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Types of Questions:

Multiple Choice Questions

The __ Multiple Choice Questions will test a students recall and understanding of the Iliad and
Odyssey by Homer.

Short Essay Questions
The 2 Short Essay Questions listed in this section a one to two sentence answer. It let the students
to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the Iliad and Odyssey by describing what theyve read rather
than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether the students have read the
material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than a multiple
choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Matching Type Questions

Order of the Events


World Literature

I. Multiple Choice. From the story of Iliad and Odyssey by Homer, Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your best answer.

1. Which God is the first to descend from Mt. Olympus in Book 1?
a. Hera
b. Athena
c. Apollo
d. Hermes
2. The book opens during what year of the Trojan War?
a. The first year
b. The tenth year
c. The eleventh year
d. The fifth year
3. Who is the priest that Achilles calls upon to see what must be done to appease Apollo?
a. Kalchas
b. Chryses
c. Agamemnon
d. Aias
4. Which mortal wounded Aphrodite?
a. Achilles
b. Ajax
c. Diomedes
d. Sarpedon
5. Who are the two beautiful women that are captured as war prizes?
a. Charmis and Braesis
b. Atheanna and Kristianna
c. Chryseis and Briseis
d. Olysis and Benalis
6. Who was the mortal man responsible for the plague against the army?
a. Chrateus
b. Achilles
c. Agamemnon
d. Kalchas
7. Who is the priest who comes to the Greek camp at the opening of the poem?
a. Chryses
b. Chryseis
c. Chryse
d. Calchas
8. The one who was not invited to the marriage feast and was very angry.
a. Poseidon
b. Zeus
c. Peleus
d. Eris
9. Who makes a sacred vow that he will no longer fight?
a. Achilles
b. Agamemnon
c. Menelaos
d. Patroclos

10. Who threw the golden apple with a note into the middle of the banquet hall?
a. Poseidon
b. Peleus
c. Eris
d. Apollo
11. What is the other name of Paris as prince of Troy?
a. Virgilio
b. Fernando
c. Hector
d. Alexandros
12. To whom did Alexandros award the golden apple?
a. Athena
b. Aphrodite
c. Hera
d. Thetis
13. This is the plan act of Zeus to solve the problem of overpopulation on Earth.
a. Tourism
b. Trojan War
c. Death Penalty
d. Imprisonment
14. How many years did the Greek army prepare for the war against the kingdom of Troy?
a. 8 years
b. 5 years
c. 3 years
d. 10 years
15. He rallies the Greeks and succeeds in making the Trojans retreat, but he is killed by Hector.
a. Patroclos
b. Menelaus
c. Agamemnon
d. Astyanax
16. The magnanimous defender of the City of Troy.
a. Achilles
b. King Priam
c. Hector
d. Paris

17. The King of the Mycenaea and the general of the Achaians.
a. Agamemnon
b. Menelaus
c. Achilles
d. Patroclos
18. The wise leader from Pylos who tries to stop Achilles and Agamemnon from arguing.
a. Zeus
b. Nestor
c. Hermes
d. Eris
19. Who stops Achilles from killing Agamemnon?
a. Hera
b. Aphrodite
c. Athena
d. Thetis
20. The one who accompanies Chryseis back home.
a. Paris
b. Odysseus
c. Achilles
d. Zeus
21. Who does Odysseus wants to speak when he enters the Underworld?
a. Tiresias
b. His mother
c. Agamemnon
d. Achilles
22. Who is the real beggar who wants to beat up the disguised Odysseus?
a. Hector
b. Eumaeus
c. Eurymachus
d. Irus
23. Which sorceress turned Odysseus men into swine and other animals?
a. Circe
b. Charybdis
c. Skylla
d. Calypso
24. Which woman is the last one to keep Odysseus against his will on her island?
a. Circe
b. Athena
c. Calypso
d. Nausicaa
25. Who is the leader of the suitors of Penelope? He plans to kill Telemachus.
a. Eurymachus
b. Polyphemus
c. Menelaus
d. Antinuos
26. How did Odysseus withstand the Sirens?
a. He shoot them with arrows.
b. He put wax in his ears and that of his men.
c. He let his men sing loud songs.
d. He tied himself to the mast.
27. Who suggests that Telemachus should ask Menelaus about his father?
a. Athena
b. Nestor
c. Penelope
d. Hermes
28. Helen is the wife of which king?
29. How could Penelope put off her choice of a new husband?
a. She weaves a dress which she unravels during the night.
b. She murders everyone who wants to marry her.
c. Menerva and Vesta are protecting her by murdering every man who loves her.
d. She has locked up herself at her house and refuses to open the door until someone will
show her the corpse of her beloved husband.
30. How does Odysseus disguise himself to his family?
a. A shepherd
b. A Phoenician merchant
c. An old beggar
d. A swineherd
31. Which God is Obstructing Odysseus most to get home?
a. Zeus
b. Hera
c. Poseidon
d. Athena
32. Why are the Lotus-eaters dangerous?
a. They eat humans.
b. They have a superhuman strength by eating Lotus.
c. They enchant men by turning them into animals which they cook and eat.
d. They take drugs and offer it to Odysseus men.
33. What happened to the housemaids who had love affairs with the suitors of Penelope?
a. They are hung.
b. They are shot down with arrows.
c. They are sold as slaves.
d. They are chopped to bits and eaten by the dogs.
34. Who saved Odysseus from Circes tricks?
a. Irus
b. Hermes
c. Tiresias
d. Athena
35. Which princess helps Odysseus in the country of phaeacians?
a. Nausicaa
b. Circe
c. Calypso
d. Leda
36. How does Penelope know that Odysseus is her real husband?
a. He knows that the first time she met him, he gave her an olive.
b. She sees the scar above his knee which got from hunting.
c. Only he can string his own blow.
d. He knows that their bedroom was made around a living olive tree.
37. Who is the aged nursemaid who remained loyal to Penelope and Telemachus?
a. Eurycleia
b. Leucothea
c. Calypso
d. Nausicaa
38. Who is the father of Odysseus?
a. Telemacus
b. Mentor
c. Nestor
d. Laertes
39. Which god(dess) supported Odysseus most?
a. Athena
b. Poseidon
c. Hera
d. Zeus

40. Odysseus could trick Polyphemus by
a. Pretending to be Poseidon
b. By pretending to be Venus
c. Wearing his clothes
d. Calling himself nobody

II. Identification. (2 points each)
__________1. He was called the blind poet of Greece.
__________2. The epic that shows people the passions and the cruelty found in war.
__________3. The epic that indicates great adventures.
__________4. The fruit that was threw in the middle of the marriage ceremony.
__________5. The one who bribe Paris the power just to get the golden fruit.
__________6. The name of Odysseus Kingdom.
__________7. He devised a great war which would sweep like a conflagration over Greece.
__________8. Recognized as an exceptional people.
__________9. This is where the Greeks believed their Gods lived.
_________10. The beautiful, gentle, unfortunate wife of Hector.

III. Matching Type.
A. B.
1. Sea-nymph a. Priam
2. King of Mycenae, leader of the Greeks b. Briseis
3. Leader of the Myrmidons c. Patroclus
4. King of Ithaca, Greek commander d. Paris
5. King of Sparta e. Nestor
6. Achilles closest companion f. Thetis
7. Advisor of Agamemnon g. Agamemnon
8. Aged King of Troy h. Odysseus
9. Achilles prize of the Trojan war i. Menelaus
10. Helens lover-abductor j. Achilles

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