Guide To Instrumentation

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Guide to

Copyright 2004 Durham Geo Slope Indicator. All Rights Reserved.
his e!uipment should "e installed# maintained# and operated "y technically !uali$ied personnel. Any errors
or omissions in data# or the interpretation o$ data# are not the responsi"ility o$ Slope Indicator Company. he
in$ormation herein is su"%ect to change &ithout noti$ication.
his document contains in$ormation that is proprietary to Slope Indicator company and is su"%ect to return
upon re!uest. It is transmitted $or the sole purpose o$ aiding the transaction o$ "usiness "et&een Slope Indi'
cator Company and the recipient. All in$ormation# data# designs# and dra&ings contained he rein are propri'
etary to and the property o$ Durham Ge o Slope Indicator# and may not "e reproduced or copied in any $orm#
"y photocopy or any other means# including disclosure to outside parties# directly or indirectly# &ithout per'
mission in &riting $rom Durham Geo Slope Indicator.
(2(2) *ar"our Reach Drive
+u,ilteo# -ashington# .SA# /0212
el3 422'4/)'4200 5a63 422'4/)'4220
-e"site3 &&&
Reasons $or Instrumentation . . . . . . . (
Choosing Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . 2
Applications and Instruments . . . . . . 4
+onitoring 9ore'-ater 9ressure. . . . 2
+onitoring :ateral De$ormation . . . (4
+onitoring ;ertical De$ormation . . 20
Installing 9ie<ometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . )2
Installing Inclinometer Casing . . . . . )1
Installing Settlement Cells. . . . . . . . . 42
Installing Settlement 9oints . . . . . . . 4)
Installing Sonde6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Installing +agnet 76tensometers . . 44
Installing Rod 76tensometers. . . . . . 40
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24

Reasons $or Installing Instrumentation
Introduction Geotechnical instrumentation provides data that helps engineers in every
stage o$ a pro%ect. *ere are the main reasons that instrumentation is used3
Site Investigations Instruments are used to characteri<e initial site conditions. Common
parameters o$ interest in a site investigation are pore'&ater pressure# per'
mea"ility o$ the soil# and slope sta"ility.
Design ;eri$ication Instruments are used to veri$y design assumptions and to chec, that per$or'
mance is as predicted. Instrument data $rom the initial phase o$ a pro%ect
may reveal the need =or the opportunity> to modi$y the design in later
Construction Control Instruments are used to monitor the e$$ects o$ construction. Instrument
data can help the engineer determine ho& $ast construction can proceed
&ithout the ris, o$ $ailure.
?uality Control Instrumentation can "e used "oth to en$orce the !uality o$ &or,manship on
a pro%ect and to document that &or, &as done to speci$ications.
Sa$ety Instruments can provide early &arning o$ impending $ailures# allo&ing time
$or sa$e evacuation o$ the area and time to implement remedial action.
Sa$ety monitoring re!uires !uic, retrieval# processing# and presentation o$
data# so that decisions can "e made promptly.
:egal 9rotection Instrument data can provide evidence $or a legal de$ense o$ designers and
contractors should o&ners o$ ad%acent properties claim that construction
has caused damage.
9er$ormance Instruments are used to monitor the in'service per$ormance o$ a structure.
5or e6ample# monitoring parameters such as lea,age# pore'&ater pressure#
and de$ormation can provide an indication o$ the per$ormance o$ a dam.
+onitoring loads on tie"ac,s or roc, "olts and movements &ithin a slope
can provide an indication o$ the per$ormance o$ a drainage system installed
in a sta"ili<ed slope.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1

Choosing Instrumentation
Critical 9arameters 7ach pro%ect presents a uni!ue set o$ critical parameters. he designer must
identi$y those parameters and then select instruments to measure them.
-hat in$ormation is re!uired $or the initial design@ -hat in$ormation is
re!uired $or evaluating per$ormance during and a$ter construction@ -hen
the parameters are identi$ied# the speci$ication $or instruments should
include the re!uired range# resolution# and precision o$ measurements. See
instrument per$ormance speci$ications "elo&.
Complementary he "ehavior o$ a soil or roc, mass typically involves not one# "ut many
parameters. In some cases# it may "e su$$icient to monitor only one param'
eter# "ut &hen the pro"lem is more comple6# it is use$ul to measure a num'
"er o$ parameters and to loo, $or correlation "et&een the measurements.
hus it is common practice to choose instruments that provide comple'
mentary measurements.
5or e6ample# inclinometer data indicating increased rate o$ movement may
"e correlated &ith pie<ometer data that sho&s increased pore pressures.
he load on a strut# calculated $rom strain gauge data# should correlate &ith
convergence data provided "y inclinometer "ehind a retaining structure.
Ground Conditions Ground conditions sometimes a$$ect the choice o$ instrument. 5or e6ample#
a standpipe pie<ometer is a relia"le indicator o$ pore'&ater pressure in soil
&ith high permea"ility# "ut is much less relia"le in soil &ith lo& permea"il'
ity. A large volume o$ &ater must $lo& into the standpipe to indicate even a
small change in pore'&ater pressure. In soils &ith lo& permea"ility# the $lo&
o$ &ater into and out o$ the standpipe is too slo& to provide a timely indica'
tion o$ pore'&ater pressure. A "etter choice in this case &ould "e a dia'
phragm'type pie<ometer# &hich o$$ers $aster response since it is sensitive to
much smaller change s in &ater volume.
7nvironmental emperature and humidity also a$$ect instrument choice. Instruments such
as hydraulic pie<ometers and li!uid settlement gauges have limited use in
$ree<ing &eather. In tropical heat and humidity# simple mechanical devices
may "e more relia"le than electrical instruments.
9ersonne l and Resources Consider the personnel and resources at the site &hen choosing instru'
at the Site
ments. Do technicians have the s,ills re!uired to install and read a particu'
lar type o$ instrument@ Are ade!uate support $acilities availa"le $or
maintenance and cali"ration o$ the instrument@
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2

Data Ac!uisition An automatic data ac!uisition system may "e re!uired &hen3
here is a need $or real'time monitoring and automatic alarmsA
Sensors are located at a remote site or in a location that prevents easy
here are too many sensors $or timely manual readingsA
?uali$ied technicians are not availa"le.
I$ a data ac!uisition system is re!uired# the choice o$ instruments should "e
narro&ed to those that can "e connected to the system easily and ine6pen'
Instrument :i$e Are readings needed only during construction or &ill they "e needed $or
years a$ter&ards@ Instruments# signal ca"les# and protective measures
should "e selected accordingly.
Instrument ?uality he di$$erence in cost "et&een a high'!uality instrument and a lesser'!ual'
ity instrument is generally insigni$icant &hen compared to the total cost o$
installing and monitoring an instrument. 5or e6ample# the cost o$ dril ling
and "ac,$illing a "orehole is typically (0 to 20 times greater than the cost o$
the pie<ometer that goes in it. It is $alse economy to install a cheaper# less
relia"le instrument.
Instrument Instrument per$ormance is speci$ied "y range# resolution# accurac y# and
precision. he economical designer &ill speci$y minimum per$ormance
re!uirements# since the cost o$ an instrument increases &ith resolution#
accuracy# and precision.
is de$ined "y the highest and lo&est readings the instrument is
e6pected to produce. he designer typically speci$ies the highest values
is the smallest change that can "e displayed on a readout device.
Resolution typically decreases as range increases. Sometimes the term
CaccuracyC is mista,enly su"stituted $or resolution. Resolution is usually
many times "etter than accuracy and is never e6pressed as a plusDminus
is the degree to &hich readings match an a"solute value. Accuracy
is e6pressed as a E value# such as E 0.2mm# E(F o$ reading# or E(F o$ $ull
is o$ten more important than accurac y# since &hat
Precision or repeatability
is usually o$ interest is a change rather than an a"solute value. 7very time a
reading is repeated# the value returned "y the instrument is slightly di$$er'
ent. 9recision is e6pressed as a E value representing ho& close repeated
readings approach a mean reading.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3

Applications and Instruments
Introduction he ta"les "elo& provide a general match "et&een monitoring needs and
9ore -ater 9ressure Reason for Monitoring Instruments Used
Determine sa$e rates o$ $ill. ;- 9ie<ometer
9redict slope sta"ility.
9neumatic 9ie<ometer B
Design and "uild $or lateral
Standpipe 9ie<ometer B
earth pressures.
Design and "uild $or upli$t
+onitor the e$$ectiveness o$
drainage schemes.
:ateral De$ormation Reason for Monitoring Instruments Used
7valuate the sta"ility o$ slopes and Inclinometer
Rod 76tensometer
Determine the need and timing $or
corrective measures.
;eri$y the per$ormance and sa$ety
o$ structures such as retaining &alls
and em"an,ments.
;ertical De$ormation Reason for Monitoring Instruments Used
;eri$y that soil consolidation is Settlement Cells
proceeding as predicted.
+agnet 76tensometer
9redict and ad%ust the $inal
grade o$ an em"an,ment
Settlement 9oint
;eri$y the per$ormance o$
engineered $oundations.
Rod 76tensometer
Determine the need and timing
*ori<ontal Inclinometer
$or corrective measures.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4

+onitoring 9ore'-ater 9ressure
9ore '-ater 9ressure 9ore'&ater measurements help engineers to3
7sta"lish initial site conditions.
Determine sa$e rates $or placement o$ $ill.
9redict slope sta"ility.
Design and "uild $or lateral earth pressures.
Design and "uild $or upli$t pressures.
+onitor the e$$ectiveness o$ drainage schemes.
7m "an,ments Control placement o$ $ill.
+onitor consolidation.
:andslides Calculate the shear
strength o$ soil.
Calcul ate the soil mass.
Slip 9 lan e
Sli p 9la n e
Retaining -all +onitor pore'&ater pres'
sure to calculated load
applied to &all.
Dr ain
R E TW-p1 .c dr
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24

Diaphragm -all or +onitor load applied to
Sheet 9ile -all
+onitor dra&'do&n due
to seepage or de&atering
to predict settlement o$
ad%acent structures.
+onitor upli$t pressures
Dra ins
in $loor o$ e6cavation.
E! "- p 1
De &atering Determine e$$iciency o$
an 76cavation
pumping scheme.
9rovide early &arning o$
#E$ 2 % -p
#E$ 2 % -p 1 .c d r
Dynamic Compaction +onitor pore'&ater pressure
to help evaluate consolida'
tion o$ soil.
#" - p1.c dr
9ile est +onitor e6cess pore'&ater
pressures generated "y pile
driving. :oading o$ pile can
"egin a$ter e6cess pressure
has dissipated.
&I' E- p 1 .c dr
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 (

