Admin (Morales)

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Administrative Agencies
Q: How are administrative bodies created?
A: by:
1) Constitutional rovision (eg. !""ice o" t#e $resident% C!M&'&C)
- cannot be abolis#ed wit# amending t#e Constitution
() 'egislative enactment
- can be abolis#ed by Congress t#roug# a law
)) Aut#ority o" law (ie. t#e $resident* under A! (+( , -AC)
- #ere* $resident can create administrative agency% $resident no longer as. aut#ority "rom t#e Congress
Administrative /odies Court
0 &1ecutive 0 Judiciary
0 sta"" by men e1ert in t#eir "ields (not all are
0 all are lawyers
0 regulatory "unction 0 urely 3udicial
-ules o" $rocedure
- A/ adots -!$ not subject to the
approval of the SC% but 4C can disapprove
it 5see: c#ec.s 6 balance 6 3udicial review7
- -ules are not governed by
- 4C romulgates rules wit# tec#nical
alication o" t#e -ules on &vidence
8nstance w#ere court can act administratively or 9uasi03udicial
1. C#ie" Justice residing in imeac#ment cases against t#e $resident or :$
(. CJ as ex officio c#airman o" J/C
). M;C Judge can conduct reliminary investigation
<. Members o" 4C acts as &lectoral ;ribunal
=. &lectoral ;ribunal on $residential &lection
C#ec.s 6 /alances over Administrative agencies (10< are Constitutional $rovisions)
Q: >#o can c#ec. over administrative agencies
A: see: = items
1. ;#e $resident by t#e ower o":
a) Aointment (ot#ers are sub3ect to C!A aroval)
b) Control , ie. ower to set aside decision or substitute t#e decision o" administrative agencies
(. ;#e Congress by t#e ower o":
a) Con"irmation o" aointment by C!A (Commission on Aointment)
b) Aroriation o" budget "or administrative agencies
c) 8nvestigative ower 5$ower o" in9uiry7 , it can call t#e administrative agency to e1lain
). !mbudsman
- investigate 6 rosecute any illegal act o" ublic o""icer
- 4? (@ 6 u , 4andiganbayan% below 4? (@ , -;C
<. ;#e Court by ower o" Judicial -eview over t#e decision o" Administrative agencies
=. ;#e $residential Anti0gra"t Commission ($A?C) , by an &1ecutive !rder
Aoctrine o" Quali"ied $olitical Agency (Alter &go)
?-: Act o" t#e 4ecretary is resumed to be t#e act o" t#e $resident
&: unless* wit#drawn* revo.ed* or rerobated by t#e $resident
!rdinance $ower o" t#e $resident
- to issue &! "or urose o" -&!-?AB8C8B? t#e ?ovt 6 creating subdivisions in t#e Bational ?ovt
$!>&- !2 AAM8B84;-A;8:& A?&BC8&4
Ma3or owers: Quasi0legislative 6 9uasi03udicial D ot#ers (eg. Aeterminative ower)
8. QEA480'&?84'A;8:& 2EBC;8!B
- a.a: $ower o" administrative agencies w#ic# #as t#e "orce 6 e""ect o" a law.
2 Kinds of Rules
1. 'egislative rules (wFc #as t#e "orce 6 e""ect o" law , because it a""ects t#e general ublic)
- t#ey must always be published to be valid
- t#ese are mere subordinate legislation* t#ere"ore* t#ey cannot amend t#e law
(. 8nternal rules (no "orce 6 e""ect o" law , because t#ey do not a""ect t#e general ublic)
- no need o" ublication to be valid
4coe o" ower o" t#e Administrative agencies
- !le vs ;orres: Bational 8A 4ystem s#ould not be assed by virtue o" Administrative -ules 6 -egulations* but by
< -e9uisites o" :A'8A -M$ o" administrative agencies
1. -ule must be issued by virtue o" a law (t#ere must be a rior ower aut#oriGed by law)
(. >8;H8B ;H& 4C!$& 6 $E-:8&> o" t#e law (subordinate legislation)
). -&A4!BA/'&
<. Must be $E/'84H&A in order to satis"y t#e re9uirement o" A$
HAdditional Requirement i" Admin-ule contains a $&BA' $-!:848!B
=. Act unis#ed under t#e rule must also be unis#ed under t#e law. 5Maceren case7
I. $enalty must be rovided by law* ot#erwise* t#ere is undue delegation o" legislative ower because administrative
agency is not a policy making body but it only implements the la!.
-e: $ublication
;aJada v ;uvera
1. 'aw
(. -ules o" administrative agencies wFc #as t#e "orce 6 e""ect o" law (ie. 'egislative rules)
Q: >H&-& is ublication made?
a) 8n t#e !""icial ?aGette* !-
b) Bewsaer o" ?eneral Circulation
Q: H!> is ublication made?
A: 8n 2E'' ;&K;* not only t#e title or gist.
;#e "iling o" t#e -E'& to t#e "ational Administrative Register (ie. t#e E$ 'aw Center)
$#iliine Association o" 4ervice &1orters vs
8. QEA480JEA8C8A' 2EBC;8!B
- not 3udicial because t#e Constitution gives t#is ower only to t#e Judiciary* ot#erwise* t#ere is a violation o" t#e
searation o" owers
( Ma3or 4tages o" QJ$
1) 8nvestigation
- t#is is M8B84;&-8A'* t#ere"ore* it can be delegated.
() Ad3udication
- on the basis of the investigation
- t#is is A84C-&;8!BA-L* t#ere"ore* it cannot be delegated% only t#e erson given by law t#e ower to ad3udicate
can e1ercise it.
American ;abacco vs Air o" $atents
4.yworld Condominium case , valid
Cario case , valid
8ssue: >#et#er or not t#e administrative agencies given t#e ower to 8B;&-$-&; t#e law t#at t#ey are suosed to
Held: ;#e law does not ro#ibit t#em because t#ey #ave t#e e1ertise /E; B!; /8BA8B? in c#aracter
Melendres case: interretation is merely advisory in character
Administrative Sei#ures $ !arrants
Q: Can an administrative agency issue a warrant o" arrest or searc# warrant?
A: B! (as ?-)
?-: !nly t#e Court can issue.
&: t#e $resident 6 t#e Commissioner on 8mmigration 6 Aeortation can issue >arrant o" Arrest to carry out a %&"A'
(R)*R (% )*+(R,A,&(".
Q: Can administrative agencies award damages in civil case?
A: B! (as ?-)
?-: !nly -egular Courts can.
&: 8" con"erred by law (eg. H'E-/ , $A 1)<< allows it)
Q: Can administrative agencies e1ercise t#e $ower to imose "ines 6 enalties?
A: Les* i" allowed by law.
Q: Can administrative agencies e1ercise t#e ower to grant immunities in civil 6 criminal rosecutions?
A: Bo (as ?-)
?-: !nly -egular Courts can.
&: -e vs 4andiganbayan: $C?? is given t#e ower to grant immunities to cases involving ill0gotten wealt#.
AranGa vs /2 Homes (June 1<* (MM1): i" a subdivision is under receivers#i etition must be "iled to t#e H'E-/
-e: Airect $ower Aistribution
&-/ vs CA: it is &-/ t#at ac9uires 3urisdiction involving direct ower distribution* not t#e BA$!C!-.
88. !;H&- $!>&-4
*nabling or regulatory po!er
0 eg. 8ssuance o" 'icense
)irecting po!er , to comly wit# --
)ispensing po!er
*xamining or &nvestigatory po!er
Summary po!er , eg. Abatement o" nuisance
-A;& 28K8B? $!>&-
- basically 9uasi0legislative in nature but it can be a 9uasi03udicial "unction
8" Q' no need "or hearing* mere ublication is needed to satis"y A$.
i" QJ t#ere is a necessity o" #earing* ot#erwise* t#ere is a denial o" A$.
CariJo case
Consumer 2ormulation case
( Categories o" -ate 2i1ing
1. $rovisional
(. $ermanent
Maceda case: *xception to +rovisional -.: w#ere t#ere is no #earing because it is an &K $A-;& rate0"i1ing only.
$ersons a""ected in determining Q' or QJ
i" it only a""ects one person QJ 5$#il Communication vs AlcuaG7
i" t#ere are many arties involved Q'
$-!C&&A8B?4 /&2!-& AAM8B /!A8&4 >H8'& $&-2!-M8B? QJ 2EBC;8!B4
2 Conditions to acquire jurisdiction over a case
1. Jurisdiction
(. !bservance o" A$ (ie. necessity o" #earing)
8nterretation: 'iberal
Q: Can an administrative agency delegate a QJ "unction to a #earing o""icer?
A: Les* i" suc# is merely investigatory% B!* i" suc# is adjudicatory.
Q: Can an administrative agency delegate QJ "unction to a division (ie. to investigate 6 ad3udicate)?
A: Les. Aecision o" a Aivision is t#e decision o" t#e /oard.
Aelegation to a division is valid.
-ule o" &vidence: no tec#nical alication
E$ /oard 111* )1) 4 <M<: 4tudent discilinary actions cases does not involve cross0e1amination.
$!>&- ;! 844E& 4E/$!&BA 6 ;! C8;& 8B C!B;&M$;
- t#is can only be e1ercised by admin body i" &K$-&44'L C!B2&--&A ;! 8; /L 'A>
&! (+( gives a general grant to all administrative agencies to issue suboena* t#ere"ore* administrative agencies can
grant suboena.
t#ere are only "ew admin bodies are emowered to cite "or contemt (eg. C!M&'&C* 4&C because t#eir c#arters
Begros !ccidental &lectric Cooerative vs 4anguniang $anglungsod o" Aumagete: 4anggunian is not emowered to
issue suboena or to cite "or contemt because it is a local admin body 5 it7
'8M8;A;8!B !2 C!B;&M$; $!>&-
- !nly in ursuance o" QJ "unction (not Q' "unction) t#at C!M&'&C can e1ercise t#e ower to cite "or contemt
- it must be in writing
- state clearly t#e "acts 6 law uon w#ic# decision is based 8B !-A&- ;! 2AC8'8;A;& A$$&A'
Baguiat case
'8C&B48B? (ie. regulatory) $-!C&AE-&
- ?-: Bo license can be revo.ed wit#out notice 6 #earing because license is B!> A 2!-M !2 $-8:A;& $-!$&-;L
Corona case (re: #arbor ilots): Q' "unction re9uires notice i" it is revocation o" license 5browse t#is caseN7
AE& $-!C&44 8B AAM8B84;-A;8:& $-!C&&A8B?4
- as long as t#ere is an oortunity to be #eard 6 to contest t#e decision by aeal t#ere is a substantial comliance
to A$.
?-: Bo "ormal trial tye* but mere oortunity to be #eard.
&: w#ere t#ere is an ad3udicative "act in issue
Mabu#ay ;e1ttile Mill vs !ngin
< -e9uisites o" A$ in Admin $rocedure (Heir Manila vs /alatbat)
1. Botice
(. Hearing
). Administrative agency must be a tribunal wit# 3urisdiction 6 impartial
<. Aecision must based on 4E/4;AB;8A' &:8A&BC& resented during t#e #earing or disclosed by t#e arties.
5OPs 1 6 ( involve $rocedural A$% OPs ) 6 < involve 4ubstantial A$7
*xception to Right to "otice
E$ /oard o" -egents vs ;elan* ((@ 4 )<(
- #ere t#ere was no denial o" A$ 5browse t#is case7
Right to %ormal &nvestigation 5B!> alied in Civil 4ervice --7
- /aldomar case : disbarment is a revocation o" license. 2ormal investigation is a rig#t.
?ov Joson case:
- alt#oug# #e #as no vested rig#t to a ublic o""ice* but #e #as t#e mandate o" t#e eole
Right to Counsel 5even in admin roceedings7
- mandated in t#e Constitution
Right against Self/incrimination 5even in admin roceedings7
8B4;ABC&4 >H&-& B! B!;8C& 6 H&A-8B? !B A$
1. 111
(. 111
). 111
<. 111 5see: OPs 10< in Bac#ura7
=. 4e9uestration o" ill0gotten wealt#
4ee: $reventive 4usension o" $ublic !""icers ending investigation
A!C;-8B& !2 &KHAE4;8!B !2 AAM8B -&M&A8&4
i" law re9uires t#e recourse to administrative aeal "ollow it "irst be"ore you can go to court.
1. Calls "or recourse to administrative remedies
(. ?-!EBA4:
- !nly w#en re9uired by law t#at a arty s#ould e1#aust admin remedies 5i" no law re9uiring it you can go to court
- -easons:
1) 111
() ine1ensive
)) unclogging t#e court
t#ere is a necessary re"eral to administrative agency because t#e latter #as t#e necessary e1ertise 6 .nowledge on
certain matters.
). &22&C;4: susends t#e #earing o" t#e case
- "ailure to &A- Aismissal o" case "or lac. o" cause o" action 5not "or lac. o" 3urisdiction7
8" t#e law re9uires t#is it must be "irst "ollowed.
1. Jurisdiction 5re9uirements: 1) 3urisdiction 6 () A$7
Cambales C#romat case: t#ere is a violation o" substantive A$ because o" imartiality.
&1emtion to A&A-:
1. Aecision o" Cabinet Member is not aealable to t#e $resident because o" t#e Aoctrine Q$A. 5&&: wit# resect to t#e
4ecretary o" A&B- wit# resect to forest reservation7
Q: 8s t#e decision o" an administrative agency sub3ect to Judicial -eview even w#en law says t#at decision is "inal 6
A: Les. ;o determine ?AAA'J (&1anded Jurisdiction)
Q: >#o is t#e roer lainti"" (or arty) in a Judicial -eview?
A: ?-: only t#e one w#ose rig#t is imaired.
&: (ie. even w#en no direct in3ury is su""ered)
1. ,axpayer0s suit , urose: to restrain t#e govt "rom illegal e1enditure o" ublic "unds.
?onGales vs Marcos (old case)
- no single "und e1ended* t#ere"ore* ?onGales #as no ersonality.
Barvasa case: (see: ?onGales vs Barvasa?)
- must be done by an Aroriation Act by Congress* not simly earmar.ed by t#e $resident.
(. Consumer 4tanding
). Cometitor 4tanding
<. 'egislatorPs 4tanding
- !le vs ;orres : t#ere is an in"ringement on t#e 'egislation
=. Concerned citiGen
- only on issues o" transcendental imortance
I. ?ovt
- doctrine o" (?)
@. &nvironmental (?)
-a""erty case
!osa case
Q. Class suit
$-!$&- 2!-EM 2!- JEA8C8A' -&:8&>
?-: Court o" Aeals 5B'-C* H'E-/* C4C7 under t#e Aoctrine o" Hierarc#y o" Courts 54t. Martin 2uneral Homes case7
1) to t#e 4C* on t#e decisions o"
a) C!M&'&C
b) C!A
5 C4C is to t#e CA7
- i" a criminal case 4C%
- i" admin case CA
2abian vs Aesierto case
'aid case
() to t#e -;C: on decisions o" Military ;ribunals
)) to t#e M;C: on t#e decisions o" Bational >ater -esources /oard
&K;&B; !2 JEA8C8A' -&:8&>
Q: >#at asect o" administrative agencyPs decision t#at court can review?
A: 1) Question o" 'aw () 111
Q: >ill Court disturb t#e "actual decision?
A: B! (as ?-)
?-: Bo. As long as suorted by substantial evidence wit#in t#eir e1ertise.
1) w#en decision is not suorted by substantial evidence
() "inding wit# "raud* irregular* alable error is commited* ?AA* arbitrary is obvious.
>#en court allows it (eg. 444 'aw)
8" mi1ture o" Question o" 2act 6 'aw "ollow /-ABA&84 Aoctrine o" Assimilation o" 2acts: bot# Q!2 6 Q!' are
reviewed because o" 111 111 5 itN7 (t#ere is intimate relation)
Question o" Aiscretion
?-: Bo review
&: ?AA
&B2!-C&M&B; !2 AAM8B84;-A;8:& C'A8M4
A. Administrative agency t#at can en"orce law wit#out ad3udication
1) C8- on distraint o" 111
() $C?? , se9uester summarily ill0gotten wealt#
/. Administrative agency t#at can e1ecute decision only a"ter ad3udication
1) Airector o" $atents
() 'abor !""icials
C. Bo ower to en"orce own 3udgment 5remedy: go to court7 eg. 8nsurance Commissioner.
4&$A-A;8!B !2 $!>&-4
How ower o" t#e govPt allocated
Allocated among t#e ) branc#es o" t#e govPt t#at are coe9ual
'egislative , ma.e* amend* and reeal law
&1ecutive , en"orce or imlement t#e law
Judiciary , construe and aly t#e law
Aoctrine o" 4earation o" $ower
&ac# det o" t#e govt #as e1clusive cogniGance o" matters wit#in its 3urisdiction and sureme wit#in its s#ere. ;#e
ower o" eac# body cannot be e1ercised by t#e ot#er* and t#e ot#er bodies #ave no overruling in"luence or control over
t#e ot#er. 58t means: B! &BC-!ACHM&B; on eac# body% t#ere"ore* eac# o" t#em is independent.7
Q: 8s t#e searation o" ower absolute?
A: B!.
;#e absolute and e1act delimitation o" t#e ) branc#es o" t#e govt is not possible* ot#erwise it would be impractical.
;#ere"ore* t#e conse9uence is /'&BA8B? !2 $!>&-4 (/!$).
!ne det cannot ignore t#e acts o" t#e ot#ers* it s#ould comlement eac# ot#erPs acts.
8B4;ABC& !2 /!$
1. 8n case o" administrative agencies (admv ag)* t#ey are rimarily wit# e1ecutive "unction but sometimes t#ey are given
by law 9uasi03udicial ower.
;&4; !2 :A'8A A&'&?A;8!B !2 $!>&-
1. Comleteness test
(. 4u""iciency o" standard test
R;iac#o vs ;an 4y Sio.* @+ $ I+I
RComania ?eneral de ;obacco vs Court o" $ublic Etility Commissioners* )< $ 1)I 5valid delegation (comleteness)7
RE4 vs Ang ;ang Ho* <) $ 1
Main issue: no de"inition o" e1traordinary increase% le"t to t#e discretion o" t#e ??% no enalty rovided in law% law does
not rescribe t#e e1tent o" temorary alication o" -- to be romulgated by t#e ??. ,herefore "( S1%%&C&*",
S,A")AR) A") )*'*2A,&(" (% 'A3.
R$eole vs :era* I= $
R$eole vs -osent#al* June 1(* 1+)+ , T/lue 4.y 'awU% 8ssue: cancel security w#en ublic interest re9uires. >as t#ere
as su""icient standard? L&4. -eason: +ublic interest is a sufficient standard4
-ule on Aelegation o" Aut#ority
;#e delegate s#ould not e1tend #is aut#ority% ot#erwise t#e e1ercise o" suc# aut#ority may be invalidated by t#e courts.
5 as long as t#e aut#ority is not 9uestioned it is valid7
R$A>E vs B'-C* 1MI 4 <<<
R!lsen 6 Co vs Aldanese* <) $ (=+ , case w#ere t#ere was a law aut#oriGing a secretary to classi"y tobaccos. He
classi"ied as standard t#ose t#at come "rom certain rovinces. 4C: ;#e 4ecretary abused or e1ceeded #is aut#ority
delegated to #im.
!erations o" Administrative /odies (re"er to administrative roceedings)
Q: Are administrative regulations issued wit#out a #earing in violation o" due rocess?
A: 8t deends.
8" A- is 9uasi0legislative in nature #earing is necessary if the la! requires other!ise is "(, necessary4
Hearing is B&C&44A-L in t#e e1ercise o" 9uasi03udicial ower.
Administrative agencies are B!; S,R&C,'5 /!EBA (but it is still boundN) on strict rules o" evidence or rocedure as long
as t#e fundamental and essential requirements of due process are exercised or complied !ith4
Cardinal $rimary -ig#ts in Administrative $roceedingsF-e9uisistes "or Administrative Aue $rocess (@) 5.eyword:
1. -ig#t to 6earing* including t#e rig#t to resent onePs cause and submit evidence in suort t#ereo".
(. ;ribunal must consider t#e *vidence resented.
). Aecision must #ave somet#ing to Support itsel".
<. &vidence must be Substantial4
Substantial evidence 7 is suc# relevant evidence as a reasonable mind mig#t accet as ade9uate to suort a
>#at is relevant?
=. ;#e decision must be 8ased on t#e evidence resented at t#e #earing or at least contained in t#e record and disclosed
to t#e arties a""ected.
I. ;#e tribunal or body or any o" its 3udges must act on its or #is own &ndependent consideration o" t#e law and "acts o" t#e
controversy and not simly accet t#e views o" a subordinate in arriving at a decision.
@. ;#e /oard or body s#ould* in all controversial 9uestions* Render its decision in suc# a manner t#at t#e arties to t#e
roceeding can .now t#at various issues involved and t#e reason o" t#e decision rendered.
R$icture >or.ersP Association vs $remier $roduction* 8nc.* +( $ Q<< , issue: is aroval o" lay o"" valid? >as t#ere due
rocess? 4C: &ven i" admv ag are B!; 4;8C;'L bound* t#e "undamental re9uirements o" due rocess shall not be
ignored. H&A-8B? is a re9uirement o" due rocess.
