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1. Meydi R. Dethan
2. Mieke Christin N. Dara
3. Mibsam Moiyeni


1. Background
Language is an arbitrary system of articulated sounds made use of or by a
group of human as a means of carrying on the affairs of their /society(Francis,
1958:13). Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human language
communication. It is believed that if there is no language, there will be no
communication and world seem to die. By using language, people are able to learn
many things. Its started from simple things to most complex one.
English language is one of the languages in the world which plays very big role
in communication of human being and it is used as international language. English
language is the official language of Britain then US most parts of the commonwealth ,
certain others country.
Translation is an activity which almost everybody can do. However, there is
also a problem due to the translation. Rangkuti-Hasibuan in Suryawinata (2003:15)
argues that there is acute problem of seeing translation. As an activity, she said that the
main problem faced by the student of same level is translating from Indonesia into
English lies on poor knowledge on English sentence patterns. It is caused by the lack of
grammar and vocabulary.
Translation typically has been used to transfer written or spoken source
language (SL) texts to equivalent written or spoken target language (TL) text. In
general the purpose of translation is to produce various kinds of texts including
religiously, literary, and philosophical text in another language and thus making them
available to readers.
If language just a classification for a set of general or universal concepts, it
would be easy to translate from SL to a TL. But we know that there are many languages
used in the world such as Indonesia, English, spanish, and etc. And each language has
different system of vocabulary, grammar and pronounciation. The differences of the
system above bring difficulties in communication. Example, indonesian who never
recognized the system of english will be difficult in doing communication with the
people from english speaking countries. On the contrary, english people will also find
the difficulties in communicating with indonesian. In this regard, culler (1976) believes

that language are not nomenclatures and the concept of one language may differ
radically from those to another. Since each language articulates or organizes the world
differently, and language do not simply name categories. They articulate their own
Doing translation require linguistic ability of translator. It is because translator
will only able to transfer the meaning of SL, if she/he has a complete acquisition of
language structure and vocabularies that use in materials to be translated. So the readers
cannot follow the ideas which are to be conveyed.
Here the writer sees the grammar and vocabulary play the role. Suppose one
intends to translate text from indonesia into english. She is considered successful if the
main information found in the original text as expressed in the TL in this case english.
The meaning of the translation can be ambigious if there are so many
ungrammatical sentences and inappropriate vocbularies also relate to word of choice or
diction. As we know, most of the students stil have difficulties in doing tanslation from
indonesia to english. Most problems faced by the are because of their lack of grammar
and their poor of vocabularies. For example : in indonesia sentence = saya pergi ke
sekolah kemarin, can be grammatically translated like = I go to school yesterday.
This problem happened because they had lack of grammar. The right sentence should
be = I went to school yesterday (past form).
Based on the evidence above, the writer attempts to do a translation research
which is focuse on the effective use of grammar and vocabularies. Hence, the writer
used the effective use of english grammar in students translation which is formulated

2. Statement of the problems
The problems of the study are formulated in the following questions :
1. what are the errors made by the students in the translation ?
2. what are the most common errors commited by the students ?

A.3. Aim of the study
This written expected to give conribution to the following person :
A.3.1. The english teacher
To provide information for english teachers, about the ability of the students.
A.3.2 To find out the errors of the students in translation from indonesia
A.4. Scope and limitation
This study is about translation. The writer going to analyse the grammar,
vocabulary and the content of te students translation.

B. Discussion
B.1. Translation
Translation is the process of changing spech or writing from one language [the
source language(SL)] into another language [the target language (TL)] (Richards et al,
1985:299). It means that translation is the product of transfering process from SL into
TL. In this study translation means the process of changing the writing form of the text
from indonesia into english analysis.
Talking about translation means talking about the transfer of thought or ideas
from one language to another language either in written or in oral form.
Catford (1965:20) defines translation as the replacement of the textual material
in one language by equivalent textual material in another language. Similarly,
Newmark (1981:7) defines translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a
written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and for
statement in another language.
Whereas, Nida and Taber (1969) says that translating consist of reproducing in
the receptor language to the closest natural equivalent of the SL message, firstly in
terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Brislin (1976:1) also says that translation is general term refering to the transfer
of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the
languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established
orthographies or do not have such standardization or whether one or both languages is
based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf.
From these definition we may conclude that in the translation activity there are
some elements that should be present, they are : the source language (SL), the target
language (TL) and the transfer activity. In the process of translation we cannot transfer
the entire meaning of the source language into target language. The most we can do is
the transfer of the closet natural equivalent of the source language message.
It is very possible for someone facing some problems to translate a text from
one language (SL) into another language (TL). However translating is an exciting and
interesting job, by doing translation we are playing with wrds and sentences. Sometime

