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Pinas, lalahok sa Asian Youth Para Games

Magpapadala ang Philippine Sports Association for the Differently AbledNational Paralympic Committee of the
Philippines (PhilSPADA-NPC Philippines) ng 2 !ataong pambansang delegasyon sa "na nitong paglaho! sa 2nd
Asian #o"th Para $ames sa darating na %!t"bre 2& hanggang '( sa )"ala *"mp"r+ Malaysia,
Nanalo sina Nadal at *ope- sa isSinabi ni PhilSPADA ./ec"ti0e Director Dennis .sta na asam ng asosasyon ang
ma!apag-"1i ng gintong medalya sa sasalihan nitong apat m"la sa paglalabanang !ab""ang (& na sports sa !ada
apat na taong torneo na lalah"!an ng &2 na bansa,
2%"r athletes are chosen doon sa mga s"mali sa Palarong Pambansa, Almost all of them are the gold medalist doon
sa natapos na D"mag"ete Palaro so "maasa !ami na ma!a!apag-"1i tayo ng medalya+3 sabi ni .sta,
4"b""in ng (' atleta+ apat na coach at ' opisyal ang delegasyon ng Pilipinas na lalaho! sa athletics+ s1imming+ table
tennis at sa 1heelchair bas!etball na bin"b"o ng 1alo !atao,
5naasahang aabot sa 2+6 atleta ang sasali sa torneo na lalaho! sa sports na archery+ athletics+ badminton+ boccia+
chess+ goal ball+ 7"do+ po1erlifting+ s1imming+ tenpin bo1ling+ table tennis+ 0olleyball-sitting+ 1heelchair bas!etball at
1heelchair tennis,
Ang Asian #o"th Para $ames ay isang m"lti-sport e0ent na isinasaga1a !ada apat na taon matapos ang Asian
$ames para sa mga batang atleta na may physical disabilities, 8"li itong idinaosng 29 sa :o!yo+ ;apan,
Mayroon lamang na limang reg"lar na sports na pinaglabanan at isang demonstration sports na pinaglabanan apat
na taon ang na!araraan na nilah"!an ng 29 na bansa, Ang mga ito ay ang athletics+ boccia+ goalball+ s1imming+
table tennis at ang 1heelchair tennis na siyang demonstration sports, (Angie %redo)
Parks, umatake para sa NU
Posted by %nline 4alita on Sep (<th+ 2(' == No Comment
)aa!ibat ng solidong pa!i!ipagt"l"ngan sa !anyang mga !a!ampi+ bin"hat ni >ay Par!s ang National ?ni0ersity sa
No, (+ isang pag!a!ataong tila imposible para sa 4"lldogs sa mga nagdaang de!ada,
2@or me+ it means a lot not 7"st on the indi0id"al standpoint b"t it spea!s of the 1hole team, :his 1onAt happen if it
1asnAt for them (teammates) stepping "p and playing 1ell+3 ani Par!s na napili bilang ACC.* 'BC5 ?AAP Press
Corps Player of the Dee! matapos igiya ang N? sa <-E6 na panalo laban sa nagtatanggol na !ampeong Ateneo
Miyer!"les noong na!araang linggo,
Sa halip na ham"nin si Chris Ne1some sa isang isolation play+ ipinasa ni Par!s sa !a!amping si Dennice Cillamor+
na libre m"la sa s"lo!+ na nail"sot ang isang three-pointer na nagbigay sa 4"lldogs ng EF-E' na abante sa nalalabing
22,2 seg"ndo,
Nagtapos si Par!s+ ang nanalong MCP sa dala1ang nagdaang season+ na may 2& p"ntos+ pitong rebo"nds+
dala1ang steal at isang assists sa pagtatala ng N? ng i!a-( panalo sa (& laro para sa pina!amagandang re!ord ng
4"lldogs sa elimination ro"nd sa @inal @o"r era,
Nangangailangan lamang ng isang panalo "pang mat"ntong sa @inals sa "nang pag!a!ataon m"la (9<+
ma!a!atapat ng N? ang Ateneo o ?ni0ersity of Santo :omas sa semifinals ngayong 1ee!end,
Ang ana! ng dating se0en-time P4A 4est 5mport na si 4obby Par!s ay mayroong a0erage na (F,' p"ntos+ F,&
rebo"nds+ ',F assists+ (,( steals at (,( sa eliminations,
25tAs great to 1in indi0id"al a1ards b"t the championship is 1hat 1e are g"nning for+3 ani Par!s na nas"ng!it ang
lingg"hang pag!i!ila sa "nang pag!a!ataon ngayong season,
Dinaig niya para sa pag!ilalang ibinibigay ng mga man"n"lat m"la sa national broadsheets+ tabloids+ at online
p"blications sina :errence >omeo ng @ar .astern ?ni0ersity+ ;eron :eng ng *a Salle at Charles Mammie ng
?ni0ersity of the .ast, ($ilbert .spena)
Davis Cup: Pilipinas, mananatili sa Group 2
8indi hinayaan ng Ne1 Gealand na m"ling ma!at"ntong ang Pilipinas sa $ro"p ( ng Da0is C"p matapos nitong
h"g"tin ang dramati!ong panalo sa naging maigting at ma!apigil-hiningang Asia-%cenia $ro"p 55 tie+ '-2+ na inabot
*"nes ng "maga sa Plantation 4ay sa *ap"-*ap" City+ Ceb",
8indi natapos sa ta!dang ara1 ang matinding labanan dahil sa pabigla-biglang pag-"lan !"ng saan !inailangan pa
