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Q1) Name the divisions in a COBOL program .

Q)) *hat are the di++erent data t,pes avai-a.-e in COBOL
A)) A-pha/n0meri1 23)' a-pha.eti1 2A) and n0meri1 24).

Q5) *hat does the INI#IALI6" ver. do / 7&
A5) A-pha.eti1' A-phan0meri1 +ie-ds 8 a-phan0meri1 edited items are set to
&(AC"&. N0meri1' N0meri1 edited items set to 6"RO. $ILL"R ' OCCUR&
!"("N!IN7 ON items -e+t 0nto01hed.

Q9) *hat is :: -eve- 0sed +or
A9) "-ementar, -eve- item. Cannot .e s0.divisions o+ other items 21annot .e
;0a-i+ied)' nor 1an the, .e s0.divided themse-ves.

Q<) *hat is == -eve- 0sed +or
A<) $or 1ondition names.

Q>) *hat is -eve- >> 0sed +or
A>) $or R"NAM"& 1-a0se.

Q:) *hat does the I& NUM"RIC 1-a0se esta.-ish
A:) I& NUM"RIC 1an .e 0sed on a-phan0meri1 items' signed n0meri1 8 pa1?ed
de1ima- items and 0nsigned n0meri1 8 pa1?ed de1ima- items. I& NUM"RIC ret0rns
#RU" i+ the item on-, 1onsists o+ @/4. AoBever' i+ the item .eing tested is a signed
item' then it ma, 1ontain @/4' C and / .

Q=) AoB do ,o0 de+ine a ta.-eDarra, in COBOL
@< ARRAE1 (IC 324) OCCUR& 1@ #IM"&.
@< ARRAE) (IC 32>) OCCUR& )@ #IM"& IN!"3"! BE *&/IN!"3.

Q4) Can the OCCUR& 1-a0se .e at the @1 -eve-
A4) No.

Q1@) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen indeF and s0.s1ript / 7&
A1@) &0.s1ript re+ers to the arra, o110rren1e Bhi-e indeF is the disp-a1ement 2in no o+
.,tes) +rom the .eginning o+ the arra,.
An indeF 1an on-, .e modi+ied 0sing ("R$ORM' &"ARCA 8 &"#. Need to have
indeF +or a ta.-e in order to 0se &"ARCA' &"ARCA ALL.

Q11) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen &"ARCA and &"ARCA ALL / 7&
A11) &"ARCA / is a seria- sear1h.
&"ARCA ALL / is a .inar, sear1h 8 the ta.-e m0st .e sorted
2 A&C"N!IN7D!"&C"N!IN7 K"E 1-a0se to .e 0sed 8 data -oaded in this order)
.e+ore 0sing &"ARCA ALL.

Q1)) *hat sho0-d .e the sorting order +or &"ARCA ALL / 7&
A1)) It 1an .e either A&C"N!IN7 or !"&C"N!IN7. A&C"N!IN7 is de+a0-t. I+
,o0 Bant the sear1h to .e done on an arra, sorted in des1ending order' then Bhi-e
de+ining the arra,' ,o0 sho0-d give !"&C"N!IN7 K"E 1-a0se. 2Eo0 m0st -oad the
ta.-e in the spe1i+ied order).

Q15) *hat is .inar, sear1h
A15) &ear1h on a sorted arra,. Compare the item to .e sear1hed Bith the item at the
1enter. I+ it mat1hes' +ine e-se repeat the pro1ess Bith the -e+t ha-+ or the right ha-+
depending on Bhere the item -ies.

Q19) M, program has an arra, de+ined to have 1@ items. !0e to a .0g' I +ind that
even i+ the program a11ess the
11th item in this arra,' the program does not a.end. *hat is Brong Bith it

A19) M0st 0se 1ompi-er option &&RAN7" i+ ,o0 Bant arra, .o0nds 1he1?ing. !e+a0-t
is NO&&RAN7".

Q1<) AoB do ,o0 sort in a COBOL program 7ive sort +i-e de+inition' sort
statement s,ntaF and meaning. / 7&
A1<) &,ntaFG &OR# +i-e/1 ON A&C"N!IN7D!"&C"N!IN7 K"E ?e,.... U&IN7
+i-e/) 7I%IN7 +i-e/5.

U&IN7 1an .e s0.stit0ted ., IN(U# (ROC"!UR" I& para/1 #ARU para/)
7I%IN7 1an .e s0.stit0ted ., OU#(U# (ROC"!UR" I& para/1 #ARU para/).

+i-e/1 is the sort 2Bor?) +i-e and m0st .e des1ri.ed 0sing &! entr, in $IL"
+i-e/) is the inp0t +i-e +or the &OR# and m0st .e des1ri.ed 0sing an $! entr, in
$IL" &"C#ION and &"L"C#
1-a0se in $IL" CON#ROL.
+i-e/5 is the o0t +i-e +rom the &OR# and m0st .e des1ri.ed 0sing an $! entr, in
$IL" &"C#ION and &"L"C#
1-a0se in $IL" CON#ROL.
+i-e/1' +i-e/) 8 +i-e/5 sho0-d not .e opened eFp-i1it-,.

