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How To Contact Press

(And Increase Chances To Get Press Coverage)

1. Understanding Observations of the reciient
1.1 Understanding the editor
1.2 What happens when an editor receives a mail
1.3 The Press Kit
!. "riting How to contact
2.1 The Preperation - Essential things to consider before writing mail
2.2 The orm - Essential things to consider when writing a mail
2.3 The !ontent " Essential things to consider when writing a mail
2.# P$tting it together - E%ample mail
#. $ending "ho% to contact
3.1 &aming 'ites
3.2 (o$T$bers
3.3 )etro 'ites
3.# *on &aming 'ites
3.+ &ame ,ev 'ites
3.- !ompos . estivals
3./ Press )elease 'ites
3.0 Print 1aga2ines
3.3 T4
&. 'ef(ecting ) Post $ending Phase
#.1 What to do after 5o$ have sent 5o$r mail
#.2 What to do when 5o$r game gets feat$red
#.3 Possible reasons wh5 5o$r game wasn6t feat$red
#.# Writing a follow $p mail
*. 'eco%%ended +,rther 'eading
76ve started Pi%elProspector in 2883 and since then 76ve received 9$ite a bit
of press releases.mails from developers and tho$ght that writing a little
g$ide on that topic might be of interest and $sef$l.
7f 5o$ sho$ld have an5 ideas and tips regarding this g$ide don6t hesitate to
contact me via mail :;
The (atest version can be down(oaded fro% Pi/e(Prosector
!$rrent version: 1.8 <#.83.2812;
$o%e of 0o, %ight a(so be interested in the ,co%ing
12ar3eting G,ide for Indie Ga%e .eve(oers1
The 1ar=eting &$ide will be a comprehensive boo= with >188 pages f$ll of practical advice.
The boo= is alread5 more than 2 5ears in development and once it is finished it will be available via
ama2on <printed boo= version; and directl5 from Pi%elProspector as a digital version.
$ecia( Than3s4
1an5 than=s to the fine people who gave some insightf$l advice to
improve this g$ide:
Konstantinos ,imopo$los$t.html

?mora @ettan5$$t.
7an A4erbalProcessingA 'trandberg
,omini9$e erland
@rent ?nderson <he created the fine Pi%elProspector ill$stration aboveB;
1an5 than=s goes also to all those fine people who have written some
nice press related articles <these articles can be fo$nd in the
A)ecommended $rther )eadingA section of this g$ide;.
)ob earonD Kieron &illenD 7ndie&ames @log staffD @en K$cheraD @rian
...and of co$rse also than=s to the developers who sent press releases to
Pi%elProspector in the last few 5ears :;
Chapter 1
1.1 U5.-'$TA5.I5G TH- -.ITO'
@5 p$tting 5o$rself in the shoes of an editor 5o$ can $nderstand him <or
her; better and 5o$ can tailor 5o$r mail accordingl5.
1.) -ditors do not 3now abo,t 0o,r ga%e and what it is abo,t
7f 5o$ release 5o$r gameD editors won6t a$tomaticll5 =now abo$t it and
even when 5o$r game appears on gaming site % never e%pect that editors
of other gaming sites have noticed the game.
!.) -ditors get (ots of %ai(
7f an editor sees his f$ll inbo% overflowing with do2ens of mails he has to
decide which to readD which to mar= as spam and which to delete witho$t
reading <eg irrelevant mails abo$t iE' games sent to a P! onl5 site...;
#.) -ditors are %ore (i3e(0 to oen %ai( with an interesting s,b6ect (ine
,$e to the massive amo$nt of mail the challenge is to act$all5 aro$se the
editors6 interest. 'o if 5o$ want to increase the chances that the5 notice
5o$r mail 5o$ have to grab their attention with an interesting s$bFect line.
&.) -ditors areciate short and concise %ai(s
7t ma=es their life easier when the5 read crisp sentences that come
straight to the point instead of wading thro$gh big walls of te%t...
*.) -ditors are (oo3ing for newsworth0 ga%es
,$e to the fact that the5 are constantl5 loo=ing for new interesting games
to write abo$t the5 $s$all5 appreciate it when the5 get informed abo$t an
interesting.great.odd game that is newsworth5.
