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Every War that we fight,

Every battle we win,
Every effort we put,
Life becomes more meaningless.

For all the peace we make,
All the conflicts we solve,
All the chains we unchain,
Life still remains cruel.

All the times weve wasted,
All the tears weve shed,
All the sweat and blood,
Will be of no significance.

All the hopes we have,
And all the prayers we pray,
For all the questions we ask,
Still no answers for what lies ahead.

All the aspirations we have,
All the wishes and dreams,
All the rivalry we face,
Life remains a mystery..



The quiet dark sea,
Where many lovers met and loved,
Where many killers killed and kill,
Where many sinners sinned and sin.
The hideous sad sea.

Dawn breaks in a clear sky,
The warm bright sun rises,
The sea looks calm behind the cliffs,
As the cruel sun rises up steadily.

Every sandy shore of the sea,
Every mist in the dark night,
Makes me even lonelier..
So lonely in this cruel, merciless world.

Dusk falls with milder winds,
The night falls and the sea looks calm,
It turns black and the wind grows quiet,
With the faint noises of rocking waters.

The many suns that rise from the sea,
Slowly goes back to the somber sea,
How many more suns and moons..
Before I become complete??

The sea that taketh me far,
To imaginary mysterious places,
Distant ancient times,
Near, far and deep,
Beyond all human expectations..

By: J.W.Maghanga


Poor African kids,
Full of soured up hope,
And faith that has faded away,
Sunken eyes daring death,
Faced by loneliness and hunger,
Brought up in fear and violence
Do they have tomorrow to look up to?

With tattered clothes and skinny frames
And the flies buzzing around them,
They stare and glare in desperation,
Having no one to turn to,
For even their own mother country has turned against them.

Will this ever come to an end?
They ask with sincere faint hearts,
And they look up to the sky,
As the scorching sun rises up steadily..

By: J.W.Maghanga


Give karma one hit and she hits back,
Sometimes soon, sometimes much later,
It is the later bit that infuriates,
And when karma is not enough, revenge comes in handy.

It is a perfect delicacy when served cold,
When the pain, anger and bitterness we once felt has calmed down,
Or better yet blown away by the wind, but certainly not forgotten,
It is at this point the undertone murmurs, karma is not enough.

Where your mind is full of 'whys' that you cannot answer
Where your head thinks of nothing else except for liquor to ease up
thy broken heart
Where you think everyone is full of hypocrisy, prejudice and
barbarism? And that you are totally fed up with the world and all her
Someone out there had the nerve to betray you, visibly with

You wish karma would strike instantaneously, but no, it takes forever.
You cry your heart out and abhor everyone around you,
You want to be left alone and experience the pain by yourself, for at
this time no one really understands how it feels,
You want to curl up in bed and scream the hell outta yourself and you
regret putting your trust in someone who barely cared
Vengeance calls in and behold! You keenly compose yourself and feel
strong again...

Revenge, oh sweet revenge,
It's a form of justice when nature won't deliver,
Ah God, what trances of torments does that man endure who is consumed
with one unachieved revengeful desire??
The Bible says, vengeance is of the Lord,
That's fair because everyone is somewhat taught to be noble,
The choice goes for individuals, but certainly not for me.
Dear Karma, I will only be patient when you strike in due time...

By: J.W.Maghanga

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