IN(U# (ROC"!UR" is eFe10ted .e+ore the sort and re1ords m0st .e R"L"A&"d
to the sort Bor? +i-e +rom the inp0t pro1ed0re.
OU#(U# (ROC"!UR" is eFe10ted a+ter a-- re1ords have .een sorted. Re1ords
+rom the sort Bor? +i-e m0st .e R"#URNed one at a time to the o0tp0t pro1ed0re.

Q1>) AoB do ,o0 de+ine a sort +i-e in JCL that r0ns the COBOL program
A1>) Use the &OR#*K@1' &OR#*K@)'..... dd names in the step. o+ sort
datasets depends on the vo-0me o+ data
.eing sorted' .0t a minim0m o+ 5 is re;0ired.

Q1:) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen per+orming a &"C#ION and a (ARA7RA(A
/ 7&
A1:) (er+orming a &"C#ION Bi-- 1a0se a-- the paragraphs that are part o+ the
se1tion' to .e per+ormed.
(er+orming a (ARA7RA(A Bi-- 1a0se on-, that paragraph to .e per+ormed.

Q1=) *hat is the 0se o+ "%ALUA#" statement / 7&
A1=) "va-0ate is -i?e a 1ase statement and 1an .e 0sed to rep-a1e nested I+s. #he
di++eren1e .etBeen "%ALUA#" and
1ase is that no H.rea?H is re;0ired +or "%ALUA#" i.e. 1ontro- 1omes o0t o+ the
"%ALUA#" as soon as one mat1h is

Q14) *hat are the di++erent +orms o+ "%ALUA#" statement
"%ALUA#" "%ALUA#" &QLCO!" AL&O $IL"/
*A"N AIB AN! CI! *A"N 1@@ AL&O H@@H
imperative stmt imperative
*A"N 2!C3)DE I 9 *A"N /5@< AL&O H5)H
imperative stmt imperative
*A"N O#A"R *A"N O#A"R
imperative stmt imperative
"N!/"%ALUA#" "N!/"%ALUA#"

*A"N 1@@ AL&O #RU" *A"N 1@@ AL&O AIB
imperative stmt imperative stmt
*A"N /5@< AL&O $AL&" *A"N /5@< AL&O
imperative stmt imperative stmt
"N!/"%ALUA#" "N!/"%ALUA#"

Q)@) AoB do ,o0 1ome o0t o+ an "%ALUA#" statement / 7&
A)@) A+ter the eFe10tion o+ one o+ the Bhen 1-a0ses' the 1ontro- is a0tomati1a--,
passed on to the neFt senten1e a+ter the
"%ALUA#" statement. #here is no need o+ an, eFtra 1ode.

Q)1) In an "%ALUA#" statement' 1an I give a 1omp-eF 1ondition on a Bhen
A)1) Ees.

Q))) *hat is a s1ope terminator 7ive eFamp-es.
A))) &1ope terminator is 0sed to mar? the end o+ a ver. e.g. "%ALUA#"' "N!/
"%ALUA#"J I$' "N!/I$.

Q)5) AoB do ,o0 do in/-ine ("R$ORM / 7&
A)5) ("R$ORM ... KUN#ILL ...

Q)9) *hen Bo0-d ,o0 0se in/-ine per+orm
A)9) *hen the .od, o+ the per+orm Bi-- not .e 0sed in other paragraphs. I+ the .od,
o+ the per+orm is a generi1 t,pe o+ 1ode
20sed +rom vario0s other p-a1es in the program)' it Bo0-d .e .etter to p0t the 1ode
in a separate (ara and 0se
("R$ORM (ara name rather than in/-ine per+orm.

Q)<) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen CON#INU" 8 N"3# &"N#"NC"
A)<) #he, appear to .e simi-ar' that is' the 1ontro- goes to the neFt senten1e in the
paragraph. B0t' NeFt &enten1e Bo0-d
ta?e the 1ontro- to the senten1e a+ter it +inds a +0-- stop 2.). Che1? o0t ., Briting the
+o--oBing 1ode eFamp-e' one i+
senten1e +o--oBed ., 5 disp-a, statements 2sorr, the, appear one -ine here .e1a0se
o+ +ormatting restri1tions) I+ 1 L @
then neFt senten1e end i+ disp-a, H-ine 1H disp-a, H-ine )H. disp-a, H-ine 5H. MMM Note/
there is a dot 2.) on-, at the end o+
the -ast ) statements' see the e++e1t ., rep-a1ing NeFt &enten1e Bith Contin0e

Q)>) *hat does "3I# do
A)>) !oes nothing N I+ 0sed' m0st .e the on-, senten1e Bithin a paragraph.

Q):) Can I rede+ine an 321@@) +ie-d Bith a +ie-d o+ 32)@@)
A):) Ees. Rede+ines O0st 1a0ses .oth +ie-ds to start at the same -o1ation. $or

@1 *&/#O( (IC 321)
@1 *&/#O(/R"! R"!"$IN"& *&/#O( (IC 32)).
I+ ,o0 MO%" H1)H to *&/#O(/R"!'
!I&(LAE *&/#O( Bi-- shoB 1 Bhi-e
!I&(LAE *&/#O(/R"! Bi-- shoB 1).

A)=) Can I rede+ine an 32)@@) +ie-d Bith a +ie-d o+ 321@@)
Q51)1 Ees.