na lar"in ang i!alima at pina!ah"ling singles sa dagdag na ara1 *"nes ng "maga "pang !"mplet"hin ang tila isang
re!ord sa !asaysayan ng Da0is C"p,
Nabigo naman si :reat 8"ey na mas"stinahan ang dala1ang set nitong abante !ontra !ay Michael Cen"s "pang
b"mita1 sa i!alima at deciding set+ <-6+ E-&+ E-'+ E-(+ E-'+ "pang ibigay sa )i1is ang panalo sa ilang beses na
nabalam ng "lan na best-of-fi0e serye,
5lang beses ding natigil ang laban dahil sa naganap na insidente na pagsisiga1an sa loob ng co"rt na
!inapapalooban ng mga opisayles ng dala1ang !oponan,
Ang h"ling ara1 ng sag"paan ay l"mampas ng mahigit na ( oras bago matapos dahilan sa nagsim"la ang "nang
re0erse singles sa pagitan ng Pilipinong top netter na si >"ben $on-ales at ;ose Statham *5nggo na nang hapon
habang ang salp"!an nina 8"ey at Cen"s sa i!ala1ang re0erse singles ay natapos naman na dala1ang oras noong
medaling ara1 ng *"nes,
?na m"nang naga1ang h"g"tin ni $on-ales ang deciding na i!alimang set matapos ang matibay nitong itinalang
limang set na panalo !ontra Statham+ <-E (2)+ &-E+ (-E+ <-6+ F-E,
Dahil sa !abig"an ay nanatili ang >P Da0is C"ppers sa $ro"p 55 ng pang"nahing international team e0ent sa menAs
Matatandaang agad nal"bog ang Pilipinas sa "nang ara1 ng torneo matapos ma!alasap ng mag!as"ndo na
!abig"an sa "nang dala1ang singles "pang maghabol sa serye+ -2,
Naga1a naman ni 8"ey+ naging H"arterfinalist sa na!araang ?S %pen+ na ma!ipagpares !ay @rancis )C Alcantara
na aga1in ang panalo sa do"bles e0ent Sabado ng gabi+ E-&+ E-' at E-& !ontra Artem Sita! at Marc"s Daniell+ "pnag
d"mi!it sa Ne1 Gealand+ (-2,
Sina $on-ales at ;ohnny Arcilla ang orihinal na maglalaro sa h"ling dala1ang re0erse singles bago na lamang
nagdesisyon sa h"ling min"to na palitan ni 8"ey si Arcillia sa pina!ah"ling laban, (Angie %redo)
PNP, FEU, maguunahang makakuha ng panalo
Mga laro ngayon (:he Arena+ San ;"an)I
2 p,m, J PNP 0s @.?
& p,m, J Air @orce 0s Meralco
Ni )ristel Sat"mbaga
5sang !oponan ang sa 1a!as ay ma!a!apaso! na sa 1innerAs col"mn+ habang ang isa ay magpapat"loy ang losing
strea! sa paghaharap ng Philippine National Police at @ar .astern ?ni0ersity ngayong ara1 sa Sha!eyAs C-*eag"e
Season ( %pen Conference sa :he Arena sa San ;"an,
Na!ata!da sa alas-2 ng hapon ang laban ng *ady PA:>%*ers !ontra *ady :ams at layon ng dala1ang !oponan na
g"mapang m"la sa -6 na pag!a!abaon at b"hayin ang !ani-!anilang H"arterfinal bids,
Sa !abilang da!o+ tatang!ain ng Air @orce na mas"ng!it ang i!alimang s"nod na panalo nito sa pa!i!ipagba!ba!an
!ontra Meralco sa tampo! na laro na na!ata!da sa alas-&,
Sig"rado na sa H"arters ang Air Domen at Po1er Spi!ers na mayroong &-2 at '-'+ panalo-talo+ na !artada+ ayon sa
pag!a!as"nod+ ng"nit inaasahang mas magpapa!atatag "pang mapalapit sa mga nang"ng"nang Cagayan (<-) at
Army (6-(),
5naasahang mang"ng"na para sa Air @orce sina ;"dy Caballe7o at ;oy Cases habang ang Chinese import na si Coco
Dang at s!ipper Ma"reen Penetrante-%"ano naman ang paparada para sa Meralco,
8abang manggagaling m"la sa straight 1in ang Air Domen !ontra PNP+ iniinda pa rin ng Po1er Spi!ers ang
!anilang nalasap na 26-2(+ 26-(E+ 26-(F na pag!abigo sa Army noong na!araang 4iyernes,
Anim na !oponan lamang ang aabante sa carry-o0er H"arters+ at a1tomati!ong mapapatalsi! ang mga nasa i!apito
at i!a1along p"1esto sa e0ent na handog ng Sha!eyAs,
Dahil dito+ magiging di!di!an ang paghaharap ng PNP at @.? dahil misyon ng dala1ang !oponan na malampasan
ang Na0y na !asal"!"yang mayroong (-6 re!ord,
Nati!man ng *ady PA:>%*ers ang 26-(E+ 26-((+ 26-2( na pag!abigo sa Air @orce noong *5nggo sa !abila ng
pag!ayod nina ;anine Marciano at :hai spi!er Patcharee Sangm"ang+ na nagtambal para sa 2' ng !ab""ang 2<
attac! points ng !oponan,
Para manalo ang PNP+ !ailangan nitong maging mas prod"!tibo sa mga sets matapos mag!asya lamang sa (E sa
!anilang pag!atalo sa Air @orce,
Sa panig naman ng @.?+ "maasa ito na ang isang linggong pahinga ay sapat na "pang ma!aba1i sila sa
naranasang mga !amalasan,
!uporta at "eterminas#on, susi sa panalo ng NU PEP !$ua"
Ni Angie %redo
)"mpletong s"porta ng "nibersidad at determinasyon ng mga miyembro ang naging si!reto ng National ?ni0ersity
