ModafMan - Modafinil Report

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to a better you.
Firstly, wed like to take this opportunity to thank for you taking the
time to visit our site and downloading our report.
Modafinil is one of the greatest tools for enhancing our cognitive
ability and therefore enhancing our lives. We at ModafMan are happy
to provide you with information on how to use this tool in order to
experience the brilliance its brought into our lives.
While it is easy to see how Modafinil can improve your life by making
you more focused, more energized, and much more Its wise that
you remain fully aware of yourself during your time on Modafinil so
not to become too dependent or addicted .
We do urge you, before continuing with this guide to note that this
guide does not serve as medical advice and that you should seek
medical advice on using Modafinil or any other cognitive enhancers
Chapter I: What is Modafinil?
Chapter II: The History of Modafinil
Chapter III: How Does Modafinil Work?
Chapter IV: How do I use Modafinil?
Chapter V: Any side effects?
Chapter VI: Ready to buy Modafinil now?
References + Credits
Modafinil (aka, Provigil) is a drug approved by the FDA that boosts
wakefulness, mental energy and sharpens focus. Originally prescribed
to narcolepsy patients being treated by doctors to combat shift work
sleep disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness. In recent years
Modafinil has also emerged as a popular smart drug among
professionals and entrepreneurs who gain the benefits from the
effects of enhanced alertness and cognitive function.
A wide array of people use Modafinil off-label to heighten their focus
and productivity throughout the day, including city executives,
students, entrepreneurs, fighter pilots and people working in high-
pressured environments that require them to be sharp and mentally
alert for long hours. Unlike other attention enhancing drugs such as
well known stimulants like Adderall, Modafinil has very few side
effects and does not give users the jitters.
With the beneficial effects of Modafinil becoming more widely known
due to films like 'Limitless' (though Modafinil is NOT like NZT...but
close enough) and public endorsements by renowned entrepreneurs,
like The Bulletproof Exec a growing number of people are inquiring
with their doctors for a Modafinil prescription for a variety of sleep
related disorders.
The mind is not a vessel to be
filled, but a fire to be kindled.
The History of Modafinil
The history of Modafinil goes back to France in the late 1970s. The
French pharmaceutical company Lafon invented a drug based on
benzhydryl sulfinyl compounds that became known as Adrafinil; and
by 1986 Adrafinil was being used in France as a treatment for sleeping
disorders such as narcolepsy. In the early 1990s the primary
metabolite of Adranifil, Modafinil, was derived. Whilst both Adranifil
and Modafinil work very similarly, Modafinil is by far the more popular
version of the drug which was first made available on prescription in
France in 1994. Initially known as Provigil in the USA, it has been
available on prescription here since 1998. Up to 2001 Modafinil was
marketed in the USA by Cephalon Inc. under a leasing agreement with
Lafon. However, in 2001 Cephalon Inc. acquired Lafon and now holds
the world-wide rights to the drug. (Sonoma 2009)
The UK approved Modafinil in December 2002. Modafinil is marketed
by Cephalon Inc., originally only leasing the rights from Lafon, they
bought Lafon the company in 2001.
While Provigil is the brand of Modafinil most commonly known in the
United States, the generic version of Modafinil called Modalert,
produced by Sun Pharmaceuticals, is popular internationally.
It is the power of the mind to be
There has been a lot of research into the interaction of Modafinil with
neurotransmitter systems, however the specific mechanisms of action
remain imprecise. Modafinil has been known to increase
hypothalamic histamine levels, leading some researchers to consider
Modafinil a wakefulness enhancing agent as opposed to an
amphetamine-like stimulant.
Several studies have suggested that Modafinil actually increases the
effectiveness of the connections between neurons through increased
activity in the thalamocortical loop, which is critical in organizing
sensory input and modulating global brain activity.
This may all sound a little complicated, fear not its all quite simple:
Basically, Modafinil increases the levels of dopamine in the in the
frontal cortex of the brain, which is the area responsible for attention
and cognitive focus. At the same time, it seems to have the effect of
strengthening the connection pathways between neurons allowing
for a better flow of information. This is why many people take
Modafinil when they study or when they require high productivity at
There are no limits. There are
only plateaus
~Bruce Lee
Modafnil is used by many in a similar fashion to that those who have a
coffee in the morning, the effects of Modafinil are best when it is
taken shortly after waking up.
We recommend taking it before just before beginning your working
day (9-11 am) any later and you could potentially struggle with getting
any sleep that night.
Modafinil usually works for approximately 12 hours, so plan your day
accordingly. Before taking it, we suggest you have a SOME clarity for
what you want to accomplish that day. This will really help you zone
in, boost your performance and allow you to measure how effective
Modafinil really is for you.
Checklists help quite a bit when youre on Modafinil as they give
structure to your productivity.
ModafMan stresses that we are not medical professionals, merely a
bunch of people keen on enhancing ourselves at our own risk. We
urge readers to seek professional medial advice before taking
Biology gives you a brain. Life turns
it into a mind.
~Jeffrey Eugenides
Well after the information overload were sure youve experienced
thus far (because youre not on Modafinil) youre probably scouring
Google for a suitable source. WELL look no further because the
images below will take you directly to the best selling Modafinil
packages from ModafMan.
At ModafMan we use PayPal for all transactions to ensure our clients
valuable financial information is secure(ours too)
ModafMan prides itself on providing clients with generic Modafinil of
the highest quality from SunPharma. So you can rest assured your
physical and financial health are well looked after.
DISCLAIMER: Always seek professional legal and medical advice before
buying and using Modafinil.
Thank You For Reading
ModafMan | Buy Modafinil Enhance
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