Cases e1emted "rom Botice and Hearing (BH) in Administrative 'aw
1. Aistraint o" roerty o" t#e delin9uent ta1ayer.
(. $reventive susension o" an o""icer or an emloyee ending investigation.
+reventive suspension , at t#e beginning o" t#e controversy t#e cometent aut#ority may susend an emloyee
"or +M days so t#at t#ey will not in"luence t#e witnesses.
). -emoval o" an acting appointee or temorary aointee 5de": aointment o" o""icer B!; 9uali"ied but it is
B&C&44A-L% #e #as no security o" tenure7
RM&-A'C! vs Medina* 1< 4 =1M , $ublic 4ervice Commission aroval o" Meralco butV &ssue9 >as t#e order o"
susension based on t#e e1 arte motion valid? >as t#ere due rocess? 4C: !rder o" susension was not valid bec. it
was based on e1 arte motion and wit#out giving t#e arty adversely a""ected t#e oortunity to oose t#e susension
and resent #is side to t#e 9uestion. ;#e susension is a violation or denial o" due rocess w#ic# is re9uired by t#e
Correction o" clerical errors in t#e decisions is allowed but t#e Commission #as no rig#t or is not allowed to change
substantially t#e decision as to re3udice a arty wit#out any #earing.
;#e mere "act t#at t#e decision does not con"orm to t#e evidence resented is not a 3usti"ication "or t#e amendment o"
t#e decision.
8n t#e case* t#e sub3ect amendment wit#out a #earing is a violation o" due rocess* t#ere"ore* invalid.
A constructed dam (rivate) was abated by t#e $rov &ngineer and t#e ?overnor wit#out notice on t#e ground t#at it was
a "ertile breeding lace "or mos9uitoes (a nuisance). Summary abatement4
Q: >as t#e abatement valid?
A: B!. ;#e dam is not a nuisance per se but a nuisance per accidens.
8n t#e abatement o" nuisance per accidens* t#e aut#ority s#ould resort to court.
Buisance er se: 4ummary abatement !ithout notice
Buisance er accidens: 4ummary abatement !ith notice and hearingF 3udicial resort* EB'&44* a body is aut#oriGed to
grant suc# order.
Q: Can you equate administrative due rocess wit# due rocess in t#e strict 3udicial sense?
A: B!. -eason: ;#e standard due rocess t#at must be met in administrative tribunal allows certain latitude as long as
t#e element o" "airness is not ignored.
5admv ag not bound by strict rules on rocedure and evidence7
RAdamson vs Amores , desite t#e absence o" notice t#ere is still due rocess i" arties are given t#e oortunity to be
#eard. (8n 3udicial due rocess* strict 7 there must be a hearing)
-ig#t against sel"0incrimination
-ig#t against sel"0incrimination may be invo.ed in Administrative roceedings.
RCabal vs Saunan* I 4 1MI< , a c#arge against an administrative o""icial "or une1lained wealt# (-A )M1+). &ssue9 Can
-A48 be invo.ed? >#en to invo.e -A48? 4C: >#en you are called uon to testi"y as a witness. 8t can be waived w#en
you voluntarily aeared as a witness and you will be comelled to testi"y on cross0e1amination.
B/: Lou can invo.e -A48 during cross0e1amination as soon as t#e incriminating 9uestion is ro"ounded.
R$ascual vs /oard o" Medical &1aminer* (Q 4 )<=
-ule on &1#austion o" Administrative -emedy (&A-)
>#enever t#ere is an available administrative remedy rovided by law B! 3udicial recourse can be made until all suc#
remedies are availed o" and e1#austed.
-easons "or &A-:
1. 8" relie" is "irst soug#t "rom a suerior admv ag resort to court may be unnecessary.
(. ;#e admv ag s#ould be given t#e c#ance to correct its errors.
). $rincile o" comity and convenience re9uires t#e court to 4;AL t#eir #ands until t#e administrative rocesses are
<. 4ince Judicial -eview (J-) is usually made t#roug# secial civil action suc# roceeding will not normally roser i"
t#ere is a lain* seedy and ade9uate remedy in t#e ordinary course o" law. 5 one 4$A remedy is &A-7
( Corollary $rinciles wit# &A-
1. )octrine of %inality of Administrative Action , Tno resort to courts will be allowed unless t#e administrative action #as
been comleted and t#ere is not#ing le"t to be done in t#e administrative structure.U
(. )octrine of +rior Resort:)octrine of +rimary Administrative .urisdiction , Tw#ere t#ere is cometence or 3urisdiction
vested uon an administrative body to act uon a matter* no resort to t#e courts may be made be"ore suc# administrative
body s#all #ave acted uon t#e matter.U
R-egional Airector , -egion @ vs CA* ?- O 11M1+)* Jan 1@* 1++=
&""ect o" "ailure to e1#austion administrative remedies
loss o" cause o" action% t#e ot#er arty may move to dismiss your case "or lac. o" cause o" action "or "ailure to e1#aust
administrative remedies.
&1cetions to t#e Aoctrine o" &A-
1. )octrine of -ualified +olitical Agency ;or Alter *go )octrine< , Tall e1ecutive and administrative organiGations are
ad3uncts o" t#e e1ecutive deartment. ;#e #eads o" various e1ecutive deartments are assistants and agents o" t#e C#ie"
&1ecutive* and e1cet w#ere t#e C#ie" &1ecutive is re9uired by t#e Constitution or by law to act in erson or w#en t#e
e1igencies o" t#e situation demand t#at #e acts ersonally* t#e multi"arious e1ecutive and administrative "unctions o" t#e
C#ie" &1ecutive are er"ormed by and t#roug# t#e e1ecutive deartment. And t#e acts o" secretaries o" suc# deartments
er"ormed and romulgated in t#e regular course o" business are* unless disaroved or re"ormatted by t#e C#ie"
&1ecutive* presumptively the acts of the Chief *xecutive. 5He can delegate #is ower to #is secretary bec. o" #is
multi"arious acts7
&1cetion to AQ$A (t#ere"ore* &A- is re9uired)
1. >#ere t#e law e1ressly rovides "or &A-.
(. >#ere t#e aeal #ad already been made to t#e $resident be"ore t#e $resident could act t#e aeal was
*xception9 >#en t#e wit#drawal was based on t#e $residentPs "ailure to act. (t#ere"ore* wit#drawal is
(. >#ere t#e administrative remedy is "ruitless.
). >#ere t#ere is &4;!$$&' on t#e art o" t#e administrative agency.
<. >#ere t#e issue involved is urely a legal 9uestion (ie. 8t involves interretation or construction o" law and its
=. >#ere t#e administrative action is atently illegal amounting to lac. or e1cess o" 3urisdiction.
RCabada vs Alunan* (IM 4 Q)Q
I. >#ere t#ere is unreasonable delay or o""icial inaction. (eg. >it#drawal o" action bec. o" $residentPs "ailure to act wit#in
a reasonable time)
@. >#ere t#ere is irrearable in3ury or t#reat t#ereo"* unless 3udicial recourse is immediately made.
Rde 'ara vs Cloribel* 1< 4 (I+
Q. 8n land cases* w#ere t#e sub3ect matter is a rivate land.
+. >#en t#e law does not ma.e &A- a condition recedent to 3udicial recourse.
1M. >#ere t#e observance o" t#e doctrine will result to t#e nulli"ication o" t#e claim.
11. >#ere t#ere are secial reasons or circumstances demanding immediate action.
1(. >#en due rocess is clearly violated.
RQuisumbing vs Judge * 1+) 4 =(M
Judicial -eview o" Administrative Aecision
-E'&: T &1cet w#en t#e Constitution re9uires or allow it* 3udicial review (J-) may be granted or wit##eld as Congress
5;#e law may declare t#at an administrative decision is "inal and reviewable7
/ases o" Judicial -eview
1. Constitution
(. 4tatute
). ?eneral $rinciles o" 'aw , Tt#ere is an underlying ower in t#e courts to scrutiniGe t#e acts o" administrative agencies
on 9uestions o" law and 3urisdiction alt#oug# no rig#t o" review is given by t#e statutes. ;#is is designed to .ee t#e
administrative agencies wit#in t#eir 3urisdiction and rotect substantial rig#ts o" t#e arties a""ected. 8t is art o" t#e
system o" c#ec.s and balances w#ic# restricts t#e searation o" owers and "orestalls arbitrary and un3ust ad3udication.U
Met#ods o" !btaining J-FClasses o" J-
1. 4tatutory or Bon0statutory
Statutory , w#en law e1ressly rovides t#at t#ere is J-.
"on/statutory , w#en no e1ress rovision o" statutes but relie" may be obtained by means o" common law
remedies or by rerogative writs.
(. Airect or Collateral
)irect , you are 9uestioning t#e administrative action in subse9uent roceeding. (eg. 'ac. o" 3urisdiction or grave
abuse o" discretion). ;#e nulli"ication o" t#e administrative action itsel" is t#e ====>A&" &SS1*.
Collateral , relie" is soug#t "rom administrative action in a roceeding t#e rimary urose is some relie" ot#er t#at
setting aside o" t#e 3udgment. ;#e issue o" administrative action is &"C&)*",A' &SS1*.
Q: >#at court #as 3urisdiction o" J- o" administrative action?
A: Ender -ule <) o" t#e -ules on Civil $rocedure* t#e CA #as aellate 3urisdiction over decisions o" C;A and "inal
orders or resolutions made by agencies e1ercising 9uasi03udicial "unctions.
4ub3ects o" J-
1. Questions o" 2AC;4
Substantial evidence rule , "actual "indings o" administrative agencies are generally conclusive uon t#e courts i"
suorted by substantial evidence* t#us courts are recluded in "inding uon t#e 9uestion o" "acts.
1. >#en e1ressly allowed by statutes
(. 8n case o" "raud* imosition or mista.e ot#er t#an error o" 3udgment in evaluating t#e evidence.
). &rror in t#e areciation o" t#e leadings and interretation o" documentary evidences resented by t#e arties.
<H Alication o" /-ABA&84 Aoctrine (in"ra)
(. Questions o" 'A> , involves interretation and construction o" law and its alication.
). Mi1ed 9uestion 2AC; and 'A>
8RA")*&S )octrine of assimilation of facts , Tw#ere w#at urorts to be a "inding uon a 9uestion o" "act is so involved
!ith and dependent upon a question of la! as to be in substance and e""ect a decision on t#e latter (ie. Question o" law)
t#e court will* in order to decide t#e legal 9uestion* e1amine t#e entire record including t#e evidence* i" necessary.
?uidelines in t#e e1ercise o" J-
1. 8t is not "or t#e receiving court to weig# t#e con"licting evidence* determine credibility o" witnesses* or substitute
3udgment on su""iciency o" evidence. 5B/ : t#ese are "indings o" "acts and t#e court s#all not loo. into t#is t#ings7
Q: 8s Judicial -eview are trial de novo?
A: B!. J- is merely an ascertainment o" w#et#er or not t#e "inding o" t#e administrative agencies are consistent wit# t#e
law "ree "rom "raud and imosition and suorted by evidence.
-es Judicata
Q: 8s t#ere -J in Administrative decisions?
A: L&4. (8smael vs Aeuty 4ecretary , 4C: Aecisions and orders o" administrative agencies #ave uon t#eir "inality t#e
"orce and binding o" a "inal 3udgment wit#in t#e urview o" -J. ;#ese decisions and orders are conclusive uon t#e rig#ts
o" t#e a""ected arties as t#oug# t#e same #ad been rendered by a court o" general 3urisdiction. ;#e rule on -J t#us
"orbids t#e reoening o" a matter once determined by cometent aut#ority wit#in t#eir e1clusive 3urisdiction).
-J alies to adversarial (ie. ( oosing arties wit# ( oosing claims) administrative roceeding.
B/: -J alies only w#en administrative agencies e1ercise quasi/judicial "unction.
*xception9 in 9uestion on citiGens#i.
R*xception9 (so* -J alies)
1. Question o" citiGens#i is t#e material issue to t#e controversy and resolved a"ter a "ull0blown #earing.
(. Hearing is wit# t#e active articiation o" t#e 4olicitor ?eneral.
). 2indings is a""irmed by t#e 4ureme Court.
LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS (/y: Atty. J. Morales)
4ources: Constitution* Administrative 'aw* &lection 'aw* 'ocal ?ovt Code
T$ublic !""icerU , includes elective or aointed o""icials
Ae"inition o" $ublic !""ice
1. $ublic o""ice must be vested by law wit# public sovereign "unction
$ublic !""icer under t#e -$C W govt emloyee
/eating o" $ublic o""icer W a 9uali"ied aggravating circumstance
Ae"inition o" $! in $A?$(?) , 111 as long as #e receives a salary even i" only nominated.
Ae"inition o" $! in Administrative 'awFCivil 4ervice 'aw , one cannot be a $! i" #e is er"orming a manual labor.
'aurel vs Aesierto Aril 1(* (MM(
4C: 'aurel is a $!
C#aracteristics o" a $ublic !""ice 5see: Art K* Constitution7
- ublic o""ice is not sub3ect to #ereditary succession
Aointive !""icial are covered by t#e Civil 4ervice 'aw
&mloyees in ?!CC:
>it# !riginal C#arter W Civil 4ervice 'aw
>it#out original c#arter W 'abor Code
>ater Aistrict , $A 1+M wit# !riginal C#arter* t#ere"ore* C4'
/&B&C! is a cooerative 6 rivate in c#aracter.
Career Bon0career
0 4ecurity o" tenure Bone
0 !ortunity "or advancement Bone
0 manner o" c#oosing: merit 6 "itness : any manner e1cet merit 6 "itness
A& 2AC;! !228C&-
- one w#o actually #olding o""ice wit#out legal title
'egal effects of acts of de facto officer:
- As to )
ersons* valid 5on t#e ground o" ublic olicy7% as to #imsel"* invalid.
?-: Ae "acto o""icer is not entitled to a salaray
&: i" no de 3ure o""icer 5 but only "or t#e actual service rendered7
4ee: Malaloan case
&'8?8/8'8;L 6 QEA'828CA;8!B
88. Aointive
-esident o" t#e $#iliines
888. $lus
Q: >#o can rescribe 9uali"ication?
A: C!B?-&44 5t#e one w#o can create o""ices* e1cet Constitution7
1) Quali"ication s#all not be too specific
() Quali"ication must be germane to t#e osition
?eneral Ais9uali"ication
'osers in election cannot run wit#in 1yr e1cet /arangay !""icials 5ie. 'ame duc. aointee7
8n re: ManGano case
Commencement o" !""icial -elations
1) &lection
() Aointment
)) /y being a de "acto o""icer
Aointment Aesignation
0 ermanent 0 not ermanent 5no 4!;7
$abuaya case: temorary aointment must not e1ceed 1( mont#s
-egular aointment , made by t#e $res w#ile Congress is in session.
Ad interim aointment , made by t#e $res w#en Congress is not in session
- it can be ermanent but can be revo.ed by t#e Congress
1) Bomination by t#e $res
() Commission on Aointment
)) 8ssuance o" Commission
<) Accetance 5relate to: involuntary servitude7
=) HHA;;&4;A;8!B by C4C i" not aointed by t#e $res 5ie. arove or disarove based on 9uali"ications7
!nce acceted aointment cannot be revo.ed
Bature o" ower to aoint: A84C-&;8!BA-L 5ie. aointing aut#ority can aoint anyone w#o meets t#e minimum
9uali"ication even i" one #as #ig#er 9uali"ication7
AttestationHH is M8B84;&-8A'
C4C #as no ower to aoint* ot#erwise* it commits usuration
Q: Can aointment be sub3ect to 3udicial review?
A: ?-: B!.
&: ?AA
-E'& !2 A$$!8B;M&B; 8B C8:8' 4&-:8C&
8asis of appointment: M&-8; 6 28;B&44 , determined by cometitive e1amination
) $ositions w#ere merit 6 "itness is not alied:
1) $olicy determining (eg. Cabinet member)
() $rimarily con"idential
>#o classi"ies?
- initially by t#e $res
- Congress by law
- 8" no 9uali"ication t#e close intimacy between t#e aointing ower 6 t#e aointee
C'!4& 8B;8MACL ;&4; , to w#om you reort? 8" you reort to t#e aointing ower rimarily con"idential
)) Hig#ly tec#nical
<) $A +M@ , graduate wit# #onors will be automatically eligible 51
grade 6 (
$ro#ibition on 'ame duc. aointment
/allarta 6 :alenGuela case
8ssue: ;#ere is a ban on aointment during election vs Twit#in + days "rom nomination o" J/C to aointU
4C: &lection ban revails over Constitutional duty because election ban comes only during elections 5t#is is an instance
w#ere a law revails over t#e Constitution
8:. Be1t0in0ran. -ule
- ne1t in ran. #as a mere re"erential rig#t 5ower to aoint is discretionary7
- i" t#e one aointed in not t#e ne1t0in0ran.* ut t#e reason "or suc# aointment
:. Automatic -eversion -ule
- All go bac. to t#e osition to rotect 4!; 5#ere* Tvacancy "illed cannot be "illedU (?) does not aly 5 itN7
1. 4eries o" aointment
(. Aointment is simultaneously submitted to C4C "or attestation
). 8" one is reverted bac. all will "ollow
;rans"er -e0assignment
- it re9uires consent to be valid* ot#erwise* it
violates 4!; 5i" no consent W constructive
- management rerogative
( instances w#ere trans"er wit#out consent is valid:
1) i" art o" administrative enalty
() aointment does not seci"y t#e station
Aetail 5see: de"inition7
-einstatement -e0emloyment
0 resuoses termination 0 resuose searation "rom emloyment 6
emloyed again
0 searated because o" administrative case 0 searated because o" retrenc#ment or
Q: 8" ublic o""icer is not "ound guilty* can #e be reinstated?
A: B!. He must aly all over again (ie. be aointed again)
8" ardon no reinstatement
( instances w#ere t#ere is reinstatement:
1) ?rounds o" roerty
() ?rounds o" innocence
M!A&4 !2 ;&-M8BA;8!B
1) Batural causes
() Act o" t#e !""icer
)) Act o" t#e ?overnment
<) Act o" t#e $eole
- deat#
- ermanent disability
- e1iration o" term 5eg. Co0terminus emloyeePs mode o" termination is not removal but e1iration o" term7
:88. $-8BC8$'& !2 H!'A0!:&-
?-: $ublic o""icer continues to #ang on o""ice until successor is aointed 6 9uali"ied.
A: it does not aly to o""icer w#ere term is "i1ed by t#e Constitution
- resignation
i) intention to relin9uis#
ii) voluntary 5t#at is w#y* courtesy resignation is not valid7
8nvoluntary resignation is not valid
&1cet: &strada vs Aesierto: 4C: alies ,(,A'&,5 ,*S,
iii) need accetance 5i" #e does not reort #e may be c#arged wit# abandonment7
?-: !nce resignation is acceted it cannot be wit#drawn.
&: i" wit# t#e consent o" t#e aointing o""icer.
ACC&$;8B? AB &"C(>+A,&8'* (R +R(6&8&,*) (%%&C* 5on t#e ground o" ublic olicy7
- belong to di""erent branc#es% it violates searation o" ower.
A/ABA!BM&B; !2 !228C&
- li.e resignation* but #ere accetance is not necessary.
CanoniGado case
- no abandonment because it !as not voluntary as t#ere was a reorganiGation w#ic# was not valid.
reorganiGation to be valid must ass t#e test of good faith
!ose t#is case to 4antiago case* w#ere t#ere is voluntariness
2iling o" Certi"icate o" Candidacy
&lective W continue
Aointive W deemed resigned
-emedy i" resignation is not acceted "ile a Certi"icate o" Candidacy (by JM)
$-&4C-8$;8!B ;! -8?H; !2 !228C&
Quo >arranto in aointive o""ice is 1yr* ot#erwise* you are barred to 9uestion it.
2A8'E-& ;! A44EM& !228C& wit#in I mont#s (alies only to elective office)
- 8meac#ment: alies to Constitutional o""icials ($resF:$F4C JusticesFConstitutional CommissionerF!mbudsman)
?rounds: 5see t#e Constitution7
Q: 8s Cronyism a ground "or imeac#ment?
A: Les. As a betrayal o" ublic trust.
$rocedure "or 8meac#ment
1. 8nitiation , re9uires 1F) vote
( modes
i) comlaint by a citiGen indorsed by a Congressman
ii) comlaint "iled by Congressman
(. ;rial by 4enate
$residing o""icer:
a) C#ie" Justice , i" imeac#ment "or $resident
b) 4enate $resident , i" not $resident
BA;E-& !2 $-!C&&A8B?: basically administrative (so* mere oortunity to be #eard is su""icient)* but o""icial to be
removed are not ordinary o""icial* so aly tec#nical rules on evidence.
Quantum o" $roo" (by JM)
TconvictionU% TtrialU% B!; T#earingU , t#ere"ore* $roo" beyond reasonable doubt
). by 4enate
:otes re9uired
(F) i" decision is conviction
i" it did not meet (F) not guilty
&""ect o" Convictions
i) removal "rom o""ice
ii) accessory enalty: eretual dis9uali"ication to #old o""ice
iii) rosecution* trial 6 unis#ment in t#e criminal aspect o" t#e case.
i" an o""icer is imeac#able you cannot "ile a criminal case wit#out imeac#ment
A/!'8;8!B !2 !228C&F-&!-?AB8CA;8!B
;o be valid:
1) 8t must be done in good "ait#
2ood %aith ,est
- i" urose is olitical "ailed
- i" urose is to en#ance efficiency $ economy of govt services assed.