P.P sH"ad "pang itala nito ang ma!asaysayang "nang !ambal na pag1a1agi sa ginanap na 2(' ?AAP
Cheerdance Competition na pinaglabanan noong *inggo sa Mall of Asia Arena sa Pasay City,
8indi lamang ang maagang paghahanda !"ndi pati na rin na pag-aalaga sa n"trisyon+ !"ndisyon ng !ata1an pati na
rin ang dedis!asyon sa mahabang pag-eensayo ang sinandigan ng N? "pang !anilang mai"1i ang !anilang "nang
!orona sa ta"nang !"mpetisyon,
25t is a good sign to start the year for "s+3 sabi ni N? ACP for %perations at ?AAP >epresentati0e to the 4oard N5lo
%campo, 24"t 1e cannot achie0e these titles 1itho"t the help of team manager Pat Ch"nsim+ o"r coach $hic!a
4ernabe and n"tritionist-dietician $lenn $race 4ernabe and the entire 4"lldogs comm"nity,3
2:he first title is al1ays s1eet+ and these cro1ns are as prestigio"s as 1inning o"r first seniors bas!etball cro1n after
so many years+3 sabi pa ni %campo,
2Most of the members of the sH"ad are champion cheerleaders in Palarong Pambansa+3 sabi ni Ch"msin+ na siya din
may-ari ng Macro *P$ at itino!a ng N? "pang mamahala sa P.P sH"ad, 2:hey are from three different generations
ng mga Palaro gold medalist+3 sabi pa ni Ch"msin,
?na nang tinanghal ang N? na !ampeon sa ginanap na Philippine National $ames na inorganisa ng Philippines
Sports Commission (PSC) noong Mayo,
5sinaga1a naman ng N? Pep sH"ad ang p"no ng tensiyon ng"nit s"1abeng pagpapa!ita ng mah"say na
pagsasaya1 gamit ang Arabian theme t"ngo sa pagtatala ng !asaysayan sa tampo! na !ompetisyon na sinim"lan ng
?AAP noong (99& t"ngo sa pagh"got ng !ambal na panalo sa cheerdance at st"nts,
Na!a!"ha ang N? Pep SH"ad ng pina!amataas na E9E,6 p"ntos para higitan ang naitalang pangatlong p"1esto
noong 2(2, ?na nang p"mang-anim lamang ang !oponan noong 2(( at parehas na i!atlong p"1esto din noong
2(2 sa cheerleading at st"nts,
Nabigo naman ang ?ni0ersity of the Philippines Pep SH"ad sa asam nitong mai"1i ang i!aapat na s"nod na tit"lo at
nag!asya na lamang i!ala1ang p"1esto sa !anilang E2,6 p"ntos, Naging mala!ing !aba1asan sa !oponan ang
ilang pag!a!amali t"ngo sa pagtatapos ng dominasyon sa !ompetisyon, 5!atlo ang *a Salle sa 69E,6 p"ntos,
5ni"1i ng N? ang premyong nag!a!ahalaga ng P'&+K, habang ang ?P ay na!a!"bra ng P2+, at
P(&+ namana ang nap"nta sa *a Salle, Ang iba pang !oponan na !asali at ang !anilang tinapos ay @.? (6F9,6)+
AdamKson (669,6)+ ?. (669)+ ?S: (6&E) at Ateneo (6(&),
?mabot sa record cro1d na 2+F' ang s"ma!si sa !ompetisyon at !in"mpleto ng N? ang Ldi ma!a!alim"tang ara1
dahil sila rin ang nanalo sa $ro"p St"nt competition habang ang @.? at ?S: ang t"mapos sa s"nod na dala1ang
Nahirang naman si Ana de *eon ng D*S? bilang 2(' St"nner,
Po%er Pina#s, inilampaso ng China
5pinalasap ng nagtatanggol na !ampeong China ang matinding le!siyon sa paglalampaso nito sa nagbabali! sa
internasyonal na torneo na @ibr Philippines 1omenAs national team sa pagpapati!im nito ng maigsing '- panalo (26-
9+ 26-( at 26-F) sa ginaganap na (<th Asian Seniors DomenAs Colleyball Championship sa Na!hon >atchasima+
Nagmist"lang mga bata ang Po1er Pinays sa nagtataasan na manlalaro ng se0en-time Dorld champion at 2-time
%lympic gold medalist na China na nangailangan lamang ng halos !alahating oras "pang t"l"yang patalsi!in ang
Pilipinas sa pagpapalasap ng i!atlo nitong s"nod na !abig"an sa (E na bansang torneo,
Matatandaang agad na nabigo ang Pilipinas sa 5ndia+ J'+ sa mga is!or na 22J26+ 2&J2E at (2J26 bago naga1ang
mag1agi ng "nang set s"balit t"l"yang y"m"!od din !ontra sa 5ran+ (-'+ sa is!or na 26-(9+ 2-26+ (F-26 at (6-26 sa
Pool 4,
Nang"na sa gr"po ang China na may tatlong panalo "pang "m"sad sa H"arterfinals !asama ang 5ran na ino!"pahan
ang i!ala1ang p"1esto sa bitbit na 2-(+ panalo-talo+ na re!ord matapos nitong big"in ang 5ndia,
5to ang "nang pag!a!ataon na s"mali ang Pilipinas+ s"portado ng P*D: 8omeAs @ibr broadband+ sa isang
internasyonal na !ompetisyon sap"l noong 26,
Maliban sa Pilipinas+ 5ndia+ 5ran at China+ !asali din sa torneo ang )a-a!hstan+ A"stralia+ Mongolia+ Cietnam+
5ndonesia+ 8ong )ong+ Chinese-:aipei+ Myanmar+ ;apan+ So"th )orea+ Sri *an!a at ang host :hailand,
Ang Po1er Pinays ay bin"b"o nina Mitch Dat"in+ Chi Saet+ Pa" Soriano+ 8oney >oyse :"bino+ ;oy 4enito+ ;hec!