1an5 editors are rather speciali2ed in what the5 li=e.cover and th$s have
preferences for specific genres: 'ome prefer first person shootersD some
prefer strateg5 gamesD some prefer advent$re gamesD some prefer
Goo= for those editors who seem to li=e games that are somewhat similar
to 5o$rs.
1.! "HAT HAPP-5$ "H-5 A5 -.ITO' '-C-I7-$ A 2AI89
Whether or not an editor opens
a mail depends mainl5
on two factors:
the sender and the s$bFect line.
Editor receives mail:
1. goes to inbo%
2. sees s$bFect line H sender
3. opens the mail
#. scans thro$gh it
+. chec=s
-. chec=s demo.f$ll version
/. considers to write abo$t it
This little flowchart ill$strates
the process.
1.# TH- P'-$$ :IT
? press =it is nothing more than a collection of imager5D videos and some
additional info abo$t the game and the developers.
Iaving a press =it is not vital or essential to get press coverage...
b$t it is $sef$l to have one beca$se it ma=es 5o$r life <and the editors6 life;
m$ch easier.
7f 5o$ are loo=ing for Aa simpleD fast H free wa5 to ma=e bea$tif$l press
pages for games.A which store 5o$r videosD screenshotsD contact infoD
compan5 histor5 etc. in an eas5 and convenient wa5 for editors then
simpl5 chec= o$t the awesome and free press=it framewor= Apress=it<;A
Iighl5 recommendedB
7f 5o$ want to see some press =it e%amples chec= o$t this page:
Chapter 2
"riting How to contact
!.1 TH- P'-P-'ATIO5 ) -$$-5TIA8 THI5G$ TO CO5$I.-'
;-+O'- "'ITI5G A 2AI8
1.) $end on(0 to re(evant sites
Pic= those sites that are potentiall5 interested in 5o$r game from the
video game sites list <mentioned in chapter 3;
@e s$re that the sites cover the platform <P! . !onsole . 1obile; and the
genre of 5o$r game.
@5 sending onl5 important news and onl5 to relevant sites it shows that
5o$ respect their time. <'ending an iPhone games to a P! onl5 site or a
highl5 comple% strateg5 game to a cas$al game site is not a good idea;
!.) Create a ress sreadsheet
!onsider to create a spreadsheet with contact info to =eep trac= of all
relavant sites.
Iere is an e%ample:
Name of site Name of editor Email Twitter Contact dates Link to review
Jim, lec,
John, dam
#"$%"&$#& '
first gamepla(
Currentl( not
'idenote: Promoter <; is a ver5 hand5 tool for
=eeping trac= of press contactsD review codes and site mentions.
#.) Infor% a(( sites on the sa%e da0
Etherwise 5o$r news might be old to those that 5o$ haven6t informed
timel5... and th$s chances decrease that the5 will report abo$t 5o$.
&.) $e(( Chec3
)e-read 5o$r mail before sending it to red$ce.avoid t5pos and grammar
*.) $a% Chec3
'end mail to 5o$rself before 5o$ send it o$t to the press to see whether
or not it lands in the spam folder. ?lso consider to as= a few friends if the5
can help 5o$ o$t b5 telling 5o$ whether or not 5o$r mail landed in their
spam folder.
<.) +re=,enc0
!ontact them when 5o$ have something newsworth5... for e%ample:
a; earl5 gamepla5 video
b; little trailer with demo
c; la$nch trailer with $pdated demo and f$ll version.
d; available on steam
!.! TH- +O'2 ) -$$-5TIA8 THI5G$ TO CO5$I.-' "H-5
"'ITI5G A 2AI8
1.) :ee it short and to the oint
E%plain 9$ic=l5 what ma=es 5o$r game interesting. 1inimi2e the time
editors need to read 5o$r mail b5 =eeping it shortD concise and
informative. &et to the point in as few sentences as possible.
!.) +or%at it roer(0
Write crisp sentences and brea= them $p in logical bloc=s for eas5
digestion. ?lso consider to $se b$llet points to increase scanabilit5. <b$t
not too man5 points... aro$nd + ma%;
#.) Provide screenshots> video and a (a0ab(e version
Editors want to see how 5o$r game loo=s and how it pla5s. 'o the most
important part is to provide lin=s to videosD screenshots and to a pla5able
version of the game.