Q51)) *hat do ,o0 do to reso-ve &OC/: error / 7&
Q51) Basi1a--, ,o0 need to 1orre1ting the o++ending data. Man, times the reason +or
&OC: is an 0n/initia-iPed n0meri1 item.
"Famine that possi.i-it, +irst. Man, insta--ations provide ,o0 a d0mp +or r0n time
a.endQs 2 it 1an .e generated a-so
., 1a--ing some s0.ro0tines or O& servi1es thr0 assem.-, -ang0age). #hese d0mps
provide the o++set o+ the -ast
instr01tion at Bhi1h the a.end o110rred. "Famine the 1ompi-ation o0tp0t 3R"$
-isting to get the ver. and the -ine o+ the so0r1e 1ode at this o++set. #hen ,o0 1an -oo? at the so0r1e 1ode to
+ind the .0g. #o get 1apt0re the
r0ntime d0mps' ,o0 Bi-- have to de+ine some datasets 2&E&ABOU# et1 ) in the
JCL. I+ none o+ these are he-p+0-' 0se
O0dgement and !I&(LAE to -o1a-iPe the so0r1e o+ error. &ome insta--ation might
have .at1h program de.0gging
too-s. Use them.

Q5)) AoB is sign stored in (a1?ed !e1ima- +ie-ds and 6oned !e1ima- +ie-ds
Q5)) (a1?ed !e1ima- +ie-dsG &ign is stored as a heF va-0e in the -ast ni..-e 29
.its ) o+ the storage.
6oned !e1ima- +ie-dsG As a de+a0-t' sign is over p0n1hed Bith the n0meri1
va-0e stored in the -ast .ite.

Q55) AoB is sign stored in a 1omp/5 +ie-d / 7&
Q55) It is stored in the -ast ni..-e. $or eFamp-e i+ ,o0r is C1@@' it stores heF
@C in the -ast .,te' heF 1C i+
,o0r is 1@1' heF )C i+ ,o0r is 1@)' heF 1! i+ the is /1@1'
heF )! i+ the is /1@) et1...

Q59) AoB is sign stored in a COM( +ie-d / 7&
Q59) In the most signi+i1ant .it. Bit is ON i+ /ve' O$$ i+ Cve.

Q5<) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen COM( 8 COM(/5
Q5<) COM( is a .inar, storage +ormat Bhi-e COM(/5 is pa1?ed de1ima- +ormat.

Q5>) *hat is COM(/1 COM(/)
Q5>) COM(/1 / &ing-e pre1ision +-oating point. Uses 9 .,tes.
COM(/) / !o0.-e pre1ision +-oating point. Uses = .,tes.

Q5:) AoB do ,o0 de+ine a varia.-e o+ COM(/1 COM(/)
Q5:) No pi1t0re 1-a0se to .e given. "Famp-e @1 *&/%AR U&A7" COM(/1.

Q5=) AoB man, .,tes does a &42:) COM(/5 +ie-d o110p,
Q5=) *i-- ta?e 9 .,tes. &ign is stored as heF va-0e in the -ast ni..-e. 7enera-
+orm0-a is IN#22nD)) C 1))' Bhere nI: in this

Q54) AoB man, .,tes does a &42:) &I7N #RAILIN7 &"(ARA#" +ie-d o110p,
Q54) *i-- o110p, = .,tes 2one eFtra .,te +or sign).

Q9@) AoB man, .,tes Bi-- a &42=) COM( +ie-d o110p,
Q9@) 9 .,tes.

Q91) *hat is the maFim0m va-0e that 1an .e stored in &42=) COM(
Q91) 44444444

Q9)) *hat is COM( &ENC
Q9)) Ca0ses the item to .e a-igned on nat0ra- .o0ndaries. Can .e
&ENCARONI6"! L"$# or RI7A#. $or .inar, data
items' the address reso-0tion is +aster i+ the, are -o1ated at Bord .o0ndaries in the
memor,. $or eFamp-e' on main
+rame the memor, Bord siPe is 9 .,tes. #his means that ea1h Bord Bi-- start +rom
an address divisi.-e ., 9. I+ m,
+irst varia.-e is F25) and neFt one is s429) 1omp' then i+ ,o0 do not spe1i+, the
&ENC 1-a0se' &429) COM( Bi-- start
+rom .,te 5 2 ass0ming that it starts +rom @ ). I+ ,o0 spe1i+, &ENC' then the .inar,
data item Bi-- start +rom address 9.
Eo0 might see some Bastage o+ memor,' .0t the a11ess to this 1omp0tationa- +ie-d
is +aster.

Q95) *hat is the maFim0m siPe o+ a @1 -eve- item in COBOL I in COBOL II
Q95) In COBOL IIG 1>:::)1<

Q99) AoB do ,o0 re+eren1e the +o--oBing +i-e +ormats +rom COBOL programsG
$iFed B-o1? $i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL. Use
R"COR!IN7 MO!" I& $'
$iFed Un.-o1?ed / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL. Use
R"COR!IN7 MO!" I& $'
do not 0se BLOCK CON#AIN&
%aria.-e B-o1? $i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL. Use
CON#AIN& @. !o not 1ode the 9 .,tes +or re1ord -ength in
$! ie JCL re1 -ength Bi-- .e maF re1 -ength in pgm C 9
%aria.-e Un.-o1?ed / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL. Use
R"COR!IN7 MO!" I& %' do not 0se
BLOCK CON#AIN&. !o not 1ode 9 .,tes +or re1ord
-ength in $! ie JCL re1 -ength Bi--
.e maF re1 -ength in pgm C 9.
"&!& %&AM +i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL.
K&!& %&AM +i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& IN!"3"!' R"COR! K"E I&'
AL#"RNA#" R"COR! K"E I& RR!& $i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I&
R"LA#I%"' R"LA#I%" K"E I&
(rinter $i-e / Use OR7ANI&A#ION I& &"QU"N#IAL. Use
CON#AIN& @. 2Use R"C$MI$BA in JCL !CB).