Dionela+ May Macat"no+ Dani!a $endra"li at *i-lee $ata-Pantone habang ang head coach ay si Nes Pamilar, (Angie
C&e'h (epu)li', "inispatsa ang Argentina
P>A$?. (AP) J ?m"sad ang nagtatanggol na !ampeong C-ech >ep"blic sa Da0is C"p final matapos ilista ang
panalo sa do"bles noong Sabado "pang mapatalsi! ang Argentina,
:inalo nina :omas 4erdych at >ade! Stepane! sina Carlos 4erclocH at 8oracio Geballos+ E-&+ E-&+ E-2+ "pang ibigay
sa C-echs ang malinis na '- bentahe sa best-of-fi0e semifinal, Ma!a!atapat nila ang mananalo sa pagitan ng
Serbia at Canada para sa tit"lo sa darating na Nobyembre,
3De 1o"ld li!e to !eep the trophy beca"se itAs bea"tif"l+3 ani Stepane!, 3:his competition means a lot to "s,3
5niangat nina 4erdych at Stepane! ang !anilang re!ord sa Da0is C"p do"bles sa ('-(, Nai-con0ert ni 4erdych ang
!anilang "nang match point sa pamamagitan ng isang ser0ice 1inner "pang igiya ang mga C-ech sa !anilang
i!atlong final sa loob ng limang taon sa harap ng mahigit ((+ fans sa %2 Arena,
35tAs an honor for "s to play in s"ch an atmosphere+3 sabi ni Stepane!+ na nagtatatalon sa loob ng co"rt !asama ang
mga iba pang miyembro ng !oponan+ sa mga manonood, 3#o"Are fantastic,3
Dalang inilaglag na ser0e ang mga C-ech at naisalba ang dala1ang brea! m"la sa Argentina "pang masely"han
ang !anilang i!a1along s"nod na panalo sa C"p,
5lang ara1 lamang matapos ang !anyang i!ala1ang tit"lo sa $rand Slam do"bles sa ?,S, %pen+ dinomina ni
Stepane! ang net sa !anyang mga 0olley habang naghatid naman si 4erdych ng mga malala!as na ser0e, 5to ang
!"mbinasyon na 1alang naging sagot ang mga Argentine sa !anilang Da0is C"p do"bles deb"t,
3.0erything 1as on the right place+ today+3 saad ni 4erdych, 3De didnAt drop ser0e+ and then 1e 1ere ta!ing o"r
Dagdag ni GeballosI 2A4erdych has an "nbelie0able ser0e and really good ret"rn+ and Stepane! has a lot of
confidence right no1,3
Noong 4iyernes+ 1inalis ni Stepane! si ;"an Monaco+ <-E (')+ E-'+ E-2+ habang tinalo naman ni 4erdych si *eonardo
Mayer+ E-&+ &-E+ E-'+ E-&,
Naglaro ang Argentina na 1ala ang bit"in nitong si ;"an Martin Del Potro na piniling h"1ag maglaro sa Da0is C"p
ngayong taon,
(ose, nais mapasama sa *eam U!A para sa F+,A -orl"s
Ni Daylon $al0e-
)"ng mabibigyan ng pag!a!ataon+ nais ni dating N4A Most Cal"able Player (MCP) Derric! >ose na nais niyang
maglaro para sa .stados ?nidos sa @54A Dorld C"p sa s"s"nod na taon sa Spain,
Ani >ose+ na nagbabali! m"la sa in7"ry sa !anyang !ali1ang t"hod na naging dahilan "pang hindi siya ma!apaglaro
noong h"ling season+ na hindi siya magdadala1ang isip na maglaro para sa !anyang bansa !"ng maiimbitahan ni
?S coach Mi!e )r-y-e1s!i,
25f they pic! me+ yeah+3 sabi ng 2&-anyos na si >ose+ ang hinirang na N4A MCP noong 2((+ sa press conference na
idinaos sa Marriott 8otel !ahapon para sa !anyang Adidas D >ose :o"r,
25f they select me+ itAll be an honor, 5All definitely be in that team 1ith coach ) ()r-y-e1s!i)+3 dagdag ni >ose+ isa sa
pina!a-e/citing na batang manlalaro sa N4A na naging bahagi ng :eam ?SA na na!a!opo ng gintong medalya sa
Dorld C"p sa :"r!ey noong 2(,
Nang tan"ngin !"ng ano ang !anyang maipapayo sa $ilas Pilipinas sa pagbabali! nito sa pandaigdigang entablado
matapos ang halos apat na de!ada+ sinabi ni >ose na !ailangang maghanda ng h"sto ang Philippine national team
"pang ma!aya nitong ma!ipagsabayan sa mga nang"ng"nang !oponan,
25f anything+ 7"st be calm, 5 1ish them all the best, 4"t in the sport of bas!etball+ yo" ha0e to prepare 0ery hard+ donAt
get embarrassed+ the 1orld is 1atching+3 giit ni >ose,
Sinabi rin ng t"bong Chicago na si >ose na ang pagt"ntong sa Dorld C"p ay isang bagay na magt"t"la! sa mga
Pinoy "pang mas "mangat sa internasyonal na !"mpetisyon,
Para sa !anya+ determinasyon at sa!ripisyo ang magiging s"si sa tag"mpay ng pambansang !oponan,
Ang !anyang mga pinagdaanang paghihirap at pagp"p"rsige J matapos hindi ma!apaglaro noong na!araang
season J ay ang mga dahilan !"ng ba!it siya na!abali! m"la sa !anyang in7"ry nang map"nit ang !anyang AC* sa
$ame ( ng 2(2 N4A Playoffs !ontra Philadelphia <Eers,
S"mailalim sa isang operasyon si >ose nong Mayo 2(2 at naging matagal ang !anyang reco0ery bago t"l"yang
25 !no1 5 am (coming bac!) itAs 7"st going o"t there playing 1ith confidence+ thatAs the biggest goal 5 ha0e to face, 4"t
5A0e been prepareing+3 ani >ose na !asama ang inang si 4renda at ahente niya at dating manlalaro ng Chicago 4"lls
na si 4; Armstrong,
5to ang i!ala1ang pagbisita ni >ose sa Pilipinas matapos maglaro sa dala1ang e/hibition games noong 8"lyo 2((
!asama ang mga !ap1a N4A s"perstars t"lad nina )obe 4ryant+ Chris Pa"l+ )e0in D"rant at ;ames 8arden,
Sa pag!a!ataong ito+ mas masaya "mano ang !anyang pagdala1 dahil mas nag!aroon siya ng pag!a!ataong
ma!asama ang !anyang @ilipino fans at ibang atleta,
25tAs been great, 5 donAt !no1 if theyAre chanting for me or )obe+3 pabirong sabi ni >ose, 25 thin! people sa1 the other
side of me, :he players are 0ery passionate+ theyAre not going to bac! do1n,3
Na!ata!dang "malis si >ose at ang !anyang ento"rage ngayong ara1 matapos ang tatlong ara1 na e0ent !"ng saan
