BREAD OF LIFE-Isomaltooligossaride (IMO) : Probiotics Are Replacement For Antibiotic/Medicine

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BREAD OF LIFE- Isomaltooligossaride (IMO)

Probiotics are replacement for Antibiotic/Medicine

By Sunil Sarkar
Probiotics will be a great replacement against Antibiotics and
Medicines starting with this 21st century. To heal most diseases the
Doctors used to use surgical methods of treatment before 1928 when
Alexander Flaming a pharmacologist from Scotland have first invented
Antibiotic- Penicillin. Before the Antibiotic was invented, to remove any
diseases from human body the doctors had to cut tissues, organs and
system of patients to save their lives. It is because the Antibiotics could
attack and kill germs and bacteria in the blood, so that was a great
replacement against cutting body parts and the World started a new
era of Medicine/Antibiotics that saved people not to lose their body
tissues, organs and systems as they took care of the diseases in the
blood by various medicine. All throughout 19th and 20th Centuries
doctors treated their patents by medicine. But recently these days
many doctors realize that every Antibiotics/medicine has its side effect
and it is not good to take medicine because it keeps healing in one side
and causing disease in another side. When an Antibiotic/medicine
managed to kill those particular germs and bacteria in the blood, they
too kill many good germs and bacteria those are required to help the
body activities. The attack/war of Antibiotic/Medicine in the blood
explode and create sever damages to red blood cells, white blood cells,
plasma, germs, bacterium, fungus, prion, protozoan and other
elements of blood and that causes many more diseases and weaken
our body time to time. The war wastes (from the killed germs, bacteria
and blood cells) in the blood after the war/attack of
Antibiotic/Medicines causes many more complications and side effects
in human body. So, should we keep treating our bodies with
Antibiotics/Medicines? Is there any other ways to manage this situation
to heal diseases in present days? Do you know any safest treatments
methods for human body? Well, I know some of those safest treatment
methods beside those are very common.
Present days many faithful biologists and pharmacologists of the
world are coming up with many ways to avoid Antibiotics/Medicine to
cure the patients from different diseases. I will list few of these bellow:
1. Some people go for HARBAL TREATMENT believing that the herbs
have natural components which would cure the body without harm.
But we all too know that most the medicines are made from herbs and
plants and many of these herbal medicines has harmful components in
them which can reacts with human body. To treat any patients we need
to measure and prove any chemicals to assure maximum harmlessness.
2. Some people go for SUPLIMENT TREATMENT as they keep taking
vitamins, minarets and supplements on regular basis assuming that if
they have all the vitamins, minerals and supplements their body
required, it will keep their immune system strong to resist various
germs and bacteria. And in some ways, many pure supplements do
help too. But as many false commercial chemical capsules affirming
themselves as supplements in the market often are the reason for
many diseases and it leads people to several other diseases as the
consumers have to buy another medicine to control that health
condition their human body. Often people do not know what they are
taking and believe what is written on the labels and are deceived. In
most cases the problem is the commercialization of the healthy
products and systems.
3. Many people believe in HEALTHY LIFESTYLE like exercise, diet
control and temperance as they protect themselves from the diseases.
This method is one of the best ways to stay to prevent many diseases.
But the problem is if someone has received disease germs and bacteria
chronically from the parents, externally by incest bites or cuts or
eternally from food absorption which directly affects and creates
sickness starting from the blood, what should they do?
4. Some follows ORGANIC METHODS as they always consume
organic food that does not contain harmful pathogens to keep disease
away from their body. They too try not using inorganic substances like
soap, liquid, oil and chemicals that are harmful to generate disease in
their body. But then what about the disease we receive in your blood
chronically? What should we do when disease pops up from within as
we grow old? And is it really possible to avoid all the toxic chemicals
from the food absorption or from external environment?
5. Recently these days some people are using IONIC ENERGY
BALENCING METHOD in which they wear magnetic bracelets in their
wrist like a watch which have tourmaline substance to control the Ion
of the body. Everything of this world is made out of Atoms and the
pyroelectric property of the tourmaline has Atom (Protons & Electrons)
energy control and neutralizing ability to balance the body, provide
strengths and blood circulation stability. When the red blood cells
circulate with speed in the body the germs and bacteria cannot be
easily attack the blood cells and it keeps disease away as the body is
balanced, energized and active. But these methods of treatments are
still doubted as it is called holocaust by many people as things are
commercial done and many have found that those product does not
6. The latest science to heal a human body is PROBIOTICS that
handles and translates the microorganism in blood for the proper
functions, maintenances and growths of the body. Probiotics are food
for microorganism like blood cells, germs, bacterium, fungus, prion and
protozoan, etc in the blood to lead, translate and change their chemical
activities for the good of the body. Probiotics do not create any attack
or war in the blood to remove any diseases, but it positively translates
and handles the harmful germs, bacteria and organisms to be beneficial
