Virus Ingg

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1.1 Background
So many kinds of virus that we can see in our life. According to biologist,
virus is a transition organism between living things and non-living thing. Virus is
a transition organism because the characteristics are like living thing such are
have a DNA (deoyribonucleic acid! and can breeding on living thing. "he other
side, the virus have a characteristic like non-living thing like has not #roto#lasm
and can be crystalli$ed. Virus only can re#roduce in living material with invading
the cell and utili$ing it because the virus has not an organ to re#roduce itself.
Virus can cause so many kind of disease. %ecause of these characteristic,
virus as always associated with certain disease like &'V and influen$a on human
or tobacco mosaic virus on #lant.
(esearch about virus was begin with mosaic disease that inhibit the
growth of tobacco and black s#otting the leaf of tobacco. )n the *++,, Adolf
-ayer as a .erman scientist found disease that can s#read when that #lat was
infected from disease after s#rayed with diseased sa#. "hen, when the
microorganism that not found on it sa#, -ayer make conclusion that the disease
caused by smaller bacteria and can not be see with microsco#e.
1.2 Research Questons
/rom that background, writer found some 0uestions there are1
*. 2hat is the virus and bacterio#hage3
4. 2hat the characteristic and classification of virus3
,. 2hat the differences #lant virus and animal virus3
5. &ow the re#roduction on bacterio#hage3
1.! Research Pur"oses
There are so#e research "ur"oses$
*. "o understanding about virus and bacterio#hage.
4. "o knowing about all characteristic and classification of virus.
,. "o identifying the differences about #lant virus and animal virus.
5. "o e#and about re#roduction on bacterio#hage.
2.1 &rus and Bactero"hage De'nton
a. &rus
Virus are microbes that only can be seen with an electron microsco#e.
.enerally, viruses are between 6.64 7m to 6., 7m. "he virus can #ass through the
#ores of the filter which does not allow the bacteria. Viruses have many
differences with other microbes because the virus is acellular and not showing the
sym#toms when living outside from living body. "herefore, virus is obligate
intracellular #arasites on the living body.
Virus has genetic elements that contain a DNA or (NA that can eist in
two different conditions. "his genetic elements covering by #rotein that called
"he #erfect structurally virus, that can infected the living thing called
virion and the function is to bring virus nucleic acid from the cell that virion
#roduced to the another cell that nucleic acid can entered and beginning the
intracellular condition.
Virus may act as an agent of the disease or heredity agent. As an agent of
the disease, the virus enters the cell and cause dangerous changes to the cell,
which ultimately can damage or even cause death in the infected cell. As heredity
agent, the virus enters the cell and the cell stayed #ermanently. "he changed are
not harmful to the cells or even be #rofitable. 'n some cases, if the virus is acting
as an agent of disease or as an heredity agent de#ending on the cells and the host
environment. /rom it life, the virus can be classified on the bacterio#hage, #lant
viruses, and animal viruses.
(. Bactero"hage
%acterio#hage is a virus that infects bacteria. 't inde#endently founded by
/.2."wort on *8*9 in :ngland and /eli d;&erelle at the <asteur 'nstitute on
*8*= in <aris. %oth observe that bacterial colonies sometimes through lytic and
lytic effect is can transmitted from colony to other colony. "hen do the filtering
with bacteria filter, then the result stil causing the lytic on bacteria colony. So, it
concluded the #article that was through a filter that caused lytic on bacteria.
"hese #articles were named by d;&erelle is the bacterio#hage or bacteria-eater.
"he bacterio#hage has gained great attention in virus research because the
bacterial host for #hage which is easily grown and maintained under controlled
conditions and re0uires time, work, and the rooms are relatively small com#ared
with the maintenance of the host in the form of #lants and animals.Virus also can
make self-re#lication or have the ability to co#ying itself.
%acterio#hage like all viruses consisting of a core of nucleic acid that
surrounded by a #rotein. %acterial viruses are different forms although the many
virus have tails that used to entering the nucleic acid when it inoculating the
nucleic acid to host cell.
%acterio#hage classification based on the structure and its nucleic acid.
"here are two main ty#es, namely bacterio#hage which is lytic or virulent and
lysogenic and avirulent.