Instruments $or 9ie<ometers are the only instrument used to monitor pore'&ater pressure.
+onitoring here are t&o "asic types o$ pie<ometers3
9ore '-ater 9ressure
Standpipe 9ie<ometers
Diaphragm pie<ometers =vi"rating &ire# pneumatic# or strain'gauge>.
Standpipe he standpipe pie<ometer# sometimes
9ie<ometers re$erred to as an open'hydraulic pie<ometer
or a Casagrande pie<ometer# consists o$ a
porous &ater'inta,e element connected to a
riser pipe.
-ater enters the riser pipe through the
inta,e element# &hich is normally sealed in
the "orehole at a speci$ied depth. As pore'
&ater pressure increases or decreases# the
&ater level inside the standpipe rises or $alls.
Readings are usually o"tained &ith a &ater
level indicator# &hich provides a depth'to'
&ater measurement.
Components he &ater inta,e element may "e a $ilter or a
&ell'screen# as sho&n a"ove. he $ilter ele' Riser 9ipe
ment is made o$ hydrophilic polyethylene or
$used aluminum o6ide# generally (2 to 24
inches long &ith 40 to 10 micron pores.
Gentonite'Cement Grout
he riser pipe is 0.12 or ('inch plastic pipe.
I$ there is a chance that the standpipe pie<o'
-ater :evel produced "y
meter readings &il l "e automated in the
pore'&ater pressure at
$uture# choose a one inch or larger pipe that
the $ilter tip
&ill accommodate a )D4 inch diameter pres'
sure transducer.
Gentonite Seal
he ,ey $eature o$ a standpipe pie<ometer is
the "entonite seal placed a"ove the inta,e
<one. his prevents &ater $rom other strata
Sand Inta,e Hone
$rom entering the standpipe. hus &ater in
the standpipe is controlled "y pore'&ater
5ilter ip
pressure at the inta,e <one.
Advantages Direct measurement o$ &ater level.
here are no "uried IsensingJ components.
:imitations Readings re!uire direct access to the top o$ the pipe.
Slo& response time in soils &ith lo& permea"ility.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 )

9neumatic he pneumatic pie<ometer is operated
9ie<ometers "y gas pressure. In a typical installa'
tion# the pie<ometer is sealed in the
"orehole# and t&in pneumatic tu"es
run $rom the pie<ometer to a terminal
at the sur$ace &here readings are
o"tained &ith a pneumatic indicator.
Components he pie<ometer consists o$ a transducer "ody# tu"ing# and a porta"le indi'
cator. he transducer "ody has a 20 micron $ilter# suita"le $or most applica'
tions. he tu"ing "undle contains t&o polyethylene tu"es# one to carry gas
to the transducer# the other to return e6cess gas. he porta"le indicator
contains a pressure gauge and a tan, o$ compressed nitrogen gas.
9neumatic 9ie<ometer he pie<ometer is installed in the same
Kperation &ay as a standpipe pie<ometer# &ith the u"ing to readout
transducer sealed &ithin a sand inta,e
<one "y a "entonite plug.
o o"tain a reading# the operator con'
nects the input tu"e to a pneumatic indi'
cator and directs a $lo& o$ gas to the
Gentonite'cement grout
he operator shuts o$$ the gas &hen a
return $lo& is detected in the other tu"e.
he operator then &atches the pressure
gauge and notes the pressure &hen the
reading is sta"le. he time it ta,es $or the
Grout plug
reading procedure varies &ith the length
o$ the tu"ing.
Sand $ilter
Advantages Guried components are simple and do not need cali"ration
Components are not a$$ected "y electrical transients.
5ast response time in most soils.
:imitations Re!uires operator &ho is care$ul and consistent.
a,es longer to read than a standpipe or ;- pie<ometer.
Indicator must "e recharged regularly &ith dry nitrogen gas. he use o$
dry gas is important to ,eep tu"ing $ree o$ condensation.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 *

;i"rating -ire he ;- pie<ometer is a consists o$ a
9ie<ometers pressure transducer and signal ca"le.
Readings are o"tained &ith a porta"le
readout or data logger. he transducer
is availa"le in 20# (00# 220# and 200 psi
here are t&o "ody styl es# as sho&n in
the photo. he upper instrument is the standard "ody# and is suita"le $or al l
applications. he lo&er instrument is a special push'in design used only in
so$t clays. 5ilters $or "oth styles have a 20 mic ron pore'si<e and are suita"le
$or all applications. Signal ca"le contains $our &ires and should have a
%ac,et made o$ polyurethane or polyethylene.
;- 9ie<ometer he ;- pie<ometer can "e installed &ithout a
Kperation sand inta,e <one and "entonite seal. Instead# the Ca"le to readout or logger
entire "orehole is "ac,$illed &ith a "entonite'
cement grout. See installation notes $or more
he vi"rating &ire principle states that
tension in a &ire is proportional to the s!uare o$
its natural $re!uency. he pie<ometer is designed
Gentonite'cement grout
so that pressure on its diaphragm controls the ten'
sion o$ the vi"rating &ire element inside.
-hen a readout is connected to the signal ca"le# it
sends an electric pulse to a coil that pluc,s the
&ire# causing it to vi"rate at its natural $re!uency.
A second coil pic,s up the vi"ration and returns a Grout plug
$re!uency reading to the readout.
In grout'in installation#
the plug is eliminated.
Cali"ration $actors must "e applied to the reading
Sand inta,e <one
to o"tain units o$ pressure. his may "e done "y
In grout'in installation#
the readout or on a computer.
inta,e <one is eliminated.
Advantages Simple grout'in installation procedure opens the possi"ility o$ same'hole
installation o$ multiple pie<ometers or installation o$ pie<ometers &ith
incl inometer casing.
he ;- pie<ometer provides rapid response in all types o$ soils.
Suita"le $or unattended monitoring &ith a data logger.
:imitations Cali"rated component is "uried =same as other electrical sensors>.
+ust "e protected $rom electrical transients in locations &here lightning
is common =same as other electrical sensors>.
;- sensors re!uire data loggers and readouts &ith ;- inter$aces.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 +

+ulti:evel he multi'level ;- pie<ometer is used
;- 9ie<ometers in series to monitor pore'&ater pressure
at multiple <ones in a "orehole.
he system com"ines standard ;-
pie<ometers and 9;C pipe. he pie<o'
meters are installed in'line &ith the
9;C pipe. he assem"led pipe controls
the elevation and relative spacing o$ the pie<ometers. Signal ca"les run to
the sur$ace through the 9;C placement pipe.
he entire assem"ly o$ pipe and pie<ometers
is pushed into the "orehole. e pipe controls
the elevation and relative spacing o$ the
;- pie<ometer &ith $ilter tip
pie<ometers. It is assem"led pushed into the
pointing up&ards to prevent
$ormation o$ air "u""les
"ehind the $ilter.
-hen the components o$ the system are in
place# "entonite'cement grout is pumped
through the pipe to "ac,$ill the entire "ore'
hole# including the area surrounding each
-hen the grout cures# each pie<ometer is 9;C pipe provides a &ay to
control the precise installa'
isolated $rom the <ones a"ove and "elo& it#
tion depth o$ each pie<o'
"ut is highly responsive to changes in pore' meter.
&ater pressures at its o&n elevation.
he pipe also serves as a
protective conduit $or signal
ca"les# preventing damage
he multi'level pie<ometer shares the advan'
&hen auger or drill casing is
tages and limitations o$ standard ;- pie<o'
Gentonite'cement grout
isolates each pie<ometer
$rom the <ones a"ove and
"elo& it. he pie<ometer
measures only local pore'
&ater pressure.
Small 2.4C diameter o$
housing allo&s installation
in a three'inch or larger
Gorehole is grouted through
the same 9;C pipe that car'
ries ca"les.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 10

Choosing a All o$ the pie<ometers discussed here# &hether standpipe# pneumatic# or
9ie<ometer ;-# have the accuracy and resolution needed $or good pore'&ater pressure
measurements. he choice o$ a pie<ometer should "e "ased on the $actors
summari<ed in the ta"le "elo&. Items &ith L are e6plained in the te6t $ol'
lo&ing the comparison ta"le.
Standpipe ;- 9neumatic
Range Depth o$ standpipe 20# (00# 220# 200 psi (00 psi
Response imeL Slo& 5ast 5ast
Reading imeL +inutes Seconds 2 minutes &ith 200
$eet o$ tu"ing.
:onger times &ith
longer tu"ing.
ReadoutL -ater level indicator. 9or ta"le readout. 9or ta"le readout.
Si<e and &eight :ightest# smallest. :arge and heavy
depend on reel "ecause o$ internal
capacity. tan,.
Remote AccessL Mo. Reading is Nes. Signal ca"le can Nes. u"ing can "e
o"tained at top o$ "e run to remote run to remote read'
standpipe. readout station. out station
Data:ogL Mo Nes Mo
+ain Advantages Simplicity. Mothing 7asy to read. Simple Remote access.
to go &rong. grout'in installation. Mot a$$ect "y electri'
Remote access. cal transients.
+ain :imitations Mo remote access. :ong hori<ontal runs Slo& reading time
o$ ca"le should "e
protected $rom elec'
trical transients.
+ain Cost o$ Gorehole. Gorehole. Gorehole.
Installation Components are the Components are Components are less
least e6pensive o$ more e6pensive e6pensive th an ;-
any type o$ pie<o' than pneumatic or pie<ometers.
meter. standpipe.
9ie<ometer Response time is relevant mainly in cohesive soils# such as clays# that do not
Response ime easily release their &ater. -hen pore'&ater pressure changes# some volume
o$ &ater $lo&s into or out o$ the pie<ometer until an e!uili"rium is esta"'
lished "et&een the pore'&ater pressure in the soil and the &ater in the
pie<ometer. he time re!uired $or this e!uili"rium to occur is called the
pie<ometerOs response time.
5actors a$$ecting response time are the hydraulic conductivity o$ the soil
and the volume o$ &ater that must $lo& into or out o$ the pie<ometer. Dia'
phragm pie<ometers re!uire less &ater and there$ore have $aster response
time. Standpipe pie<ometers are intrinsically slo&er than diaphragm pie<o'
meters "ecause the standpipe re!uires a larger volume o$ &ater. 5or e6am'
ple# a small'diameter )D4'inch standpipe re!uires an in$lo& o$ 240 ml o$
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 11