/u.lod ng mga Sawani &&8/ vs ?
4C: valid reorganiGation because t#ere are more owers o" t#e ;A4S 2!-C& t#an t#e "ormer agency
C!B:8C;8!B !2 A C-8M&
- order o" conviction is enoug# to remove
- TcrimeU means any crime t#at carries t#e accessory enalty o" dis9uali"ication to #old o""ice.
-emoval o" 4enator 6 Congressman
1) &1ulsion ((F) vote also t#e vote re9uired "or susension "or IM days)
() 8" lost in election rotest in &lectoral ;ribunal (unseated by &lectoral ;ribunal)
)) Conviction o" a crime
-emoval o" Justices* Judges* 6 &mloyees o" t#e Judiciary
- 4C en banc e1ercises suervision% i" enalty is not removal it can be by A8:848!B
-emoval o" &lective !""icial
Q: >#o can e1ercise administrative 3urisdiction over $rovincial !""icialsF!""icials o" Hig#ly ErbaniGed Cities 6 8ndeendent
Comonent Cities?
A: !""ice o" t#e $resident* concurrent wit# t#e !mbudsman.
Q: >#o can e1ercise administrative 3urisdiction over !""icials o" Comonent CitiesFMunicial !""icials?
A: 4angguniang $anlalawigan* concurrent wit# t#e !mbudsman.
Q: >#o can e1ercise administrative 3urisdiction over /arangay !""icials?
A: by t#e 4angguniang $anglungsod or 4angguniang /ayan* concurrent wit# t#e !mbudsman.
5 nb: 4$ 6 4$d* #ere* e1ercises only QJ27
8n t#e Career 4ervice* C4C ac9uires administrative 3urisdiction* concurrent wit# t#e Heads o" !""ices* concurrent wit#
!mbudsman. 5i" t#e decision o" t#e Head o" !""ice is removal not "inal but aealable to C4C7
2abella case
Special .urisdiction over teachers: Committee w#ere t#ere is a articiation o" a teac#er reresentative.
8" t#e Ae&d aoints riority is t#e resident o" t#e /arangay% i" none* resident o" t#e municiality.
?rounds "or Aiscilinary Actions
(see: '?C "or local !""icials)
1) Aereliction o" duty
() Misconduct , must always be related to t#e er"ormance o" onePs duty* ot#erwise* admin case can roser only i"
t#ere is a rior conviction
4ee: $alma vs 2ortic# case
8" misconduct is gross removal% i" simle susension
)) Ais#onesty
-emolana case
2: $ostmaster got "alsi"ied document "or #is wi"e
4C: $alma doctrine does not aly* because #e is not titled as ublic o""icial
<) Mere alication "or ?reen Card or 2oreign 8mmigration 5alies to bot# local 6 aointive o""icials7 5solution i" one
wants to aly "or green card: resign "irst7
=) Absences
'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive (e1cet $unong /arangay) , 1= consecutive absences !ithout justifiable cause
4angguniang , < consecutive absences in t#e session !ithout justifiable cause
8" misconduct is not related in t#e er"ormance o" onePs duty but committed wit#in t#e remises o" wor. it is 4;8''
Mass action during o""icer #ours is a "orm o" misconduct 6 a dereliction o" duty
C-8M8BA' JE-84A8C;8!B
- salary grade (@ 6 above
- below 4? (@ , -;C
- i" enalty is less t#an Iyrs M;C
8" 4? is (@ but t#e actual salary received is lower t#e salary grade is still t#e basis
$rocedure in Aiscilinary case
1. Comlaint must be in writing ("or local elective o""icial) 6 :&-828&A
?-: Comlaint cannot be anonymous
&: i" "ile wit# t#e !mbudsman
Q: Can comlainant wit#draw t#e comlaint?
A: Les. /ut it will not result to t#e dismissal o" t#e administrative case* because it is imressed wit# ublic interest 6 t#e
comlainant is only a witness
4ee: &nrile vs 2lorendo case
$reventive 4usension
( Sinds o" $reventive susension
1) $reventive susension
$urose: to revent t#e ublic o""icial to in"luence t#e investigation 5 itN7
8mosition: even ending #earing
() 4usension as a enalty
$urose: to enaliGe
8mosition: always at t#e end o" t#e #earing
( Sinds o" $reventive 4usension
1) $ending 8nvestigation
() $ending Aeal 5#ere* investigation is done but t#ere is an aeal7
Q: >#o can imose reventive susension "or aointive o""icial?
A: Head o" !""ice* C4C* !mbudsman
Q: >#o can imose reventive susension "or elective o""icial?
A: i" $rovincial !""icialFHEC!F8CC! W $resident* !mbudsman
Municial !""icial W 4$ (but by t#e ?overnor uon t#e recommendation o" t#e 4$)
Auration o" $reventive 4usension
- i" imosed by C4CFHead o" !""ice W +M days 5aealable to C4C7
- i" imosed by '?E W IM days "or one o""ense% +M days "or multile o""enses 5aealable to t#e Hig#er 4anggunian7
- i" imosed by '?E "or HEC!F$rov !""icial aealable to $resident to t#e Judiciary
- i" by !mbudsman W I mont#s 5i" admin case aealable to t#e CA% i" a criminal case aealable straig#t to t#e
'astimoso vs :as9ueG
-eason "or t#e duration:
1) 'ocal !""icials term is s#orter
() 'ocal o""icials #ave t#e mandate o" t#e eole (so* you unis# also t#e eole w#o elected t#em)
)) a) on t#e !mbudsman* t#e rules are more stringent% b) Jurisdiction o" !mbudsman is "rom /atanes to Jolo.
8" $ublic o""icer is c#arged wit# :iolation o" -A )M1+ reventive susension is MABAA;!-L 5re9uirement: valid
Aeloso case
Auration o" reventive susension cannot be Tduring t#e trialU because it is inde"inite
Q: Can t#ey be susended reventively susended "or acts committed on t#e revious o""ice?
A: Les. ;#e law does not seci"y because t#e urose is to revent using in"luence to #arass witness or tamer
Caital unis#ment: removal
4usension as a enalty
>aximum duration: "or aointive W 1yrs (except 'ocal &1ecutive !""icial)
5"or 'ocal &1ecutive !""icials W I mont#s but it must not e1ceed t#e term o" o""ice7
Heaviest enalty s#all be alied 6 t#e ot#ers are considered aggravating circumstances 5see: 8n re: ?onGales 6 4antos
Q: >#at #aens a"ter t#e lase o" t#e $reventive 4usension?
A: Automatically li"ted. Bo need "or Motion to 'i"t t#e !rder. (i" t#e erson temorarily #olding o""ice will not give t#e o""ice
#e can be c#arged wit# usurpation of public office.
?-: $reventive susension is automatically lifted during the @A days before the day of election (ie. automatic W no more
#earing) 5 "or 'ocal &lective !""icials only7
&: i" reventive susension is by t#e !mbudsman or C4C.
>arning is B!; a enalty.
4EMMA-L A84M844A'
B!>: abolis#ed because it is violative o" due rocess% e1cet: $B$ 6 Military because t#ey are armed individual 6 carry
t#e badge o" t#e law.
4ummary dismissal , no "ormal investigation but nevert#eless dismiss
A$$&A' !B ;H& !-A&- !2 $-&:&B;8:& 4E4$&B48!B
- i" reventive susension is )M days to t#e C4C to t#e CA to t#e 4C
K. A!C;-8B& !2 ;H-&&02!'A '8A/8'8;L
?-: >rong"ul act may give rise to:
i) Criminal liability
ii) Civil liability
iii) Administrative liability
i" criminal action is "iled civil action is deemed instituted
administrative case is searate* distinct* 6 can roceed independently "rom t#e criminal case. 5so* i" t#e
criminal case is dismissed t#e administrative case is not dismissed7
&: e1cetion
1. Administrative case recedes t#e criminal case
a) imeac#ment
b) in case o" re3udicial 9uestion (because o" t#e 9uantum o" roo")
(. Criminal case recedes t#e administrative case
a) w#en act is not related in onePs duty t#ere must be a "inal conviction be"ore administrative case can roser (
+A'>A )(C,R&"*)
Ender C4C -ules* Right to %ormal &nvestigation (TEmbrella -ig#tU) "or career 6 elective o""icial
- i" ublic o""icer is duly elected #e #as rig#t to #is o""ice 6 can be removed only w#en t#ere is a 3ust cause 6 due
Q: >#en can 4!; be abbreviated?
A: "":
1) >#en ublic o""icial is removed wit# 3ust case 6 due rocess
() :alid reorganiGation
2!-M 6 B!;8C& !2 A&C848!B
- 8" t#e discilinary aut#ority is t#e 4anggunian in writing* 6 state t#e "acts 6 t#e law uon w#ic# t#e decision is
based. 5reason: to "acilitate aeal 6 determine ?AA7
Q: >#o will sign t#e decision?
A: All members w#o are voting "or t#at decision (not only t#e $residing !""icer) 5see: Malinao case7
-A I@@M is silent on &1ecution $ending Aeal
&1ecution $ending Aeal in Administrative case
'aid vs CA
- !mbudsman #as no ower (no &$A in t#e !mbudsman)% 4ec )IQ* '?C will aly i" t#e discilinary aut#ority is t#e
K8. A!C;-8B& !2 C!BA!BA;8!B
*ffect of re/election during t#e endency o" t#e administrative case it will oerate to C!BA!B& t#e administrative case
B!; t#e criminal case.
Mo3ica case
- !""ense must be committed in a revious term so t#at )octrine of Condonation will aly 6 eolePs .nowledge (t#at
'&! #as an administrative case) is resumed.
$A-A!B 8B AAM8B84;-A;8:& CA4&
'lamas vs !rbos
- $resident can also give ardon to administrative case
>#ile $resident can grant ardon in administrative case* #e can only grant it to t#e emloyees 6 o""icer o" t#e
&1ecutive /ranc# o" t#e ?overnment including the '21.
$owers 6 Auties o" $ublic !""icer
- #e can only e1ercise ower con"er uon #im by law* ot#erwise* it may result to usuration
$olitical $artisan Activity alies to Career 4ervice &mloyee
?-: Additional or Aouble Comensation is ro#ibited
&: V
1) i" allowed by law (not by a resolution or ordinance)
() i" allowed by t#e rimary "unction o" t#e o""ice.
B&$!;84M (4ee: Aacuycuy case)
- Bot only t#e aointing aut#ority w#o can be guilty o" neotism but also t#e "ollowing:
i) Head o" !""ices
ii) -ecommending aut#ority
iii) 8mmediate suervisor
Aacuycuy case
Q: Can C4C aeal on adverse decision?
A: Les* by way o" e1cetion* but C4C is constitutionally tas. to imlement Civil 4ervice 'aw.
- you cannot detail emloyee er"orming manual labor or clerical "unction
K888. &1cetion to Beotism
1) $ublic 4c#ool ;eac#ers
() Military
)) Aoctors
X 8" osition is co/terminus do not aly neotism (eg. 4enator aointing #is son as C#ie" o" 4ta"")
-8?H;4 !2 $E/'8C !228C&-4
Right to (ffice , en3oy 4!; uon being duly elected
K8:. -ig#t to 4alary
1) #e #as legal title to t#e o""ice
() salary is attac#ed to t#e o""ice
Adiong vs CA ((MM1)
- i" a govt emloyee w#o is illegally dismissed is reinstated #e can claim bac.wages (limit: =yrs)
A!E/'& C!M$&B4A;8!B
Aela CruG vs CA
- *x officio member CAB B! '!B?&- #ave t#e rig#t to claim allowance. 5it is already covered in t#e rincial o""ice7
'ocal &1ecutive !""icials
K:. $reventive 4usension $ending 8nvestigation
- no salary* but i" e1onerated bac.wages
Career 4ervice !""icer
K:8. $reventive 4usension $ending 8nvestigation
- no salary* even i" e1onerated
- i" #e "ound guilty wit#in t#e 1yr susension 6 #e aealed t#e 1yr becomes a reventive susension on aeal%
/E; i" #e is e1onerated on appeal #e can get bac.wages.
4ee: CA vs ?loria
$A;&-B8;L '&A:& can be availed
- IM days a"ter delivery
-&;8-&M&B; in t#e Career 4ervice
- I= yrs old , mandatory retirement
- 1=yrs , aggregate service 5i" one #as an aggregate service o" 1<yrs 6 11 mont#s #e must e1tend* but t#e e1tension
s#ould not be more t#an 1yr7
Q: ?ovt o""icial is issued a govt ve#icle* can #e still claim -A;A?
A: !nly t#e -A (ie. -eresentative Allowance) 6 not t#e ;A (ie. ;ransortation Allowance)
Q: How to "ill a ermanent vacancy?
A: by election or aointment
Q: How to "ill a vacancy in t#e 4anggunian?
A: by aointment.
Q: >#o can be aointed in a vacant o""ice in t#e 4anggunian?
A: 8" t#e one w#o causes t#e vacancy belongs to a arty member o" t#e olitical arty% i" #e is not a member o" olitical
arty anyone wit# AC-&-* t#ere must be a recommendation o" t#e 4anggunian w#ere t#e vacancy occurred.
2ariJas vs /arba
Q: >#o can aoint?
A: t#e ne1t #ig#er level e1ecutive
;emorary :acancy
i" ?overnor or Mayor "iles a leave #e can designate but can only serve for B days 6 t#e :ice0?ovFMayor will ta.e
8" :ice0?ov or :ice0Mayor "iles a leave t#e Code is silent. 8" t#e $residing !""icer is c#osen by t#e members o" t#e
4anggunian suc# must be re"lected in t#e records.
?amboa case:
Q: 8" a :ice0?overnor is acting as a ?overnor* can #e still reside?
A: Bo more.
PUBLIC CORPORATIONS (/y: Atty. J. Morales)
4tate $olicies on '?Es
1. Constitution: 'ocal Autonomy 5Art (* sec (=7
(. Accountability t#roug# 8nitiative 6 -e"erendum
). Mandatory Consultation by t#e Bational ?ovt over '?E* B?!s* 6 $os
'ocal Autonomy or )ecentrali#ation
4ystem o" ?ovt
1. Enitary , centraliGed
(. 2ederal , decentraliGed
!ur govt is Enitary but wit# decentraliGation
Case: $imentel vs A9uirre* ))I 4 (M1: local autonomy is not only trans"er o" ower 6 aut#ority* but also trans"er o"
Accountability of '21s t#roug# -ecall* 8nitiative 6 -e"erendum
- Tre"erendumU , li.e a lebiscite in t#e local govt
>andatory Consultation
- in so "ar as Bational $ro3ects are concerned (eg. 4an -o9ue Aam)
'im vs $anyo
2: ?ov ro#ibited 'otto in t#e $rovince by a -esolution o" t#e 4$.
'otto is not a national ro3ect% w#at is to be consulted are projects !ith *"C&R(">*",A' (R *C('(2&CA'
$!>&-4 A&:!':&A 2-!M BA;8!BA' ?!:; ;! '!CA' ?!:;
1. -egulatory $owers 5ursuant to e1ercise o" $olice $owe7
i. -eclassi"ication o" land
ii. &n"orcement o" environmental law
iii. 8nsection o" "ood roduct
iv. &n"orcement o" Bational /uilding Code
v. $rocessing aroval o" 4ubdivision rig#t
vi. !eration o" ;ricycle 5t#en: ';2-/7
';! vs /utuan* ))( 4 )M=
- /utuan re9uired t#at tricycles are to be registered in t#e City 6 licenses is to be issued by t#e City.
4C: ;#is in not valid because only %RA"C6&S&"2 t#at is devolved% issuances o" license remains wit# ';!.
A''!>8B? B?! ;! $A-;8C8$A;& 8B '!CA' ?!:&-BABC& 5AebureaucratiGation7
H!>? ;#roug# 'ocal Special 8odies
1) 'ocal Aeveloment Council
() $re9uali"ication* /ids* 6 Awards Council
)) 'ocal 4c#ool /oard
<) 'ocal Healt# /oard
=) 'ocal $eace 6 !rder Council (by ot#er laws)
I) $'&/ (by ot#er laws)
in eac# secial body* t#ere is a reresentative o" t#e $rivate 4ector
'ocal School 8oard Cases 52ariJas case7
- i" Ae&d aoints 4uervisor* 4uerintendent* or $rincial Ae&d s#all consult t#e 'ocal 4c#ool /oard*
ot#erwise* aointment is not valid.
Consultation means aroval or indorsement
C!A vs $rovince o" Cebu
2: '4/ aroriated college sc#olars#i rogram "rom t#e 4ecial &ducation 2und.
4C: Bot valid because it is not among t#e use o" 4&2. (eg. 4&2 can be used to ay teac#ers aointed by '4/)
Various LGUs ($rovinces* Cities* Municialities* /arangays* 6 A-MM)
- $CM/ are not indeendent* but t#ey are still art o" t#e ?ovt
- MMAA is not an '?E because it #as no governmental ower (eg. ;o enact an ordinance)
?-: !nly Congress can create '?E
&: /arangays can be created by 4$F4$ln 5as delegated ower7
&&: !nly Congress can create barangays in 8BA8?&B!E4 CE';E-A' C!MMEB8;8&4
Q: Can t#e $resident create a municiality?
A: ?-: Bo. ;#at ower create is legislative in nature.
Congress cannot even delegate t#is ower to t#e $resident (as #e is an e1ecutive)% but delegation to 4$F4$
is valid because t#ey are legislative.
&: Municiality o" 4an Barciso vs MendeG
:alid* because o":
1) $rescrition (Quo >arranto must be "iled wit#in =yrs% #ere t#e case is broug#t a"ter )Myrs.
() $etitioner was not a roer arty
)) Ae"ects in t#e creation is cured by t#e '?C 5Continuity o" e1istence o" '?E7
Requirement in the creation
1. 4ubstantive -e9uirement
(. $rocedural -e9uirement
S18S,A",&C* R*-1&R*>*",
Land Area
- "or $rovince* only income 6 land areaFoulation
- "or Cities* only income 6 land areaFoulation
- "or Municialities* '8$
- "or /arangay* only oulation
;an vs C!M&'&C
- territory (in t#e old Code) re"ers only to land area* it does not include bodies o" water
AlvareG vs ?uingona
-e: City o" 4antiago
4C: 8-A is included in t#e comutation o" t#e income because it is a regular 6 recurring income.
Mariano vs C!M&'&C 5re: Ma.ati City7
- 'and area must be a A&28B8;& territory
- Here* metes 6 bounds was not stated in t#e c#arter
MEB8C8$A'8;8&4: see: Municiality o" 4an Barciso vs MendeG
C8;8&4: Cawaling vs C!M&'&C* !ct (I* (MM1* ?-s 1<I)1+ 6 1<+)<(
- usual creation o" cities is to!n/conversion (ie. town city)% #ere 4orsogon lus its neig#boring town "ormed a city.
- 4C: Creation o" a city is not limited to conversion but it can also be done by M&-?8B? ( or more '?EPs
$asig City vs C!M&'&C* )1< 4 1@+
A /arangay wit# a boundary dispute wit# anot#er barangay is created. 5disute e1isted even be"ore creation7 6 t#ere
was a lebiscite t#at was aroved.
Q: >ill t#e lebiscite render t#e disute moot 6 academic?
A: B!. 8t still continue.
+R(C*)1RA' R*-1&R*>*",: $lebiscite
Q: >#o will articiate in t#e lebiscite?
A: ;#e olitical units )&R*C,'5 A%%*C,*)
4ee: ;an vs C!M&'&C
Meaning o" Tdirectly a""ectedU
1) 8n case o" $M/: it includes t#e mot#er rovince or municiality
() 8n case o" C!B:&-48!B o" a City only t#e city will articiate
)) Miranda vs Aguirre 5re: down0grading o" 4antiago "rom indeendent comonent city to comonent city in order t#at
t#ey can articiate in t#e election o" $rovincial !""icials
Q: 8s it necessary "or a lebiscite to be conducted in down0grading a city?
A: Les.
Addendum: comonent city is under t#e suervision o" t#e $rovince% its ordinance is sub3ect "or review by t#e
8ncome -e9uirement "or Comonent City
!ld: (MM
Bew: 1MMM
Cawaling case:
Q: >#en will t#e lebiscite be conducted?
A: 1(M days "rom effectivity of the la! (ie. a"ter ublication) B!; 2-!M A$$-!:A'.
?eneral $rincile: '?EPs are mere A?&BC8&4 o" t#e ?ovt. 4o* t#ey can only e1ercise owers i" granted by law (ie. t#e
'?C or its c#arter)
$owers o" '?E are delegated% t#ey #ave B! in#erent ower
8n t#e e1ercise o" $$* $;* 6 $&A it must be done in ursuance o" an !-A8BABC&.