2.2 &rus Characterstc and C)ass'caton
a. %*e o' &rus
Si$e of virus is smaller than the cell. 'ts si$e about 6.64 micrometers to 6.,
micrometers. "he unit of measurement virus is nanometers (nm!. * nm is *666
micrometer and * million millimeters. "he small#o virus is the biggest si$e. 'ts
si$e is 466 nm in diameter, and the #olio virus is a smallest virus that si$e is 4+
(. &rus %tructure
"he main structure of the virus is the nucleic acid can be DNA or (NA.
"he nucleic acid is surrounded by a #rotein (#rotein subunits! called ca#someres.
>a#someres arrangement is called the ca#sid.
Some viruses have a more com#le structure. Viruses are the most
com#licated structure is "5 bacterio#hage virus that attacks :scherichia coli, has a
tail, which owns the com#le structure. "5 tail com#osed by 46 different #roteins
and the head develo#ed by several other #roteins. "his are some #icture of virus.
Pcture 2.2.1 the variety of virus. /rom ?eft 1 (a! "obacco mosaic virus,
(b! Adenovirus, (c! 'nfluen$a virus (d! "-even bacterio#hage
/rom the #icture above, first is the virus that infect a tobacco, second is
adenovirus that infect res#iration organ in human. "hen the net #icture is
influen$a virus that caused flu and the last is "-even ot t5 bacterio#hage that infect
:scherichia coli.
Pcture 2.2.2 "he virus structure
"he Structure of virus are contained DNA or (NA that around by #rotein
coat. "he head of %acterio#hage sha#e is #olyhedral (many sides!. 'n
bacterio#hage that have a neck below the head and the tail below the neck that
fuction as a tube to in@ect the host cell. "he fibres function to stick the host cell.
"he tail serves for a infection tool. Section between the head and the tail has a
sheath called a ca#sid. >a#sid is com#osed of #rotein molecules, and therefore
referred to as a #rotein coat or wra# #roteins, function as #rotective nucleic acid
(DNA and (NA!, may hel# the virus to infect a host cell and the cell will
determine the kind of clung.
At the end overgrown tail fibers that can serve as a receiver or rece#tor
stimulation. A number of sub-units that make u# the ca#sid #rotein molecules and
identical to one another is called capsomeres. >a#someres consist of a number of
#rotein subunits called protomer is known that bacterio#hage tail served to infect.
Bactera) +ruses can (e c)ass'ed nto s, #or"ho)ogca) t-"es$
1. T-"e A1 heagonal head, stiff tail with a contractile sheath and
tail fibers.
2. T-"e B1 heagonal head, do not have a contractile sheath, tail
rigid, having no tail fibers and some are not.
3. T-"e C1 heagonal head, tail shorter than the head and did not have a
contractile sheath, tail fibers anyone have and others do not.
4. T-"e D1 head-ca#someres com#osed of ca#someres, without a
5. T-"e E1 head-ca#someres com#osed of ca#someres small, with
no tail.
6. T-"e .1 filament sha#ed.
c. Iso)aton and Cu)t+aton Bactero"hage
Viruses and bacteria can be isolated in cultivation on the #roliferation of
bacteria growing in a #etri dish. 'n li0uid culture, lysis of bacteria can cause a
cloudy became clear re#roduction, while the #etri dish will seem clear areas or
#la0ue. "he main re0uirements for isolation and cultivation of #hage #ass to the
o#timum conditions for the growth of its host organism.
"he main re0uirements for isolation and cultivation of #hage #ass to the
o#timum conditions for the growth of its host organism. "he best source of
bacterio#hage and host habitat is most common. /or eam#le, #hage-#hage
fakgekoli or other #athogenic to other bacteria found in the digestive tract can be
isolated with the best from waste or manure. "his is done by centrifugation or
filtration of the source material and the addition of chloroform to kill bacterial
2.! P)ant &rus and An#a) &rus
a. P)ant &rus
"he s#read of #lant viruses occurs through insects, nematodes, fungi, tools,
or descendants of the #arent #lant.
<lant viruses are similar with animal virus on mor#hology and the ty#e of
nucleic acid. :ven some #lant viruses can re#roduce in insect cells. <lant viruses
are the cause of several diseases that can lead to loss of agricultural #roduction
such as tomato #lants (black s#ots on tomatoes!, corn and sugarcane (tumor! and
#otato (#otato @aundice!. <lant virus can cause discoloration of the #lant, growth
inhibiting, and causing rotten in #lants.
