demonstrated that Bio-Mos regularly shaped hepatocytes and less and 0.4 percent Bio-Mos fed groups.
significantly reduced the bacterial load in hepatocytes with displaced nuclei to the Torrecillas et al (2008) reported that in
the gut of both rainbow trout and sea cellular periphery. The activities of lipogenic sea bass fed two months of Bio-Mos sup-
enzymes in plementation the number of cells secreting
the liver were acid mucins in the posterior gut was signifi-
significantly cantly increased.
reduced at the The increase in mucus secretion with its
different incor- anti-adhesive properties could be directly
poration levels related to the decrease in the number
of Bio-Mos. of infected fish in disease challenge tri-
This devel- als reported previously. (Torrecilas et al
opment work 2007a,b)
has shown In studies by Dimitroglou at the
interesting new University of Plymouth improvements in
trends indicat- the blood health parameters of gilthead
ing the possibil- sea bream were observed with the dietary
ity of interac- inclusion of Bio-Mos. A reduction in the
tion with monocytes/macrophages in blood circula-
nutrient uptake tion was observed and that together with
mechanisms as the increase in the number of lymphocytes
Figure 3: The number of cells secreting acid mucins in
indicated by in the Bio-Mos supplementation groups
the posterior gut significantly increased with Bio-Mos
supplementation (P<0.05). (Torrecillas et al, 2008) the reduced may be responsible for the reduction of the
liver fat depo- haemolytic complement activity (ACH50).
sition and the Increased numbers of lymphocytes in the
bream by reducing the total aerobically improved hepatic composition that may be blood system indicate that a faster immu-
cultivated bacteria. an indicator of better utilization of dietary nological response may occur in the event
In sea bass juveniles Torrecillas et al. nutrients. of an infection.
(2007a & b) has reported that the dietary The immune function was also improved
incorporation of Bio-Mos significantly and the immune parameters, phagocytic Improving health status
increased growth, by approximately 10 per- activity of leucocytes and the bacterial through mineral nutrition
activity of the Iron is one of the most importantly
sera in the recognised trace minerals for fish health
Bio-Mos fed and production.
groups showed Iron (Fe) plays a key role in oxygen
a statisti- transport in the blood, has an active role in
cally significant oxidation/reduction reactions and electron
improved dose transport associated with cellular respira-
response when tion. Iron deficiency can cause anaemia or
compared to even low haemoglobin levels in fish and in
the control certain conditions iron toxicity resulting in

Dry with 20-50% less energy

reduced growth, poor feed utilization, feed
Disease refusal, increased mortality and histopatho-
resistance logical damage to liver cells (Lall 2002,
to bacterial Halver & Hardy 2002).
infection, both According to Watanabe et al. (1997), the
by cohabita- major factor that can influence iron absorp-
tive challenge tion is the relative proportion of organic
and by direct and inorganic forms of the metal in the
inoculation in diet, organic forms being more efficiently
the gut, were absorbed when compared to inorganic
enhanced when forms.
Figure 4: Chemiluminescence activity in sea bream as a Bio-Mos was When the effect of an organic iron
function of incorporation of organic iron (Control – no organic incorporated supplementation (Bioplex Iron®, Alltech Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315
iron, B–ppm Bioplex Iron, F-ppm Ferous iron) in the diets. In Inc, USA) was studied in healthy sea bream
Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338
cohabitation no effect was observed in the haematocrit
Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899
16 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 09 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE
E / I
Images courtesy of FRM Ltd
Fish feed that not only fish rave about. Buhler is the global technology partner for

Mediterranean companies producing fish feed on a commercial scale. With good reason: From
raw material processing to extrusion and drying, only leading technologies are
or haemoglobin levels between the control percent have been observed and the effect
and the organically supplemented diets. of this parasite can add an additional two
Sweetman J. (2007) The beneficial effect of Bio-
Mos on gut integrity and enhancement of fish
utilised. Buhler specialists having an intimate understanding of all process stages
health. Presented at Alltech’s Technical Seminar
However the red blood cell counts was months to the growth cycle.
Series held in Dublin, November 2007.
– mastering them with passion, combine these technologies into clever overall
affected by the different levels of the sup- To counteract the anaemia 200ppm
plemented iron. Bioplex Iron was added to the diet and Halver J.H. & Hardy R.W. (2002) Fish Nutrition. solutions. The result: superior-quality micro-pellets or flakes, shrimp pellets,
Chemiluminescence activity showed an mortalities were reduced to <2 percent Academic Press.
improved immune response in relationship of the population, haematocrit levels
Hansen G.H. & Olafsen J.A. (1999) Bacterial
floating and sinking feeds that not only fish rave about.
increased to normal levels interactions in early life stages of marine cold
of approximately 35 percent water fish. Microb. Ecol. 38, 1-26.
and growth rates increased.
Guide for the Sustainable Development of
This provides a practical tool
for treating the symptoms
Mediterranean Aquaculture, Interactions between
Aquaculture and the environment, (2007) IUCN,
Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt Univerity,
of infected populations of
sea bream and reducing the
Gland, Switzerland and Maliga, Spain, 110 pages
ISBN 97884-491-0767-2.
negative commercial impacts

