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R ec ep tion P roc edu re
- Manager/Captain greets guest at the door or reception area in a clear and
friendly tone of oice! using eye
contact and saying "#ood $fternoon! Sir/Mada%&" or "#ood eening
- If the guest is 'no(n to the staff! then the guest)s na%e %ust *e used! "#ood
afternoon! Mr& Wong"&
- If the guest is a repeat clients and his na%e is 'no(n then say! "#ood afternoon!
Mrs& S%ith! (elco%e *ac'"&
P re-mea !oc "ta i
- Coc'tails are sered to the guests either in the reception area or in the function
roo% itself&
E n tr # to R oom $Sea tin %
- Manager/Captain on duty greets the guest if he is not already greeted in the
reception area&
- Waiter collects coat and u%*rellas! if necessary! and store the% in a cloa' roo%&
- Receptionist escort guest to their particular area of seating&
- Waiter pulls the chair for the guest using the right hand and s(iel the chair
gently to the side a(ay fro% (here the guest is standing&
- $s the guest sits! the chair %ust *e gently s(ieled *ac' into position using
*oth hands until the guest finds a
position of co%fort&
- $ll guests %ust *e seated *efore any for% of serice *egins&
Orde r o & S er 'in% $ Atte nd in% to Gue( t(
- We al(ays attend to a guest of hornor first! follo(ed *y VI+)s then ladies and
then gentle%en& The host is al(ays
the last to *e attended to&
Na p "in(
- Waiter unfolds the nap'in for the guests&
- Waiter approaches the guest)s right and pic's up the nap'in (ith his right hand&
Waiter unfolds the nap'in and
gently places it across the guest)s lap&
P ou rin% )a te r
- Waiter pours (ater fro% a pitcher into the (ater glass fro% the guest)s right side&
- Waiter carries a folded nap'in in the left hand and (ipes off any (ater droplets
fro% the condensation (hich can spill on to the guest or the ta*le&
- Waiter releases fro% the pitcher appro,i%ately - inch fro% the ri% of the glass and
fills it to .// full&
- Waiter co%pletes the serice of (ater cloc'(ise around the ta*le&
S er 'ic e o& Be 'e ra %e
- $t this point in serice! (e can either pour (ine if ordered or offer the sale of cash
- If White Wine is ordered then ice *uc'ets co%plete (ith folded serice nap'ins
%ust *e placed on the side of the ta*le&
- Waiter seres (hite (ine into the (ine glass fro% the guest)s right&
- Waiter presents the (ine *ottle to the guest *y gently slopping at the guest)s
side and holding the nec' of the *ottle (ith the right hand and the
underside (ith the left hand to display the la*el saying! "White Wine!
- Waiter rises upright and pours the (ine his right hand until .// full in the glass if
the *ottle is accepted& The *ottle
is t(isted to the left after pouring to preent dripping and then once a(ay fro%
the guest is (ripped at the %outh (ith the (aiter)s cloth& The process is repeated
cloc'(ise around the ta*le&
- If only a choice of red or (hite (ine is aaila*le then the t(o types of (ine are
carried in the right hand and
poured as a*oe! saying "Red or White Wine ! Sir/Mada%0"
- Cash *eerage re1uire order ta'ing and are sered fro% a serice tray lined (ith a
Bu tte r and B read
- 2nce *eerage has *een sered! 3read can *e sered&
- 3utter is sered on a *utter dish& The *utter dish should already *e +re4set *efore
the guests arrie&
- Waiter (ith a *as'et filled (ith a selection of *reads (ill present the *read to the
guests descri*ing at the sa%e ti%e the selection saying! "Would you li'e so%e
*read! Sir/Mada%0"
- Waiter +laces the *read indicated *y the guest and places it on the side plate&
- The proceed is co%pleted cloc'(ise around the ta*le&
S er 'ic e o& t*e Fir( t !ou r( e +Sa ad ,
- $ll serice of set %enus in *an1ueting is plated&
