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... through Bertha Dudde

Correct decision of will
in the state of self-awareness ....
Your soul will neer lose its self-awareness again! it will recognise
itself as "# once e$anated s%irit of light as soon as it has
attained the state of %erfection! in which it will also full# realise
the %ur%ose & gae to eer# 'eing when & created it.
(hen the soul will also hae an a'undance of strength so that
there is nothing i$%ossi'le for the soul! that it can create and
wor) according to its own will which! howeer! has co$%letel#
entered "ine. *nd this is a state of unli$ited 'liss which #ou
hu$ans are inca%a'le of co$%rehending 'ecause #ou are
limited 'eings .... li$ited in #our strength as well as in light!
which constantl# increase the closer #ou are to %erfection.
You once ca$e forth fro$ "e in 'rightest light and in 'rightest
light #ou return to "e again in order to lie a life of unli$ited
'eatitude foreer. But no $atter how thoroughl# it is %ut across
to #ou that #ou can create such a 'lissful fate #ourseles! #ou
neertheless still conduct #our %s#chological wor) half-heartedl#
'ecause #ou do not 'eliee with coniction and 'ecause #ou
si$%l# find it inco$%rehensi'le that #ou can reach such a high
goal as hu$an 'eings ....
*nd #et! it can onl# 'e %resented to #ou! the )nowledge can 'e
cone#ed to #ou 'ut #ou $ust utilise it #ourseles! for if & "#self
would make #ou act according to "# will #ou would no longer
hae free will. But the latter is necessar# in order to attain the
state of highest %erfection.
+oweer! & set "#self this %lan a er# long ti$e ago and it will
certainl# 'e carried out! een if it ta)es eternities .... ,ooner or
later #ou will all attain this 'eatitude and then the ti$e it too)
#ou will see$ insignificant to #ou! for then eer# conce%t of ti$e
and s%ace will hae co$e to an end! the ti$e #ou too) will
a%%ear li)e a $o$ent! whilst eternit# lies ahead of #ou when #ou
can en-o# %leasures without end.
But while #ou are still liing in a state of i$%erfection on earth
#ou will hae to 'ear $uch sorrow! for #our soul.s i$%erfection is
a state of adersit# and suffering which #ou can onl# nu$'
#ourseles through earthl# -o#s and %leasures 'ut which will not
'e i$%roed! instead! it will surface ti$e and again as long as
#ou are not #et %erfect.
/ife on earth is $erel# an illusie e0istence for it is not
%er$anent! it %asses '#! it is not a'solute realit#! onl# the
s%iritual )ingdo$ can 'e that for the soul! whose true ho$e is
the s%iritual real$ after all.
But the earthl# real$ can contri'ute towards re$oing the soul.s
i$%urities and ena'ling it to enter the s%iritual )ingdo$ in an
utterl# light-rece%tie state. *nd for this %ur%ose #ou hu$ans
lie on earth! 'ecause #ou should re$oe the i$%urities fro$
#our soul of #our own free will! which is certainl# %ossi'le for #ou
if #ou strie towards the goal of liing a %rofoundl# 'lissful life
one da# for all eternit# ....
You $erel# need to 'e willing to 'eco$e again what #ou were in
the 'eginning! and trul#! & will hel% to $a)e it easier for #ou to
achiee ....
You should onl# eer isualise the high goal #ou can reach ....
and #ou should want to reach it. For this resole alone
deter$ines #our fate .... *nd #ou can rest assured that & will not
let #ou fall an#$ore once #ou grant "e this will .... You $ust
$erel# 'e a'solutel# serious and not -ust use words which #our
heart is unaware of.
(his change of will can onl# 'e reealed '# a self-aware 'eing!
for this er# reason the state of self-awareness is so
e0traordinaril# i$%ortant .... For now #ou can thin) and use #our
intelligence! #ou can use the italit# of life granted to #ou
according to "# will .... #ou can 'e loingl# actie .... (hen #ou
will also turn towards "e and & will hold on to #ou foreer.
You don.t hae $uch ti$e left for this decision of will! for the
hu$an 'eing.s life on earth is li)e a $o$ent in eternit#! howeer!
if #ou $a)e the right decision the ti$e will 'e sufficient to
reerse #our nature into loe ....
*nd if #our will is wrongl# inclined #ou would onl# descend
a'#s$all# low again were #ou granted $ore ti$e as a hu$an
'eing on earth .... For the further #ou distance #ourseles fro$
"e! the stronger would "# adersar#.s influence 'eco$e .... (his
is wh# this ti$e on earth as a hu$an is li$ited and in eternit#
-udged li)e a $o$ent! during which #ou can neertheless reach
"e and 'e as 'oundlessl# ha%%# again as #ou were in the
You will neer 'e left without hel%! #ou will neer hae to rel# on
#ourseles! & *$ alwa#s read# for #ou and onl# wait for #our call
which %roes that #ou grant "e #our will which & will definitel#
acce%t and sei1e "# children again in order to neer let go of
the$2 for #ou ca$e forth fro$ "# strength of loe! #ou are also
a %art of "e! een if #ou once turned to the one who was the
first to fall awa# fro$ "e when he should hae %assed the test of
will that would hae $ade hi$ the $ost 'lissful 'eing foreer!
which was $eant to create and wor) with "e in the whole of
infinit# as "# i$age ....
3u'lished '# friends of new reelations of God 4&nfor$ation!
download of all translated reelations! the$e-'oo)lets at5


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