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100 E - Books

Only 500 /- Rs

( Multi-colored )

Each and Every Topic
1. Vocabulary.
2. English Grammar.
3. Spoken English.
4. Advanced English.

100 ` T\ @ {| +{sTT .... ?

||+# ksTT .... yTTyTT<{ k]> @ uw L& $<+> .... |P]> \T>T $esD
Part 1 ...... Why , what & How to learn English ?
Part 2 ...... Telugu Sentences ( R1, R2, R3 )
Part 3 ......( Vocabulary ) Nouns - 1
Part 4 ...... ( Vocabulary ) Nouns - 2
Part 5 ......Opposite words
Part 6 ...... Subject ( Persons )
Part 7 ...... Object ( Prepostions )
Part 8 ...... Time
Part 9 ...... Articles ( a, an, the ) - 1
Part 10 ...... Articles ( a, an, the ) - 2
Part 11 ...... Articles ( a, an, the ) - 3
Part 12 ...... Main Verbs ( Telugu - Meanings )
Part 13 ...... Tenses ( Present - Past - Future )
Part 14 ...... Be- Forms ( is , am, are ) - 1
Part 15 ...... Be- Forms ( was , were , were be ) - 2
Part 16 ...... Have - Forms ( have , has , ) - 1
Part 17 ...... Have - Forms ( had , will have ) - 2
Part 18 ...... Future - Forms ( will , would , shall , should ) - 1
Part 19 ...... Future - Forms ( can, could , may , might ) - 2
Part 20 ..... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 1
Part 21 ...... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 2
Part 22 ...... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 3
Part 23 ..... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 4
Part 24 ...... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 5
Part 25 ...... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 6
Part 26 ...... Translations ( Telugu - English ) - 7
Part 27 ...... Negatives - 1
Part 28 ...... Negatives - 2
Part 29 ...... Contractions - 3
Part 30 ...... Y / No Questions - 1
Part 31 ...... Y / No Questions - 2
Part 32 ...... W.H Questions - 1
Part 33 ...... W.H Questions - 2
Part 34 ...... W.H Questions - 3
Part 35 ...... W.H Questions - 4
Part 36 ...... W.H Questions - 5
Part 37 ...... W.H Questions - 6
Part 38 ...... Questions Tags - 1
Part 39 ...... Questions Tags - 2
Part 40 ...... Questions Tags - 3
Part 41 ...... ( Simple-Continuous-Perfect-P.Continuous ) - 1
Part 42 ...... ( Simple-Continuous-Perfect-P.Continuous ) - 2
Part 43 ...... ( Simple-Continuous-Perfect-P.Continuous ) - 3
Part 44 ...... ( Simple-Continuous-Perfect-P.Continuous ) - 4
Part 45....... Active & Passive Voice - 1
Part 46....... Active & Passive Voice - 2
Part 47....... Direct & Indirect Speech - 1
Part 48....... Direct & Indirect Speech - 2
Part 49........Degrees of Comparison - 1
Part 50........Degrees of Comparison - 2 .... etc....

|r sE

1 >+
T ... T

MT @ esT s<T
n nqT+f.... y+H ....
MT &T qT y|dT b+<+&

| \T>T MT&jT+ $<]

# dT\u+> nseTjT
= X+| |d\T MTd+
500 s!\T #*+#+&
e\+ 2 $Tc\
e ` T\qT
y{ bT +>
M&j\ *+\qT L&
MT k+ `yTsTT

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

Hearty Welcome To
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu
Book - Material
For Practice Only





M{ b<q\T eT]jTT eTs\T

I Wish You All The Best


+^wt uwqT HsTy\ bs+_dTq ysT

+~ $wj\qT |P]> \TdTy*
{ .... C>> ns+ #dTy*...

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239




s , s , jT\T
e{& yyT <T..
nd\T uwH <T..
$ +&
M{ >T]+ *jT+&
@ uwqT L&
n> .... +^wt HsT e\H L&

M{ >T]+ \dTe&+
eTq+<] # nedseTT

eTq+ me] >T]+# |+....
e{&TT+{y y]H \T>T ysDeTT
s n n+{sT....
+^wt Subject n n+{sT ........


<VsD\T #<+......
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ me] >T]+ e{&TTHy qT+& ......

s$ de yfifl&T.... & s$ >T]+ e{&TTHeTT { .... s$ .... s ...
e d bqTqT =H&T.... & e >T]+ e{&TTHeTT .... e .... s ...
yT e$T& |+&TqT +~..... & yT >T]+ e{&TTHeTT .... yT .... s ...
yVH 10 es> bdt nj&T ... & yVH ..... s
e Hq d =H&T .......& e Hq ..... s

n>... +^wt L& ....Subject qT qT+&

Ravi went to the movie.
( Ravi ....... subject )
Shiva bought a cell phone. ( Shiva ..... Subject )
She ate a mango.
( She ..... Subject )
Mohan passed 10th class. ( Mohan ..... Subject )
My father bought a cycle. ( My father ..... Subject )

eTq+ me] >T]+# |+ e{&TT+{y y]H

\T>T ysD eTT s n n+{sT.... +^wt Subject n n+{sT
s Subject kqeTT m|{H1st yTT<{ kqeTT

# d+|> ...... ns+ #dT+<+

mesT ? me] >T]+ ?

|X\ de<qyT


Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

eTTKyTq $wjT+
( s ) du > |j+# |<\
me> .... e# |<\T ....
HeTy#e TT\T eT]jTT ds HeTeTT\T