@5 providing editors a pla5able version the5 can chec= for themselves if
the game delivers what the trailer promises. ?lso send free codes or
provide direct download lin=s to the editors right awa5.
!.# TH- CO5T-5T ) -$$-5TIA8 THI5G$ TO CO5$I.-'
"H-5 "'ITI5G A 2AI8
1.) Have a rea((0 good?interesting?odd ga%e
Everthing else is b$ilt $pon this core element...
!.) Attention grabbing s,b6ect (ine
Iave a c$rio$sit5 aro$sing s$bFect line to stando$t and catch the editors
attention in an overflowing inbo%.
7f the editor gets c$rio$s and thin=s: AImm... now that so$nds interesting.
Get6s open the mail to see what the game is abo$t...A 5o$ are on the right
(o$ can do that b5 giving the editor an idea of what the game is abo$t...
'impl5 mention the name of the game pl$s a short sentence that s$ms $p
the game... or a short sentence abo$t an interesting aspect of the game.
The following s$bFect lines are not recommended... beca$se the5 don6t
ma=e it eas5 for the editor to determine what the game is abo$t:
Aor 7mmediate )elease: *ew 7ndie &ameA
A15 new indie gameA
APress )elease for immediate releaseBA
AJEnl5 game title that doesn6t tell an5thing abo$t the gameK
A&ame '$bmission for )eviewA
A15 first gameA
A15 new game in the ?ppstore nowA
A't$dio L(M anno$ncing J&ame *ameK for P!A
APlease write review abo$t m5 gameA
#.) $a0 Hi
'a5ing Ii followed b5 the name of the recipient is nice and sho$ld alwa5s
be incl$ded.
&.) Ga%e .escrition
a) Name of game and genre/type
&ives the editor a ro$gh idea of the game mechanics.
b) Most fun/coolest/interesting/unique thing about the game.
What ma=es it interesting and what are the =e5 feat$res of itN
,oes it have interesting gamepla5 mechanicsD m$ltipla5erD a $ni9$e
graphical st5le etcN
c) Who are you playing in the game and what is your mission.
This provides the editor some conte%t.
?lso consider to give an e%ample of an $s$al gamescene in the game.
*.) 'e(ease .ate> Price> P(atfor%
1ention release date <or c$rrent development stage;D price and the
platforms the game will be available for.
?lso distrib$tion methods <direct and.or via distrib$tion platform li=e
<.) 2edia Assets
Provide direct lin=s to 5o$r websiteD videosD screenshotsD demo etc.
This ma=es it easier for the editor.
a) creenshots
!reate nice screenshots that show interesting aspects of the game.
)ead this piece abo$t the importance of having Aprett5 pict$resA.$=.gibber.2812.8/.prett5-pict$res.
7n order to grab some good screenshots 5o$ can either $se a screenshot
capt$re tool to grab single frames or a screenrecorder. @5 recording a
video 5o$ will have tho$sands of frames to choose from later...
<(o$ can e%tract the frames either b5 $sing a video editor or $se the
snapshot feat$re of A4G!A to grab the stills;.
These two lists might be helpf$l to 5o$:
The @ig Gist of 'creenrecording 'oftware
The @ig Gist of 4ideo Editors
b) !ideo
)ecord a video that shows interesting gamepla5 bits so editors can see the
game in action. Kert &artner wrote a ver5 comprehensive piece abo$t this
topic called Ama=ing entertaining and engaging video game trailersA.
c) "emo
'creenshots and videos onl5 allow the editor to sa5 Athe game might be
greatA whereas a demo allows him to sa5 Athe game is greatA.
'ince editors want to feat$re 9$alit5 st$ffD a demo helps them to find o$t
whether or not a game holds $p to the trailer.gamepla5 video.
@.) $ending +,(( 7ersion9
!onsider to simpl5 send the f$ll version to them right awa5 and don6t let
them as= for it. @5 letting the editor as= for the f$ll version it p$ts them in
some=ind of a begger sit$ation. The5 might F$st thin= A*evermind...