pinang"nahan niya ang '-on-' Adidas @inals, Ang Pilipinas ang !anyang h"ling pin"ntahan sa !anyang Asian to"r
bago b"mali! sa ?S,
!hell A'tive Chess .inals, lumarga
Ni Angie %redo
)ab""ang '2 !abataang 1oodp"shers ang magsasag"pa sa grand finals ngayong taon sa Shell National #o"th
Acti0e Chess Championships na itina!da sa SM Megamall sa Mandal"yong City,
Ang mga finalist+ mga nagsipag1agi sa isinaga1ang limang leg na nation1ide eliminations sa na!alipas na b"1an+
ay !inabibilangan ng pina!amah"h"say na yo"th chess players sa bansa pati na rin mga papaangat na bag"han na
asam mas"ng!it ang !arangalan+ premyo at ang pag!ilala bilang !ampeon sa ta"nang torneo,
Ang National #o"th Acti0e Chess Championship+ na nasa i!a-2( taon+ ay legacy pro7ect ng Shell+ na siyang leading
po1er+ energy at gas technology company sa bansa,
2;"st as Shell contin"o"sly in0ests in deli0ering more energy to b"ild a s"stainable energy f"t"re+ 1e consistently
pro0ide s"pport as 1ell to programs that promote nation-b"ilding and yo"th de0elopment+3 sabi ni ;ac!ie Ampil+ Shell
Social 5n0estment Manager,
2Aside from o"r ad0ocacies on en0ironmental management and protection+ smarter mobility+ promoting road safety
and f"el efficient dri0ing among others+ o"r nation1ide chess program is one of o"r inno0ati0e methods in de0eloping
the potentials of @ilipino yo"ths to become prod"cti0e indi0id"als 1hile helping the co"ntry mo0e to1ards progress,3
8indi na maipagtatanggol ni ;erad Docena+ na !asal"!"yang l"malaban sa Dorld ;"niors Championships sa :"r!ey+
ang !anyang !orona sa !iddies di0ision matapos nitong mas"ng!it ang tit"lo bilang National Master,
Magsasag"pa sa boysA 7"niors championship ang "na at i!ala1ang p"1esto sa nation1ide legs na bin"b"o m"la
NC> nina ;erome Cillan"e0a at :imothy ;ohn So )"aM m"la Northern *"-on na sina Cince Angelo Medina at ;an
Nigel $alanM sa So"thern *"-on na sina Marc )e0in *abog at ;ea--ir )line S"rposaM m"la Cisayas na sina @eli/
Sha"n 4albona at Allan PasonM at sa Mindanao na sina >hen-i )yle Se0illano at Al7i Canton7os,
Sa girlsA 7"niors championship+ tampo! ang NC> top at second placer na sina Ar0ie *o-ano at $ladys 8a-elle
>omero+ pati na rin top placers sa ibang leg na sina Michelle #aon sa Northern *"-onM ;ean )aren .nriH"e- sa
So"thern *"-onM ;a-elle Cillarin sa CisayasM at .lla $race Mo"lic m"la Mindanao,
Mag!a!atapat sa boysA !iddies m"la NC> na sina ;"li"s $on-ales at >obin 5gnacioM m"la Northern *"-on 5sraelito
>illora-a at Dale 4ernardoM m"la So"thern *"-on 8aince Patric! de *eon at Stephen >ome PangilinanM m"la Cisayas
Chris Aldrit- Pondoyo at ;osh"a PanesM at Mindanao+ ;eff" Dorog at Aldrin >om"lo >anario,
:ampo! naman sa girlsA !iddies category ang NC> na sina ;esca Docena at >i-alyn ;asmine :e7adaM 4ea Mendo-a
sa Northern *"-onM Ale/is Anne %sena sa So"thern *"-onM Cristy Cab"ngcag m"la CisayasM at @rince .-ra Can7o na
m"la sa Mindanao,
Ang !iddies at 7"nior sa boysA di0ision ay may single ro"nd robin system habang ang !iddies at 7"niors girlsA di0ision
ay do"ble ro"nd robin, May time control na 26 min"to !ada player na may dala1ang seg"ndong pagitan,
Ang 2(st Shell National #o"th Acti0e Chess Championship ay s"portado ng Shell @"elSa0e ?nleaded and Diesel+
Shell @"el %ils+ Shell C Po1er Nitro and Shell >im"la+ sa pagpareha ng SM S"permalls+ %"r 8ome+ at 4ric!stone
Mall, Ang torneo ay officially sanctioned ng National Chess @ederation of the Philippines (NC@P),
200K students affected by Zamboanga fightingDepEd
By Dona G, Pa--ib"gan
Philippine Daily 5nH"irer
A boy carries his brother as they camp o"t at a stadi"m to flee the fighting bet1een $o0ernment forces and M"slim rebels Sept,(&+ 2(' at
Gamboanga city in so"thern Philippines, AP
MAN5*A+ Philippines Nearly 2+ school children in Gamboanga City ha0e missed classes d"e to fierce fighting
bet1een Moro National *iberation @ront rebels and go0ernment forces+ the Department of .d"cation said :"esday,
All (<( elementary schools and '& high schools in Gamboanga City remained closed since the local go0ernment
s"spended classes in the entire city last 1ee!,
:he city-1ide class s"spension has affected aro"nd (&+ elementary st"dents and &F+ high school st"dents+
the Dep.d reported,
Dep.d said its di0ision office in Gamboanga City has mobili-ed teachers+ g"idance co"nselors and senior 4oy Sco"ts
leaders to pro0ide psychological aid to st"dents and teachers 1ho 1ere displaced by the fighting and forced
Since September 9+ the military has engaged armed MN*@ members 1ho occ"pied fi0e densely pop"lated coastal
barangays in Gamboanga City 1hile "sing ci0ilians as h"man shields,
:he rebels+ 1ho belonged to the MN*@ faction headed by fo"nding MN*@ chairman and former A"tonomo"s >egion
of M"slim Mindanao go0ernor N"r Mis"ari+ 1ere reportedly th1arted from laying siege on the predominantly
Christian-pop"lated city in protest of the go0ernmentAs ongoing peace tal!s 1ith the ri0al gro"p Moro 5slamic
*iberation @ront,
MNL sei!es Zamboanga po"ice chief
By ;"lie S, Alipala+ @rances Mangosing and ;amie .lona
$o0ernment troops man an intersection 1here rene1ed fighting bet1een go0ernment forces and M"slim rebels enters its second 1ee!