{ e H{ |d\

HeTy#e TT\T eT]jTT ds HeTeTT\T

Nouns and Pronouns
\ d+u+~+q |P] $wj\qT |P]ksTT....
MT n+<CdTHeTT.... |d\qT #~$ ns+ #dT=+f
J$+ ..... MT du MT< mTe+{ nqTeq+ +&<T.

y+ q s ( du )
#d @ |HH ......
jT n n+{sT....
+^wt Verb n n+{sT


<VsD\T #<+......
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ du #d | ( jT qT ) qT+& ......
s$ de yfifl&T.... & yfifl&T nH~ | .... yfifl&T .... jT ...
e d bqTqT =H&T.... & =H&T nH~ | .... =H&T .... jT ...
\ e$T& |+&TqT +~..... & +~ nH~ | .... +~ .... jT ...
yVH 10 es> bdt nj&T ... & bdt nj&T nH~ ... ... jT ...
e Hq d =H&T .......& =H&T nH~ | .... =H&T .... jT ...

n> ... +^wt L& ....Verb qT qT+&

Ravi went to the movie.
Shiva bought a cell phone.
Latha ate a mango.
Mohan passed 10th class.
My father bought a cycle.

( went ....... Verb )

( bought ..... Verb)
( ate..... Verb )
( passed ..... Verb )
( bought ..... Verb)

y+ ... du #d @ |HH jT n n+{sT....

+^wt Verb n n+{sT
jT Verb kqeTT m|{H 2nd s+&e kqeTT

# d+|> ...... ns+ #dT+<+

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239


#dq |

du @ | #X&T ?


eTTKyTq $wjT+
( jT ) > |j+# |<\H
+^wt Verbs n n+{sT
n+<T ... 200 ` 2000 <
n eTTKyTq jT\T HsTT

n eTTKyTq$
200 - 2000

HsT+f #\T

H.... $<sT\T ujT|&+& .... eTT+<T k>+&....

e H{ |d\ ... Verbs \ d+u+ ~+

2000 j
T \T
y{ +^wt ns\T ... y{ ... fqT\qT ( \eTT\qT )
$e]+# |d\T HsTT .... |d\qT #~$ ns+
#dT=+ .... +sdeTT #d #\T .... .....J$+ .....
MT jT\T Verbs MT< mTe+{ nqTeq+ +&<T.

yeTT .............

@$T ? m|&T ? m& ? m ? m ? ..... ?

mH |X\ e#T .... de<HH ......
\T>T ysDeTT s n n+{sT....
+^wt 0bject n n+{sT


<VsD\T #<+......
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ sqT qT+& .( d+| ... s , jTqT $&Bd ... $T*+< s )

s$ de yfifl&T.... & ( m& .... n+f .... de ... nH~ . s )
e d bqTqT =H&T.... & ( @$T ? n+f d bqT nH~ .. s ...)
\ q +~..... & ( m|&T ? n+f q ....... nH~ .. s ...)
yVH 10 es> bdt nj&T ...& ( @$T ? n+f 10 es> nH~ .. s ...)
e eTT&T <q+> e#&T .......& ( m ? n+f <q+> nH~ .. s ...)

n> .... +^wt L& ....Object qT qT+&

Ravi went to the movie. ( to the movie ....... Object )
Shiva bought a cell phone. ( a cell phone ..... Object )
Latha ate yesterday.
( yesterday ..... Object )
Mohan passed 10th class. ( 10 th class ..... Object )
My brother came slowly. ( slowly ..... Object )

y+ ... @$T ? m& ? m|&T ? m ? ... nH ... | X \ e#T de<qyT

\T>T ysD eTT s n n+{sT.... +^wt


n n+{sT

s Object kqeTT m|{H3rd eT&e kqeTT

# d+|> ...... ns+ #dT+<+

@$T ? m& ? m+<T ?
m ? m|&T ?...

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

When ?
..... etc

|X\ e#T de<qyT

eTTKyTq $wjT+
( s ) u > |j+# |<\
me> .... e# |<\T ....



e H{ |d\
Prepositions, Adverbs, Adjective, Nouns, Pronouns

|q *jTCdq n $wj\ d+u+~+....

|P] $es\ .... |d\T e e< HsTT.....
|d\qT #~$ ns+ #dT=+f
J$+ .....MT u >T]+ mTe+{ nqTeq+ +&<T.

1. \T>T ..... +^wt & @+{ ?



Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239



to Cinema


|q... \T>T eT]jTT +^wt y\qT >eT+#+&

s n> +& .... jT eT]jTT s\T eyT
+^wt y+ esTTHsTT...


ns{ |+&TqT


is eating



a banana

|q... \T>T eT]jTT +^wt y\qT >eT+#+&

s n> +& .... jT eT]jTT s\T eyT
+^wt y+ esTTHsTT...


# ..... eTTKyTq ` $wjT+

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

@ \T>T yHH ........... +^wt y\T> es|&T







n> +T+~ \T>T 2 e kq+ \T>T 3 e kq+
yTT<{ kq+H +^wt 3 e kH +^wt 2 e kH
edT+ ~
edT+ ~


Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ sqT qT+& .....