7 thin= 7 will pass and F$st chec= o$t the ne%t game that has been sent to
me. There are man5 other games to review...A
E%ception: 7f 5o$ sho$ld onl5 have a ver5 limited amo$nt of codes to
giveawa5 <L@G?.L@G7&; then mention that beca$se of the scarcit5 of the
codes 5o$ can onl5 send o$t codes to those who are interested.
A.) $ocia( Proof
7f available incl$de lin=s to reviews and meaningf$l 9$otes from for social proof.
When Fo$rnalists see that 5o$ have a game that was recommended b5
tr$sted so$rce %52D the chances that the5 ta=e a loo= at 5o$r game are
significantl5 increased.
7n case the editor that 5o$ are contacting has alread5 covered 5o$r game
when it was still in development tell him that m$ch has happened since
the initial coverage and that the game is now finall5 released <refer to that
older article;.
?lso sho$ld 5o$ release a new game and the editor has alread5 reviewed
a previo$s game from 5o$D do provide a lin= to that review. !hances are
that he.she might find 5o$r new game interesting as well.
B.) Past -/erience
7f possible mention previo$s games.proFects that 5o$ were involved in.
7deall5 the editor goes A?hD nice... it6s a new game from developer %.
Goved his previo$s game so 7 need to chec= his new game o$t asapA
1oreover if 5o$ sho$ld have wor=ed on ??? games in the past or
collaborated for indie game % or another interesting proFect in the past
mention it also.
1C.) Interviews9
Effer to be open for 9$estions and also let him.her =now if 5o$ are
available for an interview <or someone else from 5o$r team;.
11.) 7a(ediction
!onsider to end 5o$r mail with a proper valedicition s$ch as
Asincerel5......A Aregards.....A Abest....A Acheers...A
!.& PUTTI5G IT TOG-TH-' ) -DA2P8- 2AI8
Here is an e/a%(e %ai( that i%(e%ents the above %entioned oints.
[1. Interesting Game]
!onte%t: We are informing Oohn from P! &aming 'ite L abo$t the fictive
arcade platformer A'$per P$mp 1aster6s P$estA
[2. Subject Line]
'$bFect line: '$per P$mp 1aster6s P$est " chaotic vac$$m cleaner
platform action
[3. Say Hi]
Ii OohnD
[4. Game Description]
15 name is 'imon and 7 have F$st released m5 second P! game called
A'$per P$mp 1aster6s P$estA. 7t is a chaotic and fast paced single screen
platformer where 5o$ are e9$ipped with a vac$$m cleaner. 7t offers
classic arcade gamepla5 that mi%es elements from ,ig ,$gD T$mblePop
and @$bble @obble.
(o$ pla5 a h$ngr5 fellow whose mission is to clean all the levels from the
enemies with the help of a powerf$l vac$$m cleaner. 'ome enemies are
too big for the vac$$m cleaner tho$gh and th$s need to be p$shed into a
big machine at the bottom of the screen. This machine converts them
into power$psD weapons and $sef$l items.
&amepla5 is li=e this:
F$mp aro$ndD collect power$psD convert enemies into power$psD weapons
and items. ight big bosses at the end of each world.
-vario$s graphic modes <I,D pi%elatedD neon...;
-1-# pla5ers <co-op or competitive;
-power$p 5o$r vac$$m cleaner
-collect vario$s items <pogo stic=D grappling hoo=...;
-enter rage mode when eating too less
-get s$per powers from special food
[5. e!ease Date" #rice" #!at$orm]
)elease ,ate: 38.8/.2812
Price: 18Q
Platform: P! . 1ac
?vailable direct from Iomepage and via 'team
[%. &e'ia (ssets]
Gin= to 'creenshots
Gin= to 4ideo
Gin= to ,emo
[). *u!! +ersion]
Gin= to $ll 4ersion <or )eview !ode;
[,. Socia! #roo$ I]
A&reat trib$te to the arcade era with a h$ngr5 main characterA. <&aming
1aga2ine L(M;
-Gin= to )eview
[-. #ast ./perience. Socia! #roo$ II an' mention o$ pre0ious 1or2]
7 was also involved in the development of the sidescrolling arcade brawler
A1rs. '9$ee25pips stri=es bac=A which was recommended b5 &aming
1aga2ine L(M. The5 9$ite li=ed it: A)$st5 1rs. '9$ee25pips beats down
hordes of baddies with her rolling pin of F$stice in this hilario$s arcade
-Gin= to )eview
[13. Inter0ie1]
7n case 5o$ have an5 9$estions don6t hesitate to as=.