Q9<) *hat are di++erent +i-e O("N modes avai-a.-e in COBOL
Q9<) Open +or IN(U#' OU#(U#' I/O' "3#"N!.

Q9>) *hat is the mode in Bhi1h ,o0 Bi-- O("N a +i-e +or Briting / 7&
Q9>) OU#(U#' "3#"N!

Q9:) In the JCL' hoB do ,o0 de+ine the +i-es re+erred to in a s0.ro0tine
Q9:) &0pp-, the !! 1ards O0st as ,o0 Bo0-d +or +i-es re+erred to in the main

Q9=) Can ,o0 R"*RI#" a re1ord in an "&!& +i-e Can ,o0 !"L"#" a re1ord
+rom it
Q9=) Can reBrite 2re1ord -ength m0st .e same)' .0t not de-ete.

Q94) *hat is +i-e stat0s 4) / 7&
Q94) Logi1 error. e.g.' a +i-e is opened +or inp0t and an attempt is made to Brite to it.

Q<@) *hat is +i-e stat0s 54
Q<@) Mismat1h in LR"CL or BLOCK&I6" or R"C$M .etBeen ,o0r COBOL pgm
8 the JCL 2or the dataset -a.e-). Eo0
Bi-- get +i-e stat0s 54 on an O("N.

Q<1) *hat is &tati1 and !,nami1 -in?ing
Q<1) In stati1 -in?ing' the 1a--ed s0.ro0tine is -in?/edited into the 1a--ing program '
Bhi-e in d,nami1 -in?ing' the s0.ro0tine 8 the main program Bi-- eFist as separate
-oad mod0-es. Eo0 1hoose stati1Dd,nami1 -in?ing ., 1hoosing either the !ENAM or
NO!ENAM -in? edit option. 2"ven i+ ,o0 1hoose NO!ENAM' a CALL identi+ier
2as opposed to a CALL -itera-)' Bi-- trans-ate to a !ENAMIC 1a--).A stati1a--, 1a--ed
s0.ro0tine Bi-- not .e in its initia- state the neFt time it is 1a--ed 0n-ess ,o0 eFp-i1it-,
0se INI#IAL or ,o0 do a CANC"L. A d,nami1a--, 1a--ed ro0tine Bi-- a-Ba,s .e in
its initia- state.

Q<)) *hat is AMO!"2)9)' AMO!"251)' RMO!"2)9) and RMO!"2ANE)
2app-i1a.-e to on-, M%&D"&A
"nterprise &erver).
Q<)) #hese are 1ompi-eD-in? edit options. Basi1a--, AMO!" stands +or Addressing
mode and RMO!" +or Residen1,
AMO!"2)9) / )9 .it addressingJ
AMO!"251) / 51 .it addressing
AMO!"2ANE) / "ither )9 .it or 51 .it addressing depending on RMO!".
RMO!"2)9) / Resides in virt0a- storage .e-oB 1> Meg -ine. Use this +or 51 .it
programs that 1a-- )9 .it programs.
2O&D%& Co.o- pgms 0se )9 .it addresses on-,).
RMO!"2ANE) / Can reside a.ove or .e-oB 1> Meg -ine.

Q<5) *hat 1ompi-er option Bo0-d ,o0 0se +or d,nami1 -in?ing
Q<5) !ENAM.

Q<9) *hat is &&RAN7"' NO&&RAN7"
Q<9) #hese are 1ompi-er options Bith respe1t to s0.s1ript o0t o+ range 1he1?ing.
NO&&RAN7" is the de+a0-t and i+ 1hosen'
no r0n time error Bi-- .e +-agged i+ ,o0r indeF or s0.s1ript goes o0t o+ the
permissi.-e range.

Q<<) AoB do ,o0 set a ret0rn 1ode to the JCL +rom a COBOL program
Q<<) Move a va-0e to R"#URN/CO!" register. R"#URN/CO!" sho0-d not .e
de1-ared in ,o0r program.

Q<>) AoB 1an ,o0 a Oo. +rom COBOL programs
Q<>) *rite JCL 1ards to a dataset Bith DDFFFFFFF &E&OU#I 2A'IN#R!R) Bhere
HAH is o0tp0t 1-ass' and dataset sho0-d .e
opened +or o0tp0t in the program. !e+ine a =@ .,te re1ord -a,o0t +or the +i-e.

Q<:) *hat are the di++eren1es .etBeen O& %& COBOL and %& COBOL II
Q<:) O&D%& Co.o- pgms 1an on-, r0n in )9 .it addressing mode' %& Co.o- II pgms
1an r0n either in )9 .it or 51 .it
addressing modes.