we face some difficulties in creating appropriate words or without losing the original
meaning of it, because it is prerequisite for one to search for the meaning of words and
facts in books (dictionary) one (a translator) is encouraged to seek for a parallel or order
to make the translation has the similar meaning as the original text.
A satisfactory translation is always possible, but a good translator is never
satisfied with what he has done. For a laguage is not only a collection of sounds, words,
and sentences which altogether function as expression but also a language shows what
people need to express, what their thought processes, what their typical and unique
customs and ways.
B.2. Error
According to James (1998:83) an error cannot be self-corrected, while mistakes
can be self-corrected. If the derivation is pointed out to the speaker. But the learners
capacity for self-correction in objectively observable only if the learner actually self-
corrects : therefore, it no such sekf-correction occurs, we are still left with no means to
identify errors vs mistakes (H. Douglas Brown, 2000). Chomsky, 1965, distinguishes
between errors caused by factors such as fatigue and inattention, what he called
performance factors and errors result from lack of knowledge and rules of the language,
what he called competence.
In some at L2 literaure, performance errors have been called mistakes while the
terms errors was reserved for the systematic derivation due the learner still developing
knowledge of the l2 rule system ( corder, 1957). The distinction between perfrmance
and competence errors is extremely important, but it is often difficulty to determine the
nature of deviation without careful analysis.
Errors are also the flawed side of learner speech or writing. They are part of
conversation or composition that deviates from some selected norm of nature language
performance. Errors are part of second language process. Error can be observed,
analyzed and classified to receive something of the system operating within the learner,
let to surge study of learners error called Error Analysis. Error analysis is the study
of kind an quantity of errors that occurs particularly in the fields of applied linguistics
(Junaity S. Sine, SS,M.Pd, 2013).

B.3 Analysis
As the translator reads through the text he/she should not down any lexical
items which seen to be key words, in order to find a good lexical equivalent in the
receptor language. Later, when she/he begins transfering into the reception language he
must be careful. However, that he does not slavishly follow the material and end-up
with pseudoconcordance.
If the text is a very long one, the translator will need to decide it into smaller
units work on one of these at the time. Therefore, it is important to study the groupings
of the text next. If the text devided into sections of chapters, this maybe helpful. But if,
as in the case of the Bible, there are chapter devisions marked which do not actually
coincide with the grammatical and semantic units of the source text, the translator will
need to be very careful os looks for boundaries of units. The goal exergesis is to
determine the meaning which is to be communicated in the receptor language text.
Analysis is the separation of a compound subtance, by chemical processes, into
constituents, with a view of to as certain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how
much of each elements is present. ( It means that
in the process of analyzing smething we try to explain it by deviding or breaking it into
parts. It can be clearly understandable. In this study, analysis means the way of the
writer analyze the students translation especially the errors in grammar, content and
B.4. Grammar
Grammar is description of the structure of a language and the way in which
linguistics units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the
language (Richards et al. 1985:125).
B.5. The errors made by the students in translation from Indonesia into English.
The errors made by the students are generally influenced by their transfer of
their language in daily life and the poor of mastery of english grammar or structure.
About the learners errors research have found like FL (first language) learners
errors most common of the errors is SL learner are :

1. Omiting grammatical morphemes, which are items that do not contribute much to
the meaning of sentences.
Example : she always late (incorrects)
Should be = she always lates (correct)
Dia selalu terlambat
2. Misordering item in constructions that require a reserve of word order rules that had
been previously acquired.
Example : - What you are doing ? (incorrect)
Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan ?
What are you doing ? (correct)
- What time it is ? (incorrect)
Pukul berapakah sekarang ?
What time is it ? (correct)
3. Misinformation is characterize by the use of the wrong form of the morphemes or
structure, the learner supplied something, although it is incorrect.
Example : The girl eated the fried chicken. (incorrect)
Gadis itu memakan daging ayam goreng.
The girl eats the fried chicken. (correct)

C. Conclusion and Suggestion

C.1. Conclusion
Translation by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one state or form
to another, to turn into ones own or anothers language (the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary 1974). Translation is basically a changed of form. When we speak of the
form of a language, we are refering to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences,
paragraph, etc, which are spoken or written. These form are refered to as the surface
structure of a language. It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in
print or heard in speech.
The process of transfering the SL text into TL text is done after having analized
all the elements in the analysis level.
The process of the transferring the content of the message from SL into TL,
there will be the inevitable loss or distortion of it. This problem may occur when there
are concepts in the SL which are unknown in the receptor language, for are too
The writer found that the errors made by students in translating indonesia text
into english are generally influenced by the transfer of their language in daily life and
the poor of mastery of english grammar of structure.
C.2. Suggestion
By looking at all this writing and result of the research, the wrire presented
some suggestion, as follows :
1. The students have to pay more attention about daily routines vocabulary in order to
enrich their knowledge to support their study in translation.
2. For the teacher should give more attention in grammar especially in translation. The
teacher also should give students translation exercises to build the skill in
transfering the meaning of the sentence.

Corder. S.P. 1981 Error Analysis And Interlanguage, Oxford : Oxford University Press,
Richards, Jack. 1973. Error Analysis, London : Longman Group.
Brown, H. Doughlas. 1993. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. San
Fransisco : Prentice Hall Regents.
Fisiak, Jacek. 1981. Contrastive Linguistics and The Language Teacher. Oxford :
Pergammon Press.
Lausen, Diane, et al. 1992. An Intoduction to Second Language Acquisition Research.
London : Longman.

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