76m also open for an interview.
[11. +a!e'iction]
Chapter #
Iere is a list of handpic=ed relevant sites for 5o$r consideration.
1 and ! E essentia(.
# to @ E otiona(.
A and B E not that i%ortant...
1.) Ga%ing $ites
The @ig Gist of 4ideo &ame 'ites <??? and 7ndie;
The @ig Gist of 7ndie &ame 'ites
The @ig Gist of *on-English 7ndie &ame 'ites
The @ig Gist of iPhone &ame 'ites
The @ig Gist of lash &ame 'ites
The @ig Gist of Gin$% &ame 'ites$%-game-sites.
!.) Fo,T,bers
? Gist of (o$T$bers that ma=e videos abo$t <indie; games$t$be-channels.
#.) 'etro $ites
7n case 5o$ have created a retro st5led game consider to contact a few
retro sites as well. <this niche is h$ge... especiall5 in spainD franceD german
n5D $=... ;
7n order to find more retro sites simpl5 go to the lin=s section of an5 retro
site to discover lin=s to more recommended retro sites...
&.) 5on Ga%ing $ites
7f it ma=es sense consider also to reach o$t to some non gaming sites
<that cover games sometimes;. or e%ample tech sites li=e The 4ergeD
arstechnicaD Wired...
*.) Ga%e .ev $ites
7f 5o$ have written interesting pieces abo$t game development
<postmortemsD sales fig$resD mar=eting e%periences etc.; on 5o$r blog
consider to inform some sites that also p$blish articles abo$t game
development related st$ff
<.) Co%os ? +estiva(s4
!onsider to s$bmit 5o$r game to compos.festivals as well.
@.) Press 'e(ease $ites4
?lso consider to $se
7f editors loo= for something to write abo$t the5 might st$mble abo$t
5o$r press release there.
A.) Print 2agaGines
!onsider to contact some gaming print maga2ines <and other maga2ines if
it sho$ld ma=e sense;
B.) T7
7f there sho$ld be a games show on T4 and 5o$ thin= 5o$r game wo$ld be
a good match consider to contact them also.
1C.) +inding 2ore $ites ;0 Using Twitter
7f 5o$ want 5o$ can $se Twitter to find more sites...
&o to the twitter profile of a siteD then clic= on AGistsA on the sidebarD then
clic= on A1ember ofA and 5o$ will see lists in which this partic$lar site
appears in. !lic= on a list to see sites of which the listma=er thin=s are
Chapter $
Post $ending Phase
&.1 "HAT TO .O A+T-' FOU HA7- $-5T FOU' 2AI8
1.) $ta0 ,dated
'$bscribe to sites via )'' to sta5 $pdated <for e%ample with google
reader;. That wa5 5o$ can 9$ic=l5 see when 5o$r game got feat$red on a
?dditionall5 5o$ can trac= press mentions with google alerts
or the promoter app
&.! "HAT TO .O "H-5 FOU' GA2- G-T$ +-ATU'-.9
1.) Than3s
7n case 5o$ were happ5 to be feat$red on site % 5o$ can simpl5 fire off a
honest little than= 5o$ mail.
7t is nice and shows good manners... and that 5o$ appreciate the fact that
the editor too= the time to write abo$t 5o$r game.
!.) +o((ow , on reviews in co%%ent section
7n case people sho$ld have 9$estions 5o$ can Foin the comments section
and answer them.
Iowever if trolls sho$ld attac= don6t ta=e it personall5. 7f the criticism is
constr$ctive 5o$ can consider $sing that info to improve 5o$r game. 7f it is
F$st pointless trolling simpl5 ignore it.
#.) Udate 0o,r sreadsheet
!onsider to add the press mentions into 5o$r spreadsheet <mentioned in
section 2;
&.) Infor% abo,t newsworth0 ,dates
'ince the5 alread5 reported abo$t 5o$r game chances are prett5 good
that the5 report abo$t 5o$r game again <in case it is newsworth5;...
or e%ample the5 reported abo$t 5o$r game when there was onl5 an earl5
gamepla5 video... b$t since then m$ch has happened beca$se now there
is a pla5able demo and an $pdated video. <also lin= to the older article;
*ote that d$e to the massive amo$nts of games the editors $s$all5 don6t
notice it when 5o$ release an $pdateDnew trailerDdemoD etc. Therefore
help them o$t b5 informing them abo$t the $pdate.