>lassification of #lant viruses based on mor#hology, Nucleic Acid, and
infection methods can be seen in the following table1
Si$e of
-osaic Virus
&eli (NA
%rome grass
mosaic Virus
<olihedral (NA
#olen <icornavirus
<otato yellow
dwarf virus
%ullet sha#e (NA
and a#hid
2ound tumor
<olihedral (NA
.rassho##er (eovirus
mosaic virus
<olihedral (NA
A#hid <a#ilomavirus
Ta()e 2.!.1 >lassification of #lant virus
/rom the table, there are the some #lant #ictures can be seen that attacked
by virus1
T-"e Dsease Pcture Are attacked
"obacco -osaic
Virus ("-V!
%rome grass
mosaic virus
<otato yellow
dwarf virus
2ound tumor
(. An#a) &rus
Almost all of viruses sha#e are icosahedral, and had an envelo#e or cover
that consist of li#o#rotein. Virions that have cover that sensitive with fat solvents
such as ether and chloroform. Ability to infect can #araly$ed by fat solvents. "o
get into animal cells, virus hel#ed by cover because the cover can be functioned
with the cell #lasma membrane. %esides the cover needed to #rotect the genetic
material of the virus from immune system cells.
"he structure of nucleic acids in virions can be straight or round. /or
eam#le, the vacuole sha#ed simian virus 56 (SV56! were found in kidney cells,
has a double chain circular DNA. 2hile the her#es virus DNA has a double chain
straight. "here are two grou#s of
animal viruses that encode
different #roteins 9-*6 and ,6-
,66 of #roteins. <o virus
ca#able of encoding more than
,66 different #roteins. ?eft side
is the #icture of #o virus.
"here are some virus that attacking the animals.
Dsease T-"e Pcture Are attacked
-ad >ow B %ovine
:nce#halo#athy (%S:!
>ow, shee#, and
Pcture 2.!.1 <ovirus
(abies Dog, cat, and human
Small#o >hicken, dog, and
c. &rod and Pron
Viroids are molecules of (NA without the #rotein #ackaging nucleic
contained in the infected #lants. (NA molecules that can re#licate and s#read
from one cell to another. /or eam#le, #otato s#indle tuber viroid (NA is a
single-chain form of a circular cause damage to the #otato cro# in the Cnited
<rion is a #rotein that can re#roduce themselves. <rions can cause
various diseases, such as scra#ie in shee# diseases. <rion activity can be
destroyed by #rotease en$ymes but does not affect #rion activity by DNAase
or (NAase.
2./ The Bactero"hage Re"roducton
%acterio#hage actually has two ty#es of ways to infect, the lytic or virulent
and lysogenic or avirulent. 2ays of infecting bacterio#hage was also that used as
a way to re#roduce. "he ways of re#roduce like this #icture1
Pcture 2./.1 %acterio#hage cycle
a. 0-tc c-c)e or +ru)ent, if the lytic #hage infecting cells and cells
res#ond by #roducing new viruses in large numbers, ie at the end of the
incubation #eriod. "hese cells will ru#ture or undergo lysis will release
new #hage-#hage to infect host cells.
1) Adsor"ton "hase (attachment!, in this #hase, initially characteri$ed
by tail stick B attached to the cell wall of bacteria. Attachment can
occur if the virus and tail fibers attached to the bacterial cell wall. "he
virus attaches only at s#ecific #laces, ie on the surface of the bacterial
cell wall #roteins that have s#ecial attachments for viral #roteins.
Attachment of viral #roteins on the bacterial cell wall #roteins that are
very distinctive, like a lock and key. "he virus can attach to certain
cells that desirable because it has a rece#tor on the ends of the tail
fibers. )nce attached, the virus secrete lyso$yme en$yme (en$yme
destruction! hole in the wall forming bacteria or host.
2) In1ecton "hase 2"enetraton3, sheath cells that drive the core
contracting tail into the cell through the cell wall and membrane, then
the virus in@ects its DNA into a bacterial cell. &owever, the #rotein
sheath forming #hage head and tail still remained outside the cell.
After in@ecting then be se#arated and do not work anymore.