Monday+ Sept, (E+ 2(' at Gamboanga city in so"thern Philippines, :he standoff+ 1hich began last Monday 1hen troops foiled an attempt by
the rebels to march and hoist their flag at GamboangaAs city hall, :he rebels+ 1ho arri0ed by boat from o"tlying islands+ barged into fi0e
coastal 0illages and too! more than ( hostages as h"man shields, AP=4"llit MarH"e-
GAM4%AN$A C5:#+ PhilippinesMoro National *iberation @ront (MN*@) rebels ha0e sei-ed this cityAs police chief
and his men before noon :"esday+ military officials said,
Senior S"perintendent ;ose ChiH"ito Malayo+ the city police director+ 1as being "sed as h"man shield by the MN*@
rebels 1ho 1ere still holding other hostages in the remaining poc!ets they controlled in fi0e coastal 0illages in
Gamboanga City+ Senior S"perintendent .d1in de %campo+ logistics officer of the police in Destern Mindanao+
confirmed to the Philippine Daily 5nH"irer,
28e is ali0e, De ha0e spo!en to him o0er radio comm"nication+3 de %campo said,
A radio report+ H"oting de %campo+ said that Malayo 1as abd"cted in the 0illage of Arena 4lanco,
Acting p"blic affairs office chief of the Armed @orces of the Philippines *ie"tenant Colonel 8arold Cab"noc confirmed
that Malayo 1as abd"cted by the follo1ers of N"r Mis"ari,
2De ha0e recei0ed informal reports thro"gh a te/t message that Police Senior S"perintendent ChiH"ito Malayo 1as
abd"cted by follo1ers of Mis"ari+3 Cab"noc told 5NN?5>.>,net,
/akati so ri'h it 'oul" .un" another D0!*, D01E
S)#*5N. %C.> P%C.>:# *5N. :he to1ering b"ildings are at the heart of Ma!ati City+ 1hile the shanties are along an estero in Pasay City,
>A@@# *.>MA
Still the richest city go0ernment in the co"ntry+ Ma!ati posted P9,E6 billion in gross re0en"es for the first eight months
of the year+ fi0e percent higher than its collection in A"g"st 2(2,
5n the City :reas"rerAs report to Mayor ;e7omar .r1in 4inay ;r,+ local so"rces contrib"ted to the b"l! of the cityAs total
re0en"e collections+ 1ith b"siness ta/es amo"nting to P6,E billion and real property ta/es totaling P','E billion,
At P9,E billion+ Ma!ati generated eno"gh f"nds 7"st slightly lo1er than the 2(' b"dget of the Department of Science
and :echnology+ 1hich is P9,9 billion+ or that of the Department of ;"stice+ 1hich is P(,2 billion, 5t d1arfs the b"dget
of the Department of *abor and .mployment+ P<,F billion,
:he ne1 fig"res came o"t more than a month after Ma!ati fo"nd itself being handed another re0en"e-rich area+ the
"pscale 4onifacio $lobal City (4$C)+ than!s to a Co"rt of Appeals r"ling that n"llified the claims of neighboring
:ag"ig City after a 2-year bo"ndary disp"te,
:he r"ling+ ho1e0er+ 1as follo1ed by 1ee!s of tension and animosity bet1een the leaders and personnel of the t1o
cities+ as :ag"ig filed an appeal and ref"sed to yield control of 4$C, A tr"ce of sorts 1as reached bet1een 4inay and
:ag"ig Mayor *ani Cayetano on Sept, 9,
25 am glad that the city is on trac! in its re0en"e targets+ e0en e/ceeding o"r e/pectations, :he si/ percent increase in
o"r b"siness ta/ collections and fi0e percent increase in realty ta/es as of this A"g"st only sho1 the in0estorsA
s"stained high le0el of confidence in Ma!ati+3 said 4inay+ 1hose family had dominated Ma!ati politics for the last 2<
years+ r"ling the city that hosts the co"ntryAs financial district,
:he mayor noted that 1hile there had been no increase in ta/ rates for the past se0en years+ the cityAs income from
local so"rces had consistently risen and more than made "p for its steadily d1indling 5nternal >e0en"e Allotment,
:he 5>A represents a local go0ernmentAs share in national go0ernment re0en"es,
As of A"g"st this year+ Ma!atiAs 5>A stood at P&<E million+ or t1o percent lo1er than its share in A"g"st 2(2,
According to the 2(2 ann"al report prepared by its ?rban De0elopment Department (?DD)+ the city posted for the
past three years an a0erage income gro1th rate of <,' per year+ 1hile its 5>A of <,& percent in 2( fell to E,< percent
in 2(2,
:he ?DD report also sho1ed Ma!atiAs total re0en"e reaching P((,'< billion+ 1hich 1as 6,F percent higher than 2((,
:he cityAs "rban planners attrib"ted its strong economic performance to gro1ing in0estor confidence+ as indicated by
the increased n"mber of b"siness and special permits iss"ed by City 8all from ''+6&F in 2( to '&+<E last year,
4inay noted that e0en 1ith its m"ltia1arded best practices in p"blic ser0ice and local go0ernance+ Ma!ati stri0es to
s"stain its competiti0eness thro"gh gro"ndbrea!ing initiati0es in disaster ris! red"ction and management and
peace!eeping to promote a stable b"siness en0ironment,
>ecently+ the city started the implementation of the Ma!ati Comprehensi0e *and ?se Plan co0ering 2('-22' and
the ne1 Goning %rdinance of Ma!ati,
4inay also "nderscored the cityAs impro0ed p"blic sec"rity systems 1ith the installation of ne1 s"r0eillance cameras
aro"nd the central b"siness district that are directly monitored from City 8all,With a report from Inquirer
Napo"es fi"es petition fo# bai" in se#ious i""ega" detention case
By NiOa P, Calle7a
Philippine Daily 5nH"irer
FI'( pm P :"esday+ September (<th+ 2('
;anet-*im Napoles inside his cell in @ort Sto, Domingo C%N:>54?:.D P8%:%=PNP=P5%
MAN5*A+ Philippines ;anet *im Napoles+ the alleged brains behind the por! barrel scam+ has as!ed the local co"rt
to allo1 her to post bail in the serio"s illegal detention charge filed against her and her brother ahead of the pl"nder
cases filed on Monday at the %mb"dsman,
