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Digital Re-print - May | June 2009

Feature title: Grain testing beyond the mill

Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies,
the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of
information published.
©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1466-3872

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries
world food and feed commodity prices to to the marketplace. Adding to the impact highs, a smaller har vest is a strong
record levels over the last two years. This of this factor, Argentina’s farmers remain possibility for this crop. Russia and
ews Grain May N -
Testing June 09 eature is encouraging news for major F eature F
consumers of Grainin Testing
dispute with their government over soya Ukraine may sow more rapeseed with

maize – indeed for all consumers in animal export taxes, threatening a repeat of the an eye to export markets but forecasts of
feed, food and other more traditional grain export disruption seen last year and turning a major surge in Canadian canola plantings
and oilseed outlets. major buyers like China toward the US and have receded with the latest government
For the moment, demand for US maize will to Brazil (where the crop is also lower the farmer thanwaitsforecasts
too long theyoncanApril waste 24 eventime,
valuable expecting
push- a
continue to increase with the higher ethanol expected). ing up costs and slight drop (though this is probably too
exposing the crop to the risk of damage from

Photographs courtesy of David Sugden

weather events.
mandate and some recovery in exports amid China has been a particularly heavyWith import pessimistic). World demand for rapeseed
Richard Sugden CBE TD
still flat feed demand. Based on current crop buyer of whole soyabeans recently, in the field
Infratec Sofia, you can accurately determine crop moisture
using allowing has themmeanwhile been
to start the harvest strong,
earlier especially
and to continue
projections, this would reduce US 2009/10 them to cope with an internal squeeze caused from China. longer into the day with confidence. Harvesting is completed in the
for a one-to-one session for both his administrative four sons, two of whom, David shortest possible time, reducing costs and potential risks.
for up stocks
to 30 minutes! back to the andlow 30m area
technical milling– a skills.
by putting
in Allied7.25m
Mills andtonnes
Paul inof its own crop
Ranks into Sofia isSunflowerseed
Infratec™ ready to use wherever supplies are still- fairly
it is needed in the good
manageable figure but one
Thereafter, Sugden was He was awarded the CBE for that will keep a strategic reserve.
Hovis McDougall, Some
also analysts
had think
harvester, this
in the after
tractor big
or in EU,
a car.Russian and Ukrainian crops
successful careers in milling. The instrument is based on near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, a
the onus
posted to theonMiddle
the US andto services
achievetoa and decentsurveyingUS of thetrend may fizzle out as the Chinese market last year. EU 2009 planting intentions are
Far East, finally serving milling facilities for the Maltese by Bryan McGeesaturated with field in which FOSS has vast experience and knowledge. Applying
crop this year. eventually become this stocks.
know–how, unclear Infratec Sofia at this
has stage but thedesigned
been specially formerforSoviet
as a Lt . Colonel in government
Combined the traditional under
second the
supplier However, with crush margins and animal
mobility countries
and operation in harshhave signalled they may reduce
ofN maize,
e w D eArgentina,
l h i , I n d i a . hasauspices
a drought of the reduced herd expansion still going strong Using
there, less than half
plantingsa litre of grain
while and
the with no grinding
one-time or sam-
major sunseed
(1910 – 2009) harvest
O n h i s this d e myear,
o b ithat Infratec™
British Ministry Sofia
its being offset by others believe the annual import
ple preparation required, Infratec™ Sofia delivers measurement
results need
in around exporter Argentina has seen its crop savaged
Infratec™ Sofia is a compact, easy-to-use analyser that allows three minutes.
October 1945, Sugden of Agriculture,