&ater to sho& a ( psi change in pore'&ater pressure. A ;- pie<ometer#
&hich has a very sensitive diaphragm# re!uires an in$lo& o$ only 0.00002 ml
=(2 million times smaller> to sho& the same ( psi change. In highly perme'
a"le soils &here &ater is readily availa"le# the di$$erence in response times
may "e insigni$icant. *o&ever# in clays and other soils &here permea"ility
is very lo&# the response times &ill "e very di$$erent# ma,ing the ;- pie<o'
meter or some other electric pie<ometer the only use$ul choice.
In certain conditions# the response time o$ a diaphragm pie<ometer can "e
slo&ed i$ there is an air "u""le "et&een the $ilter and the diaphragm. he
air "u""le must de$orm =change volume> "e$ore it can transmit the pressure
o$ the &ater# and this re!uires a greater in$lo& or out$lo& o$ &ater than i$
there &ere no air "u""le. In saturated soils &ith high permea"ility# the pres'
ence o$ a "u""le has little e$$ect# since &ater is in good supply# and the "u"'
"le is easily compressed. In tight soils# such as clays# response time may "e
slo&ed "y the presence o$ a "u""le# "ecause the $ree &ater needed to com'
press the "u""le# is scarce.
Remote Access +easuring the &ater level in standpipe pie<ometers re!uires direct access to
the top o$ the pipe. I$ regular and continued access is not possi"le# then a
diaphragm pie<ometer# &hich can "e operated $rom a remote readout sta'
tion# is the only choice.
Reading ime In general# pneumatic pie<ometers ta,e longest to read. Standpipes can
occasionally present pro"lems i$ they are not installed straight or i$ $alse
triggering occurs due to organics gro& on standpipe &alls. ;- sensors can
normally "e read in seconds.
Readout Readout si< e and &eight "ecome an issue "ecause $ield technicians o$ten
ta,e several readouts &ith them. he pneumatic indicator is the l argest and
heaviest. Its internal tan, re!uires regular re$ills. he ;- indicator is the
smal lest and lightest. he si<e and &eight o$ the &ater level indicator
depends on the !uantity o$ ca"le on its reel. All three readouts use "atteries#
&hich must "e changed $rom time to time.
Data :ogging Data loggers allo& readings to "e ta,en &ithout a technician present. +ore
important# data loggers allo& many more readings to "e ta,en# sometimes
revealing trends that other&ise &ould go unnoticed. ;- sensors are suit'
a"le $or data logging. *o&ever# to read ;- sensors# the data logger must
have a ;- inter$ace. 9neumatic pie<ometers can "e automated# "ut this is a
costly underta,ing and is there$ore !uite rare. Sometimes standpipes are
adapted to data loggers "y installation o$ a diaphragm pie<ometer &ithin
the standpipe. he response time $or the converted standpipe &ill remain
the same# since the pipe must still $ill &ith &ater.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 12

Mote on 5ilters Speci$ications sometimes mention the importance o$ saturating pie<ometer
$ilters. Standpipe and diaphragm pie<ometers are usually e!uipped &ith a
standard $ilter that has 20 to 40 micron pores. hese $ilters "ecome satu'
rated &hen immersed in &ater &ithout any ela"orate saturation procedure.
Saturation procedures are important $or special $ilters &ith smaller pores#
call ed high air entry $ilters. *o&ever# these $ilters are not appropriate $or
standpipe or diaphragm pie<ometers.
he high air entry $ilter relies on the sur$ace tension o$ &ater in its pores to
sustain a pressure di$$erence "et&een air and &ater on the $ilter sur$ace.
his ,eeps air out o$ the measuring system =&hich is a $luid> and allo&s
measurement o$ matri6 soil suction =negative pore'&ater pressure> that is
present in non'saturated soils. he high air entry e$$ect is operative only
&hen the $ilter is saturated &ith &ater. -hen &ater drains out o$ the $ilter#
the high'air entry e$$ect disappears.
Knly one type o$ pie<ometer# the hydraulic pie<ometer# is capa"le o$ main'
taining saturation o$ the $ilter in non'saturated soils. Diaphragm pie<o'
meters and standpipe pie<ometers do not normally have this capa"ility# and
there$ore should not "e speci$ied &ith high air entry $ilters.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 13

+onitoring :ateral De$ormation
:ateral De$ormation +easurements o$ lateral de$ormation help engineers to3
7valuate the sta"ility o$ slopes and em"an,ments.
Determine the need and timing $or corrective measures.
;eri$y the per$ormance and sa$ety o$ structures such as retaining &alls
and em"an,ments.
:andslides# +onitor sta"ility o$ slope#
Gr ound 9 ro$i l e
cut# or em"an,ment.
9 ri or to Sl i p
Gr ound 9 ro$i l e
and 7m"an,ments
A$ter S l i p
Detect shear <ones and
help determine &hether
she ar is pl anar or circular.
S l i p 9l ane
Ground :ev el
Determine &hether move'
ment is constant# acceler'
ating# or slo&ing.
S l i p 9l ane
Kri gi nal Gro und :ev el
5 i ni s hed Gro und :ev el
9 ot e n t i a l Sl i p 9 l an e s
9otenti al S l i p 9 l a ne
S o $t S o i l
5 i rm S o i l
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 14

Retaining -alls +onitor de$ormation o$
soil "ehind retaining &all.
Chec, $or rotation o$
retaining &all.
Dra in
R E TW.cdr
Diaphragm -all or Sheet Chec, that de$lections o$
In cl i nom ete r
9ile -all
&all are &ithin design
i n -al l
Chec, $or ground move'
ment that may a$$ec t ad%a' Gro und Ancho r
cent "uildings.
;eri$y that struts and
ground anchors and per'
$orming as planned.
E!". cd r
Roc, Slides and +onitor the magnitude
Roc, A"utments
and rate o$ movements in
roc, masses.
9ile e sts +onitor de$ormation o$
laterally loaded pile.
Gro u n d : e v e l
-arn o$ impending
So $ t S o i l
&I ' E. c d r
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1

Inclinometers he primary instrument $or monitoring lateral# su"sur$ace de$ormations is
the inclinometer. here are t&o types o$ inclinometer systems3 the porta"le#
traversing pro"e system and the dedicated# in'place sensor system. Goth
systems re!uire the use o$ inclinometer casing.
Inclinometer Inclinometer casing is used &ith "oth types o$
inclinometer. his special'purpose# grooved
pipe is installed in a "orehole that passes
through suspected <ones o$ movement. It can
also "e em"edded in $ill# cast into concrete# or
attached to structures.
Inclinometer casing provides access $or the
incl inometer pro"e# allo&ing it to o"tain su"'
sur$ace measurements. Grooves inside the
casing control the orientation o$ the pro"e
and provide a sur$ace $rom &hich repeata"le
measurements can "e o"tained.
he traversing pro"e system con'
sists o$ a porta"le &heeled pro"e#
graduated control ca"le# and a por'
ta"le readout. -ith this system# the
operator ma,e s a survey o$ the
"orehole# ta,ing tilt readings at
t&o'$oot intervals# $rom the "ottom
to the top o$ the casing to the top. he pro"e is then rotated (00 degrees
and a second survey is o"tained. he resulting data provides a detailed
pro$ile o$ the casing. I$ ground movement occ urs# su"se!uent surveys &ill
reveal changes in the pro$ile. hese changes can "e plotted to determine
the magnitude# depth# direction# and rate o$ ground movement.
In'place inclinometer systems are
installed &hen continuous monitor'
ing is re!uired $or construction con'
trol or sa$ety. he in'place system
consists o$ one or more dedicated
sensors connected to a data logger.
he sensors are positioned to span
the <ones &here de$ormation is li,ely
to oc cur =a traversing pro"e system
may "e used to detect such <ones>.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1(

An optional compone nt o$ an inclinome'
ter system is so$t&are $or data reduction
and graphing. Incl inometers generate
more data than do other types o$ sensors.
A single survey may generate several
hundred data points. Kver time# tens o$
thousands o$ data points are manipu'
lated# reduced# graphed# and archived.
In'place inclinometer systems con'
nected to data loggers generate even
more data. -ith such systems# near'real
time processing is usually a re!uirement
as is so$t&are that sho&s the location o$
the sensors# the readings# alarm status# and trend plots.
Another optional component is the spiral sensor# &hich is used to deter'
mine i$ the casing &as t&isted during installation. Spiral surveys may "e
appropriate &hen the installation is very deep or &hen inclinometer
readings indicate movement in unli,ely directions.
Choosing "et&een Goth types o$ inclinometer o$$er su$$icient resolution and accuracy $or geo'
raversing and technical purposes. he choice "et&een the traversing pro"e system and
In'9lace Systems
the in'place system should "e "ased on other $actors# summari<ed "elo&3
raversing System In'9lace System
5ull 9ro$ileL Nes Mo
Reading ime 42 minutes per (00 $eet Seconds
Remote AccessL Mo Nes
Data :oggingL Mo Nes
+ain Advantages :east e6pensive &ay to mon' Knly &ay to o"tain near real'
itor many installations. time readings and remote
+ain :imitations 9ro"e ca"le and readout are :ong hori<ontal runs o$
"ul,y and heavy. Reading ca"le must "e protected
ta,es time. $rom electrical transients.
Installation Costs Gorehole $or inclinometer Gorehole $or inclinometer
casing is the main cost. casing is the main cost. *o&'
ever# sensors and logger sys'
tem can cost nearly as much.
Kn'Going Costs Sending a technician to read 5e& on'going costs.
the installation is main cost.
5ull 9ro$ile he traversing pro"e system yields a detailed survey o$ the entire length o$
the inclinometer casing. his allo&s identi$ication o$ multiple shear <ones
and provides a conte6t $or understanding de$ormations in those <ones.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1)

In contrast# the in'place system provides a narro& sample o$ the installa'
tion. 9roper positioning is critical. K$ten a traversing pro"e is used $irst
until the shear <one has "een identi$ied.
Remote Access he traversing system re!uires direct access to the top o$ the casing $or 42
minutes or more to complete a survey. I$ it is di$$ic ult to maintain access $or
this long# the in'place system is the only choice.
Data :ogging I$ real'time data and alarms are important# the in'place system is the only
Casing is designed to de$orm
Choosing Inclinometer asing !iameter"
Casing &ith movement o$ the ad%acent ground or struc'
ture. he use$ul li$e o$ the casing ends &hen con'
tinued movement o$ the ground pinches or shears
the casing# preventing passage o$ the inclinometer
pro"e. :arge diameter casing =).)4 inch KD> is
suita"le $or landslides and long term monitoring.
+edium diameter casing =2.12 inch KD> is suit'
a"le $or construction pro%ects. It can also "e used $or slope sta"ility moni'
toring &hen only a moderate degree o$ de$ormation is anticipated. Small
diameter casing =(./C KD> is suita"le $or applications &here small de$orma'
tions are distri"uted over "road <ones. It is generally not installed in soils.
:oo, $or machine'"roached grooves. +easurement accu'
asing Groo#es"
racy is directly in$luenced "y the !uality o$ casing grooves. +achine
"roaching o$ grooves allo&s the &idth and cham$er o$ the grooves to "e
optimi<ed $or the &heels o$ the pro"e. It also minimi<es spiralling o$ the
:oo, $or couplings that can "e sealed easily and consistently.
Some designs $eature K'ring seals# others $eature tight'$itting sur$aces that
are $used together &ith solvent cement. Snap'together casing goes together
ve ry !uic,ly and per$orms ve ry &ell in most situations. hat said# some
drillerDinstallers using hol lo&'stem augers can t&ist the casing out o$ align'
ment &hen they spin the auger to &ithdra& it. In such c ases# cemented cou'
plings are more suita"le.
AGS plastic is the standard material $or inclinometer cas'
asing Material"
ing. AGS plastic retains its shape and $le6i"ility over a &ider range o$ tem'
peratures than 9;C plastic. AGS pl astic is much easier to handle and seal
than $i"erglass casing. 5inally# AGS plastic is suita"le $or long term contact
&ith all types o$ soils# grouts# and ground &ater# unli,e aluminum casing#
&hich is no longer rec ommended $or any application# e6cept possi"ly in
environments that heat the casing a"ove (20 degrees 5.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1*