1. ?overnmental
(. Bon0governmental (cororate ower: sec (()
a) $olice $ower (sec. 1+)
b) $ower o" ;a1ation (sec 1Q D /oo. ()
c) $ower o" &minent Aomain (sec 1+)
5 t#ese ower can be e1ercised by enactment of an (R)&"A"C*D not by a mere R*S('1,&("7
-e9uisite "or validity o" Municial !rdinance
1) it must not contravene t#e Constitution or any statute
() not un"air or oressive
)) 111
<) reasonable
=) 11
5 itN7
!nly t#e ower o" ta1ation t#at is bot# a C("S,&,1,&("A' $ S,A,1,(R5 )*'*2A,&("
$olice $ower (sec 1I , ?eneral >el"are Clause)
/inay vs Aomingo
-e: 2inancial burial assistance
4C: Assistance to the poor is a valid e1ercise o" olice ower.
Aela CruG vs $aras
-e: in /ocaue
4C: !rdinance must not ro#ibit% but it can only -&?E'A;& trade w#ic# is not illegal er se.
5TregulateU ,eg. $utting limits on t#e manner o" oeration7
Magtacas vs $rice
-e: Cagayan de !ro
4C: !rdinance must not contravene a law or t#e Constitution
!rtigas vs $iatiba
-e: $olice $ower vs Bon0imairment clause
4C: $olice ower revails over non0imairment clause% $ower o" ;a1ation 6 $ower o" &minent Aomain are
S18(R)&"A,* to non0imairment clause.
:illacorta vs /ernardo
-e9uirement imosed by national law must not be e1tended by an ordinance.
/alac9uit vs C28
4C: Bot valid ordinance. ;#e means emloyed is not reasonable* it was oressive on t#e art o" t#e movie t#eater
5re9uirement: it must be 1) law"ul sub3ect 6 () law"ul means7
Acebedo vs ?* Marc# )1* (MMM
'?E can only issue ermit to regulate businesses but it cannot issue a ermit imosing conditions t#at regulate
e1ercise o" ro"ession.
$!>&- !2 ;AKA;8!B
$!>&- !2 &M8B&B; A!MA8B
- t#is is e1ercised by '?E 6 Bational ?ovt
-e9uisites "or t#e e1ercise o" $&A
1. Becessity
(. $rivate roerty
). ;
<. $ublic urose
=. Just comensation
I. Aue rocess
Additional requirement for the exercise of +*) by '21
@. Q: >#o can e1ercise?
A: 'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive
a) 4anggunian will enact an ordinance
b) 'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive will imlement it ursuant to t#e !rdinance
$araJa9ue case
Heirs o" 4agitan(?) case
Q. $urose is broader
8" e1ercise by t#e Bational ?ovt* only "or public use% i" e1ercise by '?E* "or public use:purpose $ for the benefit of
the poor
+. $rocedural re9uirement (sec 1+)
a) t#ere must "irst be a valid $ definite offer to buy the property $ the same is rejected by the o!ner* be"ore '?E can
e1ercise $&A.
$rovince o" Camarines 4ur vs CA
Bo need to as. AA- w#en e1roriating an agricultural land.
/rgy 4an -o9ue* ;alisay* Cebu vs Heir o" 2rancisco $astor
Q: 8n w#at court must &$ be "iled?
A: 8n -;C* because o" its general 3urisdiction over actions incaable o" ecuniary estimation
it must enact an ordinance be"ore condemnation roceeding in court.
?-: Aetermination o" Just Comensation by administrative bodies is not valid.
&: i" owner agrees
-&C'A44828CA;8!B !2 ;H& E4& !2 'ABA
- it must be e1ercised by an ordinance* ie* Goning ordinance
+ercentage of reclassification9 urose is to avoid indiscriminate conversion
$ower to classi"y is lodged on t#e 4anggunian
AA- certi"ies to non0"easibility
4anggunian concern certi"ies land t#at increases in value
$!>&- ;! C'!4& 6 !$&B -!AA
- closure may eit#er be temporary (eg. 2iesta)% or permanent (eg. >it#drawn "or ublic urose 6 becomes a
atrimonial roerty)
- t#ere must be an ordinance% but i" temporary ma3ority vote% i" permanent (F) vote
Macasiano vs
- roads 6 laGa cannot be leased because it is beyond t#e commerce o" man.
$!>&- ;! BAM& '?EPs
- now devolved to '?EPs
1. 8t cannot be named a"ter a living erson
(. Ese o" a""iliation (eg. Aon* ?eneral) is ro#ibited.
). Bame cannot be c#anged more t#an 1 in 1Myrs
Additional rule
- i" a ublic sc#ool or #osital it re9uires t#e recommendation o" t#e '4/F'H/
-e9uirement o" B!;8C& to:
1. ;#e !""ice o" t#e $resident
(. !""ice o" t#e -eresentative concerned
). $#iliine $ostal Cororation
Consultation wit# t#e BA;8!BA' H84;!-8CA' 8B4;8;E;&
$!>&- !2 4&;;'&M&B; !2 /!EBAA-L A84$E;&
1. Jurisdiction
(. $rocedure
i" disute is between barangays in t#e 4AM& town 4angguiniang /ayan ac9uires 3urisdiction
i" disute is between barangays in di""erent municialities J!8B; 4/ o" t#e ( barangays ac9uire 3urisdiction.
8" ( municialities in t#e same rovince t#e 4$ ac9uires 3urisdiction
8" ( municialities in di""erent rovinces J!8B; 4$ ac9uires 3urisdiction
1. ;#ere must be "irst amicable settlement by t#e sangguniang ac9uiring 3urisdiction 5sangguniang concern issues a
certi"ication t#at t#ere is a "ailure7
(. 8" amicable settlement "ails t#ere is a "ormal #earing by t#e 4angguiniang ac9uiring 3urisdiction.
). ;#e decision can be appealed to the R,C.
$roblem: (???)
8" ( municialities in di""erent rovinces aeal to t#e Court w#ere it is "iled "irst.
Municiality o" JimineG vs /as
- even i" no decision t#e case can be broug#t to t#e -;C "or resolution
5 t#is is a case w#erein aeal is available even wit#out decision7
AE;H!-8;L !:&- $!'8C& EB8;4
- $olice is national in scoe (under t#e Constitution)
)evolved +o!ers
1) $ower to aoint C#ie" o" $olice
$rocedure: aoint only ) nominees "rom t#e $B$
'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive cannot remove t#em* only t#e $B$ can.
() !erational control by 'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive
- 'ocal C#ie" &1ecutive decides deployment o" olice (not on t#e manner o" deloyment)
)) $'&/ w#ere an erring oliceman can be c#arged administratively
'!CA' '&?84'A;8:& $!>&-
- 4$n* 4/* 4$d , t#eir owers are not only legislative but t#ey also e1ercise quasi/judicial po!er (eg. /oundary
disute* discilining local elected o""icials)
$re0enactment $ost0enactment
0 ublic
$$ $ublication o" t#e
ordinance 5to be
osted in )
consicuous laces
or ublis#ing it in a
0 valid 6 de"inite
o""er to buy
$&A 4ame 5ie.
0 ublic #earing
(w#ic# is
$; 4ame 5ie.
8n /arangay* osting is su""icient% in cities or municialities bot# ublication 6 osting are needed.
MalonGo vs Camora
5-ule: !n "irst session* 4anngunian must "i1 t#e AA;&* ;8M&* 6 $'AC& o" regular session* 6 ma.e t#eir rule o" rocedure
wit#in +M days7
2: 4anggunian "i1ed t#e date* time* 6 lace 6 t#en t#ey -&A'8?B&A t#e budget.
4C: -ealignment is valid as long as t#ey #ave "i1ed t#e A;$ 6 -ules o" $rocedure.
H!> 84 AB !-A8BABC& MAA&?
Q: How can a local ordinance becomes a law?
A: 'C& must sign it 5#ow? /y signing each $ every page o" t#e ordinance7
Q: How can an ordinance vetoed by t#e 'C& become e""ective?
A: i" t#e 'C& "ails to communicate #is veto to t#e 4anggunian. 5ot#erwise* it becomes a law wit#in 1MF1=(?) days.
( ?rounds "or veto
E4 1ltra vires
5eg. 4/ imosing sand 6 gravel ta17
(. $re3udicial to ublic wel"are
!nly t#e $unong /arangay cannot veto because #e is a member o" t#e 4anggunian.
Ae los -eyes vs 4andiganbayan
4C: :eto or aroval o" ordinance is B!; M8B84;&-8A'% 'C& #as discretion.
Revie! of (rdinance:
!rdinances are reviewed by t#e ne1t #ig#er body.
$rovincial !rdinance or !rdinance o" Hig#ly ErbaniGed Cities A-& B!; -&:8&>&A because t#ey are assisted by t#e
$rovincial or City 'egal !""icer* w#ic# case is not availed in t#e /arangay or Municiality.
Monay(?) case: re: 'imitation o" $ower to -eview
- -eview by 4$ over a municial ordinance is determined only wit#in its legal ower to enact (ie. it cannot 9uestion t#e
wisdom o" t#e ordinance)
1. Continuing 4uccession
(. $ower to sue 6 be sued
Aual nature o" '?E: 1) ?ovtPal 6 () $rorietary nature o" '?E
4o* '?E can be sued in e1ercise o" rorietary "unction
2ontanilla case:
(!ld Code* be"ore 1++1)
- 8" '?E er"orms a ?ovt "untion it cannot be sued
4ee: Municiality o" 4an 2ernando vs ? case
4ee: 4ec (<* '?E can be sued already
4ec (< , Consent: '?E 6 '?! can be sued in bot# ?overnmental 6 $rorietary 2unction
). Cororate name , to A8'?
<. Ac9uire or convey real roerty
Baga case: w#ere ?overnor or $resident must arove 5t#is is no longer controllingN7
=. &nter into Contracts
Requisite of >unicipal Contract
a) ;#ere must be a ower granted by law (ie. 4ec (()
b) >#o #as given t#e roer aut#ority to enter into contract? Always t#e 'C&. 5Taut#orityU , must be ursuant to a
Q: >#at i" t#ere is no resolution?
A: it is :!8AA/'&* but it can be rati"ied.
c< Substantive Requirement
8" use o" ublic "unds
c. i) Aroriation ordinance
c. ii) Certi"ication o" availability o" "unds by t#e ;reasurer.
%ormal Requisites
a) 8n writing
b) BotariGed
?-: '?E can as. assistance !ithin the country or outside the country !ithout the approval of the 6igher 'evel 8ody or
the "ational 2ovt.
&: i" wit# national security imlication
MEB8C8$A' '8A/8'8;L (4ec 1<)
- "or deat#* in3ury* or damage to roerty* '?E 6 t#eir o""icials are not e1emt "rom liability.
Art (1Q+* CC
4ec (<* '?C Art (1Q+* CC
>#o? '?E 6 '?! !nly '?E
Causes o"
Aeat#* 8n3ury* 6
Aamage to
!nly Aeat# 6
?rounds All tortuous acts
o" 'ocal ?ovt or
!nly "or
conditions o"
roads* bridges* 6
ot#er ublic
roerties under
t#eir control 6
suervision. 5not
necessary t#at
owned by t#e
4E/48A8A-L '8A/8'8;L !2 MEB8C8$A'8;L in case olice "ails to resond to an (?) 5ie. i" one cannot claim
damages "rom t#e oliceman #e can run a"ter t#e city7 5de"ense: claim "rom $B$ because it is Bational in scoe7
'8A/8'8;L !B C!B;-AC;4
?-: 8" municiality enters into a contract it is liable to t#e Contract
5Aoctrine o" 8mlied Municial 'iability , even i" contract is not valid but t#e Municiality incurred bene"its t#e latter must
'!CA' !228C8A'4
4ec Q+ , $ro#ibited /usiness 6 $ecuniary 8nterests
(n +ractice of +rofession
%(R *'*C,&C*
?-: *'*C,&C* 5'C& !- 4anggunian Member7
'C& , absolute ro#ibition
4anggunian Member , t#ey can e1ercise t#eir ro"essionFsee. emloymentFteac# 5limitation: except during session hours7
Additional limitation for 'A35*R
1) Cannot aear "or an o""icial i" case involves e1ercise o" govt "unction
() 8" t#e ot#er arty is t#e ?ovt
for >edical )octor
0 can ractice ro"ession during session 5limit: #e cannot collect doctorPs "ee7
%(R A++(&",&C*
?-: ;#ey cannot ractice 111 111
8" t#ey e1ercise during 4aturdays 6 4undays aroval o" t#e Head o" !""ice is needed.
?-: Accetance to an aointed osition will "or"eit t#e "irst osition
&: Allowed by law
4alaries o" &lective !""icials can be sub3ect to commutation (e""ective 1++()
- "iled wit# t#e roer aut#ority% "or 'C&* to t#e Hig#er !""icial
- but "or 4angunian t#ey "ile wit# t#e 4anggunian 5and t#ey can do it orally% alt#oug# ?- is in writing7
&nacting law roosing t#e creation o" new '?E is bill of local application
5Aroriation* rivate* revenue* increasing ublic indebtedness* local alication7 A+R&' t#ese are t#e bills t#at must
be roosed by t#e lower #ouse
) Criteria "or t#e creation o" '?E
1. 8ncome , su""icient to de"ray t#e cost o" roviding basic services and "acility
(. $oulation ,
). 'and area , contiguous* unbro.en mass (e1c: i" a roosed '?E is comosed o" ( islands or more)
-ati"ication t#e +lebiscite: it s#all be concluded among t#e residents o" t#e '?E directly a""ected
$!>&- ;! A8:8A&* M&-?& !- A/!'84H AB '?E
Creating Bew '?E vs Aivision o" '?E
Creating new lgu: ) criteria must be satis"actorily met (t#ere must be no e1isting '?E)
Aivision o" '?E: t#e e1isting '?E e1ceeds t#e ma1imum criterion
How to divide:
- avoid gerrymandering
- must not result to t#e diminution o" eit#er comonent
How to abolis#:
>#en? , t#e minimun criteria are not met* a law must be assed containing a seci"ication w#ere t#e '?E to be
abolis#ed be absorbed.
$lebiscite , be #eld 1(M days a"ter t#e assage o" t#e law.
Congress cannot determine t#e Caital o" an '?E* it is t#e '?E created t#at #as t#e ower to do so.
A '?E e1ist as soon as t#e C#ie" &1ecutive and all it 4anggunian are elected. 5by (F) votes t#ey determine t#e seat o"
$!>&- !2 B!M&BC'A;E-&
- $ower to name ublic laces wit#in its territorial 3urisdiction (it must be &B;8-&'L located in its territory)
1. coordinate wit# t#e $#iliines Historical Commission
(. not to be named a"ter a living erson
). can rename once every 1M years
<. noti"y t#e !""ice o" t#e $resident* its -eresentative in t#e Congress* and t#e /ureau o" $ost
$!>&- ;! C-&A;& 8;4 !>B 4!E-C& !2 -&:&BE&
) main sources o" revenue o" '?E
1. ta1esF"ees and c#arges w#ic# it created on its own 5automatically retained7
0 all o" t#ese are non0B8-C ta1esF non0C-;$ (Comre#ensive ;a1 -e"orm $ac.age)
(. T3ust s#areU o" B8-C (8-A) 5automatically disbursed% single amount7
). T&9uitableU s#are in t#e roceeds o" t#e utiliGation o" natural resources
- various amount , some go to t#e rovince* municiality or barangay 5e1c: i" t#e natural resources is not wit#in t#e
comonent o" ot#er '?E7
$!>&- !2 &M8B&B; A!MA8B
C#ie" &1ecutive must act under t#e aut#ority o" t#e 4angunian (agent o" aroriation)
1. negotiation
(. e1roriation (rivate owner must first refuse t#e urc#ase)
-e9uisites a"ter -&2E4A'
1. emowering ordinance
(. e1roriation roceedings in court
). deosit o" 1=Y o" assessed value (#ere* t#e roerty can be ta.en even wit#out decision)
- balance be aid ursuant to t#e decision o" t#e court by aointing commissioner* "air value.
- %air market value , value at t#e time o" t#e
'?E , ower o" eminent domain is only limited to -&A' $-!$&-;L (because it is a statutory ower)
$!>&- !2 '?E ;! -&C'A4482L 'ABA4 !2 $E/'8C A!MA8B
4ec )* Art K88 o" t#e Constitution (Bational &conomy and $atrimony)
4ec ). 'ands o" t#e ublic domain are classi"ied into agricultural* "orest or timber* mineral lands* and national
ar.s. Agricultural lands o" t#e ublic domain may be "urt#er classi"ied by law according to t#e uses w#ic# t#ey may
be devoted. Alienable lands o" t#e ublic domain s#all be limited to agricultural lands. $rivate cororations or
associations may not #old suc# alienable lands o" t#e ublic domain e1cet by lease* "or a eriod not e1ceeding
twenty0"ive years* renewable "or not more t#an twenty0"ive years* and not to e1ceed one t#ousand #ectares in area.
CitiGens o" t#e $#iliines may lease not more t#an "ive #undred #ectares* or ac9uire not more t#an twelve #ectares
t#ereo" by urc#ase* #omestead* or grant.
; into account t#e re9uirements o" conservation* ecology* and develoment* and sub3ect to t#e re9uirements o"
agrarian re"orm* t#e Congress s#all determine* by law* t#e siGe o" lands o" t#e ublic domain w#ic# may be ac9uired*
develoed* #eld* or leased and t#e conditions t#ere"or.
Agricultural land can be reclassi"ied by law
/ases o" reclassi"ication
1. Actual use , 5residential* commercial* industrial7
- only agricultural land are alienable
( re9uirements
1. Certi"ication by t#e Aeartment o" Agriculture t#at t#e land is no longer "easibly dedicated to agriculture.
(. 4anggunian Certi"ication , Tland is wort# greater i" land were to reclassi"ied to residential 5basis: Comre#ensive
'and Ese $rogram: be"ore 4/ can issue certi"ication7
Aiminis#ing limits
'?E can reclassi"y in e1cess o" t#e limits rovided it is ermitted by t#e $resident
- lands covered by t#e CA-$ s#all not be a""ected.
$!>&- ;! C'!4& -!AA4
$ermanent closure , by ordinance and (F) votes o" t#e 4angguniang concern
C!-$!-A;& $!>&- !2 ;H& '?E
1. $ower o" Cororate 4uccession
0 to #ave a continuing e1istence and constant identity (distinct and searate "rom t#e erson comosing it)
(. 8mmunity "rom suit
&1ress , Ti" it may be suedU* rovided by law (eg.* '?C)
). $ower to #ave and use a Cororate 4eal
0 it can issue certi"ication under its cororate name
<. $ower o" rorietors#i
- it can ac9uire* #old and convey roerty (real or ersonal)
Convey: since it #as t#e rig#t to ac9uire it can destroy it (3us vindicandi)
=. $ower to enter into contracts
?-: '?E can only enter into contract as a corporation
1. &1loration , C#ie" &1ec.
-e9uirement be"ore a contract
a. must be osted in a consicuous laceF be ublis#ed
(. aut#oriGation by sanggunian 5validateNNN7 (discretionary eg.* u to t#is muc#?)
). roosal , bilateral
<. signing , bilateral
=. rati"ication , by t#e sanggunian
$!>&- ;! 4&CE-& ?-AB;4
- law may avail grant o" "oreign country even wit#out t#e aroval o" t#e $resident* e1cet i" it is wit# national
imlication (to be determined by B&AA)
8B;&-?!:&-BM&B;A' -&'A;8!B4
4ec 1@* Art :88* Constitution
4ec (=* '?C: $residentPs general suervision
Airect control over rovinces* HEC* indeendent comonent cities* and comonent cities
4ec 1@* Art :88* Consti. ;#e $resident s#all control o" all t#e e1ecutive deartments* bureaus and o""ices. He s#all
ensure t#at t#e laws be "ait#"ully e1ecuted.
4ec () ('?C). Aut#ority to Begotiate and 4ecure ?rants. Z 'ocal c#ie" e1ecutives may* uon aut#ority o" t#e
sanggunian* negotiate and secure "inancial grants or donations in .ind* in suort o" t#e basic services or "acilities
enumerated under 4ection 1@ #ereo"* "rom local and "oreign assistance agencies wit#out necessity o" securing clearance
or aroval t#ere"or "rom any deartment* agency* or o""ice o" t#e national government o" "rom any #ig#er local
government unit: $rovided* ;#at ro3ects "inanced by suc# grants or assistance wit# national security imlications s#all be
aroved by t#e national agency concerned: $rovided* "urt#er* ;#at w#en suc# national agency "ails to act on t#e re9uest
"or aroval wit#in t#irty ()M) days "rom receit t#ereo"* t#e same s#all be deemed aroved.
;#e local c#ie" e1ecutive s#all* wit#in t#irty ()M) days uon signing o" suc# grant agreement or deed o" donation*
reort t#e nature* amount* and terms o" suc# assistance to bot# Houses o" Congress and t#e $resident.