1. XsY &^ |\T sdTH&T .................XsY
2. d] yVHqT {+~.........................d]
3. e Hq |t{|t =H&T .............e Hq
4. >b d\T |E #*+#&T...............>b
5. n&T # n+<+> H&T ..............n&T
6. yT |<\qT >s$dT+~.......................yT
7. e d VT\T qqT yd+ #XsT .......... e dVT\T
8. e neT HH yC e+&+~.................... e neT
9. dT eDqT |[fl #dTH&T ...... dT
10. d seTT& n&$ y[fl+~ ............. d
11.ysT eTeT* |[ V+#sT .........ysT
12. Mfifl+ s| sT| yfiHsT........ Mfifl+
13. yTeTT sE edTHeTT.................... yTeTT
14. eT\ y& w|&+~........................ eT\
15. s+J$ e }] e#&T................. s+J$
MT de<H\T s ....... MT s >T]+ *dqf

+~ +^wt y\ Subject ( sqT ) qT+&
1. Sharath is writing Degree Exams........ Sharath
2. Saritha scolded Mohan......................... Saritha
3. My father bought a Laptop.................. My father
4. Gopal Paid the school fees................... Gopal

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

5. He is very handsome............................. He
6. She respects the elders.........................


7. Our friends cheated me........................ Our friends

8. Our mother cooked Non-Veg............... Our mother
9. Sunil married Lavanya......................... Sunil
10. Seeta went to the forest with Rama... Seeta
11. They invited to the marriage.............. They
12. They are all going to Tirupathi............They
13. We are coming today........................... We
14. Kamala liked him................................ Kamala
15. Chiranjeevi came to our village......... Chiranjeevi

MT de<H\T s ....... MT


>T]+ *dqf


Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ jT\qT qT+& .....

1. XsY &^ |\T sdTH&T .................sdTH&T
2. d] yVHqT {+~.........................{+~
3. e Hq |t{|t =H&T .............=H&T
4. >b d\T |E #*+#&T...............#*+#&T
5. n&T # n+<+> H&T ..............H&T
6. yT |<\qT >s$dT+~....................... >s$+#&T
7. e d VT\T qqT yd+ #XsT .......... yd+ #XsT
8. e neT HH yC e+&+~.................... e+&+~
9. dT eDqT |[fl #dTH&T ........|[fl #dTH&T
10. d seTT& n&$ y[fl+~ ............... y[fl+~
11.ysT eTeT* |[ V+#sT .......V+#sT
12. Mfifl+ s| sT| yfiHsT ....... yfiHsT
13. yTeTT sE edTHeTT.................... edTHeTT
14. eT\ y& w|&+~........................ w|&+~
15. s+J$ e }] e#&T.................. e#&T
MT de<H\T s ....... MT j
T \ >T]+ *dqf

+~ +^wt y\ Verb ( jTqT ) qT+&
1. Sharath is writing Degree Exams........ is writing
2. Saritha scolded Mohan......................... scolded
3. My father bought a Laptop.................. bought
4. Gopal Paid the school fees...................


Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

5. He is very handsome............................. is
6. She respects the elders.........................


7. Our friends cheated me........................


8. Our mother cooked Non-Veg...............


9. Sunil married Lavanya......................... married

10. Seeta went to the forest with Rama... went
11. They invited to the marriage.............. invited
12. They are all going to Tirupathi..........

are going

13. We are coming today........................... are coming

14. Kamala liked him................................ liked
15. Chiranjeevi came to our village......... came

MT de<H\T s ....... MT Verb >T]+ *dqf


Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ y\ sqT qT+& .....

1. XsY &^ |\T sdTH&T .................|\T sdTH&T
2. d] yVHqT {+~.......................yVHqT
3. e Hq |t{|t =H&T ............. |t{|t
4. >b d\T |E #*+#&T...............d\T |EqT
5. n&T # n+<+> H&T ..........# n+<+> H&T
6. yT |<\qT >s$dT+~....................... |<\qT
7. e d VT\T qqT yd+ #XsT ......... qqT
8. e neT HH ` yC e+&+~................. HH ` yC
9. dT eDqT |[fl #dTH&T ...... |[fl #dTH&T
10. d seTT& n&$ y[fl+~ ................seTT& n&$
11.ysT eTeT* |[ |*#sT .............. eTeT* |[fl
12. Mfifl+ s| sT| yfiHsT....... s| sT|
13. yTeTT sE edTHeTT.................... sE
14. eT\ y& w|&+~........................ y&
15. s+J$ e }] e#&T................. e }]
MT de<H\T s ....... MT s >T]+ *dqf

+~ +^wt y\ Object (sqT) qT+&
1. Sharath is writing Degree Exams........ Degree exams
2. Saritha scolded Mohan........................


3. My father bought a Laptop.................. a Laptop

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

4. Gopal Paid the school fees................... the school fees

5. He is very handsome.............................

very handsome

6. She respects the elders.........................

the elders

7. Our friends cheated me........................ me

8. Our mother cooked Non-Veg............... Non-Veg
9. Sunil married Lavanya......................... Lavanya
10. Seeta went to the forest with Rama ... to the forest
With Rama

11. They invited to the marriage..............

to the marrriage

12. They are all going to Tirupathi.......... to Tirupathi

13. We are coming today........................... today
14. Kamala liked him............................... him
15. Chiranjeevi came to our village......... to our village

MT de<H\T s ....... MT Object >T]+ *dqf

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239






eT&T ( 3 ) $wj\qT |P]> ns+ #dT=

+^wt n&T>T |&H .......
mTe+{ +<T\T +& .... nqTeq+ +&
# dT\u+> +^wt HsT>\T>TeTT .....