Rod 76tensometers Rod e6tensometers are used to monitor
small displacements o$ soil or roc,
along the a6is o$ a "orehole. hey can
also "e used to monitor lateral move'
ment o$ a &all or structure.
Kperation A single'point rod e6tensometer# sho&n in the dra&ing "elo&# c onsists o$
an anchor# a rod# and a re$erenc e head. he anchor# &ith rod attached# is
installed do&n hole. he re$erence head is installed at the "orehole collar.
he rod spans the distance $rom the anchor to the re$erence head. A change
in this distance# measured at the re$erence head# indicates that movement
has occurred. +easurements are o"tained &ith a depth micrometer or an
electric sensor..
A multi'point e6tensometer consists o$ up to si6 anchors and rods
monitored at one re$erence head. Anchors are set near di$$erent strati'
graphic "oundaries. +ultipoint measurements can reveal the distri"ution
o$ movement along the a6is o$ the "orehole in addition to the total
movement as reported "y the single'point e6tensometer.
Rod e6tensometers are covered in greater detail in +onitoring ;ertical
Advantages 9rovides high resolution measurements.
7lectric head allo&s unattended monitoring "y a data logger.
:imitations Anchor depth is limited "y rod material and orientation o$ rods. 5ree
movement o$ hori<ontal rods can "e restricted "y $riction and "y pinch'
ing due to vertical movements.
9l acement is important "ecause the rod e6tensometer monitors move'
ments along the a6is o$ a "orehole. In contrast# the inclinometer can
report de$ormation over a &ide area.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 1+

+onitoring ;ertical De$ormation
;ertical De$ormation +easurements o$ vertical de$ormation help engineers to3
;eri$y that soil consolidation is proceeding as predicted.
9redict and ad%ust the $inal elevation o$ an em"an,ment.
;eri$y the per$ormance o$ engineered $oundations.
Determine the need and timing $or corrective measures.
7m"an,ment +onitor the progress o$
+onitor the per$ormance
o$ $oundation soil.
76cavation +onitor heave in $loor o$
+onitor settlement due to
ground loss or heave out'
side o$ e6cavation.
5oundations +onitor per$ormance o$
$oundation under structures
such as storage tan,s to
&arn o$ stresses that can
cause lea,s or ruptures.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 20

Rail and Road Geds +onitor settlement o$ rail or
road "ed &hen tunnel or
underpass is "uilt.
Structures +onitor $or settlements that
may damage "uildings or
service connections. Such
di$$erential settlements may
"e caused "y near"y e6cava'
tions or de&atering opera'
9ile est +onitor compression o$
+onitor settlement "elo&
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 21

Single 9oint Single point instruments provide in$ormation needed to calculate move'
+easurements ment o$ a single point. hese devices include3
Settlement cells
Settlement points or single'point e6tensometers.
Settlement e6tensometer
Settlement Cells he settlement cell is used to monitor
a single# su"sur$ace point.
Components include a reservoir#
tu"ing that is $illed &ith &ater# and
the settlement cell# &hich is a specially
pac,aged ;- or pneumatic pressure
he reservoir is positioned on sta"le
ground# at a higher elevation than the
cell. he cell is typically installed at
the original ground sur$ace "e$ore an
em"an,ment or $il l is constructed. he &ater'$illed tu"ing runs $rom the
reservoir do&n to the cell. See the illustration "elo&.
he cell measures the pressure created "y the column o$ li!uid in the tu"'
ing. As the transducer settles &ith the surrounding ground# the height o$
the column increases# and the transducer measures higher pressure.
he linear measure o$ settlement or heave is calculated "y converting the
change in pressure to millimeters or inches head o$ &ater.
ypical installation o$
settlement cell
*eight o$ the column o$
li!uid increases as cell
moves do&n&ard &ith
settling ground.
:i!uid'$illed tu"ing
Cell measures the
pressure o$ the
column o$ li!uid
Advantages he reservoir can "e located outside the active construction area.
Knce installed# the cell and tu"ing are unli,ely to "e damaged "y con'
struction activities.
Does not re!uire "orehole.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 22

:imitations Changes in temperature a$$ect the density o$ the
li!uid in the tu"ing and the pressure reported "y the cell. emperature
e$$ects can "e reduced "y minimi<ing the length o$ tu"ing a"ove the sur'
$ace and "y shading the reservoir.
Changes in atmospheric pressure &ill appear as movement o$ the cell.
his e$$ect can "e eliminated "y recording "arometric pressure at the site
or using a vented cell.
Gorros Anchor he settlement point consists o$ an anchor and t&o
Settlement 9oint concentric riser pipes. he inner pipe# &hich is con'
nected to the anchor# can move $reely &ithin the outer
pipe. A change in the distance "et&een the top o$ the
inner pipe and the top o$ the outer pipe indicates
Advantages Simplicity and economy.
Mo range limits.
:imitations op o$ pipe must "e surveyed i$ "oth anchor and
top o$ pipe are e6pected to move.
76tensions to the pipe must "e care$ully noted.
+easurements re!uire direct access to top o$ pipe
unless survey e!uipment is used.
Gorros anchor &or,s "est in so$t clays.
Single'9oint his instrument is similar to the settlement point. C omponents include an
Rod 76tensometers anchor# a rod inside protective pipe# and a re$erence head. Rod e6tensome'
ters are discussed in detail under +ulti9oint Rod 76tensometers.
Advantages *igh resolution measurements are possi"le =to thousandths o$ an inch>.
Remote reading is possi"le &ith electric version o$ re$erence head.
:imitations :imited range. otal range is a"out (0 inches# "ut "oth the depth
micrometer and the electric sensors &ill have to "e reset to o"tain that
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 23

Settlement he settlement e6tensometer is a ne& device
76tensometer used to monitor large settlements in so$t ground
"elo& $ills. It consists o$ an anchor# a stainless
steel rod inside protective pipe# and a potenti'
ometer inside a &aterproo$ head.
*ead installed in
e6isting ground
A "orehole is drilled $rom the elevation o$ inter'
"e$ore $ill is
est do&n to competent ground. he anchor and
rod are installed do&nhole. he "orehole is then
"ac,$illed &ith a so$t grout.
A small e6cavation is made $or the head. he
head is then attached to the rod# tested# and then
covered &ith at least si6 inches o$ hand'com'
pacted sand. Signal ca"le $rom the e6tensometer
is then connected to a data logger.
As the ground settles &ith the placement o$ $il l#
the head moves do&n&ard. he potentiometer
Rod connects
inside the head measures ta,e'up o$ a tensioned
anchor to head
&ire. Readings are o"tained remotely# either "y a
porta"le readout or a data logger.
Range is 22 inches or more.
*igh resolution measurements
=thousandths o$ an inch>.
Remote readout
:im itations
+ore e6pensive than settlement cell or
Anch or in sta"le
single'point rod e6tensometer.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 24

Comparison o$ Single 9oint Systems
Settlement Cell Settlement 9oint Rod 76tensometer Settlement 76tensometer
Range (0s o$ $eet ( to 2 $eet 2 to 4 inches 22 inches or more
Accuracy Inch 5ractional inch housandths o$ inch *undredths o$ inch
Duration ypically shor t term Mo restriction Mo restriction Mo restriction
Remote Reading Nes Mo Mo =mechanical head> Nes
Nes =e lectric he ad>
Data :og Mo =9neumatic cell> Mo Mo =mechanical head> Nes
Nes = ;- ce ll> Nes =electric al head>
Advantages Mo inter$eren ce &ith Simple *igh resolution Mo inter$erence &ith
construction activities. measurements construction activities.
+ain :imitation Reservoir must "e higher 9ipe o"structs activities. Small range. +ore e6pensive than other
elevation than cell. systems
+ain Cost Components Gorehole. I$ constructed Gorehole. Gorehole.
Cell is generally not through $ill# components
installed in "oreholes. are main cost.
Comparison o$ +ulti'9oint Systems
Sonde6 +agnet Rod *ori<ontal *ori<ontal In'9lace
76tensometer 76tensometer Inclinometer Inclinometer
+onitors ;ertical 9ro$ile ;ertical 9ro$ile ;ertical 9ro$ile *ori<ontal 9ro$ile *ori<ontal 9ro$ile
Range :arge de$ormations :arge de$ormations 2 to 4 inches 22 inches or more 22 inches or more
System Accuracy 5ractional inch 5ractional inch housandths o$ 5ractional Inch 5ractional Inch
Remote Reading Mo Mo Mo =mechanical Mo Nes
Nes =e lec tri c head>
Data :og Mo Mo Mo =mechanical> Mo Nes
Nes =elec trical >
Advantages -or,s &ith -or,s &ith (J pipe *igh resolution +onitors settle' +onitors settle'
inclinometers or inclinometers measurements ment over a "road ment in critical
area areas.
+ain :imitation Mo remote reading Mo remote reading Small range 5riction "ecomes 76pensive
$actor in lengths
over )00 $eet
+ain Cost Gorehole $or incli' Gorehole $or Gorehole rench or "orehole. rench or "ore'
nometer casing. inclinometer c asing hole. Components
or access pipe.. can "e e6pensive.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2

+ulti'9oint +ulti'point instruments provide in$ormation needed to calculate vertical
+easurements or hori<ontal pro$iles o$ settlement. hese devices include3
Sonde6 and +agnet 76tensometer
+ulti'9oint Rod 76tensometer
*ori<ontal Inclinometer
Sonde6 Sonde6 is a multi'point e6tensometer system
Settlement System that is installed &ith inclinometer c asing.
he Sonde6 system consists o$ a porta"le read'
out# sensing rings# and Sonde6 pipe# a $le6i"le#
non'per$orated# corrugated drain pipe. Ge$ore
installation# the sensing rings are attached to
the drain pipe at regular intervals or at depths
o$ interest.
he Sonde6 pipe and inclinometer casing are
usually installed at the same time. So$t grout
"ac,$ill couples the Sonde6 pipe to the sur'
rounding ground# so that the pipe and rings
move &ith settlement or heave.
Inclinometer Casing
inside Sonde6
he readout consists o$ a reel &ith a "uilt'in
Corrugated 9ipe
voltmeter# a ca"le# and a pro"e. o o"tain mea'
surements# the operator dra&s the pro"e# &ith a
Gorehole "ac,$illed
survey tape attached# up through the inclinom'
&ith so$t grout.
eter casing. he "u<<er sounds &hen the pro"e
nears a ring# and the voltmeter pea,s &hen the
pro"e is aligned &ith the ring. he operator
then re$ers to the survey tape and records the
Sensing Ring
depth o$ the ring.
Readings are re$erenced to the "ottom ring#
&hich is assumed to "e in sta"le ground. Settle'
ment and heave are c alculated "y c omparing
the current depth o$ each ring to its initial
Can provide detailed settlement pro$ile.
+a,es dou"le use o$ a "orehole# supplement'
ing inclinometer data.
:im itations
Inclinometer casing
and "ottom sens'
Can "e di$$icult to install.
ing ring should "e
installed in sta"le
Good readings re!uire c are$ul operator.
B ground.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2(

