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Dev-C++ Tutorial for

Windows (by Mike Serrano)

What is Dev-C++?
Dev-C++, developed by Bloodshed Software, is a fully featured graphical IDE (Integrated Developent
Environent!, which is able to create "indows or console-based C#C++ progras using the $in%"
copiler syste& $in%" ($inialist %'() for "indows! uses %CC (the %'( g++ copiler
collection!, which is essentially the sae copiler syste that is in Cygwin (the uni* environent
progra for "indows! and ost versions of +inu*& ,here are, however, differences between Cygwin and
$in%"- lin. to Differences between Cygwin and $in%" for ore inforation&
Gettin Dev-C++
,he author has released Dev-C++ as free software (under %/+!&
+in. to Bloodshed Dev-C++ for a list of Dev-C++ download sites&
0ou should let the installer put Dev-C++ in the default directory of C12Dev-Cpp, as it will a.e it easier
to later install add-ons or upgrades&
!sin Dev-C++
Ste" #$ Confiure Dev-C++%
"e need to odify one of the default settings to allow you to use the debugger with your progras&
%o to the 3Tools3 enu and select 3Compiler Options3&
In the 3Settings3 tab, clic. on 3+in.er3 in the left panel, and change 3Generate
debugging information3 to 3Yes31
Clic. 3OK3&
Ste" #b (&'() for those who use Windows *+ST,)%
4gain, go to the 3Tools3 enu and select 3Compiler Options3&
In the 3Programs3 tab, change 3gcc.exe3 to 3g++.exe3&
Ste" -$ Create a new "ro.e/t%
4 3pro5ect3 can be considered as a container that is used to store all the eleents that are re6uired to
copile a progra&
%o to the 3File3 enu and select 3Ne3, 3Pro!ect...3&
Choose 3"mpt# Pro!ect3 and a.e sure 3C pro!ect3 is selected&
7ere you will also give your pro5ect a nae& 0ou can give your pro5ect any valid filenae, but
.eep in ind that the nae of your pro5ect will also be the nae of your final e*ecutable&
8nce you have entered a nae for your pro5ect, clic. 3OK3&
Dev-C++ will now as. you where to save your pro5ect&
Ste" 0$ Create1add sour/e file(s)%
0ou can add epty source files one of two ways1
%o to the 3File3 enu and select 3Ne Source File3 (or 5ust press C,9++'! 89
%o to the 3Pro!ect3 enu and select 3Ne File3&
'ote that Dev-C++ will not as. for a filenae for any new source file until you attept to1
:& Copile
;& Save the pro5ect
<& Save the source file
=& E*it Dev-C++
0ou can add pre-e*isting source files one of two ways1
%o to the 3Pro!ect3 enu and select 3$dd to Pro!ect3 89
9ight-clic. on the pro5ect nae in the left-hand panel and select 3$dd to Pro!ect3&
EXAMPLE: Multiple source files
In this example, more than 3 files are required to compile the program; he !dri"er#cpp! file references !$eque#h!
%&hich requires !$eque#cpp!' and !$eque#cpp! references !(ueue#h! %&hich requires !(ueue#cpp!'#
Ste" 2$ Co3"ile%
8nce you have entered all of your source code, you are ready to copile&
%o to the 3"xecute3 enu and select 3Compile3 (or*c* 5ust press C,9++>?!&
It is li.ely that you will get soe .ind of copiler or error the first tie you attept to
copile a pro5ect& Synta* errors will be displayed in the 3Compiler3 tab at the botto of the
screen& 0ou can double-clic. on any error to ta.e you to the place in the source code where it
occurred& ,he 3%in&er3 tab will flash if there are any errors& errors are generally
the result of synta* errors not allowing one of the files to copile&
8nce your pro5ect successfully copiles, the 3Compile Progress3 dialog bo* will have a status of
3'one3& 4t this point, you ay clic. 3Close3&
Ste" 4$ 56e/ute%
0ou can now run your progra&
%o to the 3"xecute3 enu, choose 3(un3&
'ote1 to pass coand-line paraeters to your progra, go to the 3"xecute3 enu, choose
3Parameters3 and type in any paraaters you wish to pass&
Disappearing windows
If you e*ecute your progra (with or without paraeters!, you ay notice soething peculiar- a console
window will pop up, flash soe te*t and disappear& ,he proble is that, if directly e*ecuted, console
progra windows close after the progra e*its& 0ou can solve this proble as follows1
4dd the following line at the beginning of your code1
#include <stdlib.h>
and the following line at the end of your source code, 5ust before the closing @AB parenthesis1
Ste" 7$ Debu%
"hen things arenCt happening the way you planned, a source-level debugger can be a great tool in
deterining what really is going on& Dev-C++Cs basic debugger functions are controlled via the
3'ebug3 tab at the botto of the screen- ore advanced functions are available in the 3'ebug3
Using the debugger:
,he various features of the debugger are pretty obvious& Clic. the 3(un to cursor3 icon to run
your progra and pause at the current source code cursor location- Clic. 3Next Step3 to step
through the code- Clic. 3$dd )atc*3 to onitor variables&
Setting brea.points is as easy as in the blac. space ne*t to the line in the source code&
See the Dev-C++ help topic 3Debugging 0our /rogra3 for ore inforation&

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