large supplies coming out users
ichard Sugden CBE TD, r e j o i n e d t h e B r i g h o u s e Fisheries
of Brazil makefor
to and the decisions
informed will expandabout when from this season’s
to harvest and 36/37m
Apart from to providing
by the information
same drought affecting
for managing its wheat,
the harvest,
third Infratec™ Sofia also assists with future cropping strategies. Results
one of the leading figures mill and in year
1955-56 running.he was More maize
Food how is also
( MAFF to ) being
use the crop. as much as 40m next season. Apart from maize and soyabeans.
in the British milling elec ted i n theL Assessing
oEUndo n . whether the crop is dry enough is one of the most are stored on the removable memory card, so grain quality data
President by Ukraine
of t he and after good China, world demand for soyabeans has been In conclusion, protein prices have firmed up
critical questions during harvest. Starting too early risks rejected gathered from different areas of the farm can be used in field map-
industry for many years, died trade association, NABIM.
in February in his 99th year. 2008 crops. The plentiful world
In loads
retirement supplyorofcostlyless
at receival impressive.
artificial drying. On In thea other
year of retrenchment
hand, if ping and other in precision
considerably recently on tightening supplies,
farming strategies.
In the maize
early 1960s the Canadian Richard Sugden
for 2008/09 should also see world animal feeding, world meal demand is seen yet it is possible that even these levels may

Grain testing
Richard Sugden was a fourth Gar f ield Weston acquired lived in Linton- Major Sugden escorting H.M. King
generation miller from a well- 3 0 formerlystocks ending inde pende at a comfortable Keeping
nt in-Craven leveltheof 143m George
in calibrations upflattoVI
on 20season’s
Oct 1938 As level.
at calibrations for the analyser look
Halifax are good value
To date, theinanalyser
a few supportsmonths’meas- time –
known Yorkshire family who mills in tonnes,
Britain aand 7-year
Northern via the Dales.
high. Yorkshire internet Town Hall. HoweverThe Guard released,
with they
of Honour wasare simply downloaded via the urement of
traditionally unless the US sows a lot more soyabeans protein and moisture in wheat
had an established milling Ireland for his Associated Richard Calibrations for any provided by ‘B’ Company
near infrared-based internet and transferred to the Infratec Sofia and barley, but will be upgraded as new
4th Battalion,
Forward new crop maize prices carry Duke Sugden accounting for Regiment
two thirds
business in Brighouse called British Foods Group (ABF). isanalyser needbyperiodic updates of account unit
to Wellington’s ensuring that of
(TA) theareworld’s
results always accurate than commodity
expected.calibrations become available.
Thomas Sugden & Son Limited. a premium of about 13.5% overin current
for changes crops over growingtotalseasons.
oilmeal supply, there
and reliable. As more options become available, farm-
He was the second of four ABF later also acquired
quotations on the futures markets – a is tremendous onus on the
beyond the mill
children, the others being large milling interests in
Jean, Highley and Rhona, all of Australia, New Zealand
‘weather premium’ in case the US crop top producer, the USA, to
9 – 10 September 2009 - RUMINANTS
th th

whom predeceased him. His a n d does S o u trun

h Ainto f r i cany
a . further weather problems. come up with a bigger crop
Postharvest Technology
Sutton Bonington Campus
• Enzymes
brother Highley had a career The Weston mills in
However, this could shrink if all goes well. this summer to plug the • Phosphorus
in milling engineering where Canada formed part of
A handy new near infrared (NIR) analyser extends the power of rapid and reliable grain testing to the farmer ina the field
Among the other feedgrains, barley gaps left by disappointing
International Feed requirements of
dairy cows
he rose to become Managing separate organization.
• Practical grazing
Director of the then leading production comfortably exceeds production Latin American harvests.
The Sugden mill was • Dairy Heifer survival
supplier company, Henry Simon Now in its 43rd year & still going strong • Omega-3 fatty
acquiredthisin February
season, 1962 so ending stocks will rise ahead In this respect, traders acids and fertility