+agnet he magnet e6tensometer is a multipoint
76tensometer e6tensometer that can "e installed &ith incli'
nometer casing or &ith ('inch access pipe.
he system consists o$ a pro"e# a steel measur'
ing'tape# a tape reel &ith "uilt'in light and
"u<<er# and a num"er o$ magnets positioned
along the length o$ an access pipe.
hree types o$ magnets are availa"le3 a datum
magnet# &hich is installed at the "ottom o$ the access pipe# a spider magnet#
&hich is used in "oreholes# and a plate magnet# &hich is used i$ the e6ten'
someter is "eing "uilt up through $ills. elescoping %oints are re!uired to
accommodate settlement.
he magnets move &ith settlement or heave o$
the surrounding ground.
Readings are o"tained "y dra&ing the pro"e
through the access pipe to $ind the depth o$ the Reel and 9ro"e
magnets. -hen the pro"e enters a magnetic
$ield# a reed s&itch closes# activating the light
and "u<<er on the reel at the sur$ace. he opera'
Access 9ipe &ith
tor then re$ers to the ( millimeter or 0.0(P elescoping Sections
graduations on the tape and notes the depth o$
the magnet.
9late magnet
Settlement and heave are calculated "y
em"edded in $ill
comparing the current depth o$ each magnet to
its initial depth. +ovement is generally re$er'
enced to the datum magnet at the "ottom#
&hich is anchored in sta"le ground.
Advantages Spider +agnet
grouted into
Supplements inclinometer data# i$ instal led
&ith casing.
Simpler installation than Sonde6.
:im itations
Good readings re!uire c are$ul operator.
Remote readings are not possi"le.
Datum +agnet in
Sta"le Ground
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2)

+ulti9oint he multipoint rod e6tensometer provides
Rod 76tensometers high resolution multipoint measurements o$
ve rtical de$ormation.
he main components o$ a rod e6tensometer
are anchors# rods inside protective pipe# and a
re$erence head.
he anchors are instal led do&nhole &ith rods
attached. he rods span the distance $rom the
do&nhole anchors to the re$erence head at the
sur$ace. he protective plastic pipe prevents
"onding "et&een rods and grout "ac,$ill. Read'
ings are o"tained at the re$erence head "y mea'
suring the distance "et&een the top o$ the rod
and a re$erence sur$ace. A change in this dis'
tance indicates movement has occurred.
+ovements are re$erenced to a sta"le elevation#
typically a do&nhole anchor. he resulting data
can "e used to determine the <one# rate# and
acceleration o$ movements# and to calculate
re selected to match $ield conditions.
Components Anchors
he grouta"le anchor is suita"le $or roc, and is
sometimes used in soilsA the hydraulic anchor#
sho&n at right# is suita"le $or so$t soilA and the
pac,er anchor can "e used in either roc, or soil.
are made o$ $i"erglass or stainless steel.
5i"erglass rod e6tensometers are assem"led at
the $actory and shipped to the site# ready to
install. he $le6i"ility o$ these e6tensometers
also ma,es them easier to install in con$ined
areas# such as tunnels. Stainless steel rod e6ten'
someters must "e assem"led on site. *o&ever#
their sti$$er rods can "e used $or deeper anchor depths.
In general# rods in tension can "e longer than rods in compression# and
steel rods can "e longer than $i"erglass rods. In non'vertic al installations#
$riction "et&een rods and the protective pipe "ecomes a limiting $actor.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2*

he ta"le "elo& suggests ma6imum lengths $or rods in tension and com'
pre ssion.
+a6 Rod :ength3 ension D Compression
Krientation 5i"erglass Steel
;ertical Do&n 20 D (2 m 40 D )0 m
;ertical .p 42 D )0m 40 D 42 m
42Q Do&n 22 D 20 m 40 D )0 m
42Q .p )2 D 22 m 22 D 40 m
*ori<ontal )2 D 20 m 42 D )0 m
+echanical re$erence heads can "e used &hen there is
Reference $eads"
easy access to the e6tensometer. +easurements are o"tained &ith a depth
7lectric re$erence heads are used &hen access to the re$erence head is di$$i'
cult or &here continuous monitoring is re!uired. In this case# measure'
ments are o"tained &ith displacement sensors and a readout or data logger.
Advantages *igh precision measurements.
Remote readings possi"le &ith elec tric sensors.
5i"erglass rod e6tensometer is pre$a"ricated at the $actory and shipped
ready to install.
:imitations Marro& range# typical ly ( to 4 inches.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 2+

*ori<ontal he hori<ontal inclinometer provides a hori<ontal pro$iles o$ settlement.
Inclinometer raversing pro"e and dedicated in'place systems are availa"le.
is used &ith "oth types o$
Components Inclinometer casing
hori<ontal inclinometer. ).)4 inch diameter cas'
ing is re!uired $or the traversing pro"e and
either ).)4 or 2.12 casing can "e used &ith the
in'place system. *ori<ontal installations o$ cas'
ing are typically installed in a trench# "ut may
also "e installed in a hori<ontal "orehole.
Grooves inside the casing control the orientation
o$ the pro"e. Kne set o$ grooves =top and "ot'
tom> must "e aligned &ith vertical. elescoping
sections are generally not needed.
%he tra#ersing probe system
o$ a porta"le &heeled pro"e# gradu'
ated control ca"le# a pull &ire# and a
porta"le readout. -ith this system#
the operator ma,es a survey o$ the
"orehole# ta,ing tilt readings at t&o'
$oot intervals# $rom the $ar end to the
near end o$ the casing. he pro"e is then turned end $or end a second sur'
vey is o"tained. he resulting data provides a detailed pro$ile o$ the casing.
I$ ground movement occurs# su"se!uent surveys &ill reveal changes in the
he dra&ing "elo& sho&s ho& the hori<ontal inclinometer is used &hen
there is access $rom "oth ends or %ust one end.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 30

Components In&place inclinometer systems
Continued installed &hen continuous monitor'
ing is re!uired $or construction con'
trol or sa$ety. he in'place system
consists o$ one or more dedicated
sensors and a data logger. he sensors
are positioned to span the <ones
&here de$ormation is li,ely to occur.
he photo sho&s the less e6pensive
"ut non'retrieva"le sled sensors
=lo&er le$t> along &ith the larger# standard I9I sensors.
Data reduction so$t&are is a use$ul com'
ponent o$ either inclinometer system.
Inclinometers generate more data than do
other types o$ sensors. A single survey
may generate several hundred data points.
Kver time# tens o$ thousands o$ data
points are manipulated# reduced# graphed#
and archived.
In'place inclinometer systems connected
to data loggers generate even more data.
-ith such systems# near'real time pro'
cessing is usually a re!uirement as is so$t'
&are that sho&s the location o$ the sensors# the readings# alarm status# and
trend plots.
he dra&ing "elo& sho&s ho& hori<ontal in'place sensors are con$igured3
Sensors are spaced "y tu"ing
Inclinometer casing controls
that ma,es gauge lengths o$ ( to ) meters
the orientation o$ the sensors
Sensors are installed &ith $i6ed &heel do&n Gauge length o$ each sensor is the distance
"et&een pivot points
Advantages 9rovides pro$ile o$ settlement over "road area.
Does not inter$ere &ith site operations
In'place version provides real'time data &hen connected to data logger.
:imitations raversing system ta,es time to read. 5riction "ecomes a $actor in casing
over )00 $eet long.
Complete coverage &ith in'place system is e6pensive.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 31

Installing 9ie<ometers
Drill the "orehole slightly "elo& the re!uired depth o$ the pie<ometer.
5lush the "orehole &ith &ater or "iodegrada"le drilling mud.
5orm a sand inta,e <one "y placing sand at the "ottom o$ the "orehole.
remie &et sand to the "ottom. Sand should "e graded num"er 00 to
num"er (0 .S sieve si<e in most soils.Nou must pull drill casing up&ards
to ,eep it a"ove the level o$ the sand. -hen the sand reaches the re!uired
depth o$ the $ilter tip# lo&er the $ilter element and the attached riser pipe
do&nhole# assem"ling the pipe as you go.-hen the standpipe is in place#
tremie sand around the $ilter tip# again pulling the casing to ,eep it a"ove
the level o$ the sand. 9lace at least 4 to (2 inches o$ sand a"ove the tip.
I$ you are using a &ell point and installing the pie<ometer in so$t ground#
it is sometimes possi"le to push the point into position. In this case# the
sand inta,e <one is not re!uired. In clay# a pushed or driven pie<ometer
shears and remolds the clay ad%acent to the porous element. his can lead
to erroneous measurements o$ in'situ pore pressures. Mote that the action
o$ pushing or driving may set up high e6cess pore'pressures# &hich in
soils o$ lo& permea"ility may ta,e a long time to dissipate.
9lace a "entonite seal a"ove the inta,e <one# using "entonite chips. A
typical seal is typically (.2 $eet thic,# "ut re$er to pro%ect speci$ications.
Again# "e sure to pull the casing up a"ove the level o$ the "entonite. Drop
chips in slo&ly to ensure proper placement o$ the seal and to avoid "ridg'
ing. he "entonite seal typically re!uires 2 to ) hours to set up# "ut re$er
to your "entonite instructions $or e6act times. Reep the "orehole $illed
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 32

&ith &ater to $ully hydrate the "entonite and prevent it $rom dra&ing
&ater $rom the surrounding soil.
5ill the remainder o$ the "orehole &ith a "entonite'cement grout. .se a
tremie pipe to place the grout starting a $oot or t&o a"ove the "entonite
seal and then slo&ly raising the tremie pipe =and the drill casing# i$ any>
as the level o$ the grout rises. he e6act mi6 o$ the grout &ill vary and you
should $ollo& pro%ect speci$ications i$ availa"le. It is important that the
constituents o$ the mi6 not segregate and that the grout is easily pumped.
A typical mi6 might "e $our parts "entonite mi6ed thoroughly &ith eight
to t&elve parts &ater# to &hich is added one part o$ ordinary 9ortland
cement. Special mi6es and chemical additives may "e necessary i$ the
grout is to "e used in sea &ater or very acid &ater.
erminate the installation as speci$ied. he top (.2 $eet o$ the "orehole
should "e sealed &ith a cement grout to prevent entry o$ rain&ater and
other sur$ace runo$$. A &ell'drained# loc,a"le sur$ace "o6 should "e pro'
vided $or every pie<ometer instal lation.
Readings ta,en a$ter completion o$ the installation should "e treated &ith
caution# as it is unli,ely that e!uili"rium &ill have "een re'esta"lished#
especially i$ mud rotary drilling methods &ere used. A datum reading
can "e ta,en 24 hours to several days a$ter installation# depending on the
permea"ility o$ the soil. a,e readings periodically to determine &hen
recovery has occurred. -ater level readings should "e per$ormed in
accordance &ith AS+ Standard D'4120# IDetermining Su"sur$ace :i!'
uid :evels in a Gorehole or +onitoring -ell.J
A$ter installation# a response test should "e conducted on each pie<o'
meter# &here possi"le# to chec, the ade!uacy o$ the installation. he
response test may "e o$ the $alling head type &ith the results presented on
$alling head permea"ility test results sheets. .ne6pected results in a
response test may indicate that the pie<ometer is de$ective. Similar
response tests carried out at intervals during the li$e o$ the pie<ometer are
recommended to ensure that the head used in response tests does not
cause hydraulic $racture in the soil.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 33