4ec (@* '?C: covers all government ro3ects (rior consultation)% relocation
'8BA 'aw: one cannot demolis# s9uatters unless #e #as an area "or relocation
4ec (@ ('?C). $rior Consultations -e9uired. Z Bo ro3ect or rogram s#all be imlemented by government
aut#orities unless t#e consultations mentioned in 4ections ( (c) and (I #ereo" are comlied wit#* and rior aroval o" t#e
sanggunian concerned is obtained: $rovided* ;#at occuants in areas w#ere suc# ro3ects are to be imlemented s#all
not be evicted unless aroriate relocation sites #ave been rovided* in accordance wit# t#e rovisions o" t#e
4ec <<* '?C:
?-: :ice o""icial is t#e only erson in succession
:acant vice0osition s#all be "illed wit# t#e Bumber 1 4angguniang
5Bo cross0over between '?Es7
8" t#ere is a ;8& between t#e 4anggunian t#ere will be dra!ing of lots
5all t#ese aly in 48B?'& :ACABCL7
?-: Bo time can succession e1ceeds more t#an one ste
:acancy less t#an 1 yr be"ore election !8C
:acancy less t#an 1 yr a"ter election 4ecial &lection
4lot in Sagawad: by aointment
Bo secial election "or vice0mayor
A$$!8B;8B? $!>&-
:acancy in t#e $rovince $resident
:acancy in t#e Municiality ?overnor
:acancy in t#e $unong /arangay MayorF?overnor
Criterion: $erson to be aointed must belong to t#e same olitical arty
Q: >#o creates vacancy?
A: t#e last (t#e one w#o once occuies t#e last osition)
Q: is t#ere a security o" tenure in t#e elective osition?
A: L&4
4ecurity o" tenure , rig#t not to be removed "rom o""ice rior to t#e e1iration o" onePs term o" o""ice 5term W t#e time in
w#ic# one #as t#e legal rig#t to t#e o""ice7
Aointee must only serve t#e une1ired ortion
Age re9uirement: at t#e time one #is oat#
@ causes "or ermanent vacancy in t#e 4anggunian
1. Ascension to #ig#er o""ice
(. -e"usal to occuy o""ice
). 2ailure to 9uali"y into o""ice
<. Aeat#
=. EnseatedFrecalled
I. :oluntary resignation
@. 8ncaacity (#ysical)
'ocal legislation
Bational Aeveloment $rogram o" t#e ?overnment (all local legislation must be in accordance wit# t#e BA$)
!rdinance aroved by 4/ must be aroved by 4$ to be in e""ect
4$* 4$0HEC , does not need to submit t#eir ordinanceFresolution to t#e #iger '?E (ie.* t#e $residentPs aroval is not
needed) but t#e $resident can disarove t#ose ordinances because o" t#e ower o" control and suervision.
<*@IQ lgus
'arger '?E regulating smaller '?E #as only po!er of supervision
Control vs 4uervision
Control: wisdom o" t#e controlled can be substituted
4uervision: 3ust c#ec. i" t#e controlled er"ormed #is tas. according to t#e rules 5ie.* t#at t#e act o" t#e lower '?E is not
ultra vires7
Collegial e1ulsion: e1elled by (F) of total membership "(, of quorum
Automatic e1ulsion: eg.* sanggunian w#o is sentenced "or deat# enalty
M!-A' ;E-$8;EA&
'egislative bodies o" '?E 54anggunians7
4angguniang must submit wit#in +M days an organiGational lan containing t#e o""icers and committees* and t#e rules of
procedure:house rules
5calendar* order o" businessFagenda* 3ournal
Special committees are dissolved a"ter t#eir tas. is accomlis#ed
Standing committees: t#ere are continuing agenda "or t#em to be tas.ed 5eg.* committee on waste and means7
4anggunian Committee vs &1ecutive Committee 5Committee on Aisaster7
-esolution vs !rdinance
!rdinance: #as t#e e""ect o" law% its sub3ect matter is mostly permanent and ongoing concern% similar rocess is "ollowed
as in enacting a law.
-esolution: non0binding statements t#at merely ro3ect t#e mind o" t#e body on a articular sub3ect matter
5usually transient matters7
Mayor not bound to imlement resolutions* but ordinances.
Quorum (simle ma3ority: =MY D 1)
- minimum number o" members to resent in order to transact o""icial business validly
- lac. o" 9uorum renders t#e action null and void
- residing o""icer must call t#e roll w#en 9uestion on 9uorum is raised 5as it is a rivilege 9uestion* only t#e
residing o""icer can act on it7
T&nrolled billU doctrine
>#en t#ere is no 9uorum t#en t#e residing o""icer may:
1. call "or recess
(. ad3ourn "rom day to day 5day to day W constitute E session7
48B& A8& session 5eg.* susend t#e rules sto t#e cloc.7
- roosed laws
- aroved in manner rovided "or in t#e manual 5or internal rules* -obertPs -ule on $arliamentary $rocedure7
Botice D Aue $rocess
Tit cannot be "iled and be voted uon in t#e same sessionU
!rdinance be ublis#ed B times
1. $roosed , constructive notice t#at suc# ordinance is under consideration ublic #earing amended version
(. Amended version , construction notice to in"orm t#e eole t#at t#eir voice #as been #eard voted uon
). Aroved , "or actual romulgation
4econd reading: revisitation o" t#e ordinance o" its modi"ications
;#ird reading: "inal votation 5re9uirement: $'E-A'8;L o" t#e members actually participating 5ie.* t#e 9uorum7
t#e ordinance is sent to t#e local C#ie" &1ec "or #is aroval:
Q: >#at are t#e otions o" t#e C#ie" &1ec?
A: 1) arove it* by a""i1ing #is signature
() veto t#e ordinance 5wit#in 1= days in t#e $rovinces and wit#in 1M days in t#e cities7
)) Allow t#e ordinance to lase into law.
Q: How to veto?
A: Ma.e #is veto message indicating t#e grounds
Q: >#at is t#e common ground?
A: ;#e ordinance is an ultra vires act.
Q: How to override t#e veto?
A: by (F) votes o" t#e members#i
B/: "ractional art W members#i
!nce veto is overridden t#e ordinance becomes a law 5need not be submitted to t#e c#ie" e1ec "or t#e second time7
( .inds o" veto
1. ?eneral veto , disarove t#e ordinance in its entirety 5unless overridden7
(. 'ine veto , only wor.s "or aroriation ordinance 5only t#e line is considered disaroved* t#e ot#ers are extant7
'ine veto by imlication 5eg.* o" t#e total outlay all lines a""ected are vetoed7
4earability clause
8" no searability clause in t#e budget t#e line veto becomes a general veto
:eto message is also attac#ed in t#e overriding and t#e ordinance 5in order t#at t#e suervising '?E can e1amine t#e
ordinance under consideration* ot#erwise enrolled bill t#eory7
;ec#nical review 5eg.* A/M tec#nically disaroving t#e ordinance advising t#e sanggunian t#at t#e sum o" money is
insu""icient (B/: no veto ower)
8-A W (MY o" all B8-C ta1es collected in t#e area
$ublication 5nb: in rural areas* ublication W osting o" notice in consicuous laces* eg.* #eat# o""ice* #all7
- removal o" an elected official be"ore t#e term o" #is o""ice
?round: loss o" con"idence
Bb: ?-: 4!;% &: "or cause 5eg.* loss o" con"idence7
1. Airect initiative , (=Y o" t#e registered voters
(. $rearatory recall assembly
4tages o" recall
1. $roosal 5a.a: initiation stage7 000 intent
(. rati"icationFcon"irmation 5ie.* recall election7 000 imlementation
/e"ore you recall an elected o""icial* ma.e #im aware t#at #e is a sub3ect o" recall* by A8F$-A
$-A , gat#ering o" t#e 3unior electedFsubordinate o""icials o" an '?E 5as suc#* $-A varies7
8n $rovince* it is comosed o" Mayors* vice0mayors* and t#e members o" t#e sanggunian o" t#e comonent municialities
- $-A must ass a resolution by a ma3ority vote
- ;#e ma3ority o" $-A can assemble to discuss an initiation roosal "or t#e recall o" t#eir ublic o""icial* t#e ma3ority
o" t#eir ma3ority signing t#e etition is &B!E?H to recall
- C!M&'&C veri"ies etition 5eg.* veri"y its members via Tveri"ied attendance s#eetU7
- a"ter aroval t#e C!M&'&C can sc#edule recall election
i" t#e sub3ect wins no re"lection o" interrution o" #is o""ice
B/: recall never results to a vacancy
- erson sub3ect o" recall is an automatic candidate 5#e need not "ile #is candidacy7
Airect 8nitiative
1. -ecall $etition , (=Y o" t#e registered voterPs signature suort 5t#ese are t#e voters w#o voted at t#e time t#e
sub3ect was elected7
submit t#e (=Y to C!M&'&C "or :&-828CA;8!B o" t#e signature
t#e 4ub3ect is not allo!ed to resign i" t#ere is a recall
B! resignation w#en t#ere is: 1) a recall* or () an investigation by t#e ;anod /ayan.
!""icial can be recalled only at #is second year o" o""ice
-ecall can only "iled once
'!CA' 8B8;8A;8:& ABA -&2&-&BAEM
'ocal initiative , directly roose* enact* amend any ordinance 5nb: not resolution7
-e"erendum , rocess by w#ic# t#e eole arove
1. 8nitiativeFroosal
0 interested voters
(. -e"erendum
- disinterested voters 5t#ey are ob3ective in t#e sense t#at t#ey are not t#e roosers7
5Xregistered voter o" t#e '?E w#ere t#e ordinance is in e""ect7
- measures enacted by '8 are veto roo"
- roosal s#all be submitted to t#e sanggunian concern
- as "ar as initiative is concern 51*MMM voters in t#e rovincesFcities% 1MM voters in t#e municialities% =M voters in t#e
;#e 4anggunian can
1. AdotFarove t#e etition 5"avorable act7
- goes to t#e usual rocedure
- nb: i" aroved initiative dies
- Tsusensive stageU , i" it is aroved t#e local initiative becomes moot and academic
- Taccetance does not cure local initiativeU
- i" t#e roosed measure is vetoed and not overridden t#e local initiative did not die but go to t#e second stage
- sanggunian cannot modi"y t#e voice o" t#e eole
(. Bot "avorable act
- ma.e "ormal notice 5ie.* to t#e 4/ and C!M&'&C7 retrieving t#e coy o" t#e roosal and submit it to t#e eole
"or t#e second stage 5ie.* re"erendum7 second signature suort drive 5wit#in +M days "or rovincesFcities* IM
days "or municialities* and )M days "or barangays7
-e"erendum W Tso"t censureU o" t#e sanggunian
C!M&'&C will set u t#e signature station 5#ere* no veri"ication because comelec sees to it i" t#e voters are registered7
8" ma3ority o" t#ose w#o voted 5ie.* t#e turn out7 voted in "avor o" t#e roosal t#e roosal becomes a law
>#o must be resent in t#e signature station?
1. &lection registrarF#is deutiGed ersons as many as signature stations
(. -eresentative o" t#e 4anggunian
C!M&'&CPs certi"ication
4c#eduling o" re"erendum must be wit#in IM days in rovincesFcities* <= days in municialities* )M days in barangays from
the time comelec certifies that the amount of the signature is authentic4
>#en local initiative is aroved:
1. no need "or t#e aroval o" t#e sanggunian concern
(. no need "or t#e aroval o" t#e c#ie" e1ecutive
'ocal ta1ation 5delegated ower7 (not t#e same as t#at o" t#e natPl govPt)
= illar rinciles o" ta1ation
1. 'ocal system o" ta1ation must be EB82!-M
&9uality vs Eni"ormity
?-: $eole similarly situated must be ta1ed similarly
&: :alid classi"ication
i. 4ubstantive di""erences
ii. ?ermane
iii. ;reated in t#e same manner
iv. rosective
- /ased on uni"orm assessment (ei. Assessed at a uni"orm rate)
(. ;a1es must be &QE8;A/'&
*quitable W ta1 according to t#e caacity o" t#e t to ay
8ndirect , s#i"ting ta1 burden
all ta1 s#all be "or localFublic urose only
ta1 measure must not be un3ust* e1cessive* con"iscatory* or oressive
). Collection o" ta1es cannot be given to rivate erson
<. All ta1es collected by t#e '?E is "or t#e '?E alone
=. $rogressive ta1ation
- more direct ta1es* less indirect ta1es
;a1ing ower o" t#e $-!:8BC& (;$2 4 $AA)
;a1es o":
,ransfers of conveyances
Printing and ublication
Franc#isees , dealing wit# t#e erson #olding t#e "ranc#ise
;a1 o" "ranc#ise , ta1ing a certain document (eg. ;#e "ranc#ise)
Sand* gravel and ot#er 9uarry resources
Delivery truc.s
;$2[ ercentage ta1es 51F( o" 1Y o" t#e gross7
4[ s#ared "ormula ta1es 1MY o" t#e 2M: : )MY0$rov% )MY0MunFCity% <MY0/rgy
$AA[ ceiling ta1es (eg. $ro"essional ta1 W $)MM ma1imum)
Amusement W u to )MY on gross sale o" admission
Aelivery truc.s W ma1imum o" $=MM
K:888. ;a1ing ower o" t#e MEB8C8$A'8;L (/>2)
0 w#atever t#e rovince CAB ta1* t#e municiality CABB!;.
Ceiling and licensing o" Weig#ts
Fis#ery rentals
;a1ing ower o" t#e C8;L (;$2 4 $AA D />2)
;a1ing ower o" t#e /A-AB?AL
- w#atever t#e city CAB ta1* t#e barangay CABB!;
?-: t#e /arangay cannot ta1 /E48B&44
1. 4tores
8n Cities: w#ose gross annual receit is $=MS or lower* ow* t#e City will ta1
8n Municialities: $)MS or lower
How muc#? E to 1Y on t#e gross receit o" sale
5c#ec. t#e "iguresNNN7
(. C#arge Treasonable "eeU "or clearance and certi"ication
). 4ervice "ees "or use o" /arangay "acilities
<. Miscellaneous
=. -ecreational laces , not t#ose "alling under business
I. /illboards (o" commercial nature) and signage
>#at determines t#e situs o" ta1ation
1. !b3ect to be ta1ed
(. ;a1able activity
4ite W w#ere t#e imact o" ta1ation is "elt is w#ere t#e t ays
Fiscal Mandatory Taxes
- collected over a cycle o" one year but only "or old revenue ta1es
- t#e new ta1 measure will "all due t#e ne1t year
Jan 10(M* ayment (I mont#s e1tension)
Taxpayer fails to pay (under LGC)
-&M&A8&4 o" '?E to collect: Fremedies are successive ei4 'ien first distraint judicial action to collectG
1. 'ocal govtPs '8&B
'8&B , is an intangible c#arge uon t#e roerty sub3ect o" ta1 (not a ayment)
&g: lien on t#e title (wFc also a""ects t#ose successors in interest)
Mirror Aoctrine alies only on t#e coy o" t#e -egistry o" Aeeds
B/: $ersonal obligation is converted to a real obligation
$ersonal obligation is not e1tinguis#ed by deat# (eg: recognition o" aternity and "iliation)
- not a ayment but a reservation on t#e art o" t#e govt to collect bec no money #as been aid yet. 4o* t can A:!8A
it by selling t#e roerty in good "ait# to someone.
- 'ien is alicable to realFersonal roerty (e1amle o" ersonal roerty: registry o" a "is#ing boat wit# t#e MA-8BA)
- '8&B translates to ayment w#en:
a. Aisc#arge is annotated
'ien* #ere* is a constructive collection
(. Administrative remedies
a. Aistraint on ersonal roerty
Coni!ions "r#$##n! %#&or# is!rain!
i. :alid assessment
Assessment is valid w#en t#e "ollowing concur:
a. B!;8C& t#at an obligation is to be "ul"illed
b. Actual AM!EB;* including c#arges* must be mentioned
c. 4eci"y t#e $&-8!A w#en t#e obligation be satis"ied
d. 48?B&A /L ;H& $-!$&- AE;H!-8;L (ei: '?E AssessorF;reasurer 5eg: business ta1es7)
ii. 2ailure o" t#e t to settle t#e obligation
A84;-A8B; ($ersonal $roerty)
) stes:
1. issuance o" warrant o" distraint
(. actual seiGure (actual ossession)
). $ubic auction
b. 'evy o" real roerty
1. Certi"icate o" 'evy
- issued by t#e ;reasurer alone
- #as t#e "orce and e""ect o" warrant* ei. 8t can be e1ecuted anyw#ere in t#e $#ils
(. 4ervice o" Certi"icate o" 'evy to t#e -!A
- -!A causes t#e Certi"icate as an encumbrance to t#e title
). Auction
a) Botice o" auction (osted in ) ublic laces wFin t#e '?E)
i. lobbyF#allway o" t#e Municial Hall
ii. bulletin board o" t#e 'ocal ;reasurerPs !""ice
iii. bulletin board in t#e lace
b) Aate o" t#e auction must be seci"ied wFc cannot be less t#an (M days "rom last osting
- in #ig#ly urbaniGed cities* osting can be substituted by ublication in local circulation
- in distraint* you can insect t#e roerty
- in levy* you can insect t#e title
- i" t#e roerty in auction is not sold wFin 1(M days it is considered sold to t#e '?E
). Judicial action "or collection
K8K. < 8BC8A&B;4 8B '!CA' ;AKA;8!B
1. Accrual is t#e oint in time w#ere ta1 obligation is incurred
- at t#e oint o" t#e accrual t#e govt #as no cause o" actionFrig#t yet to collect
- govt can only collect a"ter assessment
- a"ter accrual assessment
(. Assessment , oint o" time w#ere t#e govt is aware o" suc# obligation
0 govt #as no rig#t to rosecute "or non0ayment
). Collection , oint in time w#ere ta1 obligation is eit#er artiallyF"ully disc#arged
<. $ayment* ow* distraint or levy
=. ($rotest)
mandatory "iscal , you #ave to ay yearly
KK. $rescrition o" eriod o" assessment
?-: = yrs "rom accrual
&: can be as s#ort as ) yrs i" t#e time o" accrual is be"ore t#e e""ectivity o" t#e '?C
?ovt can ma.e assessment wFin 1M yrs "rom t#e A84C!:&-L !2 2-AEA* i" t#ere is 2-AEA or intent o" t#e t to
&:AA& $ALM&B;
B/: Jan 1* 1++( , e""ectivity o" t#e '?C
B/: 2-AEA , T"rom t#e discovery o" "raudU (donPt rec.on "rom t#e time o" accraul)
- $oint o" accrual may B!; C!8BC8A& wF t#e discovery o" "raud
- 8" no "raud t#e rig#t o" t#e govt to assess may rescribe
$rescritive eriod: same as in assessment
?-: = yrs to collect
&: i" accrual is be"ore t#e e""ectivity o" '?C ) yrs
>#en t#ere is "raud 5oint o" discovery7
/e"ore e""ectivity o"
A"ter e""ectivity o" '?C
- 1M yrs to assess
- ) yrs to collect
- 1M yrs to asess
- = yrs to collect
- $eriod o" collection does not c#ange regardless o" "raud
B/: "raudFintent to evade ayment
'ocal ta1es are :!'EB;A-L B!B0284CA' vs B8-C (mandatory "iscal)
- accrual arises every time t aysF
every ) yrs "rom accrual be"ore Jan 1*1++(
every = yrs "rom accrual a"ter Jan 1* 1++(
1M yrs "rom every discovery o" "raud
8B;&--E$;8!B4 !2 ;H& $&-8!A ;! A44&44
(1) 8" t#e treasurerFassessor is '&?A''L $-&:&B;&A "rom assessing
- $revention must be a direct action to revent #im (vs. B!; A A8-&C; AC;8!B* eg: w#en t#e assessor retires)
(() 8" t#e t as. "or -&8B:&4;8?A;8!B
- B!; reassessment bec it deends on t#e result o" t#e assessment
8" original assessment is
1) E#eld D collection
() 8"
()) >#en t#e t is !E; !2 ;H& C!EB;-LFCABB!; /& '!CA;&A
+R(,*S, (% ASS*SS>*",
- Assessment:
i. stating t#e ta1 de"iciency
ii. detailing t#e c#arges* and
iii. indicating t#e eriod o" ayment
iv. by t#e treasurerFassessorF#is aut#oriGed reresentative
bac. ta1es
enalties on ta1es
8BC8A&B;4 !2 $-!;&4;
1) C#allenged assessment
() 2iling o" written rotest
)) -esolution o" rotest
<) Aeal o" t#e decision
=) 2inality o" assessment
IM days to "ile a written rotest. 8" t did not do anyt#ing wFin IM days on t#e I1
day* t#e assessment will become
"inal and e1ecutory
uon "iling o" t#e rotest* t#e treasurer must decide wit#in IM days
i" it is decided t#at t#e rotest is B!; M&-8;!-8!E4 t can A$$&A' wFin )M days
i" t#e treasurer A8A B!; A&C8A& wFin IM days it is deemed A&B8&A. 4o t#e t can go straig#tly !B A$$&A' on
t#e I1
8" t#e t did not aeal on t#e I1
day on t#e I(
day t#e assessment becomes "inal and e1ecutory
Judicial action instituted by t#e t
1) deosit o" 1=Y
- $rivate cor can e1ercise e1roriation (eg. B$C* $iltel
1) !22&- by t#e govPt to t#e landowner% i" landowner accets ordinaryFvoluntary sale
8" landowner ob3ects ()
() "orcible saleFe1roriaton
1. ayment o" 3ust comensation
a. reemtively ossess govPt must deosit initial 1=Y o" t#e assessed value as declared by t#e owner #imsel". (i" govt
will wait "or t#e roceeding it will ay t#e w#ole)
)) determination o" 3ust comensaton
3ust comensation vs 2M:
4ec. 1++(l)* '?C 0 \2air :alue\ is t#e rice at w#ic# a roerty may be sold by a seller w#o is not comelled to sell
and boug#t by a buyer w#o is not comelled to buy%

<) Court will assign C!MM8448!B&-4
1 c#osen by t#e landowner* 1 by t#e govt* and 1 w#o t#e arties agree
'A> !B $E/'8C !228C&-4
Art 8K* secs. (0Q* Art K8* secs. 101Q
$ublic o""icers W civil service
4coe o" civil service , all branc#es o" t#e govt agencies and instrumentalities including ?!CCs
'i"e o" $! begins "rom aointment
Aointment* de"ined
- written order
- issued competent authority
- aut#oriGing a erson to #old o""ice or occuy a ublic osition
- e""ective at a seci"ied date or time
- wit# a de"inite comensation
aointment is 8B:A'8A i" not comensation is seci"ied
Aointment vs Commission
Aointment is a general term
Commission is a articular term* ei.* t#e aer* t#e signed document
0 4election must be according to merit and "itness. 8t must be determined as "ar as racticable by cometitive e1amination
eg: $ersonal 4election /oard
;ye o" &1ams
1) &ligibility
- re09uali"ication e1am* not a cometitive e1am
- cometitive e1am W cra"ted relative to t#e vacant osition
a) $osition is olicy0determining
- ositions w#ere t#e secial 9uali"ication o" t#e aointee is t#e main "actor
b) $rimarily con"idential
c) Hig#ly tec#nical
T4ecurity o" tenureU , ei: one cannot be removed e1cet "or cause
2or elective ositions* t#ey are not considered as art o" t#e Civil 4ervice because t#ere is a "i1ed term.