I Wish You All The Best


Hearty Welcome To
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu
Book - Material
For Practice Only

Future- Forms
u$wTqT ` d+# ` |<\T

I Wish You All The Best


Future- Forms

u$wTqT ` d+# ` |<\T


Future - Past

#d |qT\

#d nsTTbsTTqT #| |qT\



M{ bT eT]=
eTTKyTq |<\
>T]+ L& \TdTy*

must and should
have to
has to
need to
dare to
eager to
ought to
used to

Future- Forms

u$wT .. @<H .. | #kqT ... n #|&...

u$wT .. @<H .. | #d +{qT ... n #|&...

u$wT .. @<H .. | #j* ... n C|+#&+...

u$wT ..K+> . | #d +&* ... n C|+#&+ ...

eTq+ @<H | #jT >* ..>\qT ... n #|&...

@<H .. | #d +&>\qT ... n eTq keTs #|&...

u$wT .. |... #jTe#T .. n #|& ...

u$wT .... | ... #d +&e#T .. n #|&...
@<H +> #j* ... n #|& ( C|q )..
@<H K+> ... #d +& rs* ... n C|+#&..

have to |&T @<H #j* ... n #|&

|&T @<H #j* ... n #|&
has to
need to @<H eTq nedseTT +~ ... n #|&
dare to @<H | #jT& <s+ +~ ... n #|&
eager to eTq T , + , s+ ... #|&
ought to yfifl*+~ , sy*+~, e{&*+~... n #|&
used to >+.. @<H .. n\yT +& | ... #|&

Will... u$wT .. @<H .. | #kqT ... n #|&...


I will go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & yfiqT.

HqT s| & yfiqT.

I will go to school tomorrow.

I will come tomorrow.

HqT s| ekqT.

I will eat tomorrow.

HqT s| +{qT.

I will give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT kqT.

HqT s| b&qT.

I will sing tomorrow.

Would u$wT .. @<H .. | #d +{qT ... n #|&...


I would go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl (n&) +{qT.

HqT s| & y[fl +{qT.

I would go to school tomorrow.

I would come tomorrow.

HqT s| e +{qT.

I would eat tomorrow.

HqT s| +{qT.

I would give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT +{qT.

I would sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b& +{qT.

Shall u$wT .. @<H .. | #j* ... n C|+#&+


I shall go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & yfifl*.

I shall go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & yfifl*.

I shall come tomorrow.

HqT s| sy*.

I shall eat tomorrow.

HqT s| H*.

I shall give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT y*.

I shall sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b&*.

Should u$wT ..K+> . | #d +&* ... n C|+#&+ ...


I should go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl (n& K+> ) +&*.
I should go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl +&*.

I should come tomorrow.

HqT s| e +&*.

I should eat tomorrow.

HqT s| +&*.

I should give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT +&*.

I should sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b& +&*.

Can...eTq+ @<H | #jT >* ..>\qT ... n #|&...


I can go to school .

HqT & yfifl >\qT ( #q eT+~, X +~ )

HqT & yfifl >\qT.

I can go to school .

I can come.

HqT s>\qT.

I can eat.

HqT q>\qT.

I can give money.

HqT &TqT e>\qT.

I can sing a song.

HqT bqT b&>\qT.

Could...@<H .. | #d +&>\qT ... n eTq keTs #|&...


I could go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl +& >\qT ( #q sTT +T+~ )
I could go to school tomorrow.

HqT s | & y[fl +& >\qT.

I could come tomorrow.

HqT s| e +&>\qT.

I could eat tomorrow.

HqT s| +&>\qT.
HqT s| &TqT +&>\qT.

I could give money tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b& +&>\qT.

I could sing a song tomorrow.

May.. u$wT .. |... #jTe#T .. n #|&


I may go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & yfifl e#T ( yfifl be#T 50 ` 50 #H )

I may go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & yfifl e#T.

I may come tomorrow.

HqT s| se#T.

I may eat tomorrow.

HqT s| qe#T.

I may give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT ee#T

I may sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b&e#T


Might..u$wT .... | ... #d +&e#T .. n #|&


I might go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl +&e#T ( y[fl+& be#T 50 ` 50 #H )
I might go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & y[fl +&e#T.

I might come tomorrow.

HqT s| e +&e#T.

I might eat tomorrow.

HqT s| +&e#T.

I might give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &T +&e#T.

I might sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT b& +&e#T.


Must ...@<H +> #j* ... n #|& ( C|q )


I must go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & |d]> , K+> yfifl*.

HqT s| & |d]> yfifl*.

I must go to school tomorrow.

I must come tomorrow.

HqT s| |d]> sy*.

I must eat tomorrow.

HqT s| |d]> H*.

I must give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT |d]> y*.

I must sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT | d]> b&*.


Must & Should ...@<H #d +& rs* ... n C|+#&


I must & should

go to school tomorrow.
HqT s| & |d]> , K+> y[fl +&*.
I must & should
go to school tomorrow.

HqT s| & |d]>,

K+> y[fl +&*.

I must & should

come tomorrow.

HqT s| |d]> ,
K+> e +&*.

I must & should

eat tomorrow.

HqT s| |d]> ,
K+> +&*.

I must & should

give money tomorrow.

HqT s| &TqT |d]>

K+> +&*

I must & should

sing a song tomorrow.

HqT s| bqT | d]>

K+> b& +&*


Have to ...|&T @<H #j* ... n #|&


I have to go to school .
HqT s| & yfifl*...
HqT & yfifl*.

I have to go to school.
I have to come.

HqT sy*.

I have to eat.

HqT H*.

I have to give money.