Drill the "orehole "elo& the re!uired depth o$ the pie<ometer. 5lush the
"orehole &ith &ater or "iodegrada"le drilling mud.
5orm the "ottom o$ the sand inta,e <one. remie the &et sand into place.
*old the pie<ometer in a "uc,et o$ &ater# $ilter side up# and sha,e it to
dislodge air "et&een the $ilter and the diaphragm. Mote that in tight soils#
it may "e "ene$icial to ,eep some air "et&een the $ilter and diaphragm.
Ac tivation o$ the pie<ometer $orces the diaphragm out&ards. I$ no "u""l e
is present# the diaphragm must push &ater into the soil. *o&ever# i$ a
"u""le is present# the diaphragm has only to compress the air "u""le
rather than $orce &ater into the soil# so the reading is o"tained !uic,ly.
:o&er the pie<ometer and its tu"ing to its speci$ied depth. Nou &ill have
to add &eight to the pie<ometer to lo&er it into a &ater $illed "orehole.
Sometimes the pie<ometer is placed in a sand'$illed canvas "ag# &hich
serves t&o purposes3 it creates part o$ the sand inta,e <one and it serves
as a &eight to help sin, the pie<ometer and its tu"ing.
remie sand around the pie<ometer. Continue until at least si6 inches
=(20 mm> o$ sand has "een placed a"ove the pie<ometer. Nou may have to
pull the drill casing up&ards to ,eep it a"ove the level o$ sand.
9lace a "entonite seal a"ove the inta,e <one# using "entonite chips. A
typical seal is at least one $oot thic,# "ut re$er to pro%ect speci$ications $or
the re!uired length. Again# "e sure to pull the casing up a"ove the level o$
the "entonite. Drop chips in slo&ly to ensure proper pl acement o$ the
seal and to avoid "ridging. Ge sure to pull the drill casing up&ards to pre'
vent the seal $rom setting inside the casing.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 34

he "entonite seal typically re!uires 2 to ) hours to set up# "ut re$er to
your "entonite instructions $or e6act times. Reep the "orehole $illed &ith
&ater to $ully hydrate the "entonite and prevent it $rom dra&ing &ater
$rom the surrounding soil.
Gac,$ill &ith a "entonite'cement grout. =Step 4 and 1 could "e eliminated
i$ the "ac,$ill contains ade!uate amounts o$ "entonite. See notes on
grouting'in ;- pie<ometers "elo&.>
erminate the installation as speci$ied. It is important to terminate the
tu"ing a"ove ground level and ,eep !uic, connectors clean and dry. 9ro'
tect the installation $rom construction tra$$ic and mar, its location &ith a
Drilling a "orehole and "ac,$illing it temporarily changes the pore'&ater
pressure in the ground# so readings ta,en immediately a$ter installation
&ill not "e good datum readings. Recovery o$ the natural pore'&ater
pressure ma,e ta,e a $e& hours to a $e& &ee,s# depending on the perme'
a"ility o$ the soil. Recovery is indicated "y sta"le readings over a period
o$ a $e& days. A datum reading can then "e o"tained.
;- 9ie<ometers ;i"rating &ire pie<ometers have traditionally "een installed in the same
manner as pneumatic pie<ometers or standpipe pie<ometers. A sand inta,e
<one is tremied around the pie<ometer and then sealed &ith "entonite. he
remainder o$ the hole is then $illed &ith a "entonite cement grout.
Grout'In Installation As mentioned a"ove# the volume o$ &ater re!uired to operate a ;- pie<o'
meter is so small that the ;- pie<ometer needs no sand inta,e <one.
Instead# the "orehole can "e "ac,$illed directly &ith a "entonite cement
grout. his simpli$ies installation and opens the possi"ility o$ same'hole
installation o$ multiple pie<ometers or pie<ometers &ith inclinometer cas'
ing. he grout'in procedure is descri"ed "elo&3
Drill the "orehole "elo& the re!uired depth o$ the pie<ometer. 5lush the
"orehole &ith &ater or "iodegrada"le drilling mud.
9repare the pie<ometer3 Su"merse the pie<ometer in a "uc,et o$ clean
&ater# pull o$$ the $ilter to allo& air to escape $rom the pie<ometer# then
replace the $ilter. *old the pie<ometer &ith $ilter end up to prevent &ater
$rom draining out.
ie the pie<ometer to its o&n signal ca"le. his puts the $ilter end up&ard
and ma,es a loop in the signal ca"le. :o&er the pie<ometer# $ilter'end up#
into the "orehole. In shallo& "oreholes# you can push the looped ca"le
and pie<ometer to its intended depth &ith a plastic pipe. his helps you
con$irm that the pie<ometer is at its intended depth. In deeper "oreholes#
you may need to add &eight to the pie<ometer. I$ you install the pie<o'
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3

meter along &ith inclinometer casing# tape the pie< ometer# $ilter'end up#
to the casing. Stay a&ay $rom the coupling area.
Gac,'$ill the "orehole &ith "entonite'cement grout. he grout mi6es that
&e suggest $or our inclinometer casing# sho&n "elo&# have also "een
tested $or this application &ith good results. -hile speci$ications usually
state that the grout should have a permea"ility the same as the surround'
ing ground# testing has sho&n that permea"ility o$ the grout can "e an
order o$ magnitude higher than the surrounding $ormation. Radial pres'
sure gradients $rom the "orehole &all to the pie<ometer are normally one
to several orders o$ magnitude higher than those produced vertically
through the grout $rom another strata. Radial pressure gradients# not ver'
tic al gradients# &ill control the response o$ the pie<ometer.
Readings ta,en immediately a$ter installation &ill "e high# "ut &ill
decrease as the grout cures. Datum readings can "e ta,en hours to days
a$ter installation# depending on the permea"ility o$ the soil. he lag time
caused "y the grout itsel$ is measured in minutes.
erminate the installation as speci$ied. It is important to terminate the
ca"le a"ove ground level in a &aterproo$ enclosure or &ith a &aterproo$
connector. 9rotect the installation $rom construction tra$$ic and mar, its
location &ith a sta,e.
Grout +i6es
Grout Mi. /or $ard and Medium 0oils
+aterials -eight =.S .nits> Ratio "y -eight
9or tland Cement /4 l" =( "ag> (
-ater )0 gallons 2.2
Gentonite 22 l" =as needed> 0.)
Grout Mi. /or 0oft 0oil
+aterials -eight =.S .nits> Ratio "y -eight
9or tland Cement /4 l" =( "ag> (
-ater 12 gallons 4.4
Gentonite )/ l" =as needed> 0.4
.se the mi6es a"ove as a starting point. +odi$y them as needed. +i6
cement &ith &ater $irst# then mi6 in the "entonite. =Drillers are accustomed
to mi6ing &ater and "entonite $irst>. Ad%ust the amount o$ "entonite to pro'
duce a grout &ith the consistency o$ heavy cream. I$ the grout is too thin#
the solids and the &ater &ill separate. I$ the grout is too thic,# it &ill "e di$'
$icult to pump. here is no particular amount o$ "entonite that you must
add. Goth o$ these mi6es have "een used $or com"ined installations o$
pie<ometers and inclinometers.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3(

Installing Inclinometer Casing
Casing should "e installed (0 or 20 $eet into sta"le ground. Readings
9lanning !epth"
$rom this part o$ the casing should never sho& movement and thus act as a
chec, on the condition o$ the inclinometer pro"e. I$ casing is to "e installed
"ehind a sheet pile &all or diaphragm &all# speci$y a depth that is (0 $eet
deeper than the "ottom o$ the &all. his provide assurance that the "ase o$
the &all is sta"le.
Installation speci$ications should
include the orientation o$ the casing. In gen'
eral# one set o$ =opposed> grooves should "e
aligned &ith the direction o$ e6pected move' Do&nhill or
e6pected direction
ment# typically do&nhill or to&ards the area o$
o$ movement.
e6cavation. his ma,es data interpretation
easier "ecause most o$ the movement can then
"e captured in one a6is. 9recise orientation is
not nec essary. 7ven i$ the orientation is o$$ (0
degrees# the inclinometerOs A a6is reading &ill still capture /0F o$ the mag'
nitude o$ the total movement.
Incl inometer sensors &or, "est in casing that is
2erticality and 0traightness"
installed &ithin ) degrees o$ vertical. he li,elihood o$ systematic errors
increases &ith the tilt o$ the casing. Straightness is also important $or error
$ree data. -avy casing ma,es depth control o$ the pro"e much more criti'
cal# increasing the li,elihood o$ error. -avy casing can "e avoided. See the
section "elo& on countering "uoyancy.
Settlement a$$ects "oth inclinometer casing and inclinometer
readings. AGS inclinometer casing can accommodate 2F settlement or even
more i$ it occurs over a num"er o$ years. *o&ever# i$ settlements greater
than 2F are e6pected to occur &ithin a short period o$ time# the casing
should "e supplied &ith telescoping sections $or <ones in &hich settlement
is li,ely to occur. Alternatively# casing can "e installed &ithin corrugated
drain pipe# &hich decouples the casing $rom the grout "ac,$ill and the sur'
rounding ground.
-hen settlement occurs# the overall length o$ =vertically installed> casing
decreases. his introduces error into inclinometer data. hus it is impor'
tant to have a &ay to measure settlement so that corrections can "e made.
Settlement sec tions may "e installed &ith magnets =$or magnet e6tensome'
ters> or sensing rings =$or Sonde6 systems># "oth o$ &hich must "e installed
at the same time as the casing. Alternatively# settlement can "e measured "y
various hoo,'type instruments# &hich are lo&ered into the casing and latch
onto the edges o$ the telescoping section. I$ the corrugated drain pipe
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3)

method is used# sensing rings are attached to the drain pipe and settlement
is measured &ith the Sonde6 system.
he casing installation should "e protected $rom tra$$ic# van'
dalism# and de"ris. In some locations# a loc,ed cap may provide su$$icient
protection. In other locations# a loc,ing steel enclosure or a monument case
may "e re!uired. Reep in mind that the inclinometer user &il l &ant to
attach a pulley assem"ly to the top o$ the casing. I$ the top o$ the casing is
deep inside the protective enclosure# the user &ill not "e a"le to attach the
pulley. Ideally# the enclosure should "e installed so that the top o$ the casing
is only an inch or t&o "elo& the top o$ the enclosure. -hen the top o$ the
casing is deeper# the enclosure must provide (0 inches o$ clearance# mea'
sured $rom the outside o$ the inclinometer casing# so that the pulley can "e
During installation# &hen the grout is still a
Grout and asing 3uoyanc y"
$luid# it e6erts an upli$t $orce on the "ottom cap o$ the casing. his upli$t
$orce is greater than the do&n $orce e6erted "y the &eight o$ the casing and
even the &eight o$ &ater'$illed casing. I$ no counter'measures are ta,en# the
upl i$t $orce can push casing out o$ the "orehole. he net upli$t can "e calcu'
lated as the density o$ grout minus the density o$ &ater $illed casing 6 depth
o$ casing 6 area o$ "ottom cap. :ateral $orces do not contri"ute to upli$t.
.n$ortunately# the easiest &ay to ,eep the casing in place is also the &orst
&ay3 holding the casing do&n $rom the top. he upli$t $orce acts on the "ot'
tom o$ the casing# and i$ the casing is held in place $rom the top# the casing
goes into compression. -hen the casing goes into compression# it tends to
sna,e $rom side to side in the "orehole. his pro"lem is particularly severe
in large diameter "oreholes and in deep installations# &here the upli$t $orce
is largest and &here portions o$ the "orehole may "e enlarged. Sna,ed cas'
ing increases the potential $or ,in,ed or separated %oints &hich render the
installation useless. Sna,ed casing also increases the li,elihood o$ data
errors# due to slight variations in the positioning o$ the inclinometer pro"e.
Getter &ays to counter "uoyancy are3
Suspend a steel pipe or drill rods inside the casing. 5or the "est results#
suspend the pipe %ust an inch or so o$$ the "ottom cap o$ the casing.his
ensures that the steel pipe remains straight and avoids resting the $ul l
&eight o$ the pipe on the "ottom cap. As the casing rises to meet the pipe#
the do&n $orce o$ the pipe is activated to ,eep the casing in place. he
main dra&"ac, to this method is that you must use the drill rig to sus'
pend the pipe or you must return &ith the drill rig to retrieve the pipe. A
variation is to rest the pipe on the "ottom cap# &hich you must rein$orce.
9re'install an anchor at the "ottom o$ the casing. Simple prong anchors
or pac,er types have "een used. Di$$erent soils may re!uire di$$erent
types o$ anchor.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3*