Causes "or removal
1. 4ame as t#e resident
- $ro#ibition on &lectioneering and $artisan $olitical Camaign in t#e Civil 4ervice
?ovt emloyees #as t#e rig#t to sel"0organiGation but t#e MAL B!; 4;-8S&
;a.e an !at# or A""irmation
1. 'osing candidate in t#e immediately receding election cannot be aointed wit#in 1 yr in t#e Civil 4ervice ('ame
duc. aointment?)
(. &lective o""icials cannot be aointed in t#e Civil 4ervice during t#eir tenure
>ays to 3oin t#e ?ovt
1. Aointment
(. &lection
). (being a de "acto o""icer)
/asic -ule
- Civil service does not cover elective ositions (consultants are rotected by t#e C4 in a limited manner)
Ae"ense in abandonment o" o""ice
- loo. at nature o" t#e aointment
Aiscilinary roceedings
1. Civil 4ervice 'aw
(. -evised Administrative Code
). 4ecial C#arter o" ?!CCs* ei: rovisions on disciline and grievance
govt emloyees can organiGe ("orm union) but cannot enter "or C/A "or economic demand. (so t#ey can still bargain)
-&A4!B: only Congress can enact t#e bene"it increase
Act K8 , Accountability o" $ublic !""ice
MemoriGe 4ec. 1
?-: $ublic o""ice cannot be occuied in a double tenancyFtenure
&: i" allowed by law
TtitleU must be a functional title and title that carries endo!ment B!; A4 H!B!-A-L ;8;'&
>#at constitutes abandonment o" ublic o""ice?
1) $ublic o""ice (#ow: see t#e govt lantilla* $osition Classi"ication $ayment $lan)
() :alid aointment
)) Actual assumtion
<) Abandonment
a) intent to abandon , ascertained by t#e lac. o" intent to continue
b) actual #ysical cessation o" duty
Abandonment o" o""ice is an administrative o""ense not criminal
ELECTION LAWS (by: Atty. J. Morales)
- insure H!$&
- see: Comosition 6 9uali"ications
- it e1ercises QJ "unction 5QJ means it cogniGance to settle election constest
!riginal Jurisdiction , case resented "or t#e "irst time
Aellate Jurisdiction , i" decided by t#e M;CF-;C 5 sub3ect is election rotest7
5M;CPs decision involving /arangay is not aealable to t#e -;C but to t#e C!M&'&C
- C!M&'&C can meet en banc or by division
8n e1ercise o" !riginal Jurisdiction* it must be in division 5eg. C!F$! "ile "irst to t#e M2- to C!M&'&C en banc
be"ore 4C7
8nstances w#ere C!M&'&C meet in division
1. &1ercise o" !riginal Jurisdiction
(. 8nterlocutory orders
). $etition to Cancel
<. Aeal "rom M;CF-;C
=. $etition "or Certiorari
I. ?-: $re0roclamation case
&: "i errors in t#e statement o" boo. i" may be broug#t immediately to t#e C!M&'&C en banc
Aetermine robable cause 5en banc7
@. 2ile etitions (ie. inclusion 6 e1clusion) 6 investigate 6 rosecute
Q. -ecommend measures (eg. ;o t#e Congress)
+. -egulation o" ublic entities 6 media
:!;&4 re9uired
1) (01 is decision o" division
() ) out o" = cab be a decision in en banc i" t#ere are only =.
C!B4;8;E;8!BA' $!>&-4
1) &n"orce 6 administer laws relating to elections
() Aecide all 9uestions a""ecting election 5e1clude: election contest7
)) AeutiGe law en"orcement agency wit# t#e concurrence o" t#e $resident 5t#e law en"orcement agency #ere will be
accountable to t#e C!M&'&C* not to t#e $B$ C#ie".7
<) -egister olitical arties
4;A;E;!-L $!>&-4
/$ QQ1
-A Q(+=
-A Q1Q+ , :ote -egistration
-A @+<1 , $arty0list
:iolation o" &lection Code is "iled wit# t#e C!M&'&C
Contest on &lection: -egional !""icials* $rovincial !""icials* City !""icials be filed !ith the C(>*'*C
-ule: C!M&'&C #as control over media.
Q: /ut can C!M&'&C use rint 6 broadcast media to disseminate in"ormation?
A: Les* sub3ect to t#e "ollowing conditions:
8" broadcast it can be "ree o" c#arge%
8" $rint it must ay 3ust comensation
5)istinction: because govt issues "ranc#ise to broadcast industry% in rint* t#e govt does not regulate it7
A/40C/B case:
-e: $ublic entities 6 media% w#et#er A/40C/B conducting o" oll e1it survey is tantamount to a violation o" t#e secrecy o"
4C: Bo. ot#erwise* it violates t#e "reedom o" t#e ress.
4>44 case:
-e: C!M&'&C ro#ibits t#e ublication o" t#e result o" t#e survey.
4C: C!M&'&C cannot ro#ibit% it violates t#e "reedom o" t#e ress(?)
?-: Congress e1ercise
&: C!M&'&C can e1ercise
$ower to -eaortion 'egislative Aistrict
1) Minor reaortionment because o" error o" Congress
() Minor reaortionment because t#e creation o" $rovinceFCity
- C!M&'&C recommends ardon i" w#at is committed is an election o""ense
C!M&'&C romulgates rules 6 regulation but it cannot modi"y substantive rig#ts
4;A;E;!-L $!>&-
1. 2ailure o" &lection
(. $re0roclamation controversy
). 8ssues >rit o" Certiorari or $ro#ibition
t#is can be e1ercised by t#e C!M&'&C only in ursuant to its A++*''A,* .1R&S)&C,&(" not original
KK8. Carlos vs Angeles
- $ower is concurrent wit# 4C
<. 4ummons arty
=. &n"orce 6 e1ecute decision 6 orders
I. $unis# "or contemt 5only in t#e e1ercise o" QJ "unction7
@. $romulgate rules imlementing t#e &lection Code
Q. Airect* suervision 6 control
JEA8C8A' -&:8&> !2 ;H& A&C848!B !2 C!M&'&C
!nly decision o" C!M&'&C *" 8A"C can be reviewed by t#e 4C
8" C!M&'&C "unctions administrativelyFQ'2 -;C reviews it 5see: 2iliinas &ngineering vs 2errer7
:!;&-P4 QEA'828CA;8!B 6 -&?84;-A;8!B 5-A Q1Q+ , :oter -egistration Act o" 1++I7
?eneral :oters -egistration ( t#ere are seci"ic dates o" registration) is abrogated by -A Q1Q+.
B!>: Continuing System of Coters Registration , registration is *C*R5)A5% e1cet: 1) 4aturday* 4unday* 6 Holiday%
() 1(M days be"ore regular election or +M days be"ore secial election.
8" t#e alicant is contested C!M&'&C -egistrar will conduct a #earing.
A.bayan case:
4C: -ig#t to vote is sub3ect to t#e rovision o" t#e law
Quali"ications o" 4u""rage
1. CitiGens#i: natural0born or naturaliGed
(. Age , 1Qyo at t#e AA;& o" election
). -esidence: 1 yr in t#e $#iliines% I mont#s in t#e lace to vote
4ec +* -A Q1Q+
- i" absence o" voter is by reason o" ractice o" ro"ession #e cannot be dis9uali"ied on t#is ground.
-omualdeG case:
-e9uisites w#en one c#anges residency
1) /odily resence in t#e new locality
() 8ntention to remain
)) 8ntention to abandon t#e old domicile
Ais9uali"ication o" voter
1) Any erson wit# enalty o" 1yr or #ig#er
() Crime o" Aisloyalty or against Bational 4ecurity
)) 8nsane (as declared by t#e Court)
Q: How to remove dis9uali"ication?
A: 'ase o" =yrs a"ter service o" sentence% ardon or amnesty
JE-84A8C;8!B !2 MTC over &"C'1S&(":*HC'1S&(" +R(C**)&"2
- inclusion , to be done 1M= days be"ore regular election% or @= days be"ore secial election
- e1clusion , to be done 1MM days be"ore regular election% or I= days be"ore secial election
Q: >#o can "ile a etition "or inclusion?
A: 1) t#e erson e1cluded in t#e list% or t#e () C!M&'&C
Q: >#o can "ile a $etition "or &1clusion?
A: t#e "ollowing:
1) any registered voter
() any reresentative o" a arty
)) any election o""icer
<) C!M&'&C
Q: >#ere to aeal a decision o" inclusionFe1clusion case?
A: -;C. Her: -ualification case only% not election contestN
IM days be"ore election* voters list can be annulled.
$!'8;8CA' $A-;L: !en 6 2ree $arty 4ystem (multiarty)
$!'8;8CA' $A-;8&4 ;HA; CAB /& -&?84;&-&A 5loo. "or itN7
?-!EBA4 2!- CABC&''A;8!B !2 A $!'8;8CA' $A-;L 5loo. "or it7
$A-;L0'84; 4L4;&M (-A @+<1 , 1++=)
- system o" roortional reresentation in t#e election o" -eresentative in t#e House o" -eresentatives
< $arameters o" $arty0list 4ystem (Ang /agong /ayani vs C!M&'&C* (MM1 case)
1) (MY allocation
(MY must be $arty0list reresentatives (t#ere"ore* =M)
Q: 8s it mandatory to "ill u t#e =M seats?
A: B!. t#is sets u only t#e ma1imum limit.
() (Y t#res#old
!nly t#ose olitical arties listed in t#e $'4
(Y o" t#e total votes casted in arty list.
)) ) seat limit
<) $roortional reresentation
MarginaliGed sector 5not only t#e olitical arty but also t#e nominee (?)7
Addendum: MAA Case
Hnot reciient o" govt "unds
CABA8AA;&4 6 C&-;828CA;& !2 CABA8AACL
$resF:$ 4enate Congressman $arty0list ?ovF:ice0
?ovFMayor o"
Age <= )= (= (10(= i" #e
reresents t#e
() (1 1Q 51=01@ i" 4S7
CitiGens#i Batural0born
Batural0born or
Batural0born or
Batural0born or
-esidency 1Myrs (yrs 1yr 1yr 1yr 1yr
&ducation Mere ability to
read 6 write
Mere ability to
read 6 write
Mere ability to
read 6 write
Mere ability to
read 6 write
Mere ability to
read 6 write
Mere ability to
read 6 write
-egistration as
a voter
Age* CitiGens#i* -esidency* &ducation* 6 -egistration as a voter are C(",&"1&"2
-1A'&%&CA,&("S% i" one is lost it causes an illegibility
!n C8;8C&B4H8$
/engGon case:
-eatration: go to civil registrar. 5so* i" natural0born nb% 8" naturaliGed naturaliGed.
Q: >#o can 9uali"y "or reatration?
A: !nly:
1) t#ose serving t#e army
() souse w#o lost citiGens#i because o" marriage to "oreigner.
2rivaldo case ((
case) :
Q: At w#at oint in time t#at citiGens#i be ossessed so t#at one is eligible?
A: 4C: -etroact "rom t#e time o" alication.
!n -&48A&BCL
Q: 8s a green card #older eligible?
A: B!* because o" t#e residency even i" actually staying in t#e $#iliines 5#e is a $#iliine
citiGen but residing abroad7
?reen card , #eld by one given ermanent residency in a "oreign country
Caasi case:
-emedy: t#ere must be an a""irmation to renounce residency by surrendering it t#e E4 &mbassy*
mere "iling o" candidacy is not su""icient.
-eglementary eriod to surrender green card: 1yr be"ore election.
8melda Marcos case: 5comare to /utc# A9uino case7
4C: 8melda is a resident o" 'eyte even i" s#e indicated @mont#s only.
Ender t#e concet o" domicile* 8melda voted in /atac because o" marriage.
A9uino case:
B! roo" o" c#ange o" domicile.
;urayno case (in CA! City)
- met all AC-&- re9uirement
A84QEA'828CA;8!B A4 A :!;&-
1) 8nsane
() 2inal 3udgment "or 8nsurrection or rebellion
5see: 4ec 1(* /$ QQ17
Q: >#o are dis9uali"ied under t#e '?C?
A: t#e "":
1) moral turitude
() imrisonment
)) removed "rom o""ice "or admin case
?rego case
Aguinaldo case
<) violation o" oat# o" allegiance
=) wit# dual citiGens#i 5it s#ould mean dual allegiance7
ManGano case:
- &du born in E4 o" 2iliino arents
- &du is a dual citiGen. He is a 2iliino because #e is o" 2iliino arents% #e an American
because o" jus soli
- Aual citiGens#i s#ould mean dual allegiance
- Aual allegiance W "ormer "oreigner granted 2iliino citiGen but still maintain allegiance to
t#e "ormer
- 4C: Mere "iling o" Certi"icate o" Candidacy is a renunciation o" t#e ot#er citiGens#i.
;#ere"ore* #e is no longer a dual citiGen.
I) 2ugitive "rom 3ustice to avoid rosecution or enalty 5eit#er #ere or abroad% case is "iled "irst
be"ore escaing7
T) consecutive terms caseU 5see: /or3a case7
/or3a case:
)C!E-; W elected 6 served ) consecutive terms
Hagedorn case:
- Hagedorn served ) consecutive terms% t#ere was a recall election.
Q: 8s Hagedorn eligible to run in t#e recall election?
A: Les. ;#e term is already interruted. And t#e term in t#e recall election is considered 1yr
C&-;828CA;& !2 CABA8AACL
- it can be "iled t#roug# a reresentative% but it cannot be by "acsimile or telegram.
+eriod of filing: not later t#an t#e day o" t#e camaign eriod* unless t#e C!M&'&C "i1es an
earlier date not on t#e camaign date.
8" "iled beyond reglementary eriod: BE'' 6 :!8A
%orm9 in writing 6 notariGed
3here to file:
$resF:$F4enate 0 Bational
0 City &lection -&gistrar
0 -egional Airector o" C!M&'&C
0 $rovincial &lection 4uervisor
MayorF/arangay !""icial , Municial &lection -egistrar
Multile certi"icates t#at are "ile considered as i" no candidacy was "iled.
but i" t#e ot#er is wit#drawn be"ore t#e reglementary eriod o" "iling candidacy 111 5?o vs
?-: Auty o" C!M&'&C to receive Certi"icate o" Candidacy is M8B84;&-8A'
&: Buisance candidate , C!M&'&C can motu proprio re"use to accet.
B&> -E'&N 5C!M&'&C -es )I0)I7
*ffect of filing:
- i" elective o""icial* t#ey will continue in o""ice until e1iration o" o""ice on June )M 5 B!;
A&&M&A -&48?B&A7
- i" aointive deemed resigned
- i" emloyee o" ?!CC wit# or wit#out original c#arter deemed resigned.
>8;HA-A>A' !2 C&-;828CA;8!B !2 CABA8AACL
%orm: notariGed
4E/4;8;E;8!B !2 CABA8AACL
Q: >#ere to "ile?
A: "or $resF:$F4enator , to t#e Central C!M&'&C !""ice
2or all ot#er candidates , to t#e /oard o" &lection 8nsectors because /&8 is "ound in every
Q: >#en is t#e deadline o" "iling?
A: on t#e noontime o" t#e election day.
1. Aeat#
(. Ais9uali"ication
). >it#drawal
Q: >#o can be substituted?
A: one dies* is dis9uali"ied* wit#draws i" #e is a member o" a olitical arty 5t#ere"ore* an
indeendent candidate cannot be substituted or one w#ose olitical arty is not registered7
Q: >#o can substitute?
A: AC-&-% member o" a olitical arty "or any lengt# o" time (even one day)
4inaca vs Mula case: enoug# t#at at t#e time o" "iling Certificate of (ath ,aking is attac#ed.
>iranda vs Abaya9
Municiality t#at becomes a City only c#anges status% t#ere"ore* ) consecutive term alies
Lou cannot substitute one w#o is denied due course.
A84QEA'828CA;8!B CA4&
2ile a Case "or Ais9uali"ication = days be"ore deadline 5"ile to C!M&'&C7
&""ect o" Ais9uali"ication case: i" decision is be"ore election 6 dis9uali"ied votes cannot (?)
i" no decision yet* #e can still be voted uon by t#e dis9uali"ication case continues 5i"
dis9uali"ied 6 ta.en oat# o" o""ice #e can be unseated7
CAM$A8?B* &'&C;8!B $-!$A?ABAA* &K$&BA8;E-&
-A +MMI , 2air &lection Act
- ads in rint 6 broadcast media is allowed.
- ;#e ot#ers t#at are ro#ibited under -A QQ1 are still ro#ibited.
name o" donor must aear
Camaign eriod:
+M days be"ore election ($resF:$)
<= days be"ore election (local)
$A-;84AB $!'8;8CA' AC;8:8;L
- to camaign "or or against a candidate
- govt emloyee 6 military cannot 3oin
Q: 8s a ublic teac#er* w#o introduces a candidate because s#e is a MC* liable "or artisan
olitical activity?
A: Bo* because #e was not camaigning.
$resF:$ W $1MFcandidate
!t#er W $)Fcandidate
8ndeendent W $=Fcandidate
>A")A,(R5 R*-1&R*>*", A%,*R *'*C,&("
- 4tatement o" Contribution by A'' candidates 5including t#e wit#drawing candidate7 wit#in )M
days a"ter t#e election% unless t#e C!M&'&C "i1es a di""erent eriod.
*ffect of non/filing:
1) administrative enalty 5t#is enalty does not aly to /arangay but t#ey cannot assume
() one cannot assume o""ice 5even i" oat# is already "inis#ed7
$!4;$!B&M&B; !2 &'&C;8!B 5see: ?rounds7
!nly C!M&'&C can ostone elections
2A8'E-& !2 &'&C;8!B 5see: ?rounds7
4ecial election , only to "ill u vacancy in t#e Congress
2or 4enator* i" vacancy occurred in t#e "irst ) yrs t#ere can be a secial election% i" a"ter )yrs
t#ere is no secial election.
2or -eresentative* as long as not 1yr be"ore election.
-ecall , only during t#e midyear% only "or local elective o"""icials
4;A?&4 !2 -&CA''
1. 8nitiation
1a) by a $rearatory -ecall Assembly 5comosition: i" ?ov Mayor down% i" Mayor
/arangay down
1b) Airect (MY vote o" t#e eole
!""icial soug#t to be recalled cannot resigned
Q: Can a recall be initiated 1yr be"ore election?
A: Les* w#at is ro#ibited is t#e C!BAEC; !2 -&CA'' &'&C;8!B.
4ee: A"iado case
Q: >#en does recall become e""ective?
A: Eon roclamation o" t#e winner* ot#er t#an t#e incumbent.
CA4;8B? !2 :!;& 5secret balloting7
A relative cannot assist an illiterate more t#an ) times
2ailure o" C#airman to a""i1 #is signature at t#e bac. o" t#e ballot will not nulli"y t#e ballot but
it will #old t#e c#airman liable "or violation o" election law.
A8S*",** C(,&"2
- alies only to Bational &lective !""icials
C(1",&"2 (% C(,*S
E'$#ss %a((o!s
(MM issued
1QM actually voted
1Q= was counted
t#ere"ore* t#e = is t#e e1cess ballot 6 lace t#em to t#e soiled ballot
S"oi(# %a((o!
- any ballot ut in t#e comartment "or soiled ballot.
Mar)# %a((o!
- contained t#at identi"ies t#e voter
Rules in appreciation of ballots
Al"onso case: $edro Al"onsoPs name cannot be credited to 8rma Al"onso 5see: 2&A7
5vote "or t#e substituted cannot be counted in "avor o" t#e substitute7
S!ra* %a((o!