HqT &TqT y*.

I have to sing a song .

HqT bqT b&*.


Has to ...|&T @<H #j* ... n #|&


He has to go to school .

n&T & yfifl*...

He has to go to school.

n&T & yfifl*.

She has to come.

yT sy*.
jTq H*.

he has to eat.
Raju has to give me money.

sE H &TqT y*.
d bqT b&*.

Seeta has to sing a song .


Need to...@<H eTq nedseTT +~ ... n #|&


I need to go to school .

HqT s| & yfifl*q nedseTT +~.

HqT & yfifl*q
nedseTT +~.

I need to go to school.
I need to come.

HqT sy*q
nedseTT +~.

I need to eat.

HqT H*q
nedseTT +~.

I need to give money.

HqT &TqT y*q

nedseTT +~.

I need to sing a song .

HqT bqT b&*q

nedseTT +~.


Dare to ...@<H | #jT& <s+ +~ ... n #|&


I dare to go to school .
H & yfifl <s+ +~.

H & yfifl

I dare to go to school.

<s+ +~.
H e#
<s+ +~.

I dare to come.


I dare to eat.

<s+ +~.

H &TqT #

I dare to give money.

<s+ +~.
H bqT b&
<s+ +~.

I dare to sing a song .


Eager to eTq T , + , s+ ... #|&


I am eager to go to school .
H & yfifl& T> +~.
( H & yfifl& +> ... s+> +~. )
I am eager to go to school.
I am eager to go to come.

H & yfifl& T> +~.

(HqT & yfifl& +> HqT.)
H se& T> +~.
(HqT se& +> HqT.)
H q& T> +~.
(HqT q& +> HqT.)

I am eager to go to eat.

I am eager to give the money.

H &T\T e& T> +~.

(HqT &T\T e& +> HqT.)

I am eager to sing a song.

H b b&{ T> +~.

(HqT b\T b&{ +> HqT.)


Ought to yfifl*+~ , sy*+~, e{&*+~... n #|&


I ought to go to school .

HqT & yfifl*+~.

I ought to go to school.

HqT & yfifl*+~.

I ought to come.

HqT sy*+~.

I ought to eat.

HqT H* +~.

I ought to give money.

HqT &TqT y*q +~.

I ought to sing a song .

HqT bqT b&* +~.


Used to...>+.. @<H .. n\yT> +& | ...n #|&


I Used to go to school .
H & yfifl n\yT> +&~.
I used to go to school.

H & yfifl
n\yT> +&~.

I used to come.

H e#
n\yT> +&~.

I used to eat.

n\yT> +&~.

I used to give money.

H &TqT #
n\yT> +&~.

I used to sing a song .

H bqT b&
n\yT> +&~.


u$wT d+u+~+q esT\qT $$< s\ du\ m |j+#*

I will go.
I would go.
I shall go.
I should go.
I can go.
I could go.
I may go.
I might go.
I must go.
I must & should go.
I have to go.
I need to go.
I dare to go.
I am eager to go.
I ought to go.
I used to go.

HqT ( u$ wT ) yfiqT.
HqT y[fl +{qT.
HqT yfifl*.
HqT y[fl +&*.
HqT yfifl >\qT.
HqT y[fl +& >\qT.
HqT yfifl e#T .
HqT y[fl +&e#T.
HqT K+> yfifl*.
HqT K+ > y[fl +&*.
HqT yfifl*.
HqT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
H yfifl <s + +~.
H yfifl\ T > +~.
HqT yfifl*+~.
H yfifl n\yT> +&~.

We will go.
We would go.
We shall go.
We should go.
We can go.
We could go.
We may go.
We might go.
We must go.
We must & should go.
We have to go.
We need to go.
We dare to go.
We are eager to go.
We ought to go.
We used to go.

yTeTT ( u$ wT ) yfieTT.
yTeTT y[fl +{eTT.
yTeTT yfifl*.
yTeTT y[fl +&*.
yTeTT yfifl >\eTT.
yTeTT y[fl +& >\eTT.
yTeTT yfifl e#T.
yTeTT y[fl +&e#T.
yTeTT K+> yfifl*.
yTeTT K+ > y[fl +&*.
yTeTT yfifl*.
yTeTT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
e yfifl <s + +~.
e yfifl\ T > +~.
yTeTT yfifl*+~.
e yfifl n\yT> +&~.

You will go.

You would go.
You shall go.
You should go.
You can go.
You could go.
You may go.
You might go.
You must go.
You must&should go.
You have to go.
You need to go.
You dare to go.
You are eager to go.
You ought to go.
You used to go.

MTsT ( u$ wT ) yfisT.
MTsT y[fl +{sT.
MTsT yfifl*.
MTsT y[fl +&*.
MTsT yfifl >\sT.
MTsT y[fl +& >\sT.
MTsT yfifl e#T.
MTsT y[fl +&e#T.
MTsT K+ > yfifl*.
MTsT K+ > y[fl +&*.
MTsT yfifl*.
MTsT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
MT yfifl <s + +~.
MT yfifl\ T > +~.
MTsT yfifl*+~.
MT yfifl n\yT> +&~.