Scottish Aquaculture - A sustainable future

Lall S.P., (2002), The Minerals. In: Fish Nutrition
associated with the parasitic
(ed. by Halver J.H. & Hardy R.W) Academic Press,
These practical and Scotland is a leader in seeking to use science based policy, regulation and voluntary industry
functional nutritional Pickering A.D. (1998) Stress responses of farmed
fish. In: Biology of farmed fish (ed. by K.D. Black & codes to increase the sustainability of the aquaculture sector within the context of increasingly
tools provide opportunity
for producers to combat A.D. Pickering AD), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp focused regulation and global environmental and economic forces. The symposium will explore
a number of naturally 222-255. sustainability under four broad themes of the environment, fish health and welfare, the role of
occurring specific and non- Salze G., Mclean E., Schwarz M.H. & Craig S.R. science within regulation and policy, together with the socio-economic impact of aquaculture. The
specific diseases and their (2008) Dietary mannan oligosaccharide enhances
symposium is being organised by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) in conjunction
symptoms by improving salinity tolerance and gut development of larval
cobia. Aquaculture 274, 148-152. with The Royal Society of Edinburgh and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and
the general health status
of fish stocks. The promo- aims to engage delegates from a wide range of backgrounds with an interest in aquaculture and
Torrecillas S., Makol A., Caballero M.J., Montero
tion of improved fish health D., Robaina L., Real F., Sweetman J., Tort L. & bring together the extensive portfolio of SARF sponsored research, complemented by interna-
status through prophylactic Izquierdo M.S. (2007a) Immune stimulation and tionally recognised keynote speakers.
measures such as these improved infection resistance in European sea bass
are environmentally sound, (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed mannan oligosaccharides.
address the realities of Fish & Shellfish Immun. 23, 969-981. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME
commercial production and Torrecillas S., Caballero M.J., Sweetman J., Makol A. Tuesday 21st April Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th April
are welcomed by the mod- & Izquierdo M.S. (2007b) Effects of feeding Bio-
ern consumer. Mos on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Plenary Session 1: Aquaculture- Current EU and Global Status Field Trip to Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture,
juvenile culture. Presented at Alltech’s Technical Session 1: Understanding our environment Oban, Scottish Association of Marine Science
Acknowledgements Seminar Series held in Dublin, November 2007. Session 2: Science into Policy and Regulation Laboratory and boat trip in Loch Creran to visit
To Arkadios Dimitroglou, Torrecillas S., Makol A. Caballero M.J. Montero D. fish and shellfish farms.
University of Plymouth, UK Sweetman J. and Izquierdo M.S. (2008) Enhanced Evening: Conference Dinner
and Silvia Torrecillas, ULPCG, nutrient utilization and bacterial infection
We anticipate presentations from 34 invited
Figure 5: Microcotyle sp. Gran Canaria, Spain for their resistance in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus experts and an open call for posters. The sym-
contribution to this article. labrax) fed mannan oligosaccharides. Poster posium programme will deliver a co-ordinated
presented at the XIII International Symposium on Wednesday 22nd April series of presentations designed to meet the
to the incorporation of organic iron at a References Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Brazil 2008. needs of delegates from a broad spectrum of
level of 100-150 ppm. Plenary Session 2: The Future- Challenges and Opportunities specialist and non-specialist backgrounds. The
Bonga S.E.W. (1997) The stress response in fish. Verschuere L., Rombaur G., Sorgeloos P. &
At this level the response was sig- Verstraete W. (2000) Probiotic bacteria as
Session 1: Fish health and welfare proceedings will be published in a special volume
Physiol. Rev. 77 (3), 591-625.
nificantly higher compared to the ferrous biological control agents in aquaculture. Microbiol. Session 2: Sustainability of Aquaculture Research.
form. Fish fed the ferrous form at 200ppm Daniels C. (2005) Effects of Bio-Mos on the Mol. Biol. Rev. 64, 655-671.
demonstrated significantly lower immune growth of lobster, Homarus gammarus larvae. The symposium is receiving generous support form SARF Members with additional support from:
In: Nutrition and Biotechnology in the Feed and Watanabe T., Kiron V. & Satoh S. (1997) Trace
response compared to the 100ppm and minerals in fish nutrition. Aquaculture 151, 185-
Food Industries: Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium
150ppm Bioplex Iron fed groups. 207.
(Suppl. 1 - Abstracts of posters presented)
In Greece sea bream juveniles of Lexington, KY, USA. Wedemeyer G.A. (1997) Effects of rearing
between 20 to 50g are susceptible, in the
Dimitroglou A. (2004) The role of mannan conditions on the health and physiological
Spring, to infection with a gill parasite
microcotyle sp. oligosaccharide on the development of white sea quality of fish in intensive culture. In: Fish stress Further information and on-line registration is available at:
bream (Diplodus sargus) larvae. Thesis submitted and health in aquaculture. (eds G.K. Iwama, A.D.
In challenged juveniles this monogenean Pickering, J.P. Sumpter and C.B. Schreck CB).
to the University of Plymouth for the degree of
parasite causes anaemia and mortalities can Society for experimental biology seminar series
MRes Applied Fish Biology.
reach up to 15 percent of the population. 62. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Low haematocrit levels of approximately 10 Dimitroglou A., Davies S., Moate R., Spring P. & pp35-71.
SARFsolution behind
is Scottish Charity the solution.
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland’s National Academy, is Scottish Charity No SC000470
No. SC035745
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