5n a 2<-page "rgent motion for bail filed at the Ma!ati >egional :rial Co"rt 4ranch (6+ Napoles arg"ed that the case
against her lac!ed e0idence and claimed that the complainant in the case+ 4enh"r *"y+ her co"sin and the 1histle-
blo1er in the P(-billion por! barrel scam+ and his la1yer+ had "sed to case to e/tort money from her,
2:he 8onorable Co"rt is d"ty-bo"nd to allo1 acc"sed ;anet to post bail beca"se the e0idence of g"ilt against her is
not strong+3 the motion read,
She told the co"rt that the serio"s illegal detention case against her 1as 2ob0io"sly politically moti0ated+3 and that the
n"clear iss"e remained the alleged por! barrel scam,
%n Monday+ the D%; filed charges of pl"nder+ mal0ersation+ bribery+ graft and corr"pt practices in the %ffice of the
%mb"dsman against Napoles+ Senators ;"an Ponce .nrile+ >amon >e0illa ;r, and ;ose 2;inggoy3 .strada and '&
other people,
Napoles+ on the other hand+ claimed that the serio"s illegal detention charge at the Ma!ati co"rt+ 1hich earlier denied
her motion to defer arraignment and s"spend proceedings+ 1as merely based on the tale of *"y,
She called *"yAs allegations as 2mere spec"lation and is not bac!ed by e0idence,3
According to Napoles+ *"y 0ol"ntarily stayed in 4ahay ni San ;ose for three months and 1as not illegally detained as
claimed by *"yAs camp and the N45,
28e 1anted to ha0e a retreat=recollection in solit"de to atone for the 1rongdoings he committed+3 Napoles said noting
that *"y had obtained loans amo"nting to P6 million from the Air Material Ding Sa0ings and *oan Association 5nc,
(AMS*A) 1itho"t her permission,
Napoles added that the Department of ;"stice earlier dismissed *"yAs complaint for lac! of probable ca"se b"t 2d"e
to mo"nting press"re from the p"blic+3 iss"ed a resol"tion re0ersing itself,
She also claimed that the charge 1as "sed to e/tort money from her,
According to her+ *"yAs la1yer *e0ito 4aligod had as!ed her to pay the money *"y and his family aro"nd Q(,6 million
needed in order to go to Canada in a meeting at the Ma!ati Shangri-la on March 2<+ 2(',
Attached to the motion are copies of the screen-grabbed pict"res+ CC:C footages ta!en at the Pacific Pla-a :o1er+
4onifacio $lobal City in :ag"ig on March 22 sho1ing that there 1as no restraint on *"yAs mo0ement,
She said *"y also resisted the 2resc"e attempt of the N45 agents3 at the retreat ho"se,
2Any person 1ho has been detained for three months 1o"ld sei-e the first opport"nity to be resc"ed+3 NapolesA
motion said,
Diosfa Calencia+ the co"rt cler! of Ma!ati >:C 4ranch (6+ said ;"dge .lmo Alameda sched"led the hearing on the
motion on September 2+ @riday,
Napoles 1ho is presently detained at a police training camp in @ort Sto, Domingo in Sta, >osa+ *ag"na+ is sched"led
to be arraigned on September 2' for the serio"s illegal detention charge+ a non-bailable offense,
D$%& mu""s sub'ay system fo# Met#o Mani"a to fi( t#affic p#ob"em
By Mig"el >, Cam"s
Philippine Daily 5nH"irer
FI& pm P :"esday+ September (<th+ 2('
D%:C Secretary ;oseph Abaya 5NN?5>.> @5*. P8%:% = A>N%*D A*MAC.N
MAN5*A+ Philippines :he Department of :ransportation and Comm"nications (D%:C) is considering going
2"ndergro"nd3 to sol0e Metro ManilaAs traffic problems,
:ransportation and Comm"nications Secretary ;oseph Abaya said on :"esday that the go0ernment has been
considering a s"b1ay system in the metropolis as an alternati0e to congested roads and ele0ated light rail1ay lines,
At the sidelines of the PhilippinesAs mid-year economic briefing+ Abaya said his department+ along 1ith the
Department of P"blic Dor!s and 8igh1ays+ has been 1or!ing 1ith the ;apan 5nternational Cooperation Agency (;ica)
to st"dy the feasibility of an "ndergro"nd train system,
According to him+ the s"bterranean rail1ay 1ill li!ely "se a parallel alignment to .dsa+ the main thoro"ghfare
connecting the north and so"thern areas of Metro Manila,
:he st"dy+ Abaya said+ 1as part of broader steps by the go0ernment to come "p 1ith a transport plan for Mega
Manila+ 1hich ;5CA 1as also handling,
:he same ;apanese agency earlier cond"cted a st"dy+ 1hich sho1ed that the Philippines 1as losing abo"t P2,&
billion per day in terms of forgone prod"cti0ity and income d"e to hea0y traffic,
Abaya added that the s"b1ay system st"dy or its initial concept may be completed by ;an"ary ne/t year b"t it 1as
"nli!ely that the pro7ect 1o"ld be implemented by the time President AH"ino steps do1n in 2(E,
2:he least that 1e can do is lay do1n the master plan+ lay do1n the gro"nd1or!+3 Abaya told reporters, 25f 1e can
start it+ 1hy notR 8opef"lly+ 1hoe0er replaces "s 1ill see the logic and merit of it and "se it as a template,3
28opef"lly+ by ;an"ary S2(&T+ 1e can get a glimpse of the Ss"b1ayT plan+3 Abaya added,
:his is not the first time a s"b1ay system has been proposed for Metro Manila b"t the prono"ncement by the D%:C
means the go0ernment is formally e/ploring the possibility,
:he idea 1as floated by past administrations b"t it st"mbled on 0iability iss"es,
2 "a'ma)e#s as) S& to f#ee up *D+
By Christian C, .sg"erra
Philippine Daily 5nH"irer
9I&& pm P :"esday+ September (<th+ 2('
.astern Samar >ep, 4en .0ardone 5NN?5>.> @5*. P8%:%
MAN5*A:he congressional Priority De0elopment Assistance @"nd may ha0e been 2abolished3 at the committee
le0el+ b"t t1o !ey allies of President AH"ino made one more pitch on :"esday for the contro0ersial l"mp s"m
appropriation+ also !no1n as por! barrel,
.astern Samar >ep, 4en .0ardone and %riental Mindoro >ep, >eynaldo ?mali 1ant the S"preme Co"rt to lift the