I. Report Briter is s0pported on-, in O&D%& Co.o-.
II. U&A7" I& (OIN#"R is s0pported on-, in %& COBOL II.
III. Re+eren1e modi+i1ation e.g.G *&/%AR21G)) is s0pported on-, in %&
I%. "%ALUA#" is s0pported on-, in %& COBOL II.
%. &1ope terminators are s0pported on-, in %& COBOL II.
%I. O&D%& Co.o- +o--oBs AN&I :9 stds Bhi-e %& COBOL II +o--oBs AN&I
=< stds.
%II. Under CIC& Ca--s .etBeen %& COBOL II programs are s0pported.

Q<=) *hat are the steps ,o0 go thro0gh Bhi-e 1reating a COBOL program
Q<=) !B) pre1ompi-er 2i+ em.edded &QL 0sed)' CIC& trans-ator 2i+ CIC& pgm)'
Co.o- 1ompi-er' Lin? editor. I+ !B)
program' 1reate p-an ., .inding the !BRMs.

Q<4) Can ,o0 1a-- an O& %& COBOL pgm +rom a %& COBOL II pgm
Q<4) In non/CIC& environment' it is possi.-e. In CIC&' this is not possi.-e.

Q>@) *hat are the di++eren1es .etBeen COBOL and COBOL II
A>@) #here are at -east +ive di++eren1esG
COBOL II s0pports str01t0red programming ., 0sing in -ine (er+orms and eFp-i1it
s1ope terminators' It introd01es
neB +eat0res 2"%ALUA#"' &"#. #O #RU"' CALL. BE CON#"3#' et1) It
permits programs to .e -oaded and
addressed a.ove the 1>/mega.,te -ine It does not s0pport man, o-d +eat0res
2R"A!E #RAC"' R"(OR#/*RI#"R'
I&AM' "t1.)' and It o++ers enhan1ed CIC& s0pport.

Q>1) *hat is an eFp-i1it s1ope terminator
A>1) A s1ope terminator .ra1?ets its pre1eding ver.' e.g. I$ .. "N!/I$' so that a--
statements .etBeen the ver. and its s1ope terminator are gro0ped together. Other
1ommon COBOL II ver.s are R"A!' ("R$ORM' "%ALUA#"' &"ARCA and

Q>)) *hat is an in -ine ("R$ORM *hen Bo0-d ,o0 0se it An,thing e-se to sa,
a.o0t it
A>)) #he ("R$ORM and "N!/("R$ORM statements .ra1?et a-- COBOL II
statements .etBeen them. #he COBOL e;0iva-ent is to ("R$ORM or ("R$ORM
#ARU a paragraph. In -ine ("R$ORMs Bor? as -ong as there are no interna- 7O
#Os' not even to an eFit. #he in -ine ("R$ORM +or reada.i-it, sho0-d not eF1eed a
page -ength / o+ten it Bi-- re+eren1e other ("R$ORM paragraphs.

Q>5) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen N"3# &"N#"NC" and CON#INU"
A>5) N"3# &"N#"NC" gives 1ontro- to the ver. +o--oBing the neFt period.
CON#INU" gives 1ontro- to the neFt ver. a+ter the eFp-i1it s1ope terminator. 2#his
is not one o+ COBOL IIHs +iner imp-ementations). ItHs sa+est to 0se CON#INU"
rather than N"3# &"N#"NC" in COBOL II.

Q>9) *hat COBOL 1onstr01t is the COBOL II "%ALUA#" meant to rep-a1e
A>9) "%ALUA#" 1an .e 0sed in p-a1e o+ the nested I$ #A"N "L&" statements.

Q><) *hat is the signi+i1an1e o+ Ha.ove the -ineH and H.e-oB the -ineH
A><) Be+ore IBM introd01ed M%&D3A ar1hite1t0re in the 14=@Hs a programHs
virt0a- storage Bas -imited to 1> megs. (rograms 1ompi-ed Bith a )9 .it mode 1an
on-, address 1> M. o+ spa1e' as tho0gh the, Bere ?ept 0nder an imaginar, storage
-ine. *ith COBOL II a program 1ompi-ed Bith a 51 .it mode 1an .e Ha.ove the 1>
M. -ine. 2#his H.e-oB the -ineH' Ha.ove the -ineH imager, 1on+0ses most main+rame
programmers' Bho tend to .e a -itera- minded gro0p.)

Q>>) *hat Bas removed +rom COBOL in the COBOL II imp-ementation
A>>) (artia- -istG R"MARK&' NOMINAL K"E' (A7"/COUN#"R'
CURR"N#/!AE' #IM"/O$/!AE' &#A#"' $LO*' COUN#' "3AMIN"'
"3AIBI#' R"A!E #RAC" and R"&"# #RAC".

Q>:) "Fp-ain 1a-- ., 1onteFt ., 1omparing it to other 1a--s.
A>:) #he parameters passed in a 1a-- ., 1onteFt are prote1ted +rom modi+i1ation
., the 1a--ed program. In a norma- 1a-- the, are a.-e to .e modi+ied.

Q>=) *hat is the -in?age se1tion
A>=) #he -in?age se1tion is part o+ a 1a--ed program that H-in?sH or maps to data
items in the 1a--ing programHs Bor?ing storage. It is the part o+ the 1a--ed program
Bhere these share items are de+ined.