- wrong
- :illarosa case
Q: Can /&8 c#ange election return a"ter t#e counting?
A: i" t#ey #ave not yet announced t#ey can still correct t#e return% i" a"ter announcement
t#ere must be an aut#oriGation o" t#e C!M&'&C.
$lurality , t#e winner is t#e one w#o garners t#e #ig#est number o" votes
CAB:A448B? /!AL
Congress , "or $resident
$rovincial /oard o" Canvassers
Municial /oard o" Canvassers
/arangay /oard o" Canvassers
C!M&'&C suervises all canvassing bodies* e1cet t#e Congress
"ature of Canvassing:
1) Ministerial 5count w#at is t#ere7 6
() QJ 5w#et#er t#ey include a ballot or not7
i" ballot is not adloc.ed or in carton it cannot be e1cluded i" t#ere is B! $-!!2 !2
;AM$&-8B? 5see: $imentel case7
Los! R#!urns
-emedy: use ot#er available return (not recounting)
O+ission o& r#!urn
-emedy: not e1clusion% but /!C must call /&8 to comlete it.
Ta+"#r#,&a(si&i# r#!urn
-emedy: not recount% use t#e ot#er aut#entic return
Dis$r#"an$* in r#!urn
-emedy: recount% B!; words revails over numerical or vice0versa
Q: Can t#ere be a roclamation even i" canvassing is not comlete?
A: ?-: Bo
&: i" t#e return is not submitted will no longer a""ect t#e outcome o" t#e election.
8" t#ere is a ending dis9uali"ication case* one can be roclaimed.
&n case of tie* i" $resF:$ Congress will brea. t#e tie% all ot#er osition A-A> '!;4
8" a candidate is roclaimed 6 #e did not assume o""ice wit#in I mont#s #is osition becomes
:ACAB;% unless t#e reason o" suc# is beyond #is control.
-e: $roclamation
t#e (
lacer cannot be roclaimed because #e does not #ave t#e mandate o" t#e eole
$-&0$-!C'AMA;8!B C!B;-!:&-4L
- any issue a""ecting t#e roceeding in t#e canvassing
- 4C!$&: limited on t#e "ace o" t#e return 5eg. 4tatistically imrobable case7
- 8ncluding illegal comosition o" /!C
- 8ssues:
1) incomlete return%
() tamered return
)) return are manu"actured or under duress
<) "raudulent or substitute return
=) error in t#e statement o" vote
B!; C!:&-&A:
1) illegal election roaganda% vote buying% terrorism 5unless t#is is used to "alsi"y election
return7 5election return , #araernalia o" /!C% ballots belong to t#e /&8
() tec#nical e1amination o" t#umb rints
-emedy i" it is not a re0roclamation controversy "ile an election rotest
Bo re0roclamation controversy in $resF:$F4enFCong% only local elective o""icials are
covered* e1cet baranggay elective o""icial
Q: >#o #as 3urisdiction over re0roclamation controversy?
A: C!M&'&C
$roceeding in $re0roclamation controversy is 4EMMA-L in nature% notice is not necessary
Q: How is re0roclamation controversy terminated?
1) by t#e act o" t#e candidate (by "iling an election rotest or -uo 3arranto) ie. re0roclamation
controversy is deemed waived.
() Batural cause
8" noontime o" June )M comes any ending re0roclamation controversy is dismissed% 6
t#e decision o" /!C is a""irmed wit#out re3udice to t#e rig#t o" t#e arty to "ile an election
&'&C;8!B C!B;&4;4
1. &lection rotest
(. Quo >arranto
Q: >#ere to "ile election contest "or $resF:$?
A: to t#e 4C $&; t#is cannot be aealed.
"or 4enate , to t#e 4&;
"or Congressmen , to t#e H-&;
5t#ese ( are aealable straig#t to t#e 4C7
-egional !""icial* $rovincial !""icial* City !""icial to t#e C!M&'&C aeal to t#e
C!M&'&C *" 8A"C 4C (-ule I=)
Municial elective o""icials -;C aeal to C!M&'&C
/arangay elective !""icials M;C aeal to C!M&'&C
&lection o" 4S M;C aeal to C!M&'&C
&lection $rotest Quo >arranto
>#o can "ile?
1. 2iled by a candidate 5in $residency* only
t#e (
6 )
lacer can "ile% in all ot#er
ositions* any one can "ile7
>#o can "ile?
1. Any registered voter
(. "raud* terrorism* irregularity committed
be"oreFduringFa"ter t#e casting o" votes.
(. ineligibility or disloyalty to t#e -$
$eriod to "ile
?-: 1M days
&: "or $res , )M days
2or 4enate , 1= days
$eriod to "ile
1M days ("rom t#e $res to t#e /arangay
Additional requirement for election protest: ay a "ee* ot#erwise* it will be dismissed%
;H84 84 JE-84A8C;8!BA'
Q: >#at allegations t#at are mandatory to be ut?
A: t#e "":
1) ;#e rotestant is a candidate w#o filed a candidacy $ !as voted upon 5ie. Anne1 TAU ,
Certi"icate o" Candidacy* 6 Anne1 T/U , &lection return (at least one vote)7
() $rostestee was proclaimed 5 no election rotest wit#out roclamation7
)) Aate o" roclamation must be seci"ied
<) 4eci"y recinct w#ere irregularity is allegedly committed* ot#erwise* protest is fatally
=) :eri"ication
I) Certi"icate o" Bon0"orum s#oing
8" one "iles bot# &lection $rotest 6 Quo >arranto in t#e same agency court must order t#eir
A/ABA!BM&B; !2 $-!;&4; 54antiago case7
wit# rotest but assumed t#e !""ice o" a 4enator tantamount to abandonment
Q: Can t#ere be &1ecution $ending Aeal on &lection $rotest?
A: ;#e law is silent. /E; 4C: even i" Code is silent* t#ere is no ro#ibition.
< -e9uisites o" &1ecution ending aeal
1) will o" electorateFublic interest is involved
() s#ortness o" term o" t#e rotestee
)) lengt# o" time t#at t#e e1ecution is ending
<) "iling o" a bond
Q: >#en to "ile a Motion "or &1ecution ending aeal?
A: !nly during t#e eriod to aeal.
Mo!ion &or R#$onsi#ra!ion
Q: i" t#e body decides can one "ile a M2- be"ore aeal?
A: 8t deends.
Les. /ut only !BC& in t#e "ollowing: $resF:$F4enateFCongressF-egional
o""icialF$rovincial 6 City !""icial.
B! M2- "or Municial o""icialF/arangay o""icialF4S 5t#eir remedy is: A$$&A'.
C-8M8BA' !22&B4&4
$ro#ibited acts during election w#ic# are criminal in nature.
Asects o" Criminal !""ense
1) Criminal , enalty: imrisonment
() Administrative , enalty: dis9uali"ication
Q: >#o #as 3urisdiction?
A: -;C 5 regardless o" t#e enalty* as long as it is a violation o" election laws7
;#e ("'5 *'*C,&(" CAS* w#ere M;C #as 3urisdiction are:
1) 2ailure to vote* 6
() 2ailure to register
1) :ote buying
() :ote selling
)) Aointment* trans"er* or detail is violated i" t#ere is no aroval o" t#e C!M&'&C
8" no aroval but t#e one aointed is a councilor because there is a vacancy (wit#in t#e
election ban) aointment is valid 5 w#at is contemlated #ere is only an appointive
<) 11
=) 11
I) 11
@) roclamation o" loser
Q) entering oll area
5 itN7
1. Criminal liability or
(. Ais9uali"ication
Q: Can t#e ower o" C!M&'&C to investigate 6 rosecute be delegated to t#e $rosecutor?
A: Les. /ut t#ere must be a C!M&'&C -esolution.
$rosecutor can be deutiGed even a"ter t#e election 5$ v /asina7
Q: i" a case is dismissed 6 aealed by t#e "iscal* can t#is be done?
A: B!. C!M&'&C is t#e one w#o rosecutes.
&'&C;8!B $&-8!A: +M days be"ore election% )M days a"ter election
ELECTION LAW (/y: Atty. $. 2ianGa)
/$ QQ1 , !mnibus &lection Code o" t#e $#iliines (Aecember 1+Q=)
T!mnibusU , codi"ication (or comilation) o" all laws
1+QI , &dsa -evolution revents t#e imlementation o" t#e !&C
1+Q@ , 1+Q@ $#iliine Constitution
-A II<I rovided electoral re"orm in t#e !&C
- A.a t#e &lectoral -e"orm Code o" 1+Q@ 5intended to amend /$ QQ17
Ender /$ QQ1 , regular election every ) yrs
1+Q@ Constitution , at "i1ed date "or election
5t#ere is a con"lictN7
-A @1II, 4ync#roniGing Bational 6 'ocal &lection
- 2irst 4ync#roniGed &lection was on May 11* 1++
- -econcile t#e con"lict under /$ QQ1 6 t#e 1+Q@ Constitution
8B;&-$-&;A;8!B !2 &'&C;8!B 'A>
- '8/&-A'% t#e will o" t#e eole s#ould be resected.
Q: >#at are t#e rovisions o" election law t#at s#ould #ave a MABAA;!-L 8B;&-$-&;A;8!B?
A: t#e "":
1) $rovisions ertaining to t#e C!BAEC; !2 ;H& &'&C;8!B 5mandatory interretation7
&g. 8nstruction "or t#e C!M&'&C eole
/E; a"ter t#e election* t#e rovision can be liberally interpreted to give way to t#e oular
() $rovisions relating to >HA; A CABA8AA;& ME4; A! 5mandatory7
&g. Quali"ications o" candidates% rocedure t#at a candidate must comly wit#
)) $rovisions w#ic# deal wit# t#e A&;&-M8BA;8!B !2 ;H& >8BB&- 8B ;H& &'&C;8!B
8n cases o" disutes on !ho is the !inner it must be liberally construed.
'una vs -odrigueG* )+ $#il
- Ae"inition o" TelectionU
- $urose o" election
- Bature o" election
$E-$!4& !2 &'&C;8!B:
1) E4 vs Cueto : to allow citiGens to vote secretly "or #e is leased* "ree "rom imroer in"luence.
() 'una vs -odrigueG : to give t#e voters a direct articiation in t#e a""airs o" t#eir govt* eit#er in
determining w#o s#all be t#eir ublic o""icial or in deciding some 9uestions o" ublic interest*
6 "or t#at urose all t#e legal voters s#ould be ermitted* un#amered* 6 unmolested to cast
t#eir votes.
8n t#e absence o" "raud* neit#er suc# vote or entire vote o" t#e recinct s#ould be annulled
simly because some votes were cast a"ter t#e regular #our
$ower o" C!M&'&C under t#e 1+Q@ Constitution
4ec (+* -A II<I , i" it becomes reasonably imossible (?)
&'&C;8!B , selecting or c#oosing a candidateFs into ublic o""ice
- c#oice o" a candidateFs by popular !ill
- c#oice o" men 6 women in t#e govt (selection t#roug# oular will)
- e1ression o" oular will
- because o" popular !ill* election law is a ublic necessity
T4alus ouli est surema le1U
- generally sea.s o" consultation wit# t#e eole
- How? /y roviding t#e rig#t o" t#e eole to #ave e""ective articiation in all
- $ower o" t#e eole to arove or re3ect any law* or ower to roose amendment submitted
in an election "or t#e urose
- ower to roose amendments or enactment a""ecting national or local laws
- it is limited on t#e aroval or re3ection o" c#anges in t#e Constitution
- limited to t#e issues in t#e Constitution
-A I@)= , 8nitiative 6 -e"erendum
1) 'ocal 8nitiative 6 -e"erendum
() 8nitiative 6 -e"erendum in t#e Constitution
- mode o" removing an elected o""icial be"ore t#e end o" #is term
- How?
1) /y a $rearatory -ecall Assembly 5by ma3ority vote t#e recall o" a articular o""icial may
be as.ed% Comelec will veri"y t#e $etition o" t#e $rearatory -ecall Assembly7
() /y t#e $eole directly filing a +etition for Recall at least 1MY o" t#e voters (1MY W
reresents all)% Comelec
!""icial cannot resign i" #e is sub3ect "or recall
>it#in t#e "irst year o" t#e term no recall
1yr be"ore regular election* no recall
$uroses o" &lection
'una vs -odrigueG* )+ $
E4 vs Cueto* )Q $
H$E-8;L , "undamental "actor in election
- to reserve: "ollow t#e eolePs will
&'&C;8!B $&-8!A:
?-: +M days be"ore t#e date o" t#e election 6 )M days a"ter t#e election
&: unless t#e C!M&'&C "i1es anot#er eriod
CAM$A8?B $&-8!A:
- +M days be"ore election "or Bational !""icials
- <= days be"ore election "or 'ocal !""icials (e1cet: "or /arangay !""icials w#o only #ave 1=
- t#e eriod does not include t#e day be"ore 6 t#e day o" t#e election itsel"
$A-;84AB $!'8;8CA' AC;8:8;8&4
- simly t#e camaign eriod because it romotes a candidate
B/: Camaigning be"ore 6 a"ter t#e election eriod is a ground for disqualification as a
-A Q1Q+ , rovides t#at no registration +M days be"ore t#e election day
4ec (+* -A II<I , C!M&'&C to "i1 anot#er eriod o" registration as ro#ibited under -A
Held: 4C did not allow t#e registration because it is imossible "or C!M&'&C to #old anot#er
registration. ;#ere"ore* $etition is denied.
Constitution rovides: C!M&'&C #as ower to control 6 conduct elections
C!M&'&C , can "i1 ot#er dates o" registration eriod
4S &lection is not governed by t#e !mnibus &lection Code because !&C only covers
election e1ercised by 9uali"ied voters% w#ile 4S &lection is e1ercised by young voters
4ec <* !&C , -ig#t to :ote
- every citiGen w#o #as a rig#t to vote #as an obligation to register 6 cast #is vote
Constitution rovides: (B/: -ig#t to vote)
- erson w#o #as a rig#t to vote may vote
- rig#t to vote is B!; C!M$E'4!-L. 4o* t#e Constitution reealed 4ec <* !&C
!&C enaliGed voters w#o will "ail to register 6 cast t#eir votes% /ut t#e Constitution
reeals t#e !&C 6 does not enaliGe voters w#o will "ail to cast t#eir votes
Q: >#o is 9uali"ied to vote?
A: -e"er to t#e Constitution 6 !&C
Q: Can t#e C!M&'&C susend election?
A: Les (under 4ec =* !&C) on any 4&-8!E4 CA4& 5 to t#e oint t#at it will re3udice t#e will o"
t#e eole7
4&-8!E4 CA4&4:
1) :iolence
() ;errorism
)) 2orce ma3eure
<) 'oss o" &lection ara#ernalia
Q: >#en is t#ere a "ailure to elect?
A: 4ec I* !&C , "ailure o" election 51) violence% () terrorism% )) "orce ma3eure% 6 <) "raud7% Bo
election is #eld on t#at lace or t#e voting may be susended.
4usension , may be be"ore t#e closing or even w#en voting is done but later on wit#drawn
result* "ailure to elect
$!>&-4 !2 C!M&'&C
1) ;#e C!M&'&C can direct continuation o" t#e election* or
() 8t may call "or a 4$&C8A' &'&C;8!B (t#is may only be e1ercise by t#e C!M&'&C i" t#e
"ailure o" election will a""ect t#e will o" t#e eole 6 t#e result of the election7
i" t#ere is no election on t#e date o" election or even susended it is a "ailure to elect
>#en is t#ere a secial election due to "ailure to elect?
Q: >#at are t#e re9uisites o" "ailure to elect?
A: Hassan vs C!M&'&C* (IM 4
1) violence* terrorism* "orce ma3eure* "raud
() it will a""ect t#e result o" t#e election.
B/: ;#ere must be a $etition "or 4ecial &lection in a secial election due to "ailure to elect
w#ic# s#all be decided by t#e C!M&'&C *" 8A"C
Mitmug vs C!M&'&C* ()M 4
- law does not re9uire t#e ma3ority o" voters "or it to u#old t#e result t#ereo"* voters s#ould to
t#e olls to determine t#e number o" votes
4ec <* !&C , !bligation to vote (reealed by t#e Constitution)
4ec 1(* /$ QQ1 , Ais9uali"ication o" voters
4ec =* !&C , $ostonement , set aside an election to be #eld* 6 be #eld at a later time.
Q: How serious must t#e violation* terrorism* lossFdestruction* or "orce ma3eure to !arrant
postponement or suspension?
A: :;'2M must be $!'8;8CA''L C!BB&C;&A.
$ostonement by:
1) C!M&'&C (motu rorio)
() $etition by any interested arty
$ostonement s#all be #eard by t#e C!M&'&C en banc
$ostoned election s#all be #eld a"ter t#e cessation o" :;'2M
4ec I* !&C , 2ailure to elect 5:;'2M D 2raud7
Q: >#en is t#ere "ailure to elect?
A: V
1) no voting
() t#ere is voting but counting is stoed
4ecial &lection
Q: 4#all t#ere be secial election in all instances w#ere t#ere is "ailure to elect?
-e9uisites "or Calling a 4ecial &lection
1) :;'2M
() ;#e 4ecial election intended to be #eld will a""ect t#e result o" t#e election 5eg. ;#e number
o" votes in t#e lace w#ere t#e election "ailed will alter t#e results obtained in t#e election7
Mitmug vs C!M&'&C* ()M 4
- low turn0out in t#e olls does not warrant secial election
Abes vs C!M&'&C is abandoned by Sanche# vs C(>*'*C * EEI S
4anc#eG vs C!M&'&C:
- C!M&'&C #as t#e ower to annul election
?aray vs C!M&'&C* (I< 4 (How serious to warrant ostonementFsusensionF"ailure)
- by calling secial election t#e C!M&'&C #as doubted t#e results obtained 6 recogniGed
:;'2M. 4o* t#ere is no need to return to t#e result o" t#e #eld election.
4ec @* !&C is reealed by t#e Constitution (read: 4ec +* Art I* Constitution)
Q: How is t#e succession in t#e House o" -eresentative i" t#ere is vacancy?
A: 1yr be"ore regular election "or secial election* di""erent "rom t#e regular election.
8" in t#e 4enate* secial election s#all coincide wit# regular election "or 4enator.
1) 4enators
1( , regular election
10 secial election
4ec Q
4ec +
4ec 1M , &1enses o" &lection
- i" C!M&'&C #as no "und t#e City (or ot#ers concerned) will s#oulder subject to refund by
the C(>*'*C.
4ec 11* !&C , 2ailure to Assume !""ice
?-: !""ice will be considered :ACAB; (under t#e Art ()<* -$C t#ere an additional enalty o"
arresto mayor or "ine o" $1MMM.MM or bot#)
&: 2ailure to assume is "or causes beyond #is control
4ec 1( , Ais9uali"ication
1) insane or incometent 5to be declared by Medical "indings by cometent aut#ority7
() 4editionFinsurrectionFrebellion
)) 4entenced "or more t#an 1Q mont#s 5by "inal 3udgment7
<) Moral turitude 5see: w#at is an o""ense t#at involves moral turitude7
;#ese (10<) are B!; $&-MAB&B; dis9uali"ication
O1 , i" declared by cometent aut#ority t#at t#e erson is 4AB&
OPs (0<: i" t#ey served t#eir sentences 6 = yrs #ad lased a"ter service o" sentence (e1cet i" -$C
dis9uali"ies t#em)
Q: How are t#e votes o" t#e $resident 6 :ice0resident canvassed?
A: Congress canvasses t#e votes o" t#e $resF:$% unli.e local o""icial* w#ere C!M&'&C canvass
t#eir votes.
Quali"icationFAis9uali"ication ;erm &lection
$resident - <Myrs old
- natural0born citiGen
- registered voter
- able to read 6 write
- 1Myrs residency
5$resident w#o #ad served <yrs
can no longer be elected7
Iyrs At large (ie. directly by t#e eole)
:ice0$resident (4ec )* Art @* Consti)
- cannot serve ( successive
Iyrs At large
4enators - )= yrs old
- natural0born
- registered voter
- able to read 6 write
- (yrs residency
Iyrs At large
Congress - (=yrs old
- natural0born
- registered voter
- able to read 6 write
- 1yr residency
5t#ese 9uali"ications does not
aly to $arty0list reresentative7
)yrs /y district
4tes in voting
1) :oting (@am0)m)
() -eading o" ballot
)) -&;E-B4
<) -eturns are sent to t#e /oard o" Canvassers 5Municiality $rovincial /oard o" Canvassers%
City directly to t#e Congress (in so "ar as votes o" $resF:$ are concerned) (City , in local
election it stos #ere)
KK88. 4ECC&448!B 2!- $-&4F:$
;8& !B ;H& :!;&4 !2 ;H& $-&4F:$
1) Congress vote searately.
Q: >#at i" t#ere is no agreement between t#e 4enate 6 t#e Congress* w#o will brea. t#e tie?
A: Bo rovision o" t#e Constitution but t#e C!B?-&44 (H!4 6 H!-) can ma.e t#e
rocedure as to brea. t#e tie.
Q: >#en t#ere is no $resident roclaimed but t#ere is a :ice0resident elect* w#o will act as
A: ;#e :ice0resident will AC; as $resident.
Q: 4uosed t#ere also no :ice0resident roclaimed?