He will go.
He would go.
He shall go.
He should go.
He can go.
He could go.
He may go.
He might go.
He must go.
He must & should go.
He has to go.
He needs to go
He dares to go.
He is eager to go.
He ought to go.
He used to go.

n&T ( u$ wT ) yfi&T.
n&T y[fl +{&T.
n&T yfifl*.
n&T y[fl +&*.
n&T yfifl >\&T.
n&T y[fl +& >\&T.
n&T yfifl e#T.
n&T y[fl +&e#T.
n&T K+ > yfifl*.
n&T K+ > y[fl +&*.
n&T yfifl*.
n&T yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
n& yfifl <s + +~.
n& yfifl\ T > +~.
n&T yfifl*+~.
n& yfifl n\yT> +&~.

She will go.

She would go.
She shall go.
She should go.
She can go.
She could go.
She may go.
She might go.
She must go.
She must & should go.
She has to go.
She needs to go.
She dares to go.
She is eager to go.
She ought to go.
She used to go.

yT ( u$ wT ) yfi+~.
yT y[fl +T+~.
yT yfifl*.
yT y[fl +&*.
yT yfifl >\<T.
yT y[fl +& >\<T.
yT yfifl e#T.
yT y[fl +&e#T.
yT K+ > yfifl*.
yT K+ > y[fl +&*.
yT yfifl*.
yT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
yT yfifl <s + +~.
yT yfifl\ T > +~.
yT yfifl*+~.
yT yfifl n\yT> +&~.

They will go.

They would go.
They shall go.
They should go.
They can go.
They could go.
They may go.
They might go.
They must go.
They must & should go.
They have to go.
They need to go.
They dare to go.
They are eager to go.
They ought to go.
They used to go.

ysT ( u$ wT ) yfisT.
ysT y[fl +{sT.
ysT yfifl*.
ysT y[fl +&*.
ysT yfifl >\sT.
ysT y[fl +& >\sT.
ysT yfifl e#T.
ysT y[fl +&e#T.
ysT K+ > yfifl*.
ysT K+ > y[fl +&*.
ysT yfifl*.
ysT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
y] yfifl <s + +~.
y] yfifl\ T > +~.
ysT yfifl*+~.
y] yfifl n\yT> +&~.


u$wT d+u+~+q esT\qT $$< s\ du\ m |j+#*

I will do.
I would do.
I shall do.
I should do.
I can do.
I could do.
I may do.
I might do.
I must do.
I must & should do.
I have to do.
I need todo.
I dare to do.
I am eager to do.
I ought to do.
I used to do.
You will speak.
You would speak.
You shall speak.
You should speak.
You can speak.
You could speak.
You may speak.
You might speak.
You must speak.
You must & should speak.

You have to speak.

You need to speak.
You dare to speak.

HqT ( u$ wT ) #kqT.
HqT #d +{qT.
HqT #j*.
HqT #d +&*.
HqT #jT >\qT.
HqT #d +&>\ qT.
HqT #jT e#T.
HqT #d +&e#T.
HqT K+ > #j*.
HqT K+ > #d +&*.
HqT #j*.

yTeTT ( u$ wT ) HsT +{eTT.

yTeTT HsT= +{eTT.
yTeTT HsTy*.
yTeTT HsT= +&*.
yTeTT HsT >\eTT.
yTeTT HsT= +& >\eTT.
yTeTT HsTe#T.
yTeTT HsT= +&e#T.
yTeTT K+ > HsTy*.
> HsT = +&*.
We must & should learn. yTeTT K+
yTeTT HsTy*.
We have to learn.
We need to learn.
yTeTT HsT e\dq neds+ +~.
We dare to learn.
e HsT=H <s + +~.
We are eager to learn. e HsT y\ T > +~.
We ought to learn
yTeTT HsTe*+~.
We used to learn
e HsT =H n\yT> +&~.
We will learn.
We would learn.
We shall learn.
We should learn.
We can learn.
We could learn.
We may learn.
We might learn.
We must learn.

H q T # j T e\d q ned s + +~.

H #d <s + +~.
H #j\ T > +~.
HqT #j*+~.
H #d n\yT> +&~.
MTsT ( u$ wT ) e{&sT.
MTsT e{& +{sT.
MTsT e{&*.
MTsT e{& +&*.
MTsT e{& >\sT.
MTsT e{& +& >\sT.
MTsT e{& e#T.
MTsT e{& +&e#T.
MTsT K+ > e{&*.
MTsT K+ > e{& +&*.
MTsT e{&*.

Ramu will come.

Ramu would come.
Ramu shall come.
Ramu should come.
Ramu can come.
Ramu could come.
Ramu may come.
Ramu might come.
Ramu must come.
Ramu must & should come.

MT e{& <s + +~.

Ramu has to come.

Ramu needs to come.
Ramu dares to come.

You are eager to speak.

MT e{&\ T > +~.

Ramu is eager to come.

You ought to speak.

You used to speak.

MTsT yfifl*+~.
MT yfifl n\yT> +&~.

Ramu ought to come.

Ramu used to come.

MTsT e{&e \dq neds+ +~.

d ( u$ wT ) |]> &TT+~.
d |]> +T+~.
d |]>*.
d |]> +&*.
d |]> >\<T.
d |]> +& >\<T.
d |]>e#T.
d |]> +&e#T.
d K+ > |]>*.
> |]> +&*.
Seeta must & should run. d K+
d |]>*.
Seeta has to run.
Seeta needs to run. d |]> e\dq neds+ +~.
d |]> <s + +~.
Seeta dares to run.
Seeta is eager to run. d |]> \ T > +~.
Seeta ought to run. d |]>*+~.
Seeta will run.
Seeta would run.
Seeta shall run.
Seeta should run.
Seeta can run.
Seeta could run.
Seeta may run.
Seeta might run.
Seeta must run.