&.# PO$$I;8- '-A$O5$ "HF FOU' GA2- "A$5HT
7n case 5o$r game wasn6t feat$red on a site that 5o$ have contacted it is
important to $nderstand wh5... 'o here are / possible reasons:
1. (pproac4 5 flawed s$bFect line and th$s editor hasn6t opened the mail.
!. Content - badl5 formatted wall of te%t with no mention of genre . game
mechanics <onl5 big te%t abo$t stor5 and developer bac=gro$nd info etc.;
3. (ssets 6 either there aren6t an5 screenshots.trailer or the5 don6t ma=e
a good impression
4. Game 6 game itself doesn6t loo= interesting to the editor
a; ... game appears $npolished
b; ... editor doesn6t li=e the genre itself
c; ... editor doesn6t li=e the game for whatever reason
5. Spam" 7ec4nica! an' ot4er Issues 5 game is polished and mail itself is
good b$t editor...
a; ... didn6t read it beca$se it landed in the spam folder
b; ... overloo=ed it
c; ... forgot abo$t it
d; ... tried to test the game b$t it didn6t wor=
%. 8rong Site 5 contacted the wrong site.person
). De!aye' 5 game will be feat$red later and is alread5 on the list.radar of
the editor. Iowever there are man5 more games that the editor wants to
feat$re beforehand.
&.& "'ITI5G A +O88O" UP 2AI89
When 5o$ don6t see 5o$r game feat$red a few wee=s after 5o$ have sent
5o$r first mail 5o$ can consider writing a follow $p mail.
Iowever consider to as= 5o$rself before which of the aforementioned
points co$ld possibl5 be the reason wh5 5o$r game wasn6t feat$red on
the site 5o$ have contacted.
When hearing nothing after 1-2 follow $p mails chances are prett5 high
that the editor is F$st not interested in the game and an5 f$rther follow $p
mails co$ld come across as spamm5.
*ote: 1an5 editors get do2ens if not h$ndreds of mails a da5 so the5
won6t respond to ever5one beca$se that wo$ld ca$se a m$ltit$de of
follow $p mails. or man5 of them it is simpl5 not possible to have a
conversation with ever5 developer.
'-CO22-5.-. +U'TH-'
Iow ,o 7 &et (o$ &$5s To Pa5 ?ttention To 15 Press )eleaseN esCanCeC1.html
Iow to &et 1edia !overage for (o$r &ame
http:..www.gamas$ oC&etC1ediaC!overageCforC
7ndie &ame P) on a 'hoestring$=.gibber.2812.80.helping-5o$rself-help-5o$rself.
@efore (o$ 'end That Email <The &raph of 'ighs;$=.gibber.2812.8/.the-graph-of-sighs.
,eveloper6s ,on6t Keep ?ssets To (o$rself <'end prett5 pict$res;$=.gibber.2812.8/.prett5-pict$res.
Iow To Use ?nd ?b$se The &aming Press ?nd Iow The &aming Press Wants To Use and ?b$se
(o$. <Kieron &illen;$se-and-ab$se-the-games-press-
)elated tal= to above mentioned piece b5 Kieron &illen <21 min video;
Iow indies can master the art of mar=eting b5 brian baglow <+- min video;
Iow to mar=et 5o$r indie games: @en K$chera6s lect$re at )$n O$mp ,ev <+8 min video;$r-indie-games-ben-=$cheras-lect$re-
Iow To ?nno5 ? &ames Oo$rnalist With ? Press )elease
http:..gamas$$traCIowCtoC anno5CaCgamesCFo$rnalistC
7ndie developers: Iow to get 5o$r game in the press$r-
Iow to e%plain 5o$r game to an asshole$r-game-to-an-asshole.
Eight things all indie developers sho$ld do when the5 tal= to the press$ld-do-when-the5-tal=-to-the-
Press tips for iE' game and app devs
)ore )arketing Related Stuff""""

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