for the blood and the body. I am going to write about a very essential
Probiotic for human body and blood organisms which would be the
best healing remedy for the people of the future world and which can
heal most diseases including cancers. It is Ismaltoligosaccaride.
To me the definition of DISEASE is that the cells of the flesh and
blood are being attacked and damaged due to germs and bacteria and
its sate of failing the war to remain as blood or flesh! When we
research about diseases we find that human body can affect by
diseases only in three ways- first-externally, second-eternally and third-
chronically. External Diseases - when someone get affected by diseases
from the environment as germs and bacteria enter in their blood
through outer layer (ectoderm) of our body- like infections, injuries,
bites, cuts, burns, etc. Internal Diseases when some get affected by
disease for the germs and bacteria reach the blood through eternal
organs during berating, food consumption or internal pathogen
production in the blood - like fever, diarrhea, ulcer, cancer, etc. Chronic
Diseases - disease that people receive from their parents chronically-
like diabetes, arthritis asthma, allergies, etc. When human is in state of
an embryo it has three layers endosomes- internal organs,
mesosomes-massules and bones, and ectosoms- skin. The internal
organs feeds, circulate blood and grow the embryo as diseases cannot
easily affect them as the body grow with positive elements in the
And we must not forget that any disease we suffer, it occurs in the
blood as germs and bacteria from outside, inside and within initially
interact with the blood cells to infect and damage them. Once they win
over the blood cells, they easily get into other cells and gradually affect
the organs of the body. So, what any Antibiotics/Medicines do is to
attack those blood germs and bacteria in the blood to destroy them to
save our body from any particular disease. But during these attacks
they too destroy many good germs and bacteria, produce wastes, and
the explosion creates side effects. But could there be any better way
than having this war in the blood with the germs, bacteria and blood
cells to cure a disease? Yes, it is possible to moderately handle and
translate the harmful germs and bacteria to something helpful for the
blood cells instead of having a war and create side effects. And that is
what probiotic-Isomaltooligosaccharide does through the inessential
flora. Isomaltooligosaccharide is the food for the harmful germs and
bacteria in our blood as it change and translate the germs and bacteria
in to good bacteria and Bufidus that helps to cure most disease. When
the harmful germs and bacteria is changed and translated to the good
germs and bacteria, the disease are automatically healed as they there
is nothing in the blood to cause any disease, so the disease gets over as
the white blood cells cure as the blood properly function. At the other
hand, when the germs and bacteria is changed and translated in to
Bufidus, that strengthen the cells growth and maintenance. Bufidus are
the reason for a person to grow, develop and repair of the human
body. When are small we have more Bufidus, but as we grow, the
amount of Bufidus is reduced from our blood to help us to grow, heal
and maintain our body. So, it is very good that Isomaltooligosaccharide
translates and handles the harmful germs and bacteria to good germs,
bacteria and Bufidus, and the healing procedure is fasten as the blood
cells receives a positive environment to function smoothly due to the
presence of good germs, bacteria and Bufidus . When those harmful
germs and bacteria are changed and translated by
Isolmaltooligosaccharide, the supply of harmful germs and bacteria is
stopped to those diseased area and the diseases gets cured.
IIsomaltooligossaccharide is the food for the harmful germs and
bacteria to change them. It is a very simple knowledge that we must
not attack the harmful germs and bacteria by Antibiotic/Medicines
because the red blood cells, white blood cells and other elements are
affected too, but we should gently handle the germs and bacteria as we
convert them to be good and useful for our blood and the body.
Dr. Lorthar of GENUS Group also has come up with another idea.
He suggests that we too can strengthen the blood cell members so that
germs and bacteria cannot easily affect them. He is the first scientist
who made CURCUMIN water soluble to run in our blood and build the
blood cell membranes strong to resist any harmful germs and bacteria.
As the harmful germs and bacteria wont be able to easily affect the
blood cells pricking though its strong membranes, it will be hard to
contract many diseases. But I feel it too may cause difficulty for the
good germs and bacteria to not to be able to interact with the blood
cells too to actively function, heal and grow the body. So, for now I bear
testimony that the product named Bread of Life-
Isomaltooligosaccharide from Taiwan is the best food for the germs and
bacteria to heal every disease including Cancer and every human
should try to eat it as it is a food and will heal them most disease with
no side effects. Bread of Life Isomaltooligosaccaride is not sold in
the market commercially. It is not sold in the dispensary or medicine
shops as it is not a medicine but a food for human kind and for their
microorganism especially harmful germs and bacteria to translate them
to restore from disease. Many people have given testimonies how
Bread of Life- Isomaltooligosaccaride has miraculously heal them
including many cancer patients. And it is sold only by people who bear
testimonies and are example of healing by it or it permitted to sell it in
beauty parlor, as life is all about beauty. And its a fine process and no
one should corrupt it. If you want to try the product Bread of Life-
Isomaltooligosaccaride, then you have to contact the people who have
testified it. Thank you.
Sunil Sarkar
0063-9226051838 (Philippines)
Price: $ 60.00

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