Seeta used to run.

d |]> n\yT> +&~.

They will go.

They would go.
They shall go.
They should go.
They can go.
They could go.
They may go.
They might go.
They must go.
They must & should go.

They have to go.

They need to go.
They dare to go.
They are eager to go.

They ought to go.

They used to go.


seTT&T ( u$ wT ) ek&T.
seTT&T e +{&T.
seTT&T sy*.
seTT&T e +&*.
seTT&T s >\&T.
seTT&T e +& >\&T.
seTT&T se#T.
seTT&T e +&e#T.
seTT&T K+ > sy*.
seTT&T K+ > e+&*.
seTT&T sy*.
seTT& se\dq neds+ +~.
seTT& e# <s + +~.
seTT& sy\ T > +~.
seTT&T sy*+~.
seTT& e# n\yT> +&~.
ysT ( u$ wT ) yfisT.
ysT y[fl +{sT.
ysT yfifl*.
ysT y[fl +&*.
ysT yfifl >\sT.
ysT y[fl +& >\sT.
ysT yfifl e#T.
ysT y[fl +&e#T.
ysT K+ > yfifl*.
ysT K+ > y[fl +&*.
ysT yfifl*.
ysT yfifle\dq neds+ +~.
y] yfifl <s + +~.
y] yfifl\ T > +~.
ysT yfifl*+~.
y] yfifl n\yT> +&~.

My Dear Friends

$q+ eq +^wt s<T

#dq+ eq +^wt s<T
m|{ |&T X<> bdt #d
b.... b....n +#+&
sT\ e{&+ bs+_dH....
MTsT ... +^wt .... HsT>\T>TsT....
b.... n+.......

I Wish You All The Best


Hearty Welcome To
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu
Book - Material
For Practice Only

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

Negatives - 1

No , Not

I Wish You All The Best


nd\T Negatives ( H>{y ) n+f @+{ ?
@<H $wjT+ eTq q#b
<T, L&<T, <T, e<T n dV+> n+ +{+...
n eTq q# , dV+# , weTT es y\qT
+^wt Negatives(H>{y ) n n+{eTT....
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+^wt uw Negatives(H>{y ) b<q @+{ ?

eTq+ <jT+ q|{ qT+& s <bjT es
95 % e{&~ ..... Negatives(H>{y ) e ....
HqT yfiflqT , HqT sqT , HqT sqT
H e<T , H weTT <T ,
H <>Zs &T\T e ,
HqT eqT , HqT rdTqT ...
mH .... mHH es e\qT
eTq+ dV+> |rsE 95 % e{&T +{+
k] eTq+ |P]> >eTd ......... @ uwHH .... L&
Negatives(H>{y ) e\T .... | d]> +{sTT.
..... n+{ eTTKyTq $wjTyT { .... eTq \T>T e~]>H
+^wt L& eTq+ d+uw+#* .... e{&\ nqT+f ....
|&T Negatives(H>{y ) \ >T]+
\TdTe\dq , HsTe\dq u< eTq m+ >H +~....

No ,
Not ,
Do not ,
Does not ,
Did not ,
Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

Will not ,
Shall not ,
Can not ,
May not ,
Would not ,
Should not ,
Could not ,
Might not ,
Not at all,
Nothing ,
Never ,
No way ,
No chance,

+^wt y+
|<\qT ... |j+
yeTT |P]>
Negative (H>{y ) >

My Dear Students & Friends

Negatives (H>{y ) \qT

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

dT\us+> HsTy\+f
4 |<T\qT
|P]> \TdTy*

Helping -Verbs
eq y\qT
H>{y\T> es&+

Present - Tense

eq y\qT
H>{y\T> es&+

Past - Tense

Future - Tense

eq y\qT
H>{y\T> es&+

eq y\qT
H>{y\T> es&+

4 $wj\qT |P]> .....ns+ #dT= bdt #d HsT+f...

MT k<sD y\qT H>{y \T> es&+ sT>T +&<T

1. Helping -Verbs eq y\qT

Negatives (H>{y ) \T> es&+ m ?

k] HsTq $wj\qT >TsT#dT+<+

Helping -Verbs eT&T s\T

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

1. Be-forms , 2. Have - forms , 3. Future - forms

|&T 1. Be-forms eq y\qT

Negatives (H>{y ) \T> es&+ HsT+<+..
+~ Be-forms |<\T m|&q .... m&H |d ...
y{ not ( H{ ) n #s+& ....
|<eTT Negative(H>{y )> e]bT+~...# d+|

Will be


Is not
am not
are not
was not
were not
Will be not

Be-forms + not

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

$<sT\T M{ bdt> #|T .... bdt #jT+&



1. I am a student.
2. I am going to school.
3. I am learning English.
4. I am working in L.I.C.
5. I am a poor person.
4. He is Mr. David.
5. She is my friend.
6. Ravi is in Bombay.
7. Saritha is a doctor.
8. Latha is my cousin.
9. The doctor is in the hospital.
8. It was in the room.
9. Rama was very busy.
10. Geeta was studying Inter.
10. Giri was a Lawyer.
11. The teacher was teaching.
11. They were in the class.
12.We were talking in English.
13. Students were praying god.
14. They were reading the stories.
15. The Dogs were barking.
16. I will be in Bombay tomorrow.
17. He will be here in the evening.
18. Seeta will be doing a job.
19. Rani will be very free.
20. Today will be a joliday.