Limited (see GFMT November/
he use of near infrared analysis ers to plan the harvest more effectively once a year. This2006 ensures and Weston appointed
the measure- of the next harvest while sorghum supplies were jolted at the end of
December - A that
Tribute This meeting has been held annually
for payment analysis of grain and segregate deliveries for optimal profit. ment Richard Sugden as PIGS
to performance
George Highley is the same for all Infratec
Sugden). are roughly matched to demand. Prices March when USDA’s first
3 - Day Hands-on Combining Theory & Practice
since 1967 at the University of
is widely established. With increasing concerns about the carbon 1241 instruments. managing director of this Nottingham Sutton Bonington Campus
• Minerals
• Tryptophan
footprint of farming and transportation, the Educated at Sedbergh
For the Infratec Sofia, School,
a similar stand- of barley, group,
new subsidiary measured by the French export farmer planting intentions (School of Biosciences; the best School of requirements
Richard Sugden joined the initially called Food and Food Proteins Course its kind in the UK). • Feed processing
But what if there was a way to extend analyser can also make a difference by opti- ardisation to the Master Infratec, is made benchmark, eased to four-month lows in survey showed US soya The meeting attracts delegates from technology
the power of grain testing for key meas- mising the harvesting process and thereby before family business
it leaves the and workedline. General
production This Holdings and Properties, Functionalities & Applications • Starter piglet
full later
late-Feb/early-March following weaker maize acreage would only rise all parts of the Feed Industry as well systems
his way up in
urement parameters such as protein and fuel usage and by avoiding wasted journeys standardisation willthe true
then beand
confirmed as a renamed Allied as University / Research Personnel and • Organic acids in
moisture to a farmer working the fields in a to the receiving station. apprenticeship fashion. It
part of the annual Preventive Maintenance was Mills and
Ltd. feed
He hadwheat the markets but have steadied by about 121,000 ha (to Government personnel. It is an excellent pig diets
during this pre-war period that t ask of melding the example of Technology Transfer.
combine harvester? Robert Sewell, an Australian farm- Service provided with the instrument. In this up in April as old crop supplies from eastern 30.8m) – about a tenth RAPESEED
The concept has been tried before, er who used the instrument for his harvest way,in the 1932Infratec
he had Sofia
the inspiration to to30-plus
is also aligned the disparate and The Programme Committee consists of
found the Young
as the Section
independently start
minded to wind down at the end of
Conveying, the of the
storing, increase
cleaning, expected
sorting, University staff and colleagues from the CO-PRODUCTS
but has never taken off due to uncertain- last year says, “Because the accuracy of the same Master Infratec 1241 at Animal Feed Industry. • Feeding to
ties between the measurements made in Infratec Sofia is very close to the testing theof station.association, The companies
the trade
receval season. into a single drying, chilling by the market. Unless Between 16 and 18 invited papers are
• Feeding to pigs
the field and those made at the receiving equipment at the receival depot, we can National Association of British
This is the key to how the Infratec Sofia competitive organization.
High performance USDA systemsis wildly
using out (which
sophisticated chosen relevant to both the science Commodity trends

station. & IrishonMillers
have confidence that if we transport a 60 improves other (NABIM). This
on-farm analysers. technology. Be is it cereal or malt, canola or
and the practice of Animal Nutrition
Mills eventually possible in the present presented by recognised authorities from
A new grain analyser promises to tonne load some 70km to the receival Section
It is the isonlystillanalyser
as activeoftoday.
its type using pulses, Schmidt-Seeger have the complete
be c ame one of t he Europe but also worldwide.
bridge this gap with measurements that point, it will not be rejected due to high Infratec 1241 instrument calibrations in order - onus on US to replaceprocessing lost fluidforpricing
system you. and weather • Oxidative stress
Sugden’s uncle , B rig adier largest of the British and animal
are aligned with those of the receiving moisture.” to secure alignment with the official Infratec
General R.E. Sugden, persuaded milling groups and he situation) or the weather What can conference delegates expect? performance

station. Called Infratec Sofia, the instru- system.

