A View by A Historian About The Opening of The Suez Canal

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Source from pg. 96 of LexLbook: vlew A

Pow useful ls Lhe above source ln Lelllng us abouL Lhe lmpacL of Lhe openlng of Lhe Suez Canal on

!'34/+ 5-26+&

:+0 5&+' .2+;1/-+22 8*3*)')*,-<2=
1ype of lmpacL
(WhaL klnd of lmpacL
dld lL have?)
lnference: Source shows poslLlve
lmpacL on Slngapore
Lvldence: lncreased lmporLance of
Slngapore as a commerclal cenLre &

LxLenL of lmpacL
(Pow much lmpacL
dld lL have?)

lnference: uoes noL show Lhe exLenL
Lo whlch Slngapore's Lrade was
Lvldence: lmpacL was so large LhaL
old harbour aL 8oaL Cuay was no
longer enough, & a new harbour was
bullL aL keppel

1he source ls useful ln showlng us LhaL Lhe openlng of Lhe Suez Canal had a poslLlve lmpacL (lnference) on
Slngapore's Lrade. 1he poslLlve lmpacL can be seen ln Lhe openlng of Lhe canal leadlng Lo Lhe lncreased
lmporLance of Slngapore as a commerclal cenLre & porL-of-call" (evldence).

Powever, lL ls noL useful ln showlng us Lhe exLenL (lnference) Lo whlch Slngapore's Lrade was lmpacLed.
lrom conLexLual knowledge, l know LhaL Lhe lmpacL was so large LhaL Lhe old harbour aL 8oaL Cuay was no
longer enough Lo supporL Lhe volume of Lrade. As a resulL, a new Parbour was bullL aL keppel Lo replace
Lhe old harbour (evldence).

>,33,- ?*2)'@+2 7 8+'&-*-9 %,*-)2

no lnference: lor uLlllLy quesLlon, you need Lo evaluaLe wheLher a source ls useful or noL A'2+B ,-
0,1& *-;+&+-(+ ,; )C+ 2,1&(+. SLudenLs who made Lhls mlsLake slmply quoLed or paraphrased from Lhe
source. lor example, 1he source ls useful ln Lelllng us abouL Lhe lmpacL as lL Lells us LhaL Lhe openlng
of Lhe canal qulckened Lrade & lncrease Lhe lmporLance of Slngapore as a commerclal cenLre & porL-of-
ClLed Lhe how Lhe Suez Canal was opened as a llmlLaLlon: SLudenLs who made Lhls mlsLake sald LhaL a
llmlLaLlon of Lhe source ls LhaL lL does noL Lell us how Lhe Suez Canal was opened. 1hls ls noL accepLed
! #$%& '( ) *$+,-.$)/ )'-0, ,*% -1%/$/2 -3 ,*% 40%5 6)/)78

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as knowlng how Lhe canal was opened wlll noL help Lo Lell us more abouL Lhe lmpacL of Lhe openlng on
Slngapore's Lrade.
Clves llmlLaLlon wlLhouL evldence: When answerlng a uLlllLy quesLlon, evldence musL be glven for Lhe
llmlLaLlon ldenLlfled & Lhe evldence wlll come from your conLexLual knowledge. lor example, a sLudenL
mlghL wrlLe 1he source ls noL useful as lL does noL Lell us Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe openlng of Lhe canal
lmpacLed Slngapore." wlLh no fuLher elaboraLlon.
MlsundersLood Lhe quesLlon: SLudenLs who made Lhls mlsLake LhoughL LhaL Lhe quesLlon ls asklng
wheLher Lhe openlng of Lhe Suez Canal helped Lo lmprove Slngapore's Lrade. lor example, sLudenLs
wroLe 1he openlng of Lhe Suez Canal was helpful Lo Slngapore's Lrade as lL qulckened Lrade & ralsed
Slngapore's lmporLance as a commerclal cenLre." 1he focus should be on 6C+)C+& )C+ 2,1&(+ *2 12+;1/.

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