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Content Standards Performance Standard

Art and Its Functions

Students demonstrate understanding of the
general functions that art serve.

Students will know . . .
1. That art has three functions: personal,
socio-political and practical functions
2. The factors affecting art-making

Students will be able to . . .
1. Differentiate between the personal and
practical functions that art can serve
2. Examine some examples of artworks that
reflect socio-political importance
3. Make a mural painting that depicts the flora
and fauna found in the community

Content Standards Performance Standard

Art and Religious Life

Students demonstrate understanding of the
influences of religion on art

Students will know . . .
1. That religious beliefs are manifested in art
2. That artists serve the church through their

Students will be able to . . .
4. Identify the art objects that possess
religious content
5. Explain how religious beliefs influence the
design and elements of art
6. Describe religious activities and landmarks
that include artworks.
7. Analyze the relation between religious life,
art production and community life
8. Make a Bul-ul Clay Sculpture

Content Standards Performance Standard

Art Patronage and Production

Students demonstrate understanding of art
patronage and production in the Philippines

Students will know . . .
1. That portraiture have been patronized by
Filipinos since the Spanish period
2. That Philippine furniture, textile and other
folk arts are exported through the
Department of Trade and Industry

Students will be able to . . .
1. Describe Philippine folk arts
2. Explain how the government supports art
and trade
3. Make a Taka sculpture

Content Standards Performance Standard

Art as a Mirror of Society

Students demonstrate understanding of art as a
reaction to social conditions.

Students will know . . .
1. That art can express the struggles,
aspirations and victories of its people.
2. That art can also be used to influence

Students will be able to . . .
1. Describe the elements used in making
artworks that serve as mirror of society.
2. Give some examples of artworks that
express the social conditions of Filipinos.
3. Make Advocacy Posters that can influence
peoples awareness of the environmental

Content Standards Performance Standard

Art and Development

Students demonstrate understanding of how
development and technological

Students will know . . .
1. That indigenous people have preserved their
art from colonizers
2. Technological advancements have affected
art production

Students will be able to . . .
1. Explain how indigenous art have remained
the same
2. Analyze the effect of technological
advancements on art
3. Decide whether art done with the aid of
technology is art or not
4. Make a montage that shows technological

UNIT 2 The Components of Visual

Content Standards Performance Standard

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