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1. I like . In the pool.

a. Badminton
b. Climbing
c. Football
d. Swimming
2. What do you wear to school
a. !ni"orm
b. !ndershirt
c. #rousers
d. #$shirt
%. &a'id goes to sleep. (e wears
a. )y*
b. +ac
c. Blanket
d. Shirt
,. Carrots- cabbage and beans are
kinds o".
a. Food
b. Fruits
c. Flowers
d. .egetable
/. #he "ruits that contains 'itamin C is

a. 0'ocado
b. 1rapes
c. &urians
d. 2range
3. 2range What is hog plum in
a. 4angga
b. Semangka
c. Sawo
d. 5endondong
6. 5e'in 7 do you play .
0ditya 7 yes - I
a. #akraw
b. Football
c. #ennis
d. badminton
8. 0 7 What is your plan "or the ne9t
B 7 I will go
a. (unting
b. Camping
c. Swimming
d. (iking
:. We keep our clothes in the
a. So"a
b. Bed
c. Wardrobe
d. Chair
1;. #eacher 7 1ood students<
a. 4orning
b. 0"ternoon
c. ='ening
d. >ight
11. &oes "ather like music ?es-
a. she does
b. he do
c. he does
d. she do
12. #he color o" nurse uni"orm is
a. White
b. Black
c. Blue
d. @ed
1%. #he color o" the sea is
a. White
b. Black
c. Blue
d. @ed
1,. Charmeila is two songs.
a. Crying
b. Singing
c. Walking
d. Cooking
1/. 4other cooks in the
a. Ai'ing room
b. Bedroom
c. 5itchen
d. Bathroom
13. I sleep in the
a. Ai'ing room
b. Bedroom
c. 5itchen
d. Bathroom
16. #here are many buses at the
a. @ailway station
b. Supermarket
c. Bus station
d. Bank
18. &imas 7 Where do you go to send
0nnisa 7 I go to
a. Cinema
b. Church
c. 4osBue
d. )ost o""ice
1:. I ha'e a toothache. ICll see a
a. )ilot
b. Carpenter
c. &entist
d. Surgeon
2;. 0na"i "alled "rom the bicycle. She
was helping by #andu.
0na"i says
a. 1ood bye
b. I am sorry
c. #hank you
d. >ice to meet you
21. #he day a"ter Friday is
a. Saturday
b. Sunday
c. 4onday
d. #uesday
22. .ito 7 What do you 'isit
)ita 7 I 'isit
a. @agunan Doo
b. 5uta Beach
c. Borobudur #emple
d. ?ogya )alace
2%. .ito 7 Where do you go
)ita 7 I go to 5uta.
.ito 7 What do you see
)ita 7 I see a
a. Beach
b. #emple
c. Aake
d. Ca'e
2,. #he Sun sets in the
a. West
b. =ast
c. >orth
d. South
2/. 4r. Bagas is standing in the
a. +unction
b. Debra cross
c. Crossroad
d. #ra""ic Aight
23. #he sign means .
a. #urn le"t
b. #urn right
c. 1o straight
d. Stop here
26. 0ustralia is in the o" Indonesia.
a. Southeast
b. South
c. =ast
d. >orthwest
28. Indonesia has seasons.
a. #wo
b. Four
c. #hree
d. Fi'e
2:. EC4usim (u*anCC in =nglish is
a. &ry season
b. Summer
c. @ainy Season
d. Winter
%;. Sirat 7 &o you ha'e break"ast with
your "amily in the morning
Sil'ia 7 ?es-
a. I do
b. ?ou do
c. I am
d. ?ou are
%1. What does Ir'an do at si9 a.m
a. #ake a bath
b. Watching tele'ision
c. (a'ing break"ast
d. #ake a nap
%2. 0ulia at nine oCclock in the
a. Watches #.
b. (as dinner
c. 1oes to bed
d. Study
%%. ?ou not eating hamburger.
a. 0m
b. Is
c. 0re
d. Were
%,. . @ani reading magaFine ?es-
She is.
a. Is
b. 0m
c. 0re
d. Was
%/. GI am going to sa'e money.H
#ranslate into indonesian<
a. Saya akan *a*an dengan uang
b. Saya akan membeli barang
c. Saya akan men*ual barang
d. Saya akan menyimpan uang
%3. (orse I1J $ 4y I2J K is I%J K black I,J
K white I/J K and I3J
a. 2$,$%$/$1$3
b. 2$1$3$,$%$/
c. 2$1$%$,$3$/
d. 2$1$/$/$,$%
%6. Classroom I1J K we I2J K in I%J K
study I,J K the I/J
a. /$1$2$,$%
b. ,$1$2$%$/
c. 2$,$%$1$/
d. 2$,$%$/$1
%8. February I1J K month I2J K the I%J K
is I,J K second I/J K a year I3J K in
a. 1$ ,$%$2$/$/$6
b. 1$,$%$/$2$6$3
c. 1$2$,$%$3$6$/
d. 1$2$,$%$/$3$6

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