temporary restraining order on the PDA@ so congressmen co"ld get their remaining allocation this year,
.0ardone cited the case of 2&F+<2 2scholars3 of at least <' congressmen+ 1ho 1o"ld s"pposedly be "nable to
contin"e 1ith their st"dies "nless the :>% 1as lifted,
2%n h"manitarian consideration+ 1e 1o"ld li!e to appeal to the S"preme Co"rt to consider the sit"ation of o"r
constit"ents 1ho depend on PDA@+3 he said at a 7oint press conference 1ith ?mali,
?mali described the PDA@ as 2the only mechanism of go0ernment 1here each legislati0e district is ass"red of P<
million per ann"m,3
:he amo"nt is P2( million for the entire three terms of each 8o"se member+ he pointed o"t,
2So to a certain e/tent+ this is e0en an eH"ali-er+3 he said,
:he high trib"nal iss"ed a :>% pending its r"ling on petitions H"estioning the constit"tionality of the PDA@,
:he 8o"se Committee on Appropriations+ of 1hich .0ardone is 0ice chairman+ earlier 2abolished3 P26,2 4illion 1orth
of PDA@ in ne/t yearAs national b"dget,
Along 1ith Cice President ;e7omar 4inayAs o1n P2-million por! barrel+ the PDA@ 1o"ld be distrib"ted among si/
go0ernment agencies, :he Department of P"blic Dor!s and 8igh1ays stood to get the lionAs share of '6 percent,
Ac!no1ledging complaints abo"t the alleged mis"se of the PDA@+ .0ardone said the remaining PDA@ for 2(' co"ld
be limited to scholarships and medical assistance,
2No more N$%s (non-go0ernmental organi-ations) and all possible lea!age+3 he said,
?mali addedI 2DhatAs bad is PDA@ is already condemned as bad por!,3
Mus"im body denies in,o",ement in Da,ao &ity "a'ma)e#-s po#) p#o.ects
By $ermelina *acorte
5nH"irer Mindanao
(IE pm P :"esday+ September (<th+ 2('
?ngab, Photo from congress,go0,ph
:%>5*+ Da0ao City+ Philippines ./cept for a bead-ma!ing pro7ect for 6 persons la"nched here in
March+ the National Commission on M"slim @ilipinos (NCM@) said it did not !no1 of any other pro7ect that
"sed the P<-million por! barrel f"nd that >ep, 5sidro ?ngab reportedly co"rsed thro"gh the agency,
25 only learned abo"t the P< million from the media+3 Norhaida *"maan+ officer-in-charge of NCM@ Da0ao+
4"t 1hile !no1ing of the e/istence of the bead-ma!ing pro7ect in 4arangay 4in"gao here+ *"maan denied
the local NCM@ office 1as in0ol0ed in its implementation,
?ngab+ she said+ merely in0ited her to attend the la"nching of the bead-ma!ing pro7ect in March, 4eyond
her attendance+ her office had no more in0ol0ement in the pro7ect+ *"maan added,
25 1ant to ma!e it clear that 1e ne0er recei0ed any money+ and that o"r office 1as ne0er in0ol0ed+3 she
A barangay official in 4in"gao+ 1ho also attended the la"nching+ said she 1as p"--led by the fact that the
pro7ect s"pposed to be "nderta!en by the NCM@ had hardly any M"slim beneficiary present,
2Most of those 1ho recei0ed the bead !its in 4arangay 4in"gao 1ere Christians+ 5 !ne1 the M"slims in
the area+3 @lora Salandron+ a barangay co"ncilor+ said,
Salandron also said e/cept for 2a !it+ containing some tools "sed in ma!ing beads+3 the beneficiaries got
no other inp"ts d"ring the la"nching of the pro7ect,
2Perhaps+ the !it 1ill gi0e them an idea ho1 to ma!e beads b"t it 1as not e0en eno"gh to start their o1n
bead-ma!ing b"siness beca"se the bead materials 1ere not eno"gh+3 she said,
Salandron said it 1as the first and last bead-ma!ing pro7ect that 1as la"nched in the 0illage,
24asta ang beads+ !a"sa lang nahitabo (5t happened only once)+ and it 1as only good for 6 people+3 she
4"t Salandron admitted that in A"g"st+ ?ngab also la"nched a 4igasan (rice store) pro7ect for 6 1omen
in their barangay b"t only 2E people 1ere able to attend, ?nder the pro7ect+ the proponents 1ere gi0en a
total of P'+ in 2rolling capital to set "p a rice store3 in the 0illage,
A report by the Department of 4"dget and Management (D4M)+ 1hich sho1ed a brea!do1n of ?ngabAs
Priority De0elopment Assistance @"nd (PDA@) pro7ects+ sho1ed that the third district la1ma!er ga0e P<
million to the NCM@ in 2(2 for 0aried pro7ects+ incl"ding food processing+ 1ellness programs+ organic
farming and handicrafts,
*"maan said this m"st ha0e been co"rsed thro"gh the NCM@ national office beca"se people from their
central office freH"ently tra0eled here for ?ngabAs pro7ects,
?ngabAs staff+ ;onas Pal" Nable+ begged off 1hen as!ed abo"t the list of beneficiaries of ?ngabAs
Nable said they already sent all the doc"ments to the la1ma!erAs office in 4atasan,
8e instead as!ed the Philippine Daily 5nH"irer to direct H"estions and reH"ests regarding the pro7ect to
the NCM@ central office 2beca"se they are in charge 1ith the monitoring of his pro7ects,3
Salandron said P< million co"ld ha0e spelled a lot of difference for the people of 4in"gao if it 1as spent
on infrastr"ct"re,
2%"r barangay roads had ne0er been cemented in the last t1o decades+ they ha0e potholesM and &
ho"seholds in :oril do not ha0e access to r"nning 1ater beca"se they are not yet co0ered by the Da0ao
City Dater District (DCDD)+3 she said, 2;"st imagine 1hat those f"nds co"ld ha0e done to these
She said the maintenance of the barangay roads fell "nder the 7"risdiction of the City .ngineersA %ffice
b"t for lac! of local f"nds+ the local go0ernment "s"ally relied on the por! barrel f"nd of congressmen to
ha0e these roads cemented,
2.0en 1hen 1e as! the City .ngineerAs to ha0e the road pa0ed or graded to temporarily get rid of
potholes+ 1e still had to co"rt and earn the friendship of the bac!hoe operators to ha0e o"r barangays
prioriti-ed+3 she said,

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