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Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4

Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
Job S"mmar%:
To assist the outlet manager in the smooth and efficient operation of the assigned
outlets. Operate the outlets under the direction from the outlet manager as per the
standards and procedures and practice managerial principles, in order to achieve
departmental goals, in terms of guest satisfaction, financial targets, and training and
high employee morale

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D"ties & #esponsibilities:
To achieve departmental goals, in terms of guest satisfaction, financial targets,
training and high employee morale
)* Food & Beverae Department
1.1. Outlet operation
Assist with the development of standards & procedures, in keeping with
the hotel policies and procedures
Ensure all the staff to carry out the task according to the S&
!omplies with the hotel specific guidelines of Sheraton "uests
Satisfaction #nde$. The incum%ent will initiate systems and procedures
to meet and if possi%le e$ceed guest&s e$pectations
Assist with the management of outlet service
Assist with the management of cash handling procedures and %anking
Oversee the preparation of daily %anking and cash flow reports
#nstruct staff in credit policies and facilities
#nstruct staff in cash security procedures
'anage the maintenance of e(uipment
'onitor standards of guest facilities and services
!ontrol stock and monitor stock security procedures
Take part in menu and wine list creation

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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ 1-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
+* $anaement,Strateic Plannin
/.1. Assist in strategic planning and development
Take part in the preparation and planning and department-unit-outlet
goals and o%2ectives
Access sales and marketing data
articipate in the preparation of strategic plans and operation plans
3etermining a purchasing plan, according to the financial %udget of the
3etermining optimum staffing, product, stock and e(uipment levels, in
relation to %usiness needs, keeping in mind the various seasonal periods
of %usiness
/./. Assist with the planning and implementation of sales & marketing
strategies for outlet
Assist with the preparation of sales and marketing plans
Assist with the development of new products and services
Assist with the development of marketing strategies
Assist with the evaluation of sales and marketing activities
/.4. !onsider economic relevant to the department
Take into account e$ternal economic issues when planning and making
Anticipate economic %usiness level fluctuations
'onitor information and trends in the industry
#nterpret economic data
/.1. 5uality management systems
'onitor the implementation of (uality management systems
/... !onsider tourism issues relevant to the department
!onsider political and social influences on %usiness
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ /-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
Analy6e tourism data
)iaise with relevant parties
#dentify ma2or environmental (uality management systems
-* Finance $anaement
4.1. OS systems 7captain orders, shift change control of cash8
!ontrol and check daily operation of all OS systems
Ensure that all cash floats and all systems are as per the & of the
accounting department
Ensure that all checks are posted accurately to the appropriate codes and
All canceled dockets are to %e summari6ed on the void and canceled
summary and signed
Account for all dockets used list out all docket control form and all
unused docket
!onduct readings-report on the 'icros machine at the start and end of
the shift.
4./. 9inancial matters
Assist in the preparation and monitoring the accounts of the unit- outlet
Assist in the preparation and management of the unit-outlet %udgets
'onitor, analy6e and report variations from the %udget
Assist with the preparation of performance reports for the unit-outlet
Assist with the ratio analysis
Assist with analysis of the trend data
!ontri%ute to pricing decisions
Analy6e sales mi$
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ 4-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
4* P"rchasin,Soc(
1.1. 'anage purchasing & stock control in con2unction with the 'anager
1./. Stock control
:andle and store stock according to stock control procedures
.* H"man #eso"rces
..1. !ertificate
;e certified TS<, '9T, SO9T S=#))S and other management skills
../. Training+
Training, development and rostering of staff
3etermining and implementing on going training needs for associates at
different levels
..4. 'anage work operations
!oordinate work operations within the department-unit-outlet
3evelop performance standards for operations in the department-unit-
Assess work operations and prepare plans to implement change when
!oordinate %etween other departments-units
'onitor productivity of the unit
..1. #ndustrial relations
revent and resolve grievances
!ounsel staff and prevent work related pro%lems
>esolve disputes
3iscipline staff
.... Staff management
3etermine and plan for future staffing needs
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ 1-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
Assist in recruiting staff
repare staff rosters
9acilitate multi?skill ensuring ma$imum fle$i%ility of staff rotation to
%usy areas all e$ercised
'aintain up?to?date staff records
!ustomi6e position profiles for your area of responsi%ility using the
Sheraton :uman >esources 'anagement System
'anage staff training and development using Sheraton :uman
>esources 'anagement System
Assist with the planning and delivery of department orientation
#mplement staff performance appraisals
!arry out e$it interviews
..,. Supervise staff
rovide ongoing advice and support to staff under supervision
Supervise staff performance
#mplement appropriate management practices that provide staff
motivation and communication
..@. #nstruct staff
rovide one to one instruction to associates when re(uired
/* $en" 0no'lede
,.1. 'enu
"ood command of food product and menu knowledge
Assist outlet manager and E$ecutive !hef, in menu planning
"ood knowledge & understanding of food service standard & procedure
To e$amine goods for (uality and (uantity
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ .-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
,./. 3rink list
"ood command of %everage knowledge
#mplement %everage service skills
1* G"est Service,Sales
@.1. 'anage guest service
>esponsi%le for guest and staff satisfaction in the outlet
Ensure that service is carried out in accordance with S &&s and STA>
!ontinually improving and enhancing service standards, and updating
the standards and procedures as and when re(uired
'anage the delivery of high (uality service to guests
'anage the development and implementation of guest service strategies
@./. 'anage the sales and promotion of products and services
*nderstand Starwood S" plans
!ontinually develop sales and promotional strategies for the hotel&s
products and services
@.4. "uest service-relations
'ake appropriate recommendations for guests
3eliver high (uality service to guests
Ensure guest needs and reasona%le re(uests are met
Seek opportunities to continually improve guest service
A%ide %y the Starwood !are
Esta%lish and maintain effective guest relations
3emonstrate effective and appropriate interaction with guests whilst
maintaining a professional approach and image
!ommunication with guests in a manner which promotes goodwill, trust
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ ,-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
and satisfaction
Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints
'ake sure all (uestions are well taken care off and personally check
guest satisfaction of all (uestions
@.1. Sell and promote products and services
Sell the hotel and Sheraton&s products and services using up?selling and
suggestive selling techni(ues
romote the hotel and Sheraton&s products
'aintain a high level of product and service knowledge in order to
e$plain and sell services and facilities to guests
2* 3omp"ter
A.1. 'aintain computer systems
#n con2unction with #nformation Systems 'anager and 3irector of 9&;+
'aintain security of data
>esolve systems and e(uipment pro%lems
A./. :uman resources computer programs
Access and use the Sheraton :uman >esources 'anagement Systems
A.4. 9ood & %everage computer
=now how to use 3E):# %an(uet sales computer system
Access and use '#!>OS cashier system
Access and use food & %everage computer programs
A.1. <ord processing
Access and use word processing computer packages
4* Safet%,3leanin,$aintenance
B.1. 'anage safety-cleaning-maintenance
#n con2unction with the Security 'anager manage the development and
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ @-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
implementation of safety-security policies and procedures for the
#n con2unction with appropriate personnel manage the development and
implementation of cleaning-maintenance programs for the department-
B./. 'aintain a safe and secure working environment
;e aware of duty of care, and adhere to occupational health and safety
legislation, policies and procedures
#nitiate action to correct a ha6ardous situation and notify supervisors-
managers of potential danger
Adhere to the hotel&s security and emergency policies and procedures
;e familiar with property safety, current first aid fire emergency
)og security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel
B.4. !leaning-maintenance programs
Adhere to hotel cleaning and maintenance programs
Ensure a high level of cleaning is maintained in your work area