- 5or functions of %ore than .6 persons! tray stand (ill *e used in the roo% for
- Waiter pic's up a tray (ith the plated first course! enters the roo% and proceeds
to his station and places the
tray onto the tray stand&
- Waiter pic's up t(o or three plated first course and the guest is then sered fro%
the right and serice continues cloc'(ise&
- VI+ ta*les are al(ays sered first! follo(ed *y the distant ta*le in a large *an1uet&
- Runner *rings the tray food into the roo% and place onto the tray stands and a
(aiter stationed in the roo% (ill do the serice&
- Runner i%%ediately returns e%pty trays to the 'itchen area and stac' the% neatly
ready for re4use&
- 5or s%aller functions! the food re%ains in the *ac' area and (aiter carries it *y
hand! . plates at a ti%e into the roo%&
- Waiter clears the first course only after the last guest has co%pleted& 5le,i*ility
e,ists here at the Manager/
Captain)s discretion depending upon the organi7er)s re1uire%ents&
- Waiter clears fro% the guest)s right& The plate is pic'ed up (ith the right hand and
transferred to the left! clearing cloc'(ise and carrying 8 plate at a ti%e&
- Waiter *rings the soiled plates to the tray stand! re%oes re%aining food to one
side of tray! separating cutlery
and stac' plated in -6)s&
- Repeat the sa%e for the other ta*les&
- Runner carries clearing trays to the clearing point&
Ta - e Atte n tion
- Waiter replenishes *read and *utter during consu%ption of first course&
- Waiter re4fills (ater glasses and (ine glasses&
- Waiter clean ashtrays *y placing fro% tray an inerted clean one oer a dirty one
(ith the right hand& 9e pic's up *oth and returns a clean one to the ta*le&
$shtrays should al(ays *e changed if there are : or %ore *utts in the%&
S ec ond !o u r( e +S oup ,
- Runner goes to 'itchen to collect soup&
- Runner *ring in soup cups! saucers! and underline ;if necessary< and carries to
tray stand&
- Waiter seres guests in a cloc'(ise direction (ith soup placed on to the sho(
plate fro% the guest)s right&
- Note the handles of the cup %ust *e hori7ontal at -=6
- Runner returns e%pty trays to the *ac' area ready for re4use&
- Waiter clears in a cloc'(ise direction fro% the guest)s right! pic'ing up the soup
cup! saucer and sho( plate (ith right hand and transfer to the left&
- Waiter carries . at a ti%e until all the ta*les are cleared&
- 5or tray stand clearing! stac' cups into :)s! separate cup! spoon! saucer and sho(
- Runner carries tray to dish(ashing area once full&
Ta - e Atte n tion
- Waiter passes *read and *utter during consu%ption of soup&
- Waiter pours (ater and (ine $gain&
- $t this point! if aaila*le! (aiter offers red (ine&
- Waiter changes ashtray if necessary&
T* ird !ou r( e +M a in D i( *,
- Runner goes to 'itchen to collect %ain course using large oal tray&
- Runner pic's up > coered plated on an oal tray and carries to the tray stand in
the roo%&
- Waiter re%oes coers and seres fro% the guest)s right in a cloc'(ise direction&
- Note that the %eat is to *e at end of plate in front of guest and all plates to *e
place in the sa%e (ay&
- If there are no tray stand! (aiter carries in . plates at a ti%e&
- Runner carries tray (ith coers to the 'itchen and repeat the se1uence until all
ta*les hae *een sered&
- Manager/Captain 'eeps an eye on (ine glasses! (ater and re%ain attentie for
other needs of the guests during the consu%ption of %eal&
- Waiter clears fro% the guest)s right ta'ing 8 plates at a ti%e in a cloc'(ise
- Waiter clears side plates once dinner plates are re%oed&
- Waiter carries soiled plates to the tray stand and the plates are stac'ed -6)s (ith
cutlery and food separated&
- Waiter re%oes salt and pepper sha'ers together (ith *read *as'ets&
- Waiter re%oes (hite (ine glasses&
