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Level: Bachelor Semester Spring Year : 2010

Programme: BBA-BI Full ar!s: 100
"ourse: #peration anagement Pass ar!s: $%
&ime : 'hrs(
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.
1( a) *hat is pro+uction , operations s-stem. /0plain its environment(
1) *hat is pro+uct li2e c-cle. From the vie3 o2 #peration anager4
highlight its signi2icance.
2( a) *hat is service 1lueprinting. /0plain ho3 it can help in service
1) &he operations manager o2 the 1oo!ing services +epartment o2
7ometo3n Ban! is concerne+ a1out the num1er o2 3rong customer
account num1ers recor+e+ 1- emplo-ee( /ach 3ee! a ran+om sample
o2 24%00 +eposits is ta!en4 an+ the num1er o2 incorrect account
num1er is recor+e+( &he results 2or the past 12 3ee!s are sho3n in
the 2ollo3ing ta1le( Is the 1oo!ing process out o2 statistical control.
Sample 8um1er *rong Account 8um1er
1 1%
2 12
' 19
$ 2
% 19
: $
5 2$
6 5
9 10
10 15
11 1%
12 '
'( a) *hat are characteristics o2 e22icient4 responsive4 ris! he+ging4 an+
agile suppl- chains. "an a suppl- chain 1e 1oth e22icient an+
responsive. *h- or 3h- not.
1) A manu2acturer o2 mole an+ groper has e0perience+ the 2ollo3ing
monthl- +eman+ 2or an environmentall- soun+ pestici+e poison(
onth Actual ;eman+ <In cases)
Baisa!h :20
=estha 6$0
Asar 550
Shra3an 9%0
Bha+ra 1000
I2 the 2orecaste+ value 2or the month o2 Baisa!h is 5004 3hat 3oul+ 1e the
2orecaste+ value 2or the month o2 As3in using > ? 0('.
$( a) ;iscuss the importance o2 capacit- planning( *hat are the issues to
1e consi+ere+ 3hen a++ing capacit-.
1) A compan- operats %2 3ee!s per -ear an+ the 2ollo3ing in2ormation
is availa1le a1out inventor-:
;eman+ <;) ? :$ units, 3ee!
#r+ering an+ setup cost ?@ %0 , or+er
7ol+ing cost ? @ 1' ,Anit,-ear
Lea+ time ? 2 3ee!s
Stan+ar+ +eviation o2 3ee!l- +eman+ ? 12 Anits
"-cle service level ? 66 percent
i( *hat is the /#B 2or this item.
ii( *hat is the +esire+ sa2et- stoc!.
iii( *hat is the reor+er point.
%( a) ;e2ine various stages in pro+uct +evelopment process(
1) A stenographer has 2ive persons 2or 3hom he per2orms stenographic
services( Arrival rates are a+eCuatel- represente+ 1- the Poisson
+istri1ution4 an+ service times 2ollo3 the negative e0ponential
+istri1ution( &he arrival rate is 2ive Do1s per hour( &he average
service time is 10 minutes( Assume that once an in+ivi+ual assigns a
Do14 she 3ill not 1ring another Do1 until the 2irst is complete+(
i( "alculate the mean num1er in 3aiting line(
ii( "alculate mean 3aiting time(
iii( *hat is pro1a1ilit- that an in+ivi+ual 1ringing 3or! to the
stenographer 3ill have to 3ait.
:( a) ;e2ine aggregate pro+uction planning( ;iscuss the various
managerial inputs reCuire+ 2or e22ective aggregate pro+uction
1) *hat is =ust-in-&ime. *hat are its 1ene2its. ;iscuss the concept o2
EA8BA8 an+ EAIF/8(
5( *rite short notes on any two:
a) IS# 9000
1) AB"
c) Bualitative techniCues in Forecasting

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