him to join 4th Battalion, The initiated Latam
a modernisationcrops Continuous quality control
June 9 - 11 2009, Anaheim (California, is exceptionallyUSA) favourable
Topical subjects | Speakers of the highest
• Mycotoxins &
mycotoxin binders
ment is part of the Foss Infratec family of The power of standardisation quality | Interactive atmosphere allowing
“The Infratec calibrations are very accu- • Assessment of
Duke of Wellington’s Regiment programme which led to excellent liaison between delegates &
grain analysers of which the Infratec 1241 The farmer can rely on measurements rate,(TA). robust and insensitive to temperature Soya meal prices have been rising in Europe for high yields, the next US nutritive value of
He was commissioned its becoming the most speakers | NEW en suite bedrooms | Free feeds
is widely used and approved by standards with the portable Infratec Sofia being aligned changes and weather damages. By using the International Speakers from General Mills, Unilever SlimFast, Solae,
after a advanced
far smaller than Cosucra, expected soyabean soyabeanMichael crop Foods,
will not be
24/7 Internet access | Extremely well- • Potential
and at the outbreak of WW2 technically Solanic, Cargill, Burcon Nutrascience, Fonterra, applications of GM
bodies the world over for payment and with those made at the receiving station Infratec calibrations, the Infratec Sofia gets all
was posted, amongst other m i l l i ncrop g o rin g aArgentina
n i s at i o n after severe DMI, PB Leiner, Egg Nutrition Centre and Bridge2Food
stocked Library | State-of-the-Art Conference
grain trading purposes. because of a technique known as ‘stand- these very important performance criteria and prolonged rising by the 7m to 10m Centre | Bar / Social complex | Brand new
• Legislation on
appointments, to General in Europe, if not the Schmidt-Seeger GmbH Sports Hall with multi-gym, etc
Because the Infratec Sofia can be relied ardisation’. that are necessary for a professional grower,” drought. Recent unofficial estimates haveStrassetonnes
Eichstaetter 49, 92339many hoped.
Montgomery’s XII Corps staff world. In this period impact
said Henrik Andrén, Foss’s senior business
upon to provide results in line with the pay- The Infratec 1241 instrument used at the in Tunbridge Wells. He related Sugden ranged down as low as 31m tonnesPhone:
was particularly with +49(0) 84 61/701-0, Fax: +49(0) 84 61/701-133
the Other major,
oilseeds Details may be found at: • Impacts of climate
change on livestock
ment analysis, it gives farmers new pow- receival station is aligned to a Master Infratec manager for grains.
that he saw Monty every day k nown and admired systems
consensus probably closer to 34/35m. This is may not make up the
20 | may-June 2009
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NottinghamFeedConf09.indd 1 27/02/2009 14:39

Grain Testing Feature
A partnership with synergy
in the field for protein and moisture
content allows them to make informed
decisions regarding the marketing of
their crop and thereby maximise their

Mr Warda reports how the Australian
grain industry is undergoing massive chang-
es, particularly in the area of marketing.
Deregulation of the traditional market-
ing activities is opening up a whole range of

A (Speaks English
Animal Feed, Bruce Fagala, US
opportunities for growers.
“Accurate and rapid testing for grain
Yassine Abbad, Mi
ddle Ea SA (S peaks En “Non-sparking and
(Speaks French & st & Africa rlagon, U available .”
Mike Ke
y shipping
Petfood &
quality in the field is essential for growers Arabic)
to be able to gain maximum benefit from “Buckets for every
application.” “Same da
these opportunities,” he says.

The robust
As grain prices remain volatile on a
global basis, analysis on farm is also likely Aquafeed
and easy to
use analyser
to become increasingly important to take
advantage of greater price spreads between Processing Asia/Pacific’s largest feed and grain
is designed
for analysis in
the field
higher and lower grades.
To avoid giving away value, it is impor-
tant that growers can segregate high and
Technology processing event.
Over 6000 visitors to the 2008 show!

lower quality grains. Perhaps just as well
then that the Infratec Sofia is now being
rolled out in other selected regions of the Storage &
world as a quick and economic means to
segregate grain on farm. Distribution