Q>4) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen a s0.s1ript and an indeF in a ta.-e de+inition
A>4) A s0.s1ript is a Bor?ing storage data de+inition item' t,pi1a--, a (IC 2444)
Bhere a va-0e m0st .e moved to the s0.s1ript and then in1remented or de1rements
., A!! #O and &UB#RAC# $ROM statements. An indeF is a register item that
eFists o0tside the programHs Bor?ing storage. Eo0 &"# an indeF to a va-0e and
&"# it U( BE va-0e and !O*N BE va-0e.

Q:@) I+ ,o0 Bere passing a ta.-e via -in?age' Bhi1h is pre+era.-e / a s0.s1ript or an
A:@) *a?e 0p / ,o0 havenHt .een pa,ing attentionN ItHs not possi.-e to pass an
indeF via -in?age. #he indeF is not part o+ the 1a--ing programs Bor?ing storage.
#hose o+ 0s BhoHve made this mista?e' appre1iate the -esson more than others.

Q:1) "Fp-ain the di++eren1e .etBeen an interna- and an eFterna- sort' the pros and
1ons' interna- sort s,ntaF et1.
A:1) An eFterna- sort is not COBOLJ it is per+ormed thro0gh JCL and
(7MI&OR#. It is 0nderstanda.-e Bitho0t an, 1ode re+eren1e. An interna- sort 1an
0se tBo di++erent s,ntaFQsG 1.) U&IN7' 7I%IN7 sorts are 1ompara.-e to eFterna-
sorts Bith no eFtra +i-e pro1essingJ )) IN(U# (ROC"!UR"' OU#(U#
(ROC"!UR" sorts a--oB +or data manip0-ation .e+ore andDor a+ter the sort.

Q:)) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen 1omp and 1omp/5 0sage "Fp-ain other
COBOL 0sageQs.
A:)) Comp is a .inar, 0sage' Bhi-e 1omp/5 indi1ates pa1?ed de1ima-. #he other
1ommon 0sageQs are .inar, and disp-a,. !isp-a, is the de+a0-t.

Q:5) *hen is a s1ope terminator mandator,
A:5) &1ope terminators are mandator, +or in/-ine ("R$ORM& and "%ALUA#"
statements. $or reada.i-it,' itHs re1ommended 1oding pra1ti1e to a-Ba,s ma?e
s1ope terminators eFp-i1it.

Q:9) In a COBOL II ("R$ORM statement' Bhen is the 1onditiona- tested' .e+ore or
a+ter the per+orm eFe10tion
A:9) In COBOL II the optiona- 1-a0se *I#A #"&# B"$OR" or *I#A #"&#
A$#"R 1an .e added to a-- per+orm statements. B, de+a0-t the test is per+ormed
.e+ore the per+orm.

Q:<) In an "%ALU#" statement is the order o+ the *A"N 1-a0ses signi+i1ant
A:<),. "va-0ation o+ the *A"N 1-a0ses pro1eeds +rom top to .ottom
and their se;0en1e 1an determine res0-ts.

Q:>) *hat is the de+a0-t va-0e2s) +or an INI#IALI6" and Bhat ?e,Bord a--oBs +or
an override o+ the de+a0-t.
A:>) INI#IALI6" moves spa1es to a-pha.eti1 +ie-ds and Peros to a-phan0meri1
+ie-ds. #he R"(LACIN7 option 1an .e 0sed to override these de+a0-ts.

Q::) *hat is &"# #O #RU" a-- a.o0t' an,Ba,
A::) In COBOL II the == -eve-s 1an .e set rather than moving their asso1iated
va-0es to the re-ated data item. 2*e. noteG #his 1hange is not one o+ COBOL IIHs
.etter spe1i+i1ations.)

Q:=) *hat is L"N7#A in COBOL II
A:=) L"N7#A a1ts -i?e a spe1ia- register to te-- the -ength o+ a gro0p or e-ementar,

Q:4) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen a .inar, sear1h and a se;0entia- sear1h *hat
are the pertinent COBOL
A:4) In a .inar, sear1h the ta.-e e-ement ?e, va-0es m0st .e in as1ending or
des1ending se;0en1e. #he ta.-e is Hha-vedH to sear1h +or e;0a- to' greater than or
-ess than 1onditions 0nti- the e-ement is +o0nd. In a se;0entia- sear1h the ta.-e is
sear1hed +rom top to .ottom' so 2ironi1a--,) the e-ements do not have to .e in a
spe1i+i1 se;0en1e. #he .inar, sear1h is m01h +aster +or -arger ta.-es' Bhi-e
se;0entia- Bor?s Be-- Bith sma--er ones. &"ARCA ALL is 0sed +or .inar,
sear1hesJ &"ARCA +or se;0entia-.

Q=@) *hat is the point o+ the R"(LACIN7 option o+ a 1op, statement
A=@) R"(LACIN7 a--oBs +or the same 1op, to .e 0sed more than on1e in the
same 1ode ., 1hanging the rep-a1e va-0e.

Q=1) *hat Bi-- happen i+ ,o0 1ode 7O BACK instead o+ &#O( RUN in a stand
a-one COBOL program i.e. a
program Bhi1h is not 1a--ing an, other program.
A=1) #he program Bi-- go in an in+inite -oop.

