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to WhyJamie's reoion
cigarette saucets beats
macntnes toosalty recession
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BvTomWall The LocalGovemmentAssociatio:.

urgedministersto follow the exampi.-
The government is over of Scotland and bar under-r8s fron-.
banning unstaffed coin-operated rrsins srrnheds

sunbedsand barring under-r8s from MargaretEaton,LGA chair, adde;,

'There is
,iA using sunbeds,health campaigners clear evidencethat using :
have warned. s u n b e di n c r e a s e sa y o u n g p e r s o n :
The Department of Health has risk of getting skin cancer.We need:
been considering reguiating the make suresomeoneis on hand to st. :
industry for more than a year children hurting themselves.'
but appears no closer to The Welsh Assembly governme:.:
r n I r u u u c l n Bd. ll .d w . promised this week to prohibit th.
S a r a H i o m , C a n c e r use of sunbedsby under-r8s and ba:.
Research UK's director unstaffed salons,following a report b'.
of health information, the assembly'shealth committee.
accusedthe government Edwina Hart, assemblyhealr:.
^f ..,^^:11^+:-^' ^-l
ur vdLrrrdtrrrE dllu minister, told l'111\:A1l legislatir'.
said there was already meansarecurently being considerei.
e n o u g h e v i d e n c e t o namely primary legislation with th.
'It is
change the law. UK government made through th.
not good enough for Westminster parliament, secondar.
t h e g o v e r n m e n t t o legislation made by the Welsi.
continue vacillating ministers under the umbrella o:
by saying "something e x i s t i n g p r i m a r y l e g i s l a t i o n . a r : :
must be done". legislativecompetencefor the \,\'eis:-.
need action Assembly Government.'
and we need it now,' The committee report, which u:.
she said. publishedlastweek,alsorecommen*-
Ienny Morris, that sunbed salons must rece:'.'-
written informed consent fro:-.
policy officer, said customers and provide protecti,.:
i^: the government was eyewear.
' d r a s s i n gi t s h e e l s '
The Department of Health to.:
and leaving children |1/.\' it acceptedchildren were n.:
a t r i s k o f b u r n i n g sufficiently protectedbut admitted ::
themselvesin unstaffed did not have any plans to introdu::
salons. really believe if legislation.A spokeswomansaid:'\\'.
we do not take action now are not far that far along yeL.We :::
it's going to be several years consideringat the moment what r,,.
beforewe getanotheropportunity,' might do and how it might work.'
shesaid. { Seepage2

HealthandSafety0fficer Southern
Central - ideallyMidlands
region based
s fourthlargest
supermarkets MorrisonsExcellent +
salary benefits
health a forum will allow businessesto share

services theproblem
overcome ofshrinking
Kiddreports experiencesof regulatory services.
Discussionsare progressingwith
Businesslink and DirectGov about
integrating with other projectsseeking
to provide regulation online.
Artemis will give businessesa
strongervoice by enabling regulated
businessesto engagewith one another
and with regional regulatorsand
businessadvisors,'saysMr Eastwood.
standardisationwill reduceinequalities
nvironmental health, trading pubiic with the latest socialmedia tools and variation, simplifying processes
standards,licensing and fire for peer-to-peersupport, eJearning,best for businesses with multiple outlets.
safetysewicesacrossYorkshire practice and new approaches. In time, online self assessments will
and the Humber arecombining It will provide online accessto empowerresponsible businesses
to createa regionalregulatory services standarddocumentation,support for to assesscompliancewithout
brand.One of its architectssaysthe mobile workers and a blog and forum intewention.'
project'may hold the key to the for public servants.A'twitterlike' Artemis is alsointended to involve
future survival of local authority online staff training serviceis also the public,ultimately through the
environmental health servicesin the planned. establishmentof a singlepoint of
light of staggeringreductionsin finance.' Its creatorssay the online hub will contact in Yorkshire and Humber,
Ken Eastwood,assistantdirector of support individual and group decision although this requires further
regulatory servicesat BarnsleyMBC, making. discussionwithin the region.
saysregulatory servicessuffer from an 'We
needto encouragesharing The Local Better RegulationOffice,
identitrr nricic and joint working and overcome LheWorld ClassRegulatoryServices
often a lack of awareness professionaljealousiesand rivalries Paneland the RegionalImprovement
over where to go for help and advice,'he where they exist,'Mr Eastwoodsays. and Efficiency Partnership,will share
says.'We need to find a way of raising 'Citizens
and businessesdon't care about lessonsfrom YoHr Regsto other regions.
our profile, improving our effectiveness our individual identities and how we've If successful,Artemis could be adopted
and efficiency and better deiivering our chosento structureour servicesacross as a national project.YoHr Regswill also
servicesto businessesand the wider the region. The soonerwe wake up to suppoft the development of mobile and
public.' that the better.' flexible working, building on the project
YoHr Regs,funded by Yorkshire and led by BarnsleyMBC and SheffieldCity
the Humber's RegionalImprovement rtemis will also include a Council.
and EfficiencyPartnership,YoHr Space, virtual resourcecentre for Mr Eastwoodsays:'Swingeing cuts
focuseson regionalpartnershipand businesses, with a repository of in public expenditurewill mandate
collaboration,new ways of working adviceand signpoststo sources radical and creativethinking, including
and businessadviceand of secondaryadvice.Wizards and around opLionsto deliverservices
aims to establisha strongeridentity and toolkits will give a tailored serviceand acrossorganisationaland geographical
potentially a single,regional brand. boundaries.
Mr Eastwood,the YoHr Regs 'Changes
of this nature will
programme lead,said:'We know o
inevitably require remote accessto
we'reenteilng a periodof significant different back offices, effective data
financialchallenge.We hope that by sharing and the ability to work across
working togetherwe can shapethe theseboundariesin a time-efficient
future together rather than have change way. Mobile and flexible working and
' ' 'nr n"q" e
' *d l r n n n r r q associatedtechnology implementations
convinced that our future lies in will be fundamental enablers.'
collaboration and voluntary unification Councillor RogerStone,chair of YoHr
of our services.There'sso much more Spaceand leaderofRotherham MBC,
we can do if we brigade our resources. said:'We have the active engagement
This doesnt necessarilyhave to mean and backing of leadersand chief
structural or boundary changes,or the executivesacrossthe region.
end of our professionalidentities. 'It's
now up to individual regulatory
stateof the public purseis servicesto step up to the plate, take
inevitably going to lead to significant advantage of the support and contribute
changeand now's the time to display to the development of world-class
strono leedershin' regulatory services.'G
YoHrRegs'online hub,Artemis,will t
andthe {

2OO9 EhN 9

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