1. I am not a student.
2. I am not going to school.
3. I am not learning English.
4. I am not working in L.I.C.
5. I am not a poor person.
4. He is not Mr. David.
5. She is not my friend.
6. Ravi is not in Bombay.
7. Saritha is not a doctor.
8. Latha is not my cousin.
9. The doctor is not in the hospital.
8. It was not in the room.
9. Rama was not very busy.
10. Geeta was not studying Inter.
10. Giri was not a Lawyer.
11. The teacher was not teaching.
11. They were not in the class.
12.We were not talking in English.
13. Students were not praying god.
14. They were not reading the stories.
15. The Dogs were not barking.
16. I will be not in Bombay tomorrow.
17. He will be not here in the evening.
18. Seeta will be not doing a job.
19. Rani will be not very free.
20. Today will be not a joliday.

|&T 2. Have -forms eq y\qT
Negatives (H>{y ) \T> es&+ HsT+<+..
+~ Have - forms |<\T m|&q .... m&H |d ...
y{ =d+<s\ no =d+<s\ not ( H{ ) n #s+& ....
|<eTT Negative(H>{y )> e]bT+~...# d+|

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

=d+<s\ no
will have


have no
has no
had no
will have no

=d+<s\ not
will have


have not
has not
had not
will have not

Have -forms + no

$<sT\T M{ bdt> #|T .... bdt #jT+&

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

1. I have a pen.
2. I have an Idea.
3. I have a car.
4. I have money.
5. We have knowledge.
6. We have a work.
7. They have a big house.
8. You have a bike.
9. You have a laptop.
10. He has a nice family.
11. Rama has a brother.
12. Seetha has a long hair
10. I had an Idea.
11. I had a car.
12. We had money.
13. I had knowledge.
14. They had a work.
15. They had a big house.
16. I will have a car.
17. We will have money.
18. I will have time.
19. They will have new clothes.
20. Raju will have a mobile.

1. I have no pen.
2. I have no Idea.
3. I have no car.
4. I have no money.
5. We have no knowledge.
6. We have no work.
7. They have no house.
8. You have no bike.
9. You have no laptop.
10. He has no family.
11. Rama has no brother.
12. Seetha has no hair
10. I had no Idea.
11. I had no car.
12. We had no money.
13. I had no knowledge.
14. They had no work.
15. They had no house.
16. I will have no car.
17. We will have no money.
18. I will have no time.
19. They will have no clothes.
20. Raju will have no mobile.

No s articles ( a , an , the ) |j+#s<T

Have -forms + not

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

$<sT\ eTTK >eT

+~ y\qT MTsT >eTd .... n$ n L&
Perfect Sentences HsTT....
y\ .... MT y\T ns+ be#T....
.... +~ |&+&.... dt H>{y #jT&+ es
eyT .... HsT+&.... eTT+<T u>\ ....
y\ >T]+ |P]> \TdT+{sT.....

1. I have come .
2. He has gone.
3. I have been waiting for you.
4. He has been working here.
5. They have been waiting.
6. She had been studying.
7. Ravi had been to Bombay.
8. My mother has been cooking.
9. My brother had been learning English.
10. Kirna had been watching T.V.

1. I have not come .
2. He has not gone.
3. I have not been waiting for you.
4. He has not been working here.
5. They have not been waiting.
6. She had not been studying.
7. Ravi had not been to Bombay.
8. My mother has not been cooking.
9. My brother had not been learning English.
10. Kirna had not been watching T.V.

|q y\ Perfect ( continuous ) Sentences

+{ y\qT eTq+ Conjugation of a verb
nH {| |P]> .... \TdT+{eTT HsT+{eTT

|&T 3. Future -forms eq y\qT
Negatives (H>{y ) \T> es&+ HsT+<+..

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

+~ Future - forms |<\T m|&q .... m&H |d ...

y{ not ( H{ ) n #s+& ....
|<eTT Negative(H>{y )> e]bT+~...# d+|


will not


shall not


can not


may not



would not


should not


could not


might not

Future -forms + not

$<sT\T M{ bdt> #|T .... bdt #jT+&

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239



1. I will go.

1. I will not go.

2. I would eat.

2. I would not eat.

3. I shall sing.

3. I shall not sing.

4. I should learn.

4. I should not learn.

5. I can meet.

5. I can not meet.

6. I could do.

6. I could not do.

7. I may see.

7. I may not see.

8. I might see.

8. I might not see.

9. We will teach.

9. We will not teach.

10. We would read.

10. We would not read.

11. We shall give.

11. We shall not give.

12. We should love.

12. We should not love.

13. We can attend.

13. We can not attend.

14. We could escape.

14. We could not escape.

15. We may catch.

15. We may not catch.

16. We might join.

16. We might not join.

17. They will consult.

17. They will not consult.

18. Rama will show.

18. Rama will not show.

19. Seeta will drink.

19. Seeta will not drink.

20. Chiru would act.

20. Chiru would not act.

Helping -Verbs eq y\qT

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

Negatives (H>{y ) \T> es&+ .......

will be
will have


is not
am not
are not
was not
were not
will be not
have not
has not
had not
will have not
will not
shall not
can not
may not
would not
should not
could not
might not

My Dear Friends

Negatives - 2

Ramus Spoken English Through Telugu ( Videos & E- Books ) Ramu Cell : 9390495239

Present - Tense

eq y\qT
H>{y\T> es&+
|P]> HsT+<+....

I Wish You All The Best


e `T\qT =H\+f @+ #j* .... ?

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e `T\qT =q<\qysT ....

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