Q=)) AoB 1an I te-- i+ a mod0-e is .eing 1a--ed !ENAMICALLE or
A=)) #he ONLE Ba, is to -oo? at the o0tp0t o+ the -in?age editor 2I"*L)or the
-oad mod0-e itse-+. I+ the mod0-e is .eing 1a--ed !ENAMICALLE then it Bi-- not
eFist in the main mod0-e' i+ it is .eing 1a--ed &#A#ICALLE then it Bi-- .e seen in
the -oad mod0-e. Ca--ing a Bor?ing storage varia.-e' 1ontaining a program name'
does not ma?e a !ENAMIC 1a--. #his t,pe o+ 1a--ing is ?noBn as IM(LICI#"
1a--ing as the name o+ the mod0-e is imp-ied ., the 1ontents o+ the Bor?ing storage
varia.-e. Ca--ing a program name -itera- 2CALL

Q=5) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen a !ENAMIC and &#A#IC 1a-- in COBOL.
A=5) #o 1orre1t an ear-ier ansBerG A-- 1a--ed mod0-es 1annot r0n standa-one i+
the, re;0ire program varia.-es passed to them via the LINKA7" se1tion.
!ENAMICa--, 1a--ed mod0-es are those that are not .o0nd Bith the 1a--ing
program at -in? edit time 2I"*L +or IBM) and so are -oaded +rom the program
-i.rar, 2Oo.-i. or step-i.) asso1iated Bith the Oo.. $or !ENAMIC 1a--ing o+ a
mod0-e the !ENAM 1ompi-er option m0st .e 1hosen' e-se the -in?age editor Bi--
not generate an eFe10ta.-e as it Bi-- eFpe1t 0 address reso-0tion o+ a-- 1a--ed
mod0-es. A &#A#ICa--, 1a--ed mod0-e is one that is .o0nd Bith the 1a--ing mod0-e
at -in? edit' and there+ore .e1omes part o+ the eFe10ta.-e -oad mod0-e.

Q=9) AoB ma, divisions are there in JCL/COBOL
A=9) &I3

Q=<) *hat is the p0rpose o+ Identi+i1ation !ivision
A=<) !o10mentation.

Q=>) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen (IC 4.44 and 4v44
A=>) (IC 4.44 is a $OUR/(O&I#ION +ie-d that a1t0a--, 1ontains a de1ima- point
Bhere as (IC 4v44 is #AR""/ (O&I#ION n0meri1 +ie-d Bith imp-ied or ass0med
de1ima- position.

Q=:) Bhat is (i1 4v44 Indi1ates
A=:) (IC#UR" 4v44 is a three position N0meri1 +ie-d Bith an imp-ied or ass0med
de1ima- point a+ter the +irst positionJ the v means an imp-ied de1ima- point.

Q==) *hat g0ide-ines sho0-d .e +o--oBed to Brite a str01t0red Co.o- prgHm
1) 0se Heva-0ateH stmt +or 1onstr01ting 1ases.
)) 0se s1ope terminators +or nesting.
5) 0se in -ine per+orm stmt +or Briting Hdo H 1onstr01tions.
9) 0se test .e+ore and test a+ter in the per+orm stmt +or Briting do/Bhi-e

Q=4) Read the +o--oBing 1ode. @1 Bs/n pi1 42)) va-0e Pero. a/para move < to Bs/n.
per+orm ./para Bs/n times. ./para.
move 1@ to Bs/n. hoB man, times Bi-- ./para .e eFe10ted
A=4) < times on-,. it Bi-- not ta?e the va-0e 1@ that is initia-iPed in the -oop.

Q4@) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen &"ARCA and &"ARCA ALL *hat is more
A4@) &"ARCA is a se;0entia- sear1h +rom the .eginning o+ the ta.-e. &"ARCA
ALL is a .inar, sear1h' 1ontin0a--, dividing the ta.-e in tBo ha-ves 0nti- a mat1h is
+o0nd. &"ARCA ALL is more e++i1ient +or ta.-es -arger than :@ items.

Q41) *hat are some eFamp-es o+ 1ommand terminators
A41) "N!/I$' "N!/"%ALUA#"

Q4)) *hat 1are has to .e ta?en to +or1e program to eFe10te a.ove 1> Meg -ine
A4)) Ma?e s0re that -in? option is AMO!"I51 and RMO!"IANE. Compi-e
option sho0-d never have &I6"2MA3). BU$&I6" 1an .e )K' e++i1ient eno0gh.
Q45) AoB do ,o0 JCL via a Co.o- program
A45) Use a +i-e DDdd1 !! s,so0tI2M' intrdr)Brite ,o0r JCL to this +i-e. (- some on
tr, this o0t.

Q49) AoB to eFe10te a set o+ JCL statements +rom a COBOL program
A49) Using "3"C CIC& &(OOL *RI#"2var/name) "N!/"3"C 1ommand. var/
name is a COBOL host str01t0re 1ontaining JCL statements.