)5* 3omm"nication,General
10.1. 'eeting
Attend and conduct departmental, and interdepartmental meetings
!onduct daily pre meal meeting with associates to keep them informed
of updates, new directions, policies and procedures and daily menu items
10./. 'anage working relationships
repare and conduct meeting and group presentations to keep staff-
management-other parties informed of hotel operations and other
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ A-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
relevant issues
lan team systems and structures
Set team goals in consultation with team mem%ers according to hotel-
department goals, policies and practices
'anage cross cultural communication
10.4. 'aintain and implement effective interpersonal skills
'aintain personal presentation to hotel and Sheraton standards
3emonstrate professional attitude and %ehavior at all times
Analy6e, evaluate and improve your personal performance on a
continual %asis
10.1. 5uality systems
Apply hotel (uality assurance principles
10... !omply with all hotel and corporate guidelines
A%ide %y the Sheraton !ode of !onduct
A%ide %y the Sheraton Employee :and%ook
A%ide %y %oth the hotel and Sheraton policies and procedures
10.,. !ommunication
#nteract with department and hotel staff in a professional and positive
manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective
two?way communication
3eal effectively with guests and workplace colleagues from a variety of
<ork effectively in a team
10.@. Administration rocedures
repare and maintain files, reports, letters, memorandums and other
relevant %usiness documentation
Ensure a daily log%ook for the outlet is maintained with information as
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ B-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
to covers, revenues, special events, (uest praise and complaints and
other notes happenings. The log%ook is left every night for 3irector of 9
& ;&s information & signature
Ensure all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely %asis
10.A. Other Tasks
!arry out other tasks as directed %y your supervisors
#t is not the intention of this Co% 3escription to provide an e$haustive list
of 2o% duties. #t provides a focal point to the incum%ent in the hope that
they will develop the 2o% further. 9rom time to time and in line with
managerial priorities, it is e$pected that the incum%ent will work as and
where directed %y management and in line with improving customer
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ 10-11
Sheraton Xiamen Hotel Job Description

Position: Shift Leader Grade: 4
Department: Food & Beverae Division: F&B !"tlet

#eport to: !"tlet $anaer
Prepared b%: &ndre' Ho &pproved b%: Lance !"redni(
Job 0no'lede , S(ill:
1. "ood English skills 7written & ver%al8
/. !omputer operation and familiarity with some software packages including
spreadsheet programs
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:igh School !ertificate

<ork e$perience in a similar position in another . star hotel for /?4years. Technical
course in 9&; management. 'inimum 4 years full time course

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&dditional S(ill re:"ired:
"ood leadership skills-good training conducting skills-strong organi6ation skills
Open minded and out going personality
ositive attitude to work and a%ility to work under pressure
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)ast *pdate+ ,-1.-/011 A"E+ 11-11

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