A: ;#e 4enate $resident or t#e House* in case t#e "ormer is incaacitated.
Q: 4o* does i" "ollow t#at t#e House will become t#e :$* i" 4enate $resident acts
as $resident?
A: B!.
Q: How does Tno roclamationU #aen?
A: V
1) canvass is not comlete until noon o" June )M
() Quali"ication is contested (until declared 9uali"ied)
Q: >#o will be t#e :$ i" no :$ was elected but a $resident was elected? (eg. Bo one is 9uali"ied
to be a :$)
A: ;#e $resident s#all nominate "rom t#e Congress
Q: ;o w#om does t#e $resident nominate?
A: ;o t#e Congress t#e H!4 6 H!- must arove t#e nominee
8" t#ere is no agreement between t#e H!4 6 H!4 t#e $resident will make another
Q: >#en will t#ere be a secial election "or $resF:$?
A: w#en..
1) t#ere is a ermanent incaacityFdis9uali"ication
() resign or removed
)) dies
limitation: no secial election wit#in 1Q mont#s be"ore t#e ne1t regular election
4ec 11* Art @* Constitution
- C!B?-&44 decides i" $resident is incaacitated (ie. "it or not% or s#all #e continue as
$resident)* i" suc# incaacity is alleged by t#e Cabinet. Auring t#is t#e $resident cannot seat
as $resident. 5in t#e (
declaration* ie* $res declares t#at #e is caacitated again7
KK888. 4ECC&448!B 2!- 4&BA;&
4ecs @ 6 Q* Art I* Constitution
i" a 4enator dies* su""ers ermanent incaacity* is removed* or resigns t#ere s#ould be
a secial election t#at will coincide wit# t#e regular election. 5so* as i" it is not a secial
4ee: 4ecial election "or deceased 4enator
8" a 4enator dies in #is "irst )yrs #e s#all be relaced% i" #e dies a"ter #is "irst )yrs B!
KK8:. 4ECC&448!B 2!- -&$-&4&B;A;8:&
Q: How is a -eresentative relaced (i" #e dies* resignsV)?
A: by a secial election
Q: >#at is t#e limitation o" calling "or t#e secial election?
A: i" vacancy arises 1Q mont#s be"ore t#e ne1t regular election no secial election 5
Quali"icationFAis9uali"ication ;erm &lection
- ()yrs old 5 itN7
- citiGen
- registered voter
- able to read 6 write
52iliinoFany local
- 1yr residency
1) Commission o" a crime
involving moral turitude
() More t#an 1yr enalty
)) -emoved "rom o""ice "or
administrative case
<) Aual citiGens#i
=) 2ugitive "rom 3ustice* not only
"rom $#iliine laws but also
o" ot#er countries.
I) $ermanent resident o" anot#er
country (even i" ermission
was only granted) eg. ?reen
card #older
@) 8nsane or "eeble0minded
At large
:ice0?overnor - ()yrs old At large
4angguniang $anlalawigan - ()yrs old At large
MayorF:MF4$ o" HEC - ()yrs old At large
Mayor (mun) - (1yrs old At large
:ice0mayor (mun) - (1yrs old At large
4/ 0 1Qyrs old At large
$unong /arangay At large
Sagawad At large
Comonent city , art o" t#e rovince in election 5re9: 1=M*MMM resident% $(MM income% 1MMs9 .m area
Hig#ly urbaniGed city , (MM*MMM residents* $=MM income
8ndeendent comonent cities , by law t#ey are searate in t#e election
5 t#e amended re9uirementsNNN7
Congress creates cities 6 sub3ect to a lebiscite
'aw re9uires t#e $resident to declare HEC
Q: How are local o""icials elected?
A: ;#ey are elected at large.
4$ are elected in t#e district t#ey reresent* at large
;erm o" o""ice: )yrs
;ime o" &lection: every )yrs
4ECC&448!B (ne1t0in ran.)
- i" t#e ?overnor dies t#e vice0gov succeeds (same wit# t#e mayor)
Q: >#o s#all be t#e vice* i" t#e vice succeeds t#e gov or mayor?
A: t#e first ranking councilor.
Q: How to relace 4$* 4/* or Sagawad?
A: by aointment.
8n HEC , t#e $resident aoints
H/ut t#e erson to be aointed must belong to t#e same arty as t#at w#o caused t#e vacancy* i" #e #as no
arty anyone.
8n Municiality* t#e ?overnor aoints (same rule as to arty)
Q: How is relacement made in t#e /arangay?
A: by aointment 5by nomination by t#e Council7 6 t#en t#e Mayor aoints.

'abo vs C!M&'&C* 1@I 4 1
- Res .udicata does not aly to 9uestions o" citiGens#i
CitiGens#i may be ac9uired by:
1) Airect Act o" Congress
() BaturaliGation
)) -eatriation (reac9uiring)
CitiGens#i may be lost b:
1) BaturaliGation in a "oreign country
() &1ress renunciation o" citiGens#i
)) 4ubscribing to an oat# o" allegiance to suort t#e Constitution or laws o" a "oreign country
-esults o" election cannot nulli"y t#e 9uali"ications "or ublic o""ice. ;#ese 9uali"ication (AC-&-) are continuing
re9uirements% once any o" t#em is lost during t#e incumbency title to t#e o""ice itsel" is "or"eited.
;#e one wit# second #ig#est votes cannot succeed because #e obtained only t#e second #ig#est number o"
votes in t#e election% #e was obviously "(, ,6* C6(&C* of the people.
$#iliine citiGens#i is not a CH&A$ C!MM!A8;L t#at can be easily recovered a"ter renunciation.
$!'8;8CA' $A-;L
- a grou o" ersons #aving t#e same ideology 6 ursuing t#e same olitical lat"orm
- in t#e $#iliines* it is not necessarily t#e same ideology but only a ve#icle "or candidacy. ;#at is w#y t#ere are turn0
coats. 5$arty in $#iliine setting7
- !ne o" t#e re9uirements "or t#e registration o" a arty is t#e indication of the +latform of 2ovt
4ecs IM0I1* !&C , -e9uirements o" a $olitical $arty
8mortance o" #aving a registered arty: (sec I1)
1) to ac9uire 3uridical ersonality
() "or "urt#er accreditation
- "ailure o" a arty to attain 1MY o" t#e votes cast in t#e constituents w#ere t#ey suorted a candidate may be a
ground for loss of accreditation (local 6 national) 5eg. /y motion o" interested arty7
Ais9uali"ied "or Accreditation
- -eligious sects are not entitled to accreditation
- ?rous devoted to violence
4ec II , deals wit# a erson #olding osition by aointment
4ec I@ , deals wit# a erson #olding osition by election
- i" one "iles a certi"icate o" candidacy #e resigns% e1cet $resident 6 :$
C!M&'&C -esolution
- candidates (w#o are #olding o""ice by election) can continue into o""ice until t#e end o" t#e term o""ice
4ec @)
- one is not a candidate until #e "iles #is Certi"icate o" Candidacy
- Certi"icate o" Candidacy may be wit#drawn any time as rovided by law
Q: >#en to "ile a Certi"icate o" Candidacy?
A: 4ec @= ,wit#in t#e eriod rovided by law (ie. be"ore t#e camaign eriod as "i1ed by t#e C!M&'&C)
8" you #ave "iled a C!C 6 you wit#drew* you are still deemed resigned
B/: i" you are an appointive official 6 you "ile a C!C* even i" you wit#draw* you are still deemed resigned. (Monroy vs
Q: >#at revails i" t#ere were ( C!CPs "iled?
A: >#ic#ever is 'A,*R %&'*) revails* 6 t#e second C!C "iled oerates as wit#drawal o" t#e "irst.
one can always wit#draw as long as wit#in t#e eriod
Q: >#en is t#ere 4E/4;8;E;8!B?
A: in case o":
1) deat#
() wit#drawal
)) dis9uali"ication
- indeendent arty cannot be substituted% only a member o" a olitical arty.
Q: >#en may a substitute "ile a C!C?
A: Anytime a"ter t#e cause arises% even at the day of the election.
Content o" Certi"icate o" Candidacy (4ec @<)
1) Aeclaration t#at all statements made in t#e C!C are true 6 correct ("alse statement can be a ground "or
dis9uali"ication or cancellation o" C!C under 4ec @Q)
( >ays to contest Quali"ication o" !onents:
1) $etition to deny or cancel a C!C o" a candidate under 4ec @Q
a) any false statement or misrepresentation in #is C!C (under 4ec @< , C!C is under !A;H)
;#is etition s#all be -&4!':&A 8MM&A8A;&'L by t#e C!M&'&C
in $rotest* w#at matters most in not t#e 9uali"ications o" t#e candidate but the R*S1', (% ,6* C(,*
'abo case 2EE S
- even i" t#ere is a C!M&'&C -esolution but it did not yet become "inal a candidate can still be voted uon.
5#ere* 'abo was not yet a citiGen on t#e day o" t#e election 6 on t#e date o" romulgation7
%rivaldo case
- !n t#e day of the proclamation* 2rivaldo received an !rder by t#e 4C t#at #e is a citiGen. ;#ere"ore* #is rayer
"or repatriation is granted.
() $etition "or Quo >arranto under 4ecs (=)0(=< , to be "iled wit# 1M days a"ter t#e date o" roclamation o" t#e
1) ;#at t#e oonent is A84QEA'828&A in #olding t#e o""ice.
/E; you cannot be laced into o""ice because t#e rule is succession% in $-!;&4; it deends uon t#e result
o" t#e votes.
4ec I+ , ?rounds "or Buisance candidate
- one "iling a C!C is not really a candidate but #is urose is to destroy t#e election% to destroy t#e c#ances o" ot#er
candidate w#o is #is namesa.e.
>ays to declare one as nuisance:
1) >otu proprio cancellation* or
() $etition under 4ec @Q
4ec (11 , similarity o" surname is not counted% e1cet i" one is incumbent.
4ec @M , ?uest Candidacy allowed
- Candidate o" anot#er arty can a candidate o" one arty
4ec @1 , C#anging o" $arty
- allowed by t#e Constitution
4ec @( , $riority o" Ais9uali"ication cases in relation to 4ec @Q (see eriods under 4ec @Q)
>#en t#e -uling does not become "inal 6 it was continued a"ter election C!M&'&C does not lose 3urisdiction* but it
can resolve t#e case even a"ter election (see: 4ec @()
4ec @<
4ec @= , 2iling
How many coies are to be "iled?
1) -A II<I , 1( coies
() -A @1II , = coies
)) ?uidelines o" t#e C!M&'&C (better to "ollow)
-A Q1Q+
4ec @Q
- time: (= days "rom "iling C!C
- t#is etition is given riority as t#e C!M&'&C must resolve t#is be"ore t#e day o" t#e election. 5but in ractice t#is is
not "ollowed7
eg. = days be"ore t#e &lection day* C!M&'&C made a resolution but K made an aeal. 4o* in t#e &lection Aay* K can
still be voted uon.
Here C!M&'&C is directed to continue t#e roceedings o" t#e $etition "or Ais9uali"ication even a"ter election
;#e C!M&'&C will B!; consider t#e results o" t#e votes* but only t#e 9uali"ication
Lou are to receive C!C o" t#e ot#er candidate (?)
QE! >A--AB;!
1) 4ame in 4ec @Q , t#at #e is not 9uali"ied to t#e o""ice
;ime: 1M days a"ter roclamation
Quo >arranto $rotest
- 9uestions t#e 9uali"ication - 9uestions t#e CAB:A44 o" t#e votes or t#e
votes counted.
CAM$A8?B 6 &'&C;8!B $-!$A?ABAA
Q: >#at is a artisan olitical activity?
A: Ender 4ec @+ , Activities made to solicit suort or discourage vote "or a candidate.
Q: >#at are t#ese activities?
A: t#e "":
1) "orming o" organiGation
() #olding rallies* "ocuses meeting
)) announcements* seec#es* doing commentaries or interviews
<) ublication 6 distributing it
=) direct solicitation
5 B/: t#ese are not considered $artisan $olitical Activities if they are made only for "(>&"A,&(" o" a desired
candidate* 6 it is done be"ore t#e election eriod7
&lectioneering , illegal
- camaigning "or t#e voting o" t#e candidate be"ore election 6 not "or uroses o" nomination.
4ec QM , t#ese activities must be contained in t#e camaign eriod
4ec Q1
Act o" 2oreigner as 8ntervention
1) ?iving "inancial suort
() ;#e = activities (supra)
)) 8ncludes $rorieties 6 4ervices
4ec Q( , 'aw"ul &lection $roaganda
-egular &lection $roaganda
$osters W (1)"t
- t#ese cannot be osted in areas not declared as oster areas (but no ro#ibition in osting t#em in #ouses or
4treamers W )1Q"t
- only in #ouses* #ead9uarters* residence
- in rallies* use t#ese = days be"ore 5 itN7
4ec Q) , -emoval o" 'aw"ul $roaganda is ro#ibited
Q: Can you remove a unla!ful propaganda?
A: B!* because it is t#e C!M&'&C t#at declares i" suc# is law"ul or unlaw"ul.
4ec Q< , -e9uisites o" $rinted Materials
1) Bame
() Bumber o" coies
)) $aid "or by
<) Address o" O)
&g. T$aid by "riends o" KU , t#is is unlaw"ul but C!M&'&C does not ma.e it unlaw"ul
4ec Q= , $ro#ibited 2orms o" &lection $roaganda

;0s#irts are allowed to be used by t#e ersonnel o" t#e candidate in t#eir camaign sorties but "(, ,( 8*
4ec QI
$$$8 vs C!M&'&C* (<< 4
- "ree sace directed by C!M&'&C must be aid.
CHA$;&- 11
Q: >#at is a contribution?
Q: >#at is an e1enditure?
- Contributions are measured not in t#e term o" money only but also in allowing t#e use o" roerty (ie. contribution at
current value)
- +romise is e9uivalent to contribution even i" it is illegal:unforeseeable 5t#is will be comuted as contribution
- $ersonal 4ervices is B!; considered as contribution 5t#is is t#e only item not considered as contribution7
&very candidate must "ile a statement o" Contribution 6 &1enditure BA days after election because t#e law limits
t#e e1enses o" every candidate.
Q: How muc# contribution 6 e1enditure allowed?
A: t#e "":
1) 2or $resF:$ W $1MFvoter
() $olitical $ary W $=Fvoter "or your arty
)) !t#er candidates W $)Fvoter
<) 8" you #ave no arty W $=Fvoter
Bumber o" votes deends on t#e o""ice you are vying "or.
Q: >#at #aened i" you do not "ile your statement?
A: Lou cannot enter uon t#e duties o" your o""ice.
4ee: 4ec 111 , a enalty under 111 (?)
4ecs 1M@ 6 1MQ ma.e suc# non0"iling an election o""ense 6 can a ground "or dis9uali"ication. /ut t#ese sections #ad
been reealed by 4ec 1<* -A @1II. Ender t#e later law* t#e non0"iling will constitute an administrative offense.
o""ense , u to )M.
o""ense , u to IM.
4ec +=
&ntities not allowed giving Contribution to candidates:
1) 2inancing institution or ban.s
() &ntities on ublic utilities
)) ;#ose granted "ranc#ise* incentives* or e1cetions by t#e ?ovt
<) ;#ose granted loans by ?ovt wit#in 1yr "rom election
=) &ducational institution granted wit# loan by t#e ?ovt
I) !""icer 6 emloyees o" Civil 4ervice 6 A2$
@) 2oreigners
8t is EB'A>2E'
1) 8" t#e mentioned entities contribute
() 8" a candidate solicits "rom t#e mentioned entities
*H+*")&,1R*S includes Contribution
- &1enses to be comuted must be t#ose incurred by t#e candidate #imsel" or t#at w#ic# #e aut#oriGed. ;#at is w#y a
candidate must indicate w#o are t#e ersons #e aut#oriGed to receive contributions
-ead: 4ec 1M(* 1M) (aut#oriGed ersons)
4ec 11)011+ (-ead -A Q1Q+ instead)
-A Q1Q+ , -egistration Act o" 1++@
- act roviding general registration o" voters 6 adoting a system o" continuing registration.
- &nacted "or uroses o" 1++Q election 6 so on
- Bo registration 1(M days be"ore election day% or +M days be"ore secial election.
- 4ee: $etition "or Additional -egistration Aate
- TcontinuingU W one can register anytime e1cet wit# t#e ro#ibited time
&lection -egistration /oard
Esing 4ec (+* -A @1II* t#e Lout# contended t#at t#e C!M&'&C can rovide "or ot#er eriod to ensure t#e rig#t o"
4C: $etition denied. ;#e law is clear. C!M&'&C cannot be comelled.
4ec )* -A Q1Q+
Aistinction between +recinct +olling +lace $ +olling center
+recinct , C!BC&$; created or as s#own in t#e ma (ie. recinct ma)
- t#ere s#ould be at least (MM voters in eac# recinct% e1cet in an 84'ABA w#ere in#abitants is less t#an (MM
+olling +lace , $'AC& w#ere one cast #is vote
+olling center , /E8'A8B? w#ere olling laces are located.
T$ermanent 'ist o" :otersU , one o" t#e concet o" -A Q1Q+
(riginal +recinct is denominated TAU% Spin/off +recinct is denominated T/U 5imortance: to determine votersP identi"ication
Spin/off or )aughter +recinct
- constituted w#en registration will re9uire anot#er recinct (eg. >#en t#e voters in a recinct is more t#an (MM)
- How many? As many as 111
/oard o" &lection 8nsectors
- conducts election on t#e election day
- t#ere is 1 &-/ (&lection -egistration /oard) in every municiality
B/: &-/ vs /&8
4ec +* -A Q1Q+ , >#o may register?
4ec 11* -A Q1Q+ , $ersons dis9uali"ied "rom registering
4ec 1=* -A Q1Q+ 0 &-/
4ec (=* -A Q1Q+ , :oterPs 8A number
- Consists o" ) $arts (eg. ]]]]0]]]]0]]]])
$art , $rovinceFMunicialityFCity (@= $rovinces)
< digits (1
( digits W $rovince% (
( digits W CityFMuniciality)
$art , number o" recinct w#ere you are registered (< digits D t#e 'etter to .now is you belong to an original
precinct or a spin/off precinct.)
$art , your 8A number (a ermanent code D letter A0'* w#ic# denominates t#e mont# o" one birt#day D day 6 year
o" birt# D ) letters o" initials) 5eg. ?11@@/:/ , t#is avoid misreresentation 6 "lying voters7
4ec (@* -A Q1Q+ , Aeactivation
- certain names in t#e $ermanent 'ist o" :oters may be ta.en out
Q: >#o are t#ey?
A: t#e "":
1) ;#ose w#o su""er dis9uali"ication
() 4ee: sec 11 (?) itN
)) -e: citiGens#i (?) itN
<) $erson w#o "ails to vote in ( consecutive elections
4ec (Q* -A Q1Q+ , -eactivation
- onePs name can be restored (eg. >#en #e is 9uali"ied) by reactivation.
4ec (+* -A Q1Q+ , Cancellation
- $ermanent droing o" a voterPs name in t#e $ermanent 'ist o" :oters
Q: >#o are t#ey?
A: Aead 54o* Civil -egistrar is to give a list o" t#e dead ersons)
4ecs )<0)Q , $etition "or &1clusion or 8nclusion ("iled be"ore t#e court be"ore election)
- w#en name are ta.en out or included by mistake% or w#en onePs name is trans"erred #e can "ile a $etition "or
8nclusion or &1clusion.
- !ne is given notice
- 8" one is "ound to be in t#e voterPs list but #e is not suosed to be t#ere "ile a $etition "or &1clusion
4ec <=* -A Q1Q+
- &lection o""ense in resect to registration is normally against the *R8% but t#ere are also violations by rivate
individual* eg* allowing to use onePs 8A number.
-A Q1Q+ reeals 4ec 11)01QM* !&C
&1cet : 4ec 1@Q* !&C is not c#ange
4ec 1@Q , >atc#ers (w#at are t#eir "unctions?)
8M$!-;AB; $-!:848!B4
!&C , 4ecs IM* I1* I+* @)* @Q* @( in relation to 4antos case (be resolved wit# "inality be"ore election day% does
C!M&'&C lose 3urisdiction?)* @+* Q1* +<* += 5last aragra#% w#at is t#e e""ect o" "ailure to "ile #is statement o"
contribution 6 e1enditure% see: 4ec 111* -A @1II)* 1M@ 6 1MQ (reealed by 4ec 1<* -A @1II)* 1@Q* 1Q1* 1Q(* 1Q=* 1+@*
(M@* (MQ 5ballots: de"ine: o""icial* emergency* samle* soiled* e1cess* mar.ed)* (11 (rules t#at govern areciation o"
ballots)* (1( (election return)* (1=* ((1* (<M* (<1* (<)* (<+* (=)
$rincile o" &)*> S("A>
- Tidem sonamU , same sound
- w#at ever is written in t#e ballot even i" misselled but sounds t#e same.
4ec (1(
- &lection return must be guarded
- &lection return is reared by /oard o" &lection 8nsectors a"ter voting 6 counting
- &lection return is t#e number o" votes a candidate obtained in a articular recinct
- /oard o" &lection 8nsectors issues Certi"icate o" :otes

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