Grout the "orehole in stages. he upli$t $orce o$ grout varies &ith the
height o$ the grout column. I$ the column is short# the upli$t $orce is lo&
and the casing can "e held in place "y its o&n &eight or &ith very little
do&n'$orce applied $rom the top. -hen the grout sets# the "ottom cap is
isolated $rom the column o$ grout and there is no sur$ace $or the upli$t
$orce to act on. Mo more than t&o or three meters to ) m need to "e
grouted in the $irst stage.
5ill the casing &ith drilling $luid that is heavier than the grout. his is a
sure and easy method# "ut re!uires disposal o$ the drilling $luid. Kne o$
the CK7 districts uses this approach.
Grouting Grout is pre$erred over sand or gravel "ac,$il l. Grout is dimensionally sta"le
and also prevents un&anted migration o$ &ater "et&een soil <ones. Grout
can "e delivered "y tremie pipe or "y a grout valve. Nou &ill need a mi6er# a
grout pump# a pipe or hose $or delivering the grout# and# optionally# a grout
valve. I$ there is room $or the tremie pipe in the annulus "et&een the casing
and the "orehole &all# grout can "e tremied into the "orehole. -hen there
is no room $or a tremie pipe# a grout valve can "e used. his one'&ay valve
is attached to the "ottom section o$ casing. A grout pipe is lo&ered through
the casing to mate &ith the grout valve and deliver the grout. he "orehole
must "e slightly deeper to accommodate the grout valve# &hich must not "e
pushed into the soil. In very deep holes# the pressure o$ grout &ill "e too
great $or the casing# so the "orehole must "e stage grouted# and a grout
valve is use$ul $or the $irst stage.
Grout +i6es In theory# the strength o$ the grout used to "ac,$ill the "orehole should
match the strength o$ the surrounding ground. *o&ever# the properties o$
grout and soil are so di$$erent that only a rough match is possi"le. he ,ey
thing to remem"er is that the cement'&ater ratio controls the strength o$
the grout. o decrease the strength o$ the grout# add more &ater.
.se the "entonite'cement grout recipes "elo& as a starting point. +odi$y
them as needed. Goth recipes speci$y that you mi6 cement and &ater $irst.
Drillers are accustomed to mi6ing &ater and "entonite $irst. *o&ever# this
does not allo& you to control the &ater'cement ratio.
+i6 cement &ith &ater $irst# then mi6 in the "entonite. Ad%ust the amount
o$ "entonite to produce a grout &ith the consistency o$ heavy cream. I$ the
grout is too thin# the solids and the &ater &ill separate. I$ the grout is too
thic,# it &ill "e di$$icult to pump. here is no particular amount o$ "ento'
nite that you must add. he thic,ness o$ the grout varies &ith al,alinity o$
the &ater# temperature# and agitation# so the amount o$ "entonite re!uired
&ill also vary.
Goth o$ these mi6es have "een used $or com"ined installations o$ pie<o'
meters and inclinometers.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 3+

Grout Mi. /or $ard and Medium 0oils
+aterials -eight =.S .nits> Ratio "y -eight
9or tland Cement /4 l" =( "ag> (
-ater )0 gallons 2.2
Gentonite 22 l" =as needed> 0.)
20'day compressive strength is a"out (00 psi =similar to hard clay>. +od'
ulus is (0#000 psi
Grout Mi. /or 0oft 0oil
+aterials -eight =.S .nits> Ratio "y -eight
9or tland Cement /4 l" =( "ag> (
-ater 12 gallons 4.4
Gentonite )/ l" =as needed> 0.4
20'day compressive strength is a"out 4 psi
;ertical Store casing hori<ontally# $ully supported and out o$ the sunlight. o ensure
Installation that the correct length o$ casing is installed# some instal lers num"er each
length o$ casing and then assem"le the casing numerically.
Drill the "orehole to the depth speci$ied. A larger diameter "orehole is
re!uired i$ you plan to tremie the grout. A smaller "orehole is possi"le i$
you plan to use a grout valve. I$ you plan to use a grout valve or some type
o$ casing anchor# drill the "orehole deep enough to accommodate this. In
some situations# drilling mud alone &ill ,eep the "orehole open. I$ you
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 40

must use a hollo& stem auger or drill casing to ,eep the hole open# ,eep
in mind that casing must not "e t&isted a$ter it is in the "orehole.
;eri$y the depth o$ the "orehole. hen install casing to the speci$ied
depth. +aintain the alignment o$ one set o$ grooves &ith the e6pected
direction o$ movement throughout the installation process.
I$ the "orehole is $illed &ith &ater# you must $ill the casing &ith clean
&ater as you assem"le it. I$ the "orehole is dry# attach a sa$ety line to the
"ottom o$ the casing to prevent it accidently slipping do&nhole and do
not $ill the casing &ith &ater during assem"ly.
-hen the assem"led casing reaches the proper depth# veri$y proper
trac,ing &ith a dummy pro"e. I$ the dummy pro"e returns in a di$$erent
set o$ grooves or i$ it does not reach the "ottom# the casing should "e
pulled and repaired.
9repare $or grouting. I$ you plan to tremie the grout =5ig (0'(1># cap the
open inclinometer pipe# then &or, the tremie pipe do&nhole. I$ you are
using a grout valve =5ig (0'(4># lo&er the grout pipe into the casing to
mate &ith the grout valve. 5ollo& the manu$acturerOs procedures $or the
grout valve. Chec, $or lumps in the grout that could "loc, the valve.
Gegin grouting. Grout to the level speci$ied. Dril l casing or hollo& stem
augers must "e &ithdra&n &ithout rotation as the grout is placed. In gen'
eral# continue grouting until the sur$ace o$ the grout is ground level.
At this point# drill casing or hollo& stem auger sections have "een
removed. ;eri$y proper trac,ing &ith a dummy pro"e. As in the previous
chec,# i$ the pro"e does not go all the &ay do&n or i$ the pro"e goes
do&n one set o$ grooves and returns in another set o$ grooves# the casing
must "e replaced. Do not attempt to re'align casing grooves at this stage.
erminate the installation as speci$ied.
*ori<ontal 76cavate trench &ith a small =2F gra'
Installation dient $or drainage. Gottom o$ trench
should "e $lat. 9lace a 4 inch layer o$
sand in the trench and compact it. :ay
assem"led casing in trench.
Krient casing so one set o$ grooves is
vertical. his is very important.
Cover casing &ith 4 inches o$ sand and
compact evenly.
Gac,$ill remainder o$ trench &ith select $ill. Compact evenly. K"tain
initial readings.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 41

Installing Settlement Cells
Settlement Cells he dra&ing "elo& sho&s the relation "et&een the reservoir and cell.
*eight o$ the column o$
li!uid increases as cell
moves do&n&ard &ith
settling ground.
:i!uid'$illed tu"ing
Cell measures the
pressure o$ the
column o$ li!uid
Reservoir Choose location $or the reservoir that is3
Kn sta"le ground at a higher elevation than the cell.
Can "e protected $rom e6tremes o$ temperature.
Allo&s tu"ing to stay "elo& ground sur$ace# i.e.. minimi< es the length o$
tu"ing that is a"ove ground.
u"ing u"ing is typically installed in a trench and "uried in sand. Allo& some
e6tra tu"ing $or vertical runs to accommodate settlement.
Reservoir and :i!uid .se only deaired li!uid in tu"ing. Reep the reservoir $ull to the "ase o$ the
over$lo& tu"e to ,eep air out o$ the system.
Installation 76cavate trench $rom intended
location o$ transducer to read'
ing station =on sta"le ground>.
9lace (00 mm layer o$ $ine sand
on "ottom o$ trench. 9lac e
pneumatic settlement cell in
vertical orientation.
Gac,$ill &ith &et sand. Connect
settlement cell to reservoir and
Cover tu"ing &ith (00mm layer o$ $ine sand. 5ill remainder o$ trench
&ith selected $ill. K"tain datum readings# then hand over to client.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 42

Installing Settlement 9oints
Drill a "orehole to appro6imately
)'$t a"ove the desired anchor elevation.
5lush clean.
Remove the right'to'le$t hand thread ('
in coupling supplied &ith the anchor.
hread the coupling to the "ottom sec'
tion o$ ('in pipe and tighten.
hread the $irst section o$ (D4'in pipe
into the anchor and tighten.
Grease the ('in le$t hand thread on the
anchor and slip the ('in pipe &ith the
le$t to right hand adapter coupling over
the (D4'in pipe. *and tighten the ('in
pipe to the anchor. Do not over tighten
as the pipe must later "e detached $rom
the anchor.
:o&er the assem"ly into the "orehole
attaching more inner and outer pipe as
-hen the anchor reaches the "ottom o$
the "orehole# use the drill rig to advance the ('in inner pipe and attach
the anchor to the desired elevation. ;eri$y this elevation "e$ore setting
the anchor# since a$ter&ards the anchor cannot "e relocated.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 43

