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World History

Notes 03-23-09

The Great War and the End of an Era

Colonial background and national rivalries
o Imperial powers gain easy expansion until beginning of the 20
centurymost of the world taken up!
o Expansion, military growth, diplomatic victories often used to distract from internal politics
o Tendency toward aussenpolitikoutward-pointing politics emphasizing international relations
o Competitive rivalries: battle to out-produce other countries militarily

Clash of Alliance Systems
o Triple Alliance formed in 1879Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
o Triple Entente formed in 1907Britain, France, Russia

History of the Balkans Conflict (Eastern Europe)
o Balkan nations squeezed between the Austria-Hungarian empire and the Ottoman empire
o Very multi-ethnic, but territorial boundaries not coinciding with the complex ethnic distribution
o Numerous battles and skirmishes preceding WWI, but nothing resolved

o Unrest fueled by Serbian nationalismleading the effort for autonomy in Eastern Europe
o Serbia officially independent but constantly under threat from Austria-Hungary
o Austria-Hungary enters and annexes Balkan territories with high Serbian populations
o July 1914Serbian nationalist group (Black Hand) assassinates Archduke Ferdinand, nephew of the
emperor of Austria-Hungary; Triple Alliance begins building up military to move against Serbia

The Great War
Outbreak of the War
o France and Russia both threatened by Triple Alliance military: France next to Germany and Russia
bordered by all three Alliance statesTriple Entente builds up their forces in response
o Germany declares war against France and Russia on 1 Augustjust weeks after the assassination
reveals the fickleness of relations between European powers during the advent of the 20
o To get to France, Germany invades the neutral Belgium, Triple Entente strikes back

Patterns of War in Europe
o Trenches develop on the Western Front: stalemate in Franceno change in battle lines after two years
o Millions dead in FranceGermany loses 850,000, Britain and France also lose hundreds of thousands
o Most of the fighting actually on the Eastern Front between Russia and Austria Hungary

Role of the United States
o United States remains neutral until 1917actually selling supplies to both sides
o German navy responds by sinking U.S. military transport ships
o American Lusitaniaunarmed passenger ship sunk by German U-boats; United States joins the war

War Outside of Europe
o War spills over into European colonies around the world; Ottoman Empire also joins the German
o As the Ottoman Empire weakens (eventually collapsing), British forces move into the Middle East
o Vast numbers of African soldiers conscripted from British, French, and German territories
o Colonial peoples fighting, hoping to gain independence or at least gain the right to a voice
o Didnt happenstill treated as lowly colonial subjects after the war

Versailles Treaty
o Policies determined primarily by France, Britain, and the United States
o Colonial areas allowed to attend Versailles but given no voice

Key Political Developments after WWI
League of Nations: Woodrow Wilsons 14 points
o Point #1 about open covenantsall international interaction should be public
o Prior to WWI most alliances had been secret (lots of spies)no method for open international dialogue
o Wilsons effort to curb misunderstanding between states, would help prevent future conflicts

o Point 5 about impartial adjustment of colonial claims; ethnic self-determination
o Points 6 through 8Belgium and all French and Russian territory should be freed and restored
o Points 9 through 12adjustment of boundaries of Italy and the Balkans according to recognizable lines
of ethnicity and nationality; breaking up of the Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman empires

Drastic Effects of WWI
o Toppling of four monarchies: Austria-Hungary, Ottoman empire, German Empire replaced by a republic,
Russia changing under revolution
o Redrawing of national boundaries around the world; Poland and few other countries created
o Liberal capitalism under pressureincreasing role of socialist ideology in international affairs

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