Q4<) 7ive some advantages o+ R"!"$IN"& 1-a0se.
1. Eo0 1an R"!"$IN" a %aria.-e +rom one (IC#UR" 1-ass to another
(IC#UR" 1-ass ., 0sing the same memor,
). B, R"!"$IN"& Be 1an INI#IALI&" the varia.-e in *ORKIN7/
&#ORA7" &e1tion itse-+.
5. *e 1an R"!"$IN" a &ing-e %aria.-e into so man, s0. varia.-es. 2#his
+a1i-it, is ver, 0se+0- in so-ving E)@@@

Q4>) *hat is the di++eren1e .etBeen stati1 1a-- 8 !,nami1 1a--
A4>) In the 1ase o+ &tati1 1a--' the 1a--ed program is a stand/a-one program' it is an
eFe10ta.-e program. !0ring r0n time Be 1an 1a-- it in o0r 1a--ed program. As a.o0t
!,nami1 1a--' the 1a--ed program is not an eFe10ta.-e program it 1an eFe10ted
thro0gh the 1a--ed program

Q4:) *hat do ,o0 +ee- ma?es a good program
A4:) A program that +o--oBs a top doBn approa1h. It is a-so one that other
programmers or 0sers 1an +o--oB -ogi1a--, and is eas, to read and 0nderstand.

Q4=) AoB do ,o0 1ode Co.o- to a11ess a parameter that has .een de+ined in JCL
And do ,o0 1ode the (ARM
parameter on the "3"C -ine in JCL
1) 0sing JCL Bith s,sin. DDs,sin dd Mhere 0 1ode the parameters2va-0e) to pass
in to 1o.o- program DM and in program
,o0 0se a11ept varia.-e name2one a11ept Bi-- read one roB)D.another Ba,.
)) in O1- 0sing parm statement eFG in eFe1 statement parmIHOohnH'HdavidH in
1o.o- pgm 0 have to 1ode -in?age se1tion in that +or +irst va-0e ,o0 1ode -ength
varia.-e and varia.-e name sa,' a.1 pi1 F29).it Bi-- ta?e Oohn inside to read neFt
va-0e 0 have to 1ode another varia.-e in the same Ba, a.ove mentioned.

Q44) *h, do Be 1ode &429) 1omp. Inspite o+ ?noBing 1omp/5 Bi-- o110p, -ess
A44) Aere s429)1omp is sma-- integer 'so tBo Bords e;0a- to 1 .,te so tota--, it
Bi-- o110p, ) .,tes29 Bords).here in s429) 1omp/5 as one Bord is e;0a- to 1D)
.,te.9 Bords e;0a- to ) .,tes and sign Bi-- o110p, 1D) .,te so tota--, it Bi-- o110p,
5 .,tes.

Q1@@) #he maFim0m o+ dimensions that an arra, 1an have in COBOL/=<
is ///////////
A1@@) &"%"N in COBOL / =< and #AR"" in COBOL / =9

Q1@1) AoB do ,o0 de1-are a host varia.-e 2in COBOL) +or an attri.0te named
"mp/Name o+ t,pe %ARCAAR2)<)
@1 "M(/7R(.
94 "/L"N (IC &429) COM(.
94 "/NAM" (IC 32)<).

Q1@)) *hat is Comm

Q1@5) !i++erentiate COBOL and COBOL/II. 2Most o+ o0r programs are Britten in
COBOLII' so' it is good to ?noB'
hoB' this is di++erent +rom COBOL)
A1@5) #he +o--oBing +eat0res are avai-a.-e Bith %& COBOL IIG
1. M%&D3A and M%&D"&A s0pport #he 1ompi-er and the o.Oe1t programs it
prod01es 1an .e r0n in either
)9/ or 51/.it addressing mode.
). %MD3A and %MD"&A s0pport #he 1ompi-er and the o.Oe1t programs it
prod01es 1an .e r0n in either
)9/ or 51/.it addressing mode.
5. %&"D"&A s0pport #he 1ompi-er and the o.Oe1t programs it prod01es 1an .e
r0n 0nder %&"D"&A.

Q1@9) *hat is ("R$ORM *hat is %AREIN7 2More detai-s a.o0t these 1-a0ses)
A1@9) #he ("R$ORM statement is a (ROC"!UR" !I%I&ION statement
Bhi1h trans+ers 1ontro- to one or more spe1i+ied pro1ed0res and 1ontro-s as
spe1i+ied the o+ times the pro1ed0res are eFe10ted. A+ter eFe10tion o+ the
spe1i+ied pro1ed0res is 1omp-eted 2i.e.' +or the appropriate o+ times or
0nti- some spe1i+ied 1ondition is met)' 1ontro- is trans+erred to the neFt
eFe10ta.-e statement +o--oBing the ("R$ORM statement. #here are < t,pes o+
("R$ORM statementsG
a) Basi1 ("R$ORM
.) ("R$ORM #IM"&
1) ("R$ORM UN#IL
d) ("R$ORM %AREIN7
e) IN/LIN" ("R$ORM

Q1@<) AoB man, se1tions are there in data division.
A1@<) &I3 &"C#ION& 1.$IL" &"C#ION ).*ORKIN7/&#ORA7"
&"C#ION 5. LOCAL/&#ORA7" &"C#ION 9.&CR""N &"C#ION <.R"(OR#
&"C#ION >. LINKA7" &"C#ION

Q1@>) *hat is Rede+ines 1-a0se
A1@>) Rede+ines 1-a0se is 0sed to a--oB the same storage a--o1ation to .e
re+eren1ed ., di++erent data names .


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