Installing Sonde6
Kvervie& Sonde6 is a multi'point e6tensometer system
that is installed &ith inclinometer c asing.
he Sonde6 system consists o$ a porta"le read'
out# sensing rings# and Sonde6 pipe# a $le6i"le#
non'per$orated# corrugated drain pipe. Ge$ore
installation# the sensing rings are attached to
the drain pipe at regular intervals or at depths
o$ interest.
Installation 7!uipment needed $or installation includes cor'
rugated plastic pipe used $or drains# couplings
$or this drain pipe# Sonde6 sensing rings# strong
ca"le ties =(4 inches or longer> or &ire# mastic
tape# and vinyl tape. In the instructions "elo&#
Inclinometer Casing
inside Sonde6
the drain pipe and couplings are called Sonde6
Corrugated 9ipe
pipe and Sonde6 couplings.
Sonde6 couplings are used to %oin lengths o$
Gorehole "ac,$illed
Sonde6 pipe. he ca"le ties or &ire are used to
&ith so$t grout.
secure the Sonde6 pipe to the "ottom o$ the cas'
ing and to hold the Sonde6 couplings onto the
Sonde6 pipe. he mastic tape an vinyl tape are
Sensing Ring
used to seal the "ottom and each coupling so
that grout cannot enter in the void "et&een the
Sonde6 pipe and the inclinometer casing. Nou
should also consider instal ling a grout pipe =or
hose> along &ith the casing and Sonde6 pipe#
since it can "e di$$icult to &or, a grout pipe
"et&een the Sonde6 pipe and the "orehole &all.
Cut an 0 $oot section o$ Sonde6 pipe. his
&ill "e attached to the "ottom section o$
inclinometer casing. Cut the remaining Son'
de6 pipe into (0 $oot sections.
Attach sensing rings to the Sonde6 pipe at
Inclinometer casing
speci$ied intervals. 9rotect the rings $rom
and "ottom sens'
corrosion &ith mastic and tape.
ing ring should "e
installed in sta"le
9repare the "ottom section o$ casing as usual#
then secure the "ottom (2 to (0 inches o$ the
0 $oot section o$ Sonde6 pipe to the "ottom o$ the casing. his can "e di$'
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 44

$icult "ecause =(> the Sonde6 pipe is !uite strong and larger in diameter
than the casing# and =2> the "ottom o$ the Sonde6 pipe must "e sealed
against entry o$ grout. Some people seal the "ottom o$ the Sonde6 pipe
using a Sonde6 cap# mastic and tape. hen they rivet the Sonde6 pipe to
one side o$ the casing# and &aterproo$ the rivet holes. Kther people do
not use the Sonde6 cap. hey slit the "ottom o$ the Sonde6 pipe to $latten
it against the pipe# secure it to the casing &ith ca"le ties or &ire# and then
care$ully &aterproo$ it.
:o&er the $irst section into the "orehole so you can connect the ne6t sec'
tion. I$ the "orehole is $ull o$ &ater# you must $ill the casing and Sonde6
pipe &ith &ater to counter "uoyancy.
Slide a (0 $oot length o$ Sonde6 pipe over a (0 $oot length o$ casing. Soin
the casing# then %oin the Sonde6 pipe. 5it the Sonde6 coupling onto the
"utted ends o$ Sonde6 pipe. Secure &ith ca"le ties and then &aterproo$
the entire coupling.
:o&er the pipe into the "orehole so you can connect the ne6t section.
Soin the casing# then %oin the Sonde6 pipe. Continue until the casing has
reached the speci$ied depth.
9rotect the top o$ the casing and Sonde6 pipe $rom grout spills# then
"ac,$ill the "orehole &ith grout. .se the same grout mi6es that you
&ould use $or the inclinometer casing alone.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4

Installing +agnet 76tensometers
Kvervie& he magnet e6tensometer is a multipoint
e6tensometer that can "e installed &ith incli'
nometer casing or &ith ('inch access pipe.
he system consists o$ a pro"e# a steel measur'
ing'tape# a tape reel &ith "uilt'in light and
"u<<er# and a num"er o$ magnets positioned
along the length o$ an access pipe.
Installation Access pipe# magnets# and grout "ac,$ill must
all move &ith the surrounding ground in order
$or the magnet e6tensometer to &or,. Access
pipe must "e installed &ith telescoping sec'
Reel and 9ro"e
tions in <ones &here settlement is e6pected to
occur. Spider magnets are coupled to the soil
"y the grout that surrounds the pipe and the
magnets. hus grout must "e $airly &ea,# so
Access 9ipe &ith
elescoping Sections
that it can de$orm or crum"le as settlement
Mum"er magnets and sections o$ access pipe
9late magnet
em"edded in $ill
&ith their intended depth. 9repare release
cords $or spider magnets. Release cord must
"e o$ su$$icient length to e6tend "et&een
intended magnet depth and sur$ace. Allo& a
minimum o$ )m =(0$t> o$ e6tra cord $or sur'
$ace handling Spider +agnet
grouted into
5i6 the datum magnet to the "ottom section
o$ access pipe. he datum magnet is usually
installed at least 0.2 meter or 2 $eet a"ove the
"ottom o$ the pipe.
Compress and attach spider magnets to pipe.
Spider magnets must "e securely attached to
the pipe so that they reach their re!uired
locations as the pipe is installed.
Chec, that pipe sections are mar,ed $or
order o$ installation# magnets are $i6ed to
Datum +agnet in
Sta"le Ground
each section o$ pipe# and release cords are
la"eled# coiled and taped to pipe sections.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4(

Install pipe &ith magnets attached. As each section o$ pipe is installed
&ith its magnet# uncoil release cord and lay out in straight line. Chec,
that cord &ill not "e snagged# since this could release legs prematurely.
9lan to lay out release cords $rom other magnets as &ell and ta,e care to
avoid tangling cords. I$ possi"le# assign someone to $eed cords do&n hole
as pipe is lo&ered.
Chec, depth o$ each magnet using magnet e6tensometer pro"e. 9ull drill
casing# i$ used# to an elevation that is a"ove the upper legs o$ the deepest
magnet. I$ legs are released into drill casing# the entire installation &ill
have to "e replaced.
Release legs o$ the magnet# pulling up&ards on release cord. I$ necessary#
pull drill casing a"ove ne6t magnet. hen pull release cord to release the
legs. Repeat this step until all spider magnets are anchored.
Gac,$ill "orehole &ith a &ea, "entonite'cement grout as speci$ied "y
pro%ect engineer.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4)

Installing Rod 76tensometers
Introduction he main components o$ a rod e6tensometer
are anchors# rods inside protective pipe# and a
re$erence head. he anchors are installed
do&nhole &ith rods attached.he re$erence
head is $i6ed at the "orehole collar.
Installation Issues +ost rod e6tensometers can "e installed in a
)'inch or larger "orehole. Re$erence heads $or
multipoint e6tensometers typically re!uire a
larger opening at the "orehole collar. Goreholes
should "e $ree'draining# i$ possi"le. *oles must
"e clean and $ree o$ de"ris "e$ore installation.
he e6tensometer measures only a6ial move'
ment# so "oreholes should "e drilled to accom'
modate this. In tunnels# the a6is o$ the
e6tensometer is typical ly perpendicular to the
tunnel &all. In a $ault <one# the e6tensometer is
placed to monitor separation. In a shear <one#
the e6tensometer is pl aced at a shallo& angle to
monitor displacement.
he depth o$ the anchors is determined mainly
"y geological $actors and the si<e and geometry
o$ the mass "eing instrumented. It is use$ul to
have one o$ the anchors located in sta"le ground
so that it can serve as a re$erence $or movements
o$ the other anchors. In a tunnel# the deepest
anchor should "e at least three tunnel diameters
a&ay $rom the tunnel &all.
*ydraulic anchors are activated "y a hand oper'
ated hydraulic pump. 9ac,er anchors are acti'
vated "y a hand'operated# high pressure grout
pump. 5ollo& manu$acturerOs instructions $or
deployment and activation o$ these anchors.
In general# all "oreholes must "e grouted unless the geology ma,es it
impossi"le to grout. -ith hydraulic anchors or pac,er anchors# the purpose
o$ grouting is to seal the "orehole# preventing un&anted migration o$ &ater.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4*

he grout used &ith these anchors should "e &ea, and de$orma"le. -ith
grouta"le anchors# grout serves a di$$erent purpose. In this case# grout cou'
ples the anchor &ith the surrounding roc,. A neat cement grout is suita"le
i$ the rod is e6pected to go into e6tension. he grout &ill $racture at the
%oints &here movement occurs. -hen grouting through long lengths o$
polyethylene tu"ing# $irst pump &ater through the tu"ing to minimi<e $ric'
Grouting Do&n'*oles3 A single grout tu"e is usually ade!uate $or vertical and inclined do&n'holes.
ape the end o$ the tu"e to the protective pipe near the "ottom anchor. u"'
ing &ill "e dra&n into the "orehole as the e6tensometer is installed. Some'
times a second# shorter grout tu"e is taped to a pipe a"out hal$'&ay do&n
the length o$ the e6tensometer. his tu"e can "e used i$ di$$iculties arise
&ith the longer tu"e. -hen you "egin pumping the grout# pull the grout
tu"e $ree $rom the protective pipe. Dra& it up&ards as the level o$ grout
rises in the "orehole.
Grouting .p'*oles3 ape a tu"e to the protective pipe so that it pro%ects "eyond the deepest
anchor. his &ill "e the vent tu"e. ape a second tu"e %ust "elo& the deepest
anchor. ape a third tu"e to the protective pipe a"out 2 or ) meters $rom the
"orehole collar. Install the e6tensometer hard&are# then seal the "orehole
collar &ith rags soa,ed in !uic,'set cement. hen $orm a plug "y pumping
!uic,'set grout into the "orehole through the shortest tu"e. Allo& time $or
the plug to set. 5inally pump grout into the "orehole using the longer grout
tu"e. -hen grout returns via the vent tu"e# you ,no& the "orehole is com'
pletely grouted. 5old and tie'o$$ tu"es &ith &ire.
Installing Steel rod e6tensometers must "e assem"l ed on site. -hen space allo&s# you
Steel Rod can assem"le the e6tensometer on the sur$ace. his is the easiest approach
76tensometers and should "e used &hen possi"le.
Assem"le the complete e6tensometer =e6cept $or sensors> and attach
grout tu"ing.
9ar, a pic,'up truc, near the "orehole# then position your installers so
that they li$t the e6tensometer up and over the truc, and do&n into the
"orehol e. Gy li$ting the e6tensometer over the truc,# you can maintain a
minimum "ending radius o$ ) meters or (0 $eet to avoid permanently
"ending the rods.
-hen space is tight# it is necessary to assem"le the steel rod e6tensometer
as it is installed do&nhole. Do&nhole assem"ly re!uires care$ul organi<a'
tion. Sometimes it is possi"le to assem"le and install each anchor and rod
independently# starting &ith the deepest anchor. A sa$ety rope should "e
attached to each anchor. Grout tu"ing can also "e attached to the anchors
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 4+

Installing 5i"erglass 5i"erglass rod e6tensometers are assem"led at the $actory and coiled $or
Rod 76tensometers shipment. Ge sure to uncoil the rods care$ully. .ncontrolled release o$ the
rods is dangerous.
-hen possi"le# lay e6tensometer on ground and chec, rod lengths.
Attach grout tu"ing i$ you plan to grout the "orehole. Attach a sa$ety rope
to the "ottom anchor# i$ there is danger o$ losing the e6tensometer do&n'
9ush the e6tensometer into the "orehole. Grout the "orehole# $rom "ot'
tom to top. 5inish and protec t installation as speci$ied.
A$ter grout cures and installation is sta"le# install sensors and ta,e the
initial readings.
Guide to Geotechnical Instruments, 2004/11/24 0

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