- Waiter changes ashtray if necessary&
- Waiter re4fills (ater and red (ine&
- Runner carries trays to the dish(ashing point&
- Waiter cru%*s the ta*le using a folded (hite nap'in and *rushing the cru%*s into
a side plate&
- Waiter %oes the dessert spoon and for' ertically (ith the for' on the left and
the spoon on the right! *oth at a distance of one dessert plate apart&
De( ( ert
- Runner pic's up the desserts fro% 'itchen on a tray&
- Runner carries a tray of -6 plated desserts into the roo% and place on to the tray
- Waiter seres fro% the guest)s right side in a cloc'(ise direction and places all
desserts in a unifor% fashion&
- Waiter repeats the process for all other ta*les/guests&
- Waiter clears fro% the right! 8 plates at a ti%e and carries to the tray stand! once
the dessert is co%pleted& 9e stac's the plates into -6)s and separates cutleries
fro% (aste food& If no tray stand! (aiter clears directly to *ac' area&
- Waiter re%oes dirty and e%pty glasses& ;do not re%oe glass not e%ptied (ithout
the guests consent<&
!o &&ee$Tea ( e r 'ice
- Runner carries (ar%ed coffee cups! saucers! tea spoons! %il' ?ug and sugar *o(l
into roo% in trays of -6&
- Waiter places coffee cup and saucer in front of guest (ith handle of cup facing to
the right and the tea spoon on the top of the saucer! hori7ontal to the cup! handle
to the right&
- Waiter places %il' and sugar on the ta*le 4 one set for eery 8 guests&
- Waiter seres coffee and tea&
- Waiter carries a pot in each hand and approaches the ta*le fro% the guest)s right
and as's "Would you li'e tea or coffee! Sir/%ada%0"
- Waiter pours hot *eerage into the cup .// full& If the guest re1uests for the hot
*eerage to *e (ithout %il' or
"*lac'"! in (hich case a little %ore should *e poured&
- Waiter seres coffee and tea again later for re4fill&
E nd o& t*e Mea
- Captain/Waiter %ay at this point as's if li1ueurs and cigars %ay sered&
- (aiter re%ain discreetly in the corners of the roo% near his station and (aits
for the dinner to end! al(ays 'eeping an eye on the guests for any further needs&
Depa rtu re o& G ue( t(
- $s guests are a*out to rise! the (aiters (ill assist in re%oing chairs&
- Coats! u%*rellas! etc& are returned accordingly&
- Manager/captain re%ain at the e,it and *id fare(ell to each guest saying "#ood4
*ye! Sir/Mada%"&
P re( en ta tio n o& B i
- The *ill is prepared *y the 3an1uet Serices Manager or his assistant and is
presented to the organi7er in a chec'
folder at the end of the function for settle%ent&
- $fter the *ill is presented a copy of the *ill is to *e photostat and attached to the
3an1uet Serices Chec'list for su*%ission to the catering Manager for follo(4up&
B rea "do .n o & R oom
- $fter the last guest has departed! the doors to the function roo% are closed and
the roo% can *e cleared&
- Waiter collect nap'ins into *undles of -6! ta*lecloths separated! centerpieces
'ept for re4use! soiled (are sent to ste(ard area! etc&
D i&&e renc e( -et.e en Lu nc * a nd D in ne r
- @inner (ill hae candles on the ta*le (hich should *e lighted as soon as the
guests hae *een seated&
- @inner serice should *e %ore for%al than lunch and so the follo(ing %ay aryA
- Coffee/tea for lunches can *e sered (ith the dessert due to ti%e constraints&
- +assing of +ort/3randy and Cigars is a feature of dinner serice (hen
re1uested& It is sered i%%ediately after coffee is sered&
- $fter dinner %ints should *e offered after a set dinner and is sered after coffee
and li1ueurs hae *een sered&
- 3read can *e plated into the ta*le in *as'ets for lunch again for ease of serice
and ti%e&
- Clearing during luncheon can *e %ore fle,i*le than dinner as ti%e (ill put pressure
on to speed of serice&

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