Not just for grain farmers
The Infratec Sofia is aimed at farmers
growing more than 1500 tonnes wheat and
am, USA & Canada
and barley or a group of growers reach-
Jim Cunningh ish) Carl Swisher, USA
s Sp an ish)
ing this quantity. Tonnage rather than (Speaks Engl (Speak
“Rounded edge
s= “Xtremely efficient”
Rice & Flour
land area is the guide because in Europe Thorsten Ro
nd lin g” gner, Euro
the yield per ha is around six tonnes gentle ha (Speaks Ger pe & Asia
compared to about two tons in the US “CC-XDBangkok
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center – Toughest on . Thailand
and Australia. 3 – 5 March 2010 Jimi Davidson, USA (S the market!”
peaks Spanish)
“Available in polyet
There are several other potential user
groups for the new analyser as well. erica (Speaks Spanish) polyurethane and ny ne,
Joh n Paul Santangelo, Latin Am lon.”
“Stocking distributors worldwCo-located
ide.” with FIAAP Asia 2010 – the event for animal feed
Mobile laboratories can use it for tak-
ing samples from the grower’s storage.
ingredients, additives and formulation.
Small receival sites that are only used for
a few weeks during harvest, sometimes When
Grain it Comes The
Processing toConferences:
Elevator Bucket Performance,
Tapco •Speaks
Petfood ForumYour Language.
called fill and close elevators, may also
find it ideal. • The Thai Feed Conference 2010 • Aquafeed Horizons 2010
Other users could include third party Asia 2010 • The GRAPAS Conference 2010
contract storage providers, grain traders
who store their grain on large farms and Industrial Noodle, Wherever your product
• isThe
FIAAP stored Tapco has2010
or shipped, one thing is constant...the
the two• most popular Technology
Biomass designs in the world.
2010 Tapco has a
bucket that will interchange and replace existing buckets to give
need to know what they have in storage,
grain buyers needing a portable system and Breakfast Cereal Supported
need for high quality
stand the test of time.
you the durability you need to handle abrasive
Agriculture & Co-Operatives
loads…with equal or greater capacity.
& Extruded
ers will be able to simply download the has been closely involved in its development.
small grain traders.
new test and transfer it to their analyser at John Warda, executive manager of Thai Rice Milling Association
group operations for ABB explains how Since 1974, Tapco When you
buckets haveof Livestock
Thai Department call Tapco, you’ll be pleased to learn that your
the click of a button. The instrument can
also be remotely monitored and updated ABB have been working with Foss on the been outperforming
Thai Department representative literally DOES speak your
all othersof Fisheries
for More inforMation:
with a software program, which can be development of this unit since early 2007. in testsThai
and Feed
actual Mill
usage – language – and knows which buckets are
Association FANGED HEAD
installed on a standard office PC. The “While the early units were proto- Richard Mills handling everything from the best choice for your application. Visit Elevator Bolt
program will automatically check and notify types, we were very excited when we Thai Petfood Industry Association
Foss ® feed to fertilizer with care and to find out more
when calibration or software updates are saw the production models in late 2007 Thai Chamber of Commerce
Slangerupgade 69 Postbox 260 STYLE SUPER EUROBUCKET, CC-XD efficiency. Maybe that’s why about Tapco’s world-class features. FLAT COUNTERSUNK
available for download to the instrument. and then again in early 2008,” he says. (XTREME DUTY) & CC-HD (HEAVY DUTY) Thai Convention & Exhibition Bureau

Storage &
Hillerd, DK-3400 DK HEAD (NO. 1 NORWAY)
“Farmers have been asking for an instru- Polyurethane, Nylon and Polyethylene Elevator Buckets Elevator Bolt
Getting the most out of the crop ment like this for several years, particularly in Tel: +45 4820 8583 For information visit: or
The new instrument was introduced to
grain farmers in a restricted release to
the area of moisture testing.”
The ability for farmers to be able to
Web: Distribution
Your key to success
Australia last year and the Australian industry accurately test their wheat and barley
St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A.

Tel.: +1 314 739 9191 • +1 800 288 2726 • Fax: +1 314 739 5880 •
22 | may-June 2009 PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE
Grain &feed millinG technoloGy The color blue, when used in connection with elevator buckets, is a U.S. registered trademark owned by Tapco Inc. © 2009 Tapco Inc.® All rights reserved.
This digital Re-print is part of the May | June 2009 edition of Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine.
Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our
website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website.
Please click here to view our other publications on

June 2009 • See the full issue

• Increased
for coarser
particle sizes
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in feeds

• Grain testing

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beyond the
In this issue:
• New trends
• Despite climate in equipment and
change the mill layout
future is bright
• Variety of choices
– What are they for
• Subscribe to GFMT
A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

GFMT0903.indd 1 02/06/2009 08:41

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