,! Phase s-nthess, DNA viruses that have been in@ected into the
lyso$yme-containing en$ymes will destroy the DNA of bacteria, thus
acting viral DNA takes over life. "hen the viral DNA to re#licate
itself over and over again in a way multi#ly in large numbers, then
#erform the synthesis of #roteins from bacterial ribosomes to change
be #art of the ca#sid as the head, tail, and tail fibers. d. <hase
assembly, #arts ca#sid head, tail, and tail hair that originally se#arated
further assembled into the viral ca#sid and the DNA viruses get into it,
they form a whole virus body.
5! 0-tc "hase, when the assembly has been com#leted which is
characteri$ed by the formation of a new virus bodies are intact. "his
virus has taken over the host cell;s metabolic su##lies causing bacteria
containing viral nucleic acid from the nucleic acid bacteria. After
about 46 minutes of the initial infection has been formed 466
bacterio#hage that has been assembled and e#loded bacterial cell
ru#ture (lysis! and the release of new #hage-#hage B virus going out to
look for B battery-infect other bacteria as a host, and so on and start
again the life cycle.
b. 0-sogenc c-c)e. 'n this cycle are also e#eriencing the same #hase of
the lytic cycle, namely through a #hase adsor#tion and in@ection #hase.
/urthermore, it will undergo the following #hases.
*! 4erger "hase5 as the DNA of bacteria infected with viral DNA, it
will result in bacterial DNA twisting multi#le threads to be broken,
then the viral DNA inserts between the decision and merge with
bacterial thread. "hus, the infected bacteria will have a DNA virus.
4! D+son "hase5 due to the merger, the viral DNA into the DNA of the
bacteria and the virus becomes inactive DNA called #rofage. "hus, if
the bacterial DNA re#lication, the DNA virus inactivated (#rofage!
also re#lication. /or eam#le, if the DNA is formed bacteria divide
two bacterial cells, the viral DNA is also identical s#litting into two as
bacterial DNA, and so on. "hus, the amount of viral DNA #rofage
will follow its host bacterial cell number.
,! %-nthess "hase5 in certain circumstances if the DNA virus
inactivated (#rofage! e#osed to certain chemicals or e#osed to high
radiation, the DNA virus becomes active and then destroy the
bacterial DNA and divide. /urthermore, the virus DNA to synthesi$e
#roteins of the bacterial cell (host! for use as a ca#sid for new viruses
to re#licate themselves and at the same time a lot.
5! Asse#()- "hase5 a ca#sid-ca#sid assembly into the intact viral ca#sid,
which serves as the viral envelo#e. Newly formed virus ca#sid.
/urthermore, DNA re#lication #roceeds go into it to form new viruses.
9! 0-tc "hase5 the #hase is the same as the lytic cycle. After the
formation of new viral bacterial cell lysis occurs. Viruses, bacterial
cells formed @um# out to attack the new bacteria. 'n the net cycle of
the virus can undergo lytic or lysogenic cycle, and so on.
!.1 Conc)uson
Virus are microbes that it can only be seen with an electron microsco#e.
.enerally, viruses are between 6.64 7m to 6., 7m.Viruses have many differences
with other microbes because the virus is acellular and not showing the sym#toms
when living outside from living body. "herefore, virus is obligate intracellular
#arasites on the living body. %acterial viruses can be classified into si
mor#hological ty#es.
"he Structure of virus are contained DNA or (NA that around by #rotein
coat. "he head of %acterio#hage sha#e is #olyhedral (many sides!. 'n
bacterio#hage that have a neck below the head and the tail below the neck that
fuction as a tube to in@ect the host cell. "he fibres function to stick the host cell.
"he tail serves for a infection tool. Section between the head and the tail has a
sheath called a ca#sid. >a#sid is com#osed of #rotein molecules.
<lant viruses are similar with animal virus on mor#hology and the ty#e of
nucleic acid. <lant virus can cause discoloration of the #lant, growth inhibiting,
and causing rotten in #lants.
Animal virus ability infecting #araly$ed by fat solvents. "o get into animal
cells, virus hel#ed by cover because the cover can be functioned with the cell
#lasma membrane.
%acterio#hage actually has two ty#es of ways to infect, the lytic or virulent
and lysogenic or avirulent. 2ays of infecting bacterio#hage was also that used as
a way to re#roduce.

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